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Emma, Killian, Henry and Hope were enjoying their family vacation. Most days they were at the beach enjoying the ocean, Emma and Henry went body surfing as Killian swam with Hope who was enjoying being in the ocean getting wet. They would mostly eat out for most of their meals and sometimes they would cook at home when they were so tired from the beach. There were two days when it rained, those days were when the family stayed inside and watched Netflix together and played board games that Henry found in the closet like, Sorry, Monopoly & checkers. One of the nights, Killian and Emma went on a date night, Emma wore a floral dress and put lipstick since she was tan from being in the sun. She finds Henry and Hope in Henry's room. Hope was walking around holding her Pluto doll. "Henry, your Dad and I are about to leave. There is dinner for you and Hope in the refrigerator.""Okay. Hope and I are going to have H&H time on the boardwalk.""I know you two will have fun.""I will take pictures for you and Dad.""Thanks, kid." She hugs Henry. "Hope will have fun with me tonight. You and Dad need a kid-free night okay." Emma kneels to Hope. "Hope, you are going to have a fun night with Henry while Mommy goes on a date night with Dada.""Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy."Hope, we are going to have our girl talk when I get back. You will tell me all of your fun with Henry. I am going to tell you all about my date night with Dada. Mommy and Hope time.""Luv you""I love you so much, Hope." She looks up at Henry. "I love you so much, Henry."Henry joins their hug. "I love you so much Mom. I know that you and Dad will have fun tonight while Hope and I have H&H time." He takes Hope from their Mom, who began crying."Hope, Mommy will be back, baby girl. Daddy and I will be close by. If anything happens, Mommy and daddy will come straight back here." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma looks at her son. "We are not going to be too far.""I know. I will call you if anything happens. Hope and I will have fun tonight." Emma gives her daughter to her son. Hope was crying all over again. "Little sis, we are going to have H&H time. Henry and Hope time, don't cry. Mom, I got Hope." Emma goes downstairs seeing Killian waiting for her."Sorry for the wait. Hope did not want us to leave.""Aye, I know our daughter by now.""I reassured her that we are not going too far and close by if she needs us.""Aye, that is good, love. We just need to continue to reassure her that we are coming back." "Ye, you are right. I hate Hope crying for us.""I know, love. She is crying less since we have been here.""That is very true." They walked on the sidewalk passing by other beach houses and hotels on the way to a restaurant. Killian took Emma to a bar. Emma ordered a burger with fries while Killian ordered a Reuben sandwich with fries on the side. "Swan do you want some of my rum?""Sure. You know I like sharing rum with you captain." Killian smiles. She was about to take a sip but she got nauseous." Emma covered her mouth and tried not to puke in her seat. Killian quickly took the rum away from his swan. "Emma, are you okay?""Yea...the rum just made me nauseous. I am going to stick with the soda." Killian holds his swan's hand. "Are you sure, Emma?""I am fine, honey." Before their food arrived, her nausea went away and continued their kid-free night out. Meanwhile, Henry took Hope to the boardwalk while it was still light out since Hope had an early bedtime. He pushed Hope in a stroller. "Hope, there is a fudge store. Do you want to see what they have?""Yes." They went inside and can smell the fudge right away. He sees a worker. "Hi,do you have peanut-free fudge? We have a severe nut allergy in the family.""Yes, we do. Nut-free fudge.""Perfect."The worker pointed to Henry the peanut-free fudges and bought a few bags to share with his family and bring home to Maine. "Hope, do you want to get ice cream?" "Yes." Henry smiles. They went to get an ice cream stand next to the fudge store, Henry ordered an ice cream cone for them to share knowing Hope won't finish it all. "Ank you.""You are welcome, Hope." They shared their ice cream cone. After ice cream, Henry continued to walk around the boardwalk pushing Hope in her stroller. He saw a print ship and he has an idea to get their Mom as a gift. "Hope, we are going to make a tee-shirt especially for Mommy.""Mommy." Henry let Hope help him choose the shirt style for their Mom. He airdropped a photo from his iPhone to the workers laptop for them to print the shirt on. While they waited, Henry took Hope to the arcade. He showed her the games and light up machine.Hope began to cry. He takes her out of the arcade and sees a small merry-go-round. "Hopey, look merry go round ride. Do you want to ride a horsey?""Yes."Henry puts Hope on the plastic horse and strapped Hope in. He puts a quarter in the ride, the music begins. "Hope, hold on tight." He took video for his parents and pictures of Hope riding the merry-go-round ride, Hope was smiling. When the ride was over Hope was clapping her hands. "Henwy." Henry takes Hope off the ride "Hope, did you have fun?""Yes." He places Hope back in her stroller. "I think our shirt or Mommy is ready for us to pick up." Henry picked up the shirt, which their Mom will love. "Mommy is going to love the shirt we made of her, baby sis." They returned back to the beach house."Book.""We can have storytime." Henry changes Hope into her pajamas and takes Hope into his room. "Hope, did I ever tell you about my adventure in Neverland.""No.""I have a story for you. Once upon a time, two bad people took me away from Mommy, and my other Mom in the mines. They threw a magic bean into the ocean and they pulled into the portal. We were in Neverland. The two people who took me did not know they were working for Peter Pan...""Bad...bad....""Yes, Hope, Pa was very bad. Pan tricked me..." Henry continued the story while Hope was lying on Henry's chest.After dinner, Emma and Killian walked on the beach on the way back to their beach house. Kilian wanted to be nearby the ocean which Emma did not mind. She hugs her husband. "This is so romantic.""Aye, I do need a date night with me beautiful swan." They kiss. "You always are so romantic.""I just want my swan to be happy."Emma smiles. "You always make me happy.""That means I am doing my job right." "We need more date nights. Maybe on the Jolly Roger?""Aye, we do need a date night on the Jolly Roger.""Can I sail the Jolly Roger?""Yes, captain swan." They kiss. When they returned back, they found Henry and Hope both fast asleep in Henry's room. "Henry...Hope. I love them.""Aye, they are very close brother and sister." Emma puts a blanket on them and lets them sleep. Killian took a picture of Henry and Hope on his iPhone.A few days later, in the morning, Emma was so tired she did not get up. Hope was trying to wake up her Mommy. "Ake up, mommy." Killian gets Hope from the bed."Hope, we are going to go downstairs to make breakfast." He takes Hope in the kitchen, he lets her play as he cooked eggs and bacon for the family. Henry arrives downstairs. "Hi, Dad. Hi, Hope.""Hi, Lad. Breakfast is ready.""Where is Mom?""She is still sleeping.""Really? She went to bed really early last night." Killian knew it was unlike Emma to go to bed really early. "Your mom might be very tired. The beach can tire someone out. We have been going every day." "That is true." They ate breakfast. "Dad, I can take Hope to the beach today.""Thanks, lad. I am sure your Mom needs to rest. I am going with you to the beach. I will check on your Mom." Killian got Hope dressed in a Minnie Mouse bathing suit and put tan lotion on her."Mommy.""Mommy is sleeping, Hope. She is very tired and needs a nap."Hope goes to her Mommy and kisses her on the head. "Luv you, Mommy." Killian carries Hope to Henry downstairs. "Dad, everything is packed. Hope, do you want to ride in the wagon?""Yes." Henry places Hope in the wagon. Killian goes back upstairs to their room. "Emma.." He rubs her head. "Emma."Emma wakes up groggily. "Morning...""Morning, love. Are you feeling alright?" He sits on the bed next to his swan. "I am just really really tired." She hugs him. "I am probably really tired of going to the beach every day.""I made breakfast for you, I left it downstairs.""Thank you. I am not hungry right now. I need to sleep.""Alright, love. I will come by to check on you in a little while. I am going to take Henry and Hope to the beach.""I will call you if I need anything.""I will get whatever you need." "Thank you." They kiss. Emma falls back to sleep. Killian looks at his wife wondering if she was sick or just really tired. Killian takes Hope and Henry to the beach. "Mommy.""Mommy is joining us later, little love." Killian and Henry set up their spot. He takes Hope into the ocean as Henry did body surfing.After Killian, Henry and Hope left for the beach, Emma woke up around noon still feeling exhausted. She went downstairs and drank cold ice water and saw what Killan cooked for breakfast, eggs, and bacon. The smell of bacon and eggs made Emma head to the sink to puke. Emma realized she might be pregnant since she did not have her period this month and the food smell was making her sick. She quickly got dressed and went to the nearest drugstore Walgreens, to buy a few pregnancy tests. She was nervous, because of her two miscarriages last year. She thought about how when her and Killian had sex on their anniversary over a month ago after Henry took sleeping Hope home after storytime on the Jolly Roger to give them alone time. Now she might be having another baby with her husband, a little pirate to add to their crew. If she was pregnant she would have to make an appointment when they return in July.Henry began building a sandcastle letting Hope help him. "Henwy...castle.""You can help me build the sandcastle, baby sis." "Lad, I am going to check on your Mom.""Okay, Dad. Hope is going to stay here with me." Killian walked back to their beach house seeing his swan returning from their car. "Emma, are you feeling better?""Not exactly.""What is the matter love?"Emma shows him the pregnancy tests from her bag. Killian smiles big making her smile. "Emma, are you pregnant?"Emma smiles. "Maybe? I really am tired. I missed my period this month. I also got sick when I smelled your eggs and bacon. Can you be in the room with me while I take the test?"Killian held his wife's hands. "I wouldn't be anywhere else, Emma." He kisses her on the head knowing his wife was nervous. They went upstairs to the bathroom, Emma was shaking holding the first pregnancy test. "Emma,whatever it is positive or negative, you are not going to fail me, love.""I just keep thinking about not knowing the last two times...finding out the hard way...then..." Emma sighs. "I just got my body back from Hope...I do not know if I should be happy or worried. I am both, possibly becoming a Mom again..." Killian holds his wife's hand. "Whatever happens, Emma, I am with you the whole way."Emma sighs and hugs him knowing he is there with her and not alone. "I love you so much. You are always there for me when I need you, afraid, happy times, or fight a villain.""I am always there for you, Emma, like you are there for me."Emma felt less nervous. "I am going to take the test." Emma goes to the toilet and pees on the first test, Killian passed the other two tests when she was done with the other one. Emma sat next to Killian against the tub."We need to wait for three minutes for the pregnancy test for the results." Killian sets the timer on his iPhone and holds Emma's hand, this is possibly the last moments of the family of four. Killian hugs his wife who hugs him back, both were excited and nervous at the same time. The timer went off. "The tests....I am not ready.""I can look at them...""No, we are going to look at them together." They looked at all three of them, all positive. Emma began crying and laughing with joy. Killian was crying too. "I am pregnant! We are pregnant!" Killian lifts her up and spun her around. "We are going to have a baby!!""Yes, we are!" Killian sets her down, Emma places her hand on her abdominal. "Baby Swan-Jones, this is your Mommy. I love you so much. You have an amazing Daddy who loves you so much already. You also have a great big brother and a big sister who love you so much." Killian kneels to Emma's abdominal, soon to be baby bump, "Little love, this is your Dada. I love you so much. I will always be there for you. You are very lucky, little bean, you have an amazing Mommy who will always fight for you and protect you." Emma was crying, sharing this moment with her husband, that they are going to expand their family. They went to their room and snuggled on the bed both rubbing Emma's abdominal. "We are going to have another pirate for your crew captain.""Aye, love, the littlest pirate. I love her or him already""Me too. I love her or him...Hope is going to be a big sister!""Aye, she is going to be a great big sister. When do you think you are due?"They hug. "I think I am 5 or 6 weeks pregnant. I think I am due in February. Hope will be almost three by the time this baby arrives. We can use her crib for this baby while we transition her to a big girl bed or a toddler bed.""I think Marco told me that we can turn Hope's crib into a toddler bed.""We can do that. This baby will have his or her own crib.""Aye love. Do you want to have a lass or lad?"Emma looks down at her abdominal. "I want a boy or a girl. If we have a girl again, I really do not mind, Hope will have a sister closer to her age to play with. Just seeing how much Hope loves playing with Melody tells me she will be a great big sister."Killin rubs Emma's abdominal, making Emma smile. "When do you want to tell Henry and Hope about the babe?" "I do not know...I really am happy about our little baby on the way...I just don't want them to know not until I am little further along, what if I have another miscarriage? I do not want them to be hurt.""Emma, Henry is going to know right away, with your mood swings and tiredness, and your nausea like the way when you were pregnant with Hope."Emma sighs. "You are right. For now, I just want this to be our secret.""Aye, I do like that idea. Our special secret." They kiss as they rub her abdominal. He kisses her abdominal. "Little bean, Dada loves you so much." Emma smiles love seeing Killian happy and excited to become a daddy again. "Mommy loves you so much, baby." Emma gets a phone call from Henry and can hear Hope crying in the background. "Henry?""Mom, Hope got bit by a crab. The crab is still on her toe" "Henry, we will be there in a few minutes." They ended their conversation. "Killian, Hope got bitten by a crab.""Emma, are you okay to go out?""Yes, I am less nauseous. I need to get dressed.""I will make sure you bring water for you and a snack.""Thank you." They kiss. Emma gets dressed in a bikini and looks at her mirror at her soon to be baby bump. "Baby Swan-Jones, I love you so much, baby. Mommy loves you so much." She rubs her belly before it turns into a huge baby bump. Killian sees his swan admiring her baby bump, love seeing his Emma happy. He is going to be their or his swan no matter what throughout their pregnancy. They are both hoping she does not have a miscarriage again. At the beach, Hope was helping Henry build the sandcastle by putting the sand in the buckets and helping Henry hold the bucket while they got water. When Hope pulled the bucket of sand up, the sand was standing. "Yay!""Great job, Hope!" Hope clapped her hands. "You are being a great helper, Hope. We are going to build the moat next." "Oat?""Yes, moat. It is a river that is around the castle.""Ooo..""Yes, we need ocean water to fill up the moat, little sis." He shows Hope how to dig the moat. When they went back to the ocean to get more water, Hope was splashing around, a crab bit Hope's toe, Hope wailed. Henry holds Hope and sees the crab. "Bad, crab." He takes Hope back to their spot and called their Mom since he did not know what to do. "Mommy.""Mommy is coming, little sis. Everything is going to be okay." He hugs his sister. Emma and Killian arrived."Hope, what happened baby girl?""Mommy....Mommy...."Emma scooped Hope into her arms and hugged her. "I see a mean crab is hurting your toe.""Yes...""Dada and Mommy will take it out, baby girl.""Mommy.""You are going to be okay, Hope. Mommy is here.""Mommy." Emma gave Hope kisses on her head even with another baby on the way, Hope has a special place in her heart because she was her second chance of being a Mommy from the very beginning but will not treat the newest member of the family any differently, the same amount of love and care."Swan, I will get the crab off her toe." Emma sits down with Hope. Killian sits in front of his daughter. "Henry, hold the first aid kit.""Got it, Dad." Henry opens the first aid kit. Killian takes the crab off of Hope's toe, Hope screams in pain. "Hopey, you are alright. Shh..shhh." She hugs Hope who was in pain. "The pain will be all over soon.""Lad, give me an ice-cold water bottle." Henry went to the cooler and got a water bottle and hands it over to their Dad."Hope, the ice will help the pain." Killian puts the ice on Hope's pinkish toe and bloody from the cut. "Dada.""The crab is off your foot, little love. The crab went bye-bye." Killian iced Hope's toe as Emma comforts Hope."""Yes, Hope, I see your boo-boo. Dad is taking good care of your boo-boo from the crab.""Bad.""Yes, the crab is very bad." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian cleans off Hope's cut, making Hope cry more. "Mommy.""Dada is only cleaning your cut, baby girl that is all."Killian puts a band-aid on Hope's toe. "You are all done, little love." He kisses Hope's toe. "No more boo-boo, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy.""We can snuggle, you and me, sweetie." Henry gives Hope a towel which their Mom wrapped her in. She sees the castle. "Hope, did you help Henry build that sandcastle.""Castle.""Did you have fun?""Yes.""Did you go swimming today?""Yes.""You had so much fun with Dada and Henry.""Henwy." Hope yawns and falls asleep on her Mommy. Emma relaxed in her beach chair. "Sweet dreams, Hope. You are staying with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "My little duckling."Killian was now more concerned about his pregnant wife in the sun and did not want her to overheat. "Swan, do you want to head back?""Yes, I will be cooler inside. It is hot out here." Emma holds sleeping Hope as Killian and Henry packed everything and they headed back to the beach house. "Emma, I can carry Hope."Emma knows Killian is being back to overprotective Daddy and husband."Killian, I can carry our daughter. She wants me to hold her." She leaned to his ear. "The baby will be fine if I carry his or her big sister.""I just want to make sure." Emma kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek and smiles. Henry knew something was going on. They returned to the beach house, Henry took a shower while Emma sat down in the living room area and enjoyed Hope's snuggles as Killian unsand beach supplies outside. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope will always be her favorite first daughter. Henry returns downstairs. "Mom, I have pictures of Hope." He showed her pictures of Hope splashing in the ocean, building the sandcastle and a few H and H selfies. "Hope had so much fun with you today.""Yes, until the crab bit her toe.""I know, it looks like it hurt.""That is why I called you right away.""You always call me when you or Hope need me. I am doing my job right.""You are always there for us." Henry hugs his Mom. She kisses him on the head. Killian returns inside and hands his swan a bottle of water. "Swan, you need to stay hydrated.""Okay." She drinks a lot of water. Killian hands her pretzels. "Killian...""Swan, have you eaten today?""No, I haven't.""Emma.""I will have pretzels." She had a half bag of pretzels in the ziplock bag. Henry knew something was going on. "Mom,how are you feeling?"Emma smiles."I am definitely feeling better than this morning.""You two are hiding something.What is it? Mom did not go in the ocean, you were too hot to stay on the beach. What is going on?" Emma and Killian looked at each other and smile. Emma looks at Killian. "Killian I think we should tell him.""I think we should, love.""Mom, Dad what is going on?"Killian takes Hope from his swan. Emma faces her son and smiles. "I am pregnant!" Henry smiles and hugs his Mom right away. "Mom, you are having a baby?!""Yes, I am." He hugs her more. "I got nauseous smelling bacon and eggs. I went to Walgreens<i/> and bought three pregnancy tests. Your Dad came back on time to be in the room with me to take the test. They were all positive." "Yes! I am going to be a big brother again!" He kisses his Mom's abdominal. "Hi, baby brother or sister. This is your big brother Henry. I love you so much. I just want to let you know that you have two parents who love you so much and are always there for you no matter what. I am going to teach you art, how to read and play. You have a big sister who is going to be playing with you a lot and boss you around. I am going to read to you all the time as I do to our sister." Emma smiles. Henry looks at his sister. "Hope is going to be a big sister!""Yes, Henry. I want to tell Hope myself...""Mom, Hope will be so happy but confused.""Yes, once the baby comes... I just hope Hope does not feel replaced. That is what I am worried about. I was always replaced and it hurt so much." Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "Emma, Hope is going to be jealous but she is not going to be replaced or neglected by us. She has you, Henry and I to care for her even when the new baby arrives.""You two are right. Hope is closer to the baby's age...I just do not want Hope to be neglected. I had the feeling so many times as a child in the foster system.I do not want Hope, you or this new baby feel like that."Mom, you did not neglect me when Hope was born. I moved in with you and Dad permanently because I did not want to be away from Hope. I also like living with you and Dad more.""I know, Henry. I was very happy that you moved in with us permanently. You are right, you were there for my pregnancy with Hope. This new baby is lucky to have his or her whole family with him or her all the time.""You will have Dad and I to make sure Hope is not replaced. I know Hope will be very close to you still and want to be around you more when the new baby arrives. Dad and I will be playing the baby and watching him or her while you are with Hope."Emma smiles. "You mean I have you two to help me with the new baby so when Hope feels left out, I can spend time with Hope.""Of course, love. Maybe this time, I can bottle feed this little love.""I am pretty sure our rainbow baby will let you feed him or her. Hope just wanted me.""Rainbow?""After a miscarriage baby, when you have the newest baby born alive, that is what a rainbow baby is?""Aye, we all love this baby already.""Yes, Mom. I will be 18 years older than this one..."Emma hugs her son. "Henry, age won't matter. This baby is going to love you. Hope loves you so much and you are an amazing big brother to her. I know you are going to be a great big brother to the new baby." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma began to tear up. "Mom, we are all happy.""I know you are going to be there for the new baby."Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, we are having a baby.""Yes, we are. We are going to have another pirate in our crew." They kiss. "Henry, we are keeping the baby a secret from everyone else in town.""What about Aunt Allison?"Emma forgets for a moment, how is she going to tell her best friend who just had a miscarriage two months ago."Oh my gosh! Allison? How am I going to tell her?!""Emma.""My best friend just had a miscarriage two months ago on her birthday! She is going to be...I do not know, upset."Hope wakes up. "Auntie...appy..."Emma was surprised Hope was right. "Hope, you are right..." She hugs her daughter. "Auntie did tell me when I was going to have another baby she would be happy for me during our girl talk...""Emma..."He gives Emma a look. "We should tell Hope...""You are right." Emma puts Hope on her legs, a gap between her and her belly, and faces her daughter. "Hope. Mommy has a baby in her belly." She points at her abdominal. "There is a little tiny baby growing inside of my belly. In a few months, you will have a baby sister or baby brother." Hope places her hand on her Mommy's abdominal. "There is a baby inside my belly. You are going to be a sister!"Hope smiled big and babbled. "Baby?""Yes, Hope baby!" Hope smiled big making her family smile. "Are you happy that there is a baby in my belly?" Hope clapped her hands. "Emma, that is a yes from Hope. Little love, you can kiss Mommy's belly the baby, like this." Killian kisses Emma's abdominal. Emma giggles. Hope kisses Emma's abdominal. "Luv you." Emma was in happy tears, her whole family so happy and hormones were starting. "Mom, Hope is excited to be a big sister.""Yes, you are right, Henry." "Mommy..." Hope pats her face knowing her Mom was crying."I am okay, sweetie.""No.""Yes, Hope these are happy tears because you, Henry and Dada love the new baby just much as I do. I know you are going to be a great big sister to the new baby." Hope hugs her Mommy. "When this baby comes, you are not going to be replaced. You will always be my baby girl because you were the one who gave me a second chance of being a Mommy." Emma gets Henry into their hug. "I love you two so much. My two babies.""Soon you will have three babies.""Yes, we will have three babies." They kiss. Emma and Killian are looking forward to having another baby to expand their family. They enjoyed the rest of the family vacation, the family of soon to be five.The Swan-Jones family vacation ended, and the family was packing up to leave for the airport. Killian kept a close eye on his swan more closer and did not let her lift anything too heavy because she was pregnant with their child and let her sleep in as much as possible. He kisses her on the head and begins packing their stuff to head to the airport. Henry was already packed and cleaning up downstairs. Hope was still fast asleep next to Emma. Even though Hope sleeps with them, Killian is still able to talk and sing to the littlest love which Emma was absolutely loving. Hope wakes her Mommy up. "Hi, baby girl.""Mommy." She hugs her Mommy."You give me the best hugs. Let's go get ready for the airport.""Ome?""Yes, we are going home today." She gets Hope dressed for the day. As she was getting ready she took her time, her morning sickness is not too bad, only nausea so far especially around food. She did her hair up in a dutch braid. Hope shows her Pluto doll. "Mommy...Pluto.""We cannot forget Pluto. You can put Pluto in my backpack." She opens her backpack. Hope places her Pluto doll in her Emma's backpack. "You are being such a great helper, Hope." Emma's pouch bag was the last thing on their bed. "Can you put the bag in my backpack." Hope puts the pouch bag in her Mommy's backpack. "Thank you, Hope. You are my little helper. Now, let's go to Dada and Henry." She puts her backpack on and helps Hope down the stairs. Killian sees Emma carrying her backpack. "Emma." He takes her backpack. "Killian, I need to carry it in so I can go through TSA with Hope. It is not too heavy." "I am going to carry when we wait online.""Okay."She puts her backpack in the car and buckles Hope in her car seat. Henry sits next to Hope, while Emma sits in the front as Killian drives his family to the airport. Emma fell asleep right away. When they arrived at the airport, They went to check-in. Killian takes Emma's backpack and carries it for her when they went online. Killian gives her backpack so Emma and Hope went through security the short way and patted down by TSA worker. While they were waiting for the boys, Hope tried to walk away from Emma. "Hopey, stay with Mommy." She holds Hope's hand. Killian and Henry return to their family, he carries Emma's backpack to their gate. He held his wife's hand. "Emma, are you okay?""Just a little nauseous, that is all.""Do you want something to eat? You have to eat, swan. I can get whatever you want."Emma smiles, Killian always makes her feel so special like a princess. "Well when you put it in that way, can you get me pretzels and a fruit salad.""Coming right up, love.""Thank you." They kiss. Killian went to get Emma her snack and breakfast for the family. "Mom, are you okay?""I am just nauseous, that is all." Henry hugs his Mom. Hope joins their hug. "Luv, Mommy." "We have the best Mommy right Hope?""Yes." Emma loves her children. "I have the best children." She hugs them both. Hope makes poop. "Hope, you need a diaper change. Kid, we will be right back." Emma takes Hope to the nearest bathroom and changes Hope's diaper and fixes Hope's duckling dress. "Mommy..." She tugs her hair. "I can do a braid on your hair." Emma braids Hope's hair and they return to their spot. Killian returns with breakfast for Hope and Henry and a few snacks for Emma. She sees what he brought her, pretzels, fruit salad, ginger ale, and a large water bottle. "Thank you, Killian.""You are very welcome, Emma. I know you need to stay hydrated and the gingerale will help you.""Thank you." They kiss. Killian made sure Hope ate her breakfast of oatmeal. Henry bought Cinnabon. Emma chuckles. "Henry, I am not surprised. You and your love of Cinnabon.""Mom, I brought some for Hope too.""That is good. It can be her snack on the plane ride back." "Yay!" Emma, Henry and Killian all laughed. When their flight was boarding, Killian was holding Hope in the carrier as they were boarding, they sat in between Henry and Emma. "Mommy.""I am right here." She kisses Hope on the cheek. She gives Hope her bottle of milk before the plane takes off. Killian told Hope pirate stories, letting Emma get some sleep on his shoulder. "Hopey,do you want storytime?""Yes...tay...Dada.""You can stay with Daddy while I read to you." Hope smiles as Henry kisses her on the cheek. He takes his book out. "Once upon a time...." After a few stories, "Dad, Hope needs a diaper change.""Aye." He gets the diaper bag and gets Hope from Henry and takes Hope to the bathroom. Killian did not realize the bathroom was so tight and sat on the toilet. Hope was crying. "Dada will change you, little love." He lies Hope on his lap and changes Hope's diaper. They walk back to their seat, Emma was awake. "Hopey.""Mommy!" Killian puts Hope on Emma's lap and sits back down at his seat. Emma and Hope snuggle and talk for the rest of the flight. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, are you hungry? Hope nods her head yes. "Yes, you are hungry.""Mom, here is Hope's Cinnabon.""Thanks, kid. Hope, Henry got you a yummy snack." She opens the container, Hope licks the frosting with her finger. Emma chuckles. "You like frosting." Hope gives some to her Mommy, even though Emma was nauseous she had a small bite. "Thank you for sharing your Cinnabon, Hope.""Little love, can Dada have a bite?" Hope gives some of her Cinnabon. "Thank you, little love." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek, he knows that she will be a great big sister once the new baby arrives. Hope continued to eat her treat. "Kid, I think Hope likes her firstCinnabon ""Awesome!""Lad, you get Hope into Cinnabon .""Yes, I did. Mom, I think we can bake our own version at home since we do not have Cinnabon in Storybrooke.""That is a good idea. We do bake a lot." She wipes Hope's frosting covered face and puts her pacifier in her mouth as the plane was ready to land. Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are staying with me, Hope." She kisses Emma on the head. When they landed, Killian carried Hope and Emma's backpack as Emma and Henry walked behind them. Henry stays with his Mom and hugs her. "I am okay, Henry.""I just want to make sure, Mom." She kisses him on the head. Killian carries Hope off the plane and into the airport and sees Allison. Allison sees them and waves. "Hope look who is here!""Auntie!"Killian sets Hope down and she runs to Allison. Allison kneeled down and scoops Hope into her arms for a big hug. "Hi, Hope! Did you have a fun vacation?""Yes. Auntie...""I am so happy that you are back. My little niece is back." "Hi, Allison.""Hi, Killian. How was your vacation?"Killian smiles. "It was really good. We got the vacation that we all needed.""How was town when we were away?""Very quiet. Regina told me to tell you and Emma that there were no issues with your mother in law.""Aye, that is really good to hear and Emma will be happy." Emma and Henry carrying Hope's car seat arrived."Emma!""Allison!" They hug. "I see Hope gave you the first hug.""Yes, she did.""Auntie." Emma and Allison both laughed. They got their luggage at the luggage carousel. Henry and Killian got the luggage. "Killian, I got my backpack.""Swan, I got it." "You are going to be overprotective...""Yes; I am doing my job right." Emma rolls her eyes and kisses him on the cheek. Allison was holding Hope. They went to their car, Killian and Henry loaded the car as Emma puts Hope in her carseat. "Emma, what is going on?""What do you mean?"Allison knows when her best friend is lying. "Emma, I know something is going on because Killian is not letting you do anything heavy lifting. What is it?""Okay, you got me. Can you keep a secret?""Yes, I can.""I found out on vacation...""What did you found out?"Emma smiles big. "That I am pregnant...""Emma!!" Allison hugs Emma. "I am so happy for you and Killian. I am going to be an aunt again." Emma smiles. "How far along do you think you are?""I think I am 6 weeks pregnant. I am just nauseous and cannot eat too much.""If you need pregnancy advice or to talk, you can call me.""Thank you.""We help each other out, that is what best friends are for and sisters." They hug. "Love, I am driving.""Are you sure?""Emma, you need to rest and catch up with your BFF." Emma chuckles.Killian drove his family out of the airport and on the way to Storybrooke. "Auntie.""Hope, are you excited to be a big sister?""""Yes, your Mommy got a baby in her belly.""Aunt Allison, Mom, and Dad told us right away after they found out.""So I am the only one who knows outside of the family?"Everyone said "Yes." Allison giggles. "I will keep your special news a secret.""Mommy...Pluto...Pluto..."Emma gets her backpack and gets the Pluto doll. "Here you go, Hope." She gives Hope her favorite plush doll."Ank you.""You are welcome, Hope." Hope falls asleep. "She skipped her nap on the plane.""She is taking her nap now." Emma and Allison continued to talk about pregnancy and vacation. "How was Hope on the trip?""She behaved most of the trip. She was not too clingy to us that much, did not cry that much.""Mom, she only cried a lot when you and Dad went on your date night other than that she was herself.""That is right, kid.""Allison, do you think our little lass feels safer out of Storybrooke?""It could be Killian." They arrived home, Allison helped them unload the car as Emma brought Hope inside and laid her in her crib. "We are home, baby girl." She tucks Hope and went downstairs. She made an appointment with her gynecologist in a few days. Allison check on her best friend. "Emma, are you okay?""I was nervous about taking the pregnancy test since my miscarriages." She places her hand on her abdominal and smiles. "Killian was with me in the bathroom when I took my pregnancy test. I got three positive tests...I was so happy he was in the room with me.""I really am happy for you, Emma." They hug."You are. I was nervous to tell you because....""Emma, I know having two kids is enough for me. Trust me, having a 12-year-old and 9-year old is enough for me" They both laughed and hugged. "You have a very excited best friend and auntie to be. Call me if you need anything."Thank you.""I will see you soon." Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house.Killian found his swan in the living room. They snuggled. "How are you and the little bean?"Emma smiles hearing him call their baby, little bean. "I am very happy and nauseous which is normal. Our little bean is small but healthy. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday in the morning to see our little bean." They both rub her abdominal.""I cannot want to see our little bean.""Me too.""Emma, I am not off on Thursday.""Killian." She gave him a flirtatious look and tugs Killian's shirt. "I am the sheriff, and I say that you are off.""Well, you put that way...I am off.""Yes, you are captain." They kiss and are very excited for Emma's doctor's appointment.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now