Little Moments That Count

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The day after Emma's girl's day with her mom, Emma has her doctor's appointment with Dr.Claire to check up on her baby girl. Killian wakes up before Emma, watching her sleep. He kisses Emma on the forehead, "Love, you Emma." He bends down to Emma's big baby bump and whispers, "Hello little Hope. It's your daddy here. I love you so much. Your mommy, Henry and I cannot wait to meet you when you born. Love you, little lass." He kisses the baby bump and quietly got ready without waking up his wife. He wanted to let Emma rest as much as she can before little Hope's arrival. Killian makes breakfast for himself and Emma, pancakes and scrambled eggs.
Emma wakes up around 8:30 am with enough time to get dressed and eat before her doctor's appointment. She looks down at her baby bump and smiles, "Good morning, Hope. You are growing inside me bigger every single little girl. Mommy and Daddy are going to the doctor's to see how much you have grown and hear your heartbeat." She slowly gets dressed. Since it was warm for April. She decided to wear a long sleeve maternity dress with leggings and boots, which Killian will help her later on. "I smell breakfast, that your Daddy is cooking." Emma slowly waddles downstairs. "You are getting so heavy to carry baby girl." She sees Killian cooking pancakes. "Something smells delicious."
"Good morning, Love."
"Good morning, honey." They kiss. "What is for breakfast?"
"Pancakes, scrambled eggs and mixed blackberries on the side."
"Ooh, that sounds yummy."
"Sit down, love. I am almost done."
She sits in their kitchen table, with her feet up. Killian made her plate. Killian sat down with her after he made his plate. "What type of doctor's appointment is it today love?"
"I think it is to check on the baby's heartbeat, measure my progression and examination." They finished their breakfast and Emma cleaned the dishes while Killian went upstairs to get her boots and her purse. He puts on her knee-high boots for her. "Thank you." She kisses him on the lips. "Your welcome, Love."
"Let's go, I want to know how our little duckling is."
"Aye, I do like the sound of that."
They arrived at the gynecologist section with time to spare. Emma read a parenting a magazine and Killian read pamphlets.
Nurse, "Emma Jones. Room 2."
Killian helped his wife up from the chair and walked together. He helped her to get her boots and leggings off for the examination part of the appointment. "Thanks for helping, most of my body is swollen."
"Anytime, love. Just wait in a few weeks she will be here, you will not be uncomfortable anymore."
"Yes, I know. I actually enjoyed this pregnancy so far, even the body changes and swollen body parts but I love feeling the baby move and kick around all the time."
"I love feeling her move from the outside but she is almost here Swan."
"Yup, our baby girl is almost here."
"Aye, she is." He rubs her baby belly.
Dr. Claire enters the room, "Good Morning, Emma. How are you feeling?"
"Besides huge and swollen, happy."
"That is good to hear, especially being 37 weeks pregnant. Have you had any nausea lately?"
"A few weeks ago I had bad nausea and vomited in one night. Other than that night, not too much recently."
"Let's check your baby's heartbeat. Has your baby girl moving?"
Emma chuckles. "Oh, yes. She has been moving so much."
"That is good to hear. That means she is healthy when a baby does not move it means something is wrong." She checks the baby's heartbeat. "Thump, thump, thump." "Heart rate 160, she is strong and healthy. Let me see your stomach." She measures Emma's stomach."Looks normal for 37 weeks pregnant. I am going to do the examination next." Killian moves his chair close to Emma and holds her hand. "So far you are 1 inch dilated. Now, Emma. Remember when to come into labor and delivery is when your water has broken, or if there is blood. So far, I think you can make it to your due date."
"Thank you Dr.Claire. I have been taking it easy since the emergency room incident...I am enjoying the time off now before she comes."
"That is good. Continue to relax. I will see you next week."
Emma rubs her baby belly, "You are a healthy baby girl."
"Yes, she is Emma." He kisses her baby belly. Killian helps her get ready to leave. As they drove home, "What do you want to do love when we get home?"
"I want to eat and then take a nap."
"Ah, one of those days."
"Yes, with her getting so big, it hurts to walk a lot."
"Aye, we can cuddle later on."
"I like the sound of that."
"Is Henry coming over tonight?"
"I think so. If he does, he and I do art. I do like when Henry reads to Hope."
"I have a feeling that will happen a lot once Hope arrives.'
Emma chuckles. "Yes, I have that same feeling too."
Emma and Killian have lunch together. While Emma was resting in their bedroom, her back was so sore and so much pain. "Killian?"
"Yes, swan?"
"Can you please massage my back and my feet?"
"Of course love, let me get the lotion." He gives her a long needed backrub. He rubs her swollen feet. She falls asleep during her long massage. Killian kisses her on the forehead. "Rest now, Emma. You need it. You are growing our little lass." Killian quietly walks out of the bedroom and closed the door. He looks into Hope's room. He thought to himself. "I cannot believe that I am going to be a Daddy to a baby girl any day now. She is going to love Emma and Henry and me of course." He hears the door open and closes. Killian goes downstairs and sees Henry. "Hello, son."
"Hi, dad. How is my mom?"
" She is sleeping now. She is doing good for being 9 months pregnant. She had an appointment today with her doctor today."
"What did the doctor say?"
"She said that your mom can carry your sister to full term, 40 weeks and Hope is healthy."
"Hope is coming in three weeks?"
"Most likely lad, she can come on her due date or before her due date. Depends on when your sister wants to come. We need to plan when your mom goes into labor." They go in the kitchen. "If your mom goes into labor when you are here. Do you know what to do?"
"I was thinking to come with you and Mom. I want to help Mom get to the hospital. I would call my other mom to come and grandma and gramps."
"Aye, your mom already asked your grandma to come to be at the birth. Lad, you will be the first one to meet her."
"That is good, she promised me that I will be the first one to meet her."
"I know. Now, go do your homework and do not wake your mother up. She needs to sleep as much as possible, once your sister arrives. We all won't get much sleep."
"I know but I do have my other mom's house. I am willing to help with Hope as much as I can."
"I know son."
"I want to be there for my mom and for my baby sister as much as I can."
"I know lad. Hope is going to love you."
"Dad, she is going to love you and Mom so much. I see how mom talks to Hope already and she is not even born yet. Mom is going to be amazing when Hope comes."
"Aye, son. I thought that same thing. We just need to help her as much as we can."
"I know, she is still afraid of being alone. Dad, I know it. I do not want her to feel alone at all when she is in labor or after having Hope."
"Same here, Henry." He ruffles his head. "Now go do your homework, while I cook us dinner."
"Yes, Dad."
A few hours later, Henry checked up on his mom, she was still sound asleep snoring. Henry decides to take his chances to read to Hope as quietly as possible without waking their mom up. He had his storybook in hand. He sits closely as he could to Emma's baby bump. Henry whispers, "Hi, Hope. This is Henry your big brother. I want you to get to know me before you are born. As long you can hear my voice, I am happy with that little sis. I am going to read you a few stories from my storybook. He kisses the baby belly. Henry opened the book found the story and placed his hand on his Mom's baby belly and read, "Once Upon A Time..."
Emma was half asleep, she knows Hope gets excited every time she hears Henry's voice. She knows that Henry was reading to his baby sister. So she let her eyes rest a little while longer, while he read to her baby bump and she feels his hand on her baby bump. Emma was happy Henry was reading to the baby, she will definitely know that he will be an amazing brother once Hope is born. She cannot wait to see their relationship quickly evolve into something special. After Henry finished reading the third story, Emma whispers, "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Mom, sorry if I woke you up. I was just reading more stories to Hope."
"Kid, it is alright. I love that you are willing to talk and read to her even though she is not born yet." Henry helps his mom sit up. Henry sits next to Emma. "I cannot believe that I will be a mother to two children soon. One teenager and a newborn. I did not expect that."
"Mom, I love you so much and little Hope loves you so much. You are an amazing fighter mom, who will always protect us."
"Aww, kid. You are so sweet." She hugs him tight.
"When I was reading to her she was moving so much."
"Yes, I know."
"Wait, you knew?"
"Yes, little Hope moves a certain way only when you are here Henry. Plus, I heard you reading to her."
"She moves a certain way when I am around?"
"Yes, she does. She loves you, Henry."
"She loves you too, Mom. She is going to be an awesome mom to her from the very start."
"How do you know?"
"Even though you gave me up, I knew you were amazing Mom because you gave me my best chance, which I know it was hard for you. I know you were alone when you had me, I am going to help you as much as I can to make sure you are never alone. You are my mom no matter what. I cannot wait to see how you do with Hope."
Emma got teary eyed. "Aww, Henry. You are the best son, you know?" She hugs him really tight. "I love you so much. I know I am not alone this time, but I get that feeling once in a while. I have you, your dad, your grandparents, and your other mom."
"I am happy you know that you are not alone this time. Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, kid."
"Spring break is the next two weeks, I am wondering if I can stay here? For break. I know you are really pregnant and all.."
"Henry, your Dad and I and your baby sister are happy for you to stay here as long as you like. You can still visit Regina too."
"I want to be here as much as I can."
"I know. We have a few more weeks until she comes before you are not an only child anymore."
"Mom, I did not like being an only child. I am used to it in my other mom's house but little Hope is half biologically related to me which is awesome. I want to spend much as I can before she comes." He hugs her.
"Henry, are you sure you do not mind helping around here when she is born. Newborns do cry a lot."
"I really do not mind. I just want to make Hope happy and get to know me as much as possible. Also, I can give you and Dad a break."
"Sure, I will definitely take your offer on babysitting. I will take that offer when she is not being breastfed or when I need to sleep. She is going to love you."
'I know. She is going to love you too." Emma hugs Henry tight.
"Oh, Henry can you get my phone, it is charging over there." He gets Emma phone for her. He shows her the photos that Killian took yesterday. "Check these photos that your Dad took yesterday."
Once, Henry saw the photo of the tiny footprint, his mouth dropped. "Mom is that Hope's feet?"
"Yes, they are. Aren't they so tiny?"
"Yes! I had no idea babies can do that in the womb."
"Same here, kid. Little Hope surprised me and your Dad yesterday." Henry picks up Emma's shirt and moves his hands on her baby bump. "Hey little sis, this is Henry. I love you." He kisses Emma's bare baby bump a few times. Hope kicks when Henry kisses the baby bump. "Hope loves you too, Henry."
"She loves all of us. I cannot wait to meet her."
"Me, too Henry. Hope we cannot wait to meet you and we love you so much baby girl." She rubs her baby bump. The door was opened a little bit, Killian watching Emma and Henry having a Mom and Son bonding time. He did not want to interrupt them, knowing that Hope is coming soon and they might not have too many ones on one moment for a while.
After their talk, Emma and Henry went down for dinner. Killian was in the kitchen preparing the table for dinner. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Swan. How are my two loves?"
"We are both doing fine. Little Hope had a fun time Henry reading to her. I knew because she moves a certain way only when Henry is around."
"You don't say. Sit down, dinner is almost ready. Henry, can you help me set the table?"
"Sure, Dad." After dinner, they watched Law and Order SVU on Netflix. "Swan, this crime-fighting show is unlike here."
"I know, Storybrook is a very quiet town compared to NYC."
"Yes, without evil villains and curses."
"Very true. Henry?" He was fast asleep right next to her with his hand on her baby belly."Aww, kid. She is going to love you, you are such a dedicated big brother already."
"Do you want to bring him up?"
"Sure. I need to take a shower anyway." Emma kisses Killian before he carried Henry off the couch to his room.
Emma took a shower once, Killian brought Henry up to his bedroom.
Killian was already dressed for bed by the time Emma was out of the shower.
"How was talking to Henry before? I saw you two having another bonding moment, which I did not interrupt."
"That is so kind of not ruining the moment." She had down next to him and cuddled. "He spoke to me how I was an amazing mom even though I gave him for adoption. He knew I was a good mom back then because I gave him the best chance. He told me he cannot wait to see me to be a mom, to this little girl and he wants to be there for me as much as he can, even though newborns cry a lot. He wants to be around to get to know Hope.
"He told me that same thing, he wants to be around here as much as possible and he knows that you were alone last time and he wants to be there for you and Hope."
"I showed him the pictures, you took of Hope's small feet showing at the top of my baby belly."
"Oh, really?"
"Yep, he was surprised." They both laughed."Oh, Henry asked if he can stay here over the next 2 weeks for spring break."
"He had to ask?"
"I know, I figured he wanted to make sure since I am very pregnant and all."
"The lad and I planned if you go to labor when he is and what to do. We have it covered. When the time comes, you can focus on the lass."
"Aww. I love how you and Henry become so close."
"I know, swan. Now I cannot wait to have another child soon."
"Same here, two children." They both put their hands on Emma's baby belly. "She will be here very soon."
Killian kisses her on the cheek. "She is going to be loved so much by everyone especially to us." Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms, feeling safe and protected.


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