Parenting As A Team

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The next day, Allison and Henry made a bigger sand castle at the beach with a wall surrounded the castle, Emma was watching them in the shade, as Killian and Hope were getting wet in the ocean. "Mom, look at our sandcastle!"
"Yes, I see the big wall, kid. Allison, how is building a wall in between the sandcastle?"
"It is not too bad, fun but challenging to not knock the castle."
"Aunt Allison, we are doing this equally, sandcastle and the wall, you are doing the left and I am doing the right side."
"Henry, we are a team."
"Yes, a sandcastle team." Emma took pictures of Henry and Allison building their big sandcastle and wall. Killian returns from the ocean with Hope who was wearing her Ariel bathing suit.
"Hope, we are back to Mommy." Killian hands over Hope to his wife.
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun in the ocean with Daddy?" Hope smiles at her Mommy and Emma gives her kisses on the cheeks. "Yes, you did. Later you and I are going swimming later."
"Emma, Hope loves the ocean."
"I know, I might take her a little deeper in the ocean."
"Love, just be careful of the waves."
"You can join us later."
"Love, I would love to join you two in the ocean." They kiss. "Hope, you want Daddy to join you and Mommy swim later?" Hope smiles. "Aye, we will swim later, you can enjoy the shade with Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dad, can you please help us with our sandcastle?"
"Sure, Henry. I never built a sandcastle before."
"Dad, Aunt Allison taught me and now I teach you."
"Henry, you can teach your Dad, I can take a break from the sun."
"Okay, Aunt Allison."Allison sits nearby Emma and Hope. Henry taught Killian how to make a sandcastle.
"I needed a break."
"I can see why you do not want to get sunburn."
"Oh, yes. Hope did you have fun in the ocean with your Daddy?" Hope smiles. Hope fusses.
"Hope, are you hungry?" Emma breastfed Hope after she took a nap on Emma's chest, who had a beach cover on top of her bikini.
"Hope is tired out from her swim with her Daddy."
"She looked like she had a lot of fun with her Daddy."
"Yes, she did. I knew that she will love the ocean like him." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, where do you want to go shopping today? We can go to the boardwalk or malls nearby ?"
"We can try malls later this evening."
"Sure, we can shop after dinner tonight. I am not sure what to do, cook or go to a restaurant?"
"We do have groceries, I can cook us spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, with salad on the side."
"I can help you cook this time? I do need some practice."
Allison laughs. "I do need the help."
"Great, I can help you cook."
"Henry, I am cooking dinner tonight!"
"Aunt Allison can I help you cook?"
"Sorry, Kid. I am helping her cook tonight."
"Yes, you can finally learn to cook."
"Kid, I am not that bad as a cook. Remember when we lived in New York, I can cook breakfast."
"Yes, breakfast not lunch or dinner."
"Lad, your mom is going to learn from your aunt, the second best cook in the family, I am the best cook in the family." Allison and Emma both laughed. They continued to talk as the Killian and Henry build the sandcastle. Emma took pictures of Henry, Killian, and Allison after the sandcastle was complete. She changes Hope into a clean swim diaper. "Hope, are you ready to go back in the ocean?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." Emma takes Hope into a little deeper into the ocean, up to Emma's legs length deep, for Hope it was very deep. Henry took pictures of his Mom and sister having fun in the ocean. " Hope, we are a little deeper in the ocean baby girl." Hope looked around her in the ocean, waves around them. She moves her legs around as the waves came by her. Emma spins herself and Hope around a few times when the waves weren't hitting them, "Wheeee." Hope smiles. "Hope, we are getting so wet." Emma stepped back as the big waves came by them. Hope gets upset. "Hope, is the waves here too big for you sweetie?" Killian arrives.
"Hope, what is the matter, little lass?" He takes his daughter from her Mommy's arms.
"I think she does not like the big waves."
"Aye, the big ones might be scaring her. Little love, we are going back to our spot on the wet sand." They sit together on the wet sand and enjoyed watching Hope getting wet happily. Killian hands over their daughter to Emma.
"Hope, I am sorry that I took you in the deeper end. I thought you were having fun." She kisses Hope on the head. "Did you have fun with me when spun you around?" Hope puts her hands on her Mommy's chest and smiles. "Yes, you did. Just the big waves scared you. We can spin around later." Hope coos. A little while later, Henry and Allison joined them. "Mom, is Hope having fun?"
"Yes, she is. Hope Henry is here."She hands over Hope to her big brother.
"Hope, you like the ocean little sis?" Se moves around, sitting on Henry's lap. "You are a little pirate princess little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, Hope did not like the deeper end?"
"At the beginning she liked it, but when the big waves were coming at us, I think she got afraid. She is happy now, getting wet by the little waves." Emma and Allison both look at Hope who was with Henry. They saw dolphins passing by. "Mom, there are dolphins in the water." He stands up holding Hope. "Hope, there are dolphins swimming over there." Allison quickly got Henry's camera and took pictures of the dolphins. Emma and Killian watched the dolphins together. "Killian, have you ever seen dolphins swimming by the Jolly Roger?"
"Not like this, jumping up and down in the ocean." A little while later, Hope begins to cry. "Hope, do you want Mommy?" Henry gives Hope back to their Mommy. "Hope, do you need a break from the sun? Or you need a nap?" Emma takes Hope back to their spot. Allison and Henry go out into the deeper end to body surf. Killian returns to their spot smiling, seeing Emma singing to Hope as Hope was snuggling on her chest. "The strength will light your way.." She kisses Hope on her head as she was napping on her.
He sits next to his wife and daughter."How is Hope, love?"
"Hope needed her nap but she was having so much in the water with all of us."
"Aye, she was. What is the plan for dinner tonight?"
"I am helping Allison cook dinner, spaghetti, and meatballs with salad on the side."
"As you two have girl time, I can play with Hope. We can have dinner on the back porch."
"Killian, that is a great idea. After dinner, Allison, Hope and I are going to go to the mall for shopping."
"Aye, Henry and I are going to the ride place."
"Yes, it is called an amusement park. You will have fun."
"Aye, I know Henry will have fun like he did last night."
Emma smiles. "He sure did. I knew that he and I would be going on the roller coasters a lot. Oh, just do not go on the roller coasters first right after we eat."
"Why swan?"
"Roller coasters can be really fast and you do not want to puke after the ride. Especially when you are with Henry, who goes on each roller coaster more than once."
"Love, we will have fun."
"I know you both will."
"I can hold Hope so you tan."
"Sure." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to her Daddy. Emma takes a towel and tans on the sand, while Hope snuggles on Killian's chest, sound asleep. Allison and Henry return from the ocean. "Emma, do you mind if I join you?"
"Sure, you can." They tan together. Henry and Killian talk underneath the shade as Hope takes her nap. A few hours later, they head back into their beach house. Killian and Henry placed the beach chairs, umbrella in the entrance, while Emma gives Hope a bath, and Allison takes a shower. Henry finds his Mom changing Hope into a new outfit in their room. "Mom, I can watch Hope, while you take a shower."
"Kid, that will be great." Henry holds Hope as Emma takes a shower.
"Hope, did you have fun at the ocean today little sis?" hope coos and moves around. "Yes, you did I had fun making a big sandcastle with auntie Allison and Daddy. When you are older Hope, you can help us." Hope grunts. "No? Hope you do not like the sand? You like the ocean?" Hope happily coos. "Hope, even though we like different things, I still love you, little sis." He gives her multiple kisses. He lies down on their parent's bed with Hope on his chest, who was doing tummy time on Henry. "Hope, you like doing tummy time on me?" Hope smiles. "You are getting stronger little sis." Emma gets out of the shower, seeing Hope with Henry. "Hope, Mommy is out of the shower little sis." He places Hope on the bed as Emma sat criss-cross nearby Hope.
"Hope, I have Pluto." Hope gets her head up. She reaches towards her Mommy. "Hope, you want Mommy?" She moves closer to Hope and placed her hand nearby her daughter. Hope puts a hand on her Mommy's hand. "Hope! You my sweet little girl, who I love so much." Henry takes a picture of their moment between mother and daughter. "Yes, you love reaching out to me." Hope smiles. "Yes, you do." She gives Hope kisses on her cheeks.
"Mom, she knows you missed all of these moments with me, she is making sure you are not missing anything with her."
Emma smiles. "Yes, you got that right, Henry. Hope is not letting me miss any of her moments." Hope makes a noise to be noticed. Emma giggles and smiles. "Hope, I am watching you, sweetie." Hope smiles.
"Mom, I told you, Hope knows."
"Your sister knows and loves the attention, that I give her." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, are you hungry sweetie?" She picks Hope up from the bed. "Mommy will feed you, sweetie." Henry gives his Mom a burp towel and Hope latches on.
"Mom, are you having fun on this family vacation?"
"Yes, I am kid. This is all I ever dreamt of growing up, having a loving family to go on the same vacation trips every year. When I was a kid, that is all I ever wanted...a family and a home." Henry hugs his Mom, "Mom, you have me, Hope, Dad and Aunt Allison. We are your family do not ever forget that." He kisses his Mom on the head. Hope placed her hands on her Mommy's chest.
Emma smiles."Yes, you all are my family. I love our family for the way it is."
"So, do we Mom." He hugs her.
"I love you both so much." SHe kisses Henry on the head and Hope on the head.
"Mom, I can burp her."
"Sure you can." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and burps her while she cleans up. "Henry, make sure she burps, if she does not her tummy with have gas bubbles that will hurt her tummy."
"Mom, I will make sure she burps."
"Can you watch her? I got to help Allison with dinner."
"Sure, I can. Hope and I can have story time in my room and tummy time."
"Henry, just be careful when Hope does tummy time on your bed."
"Mom, I will not let her get hurt."
"Good." She kisses him on the head and Hope on her head. "Hope, have fun with Henry sweetie." Emma goes to Allison's room waited by the door for her best friend who was facetiming her husband. "Ted, I will talk to you tomorrow, Emma and I are cooking dinner tonight."
"You are not going out to eat?"
"We did last night. Emma, Hope and I are going shopping this evening while Killian and Henry are going to the boardwalk amusement park."
"Allison, you look like you are having a fun time."
Allison smiles. "Yes, I am. They are my extended family, I am spending time with Hope, Henry and Emma, and Killian. It has been a fun and relaxing trip."
"I am just happy you are on a vacation and enjoying yourself. I will talk to you tomorrow." They ended their video chat.
"Emma, you are right behind me?"
Emma laughs. "By your door to be exact. Do we have everything to cook dinner?"
"Yes, let's get started." Emma and Allison cook downstairs. Emma made the salad and helped Allison make the sauce. "Allison, I had no idea, making homemade sauce has so many ingredients."
"Yes, Emma, it may look simple but it is not."
Killian entered the kitchen. "Hello, loves. How is it going in here?"
"Emma is learning a lot from me."
Killian smiles. "Aye, I can see that. Do you need any help?"
"Not, now."
"I suggested that we eat dinner on the back porch."
"Killian that is a great idea. When dinner is almost done, you and Henry can set up the table for dinner."
"Aye, Henry and I both will." He leaves the room with Allison and Emma talking while they were cooking dinner. He finds Henry and Hope in his room. "Hi, lad."
"Hi, Dad."
"How is Hope?"
"I told her a story and she taking a nap." Henry gets a facetime call from Regina. "Dad, can you stay in here?"
"Sure lad."
"My other mom is calling me. I have not spoken to her since the incident."
"I will stay, lad." Henry answers the facetime call.
"Hi, Mom." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, it is okay little sis. Dad, can you hold her?"
"Sure, lad."He takes Hope from him and she begins to cry. "Henry, she wants you." He adjusted his iPhone and adjusted sleeping Hope was who was calming down on his chest and shoulder and gives her a kiss on the head. "Henry, how is your Florida trip?"
"It is fun, we are going to the beach every day, we had lobster last night for dinner, which was amazing. Hope loves the ocean, like Dad. Mom and Aunt Allison are cooking dinner."
" I just want to say first. That I am sorry, I know Robin's daughter makes you feel mad and makes your sister terrified."
"Do you? I do not think so."
"Henry, I know the last time we spoke, when she came into the room made you mad that she made you sister upset."
"Mom, it is just not only Hope that Robin's daughter that made me mad. She makes me mad and feels horrible at the same time." Hope cries.
"Lad, I can hold her. I am not going anywhere." Killian comforts Hope. "Hope, it is okay, little love. Daddy got you. Henry is expressing his feelings to his other Mom." He kisses Hope and bounces her, to calm her down from crying.
"Mom, Robin's daughter makes me mad reminding me that I could not be honest in my own home, I could not be open, it was hard as a child that I could not be open I get that feeling every time I see her."
"What do you mean as a child?" Killian opens the door, so Emma can hear Henry anger. Back in the kitchen, Emma hears Henry yelling. "Allison, Henry is yelling. I got to go see what is going on."
"Emma, go. I got everything under control in here." A few minutes later, Emma arrives.
"What is going on?"
"Regina facetime call Henry. Their conversation got really ugly really quick."
"Killian, can you take Hope downstairs? I can be with Henry."
"Love, he asked me to stay."
Allison arrives, "Is everything alright?"
"No, Regina called Henry, which is one of the reasons why he is mad. Henry wanted Killian to stay, can you take Hope downstairs?'
"Sure, I can."
Killian hands over Hope to Allison."Thank you, love. Hope is already upset because her brother is mad."
"Hope, you want to cook with Auntie Allison and be my little chef?" Hope coos. Allison gives Hope a few kisses on her cheek. "Emma and Killian, Hope will be fine with me." Allison takes Hope downstairs. They continue to listen to Henry's conversation with Regina.
"I had no friends mom, I was alone for most of the childhood. You were awake during the whole curse and you could not tell me who you was and you could not help me not be lonely, while everyone else was on the same day and time every day. I was the only one growing up. I did not have too many experiences in my childhood."
"Henry, we were in a curse."
"Yes, that you created."
"Henry, we were in a curse."
"Yes, you could not tell I was unhappy and alone? That I had no friends?"
"Henry, I gave you everything."
"Mom, I could not be open to you, even before I knew you were the evil queen. I was, of course, open up at school to my teachers. As I got older, I began to open up to you, now that you have Robin, I am happy for you. I cannot stand Rowand, who reminds me everytime I see her a dark secret, which makes me not being able to open at all, the complete opposite. Being walled up at home as a child, I had no one to talk to, since I was alone all the time. I do not want to have that feeling ever again, which Rowand reminds me of every time I see her."
"Henry, I am so sorry that you feel that way. I had no idea you felt like that as a child. I love you."
"You never asked how I felt. I am still having trouble making friends in school."
"Henry, I can help you make friends."
"Mom, I do need friends but now I am enjoying time with my family." He ends the facetime call and looks up seeing both of his parents there. Once he sees them, he starts crying. They both hug him at the same time and let him cry.
"Henry, we are here for you."
"Son, we are not going anywhere."
He hugs his Dad."Dad, thank you for staying. I needed the support."
Killian hugs Henry tighter."Anytime, Henry."
"Mom." He hugs her.
"Henry, I am right here. I am here, Henry." She rubs his back and kisses him on the head.
"Mom, I love you so much."
"I love you too, Henry."
"Can you stay?"
"Of course, Henry." They sit on his bed. Emma rubbing his back as he was hugging her.
"Emma, I am going to check on Allison and Hope..."
Henry holds his Dad's hook. "Dad, please stay." Emma and Killian both look at each other.
"Henry, I will stay, lad." He sits next to Henry on his other side.
"Good, I know you both heard me talking to my other mom about my childhood and about Rowand. It is all true. Mom, please do not be sad, I am here with you now, which is more important to me."
"Yes, Henry, that is more important now. You have me, your Dad, your sister and Aunt Allison. We all love you."
"Yes, I love you all too. I can be open with you Mom since we met. I could not be open as a child to my other mom, you taught me how to be open when we met. I am so happy you did."
Emma smiles. "Henry, you are my first family you can be yourself around me and everyone else in our family, which is the best thing that you can be yourself."
"Lad, you Mom taught me that, to be honest. She created our family to be trustworthy and honest."
"Yes, our small honest family."
"That is right kid." He kisses her on the head. Killian and Emma hold hands and looked at each other knowing they are being the best parents that they can be for their children. Henry stayed in between his parents for a while, until he fell asleep on Emma's lap.
Emma hugs Henry and whispered, "Killian, he really trusts you when he wanted you to be here for their whole conversation."
Killian whispered."Aye, I know the look on his face when told me that he did not want to be alone, I knew he needed me to there for him."
"Yes, you are doing the right thing for him as his Dad, being there for him when he needs you."
"Aye, love. That I am. I know Henry and I will have fun tonight at the ride place."
Emma smiles. "Yes, you will both have fun tonight."
"Aye, a boys night out is needed especially after his intense venting conversation."
"Yes, Regina was very surprised on how he felt. He is open up now that he has been feeling for all of these years of being alone, no one to talk to, not even to her..."
"Emma, you are here for him now which is all that matter."
"I know. I just think of what would happen if I..."
"Emma, you cannot change the past. We are raising Henry now to be open, a trustworthy family which he is loving now. He loves you so much."
"Yes, he does. I love him so much, I will do anything to make him happy always." SHe kisses Henry on the head. " He loves you as his Dad, Hope, and Allison."
"Yes, he loves spending time with his family."
"Yes, he does." They kiss.
"Love, I will go check on Allison and Hope." He knew Emma needed time with her son, knowing how much Henry needed her now and then. She is making up all the time she missed out on Henry growing up. Killian finds Allison wearing Hope in her carrier teaching Hope how to cook. He watched Allison cooking with his daughter. He is so grateful for having Allison in the family. "Hope, when the sauce is all bubbly meaning that the sauce is almost done." Hope coos. "Yes, this is going to be delicious. You like being my little chef?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do." She kisses Hope on the head. "When you are older you can help me cook anytime, little niece." Hope makes a loud noise, which makes Allison and Killian both smile. "Allison do you need any help?"
"Yes, can you drain the pasta?"
"Aye, I can." He drains the pasta as Allison put the meatballs in the sauce and turns off the stove flame and covered the pot of sauce.
Allison and Killian talked in the living room on the couch. "How is Henry?"
"He is with Emma. When his other Mom called him, he asked me to stay. It did not take too long for him to be mad and until I had to open the door to get Emma for assistance. Henry was telling Regina how he felt now about you know who and how he felt as a child growing up alone, while his mom was awake in the curse. Hope got upset knowing her brother was upset. Thank you for watching her."
"Killian, it was no problem at all. Since Emma was needed upstairs, I got to teach Hope how to cook instead. Hope, you are my little chef. Right sweetie." Hope smiles and moves around. "I knew Emma was needed since we heard Henry's yelling from down here."
"Luckily, Hope was with you, Henry needed the both of us. When his conversation ended with his other mom, he saw us and began to cry. We just hugged him and listened to him. He did not want me to leave him. He wanted the both of us."
"Killian, you are his father no matter blood related or not. He trusts you that much to be there for him when he needs someone there to support him when he needs it, that is a father."
"I know. He had a look in his eyes saying to me that he needed me. He was really happy that he with us all on this trip."
"He has all of us."
"Aye, he does, Allison."
"Now let's set up the table outside for dinner."
"Aye, I cannot wait to have your sauce, knowing Hope was helping you."
Allison giggled. "Hope was very helpful, she had fun with me and learned how to cook. She knows my secret ingredient."
"Lass, can you tell Daddy what the secret ingredient in your auntie's sauce?" She grips Allison. "Hope, I was only kidding little love." He kisses Hope on the head. They set the table, on the back deck.
Emma was with Henry in his room, when he woke up from his nap. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"Thank you for being there for me today."
"Henry, I will always be there for you when you need me."
"I know, which is why I love you so much and trusts you. From what I said to my other Mom, it is all true about what happened before I met you." Henry hugs his Mom. "Please do not be sad. You are with me now, which all I care about."
"Yes, I love our time together with our family."
"Yes, Mom, our family is very important to me."
"That is what I like to hear, especially coming from you, kid." She kisses him on the head. There was a knock on Henry's door, Allison was there holding Hope. "Emma and Henry dinner is ready."
Henry gets excited."Yes, I am hungry." Emma and Allison both laugh.
"Henry, I did have some help from Hope tonight. Hope is my little chef."
"Hope, were you helping auntie cook?" Hope coos to her Mommy. "Yes, you had fun with her."
"Hope, did you have fun cooking with auntie Allison?" Hope coos and reaches over to her brother. "Hope, you want me, little sis? Okay." Allison hands her over to Henry. "Hope, I am feeling so much better now! I know you saw me mad a while ago, I was not mad at you, only at my other Mom. I can never get mad at yo little sis." He kisses her on the cheeks and her tummy, which makes her smile. "Later, we will have storytime after dinner. Does sound like a good plan?" Hope moved happily in her brother's arms. "Yes, I like the plan too, Hope." He takes her downstairs.
"Emma, he seems so much better than before."
"Yes, he was furious with Regina. Killian and I learned more about Henry from his venting to Regina. After he spoke to her, he was crying to us and he talked to us. We were both there for him. He even told me that he is with us is more important to him now than him growing up alone." Allison placed her hand on Emma's shoulder. "Emma, you are there for him now."
"I know, I am making up time that we had lost together, giving him new experiences and a family who he can be open in and be happy with. After he cried, he slept on my lap, which I cherished it of course and love it. I am giving him the love and attention that he never had in his other home."
"You are Emma, which he needs. We all are loving him."
"How was Hope with you?'
"Oh, Hope had fun with me. I taught her how to cook, she loved spending time with me."
"I had a feeling Hope will have fun with you. Since our cooking lesson got paused, can I come over for a lesson or two?'
"Sure, I can teach you. We can cook at my house or at your house."
"Great." They hug. They walk to the back porch, they see Henry holding Hope, talking to Killian.
"Mom, are you hungry?"
"Yes, I am." Hope fusses in Henry's arms. "Hope, Mommy is here." She takes Hope from her son's arms. "Hope, do you want to me to try your cooking that you helped auntie with?" Hope coos and smiles. "Allison, it smells delicious."
"I did have some help from my little chef." Allison kisses Hope on the cheek. Killian makes Emma plate she held Hope. Emma tried spaghetti, "Allison this is amazing."
"Thank you, Emma." They continued to talk and eat together. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Mommy will feed you, sweetie."
"Love, I will get your a burp towel." He goes upstairs to their room as Emma fed Hope. Killian returned to the burp towel. "Thank you."
"Your welcome love."
Henry finished his meal before his mom. "Mom, I can burp Hope."
"Sure, you can." She hands over Hope to Henry with the burp towel. "Mom, I am going to take Hope inside, for story time." Henry takes Hope back inside to read to her. They finished dinner and cleaned up the table. After the adults, cleaned up, "Emma, are you ready for our girls night?"
"Yes, I am. I have to pack Hope's diaper bag and will be ready soon. Killian, are you ready to have your boy's night with Henry?'
"Aye, love, I am."
Emma goes upstairs to her room to pack Hope's diaper bag. After, she finds Henry reading a story to Hope in his bedroom. "Hey, kid. How is Hope?"
"She is enjoying storytime." He kisses Hope on the head. She sits on the bed. "Hope, are you ready to go shopping our girls night?" Hope smiles. She takes Hope from Henry, "yes you are looking forward to our girls nights."
"Where are you shopping tonight?'
"The mall."
"I know you, Hope and Aunt Allison will have fun tonight. Dad and I are going to have fun tonight."
"Yes, you are. You can show him the rides."
"You bet I am." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Have fun shopping with Mommy and Auntie Allison tonight."
Emma takes Hope downstairs, "Allison someone is excited for girls night."
"Hope are you ready to have fun?" Hope smiles.
"Love, have fun tonight."
"Thank you. Have fun with Henry, tonight."
"Aye, I know we will have fun."
"Text me, how he is, you know about before."
"Emma, he will be fine. He is going to have fun."
"Knowing you two, our son will have fun with you."
"Aye, he will." They kiss. "Hope, have fun with Mommy and Auntie Allison. Be a good girl little love."
"We will see you two tonight."
"Have fun, love." They kiss. Emma buckled Hope in her car seat.
"Hope, we are going shopping." Emma drove to the nearest mall. "Allison, what types of clothes do you usually wear?"
"I like wearing jeans on weekends, at work I wear work wear like work pants, sweaters or short sleeves and work shoes. You?"
"I wear dresses with leggings and knee high boots, or jeans, or ankle booties." She checks on Hope from her mirror, she was sound asleep. "What stores do you shop at?"
"I shop at H&M, Bloomingdales, Marshall's. How about you?"
"I shop anywhere, American Eagle, H&M, now baby stores for Hope. I miss shopping out of Storybrooke."
"Now, we are shopping out of Storybrooke."
"Yes, we are. We cannot shop too much. We still have a weight limit for the flight home."
"We can still shop."
"Yes, we can!" They both laughed as they found the nearest mall. Emma pushed sleeping Hope in the stroller as they were shopping at the mall. "I am so happy that you here, the last time I went to the mall with Killian, he did not like the mall."
"No wonder why he was so happy that I was going with you."
"Yes, you got that right." They both laughed and looked at stores.
Back at the boardwalk, "Dad this is an amusement park."
"Lad, which ride should first?"
"I recommend that one!" He pointed the dark roller coaster that he and his Mom went on last the night before. "Sure, lad." Henry runs to get in line. "Henry, I am right behind you." They worker buckled them in, they sat in front. "Dad, hold on tight.
"Aye, lad. I will."
"This is going to be very fast." The bell rang and the ride went fast. As the ride went on, "Whoo-hoo. Dad this is so awesome!!!" Killian was holding on tight. When the ride ended, "Dad what did you think of the ride?"
Killian was in shock. "Dad. Are you okay?"
"I...I need to get on the land."
"Henry, that was so fast. Faster than the Jolly Roger."
"Did you like it?"
"Yes! Lad. Take me on to another ride!"
"We can try the bumper cars? I have never been on the bumper cars yet."
"Lad, we are going to have fun."
"Yes, we are." They went on the line to wait for their turn. They hitting each other cars and other cars and screamed "Ohh!!" When they hit each other. They continue hitting other cars until the ride was over.
"Lad, you were hitting so many cars."
Henry laughed. "You too Dad. We can go a few more roller coasters still."
"Sure, lad we can. How about the spinning one?"
"Oh, you mean the frisbee one?'
"Aye, it looks like fun."
"Sure we can, I never been on that ride either." They went to the next ride. The strapped in the ride, standing up. The ride turned on and the ride spun really really fast and went up in the air. "This is so much fun!" After their ride, Killian got off the ride first. "Dad, that ride was awesome!"
"It was a fun ride lad, but very dizzy."
"We can sit down for a little while."
Back at the mall, Allison and Emma went stores and bought clothes for them and their children. In one of the stores, Hope wakes up crying. "Hope, what is the matter?" She takes out of the stroller. "Hope, Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted Mommy to hold you that is all." Allison returns from looking around the store. "Allison, Hope wanted to join our shopping."
"Hope, you are joining us. You are always with us on girls day." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Did you found anything in this store?"
"Nothing interesting."
"Same here."
"Want to get dessert?"
"Sure, we can get frozen yogurt."
"Sounds good." Allison pushed the stroller as Emma held Hope. "Hope, you are looking at so many people."
Allison giggles. "Hope loves to look around."
"She sure does, she is very aware of her surroundings."
"Yes, she is." When they were eating Hope fussed in her Mommy's arms and reached out to her auntie. "Hope, you want to spend time with Auntie Allison?"
"Hope, you want me?" Emma hands over Hope to Allison. "Hi, Hope are you having fun on our girls night?" Hope coos and smiles. "Yes, you are."
"Allison, how many more stores do you want to go to?'
"We can go to Primark before we leave. I already have the clothes for Elizabeth and Connor."
"Primark we can look at what they have. I have more romper, and more onesies for Hope and a few shirts for Henry." Emma finished her frozen yogurt as Allison played with Hope until Hope began to cry. "Emma, she needs a change." Emma gets her daughter from her best friend.
"Hope, Mommy will change you, sweetie."They go to the women's room to change Hope. As Hope was being changed, Emma was playing with her. "Yes, are my happy little girl." She gives Hope a lot of kisses, which makes Hope smile. "Hope, we have one more store to shop at tonight. Then we can snuggle when we get home, sweetie." Hope gripped her. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, is she alright?"
"Yes, she is a little clingy that is all."
"I can push the stroller."
"Thank you."
"You welcome, I know Hope does not want to be in the stroller. Right Hope?" Hope smiles at her auntie. They went into Primark, "Emma, here are cute outfits for Hope."
"Hope, look what Auntie Allison found for you, cute outfits."
Emma walked around the store with Hope, "Hope there is swan crib set for you. It will look so cute for your room at home." She looks at the prices and quality. "You are just in luck Hope, it is good quality and cheap price."
"Emma, you found something you like?"
"Yes, I did. Look, swan crib set for Hope."
"Emma that will be perfect for Hope.
"Yes. Are you a fan of Harry Potter?'
"Yes, I am team Gryffindor."
"Me too! I got us matching pajamas!"
"Yes, we are so wearing them tonight!"
"Yes, you got that right! They both laughed. They paid for their clothes and went to the car. Hope began to cry when she was not in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, we are going back to the beach house sweetie." Hope continued to cry. "Allison, I am going to feed her before we leave."
"Emma, I can drive us back."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, I do not mind." Emma feeds Hope. Once she was done Hope continued to cry.
"Hope, what is the matter, baby? I just fed you, and I already changed you. Shh..shh...Mommy got you...Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head, bounced her and rubbed her back.
"Emma, I think Hope is tired."
"That is what I was thinking too. I do not know what she needs at times when I already fed her and changed her."
"Emma, you are doing all you can for Hope. She knows that you are going to help her and be there for her no matter what."
"I always want to do the best for her." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, listen to Mommy. Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Emma sang it a few times until Hope stopped crying and stared at her Mommy with her big blue eyes until she fell asleep smiling in her Mommy's arms.
"See, Emma you made her smile in her sleep." Allison took a picture of Hope smiling in her sleep in Emma's arms.
"Yes, I did. She sure does love my singing voice."
"Yes, she does. Now let's get back home." Emma placed Hope in her car seat. "Sleep dreams my smiley little girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Allison drove them home.
Back at the boardwalk, Henry and Killian ate popcorn and corn dogs on a bench after a few more roller coasters and the Ferris wheel. "Dad, I really am having fun tonight."
"Me too Henry."
"I had a feeling you will like the rides here Dad."
"Son, you know me so well."
"We are very alike, like to have fun on crazy rides."
"Yes, that is sound a lot like us."
"Dad, can we go have a sailing lesson when we get back? Just you and I?'
Killian smiles. "Lad, that will be fun a boys day on the Jolly Roger."
Henry smiles. "Dad, thank you for being here today. I needed your support when my other Mom called me, I just could not be in the room alone."
Killian wrapped his arm around his son. "Lad, I am going to be there for you all the time."
"I needed someone there you or Mom because I had to let out those feelings out that I have not expressed ever about what happened before I found my Mom."
"You finally opened up to my other Mom but it took a very long time."
"Henry it is hard to open up feelings especially when they are held up inside of you for a very long time son."
"I had to express them. I got mad when she did not understand my feelings about Rowand and or was not aware of how I felt as a child. Was Mom upset when she heard all of this?"
"A little but Henry she knows that you are with her now and she is giving you everything."
"Yes, I am happy that I have Mom with me in my life. I am so happy to have Hope as a baby sister, I get to have all of the fun with her, be open with her, honest with her and play with her all the time, the company that I did not have as a child. I do not want my baby sister to be alone. She is always going to be happy."
"Lad, Hope is going to be happy because she has you as her big brother, who will always be there for her."
"Yes, Dad I will. When I saw you and Mom after my conversation ended with my other Mom, I knew my family is going to be there no matter what."
"Henry, your Mom and I will always be there for you and Hope."
"I know." They walked back to the beach house and see the lights on. They entered the house, hearing Hope wailing.
"Allison, what is going on?"
"Hope began crying in the car, Emma fed her before we left. Hope continued to cry so Emma sang to her. Once she stopped crying, I drove us home. She just woke up again crying, Emma trying to calm Hope down."
"Is she sick?"
"No, I checked her temperature. She is fine, just upset."
"I will go help her." Killian went to their room, seeing Emma carrying around crying, Hope. "Emma, I am here."
"Emma, I can hold her now. You look like you need a break."
"Yes, a very needed break. I do not know what to do when she is crying nonstop."
He puts his hand on Emma's shoulder. "Emma, we are a team remember? I can take Hope and calm her down. Rest, love."
"Thank you."
"Remember you are not failing as her mother. You need to rest too." They kiss. Killian takes crying Hope from Emma and sat with Hope in the rocking chair, slowly rocked her and he calmly spoke to her, "Hi, Hope. Daddy is home, little love. I missed you so much. Henry and I rode many rides today. When you are bigger, you, me, Mommy, Auntie Allison and Henry are all going to ride a lot of rides together little love. It will be a lot of fun." Hope slowed calmed down in her Daddy's arms as he continued to speak to her. Emma watched Killian calming down their little girl, knowing them as a team, they will get through anything with their children whenever they needed them. As her adoring husband talked to Hope, she smiled knowing Hope missed her Daddy when they were out shopping. "That is right little love, Henry and I went on so many rides today. Tomorrow, you and I are going to swim tomorrow in the ocean. Would you like that little lass?" Hope smiles and coos. "Aye, Hope. I cannot wait to swim with you." He kisses Hope on the head. He rocked her until she fell asleep in her arms. "That is a good little lass." Emma approaches her husband, feeling so much better. She kissed his head. "Hope just missed her Daddy."
"You don't say. I missed both of my loves."
"Hope missed you so much when we were leaving she began to cry, now I knew she missed you."
"I miss you too love." Killian placed sleeping Hope in her crib.
"Yes, I missed you too. Knowing you, you were happy I went to the mall with Hope and Allison while you and Henry were on the rides."
"Aye, you got that right. How were your girls night?"
Emma giggled. "Allison and I shopped a lot. I got Hope and Henry a lot of clothes. And clothes for you too."
"Emma, we need a date night while we are on vacation."
"Yes, we do need a date night. I have a babysitter in mind."
"You do not say swan?"
Emma giggle and they kiss. They go downstairs to see what was going on. Henry and Allison were talking. Heney saw his Mom. "Mom!" He runs and hugs her. "Dad and I went on a few roller coasters tonight, no as much as we did. He was a little scared." They sat on the couch.
"Lad, I was not afraid."
"Sure, Dad. You were gripping on all of the roller coasters we rode tonight." Emma and Allison laughed. "We went on a bumper cars ride a few times, we were mostly hitting each other. We went on a ride called a frisbee ride. Dad got sick afterward."
"Lad, I did not get sick."
"Dad, your face turned green and you headed straight to the garbage can after we sat for a while."
"What is the frisbee ride Henry?"
"Aunt Allison, it is where your strapped standing up and the rides turn around so fast and moved around as your being turned. It was so awesome!"
"Henry sounds like you had a lot of fun tonight with your Dad."
"You are right mom. We did." Henry hugs his Dad."Dad can we another boys night?"
"Sure we can. Instead of rides, there are games."
"Oh, you mean at the arcade?!"
"Henry I got you new clothed as I was shopping, in the Primark bags. He goes get the Primark bags. "Mom, You got me Gryffindor pajamas!"
"Yes, I did. I also got your Dad matching pajamas. Allison and I got matching Gryffindor pajamas too."
"Awesome!! Can we wear them tonight and take a group photo?!" They all looked at each other and laughed. "Henry, we can."
"Great I will go get changed."
"Henry, do not wake your sister up. Your Dad just calmed her down, she missed your Dad so much tonight."
"Mom, I will not wake her up." He goes upstairs.
"Killian you calmed Hope down?"
"Aye, Allison. Knowing how stressed Emma was, I know Hope was would calm down with me. I calmly spoke to her and rocked her in my arms. She slowly stopped crying."
"Hope just missed her Daddy. Allison, we can do girls day during the day so Hope won't miss Killian to much."
"That is a good idea, Emma."
"We are planning a date night, sometime this week, can you watch Hope?"
Allison smiles. "Emma, Hope will be so happy that I get to spend a few hours watching her. I know Henry is going to be happy we are going to be talking the whole time you two are out."
"Mom, Dad, Aunt Allison us babysitting Hope again?"
"Yes, when your Dad and I have our date night."
"Yes! Aunt Allison, can we talk a lot like last time?'
Allison laughs at his excitement. "Henry, I know that we will be fun. Hope will love playing with you and me."
"I know. That is why I am looking forward to it." He hugs his aunt. Killian, Emma Allison all changed into their pajamas They took photos in the living room. Killian took pictures of Allison and Emma together in their matching pajamas. "Dad in their matching outfits, now they really are like twins."
"Lad, I am thinking the exact same thing." They both laughed. They hear Hope crying.
"Mom, Dad I will get Hope." Henry changes Hope into a clean diaper and gives her kisses on her head. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun shopping with Mommy and Auntie Allison?" Hope coos. "Yes, you did. Hope everyone is downstairs." He brings his little sister downstairs. "Mom, Dad, Aunt Allison, Hope wanted to join our fun."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, Mom." He kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to their Mom. "Hi, Hope. You know you were missing the fun and wanted to join us, sweetie?" Hope coos and gripped her, Mommy. "Aw, Hope. You can join us." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, Mommy and auntie are matching pajamas." Hope looked back and forth between her Mommy and auntie.
"Love, Hope she knows you are a lot like."
"Oh, yes she does. Killian, your daughter is very smart and knows Emma is her Mommy and I am her auntie."
"Killian our daughter is very smart and can tell us apart." Killian takes a few pictures of three girls together and Henry joined them in a few photos. Allison took a photo of the Swan Jones family together. Emma took a photo of Allison with Hope and Henry, and Killian took a photo of them together with Emma included. Henry did a selfie of all five them in a photo. Hope fusses and reached out for her auntie. "Hope, you want to play with Auntie?" Allison takes Hope from Emma. "Emma, I will play with her a little bit and then put her to bed."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome. I know when mom's need a break."
"Hope, have fun with auntie Allison. Do not keep her up too late sweetie." Emma heads upstairs. "Emma."
"I am coming." She returns Hope crying. "Hope, you want spend time with the both of us together? A little more girl time?" Hope smiles. "You are my little pirate princess. Allison, she wants to spend more time with us, making it up for missing Killian." "Hope, are you making it up from before? More girl time?" Hope smiles, which makes them both smile. Allison talked to Hope about her job and their family. Emma got to learn more about Allison's family. When Hope fell asleep, it was around 2:00 am. "Emma she is finally asleep." Allison slowly passes Hope over to Emma. They quietly went upstairs. Emma placed Hope in her crib and snuggled with Killian. Henry and Hope are the most important people in her life, her children, she knows that she will be there for them whenever they need her, no matter what. She has Killian and Allison to help her whenever they are needed. Killian and Emma love their children and will always be there for the both of them, always.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now