Moodier and Surprises

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As Emma went into the third trimester, Emma became moodier as her baby bump grew. Killian and Henry do everything to help Emma as the best as they could. The baby moves around more at night. One night, Emma was slowly tossing and turning and could not get into a comfortable position. Emma gets so aggravated she screams waking up Killian. "Love, what is wrong?"
"Your daughter is not letting me sleep. She keeps playing soccer with my uterus."
"Emma, breathe."
"That makes it easy for you to say, you do not have little kicker kicking your insides and your inside organs and lungs are not squashed, making it hard for you to breathe. I cannot sleep comfortably because my stomach weighing heavy as a whale." She starts to cry.
"Emma, I know you are tired and our little babe is getting bigger but her being big and moving around is a good thing, because she is healthy."
Emma leaned her body next to him, "Thank you, sorry I gave you attitude."
"You are tired and cannot sleep, of course, you are frustrated." He rubbed her baby bump.
"Hope Jones, can you let Mommy sleep?" The baby moves inside her more, "Nope. I guess not."
"How about you let me try." He fluffed her pillows to make it more comfortable. She leaned on the pillows.
Killian pulls up Emma's nightshirt and puts his mouth close to the baby bump of where she was moving."Little Hope, can you let your Mommy sleep? Huh? Please, can you do that for Daddy?" He moves his hook on the baby bump as he spoke. She slowly stopped moving. "That is a good little lass. Hope, Mommy and Daddy love you."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome."
"She is already Daddy's little girl."
"Aye, she is."
"I hope she loves me, I do not want to be the mean parent."
"Emma, she is going to love you so much. I know she loves yours already. She will love you and I both." He bends down to Emma's baby belly. "Aye. Is that right Hope. Do you love your Mommy?" Hope kicks. "I think that is a yes."
"Mommy loves you, Hope, Mommy wants to sleep with a little less kicking."
Emma still works at the station, not every day. Emma wakes up the next morning with Killian next to her. "Morning love."
"Do you need help getting up?"
"Yes, please." He helps her out of bed. Emma rubs her baby bump"She is getting so heavy."
"Yes, she is. What do you want to make you for breakfast? Something small?"
"Yes, can you make me scrambled eggs and toast?"
"Anything for you Swan."
Emma slowly got ready for her day. She was really grateful for the maternity jeans she has gotten when she did. Her body is getting bigger and she was thankful for her to loosen clothes that are helping her a lot this time around. She remembers wearing prison uniform with her baby bump while she was pregnant with Henry. Out of her memories, baby Hope kicks to remind her that she is married to an amazing husband and excited father to be. Emma rubs her baby bump and talks to her baby bump, "Baby Hope, you know exactly when to move when Mommy is sad. I love you so much already baby girl. I am looking forward to knowing you since you know me already." She smiled and rubbed her belly for a few minutes. She hears a phone camera flash. "Killian?"
Killian smiled at the sight of his happy pregnant wife."Sorry love, I could not help taking a picture. You look so happy. I wanted to keep it as a memory." He walks up to her.
Emma smiles and puts her hands on her belly. "Our baby girl already getting to know her Mommy already. She kicked me to help me snap out of a bad memory."
"See Swan, I told you she loves you already. You are nourishing her, keeping her safe and protected. She knows you already Swan, you are making sure she is growing healthy."
"I love her so much already, I was thinking about how grateful I am to have the maternity clothes that I can wear now because I did not have that option when I was pregnant with Henry. Our baby girl kicked me to remind me where I am now."
" did the best you could in that terrible situation that you did not deserve to be in at all. Our lass loves you and wants to show you that you are where you are now and you are loved."
"I know, I love you both and Henry so much."
"Aye, Hope and Henry are lucky to have a brave mother as you are. I am lucky to have you as a wonderful caring wife." He kisses her on the lips. He kneels down and kisses the baby bump, "Mommy knows that you love her lass and we both love you so so much." He stands up. "When you are ready your breakfast is downstairs."
"Thank you. I will be down as soon as possible. It is getting hard to walk."
"I will be driving us to the station."
"That will be great. Just remember I began to work halftime today. Can you drive me home?"
"Sure, I can. After lunch?"
After Emma's shift at the station, Killian drops off Emma at their home. As they arrived home, a very familiar person was at the door. Emma opened the window of her yellow bug, "Ariel?!"
"Hi, Emma!"
Killian opened the door and helped his wife out of the car. "Ariel! What a lovely surprise!"
Ariel and Emma hugged. "Emma, I cannot believe that you are expecting! Congratulations!"
"Thank you, Ariel. How did you found out?"
"Oh, Belle told me."
Ariel hugs Killian, "Congratulations on becoming a father."
"Thank you, Ariel.
"Come on in Ariel, we can catch up inside. I cannot stand for too long."
"Of course."
Killian brought out snacks into the living room, while Emma was sitting on the couch with her feet up.
"Ariel, where did you end up going after you and I were in Agrabah?"
Killian sits next to his wife. "I always wondered how you two ended up together with Agrabah?"
" Ariel, letting you know that Belle and Rumple's son Gideon got turned back to a newborn after Emma returned back to life after the final battle and he is now almost a year old. After the adult Gideon prevented me to return here, the Nautilus ends up in the Enchanted Forest to find a Kraken, which Jasmine and Aladdin ruined a way for me to get home. Gideon had done something to the submarine to cause an accident. Jasmine used her wish to save us. We ended up on hangman's' island. We found Ariel's little home away from home."
"It is mostly for my treasures, but I was so happy to help Killian when he needed to tell you that it was Gideon fault not his for leaving you."
"Yes, I heard from his magic shell."
"Yup, I have the same one. It always comes in handy."
"Killian, how did you return back? The last time I saw you and I were there when Agrabah was restored."
"What I am missing something. How did Agrabah got restored?"
"Swan, Aladdin, and Jasmine had true love kiss and magically the kingdom was revived from the ring she had in her bag."
"Wow. Ariel, where have you been since you left Agrabah?"
"Eric and I were traveling around through different realms. Once, Belle told me about your pregnancy I was so thrilled. I got you something for the baby." She hands Emma a small bag.
Emma opened the bag and her mouth dropped, "Ariel, this is gorgeous." Emma shows Killian, what Ariel got them. "Killian it is a gold shell necklace. Our baby girl is going to love it. Ariel, thank you so much."
"You are so welcome. I also got another present.
Emma opened it. "This is so adorable. Look, Killian, it is a onesie with a skirt, the little mermaid on it."
"That is adorable."
"Ariel, I did not mention ever to you, but I love your movie since I was a child. My little girl will always remember her Aunt Ariel. By the clothes, the necklace, and the movie."
"What is a movie?"
"It is moving pictures on a television."
"Oh. There is a movie of me?"
"Yes, it is very popular."
"Is Ursula in the movie?"
"Yes, as the villain."
"Where I am from, Ursula is a legend."
"She dies in the movie, being killed by your Prince Eric."
"Wow, I must see this movie." Emma and Killian laughed.
"Killian, can you help me up? I have to go to the bathroom. I will be right back." Killian gently pulls her up.
"So Killian, how does it feel to be a Dad to be?"
"Well, since the last time we saw each other, I was desperately trying to get back to Emma, and I promised myself that I would never leave her again and the worst thing I ever experienced. After Agrabah, I ended up back in Neverland, because of adult Gideon. Tigerlily helped me handle the lost boys."
"I hate Neverland, I had the awful memories there when I could not speak."
"Aye, I thought if I get out this place, I will be the best man ever and never ever return to that bloody island. I was almost killed, thanks to Snow and Charming's hope true love flower, Emma used it to rescue me."
"That is how you escaped. When did you two get married?"
Emma returns back to the living room, "We got married on May 7th, almost a year a few months from now."
"Where did you two went to for your honeymoon? Eric and I just traveled by land and he showed me what everything was."
"Once, we got married the black fairy's curse took over everyone, almost destroyed everyone. I did not break this curse, Rumple is actually a savior too and his mom was the black fairy which he eventually killed his mom."
"Wait, the dark one was a savior too and his mother was the black fairy?"
"Peter Pan was also his father?"
"Wow. How is Rumple now?"
"The crocodile got his second chance at becoming a parent since his mother took Gideon and raised him in a dreadful realm and made him grow quicker. Since my brave wife sacrificed herself for everyone, everyone got their happy endings, Henry woke her up with true love kiss."
"Wow, I really am happy I was not there for that final battle. How is everything here now?
"It is better, no villains causing trouble or curses. It feels a great relief."
"Yes, it does love."
"Oh, I need to go now. Eric and I are going back to our castle tonight. The time has flown so quickly. I will definitely come back when the baby comes!"
"Please do. Thank you for the gifts. I know our baby girl will love it. I am going to put it in her room." Killian helped his wife from the couch. Ariel and Emma hugged.
Killian walks Ariel to the door, "I appreciate that you visited us. Emma and I love the gifts."
"It is my pleasure. I am so happy you found happiness with Emma and how much changed from the mean pirate you were when we met."
"Aye, I am sorry for being a selfish pirate. I was really was not my good self when I was separated from Emma."
"I knew it way back then, that you were in love. I am so grateful to see that you are going to have a little baby girl on the way and seeing you happily married."
"Aye, we are. I will call you on the shell when she arrives."
"Great. It was so great to see you and Emma today." She leaves their house and walks to the marina.
Killian goes upstairs to the baby's nursery seeing Emma admire the clothes that they have so far for baby Hope. "Ariel walked back to the marina."
"I am so happy that she dropped by."
"Same here love." He hugs her. "I love you so much."
"I love you too. Even though I am becoming a size of a whale." She giggles.
"I love you whatever size you are and caring and growing our little lass."
"I know. We both love you. You know that, even though I am driving you crazy."
"You are not driving me crazy."
"You sure?" "Aye. I am so grateful for our family." They kiss.

Happy Beginning Captain Swanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें