Hope's First Birthday

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As Hope's first birthday was fast approaching Emma was getting Hope's party decorations around town, buying the cake, food and buying party favors. Henry was on spring break. He was watching Hope for his Mom as she went out shopping. Hope was crawling faster and standing up more. They were playing in the living room, Henry was lying on the floor facing his sister who was babbling to him. "You want to have a sailing lesson with me and Dada?" Hope babbled. "Since I am on spring break, I am pretty sure that it can happen. Hope do you know that your birthday is this coming Saturday?" Hope smiled. "You are going to turn one year old. Mommy and Daddy are planning a party in the backyard. Mommy and Daddy invited Auntie Allison, Lizzie, Gideon and Belle, Ariel and Melody are all coming to our house." Hope babbled loudly which made Henry smile. "Yes, Hope your ocean lover best friend is going to be at your party. You are going to get so many toys and clothes. You are going to have so much fun. Mommy and Daddy have been planning this party for a while and they have a theme." Hope crawled onto Henry's back. "Hope!" Hope babbled, Henry laughed. "You can stay on my back. You are a little sneaky pirate." Hope grabbed Henry's hair. "Hope.." Emma returns home seeing Hope on her brother's back, she takes a picture. "Hope, are you having fun with your brother?" Hope babbled. She picks up her daughter. "Hi, Mom. Thanks for getting Hope off of me."

"Your welcome. I have bags in the car, can you bring them in?"

"Yes, I can. Even though Hope was on my back she did not give me any trouble." He kisses Hope on the cheek and went to retrieve shopping bags from the car.

"Hope, Mommy bought so much for your birthday party." Hope babbled. "I never had to be in charge of a baby party before." Hope placed her hand on her Mommy's face and babbled. "You think I can throw you a good birthday party?" Hope babbled, Emma kissed her Hope on the cheek. Hope hugs her Mommy. "You give the best hugs, Hope."

Henry returned with so many bags. "Mom, are these all decorations?"

"Yes to decorate the backyard. I also bought baking supplies, goodie bags, plates, and snacks."

"Mom, you really went all out on shopping."

Emma smiled. "I just want to make sure I have everything for Hope's birthday party."

"Mom, I know Hope is going to have a great birthday. Can I help you set up?"

"Yes, you can. I am going to need you and your Dad's help setting up the backyard before the party." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, we will all help."

"Aunt Allison is going to help me with cooking and decorating the backyard. Your Dad is going to have another project during the week."

"What is it?"

"It is a surprise for Hope." Hope fussed. "Hopey, I cannot tell you then it won't be a surprise." Hope began to cry. "Sweetie, are you hungry? Did Henry feed you?"

"I fed her blueberries, bananas, and eggs."

"Hope, did you eat the food that Henry made for you?"

"She ate most of it, some landed on the high chair table. Hope loves playing with her plate."

"Hope.." Hope continued to cry. "Hope, do you need your nap?" Emma takes Hope to her room and rocks her. "Mommy is home. We are snuggling." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope moved around and got comfortable. "Are you comfy?" Hope babbled, "You can nap on me. I saw you playing with Henry. You can play with Henry later after your nap."


"You can play with Mommy too." Hope fell asleep.

Henry stayed with his Mom and sister. "She is asleep, Mom."

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