Second Wedding Anniversary

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Hope was up all night in pain and very uncomfortable in her casts. Killian and Emma both stayed up with Hope."Killian, I got her." Emma puts Hope in her arms, "Hope, I know you are very uncomfortable. Mommy and Daddy are right here. We love you, sweetie. Killian, can you get some ice packs?"
"Sure, love." He kisses Hope on the head and heads downstairs.
" We are going to snuggle in the living room, baby girl." She carried Hope to the living room and set her daughter on the couch. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. I know your cast is itchy and your legs hurt...I know the feeling sweetie. I have been there." Hope gripped her Mommy and looked up at her. "Yes, I was in a cast a few times as a child." Hope puts her hand on her Mommy's face. "You want the story? I can tell you. Once upon a time, when Mommy was a little older than you around 8 years old, one of my foster siblings from the foster family I was living with, their biological child threw Mommy against the wall and I broke my right wrist. The foster parents did not believe when I told them what happened and I was in so much pain, Hope...I felt more alone than ever." Hope held her Mommy's hand, which made her Mommy smile. "I went to school the next day and the teacher saw my wrist and send me to the nurses offices and told her what happened. She sent me to the emergency room and my social worker was there. I got a purple cast and went back to my foster home and my possessions were in a garbage bag on the front porch, which was a sign that I was being abandoned again and sent to another foster home. I was sent to a group home. That is why how I know you are feeling now baby girl, being hurt and being in a cast. I did not have anyone to be with me when I was hurt. Now you are in two cast baby girl. It is my job as your Mommy to take good care of you and be there for you. I do not want you to be alone as I was when I was in pain. I am your Mommy and I love you so much. I am right here when you need me,it is my job as your Mommy."
"Mommy."Hope moved around the best as she can and gave her Mommy a hug.
Emma smiled. "Hopey." She gently lifts Hope up on her chest and gave her kisses and hugs. Hope babbled "I love you, Hope so much." Hope fell asleep. "I will always be there for you, Hope." Killian heard Emma whole tale and quietly joined his lasses on the couch once Hope fell asleep on his wife. He wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter.
"Swan, I am right here. I heard your storytime with Hope. That really happened, love?"
"Yes..." Killian moved closer to his wife. "It happened a few times as a child and I was alone. Now with Hope...I did not want her to get hurt as I did...then Leo hurt her again and I did use my magic on him to get him away from our Hope...when Allison told us she fractured her legs..." Emma began to cry.
"Emma, you protected our little love from your brother. You used your magic to stop Leo hurting Hope even more. Your light magic you used was part of your mama bear mode you did not want Leo to hurt Hope more."
"My light magic just came to me. I was there for Hope then and I will always be there for me when she needs me."
" Love, you are there for her now when she needs you. You are doing an amazing job as her Mommy right now and being there for our little love who loves being held by you."
Emma smiled. "I love our baby girl and I am going to be there for her when she needs me. She is not going to be alone as I was." She kisses Hope on the head. "I know Hope and I will have more Mommy and Hopey time during her recovery. I just do not like seeing Hope in pain and in two casts."
"I know love. I do not like seeing Hope in casts too but she had you and me to take good care of her when she needs us."
"Yes, Emma?"
"Do you think that Hope bad dream came true? She knew where we were and she was freaking out when we were at my parent's farm...she knew something was going to happen to her."
"That can be a possible swan. The most important thing that Hope is home safe with us and we are going to take really good care of her during her recovery."
"The next few days for her is going to be very rough for her with casts and her vaccination shots..."
"Love, we are going to work together to get Hope through this recovery. Our little lass is a fighter just like her Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head which made Emma smile.
"She is a little survivor just like her Daddy."
"Aye, she is little survivor fighter like her Mommy and her Daddy." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are with Mommy and Daddy little love. With our help you are going to get through this, Hope." he wrapped his arms around his love. "Emma, I am going to stay home from work until Hope is more adjusted."
"Emma, I know when my family needs me. Hope needs the both of us, I know it is going to be a rough few days her recovery and vaccination shots...she needs her Dada."
"Thank you."
"You are welcome, love." Hope began to cry. Emma puts Hope on her lap and adjusted the pillows on her legs and wrapped Hope in her arms. Killian put the ice packs on Hope's casts. "Here you go little love, this will help the pain." Hope stopped crying and fell asleep in her Mommy's arms and not in so much discomfort. Emma smiled. "We really are a team, my pirate."
"Yes, we are Emma." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms and not letting go of their baby girl. The next morning, Henry got ready for school and knew Hope had a very rough night. He saw his family in the living room and they were all fast asleep. After he ate his breakfast, he checked on his family again and saw Hope was awake. Hope saw her big brother and smiled. Henry gently took Hope off of their Mom and held her in his arms. "Henwy."
Henry smiled knowing his sister was happy to see him. "Hi, little sis. I heard you a rough night. I am sorry that you are in pain little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "I have a little time before I need to go to school, do you want to play in my room with me?" Hope smiled. "We can play and read. We need to let Mommy and Daddy sleep." Henry takes Hope up to his room and propped her up against his pillows and put smaller pillows on her legs. "Hope, we need to plan out our next brother and sister project." Hope babbled. Henry smiled. "Why? Because Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary is next week and mother's day, Mommy extra special day is the week after. We have to make two gifts." Hope babbled. "Yes, that is two holidays and more brother and sister time." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope your birthday is the beginning of the holidays!" He tickles his sister gently and made her laugh.
The doorbell rung, Emma woke up noticing Hope was not with them. "Killian?"
Killian woke up groggily, "Yes love?"
"Hope is not with us."
"Love, Hope is with Henry."
"I know he is going to help us with Hope. I will answer the door." She opens the door and finds Regina. "Regina, hi."
"Hi, Emma. Did I come in a bad time?"
"Hope gave Killian and I a rough long night. Come in. Killian, Regina is here."
"Aye, Regina. How was your night?"
"That is what I came to tell you both about after Lily arrested Snow White and also Rumplestiltskin diagnosed on Leo's darkness."
"Regina, which one is worse?"
"To be honest Emma, both of them are pretty bad." Killian held his wife's hand. "Snow White was mad the entire night and yelling at Lily and I to let her go. After you left to the hospital, Rumplestiltskin told me Leo darkness is more than just darkness he either A.D.D/ A.D.H.D or bipolar. Archie is going to test going to run tests on Leo and figure out which one he has. Rumplestiltskin is going to start teaching him to control his darkness after Archie diagnose him."
"Does my parents know about this?"
"Yes, I told your Dad first and he is going to take him to Archie for his testing. He wants Leo to diagnose and get him the help he needs. Your Mom...she was furious and in denial that he does not have A.D.D/ A.D.H.D."
"How does Rumplestiltskin know about learning disabilities?"
"He spoke to Archie how he was different darkness and they began talking. They are working together to get Leo the right help he needs." Emma bends her head into her hands.
"How did I know about Leo? I knew something was off..."
"Swan, you knew something was wrong with him. Your mother is in denial and did not get the right help Leo needed."
"I am a bad sister."
"Emma, Leo hurt our daughter without a care in the world. Our little love is in casts for 6-8 weeks and a few times almost caused her to die. You did nothing wrong, it was your mother fault. Now Leo is going to get the help he needs by Rumplestiltskin and Archie."
Emma leans our head onto Killian. "When Leo gets diagnosed and his darkness under control, I can slowly get a relationship with him, he is my brother. With my Mom, that is another story."
"Emma, your Mom is in denial and got more mad after I told her what Rumplestiltskin told me, the anger was combined with being arrested for not stopping Leo's darkness sooner. Once, Leo gets the help he needs your Mom will wake up."
"Yea right, she was in denial last night of Leo causing Hope's recent leg injuries. I do not think that she will wake up from her denial anytime soon, Regina."
"Where is Hope?"
"She is upstairs with Henry. They are up to something. Let's go see them." Emma leads Regina and Killian upstairs and found them in Henry's room. Emma opened the door seeing Henry drawing and talking to Hope and let Regina and Killian see what they are up to, Regina was in awe. Emma enters the room, "Henry and Hope, what are you two up to?"
"I knew Hope gave you and Dad a rough night, I had a feeling Hope needed one on one time with me."
Hope had her hand in her mouth, "Henwy." Henry smiles as picks Hope up. "Right, little sis? You are having fun with me?" Hope babbled and placed her slobbery hand on Henry's face. "Hopey." He gave her kisses on her cheek which made her laugh; Emma loves seeing her two children close.
"Hope, is Henry making you very happy?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you have the best big brother! Was Hope awake when you were awake?"
"Not at first after I ate my breakfast, I saw Hope was awake and was smiling happily to see me." Hope grabbed Henry's hair. "Hope." Hope babbled. "I have to get my hair combed again for school." Hope babbled. "Little Sis." He hugs Hope.
"Henry, you are going to be late."
"I did miss my bus. I am sorry, I just wanted to spend time with Hope."
"I know you want to spend time with your sister. We are going to need her help while she is in recovery."
"Mom, Hope and I will have more of Henry and Hopey time. Right, Hopey?" Hope babbled. "I can watch Hope after school."
"Thanks, kid. Hope did give us a long night. Tomorrow she visits your Aunt Allison for her 12-month-old check up because someone is one year old!" She gets Hope from Henry and lefts her up, which made Hope laugh. "Hope, are you one year old?" Hope showed one finger. "That is right, Hope. You are one year old."
"Hope is learning from you."
"Yes, she is. Kid, you got to get to school." Regina enters the room. "Mom, what are you doing here?"
"I updated your parents on your grandma and your uncle. I will drive you to school."
"Great." He talks to Hope. "Little sis, when I come home from school, we talk and play together." Hope began to cry. "Hope, I am coming back." He takes Hope from their Mom. "You are with Mommy and Daddy. We are going to have Henry and Hope time when I get home. I promise." Hope hugs her brother. "I love you, Hope." He hands Hope back to their Mom. "Kid, go to school. Hope is going to be with your Dad and I. Hope, you need to have your breakfast and a change." Emma takes Hope to her room. Killian walks with Henry and Regina. "Dad, will you tell me if anything goes wrong with Hope?"
"Yes, Henry but Hope is going to be with your Mom and I all day."
"I just wanted to make sure." He hugs his Dad and heads to the car.
"Regina, thank you for helping with Snow White and Leo."
"You are welcome, Killian. I am just at Snow White just as you all are. I am tired of her denial and Leo's hurting most of the town, it had to be done. How long do you think Snow White would be in jail?"
"A week."
"A week?"
"Or when she comes to her senses and realized what she had to her family."
"That will take more than a week."
"I know. Emma and I are just furious that our little lass has to fracture both of her legs."
"Killian, I was there. You did what you had to do for your daughter and your wife, Snow White and Leo are both out of control in different ways. Lily and the dwarfs are going to keep an eye on Snow White, even they are tired of Snow White's denial. If you need anything call me, I know you two have your hands full with Hope's recovery."
"Aye, Emma and I are going to take it day by day. Hope is going to have her vaccination shots tomorrow, we both do not want Hope to get the measles."
"As I said, if you need anything, I can bring in food or help around if you need too."
"Thank you, Regina." Regina leaves the Swan-Jones house to drive Henry to school. Killian cooks breakfast for his two loves. Emma brings down Hope to the kitchen, "Hope, Dada is cooking us breakfast."
"Breakfast is almost ready." Emma sat Hope on her lap and put a bib on her. She wiggled her toes. "This piggy went to the market, this piggy stayed home, this piggy had roast beef and this piggy had none. This piggy went wee-wee all the way home." She tickles Hope's belly and makes her laugh and continue to wiggle her toes and gave Hope kisses on the head. Hope babbled.
"Little love, is your Mommy wiggling your toes?" Hope babbled. He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "It is time for your breakfast little love." Killian made Hope's plate of scrambled eggs, smashed berries, shredded cheese and cut up bread, while Emma put Hope in her high chair. "Here you go, little love."
"Hope, Dada made you a good breakfast." Emma and Killian ate their breakfast and talked, Hope, babbled. "Hopey, do you want to join our conversation?" Hope used her hands and ate her eggs.
"Swan, I think she is saying, "Dada made me a good breakfast," right little love?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you are eating food to make you big and strong. Enjoy your breakfast little love." He helped her finished her breakfast. Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you full?" She reached her arms out. "Dada will get your out of your high chair little love." He takes her out of the high chair.
"Hope, do you want to watch Pluto?" Hope babbled. "Swan, our little love wants to watch Pluto." Emma smiled. "Hope, we can watch Pluto." Killian hands over Hope to Emma.
"Love, I can clean up in here."
"Thank you for the breakfast."
"You are welcome, love. We all needed to eat since we barely got any sleep last night."
"Yes, maybe after an episode of Pluto, Hope can have a nap?"
"Aye, we are napping with her."
"That is right." They kiss. Emma turns on Disney Junior and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Hope on her lap. When Pluto was on the television screen, Hope babbled very loudly. "Yes, Hope, Pluto is on the screen." Killian saw how excited Hope was when she saw Pluto was on the screen and went upstairs to her room to get her big Pluto from her crib and brought it down to Hope. "Little love, look who I have, Pluto." Hope babbled and grabbed her favorite Pluto. "Hope, did dada brought down your Pluto doll for you?"
"Dada." Killian faced his daughter. "You are welcome, Hope. I love making you happy." He kisses Hope on the head and wrapped his arms around his swan. "You made our little girl very happy."
"I told you, love, I will help you make our little love happy." Hope babbled very loudly, "Yes, little love Pluto is on the television and in your hands." Emma giggles. "You are happy that Dada brought down Pluto."
"You want Dada to hold you?" Hope squirmed around and tried to move and began to cry. "Little love." He gets Hope from Emma and walked around the room with her. "I know you cannot move your legs in the casts. I know you want to move but for now, Mommy and Daddy will carry you until you can crawl and stand up again." Hope hugged her Daddy, "That is a promise, little love." He hugs Hope back. "When you are in less pain, we can have daddy-daughter time sailing lesson on the Jolly Roger. Would you like that?"
Emma and Killian both smiled. "Yes, Hope on the Jolly Roger." Hope babbled. "I will take that as a yes from my littlest pirate."
"Dada." Hope hugged her Daddy and held Pluto in her hand and fell asleep. He gently seats down back on the couch.
Emma gently put Hope in her husband's arms and elevated her legs. "Killian, she loves her Dada."
Killian smiles."Aye, she loves being with the both of us love. Get some shut-eye, I can watch our little love." Emma kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, love."
"Just make sure her legs stay elevated."
"Swan, I know how to take care of our little lass." Emma smiles and they kiss. Emma goes upstairs takes a very needed bath bomb bubble bath and relaxed in the tub for a long time and after she changed into comfy clothes and took a nap once her head went on her pillow. Killian enjoyed his little love sleeping on him ."Dada is here Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and watched her sleep making sure she was alright. He hates seeing his little love in casts and uncomfortable, he wants his little lass to be happy. Hope woke up wailing, "Hope, you are with Daddy little love." He bounced her slowly up and down standing up and Hope dropped her Pluto which made Hope cried more. Killian could not bend down to retrieve Pluto, not with Hope in his arms. "Emma!" Emma heard Hope wailing and Killian calling for her and rushed downstairs. "Killian?"
"Swan, Hope woke up crying and I cannot pick up Pluto and hold our little love at the same time." Emma picks up Pluto. "Hope, look who I have sweetie?" Hope stopped crying once she saw Pluto and Emma gave it to Hope to go. "Are you happy now?" Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Little love, did you have a bad dream?"
"I am sorry little love, I could not hold you and pick up Pluto at the same time, little Hope." Hope babbled. He kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, you can always ask me for help. There is no shame.."
"I am not ashamed love. I just did not want to hurt our little lass even more by bending down to get her Pluto and making sure I did not drop her."
"Hope and I know that you will never drop her. Right Hope? You know Dada will never hurt you." Hope babbled and grabbed his jacket. Emma and Killian both chuckled. "She sure loves her Daddy's leather jacket as I do."
"Aye, she loves both of our leather jackets." They kiss. Hope makes a lot of poop. "You love being a little stinker, little love." Emma giggles. "I can change her, captain." She gets Hope from Killian and takes her up to her room and changes her diaper, changes her into a new outfit and played their kissing game. Hope grabbed Mommy's hair. "Hopey."
"Do you want me to fix your hair?" Hope smiled. Emma gets Hope's little hair brush, brushes her daughter's hair. "There you go. Your hair is pretty." Hope babbled and she scoops Hope in her arms. "When your hair is longer I will braid your hair and make it look pretty every day." Hope babbled and tugged her Mommy's hair. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. "Hope, do you want to read a story?" Emma gets a book from the library shelf, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Emma sat on the rocking chair and read to Hope, who was loving storytime. When Emma finished Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you want another story?" Hope stopped crying. "Mommy will read you more stories." She gets a few more books and kisses Hope on the head. In between stories, Emma nursed Hope and continued to read to Hope until the afternoon, Emma loved reading to Hope. Henry returns home from school and finds his Dad tidying up from the living room. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Henry."
"How was Hope after I left?"
"Hope is feeling better than the night before and keeping your Mom and me, mostly your Mom very busy. Hope has been keeping your Mom busy by reading to her stories most of the day."
Henry smiles. "I know my baby sister she loves stories. I am going to see if Hope wants to play with me so I can give Mom a break."
"Aye, lad." Henry goes upstairs finding his Mom and sister in Hope's room. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. Hope, look who is home from school."
"Henwy." Emma and Henry both smiled.
"Yes, Hope. I am home from school. Do you want to play with me?" Hope smiled as Henry held her in his arms.
"Thanks, kid."
"Your welcome. I missed Hope all day." Henry takes Hope to his room and they work on their brother and sister projects for their parents. Henry set up Hope on his bed against his pillows and propped pillows underneath her legs. Emma and Killian cuddled in their room and took long very needed nap together.
The next morning, Emma got Hope ready for her doctor's appointment. "Hope, we are going to visit Auntie Allison at work." Hope whimpered. "Hope, we are not going to the emergency room. We need to see how big you are getting." Hope reached out to her Mommy. "I will hold you the entire time baby girl." She holds Hope in her arms. Killian checks on his loves. "Swan, are you two ready to go?"
"Just about ready, can you make sure we have everything in her diaper bag? Hope knows where we are going and wants me to hold her."
"Aye, I can do that." Once they were ready, they want to the hospital, Emma sat next to Hope as Killian drove them. When they went to the pediatric floor Hope began to cry. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. You are okay." When they entered the pediatric department they found Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma, Killian, and Hope. How is she, Emma?"
"The first night was rough and last night was better. She wants to move around but she cannot even though she tries."
"She takes after you, swan." Emma smiles.
"Hi, little niece." She holds Hope. "Hope, are you happy to see me?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are visiting me at work. We can go in a room and we can catch up." Allison leads Emma and Killian to an exam room. Emma undresses Hope who began to cry. "Hopey. You are going to sit with me on my lap." She sits on the doctor table and let Hope sit on her lap. Allison takes Hope from Emma and weighs her. "Hope, your weight is normal. Your cast weight does not count." She also measured Hope's head. Allison takes out her stethoscope and checked Hope's heart. "Your heart is healthy." She checked her lungs. "You are breathing normally." Hope grabbed the stethoscope.
"Hopey, give your auntie Allison her stethoscope back, sweetie."
"Emma, Hope can play with it for now." Hope babbled.
"Little love, are you being a sneaky pirate?"
"No." They all laughed. Allison examined Hope's reflexes in her arms. "Her arm reflexes are normal." Next, she examined Hope's legs. "So far Hope's recovery is going well. Emma, Killian has she been staying still?"
"Our little love wants to move around and when she does she cries."
"Yes, we have been elevating her legs and putting ice packs on the cast. She wants to move around. We have been holding her nonstop and trying to get her distracted from moving, Henry has been helping us with that. Right, Hope, Henry and you have a lot of playtime." Hope smiled.
"The good thing is that after tomorrow her legs don't have to be on ice packs but her legs need to be elevated. As she recovers, Hope will be able to slowly stand up on her feet and move a little more." She examines Hope's eyes next with Hope sitting up. "Hope, look at auntie sweetie." Hope looked up while her eyes were being checked. "Your vision is perfect, Hope." She tickles Hope. "Emma and Killian, Hope is healthy besides her fractured legs. Now, it is time for her vaccination shots."
"Which ones is she getting today, Allison?" Emma puts Hope on her lap.
"The measles shot and smallpox shot. The next shots are for her next appointment. The important thing is that she is getting her vaccination shots and she will get those sicknesses." Allison got the shots out and Hope saw them and began to wail and tried to move around. "Killian.." Killian sits next to his two loves, helping Emma calming down Hope by getting her to stay still. "Little love, you need to stay still. If you move when Auntie Allison gives you the needle you will be in more pain."
"Hopey, I know that you are afraid baby girl. Mommy and Daddy know the shots hurt but you need them to help you not get really sick. Some of these sicknesses can be caused death and we do not want you to lose you because you are baby girl. You are a little fighter survivor like Mommy and Daddy. We are here for you, Hope. After this, we can go home and snuggle." Hope moved as best as she could and hugged her Mommy and cried more. "Mommy." Emma rubbed Hope's back knowing Hope was in pain from the casts and she was afraid. "I am holding you baby girl. Mommy and Daddy are right here, Hope. I am not going anywhere." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little love." He gives his hook to Hope. "You can hold onto Dada's hook when Auntie Allison's gives your shots." Hope looked at her Daddy. "I am right here little Hope." Emma positioned Hope onto her lap and Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "That is my little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. Allison gave Hope the measles shot and she began to wail. "I am sorry, Hope. You need the shots little niece." She puts bandaid on Hope's arm. "One more, Hope." Emma gave Hope hugs. "You are doing such a good job, Hope. Mommy and Dada is right here. One more and we can go home."
"Ome." Emma and Killian looked at each other and smiled.
"Yes, Hope, home." She kisses Hope on the head. "Your sixth word."
"Little love, your sixth word. You have no idea how I taught your Mommy about home. I will tell you the story later." Emma smiled.
"Killian, her next shot is on the other arm."
Killian moved to the other side. "Dada is right here Hope." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. Allison faces Hope. "Hope, you are being such a good girl, little niece. These shots are going to help you stay healthy." She gives Hope the shot and Hope began to wail, Emma held onto Hope. "Hope, you are all done, sweetie." Allison puts the bandaid on Hope's arm. "You can go home, little niece." Hope moved around and Emma holds Hope onto her chest and rubs her back and Hope was clinging onto her. "We are going home baby girl. You did such a good job." She gave Hope kisses and rubs her back. Killian gives Emma Hope's quilt and she wrapped Hope in her quilt and continued comforting her.
"Killian, if you need anything or ask questions you and Emma can call me."
"Aye, thank you, Allison. I know that Emma is going to be very busy with Hope, she just wants her Mommy."
"I can come over to watch Hope if you and Emma need a break."
"Thank you for the offer, we will call you when we need a break. Our second year wedding anniversary is on May 7th. We do need a babysitter."
Allison smiles. "I can babysit Hope that night."
"Aye, Emma only trusts you watching Hope besides Henry. With Hope in her casts, Emma is going to be more overprotective of Hope and who watches her."
"I understand, Killian. Let me know what time I need to come over."
"Aye, we will let you know. Emma and I planned to have a family sailing during the day. During the night is date night. Do you think Hope will be able to sail?"
"As long as Hope is being held, she will be able to go."
"Aye, Emma and I take turns holding Hope in the carrier as we always do."
"Killian, Hope is going to be safe and able to sail.I know Hope will be happy because she can't move around while in recovery. Hope can sail, Killian."
He looks at Emma changing Hope back into her clothes."I just wanted to make sure Allison. I do not want Hope to be hurt more."
"I know, Killian. You and Emma are not going to let Hope get hurt again by Leo. Any updates?"
"After we left here, Emma drove us to her parent's farm and showed her parents of what Leo has done to Hope. Snow White was in denial, Charming and Emma both told her that Leo has done the injuries to our little love. Then, Regina and Lily came they arrested Snow White."
"Snow White is in jail?"
"Technically the sheriff station. I called them and they agreed to me that it was about time Snow White goes to jail for her denial of Leo's actions."
"You put your mother in law in jail?"
"Aye, I am the deputy and husband of the sheriff."
"Allison, it was his first orders as deputy."
Emma holds Hope on her chest. "Hope, we are going home baby girl."
Emma smiled, "Yes, Hope. Home." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, I was just wondering are all of Hope's injuries on the file?"
"Yes, all of Hope's injuries and surgeries is in her health record, including the home visits, I keep track of all of my patients that I visit and put it in their medical records."
"I just want to make sure that all of her injuries and surgeries are in her medical records."
"They are, Emma." She talks to Hope. " Hope, you did such a good job today little niece. I will visit you and your Mommy soon and we will have a girl talk."
Allison smiles and kisses Hope on the cheek ."I love you, Hope. Emma, if you need a break call me. I can spend time with my little godniece."
"Thank you, Allison. I will call you."
"Killian already asked me to watch Hope during your wedding anniversary date night."
"I know Hope and Henry will be very happy spending the evening with their favorite aunt. Now I am concerned about sailing with her casts."
"Emma, Killian asked me about her sailing as long as you or Killian carry Hope in her carrier she will be able to sail."
"Hopey, we are going to have a family sailing day soon. Are you excited?"
"Wa-wa." Emma, Killian and Allison all smiled at Hope's excitement.
"Yes, little love Jolly Roger." They returned home, Emma carried Hope inside with Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves.
"Yes, Hope we are home."
"We are home, little love. She takes after her Mommy."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes,she does. I taught you where your home was."
"Yes, during our whole time travel adventure. You helped me stay. Thank you."
"You are welcome, Emma. You are my home."
"Yes, I am your home." Killian and Emma kiss. Emma nurses Hope and puts Hope down for a nap in her crib and elevated her legs. "Sweet dreams, baby girl." She returns downstairs and watched Killian cooking lunch. Emma hugs Killian around his waist. "How is Hope, swan?"
"I nursed her and now she is napping in her crib. She is going to be in so much pain now but I know the shots are going to help to stay healthy."
"That is right, love. We are going to be there for her when she needs us."
"Yes, we both are. I love our baby girl." They ate lunch together. " Have you heard from Regina about my Mom in jail?"
"Not since yesterday, why?"
"I just want to see what is going on at the sheriff station, mostly my Mom."
"Okay. Do you want me to come with you?"
"Thanks for the offer but I feel comfortable you staying home with Hope. She needs her Dada."
"Aye, I will call you if she needs you."
"Thanks, I just want to see my Mom for myself. Thank you for arresting her."
"You are welcome, love. I told you, I will always protect my family." They kiss. As soon as Emma leaves, Hope is crying on the baby monitor. Killian goes upstairs to get Hope from her crib. "Daddy is here little love." He checks Hope's diaper. "Aye, you need a change, little lass." He changes Hope's diaper, Hope was still crying. "Are you in pain little love?" He carries Hope in his arms. "How about we go to the living room and have daddy-daughter time." He props Hope on the couch with pillows around her. "Daddy will get you medicine, Hope." Killian gets a baby Tylenol and a bottle of Emma's breast milk. He spoonfed Hope her Tylenol and bottle feed Hope on his lap. "Good little love. You ate your medicine. Do you want to watch Pluto television?" Hope babbled. "We can watch Pluto television." He turns on the television with the remote and turned onto Disney Junior to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Hope just wanted to be with her Daddy. Killian laid down with Hope who wanted snuggle on him, even though he knew she needed to have her legs elevated, he knew his little lass wanted to snuggle on him because she was in pain. He loved having one on one time with his little lass and making her comfortable and happy when she needed him. Emma drives her yellow bug to the sheriff station and parked in her parking space. She enters the station and finds Mulan in the Sheriff Station. "Hi, Mulan."
"Hi, Emma."
"I had no idea you are still in town."
"Yes, I am. Regina hired me to work in the sheriff station since she saw me protecting everyone at Hope's birthday party."
"I am glad that you are staying here. It is good to know that we have an extra pair of hands here, especially my family has been keeping the sheriff station busy. Leo fractured Hope's legs the day after her birthday and I just been home with Hope."
"I know Killian has been telling me updates on Hope."
"How is it working here and living in Storybrooke?"
"I like it here. After I helped Red and Dorothy reunited I traveled to different realms and could not find my place."
"Maybe now that you are here you can make a home here."
Mulan smiles. "I think, I like that."
"I am here to see my Mom."
"I will be nearby."
"Thanks, if you have any questions about this world you can ask me."
"Thank you for the offer, Red and Belle have been showing me how this world is different from every realm I have been too."
"This is my world and if you remember me adjusting to the Enchanted Forest that was challenging." They both giggle.
"I will come by to visit you and Hope soon."
"I am not sure how long I will be out when I am here, we can catch up."
Emma finds her Mom in her cell. "Hi, Mom."
"Emma. What are you doing here?"
"Checking up on you."
"Please let me out, your brother needs me."
"Mom, Leo is finally getting the help he needs so he can behavior controlled his darkness. He hurt my daughter, how can you not see that?"
"He is good, Emma."
"See? This is why Killian told Lily to arrest you! You need to realize that Leo needs the help he needs to gets his behavior controlled. My husband decided to arrest you because he was tired as I was for you defending Leo when he is hurting most of the town and he hurt your granddaughter's legs! Hope cannot move and in pain...when are you going to see that? What kind of mother cares about her son and not about her daughter and granddaughter?!"
"Emma, I do care about you and Hope. No one is on Leo's side and I see the good in him. He is my son."
"You are letting Leo hurt Hope that is not caring."
"Mom, everyone in town knows he is dangerous to the point Rumpelstiltskin and Archie are diagnosing him; since you are in jail and Dad is letting them. You did not let anyone help Leo. Killian and I could not take your denial anymore...why you do not listen to us! Please tell me Mom!"
"Emma...I did not raise you. I will do anything for your brother to be on his side since I missed everything with you."
"Even if you supporting him the wrong way?"
"What do you mean?"
"Leo is out of control! You are making Leo go dark more and more every day. You and Dad cannot control his darkness! He is hurting most of the town. Don't you see that your denial of not getting Leo help that he needs is tearing our family apart?!"
"I miss you all.."
"Every time, your denial happens, I lose my trust in you. I completely lost my trust in you, my own Mom."
"I cannot trust you and Leo being around my children. I am going to defend my daughter because she needs me. Even if I did not have you raising me I know from my experience what good parenting is and what parenting is. I had the worse and ended up in the streets. I am not letting that happen to my family. Stopping Leo with my magic is the best thing I did because I was protecting my daughter when she needs me. I am always going to be there for her and being honest with her. I will never be in denial like you are. You need to be honest with Leo that what a parent does to raise their children if you keep not telling him the truth...he is going to get worse Mom."
"Why did you come here?"
"I wanted to have an honest conversation with you, every time I think we are getting does not happen we get more apart. I do not trust you. I have Killian, Hope, Henry, and Dad. Mom...I do not feel that you are my Mom at all trust issues with you are just the same trust issues I had before Henry brought me here..."
"Emma, I love you."
"If you really do love me wake up from denial, except for Leo who he is and help him control his darkness and possible learning disability then we can work on our relationship..."
"Emma, Leo does not have a learning disability..."
"There you go again your denial crap!" Emma faces her Mom. "If you do not stop, you are losing your only daughter and your family; which you are." Emma storms out of the sheriff station. Emma cries in her yellow bug. When she arrived home, she heard the television on in the living room and finds Killian and Hope lying on the couch, Hope was snuggling on her Daddy sound asleep. She smiles and takes a picture of Killian and Hope together. She kisses Killian on the cheek. "Hi, swan."
"Hi, Killian. I see you and Hope are comfy on the couch."
"Aye, I gave her medicine and all she wanted was to cuddle and watch Pluto."
"Now, she is having a nap on her Daddy."
"Aye, I am sorry Emma. I know her legs are supposed to be elevated but Hope wanted to snuggle with me."
Emma smiled. "It is alright, Hope wanted to snuggle with her Dada." She gently kissed Killian on the cheek. "You are an amazing Daddy."
"I cannot take all of the credit I have the best loving wife on my side. You are an amazing Mommy." They kiss. Hope woke up seeing her Mommy.
"Hi, baby girl. Are you having fun with Dada?" Hope smiled. "Yes, I know you have the best dada." She kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope moves around.
"Swan, someone wants her Mommy." Emma smiles and lifts Hope off of Killian sits next to him with Hope in her arms. "Mommy is right, here baby girl. I am so happy to be home with you and Dada." Hope babbled. Killian propped pillows underneath Hope and wrapped his arms around his two loves. He noticed something was wrong with his wife. "Emma, what happened at the sheriff station?"
"It did not go as I wanted too let's just say that. I wanted to talk to my Mom about everything and she is still in denial about everything. I told her how I felt hoe every time she is in denial of my brother causing Hope injuries was another step back of losing her trusts...I told her how I lost her trust like the foster families I that trust with her is the same as it was in the system...I told her how I trust in her as I lost my trust in people in the past." Killian hugs his wife as she cried into him. "Mommy."
"Daddy is hugging Mommy little love. She is with you and I little love." Hope squirmed. Emma let Hope hug her. "I love your hugs, Hope. Mommy is just sad that Grandma is still fighting with me. I lost her trust in her completely now, as I did in the past." Hope hugged her Mommy and babbled. "Yes, Hope. I will always have you, Daddy, Henry, Grandpa, and Auntie Allison because you are all my family. I am not alone. Grandma does not want to be honest with Leo and I am not going to be in denial or dishonest to you or Henry, sweetie. It is my job as your Mommy to support you whenever you need me, to being honest with you if you have done something bad and I will always tell you the truth."
"I love your hugs baby girl. You are making me feel so much better."
"Emma, I am sorry love that you have to go through this. Your Mom knows what you went through in the foster system and she does not realize she was doing the exact same thing to you as your past foster family has done."
"Yes, the worst part about all of this is that she is not a foster parent she is my Mom." Emma cried as Killian and Hope hugged her.
"Emma, you are not alone, you have Hope, Henry and I, your family. I know once Leo gets the right help he needs to control his darkness and learning disability, I know your Mom will finally wake up and realize that she was wrong. Your Mom will have a relationship."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Aye, you always hope, love." Hope babbled, which made her parents chuckle. "See even if our little love agrees with me." He kisses Hope on the head.
"When did you give the hope speeches?"
"Well, I did inspire by my beautiful wife when I first met you in the Enchanted Forest." Killian kisses his wife on the head.
"Henry saw hope in me when he found me."
"Aye, the lad and I agree on the something, when we met you we saw hope in you."
Emma smiles, "Yes, now we have our little Hope and are together as a family."
"That is right love." They kiss. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, you want kisses?" She gave Hope multiple of kisses on her cheeks. "Mommy loves you Hope so much."
"Love, I will be right back." He returns with ice packs. Emma repositions Hope onto her lap and hugs Hope who cry. "Here you go little love, ice packs."
"Killian, I think Hope is hungry."
"Aye, I will get her something to eat." Killian brings Hope cut up bananas, yogurt, and granola into a little plate.
"Look, Hope, Dada made you a little parfait full of bananas, yogurt, and granola." Hope used her hands and ate her parfait plate. "Killian, I think Hope likes it."
"Aye, I read it in the baby book that we need to let Hope try new foods."
"I know Hope will try anything. She sure seems to like it." Hope face was covered with yogurt.
"Little love, are you feeling better that your tummy is full?" Hope smiled. He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope laughed and grabbed her Daddy's hair. "Little love, let go of Dada's hair." Emma giggled. "Hope, be gentle to your Daddy's hair sweetie." Hope babbled.
"You have a strong grip just like your Mommy, little love." Hope babbled. "When you are feeling better we are going to have a family sailing day."
"That is right, Hope. Jolly Roger."
"She is a little pirate."
"Yes, love our little pirate." Hope began to cry again.
"Hopey, do you want to snuggle in Mommy and Daddy's bed?" She sniffs Hope. "You definitely need a change." Emma takes Hope up to her room to change her diaper and into another outfit. "Hope, I love you baby girl."
"Mommy." Emma smiles and gave Hope kisses. Hope reaches up and Emma put Hope in her arms. "We can snuggle in Mommy's bed." Hope babbled and they go into the bedroom and she let Hope lay on her chest. "You are my sunshine, My only sunshine, You make me happy, When sky's are gray, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." Hope smiled big as her Mommy sung to her. Emma knows her mother-daughter relationship with her mom is rough but with Hope, she is going to raise Hope just as she wanted as a child, in a home full of love, support, and honesty.
The next few days, Emma and Killian adjusted with Hope's fractured legs day by day. When Hope had a rough day of resting, Emma thought of an idea. She carries Hope and gets Henry's art supplies and brought it down to the living room. "Baby girl, we are going to do an art project, a Mommy and Hopey project." She kisses Hope on the head and places Hope on the couch after she laid towels underneath the couch. She props Hope onto the pillows and got the paint supplies out, Hope gave her Mommy a look, "Mommy." Emma smiles and laughs, thinking of how much Hope takes after herself, "Are you asking me what I am up to?" Hope smiled. "You will see, Hopey." She tickle's Hope's belly. Emma painted Hope's cast using Henry's paint set. Hope babbled. "Yes, I am making your pink cast into paintings." Hope smiled. "You know, Hope. I love art." Hope babbled. "Yes, Henry and you both get the love of art from me. It was my favorite class in school. Every school I went through there was always an art class.I also love English but I always fell behind in my other classes because I was behind in work since I moved around a lot. I never had a stable home until Henry brought me here and I met your Daddy." Hope smiled. "When I was very young, I had these bad foster parents, I promised myself as a child to be a better parent like I always wanted. I gave up Henry because I was in prison for his Daddy's crime, I was alone had no home and wanted to give Henry a stable home not be a teenager with no job or a home. When Henry found me and brought me here, I found my family. Daddy showed me what home is and when we got married almost two years ago tomorrow, I know I married the right man because he is a kind caring man and he was the man to have my family with which was you." She pokes Hope's belly. "After the Black Fairy's curse, Mommy and Daddy went on a long honeymoon." Hope babbled. "Honeymoon is a vacation you take after you get married." Hope babbled. "One day when you are an adult after college, get a good job and find the right man, you can get married. Your Dad might not let you get married ever..because I know he will be overprotective of you."
Emma smiled. "Yes, I will make sure myself if your Daddy doesn't go too overprotective of your dating a man but if your boyfriend ever hurts you, your Mommy and Daddy will both hurt him. If someone ever hurts you, you can tell Mommy and daddy okay?" Hope babbled. "What Mommy and Daddy did on our honeymoon? Well, your Daddy and I sailed on the Jolly Roger just him and I around the world and into different realms. We made you on our honeymoon trip." Hope babbled. Emma giggled. "We made you by a lot of kissing and action in bed." Hope gave her Mommy a look. "I will explain that more when you are older." Emma continued to paint Hope's casts into Disney Tangled, Rapunzel castle, with the magical hair, flowers and Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder. The other cast was Jolly Roger theme. "Wa-wa."
"Yes, Hope, Mommy painted the Jolly Roger on your cast. You are my very smart baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope reached out to her Mommy. "You can sit on my lap. I love your cuddles." She kisses Hope on the head. "I just realized we never watched Tangled. We can watch the movie for a family movie night." Hope babbled. "Do you want to watch Barney?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We can watch Barney." Hope fussed. "Are you hungry?" She nurses Hope and after they watched a few episodes of Barney together, just Mommy and Hope, which Emma enjoyed her one on one time together since she did not have that as a child. Henry comes home from school finding his Mom and sister who was sleeping in the living. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. How was your day?"
"It was good." He joined his Mom and sister on the couch. "Mom, did you paint Hope's casts?"
"Yes, I did. Your sister was having a rough day and I decided to use your paints to design Hope's casts. I hope you did not mind borrowing your paint set."
"Mom, these are amazing. Is that Tangled? And The Jolly Roger?"
Henry smiled. "Awesome."
"I haven't painted in a while. I am a little bit rusty."
"Mom, these are awesome. I can buy more paint in town. Can we do more art together in the summer?"
"Yes, we can Henry."
"Do we have Tangled on DVD?"
"Yes, we do. Hope never watched it."
"We can have a family movie night."
"That is great. I will get my homework done before tonight." Henry goes upstairs. Killian returns home seeing his two loves playing in the living room. "Emma, Hope. I am home."
"Hope, Daddy is home."
Killian kneels to Hope who was sitting on the couch. "Hello, little love. I see you have paintings on your cast. Did Henry painted our casts, little love?"
Killian and Emma both smile. "Your Mommy painted your casts?" Hope babbled. "Swan, you painted hope's casts"
"Yes, I did. I painted her cast and we had girl talk. It was fun. Mommy and Hopey time." Hope babbled. She puts Hope on her lap. "Hope, did you have fun with Mommy talking and painting?" Hope babbled. "Swa, that is yes from our little love."
"You are right, captain. We are going to have a family movie night tonight."
"Aye, I am looking forward to a quiet evening in."
"Good, we all need a nice relaxing night in." They kiss.
As the days to their parent's second wedding anniversary got closer. Henry and Hope had a lot of brother and sister time working on their projects for their parent's second wedding anniversary and their mother's day gift for their Mom. Killian returned to work and focused on the case of his mother in law and the progress of Leo's darkness. He wants to make sure Hope and the rest of Storybrooke is safe from Leo's terror and knowing it is Emma's Mom giving her issues he wants to protect his family. He knew his wife could not be working around her Mom and Hope is in recovery and all Emma wanted was to be there for their little love. Before they knew it, it was the day before their anniversary and Killian made date night reservations for himself and his wife, knowing his Emma needed a break from their little love. Killian woke up next to his wife and kisses her on the cheek which wakes her up. "Morning, swan."
Emma smiles. "Good morning, my pirate." They kiss. "I cannot believe tomorrow is our second wedding anniversary."
"Aye, I know it was the best day of my life marrying my true love."
"It was the best of my life until the Black Fairy's curse came."
"Love, we did have a honeymoon."
"Yes, after I defeated the Black Fairies curse." She hugs Killian. "I am just happy that we have fewer curses and normal life with our two kids."
"Me too, love." They kiss. "Tomorrow we are going to have a wonderful day of sailing with our family and a date night."
"What is our date night plan captain?"
"You will see love. This is a hint." He kisses Emma on the lips in a deep compassionate kiss.
"I like the way this is going." She kisses him passionately back. They heard Hope babbling and Henry talking and stopped from kissing. "I wonder what is Hope and Henry up to?"
"I am not sure, love."
"I know they are up to something, they were having more one on one time than usual. Let's go see." They quietly sneak by Henry's room and Emma opens the door an inch, seeing Henry painting a canvas with Hope on his lap babbling. "Hope, I know what you are thinking, but we can finish this tomorrow and they are going to love it." Hope pats the canvas. "Yes, you can put your artistic ways into the painting it is from you and me." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are my art assistant, Hope. They are going to love it because it is from us." Killian wraps his arms around his wife and quietly stepped away after closing the door. "Love.." Emma was in tears and smiling. "They are making a wedding anniversary gift for us."
"Yes, they are, love."
"I love our children so much."
"They take after you love and they love you so much."
"They both take after you too."
"Aye, they are ours, swan." They kiss. "Let's eat some breakfast." Killian cooks his family breakfast," Swan, what are your plans today?"
"I am thinking of taking Hope into town on a walk and possibly make in time for storytime with Belle."
"Love, Hope will have fun."
"Yes, I know Hope needs to be around babies around her age and she loves books."
"That is a good mommy and daughter time."
"I love spending time with our little girl." They hear Henry coming downstairs with Hope.
"Morning, Mom and Dad."
"Morning, Henry and Hope." Hope reached out to their Mom and Henry gives his sister to their Mom. "Morning, baby girl. Are you ready for our girls' day?" Hope babbled. "After we eat breakfast and naptime, we are going into town." Hope clapped her hands.
"Mom, I am pretty sure Hope is looking forward to your girl time today."
"Yes, Hope knows that we are going to have fun today shopping and going to storytime with Belle. We heard you and Hope in your room, what are you two up to in there?" Emma smiles.
"Just working on an art project for school and I needed Hope's opinion." Hope babbled. "Yes, you have good opinions, little sis. After coming home from school we are going to continue with art." Hope clapped her hands which made her parents and brother smile. "I know, your sister loves making art with you. Just make sure she does not get too messy."
"I have been careful since I know Hope cannot take bubble baths now."
"Thanks, kid." they ate breakfast together. Henry had to leave, "Hope, bye little sis. I will see you after school." He kisses Hope on the head and she puts her egg covered hand on his face.
"Hope, you got Henry messy."
"Mom, it is okay. I can clean up my face real quick." Henry leaves the room.
"Hope, you are a little pirate." Hope smiled. "You are my little pirate princess." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Swan, call me if you or Hope need anything."
"Killian, we will be fine. Have a good day at work."
"Have fun with Hope today."
"Than you." They kiss. "Hope, say bye-bye to Dada."
"Dada." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Have a good day little love." Killian leaves for work. Emma cleans the kitchen while Hope was playing with her toys in her high chair. After she puts Hope down for a nap and got ready for the day and packed Hope's diaper bag and placed it in her stroller. When Hope woke up from her morning nap, she changed her diaper and into an outfit. "We are going into town Hope." She places Hope into the stroller and pushed the stroller into town, Hope was babbling away enjoying the scenery which made Emma smile. Before storytime at the library, Emma had to go into a few stores to get Killian's wedding anniversary gifts. "Hope, we are shopping for Daddy's gift from Mommy. Do not tell Daddy what I am getting him. He is going to open his gift tomorrow." Hope babbled. "Dada will love it?" Hoe smiled. "I am so happy to have you to shop with my baby girl." After shopping, they arrived to the library and see Belle and Gideon. "Hi, Belle and Gideon."
"Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope. I heard from your Dad and Rumple what happened to Hope's legs. Leo really did that to Hope?"
"Oh, yes. My mom is still in jail since she was the one who did not get Leo the help he needed right away."
"Rumple told me that he is working with Archie to diagnose Leo."
"Yes, they are. Somehow, Rumplestiltskin knew Leo had more than just darkness. My Dad has been concentrating on getting the help that Leo needs. Mulan has been hired by Regina to work at the sheriff station since my Dad is focusing on Leo and I am home with Hope." Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope out of her stroller. "Hopey, we are at the library for storytime and we can find more books to read at home." Hope squirmed. "You just want to move around." Belle pushed the stroller as Emma carried Hope to the kid's area and let her move around and look at books. Gideon was talking to Hope, their mothers were nearby catching up and watching them interact with each other. "How long is Hope in her casts?"
"Allison said she will be in the casts for six to eight weeks. It is hard for Hope who wants to move around but she cannot. She was just learning how to stand up and cruising she was delayed before because of Leo's injuries caused that Leo fractured her legs...she is more.."
"Emma, Hope is a strong fighter and she takes after you and Killian. Even though she cannot walk now, she is still happy and loves being around you."
Emma smiles. "I just want to make sure she has everything that I did not have as a child."
"You and Killian are going all of that Emma. I can see that at her birthday party which was lovely. Hope had so much fun."
"Yes, Henry Killian and I made sure nothing was going to ruin her special day." They heard more toddlers and parents coming in for storytime. Hope babbled and began to move around and began to cry. "Hope." Emma gets Hope from the carpet, "What is it, sweetie?"
"Emma, Belle."
Emma sees Ariel with Melody and smiles bug. "Hope, did you see your best friend? Is that why you are so excited?" Hope smiled." Hi, Ariel, what are you and Melody doing here in Storybrooke?"
"Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope. Killian and Belle both told me what happened to Hope. I thought Melody and I visiting here for a few days will cheer Hope up." Hope squirmed.
"Hopey, I know you want to see your best friend."
"Emma, and Ariel we are about to start storytime." Emma and Ariel carried their girls to the storytime area and sat together and let Hope sit next to Melody. Hope gives Melody a hug. "Hope, you are being so gentle to Melody. Are you happy your best friend is visiting you while in recovery." Hope babbled. As storytime began, Emma made sure Hope was sitting properly without falling back since she was in two casts. Hope was happy to sit with her best friend. Belle read a few books to the toddlers. After story time, Belle joined Ariel and Emma and talked about being mothers while their babies were babbling away. They went for lunch at Granny's continued their conversation, Emma and Hope have their usuals "Emma, isn't your wedding anniversary tomorrow?"
"Yes, Belle it is. We have almost been married for two years." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Mommy and Daddy have been married two years ago tomorrow. It was a wonderful wedding until the Black Fairy ruined it and Mommy had to save the day."
"Emma, Hope cannot swim?"
"Yes, she cannot Ariel. Hope's casts cannot get wet and she has to wear them for a few more weeks. She wants to swim and loves her swimming lessons." Hope babbled. "Hope, when you are better you can come to Melody's castle and you two play at the beach." Hope babbled.
"Yes, Hope. We are going to go to Melody's house when you are out of your casts sweetie." Hope clapped her hands. After their lunch, Emma and Ariel walked town together since Belle and Gideon had to return to the library until they saw the sheriff department car. "Dada."
"Hello, little love." He takes Hope to of the stroller. "Are you having a fun day with Mommy, Ariel, and Melody?" Hope babbled.
"Hi, honey."
"Hello, love." They kiss.
"How is the sheriff station?"
"Not too busy your Mom on the other hand...let's just say Mulan and Lily is putting her in her place."
"Hi, Killian."
"Hello, Ariel. I had no idea you were coming to our realm."
"Well, when you and Belle told me what happened. I figured Melody would cheer Hope up."
"Where are you staying while you are here?"
"Oh on our ship."
"Aye, Emma the kids and I are going on the Jolly Roger for a family day as part of our anniversary."
"I am not surprised; since you all are pirates." They all giggled. Hope began to cry.
"Little love.."
"Killian, she needs her nap. She had a long morning and skipped her afternoon nap."
"Little love I will see you later. I have to go back on patrol."
"Yes, little Hope. You can play with Melody and Mommy." Hope gripped her Daddy.
"Killian, Hope wants her Daddy."
"Aye, I know Swan. Hope when Daddy gets home from work we can cuddle and have daddy-daughter time. Your Grandmother has been keeping me very busy." Hope looks at her Daddy in the eyes ."Little love, do not give me the face." Hope dug her face into his leather jacket and cried.
"What face, Killian?"
Killian smiled. "Well, swan, when you asked me to do something and give me your pouty lips and eyes, Hope gives me the exact same look."
Emma giggles. "Hope takes after me." She rubs Hope's back. "Hopey, Melody came over to our realm to play with you. We can have playtime at our house. Dada will come home later." Hope cried and clung onto Killian. "Hope, you can play with Mommy and Melody. When I get home, I have a surprise for you if you be a good little pirate, to Mommy. Okay?" Hope babbled. Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Killian, Hope needs her nap. She will be very happy when she takes her nap." They kiss. Ariel and Melody walked back to the Swan-Jones house, Emma placed Hope in her crib as Ariel nursed Melody in the living room. Emma brought snacks for them to share while they chat.. "Emma, I do not know if you know this during the missing year when Killian was not with you, he gave up on love. Since you came into his life, he really has become a changed man. He is amazing with Hope."
"Yes, I am lucky with that. He is an amazing caring man who is always on my side. Hope loves her daddy. He has been so amazing, since Hope's recovery he has been working and helping me with Hope. He hated when Leo injured Hope again. We both have been overprotective of Hope more now."
"How is it going with your Mom? I saw you two arguing at Hope's birthday"
"We are still fighting. She is still in denial all about Leo's darkness and possible learning disability. She thinks her denial is protecting Leo but she only making him more out of control and not being honest with him."
"Emma, I am sorry that you are arguing with your Mom."
"We have our differences of parenting skills and I am just raising Hope and Henry the way I always wanted as a child since I was alone." Melody woke up crying.
"Emma, I think Melody wants to say hi to you." Emma gets Hope from Ariel.
"Hi, Melody. Are you happy to be over at my house to play with Hope?" Melody cooed. "Yes, Hope loves hugging you and talking to you. I know when we go over your house in the summer, you two will play by the ocean." Melody smiled and let Emma cuddle her.
"Emma, Melody loves you."
"She just knows that I am a good person."
"Yes, you are Emma. I know you are an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry even though you had a bad past." Emma hears Hope in her baby monitor. "Melody, Hope is awake. I have a feeling Hope is going to play with you." She hands over Melody back to Ariel and goe sot Hope's room. "Hopey, are you awake from your nap?" She gets Hope from her crib and sniffs her. "You need a change." Emma changes Hope's diaper and a new outfit and brings her back to the living room with her. "Hopey, Melody is waiting for you to play with her." Hope smiled. She puts Hope next to Melody on the blanket on the carpet that was scattered full of toys. Hope shared her toys with Melody, Emma took pictures of Hope playing with her toys and babbling to Melody. "Emma, they love playing with each other."
"Yes, they do. I am pretty sure Hope will be showing Melody how to play and swim eventually." They both laugh. Hope wanted to move around and began to cry. "Hope. She scoops up Hope into her arms. "I know you want to move around but your legs need to stay in the cast."
"Is it hard for Hope to understand what the casts are for?"
"Yes, she tries all the time to move around." She lifts Hope up and down trying to make Hope happy. "I know you want to move around baby girl but your legs need to rest." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can snuggle with me baby girl." Ariel put Melody nearby Hope and Emma. "Hope, Melody wants me to tell you that she loves you her best friend. She cannot to follow you around and play with you. I know you two will be swimming in the ocean by our castle. Our castle is on the beach." Hope smiled. Henry returns home from school. "Hi, Mom Hope...Ariel."
"Hi, Henry. Melody and I are visiting your sister and your Mom."
"I can see that." He faces Melody. "Hi, Melody. Are you here to see Hope?" Melody smiles. "Yes, you are Hope's best friend. You always make Hope happy."
"Kid, how was school?"
"It was alright. Just a lot of homework for me to do. How is Hope?"
"She wants to move around and she is sad that she cannot." Henry kneels to Hope. "Little sis, we can play in my room." Hope dug her face into her Mommy. "We can play later little sis and have Henry and Hope's time later. Okay?" He kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, when Hope is feeling better let me know so Hope and I have one on one time."
"I know Hope will play with you, later kid." Henry goes up to his room.
"Emma, Henry loves Hope so much."
"Yes, he does. When Kian and I found out that we were expecting Hope, we told Henry first before anyone else. Throughout my whole pregnancy, Henry was involved as much as possible and he talked to Hope when she was growing inside of me and she moved around differently for him; I knew they were going to be close brother and sister. I am really happy that they have a really close brother and sister relationship." Hope babbled. "Yes, you love Henry. Right, Hopey?" She kisses Hope on the head. As the evening came, Ariel and Melody returned to their ship. Esma cooked dinner for her family and let Hope help her who was in the carrier babbling away. Killian returns home from work hear Hope and Emma in the kitchen. "Hello, love. "
"Hi, hone."They kiss. "Hoe was the rest of work?"
"The sheriff station has gotten calmer after I returned from patrol. How was the rest of your day?"
"It was fun. Ariel and Melody stayed over for a few hours, Ariel and I talked a lot and Melody made Hope very happy."
"It sounds like you have your own Mommy and Me group."
Emma smiles. "Maybe." Hope babbled.
"Hope thinks you have a Mommy and Me group."
Emma giggles. "Killian, dinner is almost ready. Can you get Henry?"
"He has been in his room since he got home from school." Killian gets Henry from his room and they help set the table for dinner. After dinner, Henry takes Hope up with him and worked on their brother and sister gift for their parents.
"Love, do you think they are making our gift?"
"Yes, I think so captain." After they cleaned up the kitchen, they cuddled in the living room and watched Netflix. After a few hours, Emma went to check on Hope and Henry in his room. "Henry, Hope needs to go to bed soon. It is getting way past her bedtime. "Mom, can you give "Hope ten more minutes?"
"Okay. If I have to come back in here, I am taking Hope to her room. Make sure Hope is ready for bed. Okay?"
"Yes, Mom. Hope, we have ten more minutes then I will get Hope ready for bed." Hope babbled. Emma gets ready for bed and snuggles with Killian who was already ready for bed. "Are they working on their art project still?"
"Yes, they are. I told Henry to put Hope to bed and if I have to go back in there I have to get Hope ready for bed."
"You were being stern?"
"A little but having a cranky Hope on our wedding anniversary sailing adventure won't be fun?"
"Aye, I do see what you mean. We cannot have a cranky little pirate on our family sailing adventure."
"That is right, captain." Emma nuzzles against Killian's chest. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you too, Emma." They kiss.
"Can we stay like this me in your arms?"
"I love that."
"Good. I am sleeping like this tonight."
"I know you always feel safe in my arms."
"That is right, captain."
"You are my swan."
"Yes, I am." Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms. Henry was finishing up their brother and sister project in his room, Hope was fast asleep on his bed, he made sure Hope did not roll off his bed while he finished their project. "Hope, Mom and Dad are going to love this little sis."
On May 7, 2019, it was exactly midnight, Emma and Killian have been husband and wife for two years now, an amazing two years has bee. Killian was watching his wife sleeping on him which is the best feeling in the world because she was his true love and they are married for two years now. He kissed her from her hips up to her head until she woke up. Emma woke up smiling, "Killian?"
"Happen two year wedding anniversary Emma."
Emma smiles. "Thank you, my handsome pirate husband." They make out for a long time enjoying being on each other. They hear Hope wailing and they rush to find her in Henry's room, Henry comforting Hope. "Mommy."
"Henry, Hope." She gets Hope from her son. "Hopey, what is the matter baby girl?" She comforts Hope. "Henry?"
"Mom, I was finishing up my project, Hope was sleeping on my bed. I made sure she did not fall off. She just woke up crying, saying your name."
"Mommy." Hope gripped their Mom.
"See Mom, she just wanted you."
Emma kisses Hope on the head and checks her daughter's diaper. "You need a change, Hope. " Emma takes Hope to her room and changes Hope's diaper. Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "Do you want to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope babbled. Hope fell asleep on her Mommy.
"Mom, she is not hurt."
"I know. Just when she wakes up wailing, I get nervous."
"She is not going to get hurt again. Hope did not want to leave my room, Mom. She wanted to stay with me until I finished my art project. She was sleeping on my bed. Are you mad?"
"No, I am not. With Hope's recent injuries I am more overprotective of Hope."
"I know...I am sorry."
"Henry, you have nothing be sorry for. Come here." She hugs her andHenry hugs his Mom back. "You were with your sister, who just wanted to spend more extra time with her big brother who she loves so much. I love seeing you and Hope's brother and sister grow every day, which makes me so happy."
"Mom, I love Hope so much, I will never make her sad."
"I know. Now get some rest we are going sailing in the morning."
"Yes!" Henry goes to bed.
"Hope, let's go back to Daddy in Mommy and Daddy's room." Killian made room for his two loves. "How is Hope, love?"
"After I changed her, she fell asleep on me. She wanted her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I thought she was hurt or had another nightmare."
"Emma, Hope was with Henry, you know Henry will do anything to make sure Hope is safe and not get hurt."
"I know, I was seeing his big brother mode showing. With Hope's legs being fractured I am just more nervous of Hope getting hurt more."
"We are all more overprotective of Hope love, especially when our little lass is in two casts, colorful ones painted by her Mommy." Emma smiled. Killian wrapped Hope in her quilt and wrapped his arms around his two loves. "Noe my beautiful bride and wife needs to go back to bed because we are going to have a very busy day today."
"I cannot wait, my captain husband." They kiss. Emma fell back to sleep with Killian's arms around her and Hope sleeping on her. A few hours later, Hope woke up crying. Killian got his little love from his wife's arms. "Hopey, Dada got you." He checks her diaper. "You need a change." After he changes Hope's diaper and he rocks Hope in her rocking chair. "Hope, today is a very special day for Mommy and Daddy. Do you know why?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, today is the day Mommy and Daddy said I do. Do you know why it is so special?"
Killian smiled. "Mommy and Daddy went through a lot of adventures some of them were very dangerous little love, even though they were dangerous Mommy and Daddy saved each other and loved each other no matter what happened. Mommy went to the underworld to rescue me. Our true love was so powerful Zeus the powerful God knew we were meant to be together. He sent me back here to be with your Mommy. Noe when we were getting married we knew Mommy had a fate, of her death but the Black Fairy's curse was defeated and she sacrificed herself for everyone's happy endings. In the end, Henry gave your Mom true love kiss and the magic of her caring heart was shown all over Storybrooke and she survived. Then Mommy and I had a real honeymoon."
Killian smiles. "That is right, little love. We sailed all over the world and realms on the Jolly Roger. Today we are going sailing." Hope babbled loudly. Emma smiles standing b the doorway hearing Killian their love story to their baby girl. She goes up and kisses Killian on the cheek. "Happy second wedding anniversary my handsome pirate."
"Happy second wedding to my beautiful wife." They kiss. Hope reached her arms and put her hands on her parent's faces, which made them both smile. "Swan, I think our little love wants to say happy anniversary."
"Or she just learning from Henry how to stop us from kissing."
Emma giggles. "Good morning, baby girl." She takes Hope from Killian. "Did you have storytime with Dada?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you have the best dada." Henry woke up when he heard his parents talking to his sister. He quietly carried their gift to their parents' room, Hope saw her big brother. "Henwy!" Their parents turn around and see their son trying to sneak away.
"Hope, you ruined the surprise You were supposed to distract Mommy and addy while I bring their gift to their room." Hope began to cry. "Hope,I am sorry, little sis. I did not mean to upset you." He puts his gift down and holds his sister. "Hopey, I am not that mad. I wanted to surprise Mommy and Daddy. They did not know the gift was from us, okay?" Hope snuggled onto her brother. "We can give them our gift together."
"Henry, you and Hope made us something?"
Henry smiled. "Yes, we did. Right Hope?" Hope smiled. Emma carried their gift to their room. "Mom, Dad this is from Hope and I. Happy second wedding anniversary." Henry sits on the bed with Hope holding onto him.
"Killian, we can open this together."
"Aye, it looks big for only one of us to open." They opened their gift together, it was a canvas painting of their first kiss of husband and wife. Emma was in tears. "Killian...our wedding day."
"Yes, love, it was the best day of my life, being married to my true love."
"You are my true love." They kiss." made this? Is this from our wedding?"
"Yes, it is Mom. Hope put her hands all over the place in paint so I had to paint it over and over to look like you and Dad. Hope just wanted to help." Emma hugs Henry and Hope.
"Henry you and Hope did an amazing job. I absolutely love it." Hope babbled. "Hopey, did you help Henry paint Mommy and Daddy on the canvas?" Hope smiled and reached out to her Mommy. Henry hands over his sister to their Mom.
"I was at the wedding and I took the picture. I wanted to show Hope what happened at the wedding."
"Lad, Hope knows the story of the wedding."
"Yes, we told her and it is in your book."
"Yes, I know.
"Henry, you did an amazing job."
"Thanks, Dad.
"Love, where should hand out the latest masterpiece by our two artists?"
"I was thinking we can hang it on our wall in the living room?"
"Or we can put in next to our family portrait in the living room."
"Killian, that is a great idea." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, are you hungry sweetie?"
"Love, I can put our gift in the living room. You can get breakfast ready."
"Yes, captain. After we are sailing."
"Aye, you are right my wife." They kiss. Henry helped his Dad set up their new canvas portrait Emma and Hope get breakfast ready. After the family had breakfast, they all got ready for sailing. Emma packed extra for Hope in her diaper bag while Hope played with her toys on her fuzzy white rug. "Hope, are you ready to go sailing?" Hope smiled. "You look like a little pirate. Is it because I dressed you in a pink sailor dress with anchors on them." Hope smiled. "Yes, your Daddy is going to love your outfit today." Hope was wearing a pale pink dress with white anchors on them with a matching bow bandana. "You have the cutest outfit, Hopey."
"Mommy." She carries Hope in her arms and the diaper bag. Henry was downstairs, "Mom, Dad and I loaded the Jolly Roger. Do you need a hand?"
"Yes, you can carry Hope's diaper bag and her carrier. I want your Dad to see Hope's cute outfit."
Henry smiles. "You sure love dressing up Hope in outfits."
"I always wanted a mini-me and Hope is a little pirate princess."
"Yes, Mom. You are right. Mostly pirate."
"You see what I mean, Mom." Emma smiled. "Hope, I love your outfit little sis. We are going to have so much fun today." Emma walked with her two children to the docks. Once Hope saw the Jolly Roger, Hope moved around. "Wa-wa..wa-wa."
Yes, Hope. We are going sailing today. Dada is on the Jolly Roger waiting for us." Killian saw his family on his ship. Hope jumped out of her Mommy's arms, "Hope!" Killian rushes to catch Hope just in time before her landing on the deck. "Hope!"
Killian held Hope in his arms and searching for injuries. "Emma, I got her. I got Hope. She is not hurt." Hope babbled. Henry had to hold his Mom because he thought she was going to faint. "Little love, are you excited to be on Jolly Roger."
"Yes, I know little pirate but you cannot jump out of your Mommy's arms like that you are scaring Mommy especially with your legs are in cast little love. We do not want you to get more hurt than you already are, little love."
Hope clung onto her Daddy. "Killian, is she okay?" She rubs Hope's back.
"Yes, Emma. I caught her in my arms. She just excited to be on the Jolly Roger and sailing with Dada." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope. You scared Mommy baby girl." She takes Hope into her arms and faces Hope. "Hope Marie Swan-Jones do not ever scare me like that again. You almost gave me a heart attack." She hugs Hope and made sure she was alright. "I know you are very excited to go sailing sweetie but do not want you to get hurt more than you are now sweetie. Your two legs are in the cast and if you fell on the deck you will be more hurt; Hope."
Hope got sad. "Mommy."
"I know you are sorry baby girl you were just very excited to sail. I know you have not been able to do move around since you are in your casts but you cannot jump out of my arms like that. You are my baby girl. I love you, Hope." Hope hugged her Mommy.
"Love, I am going to put on the carrier on so Hope can be on me while we sail." Emma nods her head as she holds Hope on her and knowing Hope was safe. She gave Hope kisses and rubs her daughter's back. "I love you, Hope. I do not want you to get hurt."
"Mom, Hope is alright. She has no cuts, bruises or injuries. Dad caught her on time."
Emma sighs. "Your sister shows us every day how much she is like your Dad and I."
"Yes, she showed us her pirate side and your side mom which is her being brave and strong."
"You are right, Henry. She was just very excited to go sailing."
"I know, I had a feeling Hope is going to love the Jolly Roger more today since she cannot move around too much."
"I know that is why I am still worried."
"Mom, Hope is not hurt and Dad caught her just in time. Dad does not want Hope injured more as you do. We are going to watch Hope extra careful today."
"Yes, we are, Henry." Killian approaches his wife.
"Swan, I can carry Hope." Emma hugs Hope. "Emma, I am to going to let our little lass get hurt." She puts Hope in the carrier and buckled Hope in. "Hope, listen to Daddy and stay in your carrier. Okay?" Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the head. "Have fun with Daddy and Henry., my little pirate princess." Killian let Hope help him check the ship and steer the ship after Henry and Emma pulled the sails. Emma took pictures of her family sailing together. "Hope, you are wearing the perfect outfit a sailor dress for our family sailing adventure."
"Aye, your Mommy knows how to dress you up." He looks at his wife, knowing she was nervous. "Henry, can you steer?"
"Yes, Dad." Henry steered the ship. Killian approaches Emma and gives her a hug. "Emma, Hope is not injured. She is safe."
"I know..after what she has been through recently, Hope got me afraid. I do not want our little girl to get hurt."
"She is not going to get hurt with us love. Hope, can you tell Mommy how much fun you are having?" Hope babbled a lot to her Mommy. Emma smiled. "No way, Hope. Are you helping Daddy steer the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. "Yes, your Dada is a great teacher showing you how to sail and how the Jolly Roger works." Hope began to cry.
"Swan, I think it is our little pirate's naptime."
"Yes, it is." Emma takes Hope to the captain quarters and lets her snuggle on her. "Hopey, you really scared me. I do not want you to get hurt. I love you, Hope. I know you were excited. You and I love your Dada's ship."
"Yes, Dada." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope naps on her Mommy. After sailing around more, Killian decided to stop for lunch. Killian and Henry set up a picnic on the deck. Killian gets his two loves. "Emma, time for lunch."
"Hope is still napping."
"Aye, I can help you put her in the carrier."
"Thank you, captain." As they ate lunch, Hope was snoozing in the carrier. Emma was surprised that they had a picnic. "Killian, you did all of this?"
"Yes, love I did. I even have lunch for Hope when she wakes up." Killian made Emma's favorite food. Hope woke up and Killian hand fed Hope her lunch. "Hope, Dada made us a yummy lunch today." Hope was being fed, a little bit of cheese sandwich, strawberries and bananas all cut up. "Swan, hope is loving her lunch." Henry played with his sister carrying her around the ship. Killian and Emma cuddled and watch their children playing together. "Killian, I am sorry."
"Sorry for what love?"
"I am being such a downer and worrying about Hope more and it is our wedding anniversary." Killian hugs his wife. "Love, I am worried about Hope all the time too. If I did not catch Hope in time she would be in the hospital right now. Hope is with us happy and having fun with us."
"I have a feeling that when she is older she is going to be taking after you, her pirate side."
"Oh, really? I think she is going to take after you today because she was being strong and brave jumping out of your arms. I saw a lot of you in her." Emma leans on Killian. "She does take after me. I love Hope, I just got so scared when she jumped out of my arms. I did not expect that to happen."
"You are just being her Mommy making sure she is safe. Our little love is full of surprises."
"Yes, you are right, captain." They kiss. "I love, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They make out. Henry carries Hope. "Hope cover your eyes, little sis."
"Hopey." Killian and Emma giggled.
"I told you, love, Hope is learning from Henry." Emma carried Hope in the carries for the rest of the sailing time. They watched Henry and Killian sail and watched the ocean moving around them. "You love the ocean right sweetie?" Hope babbled. Killian docked the Jolly Roger as the sun was setting. He took pictures of his wife and daughter enjoying the view. Henry and Killian unloaded the ship; while Emma let Hope play on the Jolly Roger. Henry plays with his sister. Killian sits next to his wife and hugs her. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you too, Killian." They kiss.
" I have something for you, Emma."
"Oh really?"
"Aye, it is our wedding anniversary." He gives Emma his gift. She opens the gift which is a little scrapbook made out of leather journal, of their moments of meeting each other, the cloth he let her use in their beanstalk adventure, the magic beans, to their first kiss in Neverland, cloth of her red dress when they went back into time, the rose on their first date..." Emma was in tears. "Killian, you made this for me? How..."
"I told you, love when I love someone who I really care about, I keep possessions of them to make a scrapbook... this is my journal actually...I know some of them are not that beautiful or clean..I just wanted to show you how much I love you and care for you and wanted to be artistic like yoe are and the kids."
Emma smiled big and places her hand on his scruffy cheek. "Killian, I absolutely love it." She kisses Killian on the lips and hugs him. "All of the gifts I ever received by loved ones this is one of the best ones because it is from you made for me with all your love and hard work"
"I love you, Emma. I will be always there for you and our children. You all are my world."
"You are my world." They kiss. "Now, I have a gift for you. Happy anniversary, Killian." Killian opens his gift, custom made anchor with his initials in the back, "Property of Killian Swan-Jones." "Now, Killian, I know this is not personal as your gift..." Before she finished her sentence, Killian gave Emma a huge kiss on the lips. Killian smiled big. "Emma, you got me an anchor that I place in our house?"
"Yes, I figure you want a little bit of our second home in our house. I know you miss being on the Jolly Roger."
"Emma, you are my home where ever we live. I love the gift, swan." He hugs her tight.
"I am very happy you like your gift."
"Let's get the kids home so we can go on our date night."
" "Yes." I will get our little pirate." She finds Hope snuggle on Henry. "Henry, Hope time to go." She puts Hope in the carrier. As they were leaving the ship, "Wa-wa."
"Hope, we need to go home, sweetie. We were sailing on the Jolly Roger all day." Hope began to cry.
"Hope you are a lot like me, sweetie." They returned home. Emma and Killian give Hope a bubble bath and changed her into her pajamas. Emma nurses Hope until Hope fell asleep.and kisses her on the head. "I love you so much, baby girl." She puts Hope into her crib and watched her sleep for a few minutes. Killian wrapped his arms around Emma's waist and Emma held onto Killian's hook. "I love our family."
"Me too, love."
"Our little pirate has tired herself out."
'"ye, she had a very fun day sailing love. Now let's get ready for our date night."
"Yes." Emma got ready and wore a red dress with black high heels and put her hair in a high ponytail. Killian got dressed quickly in a dress shirt with his leather jacket and black pants. Allison let herself in. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Aunt Allison. Mom and Dad are getting ready for their date night. We just to back from our sailing adventure."
"How was it?"
"It was so much fun. Hope gave us mostly Mom a scare."
"What did Hope do?"
"When we arrived on the Jolly Roger, Hope jumped out of Mom's arms and Dad caught her."
"Oh my gosh."
"Mom almost fainted or had a heart attack. Dad and Mom both made sure Hope was alright. She had no injuries. She was just really excited to sail."
"Knowing your Mom and her mama bear mode.."
"Oh yes, she was overprotective mode especially Hope is in her casts but Mom calmed down eventually."
"Henry?" Emma comes downstairs.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison."
"You look so beautiful."
"Thank you, Allison. Thank you for watching them tonight."
"You are welcome. Henry told me about what Hope did on the Jolly Roger."
"Yes, Hope jumped out of my arms and almost gave me a heart attack, Killian caught Hope on time. I told her not ever to do that again."
Killian head downstairs. "Emma.." He looks at his wife. "You look.."
"I know. You look..."
"I know."
"Henry, you know the emergency numbers are..."
"Yes, Mom. I know what do when Hope is crying."
"Emma, they are going to be alright with me. If anything goes wrong, I am their pediatrician and I will call you. Now go have fun. I know it has been crazy busy here since Hope has been in recovery. You both deserve a night out."
"Thank you, Allison. We won't be home too late."
"Mom." Henry hugs his Mom ."I love you. Have fun with Dad tonight."
"I love you too, Henry." He kisses him on the head. Killian walked Emma to their yellow bug and he drove them to a special restaurant, where they had their first date. "Killian is this the same.."
'Yes, love. I know we go to granny's all the time and we are going to have Italian food tonight."
"You know me and my love of Italian food, Killian." They walk in together and had a nice quiet meal, Emma and Killian held hands across the table the entire time, Emma held on Killian's hook. After their dinner with dessert. They walked by the beach, holding hand to hook. Killian gave his wife his leather jacket.
"I forgot my leather jacket tonight."
"You can always use mine, love."
"I do like your ocean smell." Killian smiles. "Oh, really swan?' "Yes, captain." Emma hugs Killian. "Thank you for making me feel the happiest and luckiest woman in the world. You always make me feel so special all the time."
"Emma, you are my true love and you always make me feel special every day. It is my job to care for you, love you and bet here for when you need me that is my job as your husband. "
"I know you cared for me when you gave up your ship for me. You were the first person in my life ever put me before anyone else. That was when I knew I love you."
"I have been in love with you when I first laid my eyes on you in the Enchanted Forest. I knew you your heart had walled up and it was my job from then on to keep your emotional walls down."
"You did your job, now we are happily married for two years with our amazing kids. I am married to my true love and I could not change any of it."
"Aye, to more captain swan adventures."
"Yes, to more captain swan adventures." They kiss and make out onto the sand enjoying being on each other. Emma used her light magic to put a blanket underneath them and they just stayed together happy and still in so much love as they first met in the Enchanted Forest. "Happy Anniversary, Emma."
"Happy Anniversary, Killan." They kiss. To Be Continued...

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