Henry's Special Day

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Killian loves seeing Hope running around in her Ariel dress around the Jolly Roger. He was giving Hope a sailing lesson, their one on one time, to give Hope a break from the house. He has not been on the Jolly Roger in a while since he has been at his home on land taking care of his wife. "Dada." Hope was at the steering wheel. "Eer."<br />

Killian joins his lass at the steering wheel. "You want to steer the steering wheel?"<br />

"Yes."<br />

Killian taught Hope how to steer. Hope goes to the ropes and picks them up. "Hope. Drop the rope."<br />

Hope drops the rope."Dada. Pway."<br />

"You cannot play with the ropes, little love. The ropes hold the sails together. How about you help me check the Jolly Roger?"<br />

"Yes...Olly Wawa."<br />

Killian holds Hope on his hip and smiles. "That is my little pirate." Killian carried Hope around the Jolly Roger and checked the ship. "You did a great job helping me check on our second home."<br />

"Dada."<br />

"Yes, little pirate?"<br />

"Luv you."<br />

Killian smiles and hugs Hope. "I love you so much,Hope. My little pirate."<br />

"Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy.<br />

"You give the best hugs. Now, we are going into town to buy Henry's birthday gift." Killian walked into town carrying Hope.<br />

"Henwy."<br />

"Yes, Henry's birthday is tomorrow."<br />

"Ookie."<br />

"We are going to have cake tomorrow. I ordered a cake especially for him." He buys Henry's gift, letting Hope walk around the shop. He carries Hope home.<br />

"Ome...Mommy."<br />

"Yes, we are home little love." He hides Henry's birthday present and brings Hope into his room, where Emma was fast asleep. He puts Hope next to his swan. Emma hears them and wakes up. She turns around seeing Hope. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy.<br />

"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with dada?"<br />

"Olly...wawa..."<br />

"You were helping Dada on the Jolly Roger in your ariel dress?"<br />

"Yes. Miss you."<br />

Emma smiles. "I missed you too." She kisses Hope on the head and hugs her daughter.<br />

"How are you feeling swan?"<br />

"I am in less pain. I am getting better every day." Hope babbles.<br />

Henry enters the room. "Dad, Mom, I know what I want to do for my birthday tomorrow."<br />

"What do you want to do, kid? We can do whatever you want."<br />

"If you are feeling better, Mom. I want us to go sailing. I been jealous of Hope has been on the Jolly Roger more than me."<br />

"Lad, are you jealous?"<br />

"I want to sail for my birthday."<br />

"Kid, we are going sailing tomorrow."<br />

"Yes!"<br />

"Henwy...wead book."<br />

Henry holds Hope on his hip. "Hope, I can read to you from my storybook in my room."<br />

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