Home Sweet Home

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Hope was in the hospital for a week to be monitored from her internal bleeding. Killian and Emma took turns on going home to take showers, one of them always with Hope. The NICU nurses and Allison took good care of Hope while she was in the NICU. Allison and the nurses gave Hope intravenous fluids, electrolytes since she lost blood from her internal bleeding. Emma never left Hope's side. Emma's heart breaks every time Hope cried from a needle or being poked at by test has done to her. Killian returns to be with Hope and Emma after be brings Henry to school. Killian and Emma took turns holding Hope, as Killian had his Daddy and daughter time, Emma got to know some of the other mothers' of other sick babies who were in the NICU with Hope. The babies who were very weak, born very early or had health issues at birth.
Henry always finished his homework at school so he can spend time with his sister when she was in recovery, to give his parents a break. He would read to her and talk to her. After almost a week in the hospital, Hope was improving. Henry came to the hospital after school on Friday, he sees his Mom snuggling with Hope. He watched his mom and sister have one on one time. Emma was holding Hope, "You have a little scar on your chest from your surgery but it makes you special. You are Mommy's special little girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
Emma gently hugged her daughter. "Hopey. I love you so much."
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. How was school?"
"It was good. I got my homework all done and I am free to spend time with Hope the whole weekend. How is Hope?"
"She is getting better. Hope, Henry is here."
"Mom, you look like you need a break. Hope needs, Hope and Henry time."
"Hope missed her big brother all day. Just because of her IV in her hand."
"Don't worry Mom. I am going to be careful." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and holds her in his arms. "Hope, Henry is here. I missed you today while I was at school. I am so happy I get to spend time with you now." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. I love you so much." He sits on the rocking chair with his sister in his arms. Hope began to fuss. Henry lets Hope snuggle on him and she stopped fussing. "You love snuggling on me." Hope babbled. "Yes, you love to snuggle on me." He kisses her head. "Mom."
"Yes, Henry?"
"Hope loves to snuggle on me."
"I can see that. She loves her big brother."
"Mom, when she comes home from the hospital, we can still celebrate Christmas right?" Emma smiles and kneels by her two children. "Henry, this is our first Christmas as a family four, with our whole family complete. We have Hope with us. Even though she will be in recovery we are going to have a very special Christmas, I can feel it, kid."
"I wanted to make sure..."
"Henry. Nothing is going to happen to Hope like at Thanksgiving. I promise you and Hope that. Christmas last year was just the three of us now this year Hope is with us. I am not going to let my brother hurt your sister ever again. Hope is going to be in recovery but she will with us who love her, care for her and we are going to help her through her recovery. She will be very happy with us at Christmas."
"I want Hope's first Christmas to be great. I am looking forward to her to open presents with us on Christmas day."
"Kid, are you up to something?"
"Maybe." Emma smiled. "I want Hope to have a great Christmas with all of us this year. Last year, she was in your belly. This year she is with us. I am her big brother and I am going to give Hope the best Christmas ever." Emma kisses her son on the head.
"You, me and your Dad are all going to give Hope her first Christmas together as a family. I know it was will one of the best Christmas ever."
"Mom, Hope is my special gift, being her big brother." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are my special gift, Hope. I did not want to be an only child and wanted Mommy to be a mom from the very beginning. Our family is complete because you are with us." He gave her multiple kisses on the cheek and makes her laugh and cry.
"Hope, it is okay baby sis. I know you are in pain."
"Kid, Hope's rib is still in recovery. We cannot make her laugh too hard just yet."
"I forgot."
"It is okay Henry. We are going to get used to having her recovery at home. We are going to help her."
"I hate seeing Hope in pain."
"Me too, Henry. She is with us, which is all we can be grateful for."
"Yes, Hope. Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Regina and Killian entered the room with a woman in a suit that entered the NICU. Emma saw the woman, she knew she was a social worker. "Henry, I need to hold Hope now." Henry gave his Mom, Hope. Emma held Hope tight in her arms.
"Love." Killian wrapped his arms around his wife.
"I know that she is a social worker. I can recognize them a mile away. She is not taking our daughter away from us." She talks to the social worker. "She is in recovery. We do not hurt our daughter ever." She holds Hope tighter in her arms.
"Mrs.Jones, I am not here about your daughter. She is not my case. I am just here to ask you a few questions." Henry and Regina sat on the other side of the room. Killian stayed with Emma and Hope. "If Hope is not your case. Who is your case?"
"Leo Nolan."
"My brother? Why?" Emma holding Hope in her arms not letting her go.
"The school called me when Leo's behavior issues got worst. I got a call from the school a few times, that Leo injured your daughter." Emma held onto Hope tighter in her arms.
"Before you do anything, Henry my son was my daughter's witness of Leo's recent incident. Leo always has been a sweet boy but lately...has been acting up at home. Ever since Hope has been born...my parents have been noticing his behavioral issues. On my birthday in October Hope was sitting up playing with his toy and put it in her mouth he grabbed the toy and pushed her. My son Henry he caught her before she landed on the floor. She had no injuries, her pediatrician examined her right away, she is our family friend. After that incident, I told my parents to not bring him over until he gets behavioral issues to get handled." Emma sighs. "Then on Thanksgiving, my Dad and I agreed to let Leo be with a babysitter since his behavioral issues have not changed. Then, my mom decided to bring him. He came upstairs to Hopes room and hit her with his truck."
"I saw it happened. I stopped Leo right away. He was hurting my little sister."
"He fractured her rib then a week later, she had a fever and I brought her here. Allison did a chest x-ray and found out a piece of her fractured rib was causing her internal bleeding and needed emergency surgery. Hope has been in the NICU ever since then...but please please do not take my brother away from my parents." She open's Hope's onesie. "This Hope's scar from her emergency surgery and her bruise are from the fractured rib." Hope fuss. "Hope, it is okay sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. " I cannot bear seeing my parents on another child taken away from them. I was not raised by them, survived that horrible foster system, ran away from the system ended up on the streets, ended up with Henry's father who framed me and I had Henry in prison. Even though my brother has injured my daughter, I do not want my brother to go through what I went through."
"Emma, I brought the social worker here because I wanted you to tell about your brother."
"I am not going to take your brother away from your parents. I visited them at their house. They are good parents but they need help with his behavioral issues. I wanted to come by to talk about Hope and with Leo. Your parents told me about Hope. Now I know that you love your brother even though Hope is in recovery. Your brother is going to learn his lesson from his mistakes." "He will. My parents will get Leo help he needs. I know they are putting him into counseling." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you."
"Mrs.Jones. I heard enough. I promised you that Leo is not going to be taken away from your parents. I just came here to interview Leo's family members part of the investigation." The social worker leaves. Emma nursed Hope. He wrapped his arm around his wife. "Are you alright love?"
"You were with me and we have Hope...I still get a bad feeling from social workers from my bad experiences...."
"You did great love."
"Emma, there might be a reason that Leo has been having behavioral issues. Your Dad and Mom spoke to me about his behavioral issues...there is a possibility that Leo has the darkness in him. They are letting Archie help him and if his behavioral issues had not improved. They are going to go to Gold."
Emma felt bad. "You mean the same darkness that they took out of me to Lily?"
"Yes, Emma."
"I will talk to Leo myself..." Hope stopped eating and spat upon her Mommy. "Hope, it is okay baby." She noticed the blood. "Someone get the nurse now." Killian rushes to get NICU nurse. "My daughter was being breastfed and she spat up blood." Killian returns with the nurse and Allison was paged. "Emma, let me check on Hope." Hope was crying. The nurse examined Hope. "I am going to call Dr.Cameron to come and check on Hope."
Emma holds Hope's hand. "Hope, you are going to be okay baby." She kisses her daughter on the head.
"Mom, is Hope going to be alright?"
"I am just hoping she does not need another surgery." Allison comes in. "Allison, I was feeding her. She spat up blood."
"Hope, Auntie Allison is going to check on you." Allison and nurses take Hope to the chest x-ray to check what was going on inside of Hope's body. Henry and Regina stay in the NICU room. "Why did you bring the social worker here?"
"She needed to talk to Emma since she is Leo's sister part of the home investigation in the social work field."
"Is it true that Leo might have the darkness?"
"I do not know Henry for sure but I know I will help him. If anything gets worse going to Rumpelstiltskin with being the last option."
"I don't want Leo to hurt Hope. My sister is the best, I do not want Hope to get more injured."
"With your Mom and Dad, I know that she won't get injured again."
At the x-ray room, Allison did the same chest x-ray test on her goddaughter. She saw Hope's blood vessels slowly recovering nothing new. Allison gets Hope from the x-ray machine. "Hope, you are girl sweetie. Let's get back to Mommy and Daddy." Hope smiled. Allison kissed Hope on the head. They return with Emma and Killian who were both nervously waiting. "Hope, we are with Mommy and Daddy. Emma."
"Hope." Allison hands over Emma her daughter. "What are the results?"
"The blood vessel that burst from the fractured rib is slowly recovering."
"What about the blood she coughed up?"
"She has no internal bleeding which meant that the surgery she had worked. The blood was from Hope eating too fast. When Hope is in recovery at home, she needs to eat only breastmilk, not solids. If she chokes, it can cause her blood vessel to burst again."
"Allison, is Hope alright?"
"Yes, she is Killian. I want to keep an eye on her overnight just in case. Then Hope can go back home with you both tomorrow morning." Hope babbled.
"Yes, Hope. you get to go home with Mommy and Daddy tomorrow."
"How long will be in recovery at home?"
"One month or two the most. Hope will still be in pain. Before you leave tomorrow, I am going to give you medicine for Hope and instructions on how to take care for her. You both can call me anytime. I am going to drop by to visit my niece often."
"Will she be in pain?"
"Yes, she will Emma. She won't be able to move around that much. When she improves in her recovery, the less pain she will be in and I know Hope moving around soon." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, Mommy got you. You want to snuggle?" She adjusted her daughter on her. Hope hugged her Mommy. "Hope, you just wanted hug Mommy? I love my Hope hugs." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, are you happy with Mommy little love?" Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Emma and Killian, Hope is going to be in recovery but I know she is with you both and Henry, she has the best support system."
"Aye, Hope has all of us."
"Hope, Henry is waiting for you to have storytime." Hope babbled.
"Hope you can go back to your big brother-little niece." They bring back Hope to the NICU. Henry happy to see his sister.
"Henry, Hope wants her big brother."
"Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope fussed.
"Hope do you want Henry?" Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, Henry got you." She hugged her brother. "Henry is here." He sits on the rocking chair with his sister. "Aunt Allison, how is my sister?"
Allison leaned to Henry and Hope. "Hope's internal bleeding is slowly improving. The blood was coughed up was from her eating too fast. For her recovery at home, she will be in pain, she cannot eat puree food. For now, she is happy with you."
"I am her big brother. I love making my sister happy."
"Hope is going to go home tomorrow."
"Yes!" Emma, Killian, Regina, and Allison all laughed. "I am just really happy Hope can come home." Hope babbled. "Yes, you and I can have Henry and Hope time at home."
"Emma, I will come by later. You can call me if anything happens."
"Thank you, Allison."
"You are welcome, Emma. Henry have fun with Hope."
"Aunt Allison, we will."
"Yes, Emma. Can we talk in the hallway?" The adults talked in the hall. "From what you told me about my little brother...can you tell my Mom that I know about Leo's possibility of darkness in him."
"I can tell her. Are you still mad at your Mom?'
"Yes, I am. My baby girl is in the hospital for almost a week from having a surgery from her fractured rib injury from her decision.." Killian rubbed his wife's shoulder. "Can you tell her that I am not mad at her as much. I will talk to her when I am ready. With Hope coming home tomorrow, I just want to focus on my two kids."
"Emma, I will tell you Mom and update your parents on Hope's recovery."
"Thank you, Regina."
"You are welcome, Emma." Regina leaves.
Emma hugs her husband."Are you ready to go home tomorrow?"
"Aye, I am. Are you love?"
"Yes, I miss our home. I am just happy Hope had the surgery that needed and she is in the right path onto recovery.'
"She takes after you her brave Mommy."
"She is my mini-me. I know Henry and Hope are going to be happy to be home tomorrow. Hope will be in pain."
"I know love. We are going to get through this as a family."
"Yes, we are." They kiss.
"How about I pick us up dinner from Granny's?"
"That sounds, great. I am tired of hospital food"
"Aye, three usuals coming right up."
"I cannot wait for your home cooking tomorrow."
"Aye, I do miss cooking for my family. I will be back soon." Killian leaves to Granny's. Emma goes back into the NICU room to be with her two kids, Henry was talking to Hope.
"Hope, you are going home tomorrow. I am so happy you are getting better. You did not deserve to be hurt by Leo. You are a good girl, you are the cutest little sister ever. Good people should not be hurt. You are my sister, I am your big brother, you should not have gotten hurt. You are my baby sister, I am going to make you happy always. That is a promise from your big brother." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "I love you too, Hope." Hope fell asleep in her brother's arms. Emma was in awe. "Henry.."
"Mom, you heard me talking to Hope."
"Yes, I did. You two are so close, which makes me so happy."
"I love my baby sister, Mom. I meant it she is a good girl she did not deserve to get hurt."
"Hope is a good girl but she takes after me, she is a little fighter. She is going to recover very soon. By the time she is finished with her recovery she is going to be crawling around."
Henry smiled. "I am so going to be chasing after her."
Emma smiled."I know we all are going to be chasing Hope around. Hope will get through this, with the help from us."
"Hope is lucky to have us. I do not like seeing her in the hospital and in pain."
"Me too, Henry. If you need to talk to me, you know you can right?"
"Yes, Mom. I tell you everything....Mom, I am not failing school. I have been doing my homework before I come here..." He looks down at Hope.
"What is wrong Henry?" She places her hand on her son's arm. "You can tell me anything, you know that."
"I don't want to upset you because you are very concerned about Hope..."
"Henry, you are my child too. You are my top priority just as much as Hope is."
"But Mom, Hope needs you more."
"Henry, Hope is needed me more recently. You are important too, Henry just the same as Hope. You both are my two kids and you both are my top priority. You can talk to me, Henry. You always can ever since you found me."
"Henry, I am not going to judge you, you know that."
"Please don't be mad at me...I do not want you to be more stress or feel bad.." Emma looks at her son with more concerned in her eyes. "Whatever you tell me, Henry. I am not going to judge you."
"Mom at school, I cannot concentrate in class...please do not be mad.." Henry started to cry. "All I think about is Hope. I want Hope to be happy and not in pain...all I think about Hope here all week...I do not like seeing Hope in needles, and her surgery..."
"Henry." He stands up holding his sister and let his Mom hug him.
"I cannot concentrate in school...I am sorry Mom...all I think about is Hope. I want her to be happy..." She rubs his back as he cried.
"Henry, you are not in trouble...shhh...shh...I am not mad at you." Henry cried more. Killian arrives with their dinner and sees the sight. He knew Henry and Emma needed one on one time. "Lad. I can hold Hope." Henry lets his Dad hold his sister. Henry held onto his Mom. "Lad, you can talk to me later,son." He rubs Henry's shoulder. "I am going to watch Hope."
Henry turns his head to face his Dad. "Dad?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"Can we have math tutoring later?"
"Yes, we can, Henry. We can have a study session later after we have dinner."
"Thank you."
"You are welcome, son. Remember I am your Dad and your math tutor." Hope fussed. "I will let you tow talk, I am going to spend time with my little pirate." Killian sits down with Hope on the rocking chair and lets her snuggle on him.
"Henry, we need to let the babies sleep. We can talk somewhere else."
"I have an idea where we can talk." Henry leas his Mom to the pediatric office.
"Kid, where are we going?"
"You'll see." He knocks on Allison's office door. Allison was doing paperwork. He knocks on the door. Allison sees her best friend and her nephew. "Emma, Henry."
"Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Henry, is everything alright?" Henry hugs his aunt.
"Allison, can Henry and I use your office to talk? We need to talk to privately and not around the babies in the NICU." Emma spoke in a low voice. "Henry needs to talk. I think he is feeling the pressure of Hope here and he hates seeing Hope in pain."
"Of course, you can use my office. Henry, if you need to talk you can call me anytime."
"I know, Aunt Allison. I just want to talk to my Mom." Allison and Emma both smiled at each other. "You and your Mom can talk as long as you need to, Henry>'
"Than you Aunt Allison."
"You are welcome, Henry." Allison left her office.
Henry hugs his Mom. "Are you mad at me mom? That I cannot concentrate at school." Henry began to cry again.
"Henry." She hugs her son. They end up on the floor. She rubs his back and kisses him on the head. "Henry, I am not mad at you...."
"I am not being myself at school, concentrating..."
"Henry, you are my son and you do not have to be perfect at school. It is normal to be worried about your sister in the normal. There is nothing to be ashamed about."
"I am doing my best at school. I just can't help thinking about Hope." Emma hugs him hard.
"There is nothing wrong about being worried about your sister."She kisses him on the head. "Henry, look at me." He looks up at his Mom. She puts her hand on his chin. " You are my son. My kind caring son who was just worried about his little sister. You are her big brother and you love Hope so much. You want Hope to be happy and safe. You are doing your job worrying about your little sister."
"I want Hope to be happy, safe and home with us not in the hospital where she is getting needles, IV's and surgery."
"Henry, your Dad and I want Hope home with us. We are hurting as much as you are."
"That is why I did not want to tell you how I was feeling because I did not want to put pressure on you Mom."
"Henry, you are my son you can always come to me to talk about your feelings anything. I am your Mom and it is my job that both of my babies are happy and can come to me for anything."
"I want you to be there for you too. That why I was putting on my brave face."
"Henry, our family always honest with each other, open with each other and help each other and be there for each other for the good and bad times. Our family is love and being there for others when you need them."
"You taught me that and you are being there for Hope. She is lucky to have you from the beginning. When I met you, I knew you are amazing Mom."
Emma smiled and hugged her son. "You gave me hope and helped me open up."
"Yes, with the help of Dad to break your walls."
"Yes, you got that right kid." She smiles. "Can I tell you something? Something only your Dad knows not anyone else."
"You can tell me. I can keep it a secret, Mom."
"After your aunt took Hope into the operating room, your Dad and I both just cried into each other for a long time. We were both scared and terrified of what was happening with Hope."
"You were both crying at the same time?"
"Yes, we were. We were afraid of what was going to happen to your sister. We expressed our feelings to each other and talk to each other and being there for each other. When you were so happy that Hope was awake after her surgery, you made us so happy."
"I made you both happy?"
"Yes, you did Henry." He hugs his Mom. "That is how your Dad and I getting through this stressful time with Hope, we are talking to each other and being there for one another. You, Henry, are helping us so much by being with Hope, making her happy and making us happy. We help each other. I want you to open with me and your Dad. I do not like it when you keep in your feelings."
"I know I have been doing that when you or Hope are in the hospital; I want to be positive around Hope and make her feel happy."
"I understand that kid, but it is very important for you to open up your feelings to me and your Dad."
"I was crying to my other Mom when Hope had her emergency surgery. I...I thought we were going to lose Hope Mom." Henry began to cry again. Emma hugged her son.
"Hope is not going anywhere, Henry. Your little sister is not going anywhere. She is with you, me and your Dad. She is getting better. We are going to help her until she is fully recovered."
" Maybe the next time, hopefully not a next time another family member is in the hospital, can I open about my feelings, not in front of the patient."
"That is a great idea. I do not like it when you are bottling up your feelings in. It reminds me of me before I met you." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I love you so much, Mom."
"I love you so much, Henry."
"I do not like seeing Hope in pain."
"We all do not like seeing Hope in pain. Our family will help Hope and sooner than later she will be happy and not in pain anymore with all of our help."
"She has all of us."
"That is right, Henry."
"We are taking Hope home tomorrow?"
"Yes, we are. We are returning home all together tomorrow."
"Can we prepare for Christmas? It is our first family Christmas together with Hope with us."
"Henry, that is a great idea. Hope is still going to be in recovery. I am going to need your help to get our house decorated for Christmas."
"You mean like last year?"
"Yes, the only difference this year is that Hope is with us. Hope is going to need my constant attention."
"I know Mom. I can watch Hope so you can help Dad and I decorate the house."
"That is a great plan, Henry. You are my smart caring son." Henry hugs his Mom and she kisses him on the head.
"During my winter break, can we second one on one time together? I know with Hope in the hospital."
"Henry, we are going to have one on o one time together. I am going to need a break, I know you Dad will watch Hope whenever I need my one on one time with my favorite son."
"I am your only son." She ruffles her son's hair. "I do miss my one on one time with you. What do you want to do?"
"I was thinking, we can try ice skating and get cinnamon hot chocolate together."
Emma smiled. "Ice skating?"
"I always wanted to ice skate, I never got the chance to try...Now I get to try something new with my son." She hugs Henry.
"I know that I am going to watch Hope during my break too."
"You can help me and your Dad with Hope anytime when he and I are not going to get any sleep.
"I like to help and spend time with my sister...after seeing the other babies sick ones in the NICU, Hope is a fighter."
"Yes, your sister is a little fighter and she gets that from all of us."
Henry hugs his Mom."She gets it from you Mom, a strong brave woman." She kisses Henry on the head. "Can we go to Hope and Dad?"
"Yes, we can. Are you feeling better?"
"I am feeling a huge weight lift off of my shoulder. I just want to be with my sister."
"You can always talk to me. I do not like seeing my son stressed okay?"
"Yes, Mom." Henry hugs his mom. They walk back together to the NICU seeing Hope crying with Killian trying to soothe her. "Little love, Dada is here. Dada...I know you are upset little love."
"Mommy." Hope cried.
"Killian, Hope."
Killian sees his wife and son."Swan, you are back. Hope has been crying for a while now. I have done everything I can."
"Killian, I think Hope missed her Mommy." She gets Hope from her husband. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry gets Hope her Pluto doll from her crib. "Hope, look what I got, Pluto." Hope cried louder. "Thank you for trying Henry."
"I am trying to help."
"I know you are." She sits on the rocking chair with Hope. "Hope Mommy is here...Mommy is here..you are safe...shh...shh..." She rocked Hope who was gripping her. "Henry, can you hand me her quilt?" Henry placed the quilt on his baby sister. "Hope, you are with Mommy little sis. You are safe." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope."
"You are with Mommy. Mommy got you...I know you do not like hospital neither do I... I know that you are in pain sweetie. I know you are tired of needles, and being poked for tests. We know sweetie you are tired... we do not like it seeing you in pain, baby. Daddy, Henry and Mommy are all going to help you when you are in pain and we love so so much sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. " We are going home in the morning...we are going home together, you, Mommy Daddy and Henry all going home tomorrow together..."
"Yes, Hopey, we are going home tomorrow all of us. You are with Mommy, little duck. I love you so much. You are safe with me. Mommy got you. You are not going to have needles poked at you soon anymore sweetie. Since you have IV fluids in your hand. You get to have extra snuggle time with Mommy. I know you are scared. I will be always there to make you feel safe." Hope hugged her Mom.
"Yes, Mommy is here. Mommy is with you sweetie, my little buttercup." Hope babbled. Emma smiled. Killian kneeled next to his wife and daughter and wrapped his arm around his two loves. He kisses Emma on the head. "Swan, she is happy with you."
"Yes, she just wanted her Mommy."
"I could not calm her down, she is very uncomfortable but ...you did love."
"She loves her Daddy. Hope knows her daddy did her best."
"Aye, she does. Hope knows her mommy makes her feel safe. When she woke up from her nap, she cried." He talks to Hope. "Right, Hope. You wanted Mommy little love?" Hope smiled. "That is my pirate, you just wanted your Mommy."
"You did not call me?"
"Love, I knew our son needed you."
"Thank you for giving me time with our boy."
"You are welcome, love. I did need one on one time with our little love, even though she was crying."
Henry kneeled to Hope. "Hope, I needed to talk to Mommy little sis. That is why she was not here when you woke up. Mommy was with me, she did not leave you. You have Mommy and Daddy taking such good care of you Hope. I am going to be taking care of you too, always. I do not like seeing you in pain. My job as your big brother is to make you, happy. Your job, well you are already doing your job is to make me happy." Hope babbled. "I love you too, Hope." He kisses his sister on the head. Killian and Emma smiled at each other, knowing they are together and they will get through Hope's recovery together as a family.
The next morning Killian woke up Henry. "Lad." Emma and Hope were still sleeping
"Morning, Dad."
"Your Mom told me that you want to get ready for Christmas."
Henry smiled."Yes, can we?"
"Aye, lad. How about you and I get a tree and bring it home before we bring Hope home?"
Henry smiled. "Dad, we are going to surprise Mom?"
Yes, we are." Henry and Killian walked into town bought a Christmas tree and brought it home by car. They placed the tree in the stand in the living. "Dad. Mom is going to love it."
"Aye, she will.
"This will make Mom happy."
"Ay, I know your Mom will be very happy when Hope is home and preparing for Christmas together."
"I cannot wait for Christmas with Hope."
"Aye, do your Mom and I. I got a gift already for Hope."
"Christmas one?"
"Aye, I did. Your mom taught me Amazon. I ordered Hope a gift for Christmas"
"Can you show me?"
"Aye, lad. It came in the mail last week." He leads Henry to the basement. "This is one of Hope's Christmas gifts." He shows Henry a very huge box of a pirate playset, where Hope can play pirate and climb around.
"Dad, hope is going to love it. Where are we going to let Hope play? In the house or outside?"
"I think since it is winter we can let her play in this play set in the living room. Then in the springtime, Hope can play it in the backyard."
"Hope is going to love it. She's lucky to have you as her Dad." Killian hugs his son.
"Henry, I am your Dad too, son."
"Dad...I got upset last night because I hate seeing Hope upset and in pain."
"Lad, your Mom and I hate seeing Hope in pain but she is a little fighter. She is going to get through this Henry." Henry began to cry. Killian hugs his son. "She is here with us. We are all going to help Hope when she is in pain. We hate seeing Hope in pain but she will get through this as a family. You are Hope's big brother you are helping us making Hope happy."
"I love making Hope happy."
"That is your job. Now let's go pick up your Mom and Hope."
"When we get home we can decorate the Christmas tree?"
"Aye, lad. We are." They left their house to return to the rest of their family.
Emma woke up hearing Hope babbling to Allison. "Morning, Allison. Morning, Hope."
"Morning, Emma. Hope and I were playing. How was your talk with Henry?" Allison holds Hope.
"It was good. He vented his feelings to me about Hope. He was afraid was getting that Hope was going to die..he cried a lot..he bottled up his feelings." Hope babbled. "Yes, my little duckling, Henry loves you so much. Thank you, Allison for letting Henry and I use your office room to talk last night."
"You are welcome, Emma. I know that being in the NICU for a week, no privacy can be stressful." Emma looked around noticing her two boys weren't there. "Hope, do you know where Daddy and Henry is?" Hope fussed. Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Daddy and Henry will be back with us soon." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You are going to be a good girl for Auntie Allison? After she gives you the okay to go home. We will go home together as a family."
"Emma, if you need advice or need to me to watch her, please call. I know Hope is going to be in pain."
"I will take you on your offer." Hope was only in a diaper because she going to be checked out by her Aunt Allison before she gets discharged from the hospital. Emma puts Hope back in her bed. Allison checked Hope's heart. "Hope, do you remember this is sweetie? This is a stethoscope." Hope babbled. "Good girl, you remember." Allison listened to Hope's heart. "Your heart is beating really fast, which is a good sign." Hope smiled and moved around. Hope rolled onto her belly. "Hope, where are you going? Little Hope." Hope began to cry. "I know when you moving around for you is hurting you, sweetie. You will be in less pain soon." She calmed down her niece. She puts Hope on her back. She prepared the sonogram. Allison did a sonogram on Hope's chest. "Hope, this is not going to hurt, sweetie. I promise." Hope looks like she was about to cry. "Emma, I think Hope wants her Mommy."
"Come here, Hope." She gets her daughter. "I can hold her?"
"You can hold her still on your lap while I do the sonogram on her chest and rib." Emma sat on the rocking chair and had Hope sitting on her lap. "Hope, it is okay sweetie. It is not going to hurt, you. Mommy is holding you." She kisses Hope on the head. "Is Hope's scar on her chest going to get bigger?"
"Scars can get smaller but they cannot go away>"
"I know her scar will make her more special than she already is."
"Yes, you are right. Hope is a special little girl."
Allison put the gel on her niece's chest. "Hope, when you were in my tummy, I got sonograms like this but on my belly just to see you when you were growing inside of me. I love hearing your heartbeat when you were in my belly. This machine is not going to hurt, Hope."
Emma kisses her daughter on the head. "Mommy got you." Allison did the sonogram on Hope's chest. "See, Hope. This is a picture of the inside of your body."
"Emma, so far her blood vessel is recovery." She checked all of Hope's blood vessel. "Her blood vessels are clear no blockage." Allison looks at Hope's rib. "This Hope's injured rib right here. (She pointed to the injured rib). "That is the rib and the tiny metal plate?"
"The metal look big."
"It looks big but it is small." Henry and Killian arrive to see Hope's chest sonogram.
"Aunt Allison, is that Hope's rib?"
"Yes, it is Henry. That is the metal plate that I put in Hope's surgery."
"Allison, how is Hope?"
"Her blood vessel is improving, I checked other blood vessels, there are no blood vessels and no blood clots. Her rib is recovering as she should be." She turns off the sonogram machine. "My little niece, you can go home." Hope smiled. "Yes, you can go home with your Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." Hope reached her arms out.
"Allison, I think Hope want to thank you."
"Come to auntie, Hope." She gets her niece. Hope hugged her auntie. "Hope, are you thanking me for helping you get better?" Hope smiled. "Yes, I got you better. I am your doctor and your auntie. I love you so much."Hope gripped her auntie. Emma was in awe, Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. Allison kisses Hope on the head. "Now you can go home. I will visit you, Mommy, Daddy, and Henry. Mommy, you and I will have girl talk soon." Hope babbled. "Yes, very soon, girl talk." Allison, Killian, and Emma all laughed. Emma got Hope ready to go home. Hope was dressed in a long sleeve onesie, with a winter coat with a matching gray beanie as her Mommy. "You, my little duck is all ready to go home." Hope smiled.
"Mom, can I hold Hope."
"Yes, you can. Is her diaper bag packed?'
"Yes, Mom, it is. Henry is here little sis." He had Hope in his arms. "Look who I have?" He shows her Pluto. Hope babbled and held it. "Yes, you are happy to have your Pluto and being held by me." Hope babbled. "We are going to have a lot of Henry and Hope time at home." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian and Emma, Hope is going to be on medicine, and I have a list of what she cannot do what she cannot do during her recovery. Also a list of her medicine schedule. Hope also needs physical therapy while she is in recovery."
"Allison, what is that?"
"Killian, physical therapy is a teacher that will work with Hope one on one, to help her move around during her recovery. The teacher will teach you and Emma ways to make Hope's body stronger using techniques at the physical therapy place and for use to work with Hope at hime. When Hope is done with her recovery, her body will be stronger and not weak."
"Where is this physical therapy going to be?"
"At the pediatrician floor. Hope will get physical therapy for 30 minutes a week, twice a week. The more you both use the techniques at home, the faster Hope recovers."
"Allison, I will take Hope to her physical therapy appointments. I want her to be in more pain as much as possible." Emma hugs Allison. "Thank you, so much for helping Hope...you have been so amazing to us, helping Hope, accommodating her and got her an emergency surgery that saved her. We really do not know how to thank you." Emma began to cry.
"Emma, Hope is my little goddaughter. I love you all so much. I cannot bear to think if there was another doctor had her case, they would not have caught her internal bleeding."
"You saved my daughter."
"I did my job. I am your best friend/ sister. I am happy Hope is all better and on the track of recovery."
"Thank you." Emma hugs Allison.
"You are welcome, Emma. I will drop by to visit Hope soon."
"We are looking forward to our girl time."
"Yes. I can bring Lizzie with me."
"Lizzie will play with Hope."
"She has been asking me constantly all week updates about Hope."
"We will drop by soon." Killian hugs his wife. She talks to Hope. "Hope, I will drop by and visit you soon. Henry take good care of your sister."
"I will. Hope and I will have a lot of one on one time."
" I know you are going to be so happy to have Hope home."
"Yes, Aunt Allison, you have no idea." Allison chuckles and hugs her niece and nephew."\
"Aunt Allison, thank you so much for saving Hope."
"You are very welcome, Henry."
"You are our best aunt ever."
"I love you both my niece and nephew so much. I will see you both soon."
Killian hugs Allison. "Thank you so much. We do not know how to repay you for saving our little Hope."
"Killian, we are family. We help each other. You can call me if you both need to rest or have a date night."
"Thank you, Allison."
Emma leans over to talk to Hope and Henry. "Hope, are you ready to go home?" Hope babbled.
"Mom, that is a yes from Hope." Emma chuckled. "Can I carry Hope to the car?"
"Yes, you can Henry. She is happy being held by you."
"Of Course, Mom. Hope loves me and also she knows that I will always protect her." Henry kisses Hope on the head. Killian and Emma carried their overnight bags and Hope's diaper bag. The Swan-Jones' family left Storybrooke Hospital together as a whole. Henry played with Hope as Killian drove their family back home. He was making her laugh and end up crying because her fractured rib hurts her while she was laughing. "Hope, you are okay, little sis. I am sorry Hope, that I made you happy that caused you pain. Shh...shh...."
"Killian, can you stop the car?" Killian stopped the car knowing his wife is up to something. Emma gets out of the passenger seat and joined their children.
"Henry slide over, I am sitting in between of you both." She sat in between both of her children. "Hope, Mommy is here. I know you are in pain..shh...shh...." She massages Hope's chest. "Mommy knows that you are pain when Henry makes you laugh."Hope continued to cry. Emma began to hum a song...which was calming her daughter down. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope stopped crying and looked at her Mommy.
"Yes, Hopey, Mommy." She lets Hope hold her finger. Henry and Killian took pictures of Emma singing to Hope and their mother and daughter connection.
"Is Hope ready to go home?"
"Yes, she is ready to go home." Henry hugs his Mom, Emma love being in between her two children that love her so much and she loves making them happy. Killian drove his family home. "Hope, we are finally back home sweetie." Hope smiled. Emma took Hope out of her car seat. Killian and Henry carried their bags inside ahead of Hope and Emma. "We are home, Hope. Home sweet home." They entered the living room. Emma was surprised to see a Christmas tree in the living room. "Hope, look a Christmas tree is in our living room."
Killian hugs his wife and daughter from behind. He kisses his wife on the head. "Do you like it, Emma?"
"Killian...It is perfect."
"Henry and I picked it out this morning and set it up before we returned to the hospital."
"That is where my two boys went this morning."
"Aye, we wanted to surprise you both when we came home."
"Mom, that is where we went this morning. We wanted to surprise you and Hope."
"Yes, you did Henry. You and your Dad surprised me and your sister." She talks to both of her boys. "Hope and I love it." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" She kisses Hope on the head. "I will feed her in her room." Emma took Hope into her room changed Hope into a Christmas onesie and put a bib on her. Emma nursed Hope in her rocking chair. "Hope, we are in your room. Did you miss home?" Hope smiled. "Yes, we are home." Hope nursed for a long time, then Emma burped her and she fell asleep.
Henry checked in his sister and Mom. "Mom, how is Hope?"
"She ate for a long time. I think she missed being nursed when she was in the NICU." She looks down at her daughter who was happy and content and sleeping in her arms and smiled.
"She looks so happy."
"She is happy to be with her family at home and not in the hospital. She is with all of us."
Henry kisses his baby sister on the head. "Hope, I will read to you later little sis. Henry loves you so much. I am so happy you're finally home with us your family. We love you."
"She loves you, Henry."
"Yes, she does. I am her big brother and her protector. I am going to read to her later."
"I know, she will love that Henry." Emma brought Hope to the living to watch her two boys to decorate their house decorate for Christmas. Killian had a fire going on in their fireplace. Emma smiled at her husband and son, they are so close which she is very grateful for and their daughter. They are all together at home finally. Hope woke up babbling. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap?" Hope smiled. "You did?"
Killian kneels to his Hope and Emma. "Little love, you are just in time to help us decorate the Christmas tree." Killian took Hope from Emma and taught her how to decorate. Emma smiled as her husband loving being a great daddy to their little girl. "Hope, this here little lass is a Christmas ornament which is what we put on the Christmas tree. They come in many colors, shapes, and sizes." Hope babbled. "This Hope is a pink circle ornament." Hope reached out to the pink sparkly ornament on her Daddy's hook. "Da-da."
Killian smiled at his little lass. "Little love, you want to hold this for Daddy?" He gives Hope the sparkly pink ornament. Hope held it in her hands and smiled. "You like shiny objects? You are my little pirate."
Emma hugged her husband. "Killian, she loves her time with her Daddy."
"Aye, she wants to help us decorate the tree."
"I can decorate with Henry, and you can hold our little girl who loves her ornament."
"Yes, baby girl, Mommy sees you holding a pink ornament. Are you helping Daddy?" She kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Mom, I made us cinnamon hot chocolate."
"Kid, you are the best."
"I am just happy that we are all home together. Cinnamon hot chocolate is part of our Christmas tradition."
"I love our Christmas traditions. We can drink hot chocolate and decorate our house."
Emma and Henry drank cinnamon hot chocolate, while Killian held Hope was happily holding an ornament, playing with his little love. Henry and Emma decorated the tree together. Killian took pictures of Emma and Henry decorating. Hope was sleeping in the crook of his hook hand. Hope makes her poop face. "Hope, do you need a change? Daddy will change you." Killian changed Hope's diaper in her room, Hope was holding the ornament in her hands while her Daddy was changing her. Hope babbled. "You are all clean little love." He holds her in his arms. "Let's go back to Mommy and Henry." He brings Hope back downstairs. Hope began to cry. Little love, do you need your medicine little lass? Emma."
Emma takes Hope from her husband."Mommy got you, sweetie. Daddy is going to get you your medicine." Killian brought Hope her medicine, Emma holds Hope on her lap and Killian spoon feeds Hope her medicine. "Little love, open up for the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled and opened her mouth and eats it. "Good, little love. You are a Daddy's little pirate." Emma nurses Hope afterward.
"She loves your game with you."
"Aye, she loves playing games with her Daddy and her Mommy. She is happy with you, love."
"That is because I am feeding her. She loves her time with me." They kiss. Henry and Killian finished decorating the house for Christmas as Emma nursed and snuggled with Hope. "You love snuggling with Mommy, baby girl." Hope smiled. "We are going to have a lot of snuggle time, sweetie. Just you and me." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry looks out the window. "It is snowing!" Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Henry?"
"Mom, I promised Hope that I will do something for her when it first snowed." Henry wraps Hope in her quilt and takes her outside. Killian and Emma watched their children in the snow. "Hope, look it's snowing. It is pretty but cold." Henry opened his mouth and caught snowflakes on his tongue. Hope copied her brother. Emma was in awe. "Yes, you are doing it right, Hope!" He kisses Hope on the head. Killian and Emma took pictures. Emma did not want to get Hope sick, Killian was calming her down. "Let the lad show Hope snow for a few more seconds just to make memories."
"You are right." She hugs her husband. "They are making memories as brother and sister. They are ours."
"Aye, they are our children, love." They kiss.
"Henry Mills- Swan-Jones and Hope Swan-Jones come back inside."
"Hope fun time is over. Mom wants us back inside."
Emma smiled. "You both of my little ducks need to be warm." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Hope, did you get to catch snowflakes with your big brother?" Hope smiled. "Yes. when it snows more, you and Henry will go and play in the snow. WIll that be fun?"
"Really Mom?"
"Yes, Henry. When I say play, you can walk in the snow with her and let her touch the snow. No rolling in the snow, she is still too little for that." Killian gets extra blankets for Henry to warm up in. "Here you go, lad."
"Thank you, Dad." They all sit in the living room, enjoying the lite fire, Henry and Hope were warming from being out in the snow. Emma and Hope were sitting in the middle of Killian and Henry."Mom are you mad that I brought Hope out in the snow?"
"A little because hope cannot get sick especially she is in recovery but you kept her warm in her quilt and it was not a blizzard. I am not mad. I enjoyed you enjoying Hope snow."
"She copied me. I taught her how to catch snowflakes with her tongue."
"She learned that from you, Henry."
"I am going to teach Hope a lot."
"I know you are going to. You are my very smart, caring son and a smart protective Hope's big brother."
"She is going to be in pain, I just want Hope to be happy."
"We all are going to make her happy."
"Aye, love we are. Lad, we are going to make Hope happy. We are going to get through this as family, getting Hope through her recovery. She has her family."
"Yes, she does. Mom, Dad, Hope has all of us."
"Yes, she does Henry." Henry leans on his Mom's shoulder. She kisses Henry on the head.
"I love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom." He kisses his Mom on the head. "Hope, I love you so much, little sis." He kisses his sleeping sister on the head and falls asleep on his Mom's shoulder. Killian wrapped his arm around his family.
Emma smiles at her husband and whispers. "Killian, we are home."
"Aye, we all are home. Together." They kiss. They enjoyed their time together as a family at home.
"We are going to get Hope through this together."
"Yes, we are love. Hope will recover with the help from all of her loved ones."
"That is right, she has all of us, who love her and care for her. She is happy to be home with us not in the hospital. I know this Christmas is going to be extra special this year."
"Aye, we have our little love with us."
"I have not even think about presents..."
"Love, I ordered gifts from "Santa" and got Hope and Henry on his nice list."
Emma smiled. " I have ideas on what to add to our children's Christmas list, to "Santa."
"Aye, I had a feeling."
Emma chuckled. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever. I just want this holiday to be with us our family, small quiet and family time. With hope in recovery and all."
"Emma, family Christmas with the four of us is all we need. Our family, who love each other, and care for one another. We are going to open gifts on Christmas day and spend all day together as a family. A quiet Christmas is what we need since Hope got injured on Thanksgiving which turns out a serious injury...I did not expect for her to get hurt and have to have an emergency surgery."
"Me too, love. Henry helped his little sister and we got her the help she needed when you know Hope's first recovery got worst, love. She is with us now which all that matters."
"I know...she is here and happy with us...I want Christmas to be extra special because this is biggest holiday of the year...when I was a child it was saddest tie of the year with no parents and no gifts...I do not want that for our children of bad holidays they were just awful...Hope and Henry does not deserve that..." Emma started to cry.
"Emma..." He wiped her tears away from his good hand. "You and I are going to spend every holiday together spoiling our children with gifts, making them happy and being together as a family. They are not going to go through what you went through in that bloody awful system>"
"It was awful...I just want to be with my family..."
"You are with us now. Our two children are sleeping on you and loving every minute of it. All the entire time at the hospital, you were there for Hope al the time. You are here an amazing mother and you are an amazing mother to Henry. You are there for them and they know you are going to the amazing Mommy to them for the rest of their lives with me on your side."
"I...I just want us for Christmas..not my parents just us."
"Love, I understand. Christmas just us, enjoying our family time with our children on the family holiday of the year."
"Good. I do not know what to expect during Hope's recovery around Christmas I hate seeing our baby in pain..."
"Love, Hope is a fighter and survivor she takes after us her Mommy and Daddy. She had her surgery."
"Yes, an expected one."
"Love, she is here with us now. We are going to make her happy on Christmas even though she is recovering. You, Henry and I are going to make her happy as a family together."
Emma looks down at her two sleeping children on her. "You are right. We are going to have the best Christmas together. I just want to be a great holiday."
"It will be love. With you on my side."
"Of course, Captain. I would not have gotten through the week in the NICU with Hope without you on my side helping Hope, Henry and I. You are amazing you know that?"
"Aye, I do have my dashing good looks."
"You have the heart of gold, a good man and my loving husband."
"You Emma, my swan, are beautiful, a kind-hearted good person that had a bad past, a survivor and savior but most important of all you are amazing Mom to our two children and my amazing wife."
"You are sweet you know that?" They kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, Swan. We are a team."
"Yes, we are captain. Team Swan-Jones."
"Aye, team Swan-Jones."They kiss and enjoy the quiet family time with the whole family together not in the NICU. All that mattered to Emma and Killian that Hope was healthy to be at home and in recovery and not in the hospital. "We are home sweet home." Emma snuggled in Killian's arms and loved her children sleeping on her, this is always Emma wanted a family together and knowing her family will never be taken away from her ever, like she was in every foster family she ever been too. She has her family with her and her husband who will always be on her side supporting her whenever their family needs their support. She and Killian will work together to get their family through the good and bad times, as a team, captainswan.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now