Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve, everyone in Storybrooke, Maine was getting ready for the holiday. Emma and Hope bake gingerbread cookies and decorating them with icing. Henry helped with decorating the cookies. Emma loved baking with her daughter who loves being at her side. Emma and Killian were cooking for Christmas day and wrapping up the rest of the presents at home while Henry was pulling Hope in a sleigh around town getting donations for babies in the NICU and for Annie and her daughter Rose in the prison. They went to different houses for baby clothes and toys donations. Everywhere they went, everyone would wish them a "Merry Christmas." They went to Regina's office, Regina opens the door seeing Henry and Hope with a sleigh full of donated gifts and clothes. "I see you and Hope are carrying a lot of donations."Henry smiles. "Yes, my other Mom made it pretty clear when she asked for donations for the babies in the NICU and for Annie and her baby. Mom made it clear everyone needed to donate.""Ina!" Regina smiles and kneels to Hope, she likes when Hope calls her by her name. "Hi, Hope. Are you helping Henry getting donations?" Hope shows Regina a toy."You and Henry can come inside to warm up it is cold out here." Henry brought the donations to Regina's office while Hope followed Regina. Hope walked around. "You are coming tomorrow for Christmas day?""Yes, I am Henry. I have gifts for you and Hope."Henry smiles. "Really for Hope?""Yes, I have a special feeling my heart for your sister." Hope was trying to climb onto the black table by the couch where Henry was sitting at. "Hope." Henry gets Hope stops Hope from climbing. "Hope, you cannot climb that. You will get hurt." Hope began to cry. "Hope, you can sit next to me." Hope fusses and walks around. "I can see your Dad and Emma in her.""Oh, yes. She is a little pirate and a lot like Mom. She tried to climb the Christmas tree a few weeks ago so Dad had to put a baby gate around the tree." Hope fusses. "Are you hungry little sis?""Henry, I have a snack for Hope." Regina brings apple slices. "Mom, we do not eat apples." "They are not poison, Henry. Hope." Hope ate some apples from Regina. "You like apples?" Hope babbles. Regina and Henry continue to catch up. Hope fell asleep on her brother. "You are a great big brother to Hope.""Thanks, Mom. I love her. Have you spoken to Grandma?""Yes, she is still defending Leo.""Mom is still mad at her for stopping of not coming home to Hope on their last date night.""I can tell by the look on her face.""I promised Mom that I will watch Hope again so she and Dad can go on a date night without interruptions.""You are watching Hope now.""True." Hope wakes up. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap?" He kisses her on the head. Emma enters the office. "Madame Mayor.""Hi, Emma. I see you got my text.""Yes, I did." Henry set Hope on the floor who runs over to her Mommy. "Mommy." Emma scoops Hope into her arms after a big hug. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have fun getting donations with Henry?" Hope babbles. "Mom, we got a lot of donations.""Ina!""You had fun with Regina and Henry?""Emma, Hope is welcome to come here anytime with Henry.""Thank you, Regina. Killian and I got everything ready for tomorrow.""Where is Dad?""He drove me here. He is loading all of the donations from your sleigh right now. We are going...""Auntie.""Yes, Hope we are going to see Auntie Allison's work. She is coming over for Christmas tomorrow."Killian enters the office. "Dada.""Hi, little love." He takes Hope from Emma. "Did you have fun with Henry and Regina?""Captain guy-liner Hope had fun here.""Aye, your majesty she has her Mommy and her Daddy's personality.""Dad, she tried to climb everywhere.""Aye, I am not surprised, lad. She is still learning how to climb. Swan, the car is loaded.""Great, we should be going."Henry hug Regina. "I will see you tomorrow morning Henry." "Ina!" The adults' smile."Bye, Hope. I will see you tomorrow too." Hope waves to Regina. Killian drove his family in the yellow bug to the Storybrooke hospital. They gave nurses holiday cookies, Hope wandered off to the NICU. Emma chases after Hope. "Hope, you have to stay with me, little pirate princess." Killian held Hope as Emma gave presents and talked to the mothers as Henry gave the babies their new toys. Killian loved seeing his wife being a kind caring person giving to the needy, he knew she was giving back since she got her home and family with him. Hope began to cry. "Mommy." Emma gets Hope from Killian, she nurses Hope. "The nurses and mothers are loving the gifts, swan.""I know. I just love giving back, since we were in a similar situation with Hope last year. I wanted to give thanks since Hope is healthy and out of the hospital." "Aye, Hope is going to be a kind caring just like her Mommy." They kiss. After Hope was fed, Henry walked with her to help her find Allison. They found Allison in the emergency room. "Hope, Auntie Allison is busy working.""Yes, Henry. We should be going."Hope began to cry. Allison finished wrapping her patient's arm."Hi, Emma, Hope, Henry and Killian." She takes Hope from Henry. "Auntie." She hugs her favorite Aunt. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun giving gifts to babies?" Hope babbles. "Emma, how did it go?""We got a lot of donations. Hope wanted to see you before we leave.""Emma, I am on my break now. I am just happy to have visitors. What time should we come over tomorrow?" "2:00?""That sounds good, I am bringing food and dessert." "Gifts!"Allison Emma and Killian laughed."Of course, Hope. I am going to bring you all the gifts. Are you going to sleep early tonight for Santa to come to bring you presents?" Hope babbles. "I have been teaching Hope, Christmas song all about Santa, and Rudolph. She loves music.""Did you meet Santa Hope?" Hope fusses."Emma?""We went to the town you recommended to meet Santa Claus in the mall. Hope was not happy meeting Santa Claus.""Aye, our little lass was afraid.""That is alright. I know when she is a little older, she will be waiting in line without being afraid.""I told you, Killian, it is normal." "Aye, I just wanted to make sure." Emma smiles at Killian being a caring Daddy to their little girl. "Aunt Allison, I got a video game that Connor will like.""I have a feeling you and him will play it when we come over tomorrow." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope. You and I are going to play tomorrow." She tickles Hope making her laugh."She loves you, Allison.""I am her favorite auntie." She gave Hope a kiss on her head. Allison's beeper goes off. "I have another case." Emma takes Hope from Allison. "No.""Hope, I will see you tomorrow. I am not working on Christmas. You, Mommy and I will have girl talk tomorrow." "Allison, we will see you tomorrow." They hug. Emma carries Hope to the car. "Love, to the next destination?""Yes. Henry are you sure you and Hope want to come?""Mom, Hope and I will be fine.""We will not be there for too long." Killian drove his family to prison. "Emma, are you sure you can come in.""Yes, I want to see Annie and Rose. I know you will be next to me." They entered the prison Emma carried Hope tight in her arms, with Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. Emma and Killian showed their badges to the guards and let them in. The security guards were examining the family even the presents and donations, Hope was crying. "Hopey, it is okay. I know it is scary in the prison, sweetie." Hope cried louder was shaking with fear. "You are not going to get hurt, Mommy and Dad will protect you. Killian, take Hope back to the car.""But Emma...""Our daughter is afraid. I want her to feel safe." "I will take Hope to the car. Hope and I can have our pirate talk." Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Dad, I will stay with Mom." "Are you sure you can do this Emma?""Yes." She hugs Henry. "I have our son with me. Hope needs to be in the car with her Daddy." "Aye, we will meet you in the car." "Mommy and Henry will be back with you and Daddy soon, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Dad, Mom will be with me.""Aye, lad. We will be in the car." Killian takes Hope into the car. Henry held his Mom's hand,"Mom, I am right here." She hugs her son and kisses him on the head, knowing her son is there for her again in prison but in different circumstances. A security guard guided Emma and Henry Annie's prison cell, Emma gets a few flashbacks of when she was pregnant in prison with Henry. "Mom." He holds his Mom's hands. "Everything is okay.""Thanks, Henry. You stopped me from my flashback." The guard opened the door to Annie's room. "Annie, you have visitors." She left. Emma and Henry entered the room, the prison cell, had a baby crib with baby needs scattered and see Annie holding Rose in a quilt. "Emma, Henry. I had no idea you two were coming.""We have gifts for you and Rose for Christmas."Annie had tears of happiness in her eyes. "Rose, we have Christmas gifts from Emma and HenryEmma smiles. "Merry Christmas from us. Can I hold Rose?" "Yes, you can." Emma gets Rose from her Mommy. "Hi, Rose. It is Emma." Rose coos. "You have gotten so big." Emma smiles. Henry takes a picture of his Mom holding Rose. "How old is she now?""Two months old. I love holding her, feeding her and just being there for her. I was always alone now I have her. Even though she is the only baby here, I love her and the security guards love her They help us when we need anything." Rose coos. "Annie, Rose wants you to open your presents."Annie got clothes, feminine products, snacks, and Rose got toys, books, and clothes. "Emma, thank you so much." "You are very welcome." Rose coos. "Rose, you like your gifts?" Rose moves around. "She looks a lot like you."Annie smiles. "She looks a lot like me. She makes me so happy in this miserable place but I am not alone anymore." Rose began to cry. Annie gets Rose from Emma. "Rosie, we got gifts for Christmas. I have books to read to you for storytime. Emma, thank you so much. I do not know how to thank you for letting me keep my daughter here.""I was in a similar position when I had Henry. I had no one on my side. I figured if I help someone in the same position, I will make a huge difference in their life. I had no one on my side, if I had I would maybe make a different decision but I would not have been able to raise a baby in prison.""You certainly did, I am not alone anymore. Rose is the best gift ever in my life." Henry saw what his life would have been in the prison dark, alone and not in a home, he understood why his Mom gave him up."Merry Christmas, Annie." Henry hugs his Mom. "You give me the best hugs Henry.""I know, I love you, Mom." "I love you too, Henry. We should be going back to your Dad and sister.""Yes.""Emma, please visit again.""We will. Hope will want to see Rose. Merry Christmas.""Merry Christmas Emma and Henry." They left the room, the guard leads them out of the prison. Emma can tell Henry had something on his mind. "Henry, spill. What is on your mind?" Henry hugs Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you too, Henry.""I understand why you gave me up not being raised in a prison or foster care." She faces her son, "I was afraid every minute of the day in prison and I did not you in prison with me or in foster care. All I could think was adoption was the best for you, where you will have a home and a family.""I have a family with you Mom.""Yes,Henry. You are right. Now, we have to go back to the rest of our family." They went back to their car, Killian was snuggling with Hope who was fast asleep. "How is our little duckling?""Fast asleep. She enjoyed music time and pirate talk with her Dada. How were Annie and Rose?""They love their gifts." Killian puts Hope back in her car seat, Hope woke up crying."Little love, Dada is right here. Mommy and Henry are back. We are going home.""Ome." Hope grips her Daddy's hook. Emma and Henry sat in the front of the yellow bug, she drove her family home. Killian held Hope inside, Hope just wanted her Daddy, "Hope, we are home, little love." "Hope, we are going to have a movie night little sis. It is Christmas Eve, we can watch Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas." Hope stopped crying. "Henwy." "It is part of our Christmas tradition, tomorrow we get to open presents from Santa Claus tomorrow." Killian brings Hope to change her into Christmas pajamas. Emma hugs her son. "You made Hope very happy.""I know my sister, she loves her Pluto." Killian brings Hope back downstairs. "Mommy." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Killian hands over Hope to his swan. "Hopey, did you have fun with Dada in the car?" "Dada!" "Our little pirate." Killian gave Hope kisses. They all changed into their matching pajamas and snuggled in the living room. Hope wanted to be with her Mommy and holding her Daddy's hook. Henry turned on Netflix, when Mickey and Pluto went on, "Pluto!" Emma, Henry, and Killian all stared at Hope who said a new word."Yes, Hopey, Pluto. He is on television, sweetie." Emma hugs her daughter and looks at Killian thinking the same, Hope's new word. "Little love, Pluto is the best." Hope babbles.Henry brings down Hope's two Pluto dolls. "Hopey, look who I have.""Pluto!" She grabs her favorite Disney dolls and holds them. "I love your new word, little sis." Hope babbles as Henry gave his sister kisses. Emma and Killian enjoyed watching their children interacting and hearing Hope's new word, a great Christmas Eve, helping the less fortunate giving back and showing their children to be kind and caring people. After the movie was over, Killian put Hope to bed in her crib. Emma and Killian brought the wrapped presents from the basement and put them underneath the Christmas tree. "Is that all the presents?"Yes, Emma.""Good. I am going to check on Henry. He was sad when we were in prison.""I understand, Emma. I will meet you in bed." They kiss. Emma sees Henry not himself in his room, "Henry. Are you okay?" She joins him on the bed. He immediately hugged her. "Mom?""Yes, Henry?""Was the prison you were in when you had me were scary as the one we were in today?" Emma hugs her son. "The prison I was in Arizona, it was scary because I was terrified. Not because of villains in the prison but all of the bad women who did awful crimes. Here I was at 17 going on 18 terrified alone and pregnant." Emma was crying. "I knew I could not raise you in prison. I did not want you to have me as your Mom not being able to give you anything...""Mom." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I saw it what the prison it was very scary. I saw how much you hated it there. I understand more now why you gave me up. I do not blame you for giving me up for adoption because the prison was a scary and unsafe place for you and for me." "I love you, Henry. I gave you up for your best chance. Now, you are living with me full time.""You are raising me in a normal family life with Dad and Hope. I love my life with you Mom. You are giving me holidays and family vacations. I just think it was unfair how my Dad left you and framed you for his crime. He should have gone to prison not you, he was a coward. He left you in prison for his crime so he won't go see his Dad. I hate him for doing that to you.""I can never forgive him for doing that to me. When I first saw him, he was being a selfish jerk...he did not change all he could think about was himself and he did not believe me about Tamara...then you got kidnapped." She hugs him. "When we were heading to Neverland all I could think about on the Jolly Roger was when I gave birth to you. I was ready to do anything to get you back from Pan.""Dad helped you and the rest of our family to rescue me, not my bio dad, Dad. He is a better man than my selfish biological Dad.""I helped Annie because she had no one. I wanted to give back because everyone needs support.""I understand that. I like giving back on Christmas.""Yes, giving back to the less fortunate is part of Christmas. I did not have any love on the holidays barely any presents or love. I knew when I made it out of the system, I was going to give back to the less fortunate. No child should have nothing on Christmas." "That is why I love you, Mom, you always care for the less fortunate and want to help others when needed. Can you sleep with me?" "Yes, I can. You are my only son. " They under the blanket, Emma hugs her son. "You and Dad are great parents. I am so lucky to have you both. I cannot wait to open presents tomorrow with Hope." "We are going to have a great Christmas tomorrow." "I love you, Mom.""I love you, too, Henry." He fell asleep on his Mom. "You will always be my baby boy, Henry." Emma is so happy to have Henry in her life now being his mother and giving him everything she did not have as a child, especially in the holiday season. She watched Henry sleep until she fell asleep. She cannot wait for tomorrow celebrating Christmas with her two children and her husband creating Swan-Jones Christmas traditions which Henry and Hope will always have.

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