Henry's Special Day

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August 15, 2001- Emma can never forget that day when she was seventeen in prison, the day she went into labor. When the contractions came and she was in a cell alone in agony wanting someone to comfort her and be there for her in her time of need, but she was alone. She felt her baby moving around inside of her in her prison uniform and tried to ignore it since she knew she was giving him or her up. She was gripping her cell bars and yelling in pain. When her water broke through her uniform, "Help! My water broke!!" it felt like an eternity until guards came to take her to the medical room to give birth. She was chained up in the bed, in pain from them and the horrible contractions and hated seeing a guard watching her in agony. She had a nurse held her hand, a stranger, to comfort her when she needed to push. She was crying throughout the delivery. When her baby came, she felt relieved. "It is a boy, Emma." She was more in pain because she knew if she looked at him she would have kept him. She looked away from her newborn son. Emma knew from being in prison and homeless would not be good for him. "I cannot be a mom."
Sixteen years later Emma and Killian precooked Henry's birthday dinner and Emma made him a cake and wrapped his gifts for their son. Emma woke up next to her husband Killian and had their almost 4-month-old daughter Hope sleeping on her. She kissed Hope on the head which woke her up. "Good morning, Hope. Today is your brother's birthday." She hugs her daughter. "We are going to make Henry have a great birthday right?" Hope babbled. "Yes, we are." She kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Good morning, love."
"Morning." They kiss.
"Love, I can hold Hope." She hands over Hope to him.
"Great, I want to wake Henry up, since it is his first birthday with me."
"Love, Hope and I will help you make Henry have a great birthday." He knew that Henry's birth was a hard day for her and knowing Henry was with them changing that feeling and he is doing all he can to help Emma and Henry. They walk into his room. Emma goes in first to kiss him on the head. "My sixteen-year-old." She remembers prison and labor all alone. She gets on her knees and close to his ear, "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you." Henry wakes. "Happy birthday to Henry." Henry hugs his Mom. "Happy birthday to you."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you so much, Henry. You have no idea."
"I know how much you love me." He hugs his mom hard. "You are my Mom. Emma hugged him with tears in her eyes, making up for all the birthdays she missed. "My baby boy is sixteen."
"Mom, I will always be yours."
"I know. Today we are going to do whatever you want."
"Aye, Lad. we have everything ready for sailing. Henry, happy birthday."
"Thank you, Dad."
Hope reached out to Henry. "Little love, you want to wish Henry a happy birthday?" Hope smiled. Henry takes Hope from their Dad. Hope babbled in her brother's arms. "Hope, I love you too little sis." He hugged Hope in his arms. "Having you as a little sister is giving my birthday extra special. I can spend all day on Daddy's boat with you, Mommy and Daddy." He kisses Hope everywhere which made her laugh
"Henry, there are presents downstairs."
"Mom, really?"
"Yes, Henry. It is your birthday." Henry brings down Hope with him and sees a pile of presents in the kitchen table. "Hope, do you know about this?" Hope smiled. "Did you went shopping with mommy and daddy?"
"Henry they are all for you."
"Mom, really?"
Emma hugs her son. "Yes, Kid. They are all for you." She kisses Henry on the head. She takes Hope from him and sits next to Henry. "Hope, let's see what Henry's getting." They watched Henry open his gifts as Killian took pictures of Henry opening his gifts. Henry opened his first box of gifts, a pile of graphic tee shirts of Harry Potter, Spiderman, Hulk, Marvel, and Star Wars tee shirts. "No way. Mom, where did you get these?"
"Oh, shopping in Florida."
"Mom I love them." He hugs his Mom.
"There is more, kid." Henry sits back down and opens another box of Funko pop heads of his favorite characters.
"No way! These are awesome! How did you know?"
"Henry, I know you have a lot of comic books stashed in your room. I know what you read. I did amazon search of your funko heads and got them for you."
"I can start a collection."
"Here is your next gift." She hands him an envelope. "Since you love comic books."
Henry opens the envelope, three ID badges for New York Comic Con. Henry screamed. "Mom!! Are these real?!"
"Yes, Henry we are going to New York York Comic Con!" Killian takes Hope from Emma so Henry can hug his Mom.
"Mom. Is it just us going?"
"I got us three tickets. Hope can go in for free.."
"Lad, Hope and I are going to tour New York if the convention house is too much for her while you and your Mom are going to the convention."
"Dad, if you came you get taken pictures of because of your clothes will blend in the costume contest." Emma laughed.
Killian, you can win the costume contest."
"Aye, I do have my dashing looks. I can go. If it is too much for Hope. I can take her somewhere else."
"Mom, are these shirts that I can use in New York?"
"Yes, kid. Also, you can get the funko heads signed."
"I got the tickets for New York Comic Con months ago and they were so hard to get."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom you are the best! I love my gifts!"
"Anything for you Henry, you are my baby boy. There is one more gift This one is from hope." He opens the box with a card. "To my big brother. Henry, I love you so much. You always care for me and I love you, my big brother." There was something in the box. He opens his gift, a Batman tee shirt saying, big brother."
"Hope I love it." He takes Hope from their Mom. "Thank you, Hope." He let Hope snuggled on him and he kisses her on he head.
"Henry, Hope has a robin onesie."
"Mom you love matching us."
Emma chuckled. "When I can. I love matching outfits you and Hope whenever I can."
"Mom, I can wear it when we go sailing."
"Lad, the ship is ready to go."
"Yes!" Henry takes his gifts upstairs.
Killian kisses Emma on the head. "Henry loving his gifts."
"Yes. Seeing him really happy is making me feel happy and not sad."
"Aye, love. I know. We have Henry with us now and he loves living us."
"Yes, he loves our family lifestyle." Hope babbled. "Hope, do you love Henry?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you do."She takes Hope from Killian and cuddles her. "We all love Henry." Hope began to fuss. "Mommy will feed you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "I will feed her and get her and be ready for sailing."
"Love, I can help with her diaper bag."
"Thank you...thank you for everything that you do. I mean I would not have this happy life with Henry, Hope without you."
"Love, I love you and our family." They kiss. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Mommy is going to feed you." She takes Hope to her room and nursed her daughter. She watched her daughter eat from her which she loved since she had to get all of her milk supply out after he was born which was painful and she began to tear up.
'Mom, are you okay?"
"Yes, Henry. I am."
"Why are you crying?"
"Because...this is the day I gave you away...and had to get rid of your milk supply...which was so hard and painful all of it."
"Mom." He hugs his Mom. "Mom I am with you now and Hope is lucky to have you. You are amazing with her.. You are not alone Mom. You have me in your life."
"I know..for so long every birthday I had to call in from work and I was alone remembering you on your birthday...Now you are with me. I love you so much, Henry."
"I love you too Mom." Hope was full. Emma burped her. "Hope, you love mommy right?" Hope smiled and tugged her Mommy's hair.
"Hope, mommy loves you too. You are getting so big. Don't worry, when your hair is long I will braid your hair all the time." Emma gets Hope dressed for their family sailing adventure in her robin onesie. "You are all ready for Daddy's boat." Hope babbled. "Yes, we are going to be on the ocean. You can Henry is going to matching outfits." She hugs and gives Hope kisses everywhere. "Mommy loves you, Hope."
"Mom, can I play with Hope while you get dressed?"
"Sure, you can. Hope Henry wants to play with you. First, pictures." She takes a few pictures of Henry and Hope matching together. Hope did tummy time on her fuzzy rug. Emma got dressed quick and watched her two children together. Knowing this is the life she always wanted her family all together especially on Henry's birthday. Hope began to cry which got Emma out of her thoughts.
"Mom, Hope wants you." He gives Hope to their Mom and gives his Mom hug "Mom, I love you so much. You are my mom."
"Yes, I am Henry." Hope babbled. "Hope, I am your Mommy too sweetie. She kisses Hope on the head. They walked together to the Jolly Roger to where Killian was ready to sail. Emma wore Hope in her carrier while they sailed. She watched how much Henry improved on his sailing technique and how her two boys, Killian, and Henry's relationship is getting closer. "Hope, look Henry is getting better driving Daddy's ship." Hope smiled. "Yes, Daddy is a good teacher." Emma goes downstairs to change her daughter. "Hope, Mommy is going to change you, sweetie." After Emma changed her diaper, Hope was kicking her legs. "Hope, you are mommy's little kicker. You kicked a lot when you were inside of my tummy." Hope cooed which made Emma smile. Killian comes down to check on how two loves.
"How is it down here?"
"Hope and I are just relaxing."
"Little love, do you want to learn how to drive Daddy's ship?" Hope smiled big. "Aye, that is my little pirate." He takes Hope upstairs with him and Emma followed them. Henry and Emma took pictures of Killian teaching Hope how to drive the ship, with Hope gripping the steering wheel as her Daddy was holding.
"Mom, Hope is a little pirate."
"Yes, Henry she is a little pirate. She is a cute pirate."
"Love, pirates aren't cute." Hope turns her head, which made Emma and Henry chuckle. "Well, only you Hope. My little cute pirate." Henry and Emma watched Killian having daddy-daughter time with Hope. Hope began to cry. "Little love, is it your nap time?" He takes Hope to Emma and Henry. "Love, our little pirate needs her nap."
Emma takes her daughter from Killian. "Hope, it is your nap time." SHe brings Hope to Killian's captain quarters. Hope's crib that she magically appeared has not disappeared. The Jolly Roger has been there home away from home. Emma sat on the bed and let Hope napped on her. "Mom, can I read hope a story?"
"Yes, you can." Henry sat on the bed. "Mom, I can hold Hope." He takes Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, you want a story? You and I are going to have one on one time."
"Henry, I will be upstairs."
"I will text you if Hope needs anything." Emma watched Henry reading to Hope. "Hope, this story is about Sleeping Beauty. Once upon a time...." Emma went upstairs to Killian.
'Henry is reading to Hope."
"Aye, he told me he wanted to spend time with his sister."
"He loves her. Allison texted me that she is setting up our house and letting in my parents before we arrive home. So they can surprise him."
"Aye, Henry will love the surprise."
"Yes, I told her all of the food was and where to set up and the cake is on the counter."
"Love, what about Regina?"
"I am not sure. Henry is talking to Regina more. If she comes, I am not surprised. She his mom too." Emma goes down to check on Hope. Henry was sleeping on the bed with Hope sleeping on him. She takes a picture of Hope and Henry together sleeping. As the afternoon turned into evening, Killian, Emma, and their children were together loving family time. Killian and Henry landed back to Storybrooke. "Lad, did you have fun sailing today?"
"Dad, I love it!" He hugs him.
"I got you something for you lad." He hands him a gold compass.
"Dad, is this yours?"
"Aye, lad it is. Now I want you to have it. This compass always helped me guide me home. "
"Thanks, Dad." They hear Hope crying.
Emma brings up Hope. "Hope, we are going home. We are having a birthday party for Henry."
"Love what is wrong with the lass?"
"Oh, she is being a little pirate she does not want to leave."
"Aye, little love. Come to Daddy." He takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, we are going to have a sleepover on the ship soon, little love." He comforts his little love on the way back to their house as Henry and Emma walked together.
"Henry, are you having a good birthday?"
He hugs his Mom. "Yes, mom. You are with me and our family is together which is all I need."
"Henry..." She hugs her son. "I love you so much."
"I love you too Mom." By the time they reached back to their house, Hope was calmed down in her Daddy's arms. He opens the door letting Henry in first. Inside of their house was dark. Henry turns the light on and "Surprise!! Happy birthday, Henry!" Allison, her family, Snow White, Charming, Leo, and Regina were all there for him.
"Mom, Dad you did this for me?"
Emma hugs her son. "Yes. Also, aunt Allison helped us too." Henry hugs aunt Allison. "Aunt Allison you came!"
"Happy birthday Henry! I told you I would not miss your special day!"
"Mom got me New York Comic Con tickets! Mom, Dad Hope and I are going in October!'
"That is awesome Henry! There are artists that sell paintings. Maybe you can get art tips."
"That is a great idea! Mom got me a lot of my favorite comic book heroes t-shirts and funko heads. Look at what Hope and I are wearing." Allison sees Hope and Henry wearing Batman and Robin shirts.
"Emma, you matched them?"
"Yes, I did. I told you that I was going to get them matching outfits."Allison and Emma both laughed. Henry hugs Regina. "Happy birthday Henry."
"Thank you, Mom. Thank you for coming."
"I won't miss any of your birthdays."
"This is my best birthday, sailing with my Dad, Mom got me comic con tickets and a lot of funkos to get autographed at the new york comic con."
"Henry, I know you will have fun."
Hope fussed in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, I know, I know, you want auntie." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Allison.
'Hi, Hope. Did you have fun on your Daddy's ship?" Hope babbled. "Oh, really you love Daddy's ship."
"Allison, I taught my little love how to drive the Jolly Roger."
"How was that?"
"Hope loved it." He showed her the pictures on his iPhone.
"Killian, Hope looked so happy."
"Aye, she was. She did not want to leave the ship."
"Killian, my granddaughter is a little pirate."
"Aye, she is Charming."
"Emma do you need help in the kitchen?"
"Yes, Allison. Is everything set up?"
"Most of it."
"Emma, I can watch Hope."
"Sure, Dad." Allison hand over Hope to her grandpa.
"Hi, Hope." Hope fussed in her grandpa's arms.
"Little love, daddy is here." Killian takes Hope from his father in law. "You need a change, my smelly pirate." He takes Hope upstairs to be changed. Henry and Regina talked, while Lizzie and Connor were playing with Leo. Ted and Charming were getting to know each other. Snow White, Emma, and Allison were in the kitchen preparing the family dinner, setting up the tables, arranging the food. Emma showed Allison and her Mom the cake she baked a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with blue food coloring with big numbers 16 and sixteen candles."
"Emma, Henry is going to love it."
"Emma, you can bake?"
"Yes, Mom. I can bake." Emma puts Hope's high chair next to her so she can sit with both of her kids and eat. "Dinner is ready!" Killian brings Hope and put her in her high chair. Henry and Emma sat in between Hope. Killian sat next to Emma an Allison sat across from Emma with her family and Regina sat next to Henry. While everyone ate, Hope began to cry.
"Mom, I got Hope." He takes Hope from her high chair. "Hope, you are with me, little sis." He lets Hope sit on his lap and she can sit up. He gives Hope one of her chew toys since she began to drool recently. Hope babbled. "I know Hope. We have so many people over." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, your sister is getting so big."
"Yes, mom. I know. Hope and I had one on one time while we sailed today. Hope learned how to drive the Jolly Roger."
"Killian, you never let me drive your boat."
"Sorry, your majesty only pirates are allowed to steer my ship."
"Killian, you let me drive in Neverland."
"Aye, Charming you were my first mate in the nightmare land."
After everyone ate, Emma lit Henry's birthday cake candles. Snow White turned off the light and Allison recorded, everyone sang "Happy Birthday," to Henry as Emma placed the cake in front him Henry and Hope, she was on his lap. Henry had Killian, Emma, Hope,and Regina near him as they sang. "Henry, make a wish kid."
Henry thought about it. "Hope, help me blow out my candles." Henry with Hope's help blew out his candles. Everyone cheered and Henry helped Hope clapped. Snow White, Regina and Allison took pictures of Henry with his family by the cake. Hope began to cry.
Emma takes Hope from her son."Hope, Mommy will feed you."
"Love, I can cut the cake."
"Thank you." Henry gives Hope to their Mom and Emma takes Hope upstairs to nurse her. Allison and Killian serve the cake. Snow White helped cleaned up. "Hope, your brother is sixteen years old today. When I had him, I was alone in prison, for a crime that I did not commit. I gave Henry up. I was not ready to be his Mom. When he found me your brother, he brought me home and then I met your Daddy. Now I have you and Henry in my life living under one roof." Henry brought up a slice of cake to his Mom. "Mom, I thought you want some dessert."
"Thanks, Henry. Do you like the cake?"
"Mom, it is one of the best chocolate cakes I ever had."
"I worked really hard-baking it making it perfect just for you."
"Mom, this is the best birthday I ever had. Being with you, Hope, Dad, Aunt Allison, and our whole family without curses or evil people taking over the town. I could not be any happier."
"What did you wish for last year?"
"Oh, that wish came true."
"What was your wish then since it came true?"
"Hope." Emma's mouth dropped. "Your birthday wish was for a sibling?"
"Yes! I wanted you and Dad to be parents but I was hoping sooner but Hope is with us. That is all I care about." Emma burped Hope. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"We got to go down back downstairs we do have guests over."
"Yes, I want to hold Hope."
"Sure, you can. Hope, you are making Henry so happy sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and tickles her which made her laugh. Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"Mom, we will be down in a few minutes." Emma leaves the room and Hope began to cry. "Mom, please stay. Hope does not want you to leave."
Emma smiled. "I am here Hope."
"Hope, having you here is my wish from last year not to be an only child anymore. To give Mommy a second chance on being a mommy from the start since she could not keep me." Hope babbled. "Yes, we do have the best mommy Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. When Mommy told me that she was pregnant with you it was the best news ever that I was going to be your big brother." Hope smiled. "I love you so much, Hope. You made our family complete and make us happy every day." Emma was in tears and went downstairs. Killian saw Emma crying at the staircase.
"Love, that is wrong?" He hugs her.
"Henry told me his birthday wish last year was to be a big brother and give me a second chance of being a mom from the start."
Killian smiled. "Really love?"
"Yes. He is telling everything to Hope now." Emma cried harder and Killian hugs her. "I am so happy to have them as my children and being their mommy."
"Love, you are the most caring, loving mother to them, of course, they love you. You love them. I love you so much."
"I love you too." They kiss. Henry brings down a very upset Hope.
"Mom, you left the room. Hope did not want you to leave." They both smiled at each other.
"Hope, come here sweetie." Hope calmed down once she as in her mommy's arms. "Henry, there are presents you have not open yet."
Everyone was in the living room as the Swan-jones family entered. "Mom said that I have more presents."
Emma sat next to Henry and Allison. On his other side was Killian. "Henry, this gift is from me and your grandma." Charming and Snow gave him a long skinny box for him to open. Henry opened the box. "Gramps, you got me a sword?!"
"Yes, I did Henry."
"Henry, look on the back."
"No way. Grandma the sword the has my, initials on them.
"Yes, Henry. We got this especially for you. You are a knight and a pirate."
"Awesome! Mom, can you give me sword lessons?"
'Yes, Henry. I can give you sword lessons."
"Lad so can I."
"Henry, I can teach you too."
"Gramps, you can teach me too. All three of you can teach me."
"Kid, you know where the sword is going to be in?'
"Yes, Mom. The sword belongs in the basement with your swords." Emma and Allison chuckled.
Lizzie goes in front of Henry.
"Lizzie, let Henry put the sword away first. It is a real sword."
Henry placed the sword back into its box. Killian brings the sword into the basement. Hope began to fuss in her mommy's arms. "Hope you want auntie Allison sweetie?"
Allison takes Hope from Emma. "Hi, Hope. You wanted to spend time with me?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you wanted to spend time with your favorite aunt." She kisses Hope on the head and let Hope snuggled on her.
"Henry, I made this for you." She hands him a picture of a drawing of him and her.
"Lizzie. I love it." He hugs Lizzie. Allison and Emma were in awe knowing Lizzie has a crush on Henry.
"Henry, I got you a gift too." Regina gives Henry her gift.
Henry opens his other mom's gift, it was a comic book of Spiderman with Stan Lee's autograph. "Mom, you got this for me?"
"Yes, I did. Henry." He hugs Regina.
"Henry, Stan Lee is going to be at comic con this year."
"Mom, you and I are going to meet him??"
"Yes, we are going to Henry." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Mom, I read that the voice of Winnie the Pooh is going to be there. Can we bring Hope with us?"
"Henry, I know that Hope will love him hearing the voice of Winnie the Pooh.."
"Lad, you can get his autograph for Hope."
"I have an idea what to get Hope."
"Kid, what are you up to?"
Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, I have to give Henry his gift from me." She hands over a wrapped up box to Henry. "Henry this is from me Ted, Lizzie, and Connor. I hope you like it." He opens up his gift from his aunt, a very expensive art supply set with a paint set inside. Henry smiles big."No way! Aunt Allison, you are the best aunt ever!" He gives Allison a very big hug. Allison chuckled. "I am glad you love it."
"I am going to use it in school and here mostly." After presents, it was getting late, Charming and Snow and Leo left first since they have work in the morning. Ted brought home Lizzie and Connor home. Regina talked with Henry before she left. Allison and Emma talked as Hope was snoozing on her Mommy. "So how does it feel to have Henry on his birthday?
Emma smiles big. "I am really am happy to have Henry in my life. When I gave him up I did not look at him at all if I saw him, I would have kept him...I could not give him the life that he deserved when I was in prison and only had a car..."She looks at her son in the distance and at hope on her. "Now, he is living with me full time and I have Hope...I have my family all together in one roof..it is just amazing. I did not expect to have this happy lifestyle I always dreamed about as a child."
"Emma, you have a good life now."
"I know, I fought for this life, a happy beginning with Killian and thanks to Henry if it was not for him. I would not have my family if I had not given him up for adoption." Emma had tears in her eyes. "I have been tearing up all day."
"It is okay, Emma I know this day usually a sad day for you."
"Yes, it was for the first ten years of his life I was alone and thought about him every day on his every birthday...now he is with me. I have a family and a home for him to be in." Hope woke up and babbled. "Yes, Hope. My little duckling. I have you in my life, which made me a Mommy from the start." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. Hope babbled. "I love you too, Hope." Regina leaves.
"Mom. Can I play with Hope?"
"Yes. you can." Henry takes Hope to his room so they can play.
Killian sits next to wife. "Thank you both for helping me with Henry's birthday celebration. I never had a birthday party for him and this was the perfect time to have his party not during a curse or different realm."
"Love, I will always help you and support our family. Henry is my son."
"Emma, Henry is my nephew. I love spoiling both of my niece and nephew."
"We made him really happy."
"Aye, we did love." They kiss.
"Were you two planning a trip to New York?'
"Yes, since I got tickets for Henry and I go to Comic Con in October, we are saving the money to go to New York then."
"Aye, we are. Hope and I are going to tour around New York."
"Killian, you can take Hope to children museums there is one in Brooklyn that I used to take the kids too and Central Park an Alice in Wonderland section."
"Aye, you can make me a list where to bring Hope while Emma and Henry are at the convention if the noise it too much for our little love. Then she and I will have daddy-daughter time."
"I can make you a list and directions."
"Aye, that will be very helpful."
"Allison, when you are free we can have a girls day."
"Yes, we need to. Or we can go to Granny's before work."
"It sounds like a plan. When Henry is at school. Killian and I are going to take shifts so we can be with Hope. I do not want anyone that she is not close to watch her."
"Emma, if you towo need a date night. I can watch Hope."
"I know Hope will love it." Killian made them hot cocoa for the three of them to drink. Before Allison left for the night, she, Emma and Killian went up to see Henry and Hope. Henry talking to Hope, "Hope you are my favorite birthday gift. You are my little sister who is related to me. I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and he was holding her in his arms. Emma began to cry again and Killian hugged her. "Love it is okay. Our children love each other." Allison goes into the room. "Henry, Hope. I have to go home."
"Aunt Allison do you have to go?"
"Yes, Henry." Henry sees his Mom and gives her Hope. He hugs his aunt Allison. "Thank you, aunt Allison, for being here today and always helping our family."
"I am your aunt. I am supposed to help my family."
"Thank you for coming. I really love the gift you gave me."
"I know you will love it." She hugs Henry. Hope began to cry. "Hope, I did not forget you my little god niece." Allison takes Hope from Emma's arms. "Hope, I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. "You be a good girl for Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." Hope smiled. "Yes, I know. When Mommy and I talk, you will join girl talk." She hands over Hope back to Emma. "Emma, want to come over and chat on Friday?"
"After my shift, I can come over." Hope babbled. Emma and Allison laughed. "Yes, Hope you are joining our girl time." Allison left the Swan-Jones house. Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is your bedtime sweetie."
"Love, I can put Hope to sleep."
"Hope, good night sweetie." She gives Hope multiple kisses and hands her over to Killian. Hope cried in his arms.
"Hope you want Mommy?" She gets Hope from her husband. She changes Hope in pajamas and rocked Hope to sleep and put Hope on her crib with her swan theme crib. "Love, I will watch Hope."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma goes back to Henry's room. He was already dressed for bed. "Henry, how was your birthday."
"I love it. It was the best birthday I ever had. We got to go sailing as a family, I got so many gifts and a family dinner with everyone I love. It was great." Henry hugs his Mom. "It is all because of you."
"Henry, you are my son. I always want the best for you."
"You are mom giving me everything mom. Having Hope in our family with us makes us happier and full of love in this house."
"Yes, Henry. Your sister completed this family."
"I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom." Henry falls asleep in his bed with his Mom wrapped his arms around him. "My baby boy is sixteen. I am so happy you are my smart caring son." She kisses his head and enjoying being with her son making up the lost times when she was not in her life. She knows that he will be in her life forever with Hope and Killian.

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