Life Unexpected

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Hope was having a rough night. Emma and Killian took turns trying to calm down their little love. Emma was pacing around the room with crying Hope. "Hopey, Mommy got you, sweetie." Hope continued to wail. "You are fed, clean, and we gave you your medicine. Hope what is the matter, sweetie?" She rubs Hope's back. "I know you are in a lot of pain baby. Mommy wants to make you happy...I know you are tired of being in pain sweetie. We all want you to be happy and not in pain anymore." Henry hears his sister crying nonstop and knowing his parents are tired. Henry goes to his room. "Mom, can I watch Hope?"
"Henry. She has been crying nonstop. We do not know what is wrong."
"Mom, I think Hope wants me. You both look like you need a break."
"Kid, you need to sleep."
"Mom, I am on winter break. I also want to watch Hope, please. I am Hope's babysitter."
Emma smiles. "Okay, if you get tired or if anything else goes wrong you can bring her to us."
"Yes, Mom." He gets his upset sister from their Mom. "Hi, little sis. I know you are not happy. Henry is here to make you happy." He kisses his sister on the head. "You and I are going to have one on one time now. Would you like that?" Hope continued to cry. "Mom, Dad get some rest. Hope wants to be with me. We will be in my room."
"Thank you, Henry. We both need some sleep."
"Your welcome. Hope, you and I are going to play or read stories in my room." Henry takes Hope into his room.
Emma sits on her bed next to husband. He wraps her in his arms. "I do not know what is wrong with our daughter."
"Love, she is in a lot of pain. She is probably frustrated and tired of being in constant pain."
"Hope is in pain all of the time. I want to hug her and make her pain go away. I do not want our baby girl to be in recovery."
"Hope is a little fighter, she is strong and brave which she takes after from you love, her Mommy. You and I are a team we are going through this together. We have Henry to help us, now. He loves his baby sister and he wants to be there. "
"Henry is giving us a break. I just want Hope to stop crying."
"Love, she will. She knows that she is safe with you me and Henry."
"Hope is very lucky she has all of us who love her."
"Aye, she is our lucky little lass." Emma hugs her husband and falls asleep in his arms. "Rest now, Emma. I am going to be awake just in case our children need us." He kisses Emma on the head.
Henry sitting on his bed with Hope into his arms. "Hope, we are in my room little sis." Hope gripped her brother. "You are safe little sis. You are with me your big brother your hero. I know you are in pain. I want you to make you happy. Mommy, Daddy, and Henry want you to make you feel better. We love you, Hope." He kisses her on the head and rubbed her back. Henry slowly lifted Hope up and down, trying to make Hope happy. "Hope...up...and down...up...and down." Hope slowly stopped crying. While she was being lifted up and down, she pukes and lands on Henry's face. Hope began to cry and Henry was in shock. "Mom!" Emma wakes up and she and Killian rush to Henry's room and they see Hope crying and Henry face covered in puke.
"Oh my gosh." She quickly gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, are you not feeling well? I know you did not mean to get sick on your brother." She comforts Hope as Killian helps Henry. "Henry, are you okay?"
"Just surprised that is all"
"Lad, I will help you get cleaned off." He helps Henry off his bed. Henry leans over and hurls.
"Henry, it is alright kid. We will clean your carpet. For now, your Dad will help you get cleaned up and then you can drink ginger ale."
"Love, I got him. You have Hope."
"Thanks, I am just hoping Hope's vomit is not a stomach virus that can cause her blood vessel to burst again and both kids are sick."
"Love we will get through this, both of them being sick. Lad, come on." He takes Henry to the bathroom.
"Hope, Mommy will clean you up. If you are sick, Mommy will take care of you and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma changes Hope's outfit. Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy will make you feel better. Mommy knows that you are sick and you are in pain. Mommy is here."
Killian helps Henry get cleaned off. "Thank you, Dad. I did not get expect to get puked on by Hope."
"Lad, we get puked on by Hope all the time, mostly your Mom. Never in the face."
"Do you think Hope and I are sick?'
"Possibly, Henry."
"Is Mom going to be more stress about Hope..."
"What do you mean Henry?"
"She is going to be more worried Hope in recovery and now being sick."
"Lad, your Mom and I are working together to help you and Hope to get better."
"How am I going to help Hope if I am sick?" Killian puts his hand on his son's shoulder. "Henry, you are sick. It is your Mom and my job is to help you and Hope both to get better. I know even if your sick, you are going to help us with Hope."
"I am just worried if Hope's sickness will affect her fractured rib recovery."
"Your mom and I are going to be keeping a close eye on your sister tonight. We know if something goes wrong, we are going to bring Hope to the hospital."
"I do not want Hope to be in pain and sick at the same time."
"So do we, Henry. That is why your Mom and I going to keep a close on your sister tonight." He hugs his son. Henry goes to the toilet and pukes.
"Dad, I think I am sick."
"Aye, lad, you are. You have your Mom and I going to take care of you until you get better."
After Henry finished puking," I can take care of myself you and Mom can focus on Hope, she needs you both."
"Lad, our family gives both of our children an equal amount of care."
"Hope needs you both."
"You are our son lad. We are going to take care of you too. I know your Mom is going to enjoy both of her children needing her when you both are sick at the same time."
"I did not think of that...Mom missed everything with me as a child. I know she is making it up time with me now and taking advantage of being a Mom from the beginning with Hope. Also, Mom having the two of us together. I am not jealous of Hope, she makes Mom so happy. I know Mom is loving her time with Hope and I. I am enjoying Mom being my Mom 24/7."
"That is right, Henry. After all your Mom been through, Hope you and I are giving your Mom the life she always deserves."
"That is right." Henry pukes again in the toilet after he was finished he changed into pajamas and went to check on his sister and their Mom.
"Mom." Henry enters Hope's room after a shower and in a new set of pajamas. He hugs his Mom.
"You can join me, Hope, Dad and I in our room tonight."
"I am sick"
She hugs her son."The more reason you are sleeping with us." She kisses Henry on the head. She feels her son's forehead. "You have a fever, Henry."
"Love, I will clean Henry's carpet with paper towels baking soda and vacuum afterward."
"Can you get ginger ale from Henry first?"
"Of course, love." Emma takes Hope and Henry to her room.
"Henry, lie down and rest while I calm down your sister." Henry lies down on his parents' bed. Emma slowly rubs Hope's back until Hope fell asleep on her. "Rest now, sweetie. Sleep will make you feel better sooner." Emma sits down on her bed.
"I think I made Hope sick?"
"How Henry?"
"I was trying to make her happy by slowly lifting her up and down. She stopped crying then all of the sudden she puked on my face."
"Henry, you were making her happy. You did not get her sick, kid. I knew something was wrong when my usual techniques with Hope weren't working. How are you feeling kid?"
"I am feeling nauseous and I puked more in the bathroom a few times.. I am not mad at Hope, I knew something was wrong with her. I was surprised that she puked on me."
She wrapped her arm around her son. "You and Hope are going to be sleeping with me tonight, alright?"
"I just need my Mom." He hugs his Mom.
"I am here. I am here for both of you and Hope. I hate seeing both of my babies sick at the same time."
Killian returns to his bedroom seeing his wife and two kids cuddling on Emma. "Lad, drink this, the ginger ale will make you feel better." He hands Henry the glass of ginger ale. Henry hands it back to his Dad and runs to the bathroom and pukes.
"Henry and Hope are both sick."
"I know, love. We are in this together."
"Yes, we are. I having a feeling we won't get sleep tonight. Now we have to make sure Hope vomit is not blood."
"For now she is sleeping."
"Yes, she is." Henry returns and gets the glass of ginger ale and drinks it.
"Thanks, Dad."
"You are welcome, Henry." Henry joins his Mom and sister, Emma hugs her son.
"Love, let me know if you three need anything."
"I will. So far, I have both of them with me."
"They both know you are there for me."
"Yes, they do. With your help, we are going to help them to get better soon."
"Aye, they will get better soon." Henry falls asleep on his Mom. Hope woke up crying.
"Hope, Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope vomited over her Mommy's shoulder and began to cry.
"Mom, I can hold Hope while you get changed."
"Thank you, Henry." She hands over Hope to her son. "Hope, Henry wants to hold you." Emma changes her shirt and pillowcase.
"Hope, I am not mad at you little sis for puking on me. I knew you weren't yourself. You and I are sick and we are going to get better soon. I know you are in pain and sick. Mommy, Daddy and Henry are going to be there for you until you feel better." He kisses Hope on the head. "Henry is here."
"Mommy is here little sis. I know you want Mommy. We both want Mommy with us when we are sick. We have the best Mommy ever who loves us and care for us especially when we are sick." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma sits back next to her two children. She takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, Mommy is here. "Henry hugs his Mom and lets Hope hold his finger. "Mommy and Henry are here sweetie." She kisses her daughter on the head. Henry and Hope fell asleep, Emma watched them sleeping and hearing the vacuum running in the next room. Killian joined his family after he cleaned Henry's bedroom carpet. He sees both of their children sleeping on Emma.
"They are both asleep."
"Aye, do you want me to call Allison to make a house call?"
"Yes, I want them both of them to be checked out by her. Both of my babies are sick."
"Love, they have you as their mother and they know you are going to help them. I am at your side, helping our two children when they are sick."
"You always be on my side and I will always be there for my family." Hope woke up. "Hi, little love." Hope makes her poop face. "Little love, do you need a change?" He takes Hope to her to her room to change her diaper. "Little love, let's see what you got yourself into." He opens her diaper and saw diarrhea. "My little pirate you are a messy little lass. Dada will clean you up." He changes Hope's diaper and into pirate pajamas. "You are my little pirate is all clean." Hope began to cry. "Little love." He picks his daughter up and consoles her. "Are you in pain?" Hope gave him a sad look with her matching ocean blue eyes, "Daddy is going to give you your medicine." He kisses Hope on the head. He carries Hope into his room. "Love, Hope needs her medicine. She has diarrhea."
"She definitely has a stomach bug." Killian hands her over Hope.
"I will be right back with her medicine love."
"Hope, I am sorry you are a sick sweetie. Mommy will make you feel better. I know you are in pain and sick at the same time is not good." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy got you. You are with Mommy, Hope." Henry woke up and headed straight to the bathroom. "You are not the only one sick, Henry is not feeling well too, sweetie." Hope babbled. "Yes, you and your brother are going to spend a lot of time together." Hope continues to cry. Killian arrives with Hope's medicine.
"Little love, Daddy has your medicine to make you feel better." Emma positions Hope so Killian can give Hope her medicine. "Hope, Jolly Roger needs a place to land.." Hope continued to cry and puke. Emma stands up and comforts Hope. "Hope you are alright sweetie. Mommy is here...Mommy is going to make you feel better. I know you are feeling really sick. Mommy is going to give a lot of hugs, kisses, and snuggles until you feel better." She rubs Hope's back to calm her down. Hope puked over Emma's shoulder. "Killian, we have Pedialyte downstairs, that can help her with her stomach bug. Also, a plastic container for her vomit."
"Aye, I think we are running low on the medicine. In the morning, after Allison comes over I can go get their medicine."
"Great. Now we need clean bedsheets and our floor needs to be clean."
"Love, we will get our room clean eventually. "
"Eventually. I think we should give her Pedialyte first then her other medicine. Please bring up more ginger ale for Henry, he is going to need to drink a lot of fluids."
"Love, I will be right back. With Hope's medicine, clean sheets and ginger ale for Henry."
"You are the best."
"Anytime, love. We are team captain swan."
"Yes, we are." They kiss. When he was downstairs, Killian makes a phone call.
"Hello, Killian?"
"Good evening, Allison. Sorry to call so late."
"That is alright. I am still up. Is everything alright?"
"Hope and Henry both have a stomach virus. Can you make a house call in the morning?"
"Oh no, they are both sick."
"Aye, Hope was crying nonstop and Henry watched her and he ends up getting puked on his face."
"I will come in the morning."
"Thank you, love. Emma is concerned about Hope's fractured rib recovery, the internal bleeding."
"Killian, instead of me coming over. You and Emma can bring Henry and Hope to my office tomorrow morning. I need to check Hope's internal bleeding recovery using the machines at the hospital."
"That is no problem love. We are giving Hope Pedialyte and Henry ginger ale."
"Henry can also drink Gatorade. I can check on both of them in the morning."
"Emma and I very appreciate it, Hope is vomiting all over our bedroom and Henry is sleeping with us."
"Killian, they are sick at the same time, it is better than going through it over again a second time. For now, keep Henry hydrated and Hope her medicines. I will see my extended family in the morning."
"Thank you, Allison. Good night."
"Good night, Killian." They ended their phone call.
He returns upstairs with Hope's medicine, Henry's ginger ale, and clean bedsheets. Henry returns in the room. "Lad, here is your ginger ale."
"Thank you." Henry drinks ginger ale. Killian changes their bedsheets. Emma sets Hope on her lap. "Hope, this medicine will help your tummy sweetie."
"Hope, the Jolly Roger needs a place to land." Hope opens her mouth as her Daddy spoon fed her medicine to her. "Good little love." Killian gets Hope's other medicine. "Hope, one more time little lass. The Jolly Roger needs a place to land." Hope ate her medicine. "Little love, you are a good little love. You ate your medicine." Emma nursed her daughter.
She kisses Hope on the head."Mommy is proud of you eating both of your medicines." Henry sits next to his Mom and sister. "Henry, how are you?" She gives him a hug.
"Being sick sucks."
"I know. I am just hoping this stomach bug of yours lasts only 24 hours."
"Me too. How is Hope? She does not look happy."
"She is in pain and vomiting. Both of the medicines that we gave her will make her less uncomfortable."
"Hope it is okay, little sis. You and I are going to get better really soon. Since we are both sick, we can read, watch movies and play together." Henry rubs Hope's hand.
"Henry, I know Hope is going to have fun with you."
"I know. I have a feeling you are going to be with us Mom."
"You are right Henry. I know Hope just wants to be held by me."
"You are welcome to join Hope and me."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. You are our Mom, we both love spending time with you."
"I love spending time with both of my kids together. We can watch movies all day if you are not up to draw or lounge around here."
"That sounds great." Henry hugs his Mom and fell asleep on her and after Hope was nursed she fell asleep on her Mommy.
"Love, I called Allison. She told me that we need to bring them to her office tomorrow. She wants to check on Hope's recovery and internal bleeding besides examining both of them."
"Before we leave tomorrow, we both need showers."
"Aye, we both do. Rest love, I can watch Hope."
"Thank you." Emma falls asleep.
"You are welcome, love." He watched his family sleep together. Killian stayed up all night, he helped Emma by changing Hope's diarrhea diapers, while she nursed Hope a lot, knowing they will have a long day ahead of them with their children being sick.
The next morning, Killian got Hope's diaper bag packed while letting his family sleep in. He hears Hope crying. He enters the room as Henry rushing to the bathroom. He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, Daddy got you." He takes Hope to her room and sat on the rocking chair. Hope puked on herself and began to cry more. "Little love, Daddy will clean you up. Don't cry." He changed Hope into a clean diaper and a clean onesie. Henry comes in with a wet rag. "Dad, I think you need this."
"Thank you, Henry. How are you feeling?"
"Still feel pretty bad."
"Your Mom and I are taking you and Hope to your aunt's office so she can examine the both of you and see how Hope's recovery is going along. Right, Hope. We need to know how are you getting better from your recovery?" He gently rubs Hope's belly. He cleans Hope with the wet rag. "Lad, go get ready. You can drink ginger ale and eat dry toast."
"I really do not have an appetite."
"Lad, you need to eat."
"Can I bring Hope with me? I know you were up all night with her."
"Aye, of course, you can. Hope, have fun with Henry. Daddy and Mommy need to take showers before we visit Auntie Allison at work." Hope smile. "Aye, you are looking forward to seeing your auntie." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"Hope, let's have some Henry and Hope time in the kitchen." Henry takes Hope downstairs to the kitchen to have something to eat and play with his sister. Killian went back to his room and cuddle with his wife who was still asleep and fell asleep. Emma woke up in Killian's arms and noticed that their two children are not in the room. She kisses Killian on the head. She takes a long needed shower and got ready. She goes downstairs and finds her children in the kitchen, Henry eating toast while Hope on his lap. "When we get home from Aunt Allison's work you, Mommy and I are going to watch movies and play." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You and I will have Henry and Hope time." Hope fussed. "Hope, you want to hug?" Henry let Hope hug him. "You give the best hugs Hope."
"Henwy." Emma and Henry smile.
"Hope, are you hugging Henry?" Hope smiled. She kisses her daughter on the cheek.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. How are you feeling?"
"Still nauseous."
"We are going to your aunt today." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Mommy will feed you right now." Emma nurses Hope.
"How are you, Mom? Tired?"
"Your Dad was the one who was watching Hope all night. I was only nursing her when Hope is sick all she wants to do is nurse and cuddle."
"I mean, are you more stressed from Hope's recovery and that Hope and I are both sick?"
"Henry, I am your Mom and it is my job to take care of both of you and your sister especially when you both are sick."
"Are you more worried now about Hope?"
"We are going to check on Hope's recovery while we are there to make sure she is not having anymore internal bleeding." Henry lets Hope hold his finger. "Hope is going to be alright, Henry."
"I want Hope not be in pain and you less stressed."
"Even though Hope is going through a rough time, Hope is not alone, she has you me and your Dad to take care of her. She has all of us with her...when I was a child I did not have anyone who cared to help me when I was sick or injured. I promised myself at a very young age that I will be a parent that will always be there for their children a real parent, not the mean ones that I had in the foster system. " Henry hugs his Mom without squishing Hope who was still eating. Hope fussed.
"Hope, is Henry squishing you while you are eating?"
"Sorry, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry. Emma burped her daughter.
"Hope, Mommy is here."She kisses Hope on the head. Henry gets Hope her favorite toy. "Mommy is here...mommy got are with Mommy Hope." She calmly spoke to Hope and rubbed her back. "You are with Mommy...Mommy is here to make you feel safe, loved and happy all the time." Hope stopped crying. Emma put Hope in her arms, "Hope, it is my job as your Mommy to be there for you always when you need me, care for you, give all the hugs and kisses and love you always. I love you so much, Hope."
"That is right Hope, Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope fussed. "Hope.." She positioned Hope on her shoulder. Hope gave her a hug. "Hopey, you give the best hugs." Hope babbled. "You know that I needed your extra Hope love, right? You were listening to Mommy and Henry talking about my past with mean parents, not your grandparents. I am there for you and Henry and how I am going to be the best Mommy for you and Henry?" Hope ahhed. "You are Mommy's little girl...yes you are. I will always be there for you as you are there for me." Henry returned to the kitchen with Hope's Pluto doll and smiles seeing his Mom and sister bonding. "Mom, I see you got Hope to calm down."
"Yes, I did. She was listening in our conversation. She knows like you that I love you both so much. She knows when I need extra love."
"Hope, are you having special time with our Mommy little sis?" Hope smiled. Henry gently kissed her on the cheek. "Good little sis, you and I are showing Mommy how much we love her."
"I just calmly spoke to her that she is with me, how I am always going to be there for her..."
"Mom, you are our Mom. You are the best Mom which Hope and I know that already. Hope is showing how much she loves you right now."
"I was talking to her how I am there for you and her, and loving you both always."
"You are there for Hope and I. You are nothing like your awful foster parents who neglected you. You are a good person which did not deserve that, you are our Mom who loves us, hugs us and fights for us whenever we need you and you have our back."
"That is right. Henry get dressed, I am bringing you both to Aunt Allison's work." Emma follows him and gets Hope's diaper bag packed.
"Mom, I will." Henry gets dressed and wakes up his Dad. "Dad.."
Killian wakes up. "Lad?"
"We are going to the hospital."
Emma brings Hope into her room, "Hope, we are with Daddy and Henry."
"Hope, are you looking forward to seeing Aunt Allison." Hope gripped their Mom.
"Hope, you are with Mommy. We are just going to see how are you in the inside and get your medicine." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma puts Hope in her car seat. Hope began to cry.
"Love,I can drive. You can sit next to Hope."
"That is a good idea." Emma sat in between Hope and Henry as Killian drove them to Storybrooke Hospital. Henry and Hope both puked in the car, Emma gave Henry a plastic bag and she put a container by Hope as she puked. "Sorry, Mom."
"It is alright, Henry. You are sick." She rubs her son's back.
"Lad, we are almost there son." Killian parked the car, Emma carries Hope and Killian directs Henry since he was nauseous to the pediatrics floor. Allison saw her family friends and the state of how sick Henry and Hope were in, "Oh my gosh, Emma and Killian, you two can bring them in right now." She talks to the nurse, "You can sign them in. They are Henry Mills- Swan-Jones and Hope Swan-Jones."Allison helped Killian leading Henry into the examination room. "Killian, you weren't kidding."
"Aye, this was all night."
"They also both puked in the car on the way here."
Killian and Allison guided Henry onto the examination table. "I am rarely sick. I was up most of the night puking and nauseous." Allison examined her nephew first.
"Henry, you definitely have a stomach virus. You need to drink a lot of fluids, ginger ale, Gatorade and get a lot of rest." Henry hurls.
"I am so sorry, Aunt Allison."
Allison rubbed her nephew's back. "That is okay, Henry. That is what the paper is for." She takes off the paper.
"Lad, I will get you some ginger ale. Swan, are you alright with the both of them in here while I get Henry a drink?'
"Killian, we will be fine. We do have Allison with us."
"Love, I will come back soon." Killian left the room.
"Henry, you can lay down over here." She guides Henry to the other side of the examination table. "Emma, you can get Hope ready."
Emma got Hope undressed. Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is okay sweetie."
"Emma, you can sit with Hope on the table with her while I do her sonogram of the internal bleeding."
Emma placed Hope on the table. "She has been puking all night, wanted to be nursed and wants to be held."
"Hope, Auntie Allison is not going to hurt you, sweetie. Do not cry. I am just going to help you make you feel better. " She rubbed Hope's hand to calm her down.
Emma let Hope hold her finger. "Hope, Mommy is right here."
Allison examined her niece. "She has a fever. Hope, do you remember this the stethoscope?" She used to check Hope's heart. Hope grabbed it. Allison smiled. "Hope, you want to hold it for Auntie Allison?" She let Hope hold her stethoscope. Allison examined Hope's fractured rib, Henry went to sit on his Mom's lap. "Comfy?"
"Yes." They continued to watch Allison examine Hope. Killian returns to the room.
"Emma and Killian, it is good that you brought Hope in, her fractured rib is slowly recovering but I noticed some internal bleeding bruises. I am going to keep Hope here under observation just in case she starts to cough up blood."
"Does Hope need surgery?"
"If she starts coughing up blood, yes. She has new bruises that concern me, I want to to keep an extra eye on Hope."
"Aye, does Hope need to stay overnight?"
"If her stomach virus continues yes. I am going to put Hope in the pediatric ward to keep an eye on her and also going to do an ultrasound to check on her internal bleeding."
She kisses Henry on the head."Killian, take Henry home."
"Mom, I want to stay with Hope."
"Emma, since Henry wants to stay he can."
"He can? But he is sick."
"Henry and Hope can share a room in the pediatric floor that way you and Killian can be with both of them."
"Aunt Allison you are the best." Henry hugs his Aunt Allison. "I know how much you love your sister and you want to be with her." Emma gets Hope from the table. Emma carries Hope, Allison lead the Swan-Jones family to the pediatric floor room, there was a bed for Henry and a smaller bed for Hope. "Hope you and Henry are going to rest in here."
"Hope, I am in the next bed little sis."
"Love, I can go get Gatorade and ginger ale for Henry." Hope puked on her Mommy. "Love, do you need extra clothes?"
"Yes, a few extra clothes would be nice."
"Love, I will be right back." Killian leaves. On his way to town, Killian calls Regina. "Hello, Regina."
"Hi, Killian."
"Henry and Hope both have stomach viruses. Since Hope is in recovery she is being observed at the hospital just in case for internal bleeding and Henry won't leave so he is staying with us."
"Killian, I am coming to see Henry. I can help you and Emma with Henry so if anything goes wrong with Hope. I am on my way."
"Thank you, Regina."
A nurse came in to put Hope on an IV, while Emma held Hope who began to cry. "Hope, it is alright baby. It is almost over." Emma rubbed her daughter's back and soothed her to make her stop crying.
"Aunt Allison do I need IV?"
"No, Henry. You just a lot of ginger ale and Gatorade."
"Good. Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can. Come join us on the bed." Henry sat on Hope's bed with his Mom and sister. Hope began to cry when Henry was holding her. "Hope, you want Mommy?" He gives Hope back to their Mom. "Hope, I am right here little sis. You are going to be okay."
"Emma, I am going to do an ultrasound on internal bleeding."
"If she needs another surgery will her recovery be longer?"
"Yes, Emma." Emma hugs her daughter. "For now, I am keeping an eye on her bruises. I am getting an ultrasound machine to check her internal bleeding." Allison leaves the room and returns with a machine.
"Mom, Hope is going to be okay."
"Hope has all of us who love her and going to help her no matter what happens. For now, Hope just wants to snuggle with me."
"Emma, I have to check her internal bleeding." Emma positioned Hope sleeping in her arms. Henry moved so Allison can do a sonogram as Allison sets up the sonogram machine.
"Is that the new bruise Aunt Allison?'
"Yes, Henry. It may have been caused by her stomach virus. I am going to check if she has internal bleeding." Allison puts the gel on Hope's rib. Allison's face turns serious. Emma held Hope tighter. "She is having internal bleeding but I cannot operate on her since she has been puking. Emma when was the last time she puked?"
"Just when you brought us in here."
"When Hope starts coughing up blood, I will operate and when her vomiting has lessened. For now, I am going to watch her."
"She is not going to be out of my site."
"Neither mine, Mom."
Killian returns from town and sees Regina and Snow. "Snow what are you doing here?"
"Killian, Snow was with me when you called. We were talking about Leo darkness."
"Aye, are you still in denial?"
"Not as much."
"Your son hurt my daughter." He gets a phone call. "Emma?"
"Killian, Hope has internal bleeding."
"Love, I am back." Killian rushes back to the pediatric ward, followed by Regina and Snow White. Killian sees Emma holding Hope, Allison nearby and Henry next to them.
"Emma." He hugs his two loves. "She looks comfy on you love."
"Yes, she loves her Mommy."
"Allison, what is going on with Hope?"
"Killian..." Regina and Snow White entered. "Regina, Henry is alright."
"Mom, I do not want to see you right now, I am under too much stress. You being here is not making it easier." Killian held onto his wife.
"Snow White, can you step out into the hall?" Snow White leaves.
"Love, Regina was with Snow when I called her about Henry. Allison, can you continue?"
"Yes, Killian. Hope has a stomach virus and I did a sonogram on her fractured rib to see the internal bleeding, from the extra bruises I saw on her skin. She has internal bleeding but I cannot operate on Hope until her stomach virus lessens or she coughs up blood."
"What do we now?"
"I am going to keep a close eye on her and will be ready when she needs her surgery. Emma, I will check on Hope in a little while, you can call me if anything changes."
"Thank you, Allison." Henry hugs his Mom and sister.
"Mom, Hope is going to be okay. She is a fighter like you are."
"I know, Henry. I am just nervous."
"Me too."
"Come here." She gives Henry a hug. "Your sister is in the best care and she has all of us."
"Even when she is in recovery I will have so much fun with Hope."
"Yes, you will, Henry. Now get some rest."
"I am still not feeling well."
"I can see it on your face. Get some sleep, Hope is nearby. When she wakes up later, I know she wants storytime with her big brother."
"I will read to her later." He kisses his Mom on the head and whispers to Hope. "I love you so much, baby sister." Henry goes to his bed.
"Lad, I went to the grocery store and bought you crackers, ginger ale, and blue Gatorade."
"Thanks, Dad."
Regina sits next to Emma who was holding Hope. "Emma, I can stay with Henry and if anything happens with Hope, I can stay with Henry at your house."
"Thank you, Regina. He needs both of his Moms now."
"I know he is going to be worried about Hope more even though he is sick."
"Don't worry, Emma. I can help with Henry so you can focus on Hope."
"Why is my Mom here?"
Snow White enters the room. "I was with her Emma when Killian called her. I am concerned about Hope and you."
Emma sighs. "We can long as we do not get into another fight..."
"We can try, Emma."
Killian sits next to his wife as Regina sits with Henry. "Love, I can watch Hope."
"If anything happens,"
"Love, I will call you and Allison."
"Emma, if anything happens, Killian will call Allison and I will get you."
"Hope is pretty clingy."
"I know, swan. Talk to your Mom. I need some one on one time with our little love. If you need me, I will be next to you."
"As always."
"Aye." They kiss.
"Take care of our little pirate."
"Aye, I will love." Emma gently hands over Hope to her husband. Hope fussed. "Little love, you are with dada." Hope fell back to sleep.
Emma went out in the hall to talk to her Mom. "What do you want to talk about?" Snow White hugs her daughter. "I miss you so so much, Emma. I am so sorry for bringing Leo over, you were right I was not thinking about Hope or anybody else just myself. I was not thinking clearly and I was in denial. I was just treating Leo the same as always even though he was causing so much trouble to be normal. I am so sorry, Emma that I bought him over. I did expect him to be hurt, Hope. I still have the feeling that he does not have the darkness in him."
Emma was crying. "I miss you but now you kind of admit you were in denial, I was right...I hate denial ever since I was a child in the foster system. The foster parents were in denial when I was sick or the social workers were in denial when I told them that I was being beaten and starved by the foster parents. I thought when I meet my real mom someday she won't be in I know the is my Mom is in denial about my brother's darkness? How?" Emma cried.
"Emma, I know that Leo is a good boy..."
"You are still in denial! You do no get it! Hope needs another surgery since her internal bleeding caused Leo fracturing her rib caused a blood vessel to burst happened again when she is sick. How are you in denial still?"
"Emma..listen to me Leo does not.."
"I am done. I am done listening to your denial. If you are not listening to me, I am not going to talk to you, you may have lost your daughter again this time, not in a curse." Emma returns to the room, Killian, Regina, and Henry knew it did not go well. "Love."
"Give me our daughter." Killian hands over Hope to her and hugs his two loves.
"Henry, I am going to talk to your grandma."
"Regina, she still does not believe that Leo has darkness in him. No matter what I told her about Hope's injuries..she does not believe that her son has darkness in him."
"Emma, I have shown her proof that he has darkness."
"I know, she does not believe it."
"I am going to talk to her." Regina leaves the room.
Killian hugs his wife. "I told her about denial in the foster system and how my own mother, her, be in denial all she could say Leo is a good boy."
Henry joins his Mom and hugs her.
"We know all know that Leo has darkness in him. She will eventually realize that."
"She better or else she will lose her daughter, again."
"Mom, we are not letting Hope near Leo."
"I know, Henry. Can I have a hug? I need one." Henry hugs his Mom and sister.
"Mom, everyone knows Leo has darkness in him except her grandma. I know Leo has the darkness in him and this is coming from the heart of the truest believer."
Emma smiles. "I do have the bravest, the heart of the truest believer and auth and hero of a son."
"I get the hero part from you, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Now, the child that my mom was able to be raised from the beginning is not perfect."
"Mom, you are perfect. Hope and I love you."
"I love you both so much. I am always going to be there for you and Hope."
"Mom you are our Mom, who cares for us, loves us, and always there for us, like now caring for us and sticking up for us when you need to. You are our Mom."
"Henry." Emma hugs both of her children. "I love you both so much."
"Love, I knew when I brought you and Henry home, I knew you were being replaced."
"I was replaced." She hugs Hope and Henry tighter. "I have my own family which you and I created. My mom is not really my mom because she did not raise me. My Dad, he supports me no matter what and there for me and overprotective of me still even though I am an adult."
"Aye, he really was concerned about me dating you at the beginning?"
"He was?"
"Yes, then he knew how much you cared for me when you rescued me from the ice wall." Emma sighs. "Now they are experiencing parents to a dark child. I know our two children are not dark."
"We are not Mom. Hope is the product of true love times two."
"You are right, Henry." Hope woke up crying. "Hope, what is the matter baby girl?" She checks Hope's diaper. "You need a change." Killian helps Emma change Hope because she had an IV on her arm. Hope was still crying while she was being changed. "You are all clean, little duck." She holds Hope in her arms and kisses her on the head. "Killian, I think Hope wants her quilt." Killian passes Hope her quilt to Emma. Emma got Hope comfy as Hope continued to cry. "Hope, Mommy got you. I know you are scared baby girl. But you are not alone, you have Mommy, Daddy, and Henry who all love you and want to make you safe and happy. We all here for you Hope."
"You are Mommy is right, Hope. Daddy is here." He let Hope grabbed his hook with her good hand.
"She loves her Daddy's hook."
"Aye, love she does. My little pirate."
"You mean pirate princess."
"Aye, our very brave pirate princess."
"Mommy is right here baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry runs to the bathroom and hurls.
"Love, I will check on the lad."
"Hope and I are not going anywhere. Right Hope? You love being held by Mommy?" Hope babbled. Killian tends to Henry after he finishes puking, by giving him ginger ale and making sure that he ate. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are , up above the world so high, like the diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are." Hope smiled. "You like Mommy singing to you?"
"Mommy." Emma smiles. She hugs her daughter. Regina returns to their room and sits by Henry's bedside. A little while later, Killian was with Henry who was fast asleep, and Hope was snuggling on Emma. Hope puked on her Mommy. Emma looked down and saw the blood in her hair and shirt. Killian saw the blood. "Killian, get Allison now." Killian rushes out of the room. "Hope, you are going to okay baby." She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head.
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright. I am can stay with Henry."
"Thank you, Regina."
Killian finds Allison. "Allison."
"Aye, she puked blood on Emma."
Allison talks to a nurse, "I need an operating room now, for an 8-month-old baby girl with internal bleeding. I need nurses to help her prep the baby for surgery." Allison and Killian return to the room seeing Hope crying. "Hope, you are going to be okay."
"Emma, Hope is going to have surgery now."
"She is going to come out..."
"Hope is not going to die Emma." A nurse came in.
"I am going to bring her in for her surgery."
"Yes, you can. We need to get Hope ready fast." Allison gets her niece from Emma and has the nurse prep Hope for surgery. Killian was holding onto Emma.
"You are with me, love. We are together. Our little love is going to recover."
Henry woke up from the commotion. "Mom, Dad?" He sees blood on his Mom's shirt and hair. "Hope." Killian holds his son.
"Henry, they are prepping for Hope's emergency surgery."
Henry sees his baby sister crying. "Emma, Killian, she is ready for surgery."
"Wait." They all look at Henry. Henry rushes to Hope and picks her up. "Hope, Henry is here, little sis. I love you so much, Hope. I love being your big brother." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are my brave little sister. When you are done with your surgery, we are going to play and talk a lot. I love you."
"Henwy." Hope hugs her brother which makes him smile big and leaving the adults in awe.
"Henry, Hope needs her surgery now."
"She will be alright, Aunt Allison?"
"Yes, Henry. I am going to get your sister better."
Henry did not want to let go of his sister. "Kid, give me your sister. Your Dad and I are bringing her to the operating room."
"I love you, Hope." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. Allison leads Killian, Emma, and Hope to the operating room. Regina was with Henry who was already crying. "Mom." Regina hugs her son. "Hope is going to be alright, Henry."
Allison gets her scrubs on as Emma held onto Hope. "Hope, you are my baby girl. When you wake up from your operation, we are going to snuggle a lot. I love you so much. You are brave like Mommy."
"Yes, Hopey, just like Mommy." Emma had tears in her eyes. Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Hope. Daddy loves you. You are going to be very brave like a pirate you are." He lets Hope hold his hook. "When you are in recovery, Dada will take you on the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled. "Auntie Allison is going to take good care of you. When you wake up you will see Mommy and Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, Hope needs surgery now." She takes Hope from Emma's arms. "You are going to alright, Hope. After this surgery, you are going to be with Mommy, Henry, and Daddy. We will see you two later." Allison takes Hope inside of the operating room. Allison Emma was holding onto Killian and crying. "She is going to be with us soon, love. She is a little fighter like you love, her brave Mommy." Emma cried onto her husband.
"She is going to be with us soon love. She is going to want all of the snuggles, kisses and wants to be held by you."
"Yes, she is going to want a lot of Mommy and Hopey time. I am just so scared.." Killian began to cry. "Killian." Emma hugs her husband, she rubs his back and hugs him.
"I am so scared for Hope, I do not want to lose my family, our little lass she means the world to me."
"You are not going to lose your family, you have me your wife, Henry who loves you so much and our little girl, who loves her Daddy so much. Hope is our world and Henry's world. We are not losing our baby girl. She is part savior, hero and pirate princess." Killian hugs his wife.
"She takes after all of us love."
"I am so scared about Hope."
"Hope, she is a little fighter. She has us Emma. She is going to be so happy to see us her family, when she wakes up."
"You are right." They hug and walk into the waiting room.
When they arrived in the waiting room, Emma sees her Dad. "Dad." Charming sees how his daughter was, her clothes covered with Hope's blood and vomit and gives her a big hug. Emma cries onto him. "Emma, Hope is going to be alright."
"Thank you for being here."
"I know both of my princesses need me, especially my daughter." Emma cried more. Charming lead his daughter to the chair and she lies on his lap. Killian sat next to his wife, her holding his hook. "You are on my side."
"Of course, Emma I am on your side, sweetheart. You are my daughter, and I know your brother injured your daughter."
Kilian hugs his wife. "Hope. I want my baby here with us."
"Love, Hope is going to out of surgery soon. She is in the best care love, Allison." Emma fell asleep on her husband's lap, while he was hugging her. "Charming, how did you know to come?"
"Snow came home upset."
"Aye, they got into another fight. Emma told me that she is still in denial."
"Oh, yes she is. Everyone knows Leo has darkness in him. I am trying to talk to her. For some reason, Snow does not want to believe it. Regina called me to come and told me about Hope. I came over here, I knew my daughter needed me." Henry and Regina come into the room, "Lad, you are supposed to be resting." Henry hugs his Dad. "I want Hope."
"I know, Henry. She will be with us soon, lad." Henry joins hugs his Mom.
"Henry? What are you doing here?"
"I want to be with you." Henry hugs his Mom. "Hope."
"I want Hope here with us too, kid. She is going to be alright. She is going to be in recovery longer."
"She has us, Mom."
"That is right, Henry." She kisses him on the head. Henry fell asleep on his Mom's lap.
"Emma, Henry would not rest. He wanted to be here to know about Hope. He is really afraid."
"I know, all of us are. One of my babies is here with me which is calming me down." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "You are with me."
"Aye, I am."
Allison carried Hope inside. "Hope, you are going to be alright, little niece." She placed Hope onto the operating table. The anesthesiologist puts Hope to sleep. Allison numbs Hope's skin and used a small tool to make an incision on Hope's chest. A lot of blood was coming out. "She is losing a lot of blood." Allison and another nursed used suction tools to lose Hope's blood out. "I need donation blood fast." Allison and nurses used gauzes to cleaned out the blood on her body and inside and checked Hope's heart rate going low. "Hope, you are not leaving us. Auntie Allison is going to get you healthy." Allison found the few blood vessels that burst from Hope's stomach bug and fixed it. "Where is the donated blood?"
A nurse comes into the waiting area," Hope Swan-Jones."
Emma woke up Henry, Killian, and Emma stand up. Emma knew something was wrong "We are Hope's parents."
"Mr. and Mrs. Swan-Jones, Hope needs blood donation because her internal bleeding from her stomach virus burst more than one blood vessel. She is losing a lot of blood."
Killian held Emma. "Hope. I am her mother. Hope can have my blood." The nurse rush Emma to donate blood in a room. Killian was right behind her, holding Emma's hand with his hook while she was getting blood taken out by a nurse. The operating nurse retrieved the blood and rushed back to the operating room. "Are you okay love?"
"I just feel weak but I will do anything for both of my children, even donating blood.Hope." Emma began to cry and Killian hugs his wife. "You gave your blood to our daughter who needs it. You are saving our little love. She is going to be with us because of you love." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Yes, I am. I want to hug our little girl."
"You will hug her love very soon. Let's get back to the waiting room." They walk back. Henry hugs his mom. "You donated blood for Hope?"
"Yes, I did. Hope needed my blood, she was losing a lot of blood during her surgery."
"You saved Hope, Mom."
"Yes, I did. I told you that I will do anything for you and Hope."
"I know, you are our Mom."
"Yes, I am." Emma hugs her son. Charming brought Emma a bag of Granny's.
"Emma, I brought your usual, you need to eat."
"Thank you, Dad. I feel weak from having all of that blood taken out."
"You are welcome. You need your strength." Emma eats her meal, with Killian and Henry next to her.
The operating nurse returns with the donated blood. Allison finished the cleaning the blood and fixed the blood vessels. "Dr.Cameron, her mother donated the blood."
"Great. Now, put the donated blood onto to IV and put the IV needle in her arm and we need close her up. " The nurse did as she is told. Once Hope's donated blood was going through Hope, Allison closed up her niece. "She is going to NICU for the recovery room."
"Yes, Dr.Cameron." Allison sighed in relief that her little goddaughter is going to be in recovery, she got worried for a minute there when Hope was losing a lot of blood. Allison walks into the waiting room, seeing Emma, Killian, and Henry together. Charming and Regina joined them.
"Emma, Killian."
"Allison." Emma hugs her best friend.
"Hope is in recovery now."
"I donated blood, what happened?"
"Emma, Killian, and Henry. Hope's internal bleeding got fixed. Due to Hope's first surgery and recovery, when Hope got sick Hope's other blood vessels and the original one that caused her internal bleeding from her vomiting. When I incision her a lot of blood came out and her heart rate was going down." Killian and Emma held onto each other. "My team and I cleaned out Hope's blood and I fixed the internal bleeding. With the blood that you donated Emma, Hope's having it donated now in an IV needle. She is alright, Emma. You are not losing your daughter. Hope is going to recover. She is in the recovery room now in NICU." Emma cried onto Killian.
"Love, Hope is in recovery now. You saved her with your blood."
"Yes, I am so happy she is with us."
"Me too, love. Hope is a fight like her Mommy."
Henry hugs his aunt. "You saved Hope."
"Yes, I did. I got worried when I saw the amounts of blood but all I thought about was to get Hope better."
"You did. Thank you for saving my sister."
"You are very welcome, Henry."
"You are my favorite aunt."
"You are my favorite nephew."
"Allison, can we go see Hope?"
"Yes, you and Killian can. Henry, have you throwing up lately?"
Allison gave him a sad look. "Unfortunately, Henry. Hope is recovering in the NICU with full of sick babies. Since you are sick, you cannot go in there."
"Aunt Allison, I want to see my sister, please. I thought I was going to lose my sister today."
Emma held Henry. "Henry, you do not want to get the other babies sick. Hope cannot get sick especially now that she is in recovery from a second surgery."
Henry hugs his Mom."Mom. I thought we were going to lose Hope. I want to see my sister...I want to see my sister..." Emma rubs his back. Emma looked at her husband, she wants to be with both of her babies together especially when they almost lost Hope. Killian knows that Emma wants. "Henry, your sister is not going nowhere. She is in recovery. Hope is here with all of us and she is going to be in our family. Your sister is a fighter like me and a survivor like your Dad."
"She takes after both of you and Dad."
"Yes, she does, Henry."
"I want to be there when Hope wakes up. I am her brother and want to tell her that she is safe."
"Hope knows you love her so much Henry. She is going to be in recovery longer, and in the hospital a little longer than last time because of the blood transfusion."
"Hope." Henry continues to cry.
Killian talked with Allison away from Emma consoling their very upset son. "Allison, how long Hope is going to be in recovery in the NICU?"
"Depends on how her recovery is but with the blood transfusion, Hope might be in the hospital longer than a week."
"Is there any way that Henry can see Hope?"
"He cannot spread his germs. I have an idea." Allison sits down next to Henry and Emma.
"Henry, I have an idea how you can see Hope?"
Allison spoke in a low voice, "Since you really want to see Hope. I have an idea how you can see her butt you have to listen to my instructions."
"I will do anything to get to see Hope."
For now, you can rest in your hospital room with Regina. When Hope wakes up, I will come to get you."
"You cannot be in the NICU room too long because of your germs."
"What size are you in scrubs?"
"Later, you will be in hospital scrubs, gloves and mask. I have to sneak you in so please keep it a secret."
Henry smiles. "Yes. I will, I want to see my sister."
"Get some rest, and I will bring you to Hope later."
"You are the best aunt ever." Henry hugs his aunt.
"Henry, I will take you to your room."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I will be with you and Hope soon."
"When Hope sees you later, she will be so happy to see you. Get some rest."
"Yes, Mom." Henry and Regina went back to his room.
"Emma, Killian, and Charming, I can bring you to Hope now." Allison brings them to the NICU, "Emma, I am just warning you, Hope has the blood transfusion and she will be monitored extra. She is still under anesthesia. When she wakes up seeing you and Killian, she will be very happy to see you both." One of the nurses was with Hope.
"Dr.Cameron your patient Hope is doing good so far."
"That is good to hear." She looks at Hope who was still sleeping. "My little goddaughter. You are going to with home with Mommy and Daddy in no time." Emma stands next to Allison.
"Hope." Killian held Emma's hand.
"Emma, you can hold her."
"I can?"
"Yes, you can." Emma sat on the rocking chair, the nurse helped put Hope in Emma's arms, because of the blood transfusion. Emma was in tears holding her baby girl and gave to kisses Hope on the head. "My baby girl, you are with Mommy. You had a big surgery today, we were so scared Hope. Now you are in my arms, I know you are going to be okay. Your whole family is here to see you when you wake up. I love you so much, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head feeling relied that her baby girl is in her arms safe and on the road to recovery. "Killian." Killian kneeled down. "Hope is here with us. She is going to be alright."
"Just seeing her in your arms, making me so happy that Hope is with us."
"You are not going to lose your family, our family is stronger than ever we are going to get through this together. Hope is a fighter and a survivor."
"Aye, she takes after the both of us."
"Yes, she is part savior and part pirate."
"Aye yes, she is." They kiss.
"Hope, it is your Daddy here. I am so happy you are with us. You are a survivor like your Daddy. You have, Daddy, Mommy, and Henry to look after you when you wake up from surgery. Daddy loves you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.
"We both love you so much, Hope." Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves as they watch Hope sleep. Charming saw his granddaughter recovery looks like. He makes a phone call because he is tired of his wife being in denial that their son has darkness in him which he does and Hope to have another surgery due to not getting him the help he needed earlier before he caused the injury. After his phone call he enters the NICU Charming kneels down by his daughter and granddaughter, "Emma, Hope is with you. She knows she is safe with you."
"Yes, Dad. Hope is safe with me. I love my baby girl so much."
"I know as her Mom, you will do anything for her like you did today."
"Thank you, Dad, for being here. Both of your princesses are together."
"That is what I like to see. If you need me you or Killian can call me."
"I will Dad. Thank you." Charming Kisses Hope and Emma on the head and leaves the NICU.
Meanwhile, Henry was with Regina in his hospital room, it took Henry a while to go to sleep. Charming saw Regina sitting by Henry's bedside. "How is Henry?"
"He still has his stomach virus and took him a long time to go back to sleep since he was afraid of losing Hope. How is Hope?"
"Allison let Emma hold Hope, she is still sleeping from anesthesia. She has the blood transfusion on her arm. Have you spoken to Snow?"
"I told her to come down here nothing about the surgery. I want to show her what damage Leo has done our granddaughter who we almost lost in surgery."
"When she was here earlier with Emma, they had another fight. Emma said that if she does not stop being in denial about Leo's or she will lose her relationship with her daughter. Emma was serious."
"I got to talk to Snow and give her a wake-up call." Charming leaves the room and Allison enters the room. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Allison. How is Hope?"
"She is with Emma and Killian still sleeping. How is Henry?"
"Still sick, it took him a while to go back to sleep. He wants to be with his parents when Hope wakes up. How are you?"
Allison sits down. "Hope's surgery was intense one that I have not had one of those types of surgeries in a long time. There was a lot of blood." Allison started to tear up. " I knew that I was not going to let anything happen to Hope." Regina placed her hand on Allison's shoulder.
"Hope is alive and you saved her life with your amazing doctor skills."
"Thank you, Regina."
Henry wakes up. "Aunt Allison are you okay?" Henry hugs his aunt.
"I am fine, Henry. I was just so happy that your sister is with us."
"You were afraid in the surgery?"
"A little when I saw the amount of blood coming out. I got your mom's blood just in time and Hope is in recovery." Henry hugs his aunt.
"You saved my sister."
"Yes, I did, Henry. Oh, I almost forgot. I brought you scrubs for you to wear."
"Awesome." Henry changes into blue scrubs, gloves, and a mask. "Aunt Allison you turned me into a doctor." Allison and Regina laughed.
"You can only wear it when you see Hope for today until you get better."
"I am less nauseous."
"I want to be on the safe side."
"Yes, I know, I do not want the babies in NICU especially Hope to get sick."
"Exactly." Allison and Regina took pictures of Henry in his scrubs outfit.
"Henry, I own the hospital if you get into trouble, you have me to back you up."
"Thanks, mom." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I know how much you love your sister and you want to be there for her."
Allison got a beeper notification. "Henry, are you ready to see Hope?"
Henry smiled. "Hope is awake?"
"Yes, she is Henry. Now come on, my assistant. Let's go see Hope."
Back in the NICU, after two hours or more of waiting Hope woke up groggily seeing her Mommy and smiled. Emma was in tears of joy. "Hi, baby girl. You are finally waking up from your very long nap. You are with Mommy, sweetie." Hope grabbed her Mommy's hand. "Mommy is here."
"Dada is here little love." Hope sees the IV of blood and gets scared. Hope began to cry.
"Killian come to my other side so she can see your face, not the blood transfusion." Killian moves around. "Hope, you are okay. The blood is Mommy's blood going in you."
"Yes, sweetheart you are with Mommy. You are alright. You are safe and here with us." She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy is here, Hope. I am not letting you go. I thought I was going to lose my baby girl today, but your auntie Allison saved you today with the help of Mommy's blood."
"Aye, your Mommy is right little love. Your Auntie Allison saved you today and your Mommy saved you today with her blood. You proved today that you are like Daddy a little pirate survivor. When you are better and out of the hospital we are going on the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled. "Yes, little love, you are Dada's, first mate." Hope smiled.
"My two pirates."
Alison came into the room, "How is my little goddaughter?"
"Hope, Auntie Allison is here." Hope still gripped her Mommy.
Killian moved around, "Allison you can take my spot, Hope is afraid of the blood transfusion."
"Thank you, Killian. Henry is waiting outside in the hall. I want to check up on Hope before giving him the okay to come in."
"Aye, swan. I will be right outside with Henry."
" Can you prepare him? I do not want him to be afraid."
"Love, I will tell him in advance."
"Thank you, I know he is taking it hard."
"He has us swan."
"That is right." Killian goes out to see Henry in scrubs.
"Hi, Dad. Aunt Allison gave me a way to see Hope. How is she?"
"She is afraid gripping on her Mom. She has her blood transfusion like an IV but with your Mom's blood on her arm."
"Dad, I will make Hope feel safe."
"We are all going to, Henry." Killian hugs his son. Henry began to cry. "Hope is alive son. We still have our little Hope with us. Your sister is with us."
"I was so afraid that Hope would die."
"I know son...I know, Henry. Your Mom and I thought the same. Your Mom donated her blood and your Aunt Allison saved your sister."
"Mom and Aunt Allison both saved Hope."
"Aye, yes they did."
Allison kneels down, "Hi Hope. Are you comfy with Mommy?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you had a very big surgery and you were losing a lot of blood so your Mommy gave you blood. How was she when she woke up?"
"Hope saw me. When she saw the blood transfusion she got afraid and Killian moved to where you're kneeling. So far she just wants to hold onto me."
"Which is a very good sign. Hope is going to need a few more blood transfusions and being watched here a few days or so."
"I want Hope to be healthy when we bring her home."
"She will be healthy Emma, but have more recovery time."
"I thought I was going to lose my little girl today since she had so much blood when she puked on me."
"When I opened her up, I knew she will need donated blood, I was not going to lose my little goddaughter." She tickles Hope's foot and made her laugh. "Hope is alive and healthy. When she not in recovery anymore Hope will follow you Henry and Killian around and be happy."
"I still do not know how we can ever repay you for saving Hope."
"You are my best friend and close enough to be my sister, and Hope here is my little goddaughter. I was not going to lose Hope. Let me know if you need anything, I am there."
"For now, I am good. We are going to have girl talks at your house." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope I will come over and we are going to have long talks, you, me and Mommy." Hope smiled.
"Someone is looking forward to girl talk. If I need a break from my house, can we come over to your house and talk?"
"Of course. Now let me see Hope's chest." Allison gently opens Hope's gown and exposed her chest with a swollen new scar and bruises. "Allison?"
"Emma, it is normal for her chest to look like this especially out of surgery. Her new scar will heal." Hope began to cry.
"Allison, can I breastfeed her?"
"Yes, you can." Emma nurses Hope. Allison made her Hope's arm with the IV doesn't move.
"Good Hope. You are being such a good girl for Mommy and Auntie Allison." She kisses Hope on the head. "She is still gripping me, I think she is still afraid of the IV or being in here or both."
"Emma, she knows you are making her feel safe."
"I am her Mommy, I always make my babies feel safe. I know when we leave, she will be very happy. For now, she wants Mommy, she has Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.
"During her recovery, she will have to physical therapy more."
"I have a feeling, Henry joined us for one of her sessions with Miss Jane and he made a huge difference making her happy."
"I am not surprised. Speaking of Henry, he is right here." Henry comes in with Killian behind him. Allison and Killian watched Henry with Hope and Emma.
"Henry is that you in there?"
"Yes, Mom. it is me." He kneels by his Mom and sister. "How is Hope?"
"She is still sleepy from anesthesia, afraid being in here and with the blood transfusion. She wants to be held by me."
"Even though Hope is in here, she still wants you, Mom."
"That is right." Hope was finished eating. Emma burped Hope. "Hope, look who is here, Henry." Hope saw the scrubs and began to cry. "Hope, it is okay. Hope it is Henry." Henry took off his mask to show his sister his face. "Hope, it is my little sis, Henry." Hope saw her brother's face and stopped crying but still clung onto her Mommy. "Hope, it is your big brother."
"Hope, it is Henry. I wanted to see you since I was sick I had to wear this scrubs and mask. When I am not sick, I am going to hold you and read you so many stories, little sis. I love you so much." Henry reached out his hand to let hope grabbed his finger. Hope used her other hand with the IV in her arm to hold her brother's finger. "You are okay, Hope. You are with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry. You are with us." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, is your arm hurting you?" Henry let go. "Henry."
"Mom, it is alright. I know her blood transfusion needle is hurting her arm."
"You can stay near Hope."
"Yes, I can. I am just so happy to be with her."
"Me too, kid." Emma calmed down Hope. "Do you want to hold her?"
"Yes!" Emma sat up with Hope, Henry helped to move the blood transfusion IV. He sat on the rocking chair. "Hope, Henry wants to hold you, sweetie. Mommy is right here." Emma gently hands over Hope to her son. "Henry, just be careful of her arm."
"Yes, Mom." He looks down at Hope. "Hi, Hope. Henry is here. Your big brother is here. I know that you are afraid now but you have Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Allison and me to be there for you. You can hold onto me if you are afraid. That is my job to make you feel safe." Hope moved around. "Henry, make sure she is in your arms. Her chest is still recovering from her surgery." Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy is right next to us." Emma kneeled down and let Hope hold her finger. "Hope, Mommy is right here next to you and Henry."
"Hopey." She rubs Hope's head to make her feel safe. "Mommy knows you are in pain. You had a very big surgery. You have Mommy, Henry and Daddy to help you in your recovery sweetie. You are not alone. We love you Hope so much." Killian joined his family. "
"Hope, you are with us, little love. You scared us today but your brave mommy and auntie Allison saved you today. Our family would have been devastated if we have lost you, little love. We are going to help you like before until you get all better little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep feeling safer and loved with her family around her. Emma placed the mask back on Henry's face to avoid germs on Hope. Emma and Killian held hands and looked at each other knowing Hope will get through this with all of them helping her.
"Team Swan-Jones."
"Team Swan-Jones." They kiss and continue to watch Hope sleeping with Henry holding his little sister happily, knowing she is still with them and not going anywhere. Regina found them in the NICU seeing the family all together and Allison crying. "I knew I chose the right doctor for the job."
"Yes, you were right. I did not expect to have an extended family when I moved up here."
"You have helped them. If it weren't for you clever thinking, Hope would have died."
"I know. I am glad to save my little niece. When Charming left, where did he go?"
"From what he told me, he was going to wake up Snow from her denial of Leo's darkness. He is furious that his own son actions almost losing his granddaughter."
"I know Emma is not going to talk to her Mom for a while."
"Me too, from their fight this morning if Snow continuing being in denial of Leo's darkness, she will lose her daughter again."
"Oh my gosh. Emma would not talk to her Mom."
"Yes. From Hope's recent surgery, Snow has to wake up out of her denial."
"All I know is that Emma is an amazing Mom and will do anything for her children. She is a strong woman."
"Yes, she is. She takes after her mother and father."
"She is going to focus on Hope, I do not think she can take on any more stress from her mom until Snow realizes what her son has done to her granddaughter. Then Emma can trust her again."
"Emma has trust issues until Killian came into her life but to gain trust again with her mom that will take a long time."
"Mom." Regina goes to Henry.
"Henry, how is Hope?"
"She is afraid but she knows that she has all of us. Right Hope?" He rubs Hope's head. "I love you, hope."
"Regina, thank you for being with Henry."
"You are welcome. Do you need anything from home?"
"We are good for now, Regina."
"Is Henry going to stay here overnight?"
"Yes, he is in his room."
"Henry, when you get better you can in stay in here with Hope."
"Emma, I can stay with Henry in his room." Hope began to cry.
"Mom, Hope wants you." Henry hands over his sister to their Mom.
"Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy got you." She kisses Hope on the head. Thank you, Regina, for staying overnight with Henry."
"You are welcome, Emma. I am just happy Hope is alright and with her family."
Emma, I will be checking on Hope. If you have any questions or need anything call me. My office is down the hall."
"Thank you, Allison." She hugs her best friend. Hope gripped Aunt Allison. "Hope, you want to say thank you to your auntie for saving you?" She hands over her daughter to her close family friend.
"Hope, you scared all of us today but do not worry I got you back to Mommy and Daddy, with the help of your Mommy's blood." Hope babbled. "You are very welcome, Hope. I love you so much, my little niece." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry hugs Regina. Emma hugs her husband.
"Hope is with all of us."
"Aye, yes she is. She knows that we all love her."
"Our little Hope is here with us."
"She is not going anywhere."
"You are right captain." They kiss. After Allison held Hope, Hope wanted her Mommy. Allison left the room. Emma sat back in the chair and held Hope and talked to Henry until he needed to rest, "Kid, you are on the same floor as Hope and she is not going anywhere."
"I know Mom. I am near you Dad and Hope."
"Yes, you are. Get some rest."
"Yes, Mom." He talks to Hope. "Hope, I will be in another room nearby. You have Mommy who is the best Mommy ever and she is going to be with you and Daddy. I am nearby. When I am not sick, we are going to have Henry and Hope time." Hope babbled. "Yes, that means talking and reading. When we go home we can do art okay?" Hope babbled.
"My two artist."
"Night, Mom."
"Night, Henry."
Henry hugs his Dad. "You are going to watch Mom and Hope."
"You, your Mom and Hope are my family, I am always going to be with your Mom's side and be with you and Hope. I am not leaving our family ever, son."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"You are going to be down the hall. I will come to visit you."
"Night Dad."
"Night, son." Regina takes Henry to his room. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves.
"What a long day."
"I know love."
"We have Hope with us which all that matters."
"That right love." He lets Hope grab his hook. "My little pirate."
"She takes after her Daddy."
"We are going to get through this love as a family."
"With you are on my side we can do anything together."
"Aye, team Swan-Jones."
Emma smiles, "Team Swan-Jones." Killian and Emma smile at each other and they kiss and enjoy being their daughter, family complete not destroyed.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant