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During the weekend of Henry's finals week, Killian tutored Henry as much as he can. While Emma kept Hope busy outside the house, which she enjoyed quality time with her daughter. On Sunday afternoon, Emma returned home with Hope from the library. Killian sees them walk in. "Hello, love."
"Hi, honey. How is Henry?'
"He needs to talk to you. He is frustrated."
"What happened?"
"We were studying and he got frustrated that is all. He has been in his room ever since."
"Now, I know where he gets it from. Hope, time for Daddy and daughter time. I have to talk to your big brother." Hope cries.
"Love, I got her."
"I think it is her nap time. We had a pretty busy morning."
"Aye, Hope you can sleep on me in the living room." Killian brings Hope into the living room. Emma goes upstairs to talk to Henry.
Emma knocks on his door. "Henry, it is me. I am coming in." She sees Henry on his bed with his back facing her. "Henry." He turns around sees his Mom and gets off of his bed and hugs her a really long time. "Mom." Emma embraced his hug and rubbed his back. "Mom I am going to fail tomorrow. I do not know the math."
They sit on his bed. "Henry, your Dad told me how much you have improved. You are just nervous."
"Mom, I am going to forget everything that Dad has taught me once I get the exam, my mind will go blank."
"Henry look at me." He looks at her. "You are nervous. You are my smart son. You are not going to fail the math exam. You are very smart." She hugs him. "How long you been studying with Dad?"
"Three hours."
" I am pretty sure you need a break. What do you want to do?"
"I do not know."
"Henry, I can give you a sword lesson?"
Henry smiled "Mom, really? Right now?"
"Yes, Henry." He hugs her. "Just no flips. We have not had any quality time in a while."
"Yes, we have not."
"Do not worry, we will have the whole summer of fun."
"Mom, you are the best." He hugs her. "I am going to get the swords from the basement. He runs downstairs and to the basement. Emma goes downstairs, sees Killian holding sleeping Hope.
"Swan, how did you made him feel better?"
"We talked, he is just nervous Killian for this exam tomorrow. I knew that he needed a I am giving him a sword lesson."
"Swan, you are?"
"Yes, I am."
"Love, you have to be careful."
"I know, I won't be too rough with him."
"Aye. I do not want you or Henry to get hurt."
"We will be careful. You can watch. "
"Aye, I will watch while our little Hope here has her nap."
"Did she give you a hard time?"
"No, I calmed her down with my singing voice."
"I am not surprised. You have a great singing voice, captain."
"Thank you, swan." They kiss.
"I was thinking after all of Henry's finals are done. How about we have a sailing adventure to celebrate his final exams are over."
"Aye, love. I love the way you think, swan." They kiss. Henry returns upstairs. Mom. I got swords."
"Henry set up outside." He goes outside. "He is going to love his sailing lesson over the weekend."
"Aye, love. He will love it. I always knew that there was a pirate in you."
She tugs his shirt."Hey, I carried our little pirate for nine months."
"I even knew you were a pirate before we made Hope."
"Oh, really captain."
"Aye." They make out.
Henry returns inside, he covers his eyes. "Mom, Dad did you have to make out even holding Hope." They giggle. Henry takes Hope. "Hope you are so lucky that you are sleeping little sis, you were smooched in between Mommy and Daddy making out." Henry brings Hope outside. Emma and Killian laugh hysterically in each other's arms.
"Now, I know both of them the lad and lass are going to interrupt us kissing."
"Oh, yes for now. They will get used to this eventually."
"Aye. They will. Maybe."
"Henry is waiting for me." They walk outside, Henry holding Hope and showing her the swords."Kid, did you wake your sister up?"
"No, I did not. She just woke up and I am showing her the swords. I showed her the one that you used to defeat a dragon, the one you and Dad had your first fight and the one you used during the final battle."
"Wow, kid. You really know all about the history of the swords."
"Mom, I am the author and I also witnessed most of the events."
"Kid, you were in a sleeping curse when I defeated the dragon and you weren't there in the Enchanted Forest when your Dad and I was fighting."
"Yes, I know all about the swords."
"Come on, let's start." Henry hands over Hope to their Dad. They sit down at the steps while Emma gives Henry a sword lesson. "You want to know how I learned to use a sword? Well, when you were in the sleeping curse, I got my Dad's sword and somehow threw it at Maleficent and she burst into flames." She showed him without using the sword and away from Killian and Hope. "See, little Hope, Mommy is teaching Henry on how to use a sword. Mommy and I will teach you when you are older, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry tries to copy Emma by throwing his sword at the tree.
"You got to bend your knees and throw it." Emma laughs at her son's attempt.
"Mom, I am trying my best."
"I know, kid, you are." She hugs him. "Come, on. There is more than I can teach you." Emma taught Henry her sword techniques for 2 hours. "Henry, I need a break."
"Mom, two hours is enough practice."
"Are you sure Henry?'
"Yes, Mom. I am feeling better now." He hugs her. "Thank you, Mom."
"Your, welcome, Henry. I am glad that I can make you feel better." Just on cue, Hope began to cry. Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Love, I am going to make us dinner."
"Hope, are you hungry sweetie? Mommy will feed you now sweetie?" Emma brought Hope to her bedroom to feed her. Henry went to Hope's room to get a burp towel. He enters his parents' room with Hope already latched on eating. He sits next to his Mom. "Are you feeling better now?"
"Yes, I am Mom. I needed that break."
"I know. You needed to relieve your anxiety. After this week, you have summer off."
"Yes. I am looking forward to playing with Hope and spend time with you and Dad of course."
"We are looking forward to having you over in the summer." Hope stopped eating. "Hope, are you full baby? Or you want your big brother?" Hope spits up on her onesie and begins to cry. "Hope, Mommy will change you do not cry, baby." Henry gets an extra onesie. "Thank you, Henry." Emma changed Hope. She kisses Hope on her head. Emma fed Hope again until she was full and burped her.
"Mom, can I hold her?'
"Sure, you can." She hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun watching Mommy and I sword fight?" Hope cooed.
"Hope, Mommy is going to teach you sword fight when you are older." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope coos and smiles at her Mommy.
"Mom, she is going to be so much like you."
"You think so, Henry?"
"I know so." She kisses Henry on the head. "Hope, are you going to be a little pirate princess? Like Mommy?" Hope coos. They both smile at Hope.
"Henry, are you sleeping here tonight?"
"I am planning to."
"You need a good night rest before your exams. I know that your sister is not sleeping through the night."
"You are right. I have my math exam first and then my history exam in the afternoon."
"You need to get sleep."
"Yes, Mom. Can I come over after school?"
"Of course, you can that does not change."
"Good. My last exam on Thursday then I am on summer break."
"Oh, we are going to have dinner at Regina's on Thursday night. Your Mom invited us."
"Mom, what about Hope?"
"Henry, it is rude to cancel and if she freaks out we will leave. Your Dad and I want to see it for ourselves."
"Okay. I do not want my little sister get upset."
"Hey, she has you, me and your Dad to protect her and calm her down. Okay?"
"Yes." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I love you so much, little sis. I do not want you to be afraid of anything. I will protect you always." Hope grabs his finger.
"Henry, she knows that you will protect her."
"Yes, her whole family will protect her. She has you our Mom and our Dad the pirate."
"Aye, I am her Daddy the pirate. Dinner is ready." After dinner, Henry read to Hope.
"Henry, you are going to do great tomorrow."
"Thanks, Mom." He hugs her.
"Lad, do not worry you know the math."
"Dad, thank you for helping me."
"It was no problem, Henry." They hug. He kisses Hope on the head. Henry went to Regina's house early to get some rest. The next morning, Emma was breastfeeding Hope on her bed next to Killian who was still sleeping. She gets a phone call from Regina. "Regina?"
"Hi, Emma. Henry is not himself. He is not talking.""
"He is nervous for this exam. Where is he?"
"He went to school."
"I will talk to him."
"Thanks, Emma." They hung up.
"Hope, I have to help your big brother. You and I are going to see Henry at school." Emma gets Hope dressed. She wakes up Killian. "Killian."
"Aye. "
"Regina called. She wants me to talk to Henry."
"I will come to love. I am his tutor. I can talk to him too." Emma drove Hope and Killian to the high school. Killian carried Hope as she went looking for Henry. She found Henry outside in the hall. "Henry."
"Mom!" She hugs him. "Mom I am so nervous for this test. I cannot do it. I am going to fail."
"Henry, you can pass this exam. I know you can pass it."
"No, I can't."
"Lad, you can." Killian gave Hope to Emma. "Remember all of the techniques I taught you. You can do it, Henry. We believe in you."
"Henry you can do it, Kid. We all love you for who you are and we support you no matter what." They hug Henry.
"Can I hold Hope?" Emma hands over Hope to Henry. "Hope, do you think that I can pass the test little sis?" Hope coos. Henry smiles. "Thank you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "I will play with you later."
He gives Hope back to Emma. "Mom, Dad thank you so much for coming here."
"Henry, we are your parents you needed us. We are here for you always."
"Aye, lad. You can talk to us anytime."
"Thank you for coming. Hope, I will see you later little sis." He kisses her on the head. "I have to go in."
"Lad, just remember the way we did the math problems at home and do not think of the word fail."
"Okay, Dad I will."
"That's my boy." He pats Henry on back.
"Henry, we all believe in you kid."
"Thanks, Mom. I will see you after school." He goes into his classroom. Emma leans on Killian and he wrapped his arm around his two loves.
"He will be fine, Emma."
They started to walk the way back out of the high school."I know, I never have seen him this nervous before."
"Love, he will pass his exams."
"I know. He will, he is my smart son after all. He had a great tutor captain." They were about to exit the school, they heard a familiar voice. "Emma!"
Emma turns around."Hi, Mom."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now