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With the help from Henry and Allison babysitting Hope, made Emma less stress. Henry loved babysitting his sister after school Two weeks before Thanksgiving, Henry finished all of his homework during his study hall and he took the school bus home. He walked home after he got dropped off, he was hoping his sister was in a better mood than the last two weeks of her swollen gums from teething, he does not like when Hope is crying. When Henry entered the house he heard Hope crying. He finds his mom and sister in the living room, their Mom bouncing Hope up and down to calm down Hope. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. Hope, Henry is home from school."
"How is Hope today?"
"Her teething pain has lessened today."
"Can I take to the park?"
Emma thought about it. "Hope does need fresh air. She has been cranky today. You can take her to the park. I just need to teach you what to do if she is in pain."
"Mom, I know how to take care of her drool Mom."
"Hope, Henry is going to take you to the park." Hope reaches out to her brother. "Henry, someone is very happy to see you."
"Hope. Are you happy that we are going to play together?" He takes Hope from their Mom. Hope hugs her brother. "We are going to have so much fun together. Just you and me." He kisses Hope on the head. They go upstairs to Hope's room.
Emma shows her son, Hope's diaper bag."Henry, her diaper bag is packed. I packed extra bibs and towels to keep her drool dry, that is important to dry her drool." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry baby girl?" Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. Emma nurses her daughter and Henry dressed out of his school uniform. "Henry, we are having Thanksgiving this year."
"We are? We never had it ever before."
"We are having it this year. I have not had it since I was in the system and all of them were I decided to make it a family holiday no more curses and having our family together..."
"Mom, I never had Thanksgiving so this will be our whole family first time except for you. Why we did not celebrate it last year?"
"I wanted our family to be complete before starting a whole new family tradition."
"Our family is definitely completed. Who are you inviting over for Thanksgiving?"
"I was thinking Aunt Allison and her family. I want to invite my parents but I am not sure about Leo. Knowing Hope..."
"Mom, Hope will be freaking out if she sees him."
"That is why I am hesitating."
"I think you should invite your parents and if Leo comes Hope will be with me, you, Dad or Aunt Allison."
"Hope loves playing with Lizzie...I know Allison will help us out if Hope gets upset."
"Mom, we will all help out. Hope will be with one of us."
"I will invite them." Hope made a pop sound. "Hope, are you full?" She burps Hope and dresses her in long sleeve onesie with leggings and a fall coat and hat. "You are my little girl are ready to go play with Henry." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are going to have fun with Henry." She snuggles Hope and kisses her on the head. "Henry, if Hope gets in pain, I packed a little cooler with a few pacis for her. That will help her with her swollen gums. I also packed baby wipes, to clean her hands for germs and extra clothes."
"Wow, Mom you packed very preparedly."
"Yes, I want Hope to have fun with you and not crying in pain. I know she will have fun with you, kid."
"I am going to use her stroller today. She can go on the swings right?"
"Yes, she can. She loves the swings. If Hope gets fussy..."
"Mom, I know how to make Hope happy when she gets fussy."
"I know if anything happens like if she gets hurt, or you cannot calm her down from crying or you need to pick you both up. You can call me anytime."
Henry hugs his Mom tight. "Mom, we love you so much. Hope and I will have fun together. If anything happens, I know to call you right away. Hope is going to be happy with me. Right Hope?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope you just want to play with me."
"Henry, have fun with Hope."
"Mom, I will and Hope will be safe with me."
"I know. I am just."
"Worried? Mom Hope is going to be with me, she loves her big brother."
"Hope be a good girl for Henry. Have fun at the park." They walk down together. Henry straps Hope in her stroller. "Bye, Hope. Have fun with Henry." She kisses Hope on the head as Henry places Hope's diaper bag on the bottom of the stroller.
"Mom, we won't be gone for too long. I promise you that I will take a lot of pictures."
"I am looking forward to seeing them." Henry and Hope leave.
As they were walking to the park, Hope was looking around. "Yes, Hope we are outside. It is cool out but we get to enjoy this nice weather before winter comes, that is when snow will fall on the ground. I promise you that when the first snow is falling, I will take you outside and let you touch your first snow." Hope babbled. When they reached the park there were babies with parents and older kids, "Hope, want to go on the swings?" Hope smiled. Henry places the stroller nearby the swings and puts Hope in the baby swing. He pushes her slowly and Hope loved it, she was smiling. "You like the swings little sis?" Hope babbled. He continued to push Hope on the swings and took a few pictures of Hope. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, do you want to play somewhere else?" Henry gets his sister out of the swing and holds her and she calms down instantly. "You just wanted me?" Hope babbled and gripped his jacket. "Hope, we can go the grass and talk." He thinks the swings were enough excitement for his sister. He places Hope in her stroller and pushed the stroller to the grass area. He lays down the blanket that his Mom packed him and he let Hope sit on the blanket as he got her diaper bag out. "Hope, let's see what mommy packed us in your diaper bag." Hope began to cry again. "Hope." He holds her on his chest. "Henry got you, little sister. Your big brother is here." He kisses Hope on the head. He knows that Hope depends on him beside their parents and feels safe with him. "You want me to tell you a story?" Hope babbled. Henry moved around and Hope began to cry. "Hope, I got you, little sis. Henry got you." His sister just wanted to be held by him. " I am going to tell you a story that is not in my magic book. My story...Once upon a time, there was a boy named Henry...."
After Henry took Hope to the park, Emma made a phone call. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"I am good. Are you working now?"
"I am about to leave the hospital why?"
"Henry took Hope to the park. I have the house to myself, want to come over for girl time?"
"Sure, I am on my way." Allison arrives to Emma's house ten minutes later, seeing Emma cleaning up the living room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison." They hug and sat on the couch.
"Henry is babysitting Hope?"
"Yes. Henry loves spending time with his sister. He wants to give me a break. He noticed that I needed a break."
"How is Hope's teething?"
"Today has been the best day so far, she is in less pain that the last few days. Since Henry offered to watch Hope, I let them go to the park since Hope was having a good day. I was wondering what is your family plans on Thanksgiving?"
"We usually go to my parents' house for Thanksgiving but I have to work after the holiday and Chicago is far."
"Well, if you all want to you can join me and my family for Thanksgiving."
"Emma, we would love to join you all for the holiday. Thank you for inviting us."
"Your welcome. It would not be a holiday without my best friend/sister."
"What do you need me to bring?"
"I am just telling you now that this is my first time planning Thanksgiving meal and hosting it. Our family never had Thanksgiving with all of the curses and villains...the last time I had Thanksgiving was when I was in the foster system...they were all bad. I was thinking of having Thanksgiving last year but I was pregnant with Hope and wanted her to be with us to celebrate the holiday with us."
"Emma, I know this is going to be a great Thanksgiving. I am glad to be a part of your first family Thanksgiving. I know Hope and Henry will happy to have me over."
"Yes, they love their auntie. I know Lizzie will play with Hope."
Allison giggled. "Yes, my little girl loves Hope. Are you inviting your parents and Leo?"
"I am still hesitating because Hope has not seen Leo since my birthday. I do not know..."
"If you end up inviting them, Hope will have her pediatrician very nearby and knowing from what happened last time, we all are going to watch Leo and Hope."
"I will invite them."
"What do you need me to bring?"
"What do you usually good cooking at?"
"I can make the stuffing and cranberry sauce."
"Killian and I are planning on cooking the turkey, sweet potatoes and green beans." Emma gets a phone call. "It is Henry." She answers her phone. "Henry is everything alright?"
"Yes and no."
"What do you mean?" She puts Henry on speaker. "Hope just wants to be held by me. Whenever I put her down she will cry. Is she being extra clingy is a part of her teething?"
"Yes, Henry. It is normal."
"Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Henry, I am having girl time with your Mom."
"Hope, aunt Allison is over at our house and we are not there." Emma and Allison laugh.
"Kid, besides Hope being extra clingy is she okay?"
"We did the swings and now Hope just wanted to be held by me...I am loving it. Mom, can you pick us up later?"
"Yes, Henry. I can pick you both up."
"Not just yet. I want to spend one on one time with my sister. I have a feeling I cannot hold her and push her stroller on the way home."
"Henry, I can walk there and meet you there and we can walk home together just call me when you are ready to go home."
"Yes, Mom. I will."
"See you soon." They hung up.
"I know...Henry he loves Hope so so much. He just wanted to make sure Hope was okay. I taught him what to do with her teething and I over-packed her diaper bag with a cooler of pacis for her."
"That is a really smart idea."
"We started feeding Hope solid food recently."
"How is that going?"
"Hope likes the puree peaches, we are giving her "meals" slowly." Emma smiled big.
"What is it, Emma?"
"When Henry and I came home from our bonding time, Killian was feeding Hope her puree peaches..and he was making it into a game instead of the airplane, he makes it into the "Jolly Roger" and Hope loves it. Now every time she is being fed, Hope loves her time with her Daddy. When I feed her, Killian holds her still Hope. She likes to be fed by both of us."
"Emma she still loves being with you and being fed by you."
"I know. I am just worried that she won't need me anymore when she is older."
"Emma, Hope will always need you. Do not worry even when Hope is a toddler she will be attached to you and want to be held."
At the park, Henry had Hope wrapped up in her quilt and held her in his arms. Hope was cleaned after he changed her diaper. "Hope are you happy that you are with me, little sis?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you have the best big brother." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you want your paci?" He takes out the cooler and gave Hope her paci. "Here you go." Hope smiled and snuggled onto Henry more. "I love you baby sis." Henry knows Hope cannot do any of the slides just yet he cannot wait to be chasing her around the park and playing with her when she starts crawling and walking. He is enjoying his one on one time with Hope when she loves to snuggle on him. He can tell her anything. "Hope, can I tell you something? I know that you are a good listener. Hope, before I found our Mommy, living around here was really sad and lonely. I was different from everyone because Mommy had me in this world, in jail but that is my dad's fault. Mommy grew up in a world with no magic. The dark curse was everyone in this town not with their loved ones and their happy endings. Everyone was separated and unhappy and time was the key. Growing up here with everyone else is in the same day and time, every day was the same, like Hansel and Gretel they were ten years old from when I was a baby until I turned ten. When I ran away and brought Mommy here to Storybrooke, and she stayed time moved, the clock finally moved and everything was changing. Change is good because Mommy had the power to make a difference here for good and defeating my other mommy who was trying to keep the curse. Meanwhile, my other mommy tried to convince everyone that I was crazy. I was showing Mommy that everyone in my magic storybook was all living in this town. My other mommy sends me to therapy and telling everyone that I was crazy so she can keep the dark curse. I was very lonely Hope. That is why I do not have too many friends. I am so happy that I have you because we have the same Mommy and we are both born here in this world. And are the same no magic powers and get to have a normal life with Mommy and Daddy. I can tell you anything Hope. You are my baby sister. I am your big brother, you can tell me anything. I will always listen to you Hope. You can come to talk to me anytime when you can say my name." Hope hugged her brother. "Hope, I love you hugs. I love you too, Hope. Henry loves you so much." He realized that it was getting dark. 'Hope we have to go home now, little sis." He placed Hope in her stroller all bundled up and got ready and pushed her stroller home. "Hope, I have had so much fun with you, little sis. Later, I will read to you." He pushed the stroller home. Henry was passing through town, their usual way home from the park. It was getting darker and Hope began to cry. "Hope, do not cry little sis. We are almost home to Mommy and Daddy." She just continued to cry. Henry takes Hope out of her stroller and holds her. "Hope, Henry got you. You are safe." She continued to cry. "Hope...shhh...shh..." He sees someone, his grandma Belle.
"Hi, Grandma."
"Hi, Henry. Is Hope alright?"
"She wants to be held. I cannot hold her and push the stroller home. We were coming from the park."
"Henry, it is getting dark out here. Come with me, we can call your parents to pick you up in the library." Belle pushes Hope's stroller as Henry carried Hope who was gripping her brother, they walk together to the library.
At home, Emma was getting worried and began pacing around her living room and talking to Allison and Killian. "It is getting late. Henry told me he would call me to pick them up."
"Love, Henry is with Hope. They are alright."
"What if Hope or Henry got hurt?"
"Emma, if either one of them got hurt, I would have gone to the hospital to the call. I work in the pediatric department of the emergency room. I would have got the call to go in. They are fine, Emma. Henry is sixteen and he is not going to let anything bad happen to Hope."
"Love, they must have lost track of time." She looks at the window waiting for her two children to come home. Killian makes Emma a hot chocolate to calm her nerves. "Here you go, love."
"Thank you. She took a sip of her cinnamon hot chocolate.
Emma gets a phone call from her son. 'Henry is calling me." Killian takes her cocoa mug from her. " Henry, where are you and Hope?"
"Hope let me put her in the stroller. Now she is crying and wants to be held. If I did not hold her, she would be crying. We are in town in the library, Grandma let me in. Can you please come to pick us up?"
Emma sighed in relief and smiles."Henry, stay where you are. I am going to pick you two up right now." Emma and Henry end their phone call.
"Love, where are they?"
"Hope began crying and wanted to be held. Somehow, they ended up in town. Belle let them stay in the library."
"Emma, Henry knew it was getting dark and he found a place to stay inside with Hope."
"Yes, his grandma Belle owns the library. It is one of Henry's favorite places to go to with Hope. Killian, Allison and her family are joining us for Thanksgiving."
"Aye, that is great love. Someone besides you who experienced this holiday." Emma and Allison laughed.
"Yes, Killian. I am cooking half of the stuff at my house and you and Emma will cook the rest here. I am looking forward to celebrating with my best friend."
"Allison, thank you for coming over."
"You are welcome. I will see you both soon." Allison leaves.
"Love let's go pick up our children."
" Love, I will be driving us to pick up the kids. Emma hugs him hard and began to cry. "Emma. Henry and Hope are safe. They are not hurt or in danger. They are with Belle in the library."
"I am so happy our Henry is smart. He knew it was getting dark and he found a place to stay... I was so worried...." Killian hugs her and rubbed her back.
"Emma, our children are okay. They are safe. Our smart son would never let our daughter be in danger."
Yes, Henry is her big brother and he won't let bas anything happen to her."
"Aye, love. He listened to Hope and he was aware of the time. Let's go get our children."
"Yes." They kiss. Killian drove him and Emms to the library. Emma tries not to rush in with Killian at her side. They see Belle. "Hi, Emma and Killian. I saw Henry and Hope in town with Hope crying. I let them in. Henry and Hope are in the children's reading area."
"I was getting worried when Henry did not call."
"Hope was crying that much, it took a while for Henry to calm her down. He would not let me help, he wanted to calm Hope himself."
"She has been teething."
"She is calmed down right now. I will bring you both to them." Belle brings Emma and Killian to their children, in the children's reading room. Emma sees Henry sitting in the corner on a bean bag sleeping with Hope, who was gripping her brother fast asleep. Emma was in awe. "Killian, look."
Killian and Emma took pictures of their children sleeping together.
"Love, our little lass tuckered Henry out."
"Yes, Henry made sure Hope was safe and happy."
"I told you, love, that they are alright."
"Yes, you did captain. Let me wake up one of our children." She sits down next to her children and gently wakes up Henry, by nudging his shoulder. "Henry...Henry."
Henry woke up groggily, "Hi, Mom."
Emma smiled. "Hi, Henry. Did you have fun with your sister?"
Henry smiled as he looked down at his sister. "Yes, I did. She loves the swings. I pushed her on the swings for a long time. Hope and I talked a lot in the park. We were sitting on the grass and she was wanted to be held by me only and we talked. " Henry got nervous. "Mom...I am.. I am so sorry I did not call...Hope was crying... I had to comfort her that was the only way she stopped crying...then I saw Grandma seeing us and she let stay here."
"Henry...Henry." She puts her hand on his face. "Henry. You did your best with your sister. You got to somewhere safe when it got dark. You got yourself and Hope somewhere safe to call me and pick you up. Yes, I was worried...I knew you would not let anything bad to Hope. Hope is happy with you right now, holding onto you knowing that you are protecting her."
"I was not sure she was hungry or her teething pain...I changed her diaper a few times once the park and once here. She was very clingy." (Sighs). "Mom I do not know how you and Dad do it, parenting is hard."
Emma chuckles. "Henry, you are a teenager. That is why you have to be an adult to be a parent. You are her big brother."
"I know. My job is to protect her, be there for when she needs me and make her happy."
"You did all of that today. I am so proud of you Henry."
"Even though I am tired. I love my time with my baby sister. I mean Mom, Hope is cute and she loves being with me. She is a good listener and she responds as she understands."
"Hope understands in her own way, Henry. She loves you and she is talking so I know she understands us talking to her by now. I know that Hope's next word will be Henry."
"You really think so?"
"Yes, Henry. You do remember when I was pregnant with her, she moved around every time she heard your name. She loves you before she was even born."
Henry smiles and kisses Hope on the head. "Can I babysit Hope again?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, you can Henry. We need to get home, it is getting late." Henry hands over his sister to his Mom. Hope woke up once she was in her mommy's arms. "Mommy."
"Mom, Hope knew you were holding her even when she was sleeping."
Emma smiled big. "Yes, Henry she knows my arms by now. Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Henry?" Hope babbled. "You had fun at the park. You and Henry talked a lot together." Hope smiled. "Yes, you had so much fun with your big brother." Emma snuggled her daughter, Hope hugged her. "Yes, baby. I missed you too. I am so happy you had fun with Henry, sweetie."
"Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Henry. How was the park?"
"It was fun. Hope loves the swings. When Hope was crying I took her out of the swings and she was gripping. We just talked until it got dark out. I am sorry for not calling you both sooner. I had Hope with me.."
"Lad, you got Hope here. You are both safe which all that matters. Hope trust you son."
"Henry, you and Hope are both safe which all that matters."
"Grandma, thank you for letting us stay here."
"You are welcome, Henry. You and Hope can come here anytime. I have never seen you so good with children until your sister arrived. You are an amazing big brother."
"Thank you, Grandma. Hope trusts me, mom, dad, and aunt Allison. We all love her."
"Lad, we should got home before hope needs to eat."
"You are right." Henry and Killian push the stroller to the car.
"Thank you, Belle, for watching them and look out for them."
"You are welcome, Emma. Henry was not letting go of Hope at all. I told him to call you but he would not let me hold her. He called you once Hope was happy and settled down from crying. Emma, he is a really great kid. You should be proud of him."
"I am very proud of my son. Hope has been extra clingy since Zelena attacked our family..." Hope began to cry. "Hope. I am sorry sweetie. She is not here. You are with Mommy." She soothes her daughter.
"Yes, Hope you are with mommy. Sweetie, you are safe." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope hugs her.
"I know you, Killian and Henry are making sure Hope is safe and happy."
"Yes, we are all doing our part. She also started teething recently so clingy more. I let Henry watched her at home or he takes her to the park or here. I only let trusts, Henry and Allison, to babysit her. I am being overprotective or being too much.."
"Emma, you know who makes Hope feel happy and safe. How about your parents?"
"They love Hope. They always come by to give her gifts. Hope does not know them that much. She will cry if they are holding her and I am not next to her. Then on my birthday with Leo.. (sighs). "He yanked a toy out of her mouth and pushed her while she was sitting up on the ground." Belle gasped. "Henry caught her before she fell to the ground. He knows Leo of pushing Lizzie, Allison's daughter. He watched Hope very carefully. Now we are celebrating Thanksgiving, I want to invite my parents but Leo...I do not know. Hope will freak if she sees him again."
"Emma, I know you, Killian and Henry will figure out what to do with Hope. From what I saw will make Hope happy no matter what."
"Thank you, Belle. I will bring Hope here for storytime soon."
"Great, have a good night."
"Thank you, Belle."
"Your welcome, Emma. Hope, you can come to the library anytime with Henry or with Mommy and Daddy." Hope smile.
Emma leaves with Hope. She places Hope in her car seat. "Henry, Aunt Allison, and her family are joining us for Thanksgiving."
Emma chuckled. "I knew you are going to be happy. After school, tomorrow, you Hope and I are going to go grocery shopping to shop for a turkey and other food for Thanksgiving."
"Great. Can I help you cook?"
"Yes, you can Henry. Hope and I will pick you up after school and we will go grocery shopping." Killian drove his family home. Hope began to cry. Emma gets Hope out of her car seat. "Mommy will feed you, sweetie." She brings Hope inside to be fed as Henry and Killian unload the car. Emma sits on the living room couch and nurses Hope. "Mommy is so happy that you and Henry are safe. Mommy got worried when it was dark outside and you and Henry weren't home. When Henry called me that you two were safe, mommy was so relieved that you two were safe. I knew that you were Henry to be there for you, he will never let you get hurt. You have the best brother ever. I love you so much, Hope." Hope gripped her Mommy, which made Emma smile.
The next afternoon, Emma made a shopping list while Hope was napping in her crib. She makes a phone call to her Dad. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. How are you?"
"I am doing really good Dad. Hope began teething recently."
Charming smiled. "Yes, Killian told me that Hope has been using his hook to make her gum pain go away."
"Yes, that has been happening a lot here. I called because Killian, Henry, Hope and Allison and her family are celebrating Thanksgiving this year. I was wondering if you and Mom want to join us..."
"Even Leo?"
"Dad, I love Leo. But after he tried to Hope twice...I do not know."
"We are still figuring out why he has been acting up in school. He is still having behavioral issues in school. We might leave him with Belle and Gideon for the day."
"Are you sure?"
"I do not want Hope to get hurt this time."
"Thanks, Dad."
"You are welcome, sweetheart. What do you want your Mom and I to bring?"
"You can bring overstuffing."
"Sure, we can. We will see you Thursday." They ended their conversation.
After Emma nursed Hope and got her ready. "Hope, we are going to pick your brother up from school and then going grocery shopping together." Hope smiled. Emma packed Hope's diaper bag. "Let's go pick your brother up from school." Emma drove Hope to the high school. Henry sees his Mom's car. "Ready for grocery shopping kid?"
"Yes, I am." He sits next to Hope. "Hi, Hope. did you have fun with Mommy today?" Hope babbled. Emma drove them to the grocery store. Henry gets a shopping cart as Emma got Hope out of her car seat. Emma puts Hope in her carrier and Henry pushed the cart in the store. "Mom, what are we shopping for?"
"We need a turkey, orange potatoes, baking supplies, butter, milk, eggs, and green beans."
"Are you cooking Mom?"
"Yes, I am..."
Henry gave her a look. "I am helping your dad cook. I am cleaning the turkey."
"That sounds right." Emma giggled. Emma pushed the cart as Henry got the items that they needed, green beans, cranberries, sweet potatoes, and baking supplies and foil pans. "We need a turkey." Emma finds the aisle where the turkey was and Henry puts the turkey in the cart. Hope began to fuss in her carrier. "Hopey, what is the matter, sweetie?"
"Mom, I can hold her to give her a break from the carrier." Emma gives Henry Hope. Henry shows Hope what they had in their cart. "Hope, look what we have in our cart, green beans, sweet potatoes, and cranberries. This is a big turkey, Hope. We are going to eat all of this on Thanksgiving day." Hope babbled. "Hope, Daddy is cooking." Emma giggled.
"Hope, Mommy is going to learn to cook, sweetie. Henry, can you get 4 cans of gravy."
"Sure, Mom. Come on, Hope." Emma smiled seeing Henry loving spending time with his little sister. As Henry and Hope were walking through the aisles, they bump into Regina. "Hi, Mom. Are you shopping alone?'
"Yes, I am Henry. Hi, Hope. You have gotten so big."
"Hope has been loving her time with me. Mom, Hope and I are shopping for Thanksgiving. We are celebrating the holiday for the first time. Right Hope." Hope babbled. "Mom, if you are free. Want to join Thanksgiving dinner with us?"
Regina smiled. "Yes, Henry. I would love to come." Emma comes up behind her kids.
"HI, Hope. I wonder where you two are. Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma. I heard from Henry that you are celebrating Thanksgiving this year."
"Yes, for the first time in Maine."
"Mom, I invited mom to join us is that alright?"
"Regina, you are welcome to join us."
"Thank you, Emma. Don't worry, I won't bring anyone else."
"Great. Henry, four gravy cans."
"Hope, let's go get the cans for Mommy." Henry and Hope leave Emma and Regina.
"How has Henry been?"
"Henry has been really good. Ever since the Zelena attack. He has been good. Hope on the other hand has been extra clingy ever since. Now that he is teething...her moods have been on and off. Hope freaks out if she is not with me, Killian, Henry or Allison. Did Henry told you what happened on my birthday?"
"Henry mention about Leo."
"Yes, Hope was playing with Leo's truck and puts it in her mouth. He yanks it out of his mouth and pushes her." Regina gasp. "Luckily, Henry was keeping a close eye on Hope and caught her in time. This whole time, my mom and I were watching the whole scene."
"Is Hope.."
"Yes, Hope has not seen Leo ever since and Hope does not trust him. This is the second time he hurt her."
"Has Leo been acting out in school?"
"Yes, he has. My parents have figure out what is Leo's issue? I invited them over for Thanksgiving. I am just worried about Hope. I hesitated to invite them because of him..."
"Emma, we can keep them separated."
"I invited my Dad today. He is going to let Leo be at Belle's house to prevent Leo from hurting Hope again."
"Who else is coming for Thanksgiving?"
"My parents, you and Allison and her family."
"It will be great."
"It will be better than any of the Thanksgivings that I had in the system."
"Mom, we got the gravy."
'Thank you, Henry."
"Can I find more of puree food for Hope."
"Yes, you can, Henry. You can pick a few that you think she will like."
"We will be right back."
Regina chuckled. "Henry loves Hope."
"That is an understatement. He has been babysitting Hope a few days a week after school. He takes her to the park or to the library. Hope loves her time with Henry. He has been so helpful at home. Has Henry been visiting you?"
"Yes, he visited me last Saturday. How has he been doing in school?"
"He is doing good. Art is still his favorite subject. After your sister threatened my family for the third time, Hope would not let go of Henry. He suggested that Hope and I sit in his art class. Let's just say I did the watching, Hope helped Henry with his art project." Emma hands over Regina her iPhone. "Here are the pictures of when Hope joined his art class."
Regina was in awe. "Emma, Henry looks so happy with Hope in his art class. I have never seen him so happy"
"He wants Hope to join his art class."
"I can see why." They both laughed. Henry and Hope returned.
"Mom, we are back with a few options for Hope. I think she will like these."
"Kid, you got a few options. Hope are you going to eat these?" Hope babbled. "You trust your big brother's choices." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Henry, you chose these?"
"Yes, I did. I got Hope to try peaches and she loves them." Hope began to cry.
"Henry, give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope. "Hope, Mommy got you." She kisses Hope.
"Henry, we got to finish shopping. Your sister needs her nap."
"Okay. Mom, you are coming over for Thanksgiving on Thursday?"
"Yes, I am Henry. Emma what should I bring?"
"You can bring dessert.'
"I sure can." Hope began to cry louder.
"Regina, we will see you on Thursday. We have to get Hope home."
"Henry, I will see you Thursday."
Henry hugs his MOm. "I am happy you are coming over on Thursday."
"Thank you for inviting me, Henry."
"You are my Mom. You are in my family." He hugs her."
"Henry. Can you push the cart to the register."
"Yes, Mom." He pushed the cart away from his Mom's."I told you, Regina, that he will trust you again."
"You are with Emma. I miss him."
"Now you get to celebrate Thanksgiving at our house. We will see you Thursday." Emma and Hope catch up with Henry. Emma pays for the groceries and drove home. Hope continued to cry.
"Hope, you are with Henry. Mommy is driving."
"Hope, Mommy is driving us home sweetie."
Henry got her paci out and placed it in her mouth. Hope spat it out. "Mommy.."
"Hope, we are almost home."
Henry sniffs his sister. "Mom, I think she needs a change." Hope got out a few toys to distract Hope, which did not work.
Emma parked the car. Henry unloaded the groceries as Emma was getting Hope out of the car. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby." She kisses Hope on the head. "Let's get you changed sweetie. You need a clean diaper." Emma and Hope enter the house and sees Killian.
"Hello, my two loves."
"Hi, honey." They kiss. "We just got home from grocery shopping. Hope needs a change."
"Aye, I will help Henry unload the car."
"Thank you." Emma changes Hope in her room. "Hope, you are my smelly are all clean my little Hopey." Hope continued to cry. "Are you hungry?" Emma nurses her daughter in her rocking chair. Hope falls asleep after she was fed. Killian and Henry unload the car and puts the groceries away. Killian went upstairs to check on his two loves. "How is Hope?'
"Changed, fed and sleeping, she is happy. How was work?"
"It was not too busy. Your Dad told me that you invited him and your Mom to Thanksgiving. How about your brother?"
"I told him that Hope would freak out. He told that Leo behavioral issues have got worse in school. He told me that they will leave him at Belle's house for the day."
"Aye, they have not figured out why?"
"Not yet."
"Love, when should we start cooking?"
"I found recipes online on how to clean the turkey, which I would do tomorrow. We would cook the turkey on Thanksgiving day. We can watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. There are a lot of football games for you, Ted my Dad to watch. Regina is also coming."
"Oh, really swan?"
"Yes, Henry bumped into her at the grocery store and he invited her only."
"Aye, I see. I am happy Henry is still talking to Regina."
"Me too. I just want to have a family Thanksgiving that I always wanted as a child which I did not get in the system." She hugs Hope. "They were all awful. It was either the foster kids would get the scraps, or no food at all while the family real kids got all the food..." He wrapped Emma in his arms.
"That is not going to happen. I will not let that happen, Emma, not on my watch."
"Good. I was relieved when my Dad told me that Leo will be at Belle's house. I do not want another incident to happen on Thanksgiving. I had bad holidays in the system with my family now I do not want anything bad to happen."
"Love, you and I will have a great Thanksgiving with our whole family."
"We will." They kiss.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu