Unexpected Night

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Killian enjoyed his time on the Jolly Roger with his family. Hope loved the ocean with her Daddy. Henry improved on his sailing techniques. Emma and Killian both enjoyed spending time with both of their children on the Jolly Roger as a family.
The next morning, Emma was up early ready for work. She made up a list of what Hope needed for their Florida trip. As Emma was feeding Hope. "Hope, I had our girl time with you, today while I am at work, you are going to be with Daddy while he works. I am going to be with Henry. Okay?" Hope cries. "Hope, Mommy is going to be with Henry, you are going to be with Daddy. Shh..shh. It is okay sweetie."
"Emma, what is wrong with Hope?"
"I told her about work today and she got upset."
"Little love, Mommy is going to be with Henry. You and I going to be together. I won't, anyone, hurt you, little love. Daddy loves you." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope calms down. "I made a list for Florida to what to bring for Hope."
"Does Hope needs a seat?"
"She is going to be in her carrier the whole ride."
"Love, we can take turns."
"Yes, we can. Hope's 2 month of appointment is on June 20th at 9:00 am. Can you come?"
"Yes, I can. How many S-H-O-T-S?"
"I will be there." When everyone was ready, they drove two cars. Killian drives the yellow bug with Henry. While Emma drove the family car with Hope. Hope was fast asleep when they arrived at the station. "Love, you can go in the yellow bug with Henry and begin your shift now...I got our little lass.'
"Thank you." They kiss.
"I know Henry needs your one on one time too." Emma goes into the yellow bug and drove off with Henry. Killian put on the carrier and placed Hope in it. He carried the diaper bag with him inside the station and sees Charming.
"Good morning, Charming."
"Morning, Killian. Hope?"
"Aye, Emma is doing patrol with Henry. Their one on one time."
"Ah. She told me she been struggling with giving them both an equal amount of attention."
"Aye. That is right." Killian does some paperwork at his desk while Hope was sleeping.
In the yellow bug, Emma and Henry were doing a stakeout.
"Mom, what is the assignment?"
"There is a robber in town stealing jewelry. We have to find him and arrest him."
"Is this operation cobra part 3?"
"Yes, Henry." They looked thru binoculars to find the criminal. They eat a few snacks and talked while they wait for an hour. A man exited the jewelry store who was bald, wearing a brown coat.
"Mom, that guy he has put something shiny in his pocket."
"I am on it kid. Henry if he runs to stay in the car." She gets out of the car. "Sir." He looks at her. "Put your hands up in the air." She uses her gun to scare him. He runs. She chases him around town. She found a shortcut to catch up to him. "I said freeze." He was blocked by a wall in the alleyway. She pushes him against the wall and sees what he had in his pocket, jewelry. She handcuffs him. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" Emma brings the man to her yellow bug.
"Mom, you got him?"
"Yes, I did Henry. Now let's go back to the station." Emma drives them back to the station. When they arrived at the station, Killian was with crying Hope. "Swan...Emma, you caught a robber. Yes, Henry spotted him and I caught him. I will be right back Hope." Emma puts the robber in the cell. She returns to Hope and Killian and her Dad who was listening to Henry about the stakeout. "Hope, Mommy is back sweetie." She comforts Hope who calms down. She kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian, give me the carrier." She puts on the carrier and puts Hope in it. "Hope, you missed Mommy while I was catching the bad guy? When you are older, you can join Mommy and Daddy to catch the bad guy. For now, you are going to be my little sheriff." She listened in on her Dad's interviewing the robber through the one-way mirror from the interrogation room, while Hope was happily looking at her Mommy as she was working. "Yes, Hope you are my little sheriff." She kisses Hope on the head. Charming heads out of the interrogation room. "Emma, do you know how much the jewelry worth?"
"A couple thousand, I assume."
" I spoke to the owner Michael. Each jewelry worth 5 grand."
Emma's jaw dropped. "Dad, bring him to prison."
"Yes. I will." As Charming escorted the robber out of the interrogation room. "What is that awful smell?"
"Nothing like where you are going." Emma looks at her daughter and smiles at her. "Hope, you made poop at the right time sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Charming drove the robber to prison. The jewelry was in a bag. She hands it over to Killian. "Killian, please send this to the crime lab for the case. These worth 5 grand each."
"Really love?"
"Yup. Henry, you caught the robber. If you weren't for you this jewelry would not have been saved."
"Mom, does that mean I can work with you?"
"Yes, kid, when your sister is not too attached. She is my little sheriff her poop smell tortured the robber." They laughed. "Hope, you need a change baby." She changes Hope's diaper in the bathroom. "Hope, you are getting so big baby girl! You like working with Mommy?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do." She plays their kissing game for a while. Henry was waiting for his mom and sister in her office.
"Mom, did I do a good job today?"
"Yes, Henry you did. If it weren't for you helping me, I would not have noticed the robber."
"I have a good eye."
"Yes, you do kid. When Hope is less clingy, you and I can do more stakeouts."
"Yes, Mom. That will be awesome. Dad told me once Hope woke up and know you weren't around she was crying." He talks to Hope. "Hope, Mommy was just working little sis, she did not leave you forever."
"Henry, when she is older she will be less attached. She loves me. Right sweetie?" Hope smiles. "Hope, you want to play with Henry while Mommy does paperwork?" Hope reaches out for Henry.
Henry takes Hope from their Mom."See Mom, she loves me too. Hope, let's play in Mommy's office while she works."
As Emma did paperwork, Henry and Hope played on the other side of the room. Hope did some tummy time on her quilt and Henry read to Hope stories from his storybook. Emma took a few pictures of them bonding. Killian returns to the sheriff station and sees their kids on one side of the room together and his wife working. "Love."
"Hi, Killian."
"How is it here?"
"Good, I am getting work done and love watching them together." Hope was sleeping on Henry's chest and Henry was sleeping sitting up against the wall. Killian smiles at their children sleeping together. "How was Hope this morning?"
"I got some work done with Hope sleeping in her carrier. When she wakes up about 10 minutes before you return with the robber and cries. She wanted her Mommy."
"Killian, are you jealous that Hope is more attached to me?"
Killian smiles, "No I do not love. I love how our little daughter loves her Mommy. Hope loves me and Henry too. I told you Hope will be attached to you."
"You were right. I love our daughter and our son. Sometimes, I think they are enough."
"Emma, I love them both so much."
"I been thinking, since my emergency surgery...maybe Hope is enough for children...or maybe in a few years we can have another child."
"Emma, we have time to make more kids if we want to."
"Yes, we do captain. I just want to enjoy them together. I do feel that Hope completed our family."
"Aye, Hope did complete our family."
"Yes, Hope does." They kiss. Emma gets a phone call from Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. I am wondering if you, Killian, Henry and Hope would like to come over for dinner tonight?"
"Hold on...Killian Allison invited all of us to dinner tonight at her house."
Killian smiles. "She is a part of our family love."
Emma smiles, "Allison, we would love to join you for dinner tonight."
"Great, Emma. I know Henry will be working, you, Hope and Killian can arrive at my house at 6:30 pm."
"That will be great. Can I bring something? Like dessert?
"Sure. You can. Do you have any allergies?"
"No, we do not have any allergies. Thank you for inviting us over." They hung up.
"I know love, you love Allison as a family friend."
"Yes, she is one of those people who are close enough to be in your family even though they are not biologically related."
"How long are you working here love?"
Emma checks the time. "I can work for a few more hours. Henry needs to work this afternoon at Allison's."
"I can drop him off while I do patrol."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, he and I talk a lot in the car."
"Do I even want to know?"
Killian thought for a moment, "No, you don't."
Emma laughs. "Aw, my two boys are really close."
"Aye, he is my son swan."
"Yes, he is your son. He looks up to you, you know."
"Aye, I am his father and I am proud to be his Dad."
Emma hugs Killian. "I love you. I am so grateful to have you as an amazing husband and Daddy to our two children."
"I love you too swan. I would do anything for you and for our children." They kiss and make out. Hope cries that stop them from going further. "Hope."
Emma goes to her daughter. "Hope, did you have a good nap on Henry?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you do love Henry." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little lass, Daddy is here." Hope squirmed out of Emma's arms. Emma hands over Hope to Killian. "Hope, are you happy to see Daddy little love?" Hope smiles. He kisses Hope on the cheeks. "Little love, auntie Allison invited us all to dinner at her house tonight. Are you happy to see Auntie." Hope smiles and moves around happily in her Daddy's arms. "Yes, you love auntie Allison little love." Emma smiles at her husband loving his time with their daughter.
"Since, I told Allison that I will bring over dessert...I have to stop my shift today."
"Killian, I can bake. That is the only cooking that I know. I am thinking of going to the grocery store to buy brownie or cupcake mix. Which one should I bake?"
"I had no idea that you can bake."
"Yes, I can." She gives him a flirty stare. " I am full of surprises."
Killian gave her a flirty stare back."Aye, you are love. Which one you can bake the best?"
"Well, I can bake really good brownies."
"Aye, I am looking forward to trying them." They kiss for a long time
Henry wakes up from his nap watching his parents making out. Hope fusses in her Daddy's arms. "Little love."
"Killian I think she wants a kiss too." They both give kisses to Hope.
"Little sis, are you being kissed by Mommy and Daddy?" Killian hands over Hope to Henry. He kisses Hope on the cheek and makes her smile."Hope, are you having fun with Mommy and Daddy?"
"Henry, Allison invited us over dinner tonight."
"Awesome, Dad. I can show you what I been working on."
"I am looking forward to it lad. I am going to drop you off at Allison's house."
"Henry, I am bringing dessert. Should I bake cupcakes or brownies?"
Henry thought. "Mom, can you bake chocolate cupcakes?"
"Yes, I can kid. What color icing?"
"Blue or orange."
"I think I can do both."
"Hope, make sure Mommy does a good job at baking little sis. I will see at auntie Allison's house." He kisses Hope on the head and hands her over back to their Mom.
"Henry, remember to take breaks."
He hugs his Mom."Yes, Mom. I will see you later. I had fun this morning."
"Henry, I had fun too. We need to do something together."
"I know Mom. Something longer but I know Hope is clingy."
"Your sister is very clingy but I love her."
"Yes. Hope Henry loves you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Killian and Henry leave the station.
"Hope, are you looking forward to watching me bake?" Hope coos. "We can show Daddy that I can bake." Emma got the carrier on and placed Hope in her carrier. "Baby girl we are going grocery shopping." Emma carries Hope and the diaper bag to the grocery store. "Hope this is where we buy our food." Emma finds a cart and pushes to the baking section. Emma got a chocolate cake mix with blue and orange icing and two cupcake holder, sprinkles, and cupcake tins. "Emma."
"Regina, hi."
"Hi, Hope. How is Henry?"
"He is good. Henry had a sailing lesson yesterday with Killian, Hope loved being by the ocean. He is over at Allison's house now working. Allison invited us over for dinner and I offered to bring dessert."
"How long was the recovery?"
"A few days. It was not too bad. Henry was very helpful, he kept Hope happy. She is still extra clingy but she is happy when she is with Killian or Henry. Oh, Henry helped me this morning at a stakeout."
"Oh, really?"
"He saw a robber stealing jewelry which I did not see. He saw him and I caught him."
"Wow. He had a good eye."
"Yes, knowing how he is."
Roland and Rowand come to Regina. "Mom, we got cereal. Roland found it."
Hope begins to cry very loudly as soon as she heard Rowand's voice and she grips her Mommy. "Hope, it is okay baby. Mommy got you, sweetie."
"I am sorry Emma, I forgot to tell you that I have the kids."
"It is okay. I got everything I need." Emma pushes the cart and goes to another aisle to calm down Hope. Emma rubs her back as she calmly spoke to Hope who was terrified. She rubs her head and bounces her ."Hope, it is okay sweetie...shh...shh...Mommy got you...Mommy got you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are safe. Shh....it is alright, Hope. You are safe. Mommy is protecting you." When Hope finally calms down, Emma paid for the cupcake ingredients and supplies and walks out of the store. Killian drove up to Emma. "Emma. Are you okay?"
"How are you here?"
"Patrol." He gets out of the car. "What happened love?"
"How do you know?"
"Your face and Hope gripping you."
"I ran into Regina at the grocery, I did not know she had the kids with her until they found her."
"Aye, Hope."
"Yup, she was crying so loud. It took me a while to calm her down in another aisle. Now I think she is more attached..."
"Emma, let me drive you both home."
"Thanks, she is not going to let me be out of her sight."
"Little love, Daddy is here." He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy is going to protect you too little love." He lets Hope grab his finger. He kisses her small hand. "Love, I am going to go home with you. Just in case your hands are too full."
"You would do that?"
"Yes, Emma. You look like you need extra help."
"Thank you." He hugs her. Killian tells Charming about the Rowand incident, while Emma loaded the car with groceries and put Hope in her car seat. Emma sits next to her daughter and rubs her hands."Mommy is sitting right next to you sweetie." Hope coos.
Killian arrives in front of the car and drives them home. Emma continues rubbing Hope's hands, showing her presence to keep Hope calm. When they arrived home, Emma got Hope and the groceries, Killian got the diaper bag and carrier. "Love, do you want me to hold her for a little while? For you to bake."
"Sure." Killian sat at the kitchen table holding Hope.
"Hope, Daddy has you little love. You and I get to watch Mommy bake cupcakes."
"Hope, Mommy can bake. I have to show Daddy that I can bake. You know that I can bake. Right sweetie?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope smiles and coos. They both smiled at her daughter. Emma baked the cupcakes as Killian held Hope. While the cupcakes were baking, Emma sat down next to Killian. "How is she?"
"Fell asleep just a few minutes ago."
"Was she crying very loudly at the store?"
"Very loudly, people were staring at us." She rubs her head. "Hope just knew she was there and heard her voice and Hope started to wail very loudly. I do not like seeing our Hope scared and upset."
"How did you calm her?"
"I took her to a few aisles over. Trying not to panic, since we were in public. I rubbed her head and calmly and softly spoke to her, telling her she was with me, she was safe and how I was protecting her."
"Emma, you did your very best. You got her to calm down. Hope knows that you are protecting her and making sure that she is safe. I saw you in the car rubbing her little hands as I drove us home."
"I did my best, making sure our little girl know that she is safe."
"You did exactly what a great Mommy does, being there for our little lass."
Emma smiles and looking at their sleeping daughter in his arms. "Thank you for coming home with us. What did my Dad say?"
"I told him what happened. He knew that I was needed home for both of you loves."
"Yes, I would not be able to bake and hold her. She knows she is safe in her Daddy's arms."
"Aye, she does." The baking timer went off and Emma got the cupcakes out of the oven and let them cool off. Killian puts Hope in her moving chair while Emma frosted the cupcakes. "Killian, I made extra. You want to be the test taster?"
"Sure love." He had a blue frosted cupcake. "Emma it is delicious."
Emma giggles. "I told you, captain." Emma tried an orange-frosted cupcake. "I told you that I can bake. I think we should bring ten cupcakes to Allison's house and have six here. We are already two of them."
"Aye, we can have them as a midnight snack."
"Or in-between feeding at night snack."
"That is a good idea, love. I will hide them in our room."
Emma laughs. "Killian, I am only kidding, Henry can have some too."
"Now there is a smile. I got you to smile."
"You always make me smile."
"Aye that I do love."
Emma hugs him. "I love you so much. You are always there for me, Hope and Henry."
"Love you are all my family. We help each other."
"Yes, that is what our family does." Hope begins to cry. Emma gets Hope out of her swing chair. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. You need a change. Killian, can you put the cupcakes in the plastic container?"
"Sure, love."
"Great, after I change Hope we can go to Allison's house."
"Aye, love."
Emma takes Hope to her room to change Hope's diaper. "Hope we are going to auntie Allison's house. Do you want to wear a new onesie that I got you?" Hope coos. Emma puts Hope on a white onesie covered with roses with a matching rose bow with little baby jeans. "Hope you are looking so cute. I just want to eat you all up." Emma playfully eats her hands and feet and kissed Hope everywhere making Hope very happy. Killian goes up to Hope's room and sees them playing, he smiles and took a few photos. "Love are you almost ready?"
"Yes, I need to change my outfit. Look at what Hope is wearing."
"Hope, did mommy got you a new cute outfit?" Hope moves around. "Yes, Mommy got you a rose outfit." Killian held Hope as she changed her outfit into leggings and a long tee shirt and did a high ponytail with the necklace that Henry got her when she was on bedrest. Emma sees Killian and Hope waiting for her at their bedroom door, Hope was making cooing sounds in her Daddy's arms. "She is so happy now Killian."
"Aye, she is very happy and content. She will be happier when she sees her big brother and auntie."
"Yes, let's get the cupcakes, carrier and her diaper bag and go."
Killian drove them to Allison's house and Emma sat with Hope in the back. "Hope, we are at Auntie Allison's house sweetie. Henry is here too." Hope smiles. Emma carried Hope and the diaper bag as Killian carried the cupcakes on his good hand and the carrier over his shoulder. Killian rang the doorbell. Allison opened the door. "Hi, Emma, Hope, and Killian. Thank you for coming."
"Thank you for having us, Allison." They entered the house.
"How is my little niece today?"
"She is extra clingy today. We had an incident."
"Oh no, what happened?"
"I will explain to you. I made cupcakes for dessert."
"Thank you so much. Killian, you can bring them to the kitchen. Henry helped me cook dinner." Allison gets the carrier from Killian. Killian went to the kitchen. Emma and Allison went into the living room. "Hope, we are with auntie Allison." Hope fussed.
Allison takes Hope from Emma's arms. "Hope, are you happy to see me, little sweetie?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." She gives Hope kisses. "Emma, what happened?"
"After you called..." Henry comes running from the kitchen. "Mom, what happened with Hope?"
"Henry how did you..."
"My other Mom texts me to tell you sorry and Dad just told me rough day. He is keeping an eye on the cooking."
"After you and your Dad left, I took Hope to the grocery store to buy cupcake supplies. Regina saw me and we talked. Then the kids came, you know who spoke and Hope began crying so loud and gripping me. I had to take her to another aisle to calm her down. She was so terrified. Killian saw me as I was leaving the store since he was doing patrol. He took a rest day off knowing he was needed at home. She is a lot calmer now." Emma and Henry seeing Hope happily in Allison's arms.
"Mom it was that bad?"
"Yes, Henry. It was that bad. Hope was terrified of you know who."
"Mom she is calmer now that she knows she is safe with you, me, Dad and Aunt Allison."
"Yes, she is Henry."
"I got to finish dinner. Emma, we can talk in the kitchen."
"Sure." Allison carries Hope into the kitchen.
"Killian thank you for keeping an eye on the pasta.'
"You are welcome, Allison. Hope looks much happier in your arms."
"Yes, Emma told me what happened. Poor Hope who was terrified."
"I knew when I saw Emma's facial expression and Hope gripping her, something bad had happened."
"Dad, can I show you what I been working on?'
"Aye, lad. I have been wondering what you been painting here."
"Killian, I was coming in here to finish cooking." Killian follows his son upstairs.
Emma gets Hope from Allison. "Allison, what are we having for dinner tonight?"
"Spaghetti and meatballs with salad on the side. The sauce is homemade a family recipe."
"It sounds yummy."
"I got the meatballs done, I put them in the sauce at the end. Henry helped me make the sauce and meatballs."
'Did he?"
"Yes, your son is a quick learner."
"Yes, he is." Emma talks to Hope. "Hope, auntie Allison is cooking dinner for us, sweetie. Maybe I need cooking lessons from her." She gives her daughter kisses on her head.
"Emma, how was work today?"
"Henry helped me caught a robber."
"Really on your mom and son stakeout?"
"Yes. Henry spotted the man coming out of the jewelry store, the shine. He told me and I rushed to get him. I blocked him on an alleyway and arrested him. I did not have to hurt the guy. When I returned, I put him in the cell. Hope was crying, even though she was with Killian. I held her and looked up how much each of the jewelry was worth. Allison, each piece that he stole was worth 5 grand."
Allison's jaw dropped. "How many did he stole?"
"What happened?"
"My Dad interviewed him as I was listening in on speaker and watching through the one-way mirror." Emma begins to laugh. "When my dad was escorting him out of the room, Hope made poop which disgusted the man. He said what is that awful smell? I responded, Nothing like where you are going." They both laughed. "Hope, you are Mommy's little sheriff." Allison finished cooking dinner. Emma calls her boys that dinner was ready. Henry and Killian helped Allison set the table.
Henry kisses Hope on the head."Mom, how is Hope?"
"Happy and sleeping. Can you get me the carrier?" Henry returns with the carrier and Emma puts Hope in it, Hope was able to sleep on Emma as she ate. "Allison this is sauce so good."
"Thank you, Emma. Henry, you were very helpful in the kitchen."
"Aunt Allison, it was fun to help cook with you. I can help another time."
"Sure, Henry."
"Allison. Is there olives in the sauce?'
"Yes, Killian. It is for extra taste."
"I never made the homemade sauce before."
"I can give you a list of ingredients so you can make it at home, but not be going to tell you the secret ingredient."
"Lad, do you know?"
"No, dad. I do not know. I only helped at the beginning in between painting breaks." Henry finished eating first. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, you can." Emma takes hope out of the carrier and hands over Hope to Henry.
"Henry got you. Do you want to play with me, little sis?" Henry takes Hope to the living room. He gets a facetime call from Regina.
In the kitchen. "Emma, how are you feeling?"
"Better than before. I just felt awful at what happened at the grocery, because Hope got scared. I was panicking on the inside but I was calm for her."
"All mom's feel like that. When I had my first Connor, I was not sure I was helping him when he was afraid since I was feeling the same for him." Allison puts her hand on Emma's. "Emma it will get easier, but you are doing the best for Hope which she knows."
"Aye, love. Hope knows that you are protecting her." They hear Henry screaming and Hope wailing. They all rush to the living room. Henry was facetiming Regina. "You upset Hope twice in one day. " He hangs up. Emma takes Hope. "Hope, it is alright sweetie. Mommy got you. Mommy is here Hope....shhh...shhh...Mommy got you. It is okay." Henry goes outside. "Emma, I will talk to Henry." Allison helps Emma by rubbing Hope's back as Hope was gripping Emma and crying.
Henry was pacing around in Allison's front yard. "Henry, what happened lad?"
"Dad, my other Mom Facetimed me to apologize to Hope. Rowand comes in the room and calls her Mom and talks, Hope begins to cry and I get mad. Dad, she knows that I every time Rowand calls her Mom, I want to say she is not your Mom, which gets me mad."
"Henry, I understand. Look at me. Your mom loves you."
"I know the situation is awkward."
"She is not being honest as you and Mom are."
"Everyone is different. When Regina and Robin tell her, Rowand would feel very bad and confused."
"Dad, Hope is terrified of her. Hope is upset twice today."
"I know you are upset, your Mom is upset because your sister is terrified twice in one day and she knows that you are mad."
"I..." Henry cries. "Henry, come here." Henry hugs him tight. "I know you are mad and upset you have every right to be. Keeping secrets are horrible especially the ones that you forced to keep. Remember Henry, your Mom and I we do not keep dark secrets or any secrets. You are living with us. We love you, Henry."
"I love you, Mom and Hope."
"Aye, lad. You are loved by us and we love you living with us." He rubs his hook hand on Henry's back until he calmed down.
"I just feel bad for Hope who is scared. I promised her that I will protect her."
"Lad, you cannot prevent every bad thing from her, she has to learn to face her fears, when she is older. Hope has you, me and your Mom to help her when she needs us. Like now, Hope is with your Mom and aunt Allison."
"I feel sorry for Mom. She looked sad."
"Aye. she being brave for your sister when she was panicking on the inside."
"Mom has us Dad."
"Yes, lad. You can talk to your Mom too."
"Yes, I will. Thank you, Dad."
"Your welcome Henry. Let's see how Hope is." They walk back inside Emma had Hope on her chest, Allison sitting next to them. "Emma, how is she?"
"She calmed down quicker this time, with the help from Allison."
"Hope needed to know that she is safe." Henry sits next to his Mom. "Emma, I can hold Hope."
"We can try she is extra clingy." She talks to Hope. "Hope, auntie Allison wants to talk to you, sweetie." Emma hands over Hope to Allison. Henry hugs Emma.
"Hi, Hope. I know you had a rough day today. You are safe with you Mommy, Daddy, Henry and me. You know that right?" Hope coos.
"Little love, you feel safe with auntie." Hope coos again. "Little lass we all love you." He gives Hope kisses and she falls asleep in Allison's arms.
"Henry, are you okay?"
"I got mad when you know who came during my facetime call with my other mom, her calling her mom, which gets me mad and she upsets Hope twice in one day."
"Henry, you are with me, your Dad, Hope, and aunt Allison. We all love you."
"Mom, I love you all. That is why I am mad at her for making my sister scared twice in one day and you stressed."
"Henry." She gives a big hug. "I love you so much."
"Mom, I love you too. I do not like it when our family gets disrupted."
"Me too, Henry. I hate how when you and Hope get upset or scared. I will always be there for you and Hope."
"I know Mom. You help us all the time." Henry falls asleep on Emma's lap. Emma looks around to Hope. "Is she asleep?"
"Henry too."
"Emma, you all can sleepover. I have a guest room and a pack and play for Hope."
"You would really do that for us, Allison?"
"Of course. I do not mind the extra company. I have extra pajamas for you to wear."
"I do not mind a sleepover love. I can go home to get Henry and me extra clothes."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, love. Hope feels safe here. Knowing our little lass will be upset if we leave tonight."
"Yes, Hope had a rough day already. I do not want to upset to leave her auntie."
"Aye, I will be right back." They kiss.
"Allison, thank you for inviting us over to stay the night."
"You are welcome. I enjoy the company. I am happy to help out. Seeing Hope terrified made me so sad."
"That is still I feel after incident 2 in one day." Hope fusses in Allison's arms. Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Mommy got you, sweetie." Hope puts her hand on Emma's chest. "Hope, you know when Mommy needs extra love. I love it especially coming from you." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy did not like you had a rough day sweetie. We have Daddy, Henry and auntie Allison to be there for us when we need them." Hope smiles 'You love our support group." Emma smiles and Hope moves around and kicks Henry on the head.
Henry wakes up. "Hope, you kick like our Mommy. You get that from her." Emma and Allison both laughed.
"Henry, I brought over cupcakes."
"Yes, I will get them."
"Allison, I hope you like chocolate."
"I like vanilla and chocolate. I am sure they are delicious."
Meanwhile, Killian drove home to get overnight supplies for the family. Regina was sitting on the porch. "Regina?"
"Killian, where is everybody?"
"We are sleeping over at Allison's house tonight, thanks to you terrifying Hope twice in one day, Hope feels safe with her auntie and the rest of us."
"Killian, I came over to apologized."
"Aye. We just got Henry calmed down. He was furious with you Regina, it took me and Emma both to calm him down. He was angry and upset, for Hope and his Mom too."
"I came to apologize."
"Not yet for Henry. He just recovering from what happened."
"Can I apologize to Emma?"
"Not in person. She is still mad and worrying about Hope and Henry."
"Can you call her and I can apologize over the phone? It was my fault. I forgot Rowand and Roland were with me at the store when I saw Emma and Hope, all I could think about is Henry."
"I know you miss him. He misses you too. He got furious when Rowand called you Mom. I was the one who calmed him down since Emma and Allison were both calming Hope down."
"Killian, can you please call Emma so I can apologize. I feel really awful for scaring Hope twice in one day and Henry..."
"Regina, I need to get a few things from the house then I will call Emma."
"Sure." They go in the house. Killian got extra diapers for Hope, her quilt, Henry's pajamas, an extra outfit for Emma and another outfit for himself, toothbrushes and put it all in a reusable bag.
Back at Allison's house. Henry brought the cupcakes in with paper plates. "Henry, we are sleeping over tonight."
"We are?"
"Yes, we are. Your Dad quickly went home to get your and his clothes."
"Family sleepover? I like it."
Henry, Allison, and Emma ate cupcakes. "Emma these are really good."
"Thank you. I can bake not cook."
"Emma, baking is another form of cooking."
Emma gets a phone call from Killian. "Killian?"
"It is me, love. Regina is over at the house when I arrived. She wants to apologize."
"Hold on, one minute. Allison, can you hold Hope?"
"Sure, I can. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, I have to talk on the phone in the kitchen for a moment." She talks to Hope. "Hope, Mommy is going to be in the kitchen. You are with auntie Allison and Henry sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and gives her to Allison.
"Emma, Hope will be alright with me and Henry."
"I know." Allison holding Hope. Henry distracts Hope while their Mom is in the kitchen."Hope, you want to try Mommy's cupcake?" Henry put the icing on Hope's nose. "Hope you have orange frosting on your nose little sis." Hope smiles. "Henry, you can get Hope to smile."
'Yes, I can. I love making my little sis happy."
"I am back. Henry and Allison both are distracting Hope while I am on the phone. What did you say to her?"
"That I will ask you."
"Killian, Regina caused me enough stress today and to both of our kids."
"I know love. Can you listen to her?"
"Yes, I can. Not Henry, he just getting over what happened."
"I know, love. I told Regina that. Here is Regina."
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Regina."
"Emma I am so sorry about the grocery store. When I saw you all I could think about is Henry."
"I understand that you miss Henry. Getting Hope terrified twice in one day and Henry is furious when he sees Rowand calling you Mom...Regina. I need some time to think both of my kids are either terrified or mad. Regina in a few days..."
"Emma. He is my son."
Emma gets mad. "He is my son too, Regina. He is living with me after he could not live with you because he could not be himself at your house. The stress was eating him which he could not handle it any more. He is happy and stresses free with me. I am doing my best for him by letting him express himself. He is concerned about Hope and me. I am concerned about him. Both of my son and daughter are upset. " Emma takes a deep breath. "Regina, Henry will visit you when he is ready. I have to go." She hangs up. She sits on the floor and cries.
At the Swan-Jones house. "How was Emma?"
"Mad and furious and went complete mama bear mode on me."
"Aye. How are you?"
"Mad and upset. We fought about Henry and she would not accept my apology."
"Regina, you have to understand you got Hope terrified not once but twice in one day. Emma was already stressed after the time first Rowand incident of the day let alone two and she is more stressed with Hope and Henry. Regina, give them time."
"I will. Please tell Henry to come over to my office when he not mad at me."
"I will. Give Emma and Henry time."
"Thank you, Killian." Regina drives home and Killian heads back to Allison's house.
At Allison's house, Emma was crying on the floor. Allison went to see her and Henry held Hope since they heard her yell on the phone. Allison sits next to her. "Emma, what happened?" She rubs Emma's back.
"Regina called to apologize. We got into a fight about Henry. I could not let her apologize not yet anyway. All I could think about what you know who caused my kids emotionally and I got furious." Emma cries. "I do not like when my kids are upset or hurt."
"Emma, you are a mother of two kids who you love and hate when they are not happy. As mother's, we always want best for our children."
"You heard me yelling on the phone?"
"Yes, we all did."
"Just the stress of what happened today to both of them is making me so..."
"I know, I know, us mother's have the toughest job of worrying nonstop about our kids."
"Yes, it is hard."
"That is why we must stick together. To vent out our feelings? That is what best friends are for right?"
"Yes, you got that right." They hug. They walk back to the living room. "Mom, are you alright?"
"I am getting better Henry. I am mad from what your other Mom did to Hope and you today. Making your sister upset twice and making you mad."
Henry gives his sister to Allison. "Mom." He hugs her. "I love you. I am happy to live with you, Dad and Hope. Please do not forget that you are letting me be happy and extra loved in your house."
"Henry, you are my kind, caring, lovable son. I love you so much. I will always be there supporting you and fighting for you."
"I know. I heard you on the phone. I am still mad at my other Mom. I am just happy to be living with you." He hugs her tight and Emma kisses him on the head. Hope cries in Allison's arms. "Emma, I think Hope feels left out."
Emma smiles and takes Hope from Allison's arms. "Hope, I cannot forget you, sweetie."Allison smiles. "Hope, Mommy is okay sweetie. I know you feel safe, loved being with me. You know that baby. You know when I am unhappy." Hope snuggled with her Mom. Hope smiled and held her Mommy tight.
"Mom, she knows your not yourself."
"I know. Hope senses I am not my normal self, she knows that I am mad and upset, like you both." She talks to Allison. "Does my stress affects my breast milk?"
"Emma, if you feed her, as usual, your milk supply won't lessen."
"Hope, are you hungry?" Emma preps to feed Hope. Hope latches on. "Hope, you were hungry. You could have told me." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma she is happy to be with you."
"Yes, Hope certainly does."
"Mom, are you feeling better ?"
"Henry, I should be the one asking you that. How are you feeling?"
"I am still mad at my other Mom and that whole you know who situation. I do not like when you know who causes my little sis to cry and you stress out." He hugs his Mom. The doorbell rings, Allison answers the door. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." She kisses him on the head.
"I know Mom when I made the decision to move in with you was the right one."
"Yes, Henry it was the best for you. I always want the best for you, you know that."
"Yes, Mom. I know." They watched Hope eat.
Allison answers the door. "Killian."
"Allison, how is Emma? She sounded very mad on the phone."
"Before you panic Killian, Henry and I heard her yelling. We knew she was stressed out and mad about what happened to Hope and Henry. After she got off the phone with Regina, she was crying on my kitchen floor. I talked to her, calmed her down, she was mad and upset because of how Henry and Hope were feeling. I explained to her that what mother's do, worry about their children all the time and it is okay to talk. I told her that she can talk to me, mom to mom."
Killian hugs Allison. "Thank you for being there for my wife and children you really are part of our family."
Allison smiled. "You are all my family. I had a feeling Emma and I will be really close as best friend or closer."
"Aye, my wife needs more friends around here."
"Yes, I am, her best friend and your children's aunt and be part of your family."
"Thank you for offering us to a sleepover tonight. If I took them home when I did, Regina was there it would have been hectic, emotionally and physically for them."
"I got Emma calm down and she is with your children now."
"I brought everyone supplies for the night."
"I will show you the guest room upstairs." Allison brought Killian to the guest room.
Emma with Hope on her chest fast asleep. "Mom, is Hope going to be alright?"
"Henry, she has you, me, your Dad and aunt Allison to look after her. Look at her how happy she is and save in my arms. She knows that she is safe. Henry tell me what is wrong?"
"Before when I was outside, I was mad and furious, Dad calmed me down after what happened. I hate how Hope was afraid twice by you know who. Hope is my family not you know who." Henry begins to cry. "Henry, come here." Emma placed sleeping Hope on the couch and had wrapped Henry in her arms. "I do not like it when someone scares my sister and stresses you out."
"I know Henry. That is why I was screaming on the phone with your other Mom. I hate to see you and Hope being afraid, sad or mad. You know me, kid. When one of my kids are being hurt I get mama bear mode on that person. I have done it before." Henry hugs his Mom tighter.
"Mom, you are my brave, fighter Mom, who I love so much. I am so happy to be living with you all the time now."
"Yes, Henry. I am happy you are living with us too. We made up the time that we had missed."
"Yes, Mom. That is why living with you and Hope and Dad makes it more special." Hope cries. "Mom, Hope wants you."
"Yes, she does." Emma picks up Hope from the couch. "Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie. I did not go anywhere. Henry is next to me."
"Hope, did you have a good nap baby sis?" He kisses her on the cheek which makes her smile. "Mom, I can hold her." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, little sis. I am sorry you had a rough day. I did too, that same person made me mad too." Hope cooed. "Yes for a very long time I was mad at her because I could not express my feelings at my other home. That is why I moved in with you." Hope smiles which make Henry and Emma smile. Killian returns downstairs with Allison.
"Killian." He lifts her up and hugs her.
They sit on the other couch to talk. "How are you feeling love?"
"After the phone call, I was upset. I cannot accept her apology it was too much today."
"I know, love. You are here for Henry and Hope."
"Thanks to Regina, Hope is still extra clingy." Emma leans on Killian wraps his hook arm around Emma. "Love, we will get through Hope's clingy phase. Enjoy it, love."
"I will. Just today was crazy."
"I know. Love and you handled it like a champ."
"I could not have done it without you.
Allison sits down next to Henry and Hope. "Henry, what are you up to?"
"Just talking to Hope about you know who and how I felt about it. Thank you for letting us stay over Aunt Allison."
"You are welcome, Henry. Luckily, I offered. When your Dad went back for your supplies, your other mom was there."
"I am still mad at you know who. From the phone call, my mom is still mad at her. It would not be pretty and more fighting."
"Yes. That would not be good for you, Hope and your Mom." Allison gives Hope her finger and she grabs it. "Hope, you have a strong grip."
"She gets it from our Mom and she only holds people fingers who she trusts."
"Yes, she definitely trusts her auntie."
"Hope, are you looking forward to your very first sleepover at auntie's house." Hope smiles and moves around. "Mom, Hope is excited about her first sleepover."
"Yes, Henry she is. It is almost her bedtime."
"Mom, can I read her a story?"
"Sure you can. I need to change her first. Allison where is the guest room?"
"I will show you." Emma takes Hope from Henry and follows Allison upstairs.
"Dad, I know Allison's son had an Xbox 360. You want to play video games?"
"Aye. Let's play."
Back upstairs. Allison showed Emma and Hope the guest room. There was a queen size bed with a pack and play for Hope to sleep in. "Allison, thank you so much for offering us to stay overnight. I know you have work in the morning and little Hope here might keep you up at night."
"Emma I knew you needed a break, extra help with Hope and Henry. It is no problem at all. I love my, little niece and nephew."
"Again, thank you. If I left with Killian, I would have seen Regina. I am not in the mood to see her for a while."
"You can come here to vent your feelings, to another."
"Thank you, Allison. I do not have too many friends here, I refuse to join the Mommy and Me classes. I just want to raise Hope normally in a normal life as possible."
"Emma, you are."
"Later, I can braid your hair."
"Sure, you make dutch braid so easy."
Emma giggles, "It takes a lot of practice." Hope makes poop. "Hope, Mommy is going to change you, sweetie."
"I love Hope's outfit."
"Thank you. She is going to wear it tomorrow." Emma got the changing pad and changes Hope's diaper and put her into a sleeping onesie. "Hope you are ready for bed." Hope coos. They hear Henry and Killian playing video games.
"It seems like Henry found Connor's Xbox 360."
"You do not mind??"
"Not at all. Even though it has been a hectic day for all of you, you are still close not in a separate room not talking to each other. You all are very close. I am just happy that you are including me in the family."
"Allison, you are part of the family you proved to us so many times already. After all, you are Hope's godmother, I would not ask anyone but you."
"I am honored to her godmother and aunt." Hope fusses. "Hope, auntie Allison is right here." She gives Hope a kiss on the head. Hope did a little yawn.
"Hope, it is your bedtime sweetie." Emma gives Hope a kiss on her head and rocked her a little bit in her arms until she fell asleep. Emma placed Hope in the pack in play and they quietly left the room and went to Allison's room across the hall. They talked more and Emma did Allison's hair until Emma hears her daughter's crying. Emma enters the room. "Hope. Mommy is here." She takes her out of the pack and play. "You want to be with Mommy?" Hope grips Emma. "You can join girl time." Emma returns to Allison's bedroom with Hope. "Allison, someone wanted to join girl time."
"Hope, you can join us."
"She is extra clingy."
"That is okay." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy's chest as Emma and Allison talked and laughed. Emma was able to relax with her best friend while her daughter was with her happily sleeping on her. When her husband and son were playing video games. "Allison it is midnight. You have work in the morning."
"Emma it is okay."
"Allison, you have work. I cannot let you go to work tired. Hope is asleep, I am pretty sure Henry is asleep. Night Allison."
"Night, Emma." She kisses Hope on the cheek."Night Hope."
Emma takes sleeping Hope back to the guest room. Killian was already in bed. "Hey."
"Hello, Love. Henry is asleep in Elizabeth's room." Emma sits down next to her husband. "What a day."
"I know love an emotionally exhausting day."
"You got that right." Killian wrapped his hook arm around Emma and Hope. "Allison has been so nice and generous to us. I want to thank her somehow."
"We will, love. She has been so helpful to our family especially to our little Hope." He rubs Hope's little cheek.
Emma snuggled into Killian more. "I am emotionally drained. I do not want to talk to Regina for a while. I want to focus on Hope and Henry, making them happy and having a normal life."
"Emma, we are going to love."
"I cannot wait to go to Florida."
"Me too, love."
"I am only going to miss Allison that is it."
"I was thinking, we have not gone to the Boston zoo yet, we can take her and her kids with us."
"That is a great idea love." They kiss. "Love, let me try to get Hope to the pack and play." As Killian was about to put Hope in the pack and play Hope wakes up and cries. "It is okay little love, Daddy got you." He kisses Hope on the head and calms her down. Hope slept on Killian's chest until she makes poop.
Emma wakes up smelling Hope's poop. She turns on the lights. "Hope, you need a very needed diaper change, sweetie. You made a lot of poop." She wakes up Killian, "Killian." He wakes up and smells the poop."
"Hope pooped on me?"
"Yes, another blowout. Can you help me?"
"Yes, Swan. I will run the bath."
"Thank you." They quietly went to the bathroom and Killian runs a bath for Hope. "Hope, we have to be quiet, Auntie Allison is sleeping next door." Killian holds Hope as Emma washes Hope off. Emma gets a towel and dries off Hope in the guest room as Killian cleans the bathtub. Allison comes in the guest room. "Emma is everything alright?"
"Yes, Hope had a big blowout that is all. We had to give her a 2:00 am a bath."
"I just wanted to make sure."
"Allison, please go back to bed. We are alright, you need to rest."
"I will. Good night."
Hope cries. "Hope are you hungry?" Emma preps to feed her and takes her pajama shirt off. Emma breastfeeds Hope when Killian returns to bed. "Was the lass being fussy?"
"No, she just needed to be fed. I decided for Hope to feel safe is to do skin to skin tonight."
"That is a great idea, love." After Hope was fed and burped she half asleep enjoying skin to skin with her Mommy, who was fast asleep after Hope was burped. "Hope, we love you so much, little lass. We will protect you when you are scared. You can always go to Mommy and Daddy for help or your big brother or your auntie Allison. When you get older your support system grows from people who love you and want to help you in your time of need. You know how little love? By being kind and caring to others like how Mommy and Henry love and care for you." Hope coos. "Yes, I love you too little love and I love and care. Now, you have to go back to sleep." He rubs Hope's head as she fell back to sleep. He looked at his sleeping wife and daughter. "I will always support and love you both and Henry so much. I hate how you know who caused to our children. I am going to do my best to support our children, Emma." He kisses Emma on the head. "You are my wonderful brave wife. I love you." He wrapped Emma in his arm and falls asleep.A few hours later, Hope needed another change. Killian woke up to Hope's cries. "Hope, Daddy will change your diaper little love." Hope did not give her Daddy a hard time to change her and he placed Hope back on Emma for some skin to skin. He falls back to sleep until 7:30 am. He wakes up not finding Hope on Emma. "Hope?" He finds Hope with Allison in her room across the hall, her auntie was showing her how a stethoscope. "Hope do you hear your heart go thump..thump?" Hope smiled. Killian smiled and took a picture. "That is what stethoscope does to listen to people's hearts."
"Good morning, Allison."
"Good morning, Killian. Hope Daddy is awake."
He sits on the bed. "Hope, are you having fun with auntie Allison?" Hope smiles.
"I went to check on you when I woke up. You two looked exhausted. Hope was awake so I decided to take her in here to let you two sleep in."
"Thank you, Allison. You have been so helpful to us. We don't know how to repay you."
"Killian, I am just being my helpful self I am always been like that."
"We want to repay you. Maybe you can sleepover at our house sometime."
Allison smiles. "Sure. Hope, do you want to listen to Daddy's heart?" Allison gives the end part of the stethoscope to Killian and held the listening part to Hope's ears. "Hope do you hear Daddy's loud heartbeat?" Hope smiles big.
"Aye, Hope you hear my heartbeat."
Emma enters the room. "What is going on in here?" She joins them on the bed.
"I was teaching your little girl how to use the stethoscope and she listened to her heartbeat and her Daddy's so far."
"Hope, are you having fun with your auntie Allison?" Hope coos. "Yes, you are."
"I showed Hope the otoscope, the tool to listen to ears too. I figured when she comes into her next physical, she will be more comfortable with the tools."
"That is a great idea, Allison. I will be right back." Emma goes to check on Henry. He was awake playing video games. "Morning, kid."
"Morning Mom."
"I was wondering how to repay Allison she has been so helpful to us, with Hope, giving you the summer job and letting us staying over the night."
"Can Aunt Allison come to one of our family vacations with us? After all, she is part of our family now."
"You do not mind her coming on a vacation with us?"
Henry smiles. "Mom, she is our family now. She has saved your life last week, Hope's too from choking, letting us stay here, she knows about our magic history. She is your best friend, more like your only close friend. Can she comes to Florida with us?"
"It can't hurt to ask her. We do have extra space in our beach house."
They go upstairs to Allison's room, Killian lying on the bed, while Allison showed Hope how to use the otoscope. Emma giggles. "Hope, are you looking at our Daddy's ear?" Allison hands hand Hope to her Mommy. "Aye, the little lass wanted to see inside of my ear."
Emma and Henry joined Allison on the bed. "Allison, you have been so generous, kind to us so much recently, you saved my life and Hope's life in the same week. Henry, Killian and I kept thinking how we should repay you." Emma smiles. "We want you to join us on our beach vacation next week, we rented at a beach house on the beach. What do you say?"
Allison had tears in her eyes. "Emma, you all think of me of your family...I do not know what to say...
"Aunt Allison you save my mom's life and my little sister's life. I did tell you saving someone's life was a sign of love."
"You did, Henry."
"I was talking to Killian last night, how Hope and I are going to miss you when we were away. I got thinking, why Allison joins us."
"Aye, we would love for you to join us, Allison."
"I do have time off saved, the kids are going to be in sleepaway camp by the time they return to Maine. Ted has to work. I can arrange with a substitute doctor. I would love to join you all in Florida. How many days?"
"Five days on the beach."
"I am going!" Everybody was happy.
"Hope, auntie Allison is joining to Florida!" Hope smiles. Allison had to go to work and book her flight to be on the same as the Swan-Jones family. Henry painted Connor's room. Killian and Emma went home. "You do not mind having Allison on our trip?'
"Love she is our family now, I am happy she is joining us. What are your plans for today?"
"I just want to have a quiet day at home with Hope. Yesterday was so crazy. I just need some time to relax."
He takes Emma's hand. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you too, Killian." They kissed. Emma parked the car at home and takes Hope out of her car seat. "Little love. Be a good girl for Mommy, little Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "I will see you after my shift. Call me if you both need anything."
"Killian, I will." Emma takes Hope and the diaper bag inside. She rocks Hope to sleep. "Mommy loves you so much, Hope. We all love you. Mommy and Daddy will be there for you if you need us. Sweet dreams, buttercup." Emma places Hope in her crib. Emma goes to her room to relax and read a book, as she was about to doze off Hope cries. "Hope, Do you want to be with Mommy?" Emma placed Hope on her bed and sings to her. "Hush Now, Don't be scared,
Through this tide of darkness.Shadows may march, Thunders may roar,
But peace will soon prevail. Through our land,
This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion,
But stand your ground, Until you've found,The strength to light your way." Hope happily cooed and looked at her Mommy. Emma smiles at her daughter and kisses Hope on the head. "I love you Hope." Hope falls asleep on Emma's bed. Emma watched her daughter for a little while and puts her in the cradle. Then takes a very needed nap, with Hope nearby.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now