Comic-Con 2020

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Emma was having the same nightmare of when she had to kill Killian so she can go back to normal, to the underworld trip and to Killian's recent heart attack and surgery. She screams in her sleep. "Killian!! Do not leave me!!"
Killian wakes up and wakes up Emma. "Emma!! Emma!! Wake up, love. You are having another nightmare." Emma wakes up gasping and shaking in Allison's rental apartment in New York. "Emma, you are with me. I am right next to you." He hugs his wife. "I am here with you, Emma. I am out of the hospital. We are in New York with our family. We are together. We are not in the underworld. I am alive, Emma."
"Killian..." She hugs him.
"I am right here, Emma. You did not lose me. You have been taking care of me since I got out of surgery. You hardly left my side. I am in less pain. Allison gave me the okay to travel, love. We are in New York with Henry and Hope for Comic-Con and going to have a great weekend with our children." He knows Emma is tired but having nightmares, taking care of him and working as sheriff.
Henry hears his Mom having a nightmare. He checks on his sister who was sound asleep in the next bed and goes to his parents. He sees his Mom crying and shaking "Mom." Henry quickly goes to her and hugs her. "Mom, everything is okay. You are with me, and Dad. Hope is in the next room. Dad is with us, Mom."
"Emma, you are not alone, love." Emma stops shaking.
"Mom, we are on our birthday trip."
Emma smiles. "You are right, Henry." She hugs her son. "We are going to have fun this weekend. You need to get back to bed."
"Mom, are you sure? I can stay here a little longer."
Emma hugs her son. "I am going to be okay, kid. I know you do not want to be tired tomorrow at comic con."
"You are right. I do need to be awake. I have a few ideas where we should go."
"Yes, we can go wherever you want to go first."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. Henry looks at his Dad.
He mouths to his son, "She is going to be okay, lad."
"I will go back to bed." Henry goes back to his room.
Killian pulls her into him and lets her lie on his chest carefully. She pulls away. "I cannot hurt you."
"Emma, you are not going to hurt me, love. You are staying with me, love." He pulls her back into him and kisses her on the head. "Swan, you are my true love. I am not going anywhere."
The next morning, Hope wakes up early. She climbs into Henry's bed. "Henwy." She walks around on the bed.
Henry wakes up smiling. "Hope."
"Henwy." She hugs her brother.
"Little sis, let's have breakfast." He carries Hope into the kitchen. "Hope, do you want oatmeal?"
Emma wakes up hearing her children in the kitchen. She sees her children in the kitchen. "Hope, I will make you and Henry breakfast."
"Good morning, baby girl." Hope jumps into Emma's arms and hugs her. "Are you excited for today? We are going to comic con!"
"Yes. Tay you."
"You can stay with me while we are at comic con."
"Henry, are you excited for our comic con day?"
"Yes, I am!" He hugs his Mom and sister. "I am going to get dressed." Henry rushes into his room and changes into his outfit for his first day at comic con.
Emma hugs her daughter, Hope is still clingy to her and Killian. "We are going to have fun today." Emma cooks scrambled eggs while holding Hope. "Mommy."
"Do you want to help me cook the eggs?"
"You can be my mixer." She puts Hope on the counter and let her mix the eggs.
Killian wakes up and gets ready for the day. He hears his family in the kitchen. He sees Emma cooking scrambled eggs with Hope sitting on the counter talking to her. "Morning, swan."
"Morning Captain." They kiss.
"Good morning, Hope. Are you helping Mommy cook breakfast?"
"Yes!" They ate breakfast.
Henry returns wearing a Batman tee-shirt with his ID necklace. "Mom, Dad. I am ready to leave."
"Whoa, kid. We need to have breakfast first before we go. You need to eat."
"Yes. Mom." Henry joins his family at the table for breakfast. Killian chuckles. "I know you are excited, it is your birthday trip."
"Mom, it is our birthday trip."
Emma hugs her son. "Yes, kid. It is our birthday trip. We are going to have so much fun this weekend."
"We can go to any booth for any show or cast first."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Mom." He hugs his Mom.
They walked to Comic-Con in the very crowded city. Emma was holding Hope who was wearing her Ariel dress. Emma was wearing her Little Mermaid shirt. "Swan, are you okay?"
"Yes. I am. Why?"
"You seem very tired, love."
"I am not too tired, honey. Are you okay?"
"I am feeling better, swan. Your best friend fixed my heart. I know you and our son are going to have fun this weekend." Hope babbles. "Hope, you are going to have fun too. We are going to see the voice of Ariel."
"We are going to see Melody next week, baby girl."
"Little sis, we can bring Melody a gift from comic con."
"Henry, that is a great idea, kid. Hope you can help choose Melody's gift." Hope hugged her Mommy.
When they arrived inside the very crowded Javits Center, Hope began to cry. "Mommy...Mommy..."
"I know there are a lot of people in many many types of costumes. They are not going to hurt you, sweetie. You are staying with me." She kisses Hope on the head.
Killian looks at his wife knowing their daughter was afraid and needed them both. He rubs Hope's back. "Little love, Dada is right next to you and Mommy. No one is going to take you away from us."
"Yes, we are going to stay together. I promise." Hope stops crying. He kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, which way should we go first?"
"DC section!"
"Yes!" Henry got a map and led his family in the crowds to the DC lines. They waited in line for Jason O'mara, and Jason Spivak for Batman and the Joker.
"Lad, what are you getting signed from the voice of Batman?"
"I want to get my funk-pop of Batman sign and my shirt."
"Is this the shirt Hope got you for your birthday?"
"Yes, Mom." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope. You get me the best gifts." He kisses his sister on the cheek. When it was their turn, Henry approached Jason O'mara. "Hi, my name is Henry."
"I remember you from last year."
As Henry spoke to Jason O'mara, Killian took pictures of their son talking to the voice of Batman on Henry's camera. "Mom." She carried Hope to Henry and Jason. "My Mom and I are the DC fans of the family. We are getting my Dad and sister into the movies."
"Hope is more into Disney."
Jason smiles. "That is alright." Killian took pictures of Henry with Jason and with his swan and daughter. He signs Henry's funko pop and shirt.
The family went to meet the Joker at his table. Henry and Emma carrying Hope approached Jason Spisak. "Hello...who are you?"
Henry was in awe when hearing the Jokers' voice. Hope began crying. Emma takes Hope away from the other Jason. Killian stays with Henry and Jason Spivak. "My name is Henry. You are my favorite villain."
"Thank you." He continues to talk to Henry as Killian took pictures of his son.
Emma was calming Hope down. "Henwy."
"Henry is okay. He is talking to a voice actor." Hope babbles. "That is part of the voice actor's job, sweetie." She hugs her daughter. Killian and Henry return to the rest of the family. "Hey, kid. How was meeting the Joker?"
"It was awesome! He spoke to me in the voice, the whole time. He told me what his favorite scenes to film and his favorite DC series."
Emma smiles. "That is so cool."
"He also signed my funko pop too!"
"Baby sis, do you want to go to meet Ariel?"
"Disney is next stop, Mom."
They passed by a ball pit. "Balls." Hope points at the ball pit.
"Little love do you want to play in the ball pit?"
"Yes." Killian helps Hope down and walks with her to the ball pit.
"Kid, can you watch Hope?"
"Yes, I can." Henry joins Hope in the ball pit. "Dad, Mom wants you."
Killian goes to his wife. "Emma? You are mad at me, love?"
"No, I am not."
"I can read your face, love. Are you mad at me for putting Hope on the floor?" Emma walks away to the window. "Emma." He chases after her into the crowds. "Swan!" He holds his arm. "Emma." She turns around with tears in her eyes. "Emma."
"I keep thinking of you on the floor, in our house in pain or in the underworld. I cannot lose you again, Killian. I am afraid of you losing you again." She cried more. "I want to make sure you're fully recovered."
Killian hugs his wife."Emma, I am in less pain and getting better every day, love. I can hold our daughter. You are not going to lose me. I am right here with you." He can tell something else was on his wife's mind. "What else is going on, swan? I know something else is on your mind." Emma was overly emotional from the mix of what has been going on and tired. She hugs her husband. "You are taking really good of me, Emma. I know you are very tired, love. You are my amazing wife." Emma felt safe in her husband's arms. "How about after comic con. When we return home you and I can have a date night?"
Emma smiles. "A date night?"
"Aye, we are in the big apple keeping us very busy on our family vacation. When we get back to Maine, I need alone time with my beautiful wife."
"I love that idea." They kiss.
"Now, let's go find our kids."
Henry was playing with Hope. "Mommy...Dada."
"Mommy and Daddy are talking, little sis. Where do you want to go next?" Hope climbs out of the ball pit and walks away.
"Hope!" Henry rushes to catch up with his sister. Hope runs into crowds and stops seeing the costumes and begins crying. "Henwy..."
"Are you lost, little princess?" Hope looks up and sees Jodi Benson. She kneels to face Hope. "Are you a little princess lost from Mommy and Daddy?"
Jodi holds Hope. "I love your dress." Hope smiles."I remember you last year. You love my singing voice. I want to be where the people are...." Hope stops crying hearing Jodi singing. Jodi smiles. "Mel-Mel Mommy."
Emma and Killian were walking around. Emma hears Hope babbling. "Killian, I hear Hope."
"I am her Mom, I know our daughter's voice." She runs to her daughter and sees her in the crowd being held by Jodi Benson. Emma was surprised. "Oh my gosh. Our daughter is with the voice of Ariel."Emma rushes to Hope."Hope."
"Mommy! "Hope reaches out for her Mommy. Jodi Benson gives Hope back to her Mommy.
"Hope, are you talking to Jodi Benson?"
"I found her by herself crying."
"Jodi Benson, thank you for finding our daughter."
"You are very welcome."
"Emma. I remember you and Hope last year."
"Where is Henry?" Hope hugs her Mommy. Hope babbles. "Little love, did you wander off from your brother?" Hope grabs his hook.
"She told me about Melody?"
"Yes, she has a best friend name Melody back at home." Hope holds her Mommy's phone. Emma smiles. "You want to show Jodi a picture of your best friend?"
"Yes, Mommy."
Emma uses her iPhone to get a picture of Hope with Melody and Ariel. "This is Hope's best friend named Melody." Killian takes pictures of his swan and daughter talking with Jodi Benson.
"She looks like my Melody in the movie."
Hope points at Ariel in the photo. "You here!"
"That is me?"
"Does Ariel sing like me?"
"You like my singing voice?"
"Yes." Emma and Killian were looking at each other knowing their daughter showing Jodi the real-life Ariel and Melody.
Henry came running and out of breath. "Mom, Dad. You found Hope...Jodi Benson."
"Kid, Jodi Benson found Hope, alone."
Henry gulped. "Mom, Hope ran from me at the ball pit. I lost her in the crowds."
"Aye, I was right. Hope, you cannot run off like that."
Emma faces her daughter. "Hope,you cannot run into a very crowded place, where you can get lost and kidnapped. We found you."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy...afe."
"You are safe, Hope."
"Little sis, I love you. Even if you are really fast, little pirate."
"Hope, this is your brother Henry?"
"Hope, did you tell Jodi about your bed little love?"
"Aye, Jodi, Hope has a little mermaid bed at home and a lot of Ariel dresses and shirts."
"Oh, really? Hope you watch the little mermaid a lot at home?"
"Yes, Mommy..."
"Hope and I watch your movie all the time."
"I love seeing fans of different generations, especially mothers and daughters."
"We are very big fans." Killian takes out a poster and DVD. "Can you please sign these for us?"
"Yes, I can." Jodi signs the Dvd and the poster. "Here you go."
"Thank you, Jodi."
"Ank you."
"You are welcome, Emma and Hope." Killian took pictures of Jodi Benson with Emma and Hope.
"Jodi, thank you so much again for finding Hope."
"Aye, we would not have known what would have happened to her if you did not found her in time."
"You are both are very welcome." Hope reaches out to Jodi who takes her from Emma. "Hope,it was fun talking to you. I have to go back to work." Hope hugs Jodi. Emma takes a picture of Jodi and Hope. She takes Hope from Jodi. "Bye, Hope."
Hope waves at Jodi. "Bye, Mel-Mel Mommy." Jodi leaves the family.
"Did the voice of Ariel find Hope?"
"Aye, lad yes she did."
"Yes, we saw the voice of Melody's Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Mom, I really am sorry, I lost Hope."
"Henry, we are not too mad at you because the place we are in a very crowded place we are in. Hope is learning to run into crowds."
"Aye, Hope. You have to be with Mommy, Daddy and Henry in crowds, little love." Hope looks at her Daddy. He kisses Hope on the head.
"I understand, Mom. I am happy that Hope is found in time."
"Yes. Kid, where to next? We met the voice of Ariel already."
"I was thinking Marvel?"
"Good choice." They went into long lines to meet Robert Downey Jr, the voice of Iron Man. Hope began crying.
"Little duckling, are you hungry?"
"Swan, I have a snack for her." He takes out goldfish from her diaper bag. "Little Love, I have a snack for you."
"Dada." Killian holds Hope and Hope was eating her snack. Hope kisses her Daddy on the cheek. He smiles.
"Kid, what are you getting signed by Iron Man?"
"I bought a poster for him to sign."
"We are getting so close."
"We are going to meet him soon, kid."
When it was their turn, Henry and Emma approached Robert Downey Jr, "Hi, my name is Henry. My Mom and I love watching all of the marvel movies especially Iron Man.
"Thank you, Henry." Killian took pictures of Emma and Henry talking to the voice of Iron Man.
"You are with me, Hope." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Swan."
Emma sees Killian trying to take pictures with Hope hugging him. "Killian, I got the camera."
"Thank you, love." They kiss. Henry was still talking to Iron Man and asking him questions. Emma took pictures of her son and actor of Iron Man. He signed Henry's poster. "Mom! Chris Hemsworth is here. Can we meet him?"
"Yes, we can."
"Chris Hemsworth is an actor from the movies Star Trek movies and plays Thor in Marvel films."
"Aye, I can see what the lad is excited."
"Henwy, appy."
"Yes, Henry is very happy." Hope nods her head yes. She kisses Hope on the cheek. They waited in line for Thor. Henry was explaining to his Dad who Thor was in the Marvel series. "Mommy." Emma holds Hope. "Luv you."
"I love you, Hope. Did you enjoy your talk with Jodi?"
"Is Ariel your favorite Disney princess?"
"Yes. You?"
"Ariel is definitely my favorite Disney princess." Hope babbles. "We can watch The Little Mermaid movie together." Hope clapped her hands. When it was their turn Henry's turned around. "Mom, are you coming?"
"Yes, I am."
"Swan, I have the camera ready." Emma smiles.
"You are coming with me, Hope." Emma carried Hope to Henry and Chris Hemsworth.
"Hi, my name is Henry."
"Hi, Henry. It is so nice to meet you."
"This is my Mom, Emma and my sister Hope."
"It is nice to meet you, Emma."
"It is really nice to meet you Chris Hemsworth. Hope, say hi."
"Chris, can you please sign my marvel poster?"
"Yes, I can." Chris Hemsworth signed Henry's poster. Killian took pictures of Henry and Chris Hemsworth.
Hope points at her Daddy. "Dada."
"Yes,Hope. Dada is taking pictures of Henry getting his poster signed by Chris Hemsworth."
They were walking around the convention center. Hope was taking her nap on Killian. "My little pirate, you are with Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma smiles seeing Killian being an amazing Daddy to their daughter. "You are an amazing daddy."
"Aye, I love being a Daddy."
She smiles at her husband. "Now, we are going to a panel."
"Aye, I can sit down holding our little lass."
"Mom, Dad, the panel for Marvel is this way."
"Henry, we are right behind you." They waited in line for the panel.
"I will be right back, I will get us some snacks."
"Aye, lad. We will be right here." Henry went to a snack stand and sees a gift shop. Emma hugs Killian as he kisses her on the cheek. They were able to get seats and saved a good spot for Henry. Henry returns. "Kid, just in time. The panel is about to begin."
"I bought snacks for us. I also got Hope a gift and Ava a gift each. I think this can be Hope's Christmas present from me."
"That is really sweet you thought of Hope and Ava."
"I love them both." Emma and Killian smile at each other big, their son is in love. The panel began, it was the Captain's Marvel's, they see Brie Larson. "Mom, can we meet her later?"
"Yes, we can depend on her autograph session time."
"Her character outfit reminds me of my swan." Emma chuckles and kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek. As the panel continued, Hope woke up and wanted to walk around. "We are listening to the actors, little love." Hope fusses. "Love, I can take Hope out of here."
"We are going on a walk."
"We will find you two when we get back." They kiss.
Killian takes Hope out of the panel room. "Little love, where do you want to go?"
"Alk." He sets Hope down on the floor and kneels down to Hope.
"We can walk but you need to stay with Daddy, alright? No running off in the crowds. I do not want to lose my daughter. You have to hold my hand walking around." Hope holds her Daddy's hook. "That is my little pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek. The daddy and daughter walk around the convention. Hope makes poop. "Dada." He picks up his little lass and smells her dirty diaper. He takes her to the men's room and changes her diaper. While he was cleaning up the mess, Hope takes out her bottle of water and drinks it. When they were walking around, Hope hugged her Daddy's legs. "Dada..."
"Hope, are you afraid of the costumes?"
"Yes." Killian holds Hope on his hip. He knew where to take Hope.
After the panel, Emma and Henry walked to the autograph session for Brie Larson. They were walking to Outlander cast autograph session and waited in line. "Where is Dad and Hope?"
"Your Dad took Hope out of the panel because she wanted to walk around. He took Hope out."
"Wherever Dad took Hope, I know they are having fun."
"You are right, kid." They went online to get Brie's autograph. Henry and his Mom were waiting online. He hugs his Mom. Emma smiles. "I am having so much fun on our birthday trip."
"I am happy you are having fun."
"Are you having fun?"
"Yes, I am, Henry."
"We are having Mom and Henry time?"
"Yes, just like when we were living in New York."
"Yes but it is different now with Dad and Hope, our family is complete. It is a good change, Mom. I remember our fake memories, it was only the two of us."
"I remember that very well. It was a great year, just the two of us, a normal life. Killian came to bring us back to Storybrooke. That one year with you, I always wanted a normal family life without foster system and fighting curses."
"Mom, even fighting villains, you are giving Hope and I a normal life. We are at comic con in New York part of family tradition and a birthday gift to you and me." Henry hugs his Mom. "All because of you."
"If you did not find me in Boston when you were ten, I would be still alone. I am not alone now, I have you, your Dad, and Hope."
"By the time we get home, we are going to have more family time? Do you know why?"
"Thanksgiving. I invited Ava, Nicholas and their Dad to join us. I hope you do not mind. Ava told me that it is usually just the three of them celebrating Thanksgiving." She hugs her son.
"I have not seen their Dad since I got him to come to look at them at the town line."
"You got him to see them and keep them. Ava told us once you broke the curse, their Dad hugged up and screamed happily. He told them what Regina had done to him and how she separated their family."
"They are more than welcome to join us for Thanksgiving, Henry."
Killian carries Hope around the very crowded Manhattan. "Dada."
"We are going to Bryant Park to play."
"Yes, Hope we get to go play." Hope clapped her hands. Killian smiles at his little lass's excitement for Daddy and daughter time. He takes Hope to Bryant Park and walked around the crowds to see the ice rink instead of the open grass area. "Oh..."
"Oh no."
"Oh no right, little love. There is an ice rink covering the grass."
"No. Pway..."
"I have a better idea, little love." Killian sees the carousel. "Hope, do you want to go on a horsey ride?"
Killian takes Hope onto the small carousel. "Which horse Hope?" Hope chose the white one with a pink mane. "Good choice, little pirate princess." He puts her on the horse and straps her in and takes pictures of Hope on the horse with his iPhone. "Hope, you are riding a horse." Hope smiles. He took pictures and texted them to the family group text. The bell rang and the ride began. Killian stood next to Hope just in case she won't fall off the horse. "Wheee...wheee..." Killian smiling seeing his daughter happy. At the end of the ride. "Dada." Hope reaches out her hand and held his hook. "Do you want to go on the horsey again?"
"No." He unstraps Hope and holds her on his hip. "To more adventures."
"Yes, Hope." He takes Hope around the city. "Let's sail away." He takes Hope to the Disney Store. When they entered the store, "Mickey..."
"Yes, Hope, Mickey Mouse, little love." He lets Hope walk around with him right behind her. He sees child pink tie-dye shirt of Pluto and I love Pluto gray shirt with Pluto on it. He takes both shirts in Hope's size. "Dada. Pluto."
"Yes, Hope, Pluto dolls " Hope takes one. "Hope, you have Pluto doll at home, a few of them."
"Hope, no. You have a Pluto doll in my bag."
"Okay." She walked around the store, to the Disney Animation princess collection. "Mommy?"
"Mommy is with Henry."
"No. Mommy t-t..." She points to the princess dolls.
"Oh, why isn't Mommy a dolly?"
"Yes. Mommy not..."
"Yes, Mommy is a Disney princess, little love. She needs to be a dolly."
"Yes. Dada you."
Killian laughs. "Yes, I have a dolly of myself. I agree with you. Disney needs to make a dolly of your amazing Mommy. Do you want to look at the other Disney plushies?"
"Yes, Dada." Hope holds his hook as they went to Disney plushies section. Hope saw Piglet plush. "Dada."
"Hope you want to get a Piglet doll?"
Killian gives Hope the Piglet plush doll. "Now, Pooh bear at home has his best friend to keep him company." Hope hugs her new Disney plush doll. Killian takes pictures of his daughter hugging her new doll and walking around the store. He holds Hope when he was getting cranky and took selfies of their one on one pirate time.
Emma and Henry were next waiting for the Outlander cast. Henry got his camera ready. "Mom, are you ready to meet Jamie and Claire?"
"Yes, I have my books out for them to sign."
"You brought a lot of books."
"I only bought my favorite ones, the first three books."
"You are such a big fan and reader, I know where I get that from"
Emma smiles. "Yes, you get that from me." They were next, Emma walked up to Caitriona and Sam. "Hi."
"Hello there. You have the Outlander books with you?"
"Yes, I have the first three books for you both to sign." She gives the books to Caitriona first to sign. "I have a question. Out of all the battles in season 1-5 which is the hardest battle to film?"
Sam smiles. "Aye, the battle of Culloden. That was the toughest one to film and exhausting."
"I can imagine." Henry took pictures of his Mom talking to Sam. When Sam signed Emma's books, she took pictures with Caitriona. "I have a question?"
"What is your question?"
"Where does Claire end up in time at the end of season 5? In the past or in the future?"
Caitriona smiles. "I cannot tell but what I can tell you that you will love season 6."
"I am so excited." Henry takes a picture of his Mom with Caitriona and Sam on his camera. "Thank you, Henry."
"You are welcome, Mom." They walk around the convention center, Henry sees a video game area. "Mom, can we play a few rounds of Mario Kart?"
"Yes, we can." They played a few rounds of Mario Kart, Emma leaned into Henry to get him to lose.
Henry laughs. "Mom!"
Emma smiles looking innocent."What? I am not doing anything."
"You just don't want me to win again." Emma laughs. They continue to play. When they arrived back at the apartment, Killian and Hope were still out. "Mom, I am going to put my posters and autograph funko pops away."
"Keep them in the container so when we travel back home, they won't get crushed."
"Yes, Mom." He hugs her. "I had so much fun today."
"Me too, kid."
"I know Dad will be home soon, with Hope. He is not going to end up hurt, Mom."
"I am just worried about your Dad."
"I know but he is better now."
"I know." She kisses him on the head.
"You can take a shower first."
"Thanks, kid." She ruffles his hair. "I am going to order some dinner after I take a shower."
"Can we order in burgers?"
Emma smiles."Good choice, kid." Emma takes a shower while Henry puts his posters away and funko pops he got autographed. He found a place where they can order in. Emma got dressed in comfy clothes. "Mom, I found a place to order in."
"Great. I will call the place." Emma calls to make the order, knowing what Killian likes and ordering Hope something from the kids' menu. Killian and Hope returned back to the apartment, "There are my two pirates." She hugs Killian and kisses sleeping Hope on the cheek. "How was your daddy and daughter time?"
"Aye, Hope fell asleep after we left the Disney store. We went to Bryant Park and rode on the carousel. We could not run on the open grass because the ice rink was replaced there. I let Hope walk around the Disney Store."
Emma smiles."It sounds like you two had a great daddy-daughter time."
Killian smiles."Aye, we both had fun. I love spending one on one time. I bought Hope a few Pluto shirts that we can give her as Christmas gifts and a souvenir."
"Not the whole Disney store dolls?"
"No, Swan." He playfully rolled his eyes making her chuckle. "Only one doll, a Piglet doll which she chose. How was the rest of comic con?"
"It was fun. We met Brie Larson after the panel, and we met the Outlander cast. We also played a Mario Kart game before leaving. I just ordered us dinner in."
"Aye, I am starving."
"Me too."
"Swan, I can put Hope into bed."
"I can. You got to hold Hope a lot today. I miss our little pirate princess." Emma takes Hope from Killian. Hope stirs from her slumber. "Mommy!"
Emma smiles. "Hi, Hopey. Did you have fun with Dada?"
"Yes. Dada best."
"Your dada is the best."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Miss you, Mommy."
Emma was in awe. "I missed you too, little duckling. I know you have a fun time with Dada in the city."
"You are with me. We are going to have dinner soon."
"Swan, I can get Hep a little snack before dinner."
"Swan, my form of a healthy snack." He takes out blueberries and puts them in a bowl for them to share. "Hope, do you want blueberries?"
"Berry." Hope eats some.
"Is it good, little love?"
"Yes." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Dada."
"You want to show Mommy what you got at theDisney Store?"
"Let's show her." Hope gets her bag from her Daddy and takes out her Piglet doll.
"Hope, did Dada get you a Piglet doll?!"
"Yes! Pooh!"
"Pooh is going to be so happy to have his best friend in our bedroom at home."
Hope smiles and goes to her and Henry's room. Henry was on his iPad talking to Ava. "Henwy!"
"Hope, did Daddy get you a piglet doll?"
"Hope, let me see."
Hope climbs onto Henry's bed. "Little sis, show Ava your Piglet doll."
Hope shows Ava. "Ava!"
"Wow, Hope!"
Emma hugs her husband. "Killian, how was the Disney store with Hope?"
"Aye, she was walking around." He chuckles.
"What is funny?"
"Well, Hope was looking at the Disney Animation princess collection. She was asking me why you weren't in the Disney princess doll collection?"
Emma was in awe. "She wants me in the Disney Princess lineup?"
"Aye, yes. Our daughter knows her Mommy is a Disney princess and needs to be in the Disney princess line up."
Emma smiles knowing her daughter wants her to be in the Disney princess lineup. "She knows she is a princess and wants to be in the lineup."
"I do not know, love, she wants you in the Disney line up, swan. You are a great role model and would make a stunning strong caring princess."
Emma wrapped her arms around his neck. "Does that mean you are my pirate prince?"
"Aye, yes, swan. I am your prince."
"Pirate prince." They kiss.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя