Last Day in Florida

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The next morning, Emma woke up with Killian wrapped around her feeling content in her husband arms. "Morning."
"Morning, Love." They kiss.
"I am sad that this vacation is almost over."
"I too love. How about on our last night here. We can go out to dinner as a family."
"I would love that. Can we get seafood?"
"Aye, I love seafood."
"I think our son will be happy that we can have lobster one more time."
Killian chuckled. "Aye, the lad will be very happy. We can also cook lobster at home."
"Yes, we have to learn how to cook them."
"We will love."
Emma did not see Hope in her crib."Where is Hope?" she was looking for her daughter. She went to Henry's room, Henry was still asleep. She went to Allison's room and she and daughter were not there. Emma goes to the living room seeing Hope doing tummy time with her auntie while Allison was lying on the floor. "Hope, you are getting stronger. Yes, you are my little niece." Emma took a picture of Allison and Hope together.
"Hope, are you having fun with your auntie?" Hope smiles.
"Emma, Hope is getting stronger and her head is holding up longer too." Emma sits next to them on the ground.
"Hope, did you wake up your auntie this morning?"
"Emma, you and Killian were passed out. I knew you two went to bed later than I did. I check on Hope and she was awake. She and I have been playing in here for about two hours. We talked, read and do some tummy time. Right Hope? You are having fun with me?" Hope coos. "Yes, I love you so much Hope, my little god niece."
"Allison, what time do you want to go to the beach today?"
"I was thinking in the afternoon. We can have a relaxing morning. I can do Hope's nails."
"I know Hope will love that." Hope begins to cry. Allison hands over Hope to her Mommy. "Hope, are you okay baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy got you." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy has you, sweetie." She rubs her head to calm her down. Hope snuggled to her Mommy and did not want to let go.
"Emma, Hope wanted her Mommy."
"Yes, Hope certainly does. Sometimes, I do not know if I am holding her too much or not enough. Or...spoiling her."
"Emma, Hope loves you. She is attached to you the most. She knows that you are there for her. She just wanted you that is all."
"I am always going to be there for her. I just want to raise Hope normal."
"You are doing that Emma, out of all the parents I see from work they either have nannies with the kids, ignore them, spoil them and give them no love. You are doing great with Hope and Henry. Hope loves you."
'Sometimes, I feel like I do not know what she wants and I do not want to make mistakes."
"Emma, Hope is a very happy baby, who knows that she loved by all of us."
"I do not want Hope to be a spoiled brat."
"Emma, I have patients in the past spoiled their children to the point that they do not know how to be independent as adults. I know you and Killian are going to raise Hope to be a very independent strong girl. If you need help, like parenting tips, you can always call me."
"Thank you, Allison. For being here, when I need someone to talk to besides Killian."
"Hey, that is what best friends are for."
"Yes, we help each other. Hope whenever you need help you can talk to Mommy, Daddy, Henry or Auntie Allison for advice. You can count on your family." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope reached out her hand to her auntie and Allison let Hope hold her finger and kissed Hope's hand. "Hope definitely understands our conversation."
"Yes, she does, Emma. You have a very smart 2-month-old daughter."
Emma smiles. "Well, I did talk to her a lot when she was in the womb also Henry and Killian too. We all did because all loved her so much then and now." Henry comes downstairs.
"Morning, Mom, Aunt Allison, and Hope. Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and Hope began to wail. He gives her back to their Mom. "Hope, Henry wanted to see you, sweetie. Sorry, Henry Hope is attached more than usual this morning."
"It is okay, Mom." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope. I know you want mommy."
Mom, she must miss you a lot yesterday." He gives Hope his finger. "Hope, you can be with Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head.
"I think you are right kid."
"She had fun with me but she missed you, Mom."
"Hope is going to have girl time this morning before the beach. Oh, kid. We are going to the lobster shack again for our last night dinner here."
"Mom, do we have to go back to Maine."
"Yes, Henry. Your Dad and aunt Allison need to go back to work."
"Yes, I understand."
"Henry, we are still going to have a lot of fun as a family. Hope I know will have so much fun with you playing with her in our backyard or when you babysit her."
"I know. I am looking forward to that...Mom.." Henry looked sad.
"Henry?" He started to cry. Emma looks at Allison."Allison?"
She sits next to them and gets Hope from her. "I got Hope." Allison takes Hope from her and sat next to Emma as Henry was being hugged by his Mom. "Hope, Mommy is comforting Henry who is sad. We are sitting right next to them. You are not too far away from your Mommy."
"Henry, what is wrong?"
"" He hugs her tight. "You are my family."
"I am your mom I am your family Henry always will be. What is the matter?"
" I do not want to go back to face my other mom...I want you only..." Emma and Allison both looked at each other with matching concerned looks. "Henry, what do you mean face her?"
"Mom...all of the things I said to her on facetime was true....I do not want her to be mad at me or let her use her dark magic with Hope...I just want you and everyone in our family is my family is that a bad thing?"
"Henry, your Dad, Hope, Aunt Allison and I are all of your family. We love you for who you are, and no matter what you know that." She puts her hands on his face. " You are my smart, caring son. I will never be disappointed in you."
"You are my mom. I know that I can never disappoint you. My other Mom that is different...I am always afraid of disappointing her or when you helped me defeat the curse that was different. I know you were there for me when I needed you when my other Mom was evil. You are my real Mom. I expressed my feelings to I do not want to be mad at me."
"Henry are you nervous to go home?"
"Yes. I do not want her to hurt our family."
"Henry, your other mom is not going to be mad at you. She is not going to hurt our family. I promise you that."
"How do you know?"
"Henry, look at me." He looks at his Mom. "I am your Mom. I will talk to Regina and I will tell her that you were only venting your feelings, so she won't be mad at you and at all of us. Okay?"
"But...what if she is mad?"
"Henry, if she is mad. We will work out like we always do. I promise."
Henry hugs his Mom tightly. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too Henry. I always will. " She kisses Henry on the head and rubs his back and let him relax a little bit to make him know that he is alright with her. She looks at Allison with Hope. "How is she?"
"Hope is happy and loves to snuggle."
"Henry, you want to stay with Aunt Allison and Hope? While I call Regina."
"Henry, Hope wants her big brother."
"Yes, Hope wants to cheer you up."
Henry smiles. "Of course, I want my baby sister. Hope, come to Henry little sis." Allison hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hope, I know you are going to make Henry, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope snuggled onto Henry and Henry gave Hope a lot of kisses. "Hope, you know that I was upset?" Hope cooed. "Yes, you are in my arms and making me very happy little sis." Hope gripped her brother. "Yes, I love you so much, Hope."
"Emma, they will be fine with me."
"I know. I just got to talk to Regina. I do not want Henry to be afraid when we return to Maine."
"Emma, he has you to be there for him."
"I know. I got to make a phone call." Emma goes upstairs to her room and took a deep breath. "Swan? Is everything okay? I heard Henry crying."
"He is afraid to go home tomorrow to face Regina and her to hurt all of us."
"Swan, is that why he is afraid?"
"Yes, I have to tell Regina that he was only venting his feelings. Either way, I know Henry will be living with us."
"Love, I know. Henry loves living with us."
"Yes, he loves us and cared for our safety in his Mom's dark magic."
"Do you want me to stay here while you are on the phone with her?"
"Yes, you can stay. Henry and Hope are with Allison. Hope is making her brother happy." Emma sat on her bed to facetime Regina, while Killian sat on a chair nearby.
"You can do it, love."
Regina answered Emma's facetime call. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Emma."
"Are you mad about your last facetime call with Henry?"
"Was he mad at me?"
"Regina, he was only venting out how he was feeling out. He learned that from me and Killian, for always expressing his feelings. He has been keeping those feelings in for years. Are you mad at him for expressing his feelings to you?"
"Yes, a little but mostly upset because I caused him all of his pain. I want to make it up to him."
"He is afraid to come home now because he vented out his feelings to you and afraid that your mad at him and us and won't get revenge."
"Emma, I am not at you or the rest of your family. I am just mad at myself for letting Henry growing up alone. I know Henry will forgive me eventually."
"Henry will forgive you slowly."
"I know. How is your vacation?"
"It has been so much fun. Henry has been having so much fun on this vacation."
"I have a feeling he is having fun. Can you please tell Henry when he is ready to see to come to visit my office. I know he is more at home when he is living with you."
"I will tell him that you are not mad at him. I know he will visit you." They hung up. "That is a huge relieve. Killian, do you think she is not mad?"
"Aye, I do not think so." They hear Hope crying.
Henry brought crying Hope to their parents' room. "Mom, Hope wants you." He gives his sister to their Mom. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry sits next to his Mom on the bed.
"Mom, did you speak to my other Mom?"
"Yes, I did. She is not mad at you. She mostly mad at herself for isolating you. She wants to make it up to you."
"She can't."
"Henry, she wants to try."
"I will visit her. As long as she does not get revenge or mad at me or hurt anyone in my family."
"Henry, she loves you."
"I know. It is a different mom like you with me. I love you different than her. You are my Mom."
"I know, Henry. I am your Mom."
"Yes, you are. Hope, do we have to best Mommy little sis?" He kisses Hope on the cheek and makes her smile. "See, Mom. Hope agrees with me."
"I do have the best two kids."She hugs Henry and Henry hugs them. She kisses Henry and Hope both on the heads.
"Mom even if I visit my other mom...I want to spend time with you."
"Henry, you are living with me all the time now. I know you and I are doing a lot of stuff together." Hope makes a loud sound.
"Little Sis. You have our Mommy the best Mommy. Yes, we have the best Mommy little sis." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Henry, you are with us all the time. I know that we are going to do a lot of one on one time."
"Aye lad. Your Mom is right. Hope and I will have a lot of daddy and daughter time too."
" Dad, can we go to the arcade?"
"Aye, lad we can. After breakfast."
"Yes. Mom, can I read Hope a story before breakfast?"
"Sure, you. can. I know Hope loves storytime with you, kid." Henry went to get his storybook. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" She kisses Hope on the head and feeds her.
"Love are you okay?"
"Yes, I just want to spend time with both of my kids together. I know Henry needs to see Regina but I am still worried you know."
"I know, love. Remember he is living with us and we are giving him the life he wants."
"I know. Beach this afternoon?"
"Aye, after the arcade with Henry. I know he and I will talk a lot. Later, I will spend time with our little lass in the ocean."
"I know both of our children will love their time with their Daddy."
"Aye, they love their time with their Mommy to love." They kiss. "I am going to go make some breakfast and start cleaning up the kitchen."
"I know, we have a lot to clean up tonight."
"We will work together." Killian heads downstairs.
Henry enters the bedroom with his book. "Mom, should I wait until Hope is done eating?"
"Yes, so Hope will have your full attention." After Hope was fed and burped, "Now, she is ready for story time. Hope, Henry is going to read you a story."
"Mom, can you stay?"
"I love spending with the both of you. Of course, I will stay."
"Hope, you want to be with me, little sis?" He takes Hope from their Mom, who began to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is right next to me. Look, Hope, I got my storybook."
"Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie. Henry wants to read to you." Henry adjusted his storybook in front of him and holding his sister on his lap letting Hope sit up. "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Snow White....." As Henry was reading Emma smiled at her two children while she watched Henry interacting with his little sister showing which character was back home in Maine. She knew Hope was listening to Henry. She loves their close bond relationship even though they had a big age gap. After Henry read the story of their grandparents, Hope was sleeping on him and he kissed her on the top of her head. "I love you, Hope."
"Henry, Hope loved storytime with you."
Henry smiled."I know. I know that she is really listening to me."
"Yes, Hope loves her big brother." She sets his storybook aside. Henry puts Hope on his chest as he laid down on the bed next to his Mom. Henry and Emma fell asleep next to each other. An hour later, Killian checked up on his family in their room, seeing Emma sleeping next to Henry and Hope was sleeping on top of her brother. He takes a picture of his family sleeping together. "Lad...Henry."
"Hi, Dad.".
"Do you want to go to the arcade?"
"Yes! I need to get ready."
Killian takes sleeping Hope from him. He goes to his room to get changed. Hope woke up crying knowing she as not with Henry. "Little love, you are with Daddy." He bounced her around and kissed her on the head.
"Hi, love."
"Where is Henry?"
"He went to get ready. Hope is upset because Henry gave her to me."
"Aww, Hope, you want your big brother? Hope, you are going to have fun with me and Auntie Allison." She talks to her husband. "She needs to be changed."
"Little love, daddy loves you even though you want your big brother." He kisses Hope on the head and gives her to his wife.
"Hope, do you need to change?" Emma changed Hope's diaper. "Yes, I was right. You need a change." She talks to her husband. "What else are you going to do with Henry?" She lifts her daughter up and let her snuggle on her chest.
"I was thinking to take him to the arcade if he needs to talk about anything I will listen."
"I am just hoping he is going to be okay when we go back home tomorrow."
"Love, he has us to be there for him and Allison and his little sister."
"Yes, you are right." He wrapped his arm around his wife and daughter. He kisses Emma on the head. "He is going to be okay right?"
"Yes, he is love. He gets his bravery from you."
"Yes, he does. He defeated a few curses himself so I am pretty sure that he can overcome his fear of seeing his Mom. I know he is afraid because he told her how he felt which he never did before well until he moved in with us."
"Aye love. If he tells me something that you need to know, I will tell you."
"I know. He trusts you, me, Hope and Allison." She kisses Hope on the head "Hope, let's go find your auntie." Emma carried Hope to the kitchen seeing Allison cleaning up.
"Allison, you should not be cleaning."
"I want to help. How is Henry?"
"Henry did storytime with Hope, which Hope loved."
"Hope, did you have fun with Henry?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you did. You have the best big brother."
"Do you want to paint Hope's nails?"
Henry comes downstairs. "Mom, Dad and I are going to the arcade."
"Kid, have fun."
"I know I will. I am going to teach Dad all of the games."
"Aye, lad. I know we will have fun."
"Hope, Henry will see you later sis." Hope began to cry. He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, Daddy and I are going to play games. I know you are too small for. How about this? When I play the games, I will get you a plush toy? Would you like that?" Hope cried louder. "No. Hope. I love you little sis." He kissed crying Hope.
"Henry give me your sister."
"Mom Hope is upset."
"I know Henry. Allison and I are going to paint Hope's nails. Go with your Dad and have fun." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry."
He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, be a good girl for Mommy and Auntie Allison. Daddy and I will play with you in the ocean later."
"Love, are you sure you got Hope?"
"Yes, Hope will calm down, eventually. I knew she gave you both a hard time yesterday. She needs girl time."
"Aye love. I know Hope will be happy with you." They kiss. "We will see you at the beach." The boys left.
"Hope, it is okay sweetie. You are with Mommy. Shh...shh..." She bounced and rubbed Hope's back.
"Emma, let me try." Allison takes crying Hope from Emma. "Hi, Hope...what is the matter, sweetie? I know you miss Henry. He will come back later. For now, you, Mommy and I are going to have fun. I can paint your fingers and your toenails with pink nail polish that I got just for you." She bounced Hope around and patted her back and walked around the living room with her goddaughter until Hope stopped crying. Allison kissed Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope."
Allison hands over back her god niece to her Mommy. "Allison, thank you. She loves you."
"I love my little god niece. Emma, she loves you, Henry and her Daddy."
"I know she loves all of us. Just at times when she cries like that...I do not know how to calm her down."
"Emma, we all need help. You are not alone. Crying babies can be very frustrating and it feels like it never ends but we love them no matter what. You were the one who calmed her down when she was terrified seeing you know who at the grocery store."
"Yes, you are right. Hope loves me." Hope gripped her Mommy's hair. "Hope you want long hair like Mommy? You want to be like Mommy?" Hope smiled and Emma gave her daughter kisses on the head. "Allison, I think Hope is ready for her mani and pedicure."
"Great, I will get started." Emma set Hope sitting up on her lap and Allison painted Hope's feet first. When Allison painted her fingers Hope kept cooing which made both Emma and Allison smile.
"Hope, you like Auntie Allison painting you fingers, sweetie?" Hope made a loud sound.
"Sounds like a manicure is making Hope very happy."
"Yes, she takes after her Mommy on that." They both laughed. Hope fell asleep as her nails were drying. "Hope, you are Mommy's little princess. A little royal with her nails painted." Allison and Emma took pictures of Hope with a manicure and pedicure.
"Emma, she is definitely a little royal."
"Yes, I have to text this picture to my Dad later."
"She is so cute."
"Yes, Hope is my little cutie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, do you want to take a walk into town?"
"Sure, we can." After Hope's nails were dry, Emma dressed Hope into a white romper covered sunflower and matching bow. "Hope, your outfit is so cute with your pretty painted nails." She takes a picture of Hope lying down on her bed in the romper outfit. Emma got dressed in a long maxi dress and did her hair in a dutch braid. Allison entered the room in a summer dress to walk around town in. "Emma, are you almost ready?"
"Yes, I am."
"Emma, I love the dress and hairstyle. Can you do my hair?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, I can. What type of braid?"
"I like your dutch braid."
"Sure, I can do your hair into a dutch braid."
Allison saw Hope playing with her Pluto and saw Hope's outfit. "Aww, Emma. I love Hope's outfit."
"I know, it is so cute on her!"
"Yes, it does!"
"I have a romper for her to wear on the plane home tomorrow that I got at Primark." Allison sat on the bed with Hope next to her. "Come here, little niece." She placed Hope on her lap, in a sitting position. "You look so cute in your romper with your matching bow. Your mommy got you a great outfit." Allison watched Hope was playing with her Pluto doll as Emma was braiding her hair. "Hope, your mommy is really good with braids. I know that when you are older she is going to make your hair look pretty all the time." Hope smiled and made a loud sound. "Emma, I think she knows that you will do her hair in braids all the time."
Emma laughed. "Yes, Hope is starting to tug my hair. She knows when her hair gets longer, I will be braiding her hair a lot."
Allison laughed. "Hope, you want your Mommy to braid your hair?" Hope smiled and Allison kissed Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, when your hair is longer I am going to braid your hair all the time sweetie." Emma braided Allison's hair. "I am done."
Allison looked at her hairstyle in the mirror. "Wow, Emma. You are amazing with braids."
"Thank you, Allison." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is to get your diaper bag and we are going to for a walk." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma packed Hope's diaper bag and put on Hope's carrier.
"Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." Allison placed Hope in the carrier and strapped her in. "Hope, you are with Mommy, little niece." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Allison walked into town, seeing small shops like candy shops, ice cream shops, toys store, a few local restaurants. "I think the town here is quieter than Maine?"
Emma just laughed. "It is still early, Allison. It is only 9:00 in the morning." They both laughed. "Trust me, before you moved to Maine and years beforeHope came along the town was always in a curse by a villain caused it."
"I know from Henry and his storybook about you being the savior."
Emma laughed. "I am the savior but have not done anything for the town in a while, besides the fire investigation in the high school and putting my son's bullies in jail as their suspension."
"That is being a savior."
"Not really, that is a job as a sheriff and being a mom."
"You mean mama bear mode?"
Emma laughed. "Kind of, I was mama bear mode at the principal office threatening the principal to do something or I will, I did put those bullies in jail for two days. I only go mama bear mode when one of my children or both being hurt or in danger." She hugs Hope who was in her carrier asleep. "I did not have anyone growing up to lean on. I have them to be there for whenever they need me. I do not want them to experience what I went through. I promised myself that a long time ago."
"Emma, you are there for them. You are supporting Henry when he was afraid this morning, you were there for Hope so many times already. I know yesterday when you were mama bear mode on the way home from Walmart to get back to Hope."
"I have done mama bear mode many times. Especially custody issues for Henry when Regina and I were enemies..let's just say we are on better terms now...I am concerned about Henry now. When we get home tomorrow."
"Emma, he has you and Killian to be there for him. I know that you will do anything to make him feel safe. I am here for you both too to help Henry."
"Thank you, Allison. Henry trusts you too, he opens up to you."
"I know, I love my nephew and niece. Now let's do some shopping."
Emma smiled. "Yes!" They entered a store and browsed around. Allison bought souvenirs for her family and Emma bought souvenirs for her parents and her brother, also cute matching shirts for Henry and Hope.
Killian and Henry were at an inside arcade. "Lad, which game would you like to show me first?" Henry looked around the games with the bright lights. "I do not know. I have never been to an arcade before. I know from what Mom told me to bring a lot of quarters."
Killian put his hand on Henry's shoulder. "Henry, we are going to try so many games today together."
Henry smiles. "Dad let's get started." They tried out car racing games, shooting games, Pac man, donkey kong, and prize games. They were playing arcade games for two hours. "Dad, I tried to get a toy for Hope, I ran out of quarters, it looks easy."
"Lad, it is alright. We can go somewhere else to get Hope a toy."
"There are more games by the amusement park rides."
"You mean we can play some games to get Hope a prize and go on rides?"
Henry hugs his Dad. "Dad, you are the best." Henry drags Killian to the outdoor games. Killian sees a dart game to win big stuffed animal doll to pop balloons."Lad, I have a game that we can play to win your sister a prize."
"What game?"
"You do know that it is darts to pop balloons?"
"Aye, I can do that." Killian approached the dart game booth. "How much is it to play?"
"Three dollars a game. The goal is to pop three balloons to win a prize."
"Aye, I can do that." He hands over the exact cash to the worker. He gets three darts. He was able to pop three balloons.
"Dad you are really good!"
"Thanks, lad. I can do regular darts. I can pop balloons."
"Which prize do you want?"
Killian looked around seeing different stuffed animals. "Lad, which one would your sister like? You can choose."
"We cannot have the giant ones because we cannot travel with it on the airplane tomorrow." Henry looked at all the stuff animals. "Which one would Hope like?" He looked at different animals. "Dad, I know the one."
"Which one lad?"
"The medium size duck of course. Her nickname is duckling isn't it?"
"Aye, lad. It is. Your sister and Mom will love the surprise." He talks to the worker, "We will have the yellow duck." He hands over the duck plush to Killian. "Thank you." They continue their walk around the pier."
"Dad, Hope is going to love it." He takes a picture of his Dad carrying the plush duck."
"What do you want to do next son?"
"Can we go on the frisbee ride?"
Killian felt sick already. "Sure, lad." They bought tickets for the ride and went on right away since the pier was not crowded in the morning.
The ride went on and Henry was having so much fun. "This is awesome!" After the ride was over. "Dad, can we on a rollercoaster?"
"Aye, I am only going on one roller coaster that is it." Killian and Henry went on all five rollercoaster rides. "I cannot believe I went on all of the rollercoasters."
"Dad, this is so much fun! Thank you for taking me." He hugs his Dad.
Killian smiled. "Henry, you are my son. I want to spend time with you."
"I want to spend time with you too. I want to spend time with all of my family. Can we go to the beach?"
"Aye, lad. We can. It is getting really hot now." They slowly walk back to their beach house.
"Dad, I need your advice on something."
Killian looked at his son face to face."Yes, lad?"
"Do I have to see my other Mom? I like how our family is."
"I know Henry. You have to see her once in a while."
"I...still all of the feelings I told her was true."
"Henry, I know that they are the truth son. The truth hurts it may not be easy it is better than hiding your feelings in. Lad, you cannot keep your feelings in."
"Yes, I hiding the feelings in for so long like the feelings for Rowand but much longer. I just want to spend my summer with my family where I can be me is that bad?"
"Lad, it is your decision. When you are ready to visit Regina, your Mom and I will support you." Henry hugs him very tightly. "I love you Dad."
"I love you too, Henry." After their hug. "Let's bring your sister's surprise to her."
"Yes, Hope will love it." They walked back to their house, seeing Emma and Allison cleaning up the house.
"Mom, Mom! We got Hope something." Killian brought in the medium size plush doll.
Emma and Allison eyes popped open and were in awe.
"Killian, Henry Hope is going to love her duck doll."
"Mom, Dad won it in the dart balloon game on the pier. After we went on the frisbee ride and all of the roller coasters. Dad, Can I bring it to Hope? Please. I want to give it to her."
"Aye, lad. You can." He hands over the duck doll to his son and Henry runs upstairs to find his little sister. Emma smiled as she saw her son excitedly went upstairs to give his gift to his baby sister. "Killian, how are you? I know amusement park rides are not the same as your Jolly Roger."
"Love, I got a little nauseous from the rides. Other than that I am fine. Just making the lad happy made me happy."
"How was he?
"Henry, we had a lot of fun trying the arcade games and then we went to the pier to go on rides and I won the game of darts to get Hope her prize. Henry chose the duck for her. He and I talked about Regina. He is going to decide when to see her, he is not ready yet."
"We will support him when he is ready. I do not want to push him."
"Aye, I told him that we will support him whenever he is ready to visit her."
"That what we will do." They kiss. The adult began to clean up more so they can enjoy the rest of their day at the beach and lobster dinner on their last night in Florida.
Henry went upstairs to find his baby sister sleeping in her crib. He puts the duck plush onto their parents' bed and quietly took Hope out of her crib and held her in his arms and sat in the rocking chair. He waited for her to wake up and he gave her kisses on the head and told her that he loves her so much. An hour later, Hope woke in Henry's arms happily seeing her big brother and she smiled. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Mommy and Auntie Allison?" He kissed Hope on the head. "I see your fingers and your toes are painted. Did Auntie Allison painted your nails?" Hope smiled. "Yes, your nails look very pretty little sis. While I was out with Daddy. I got you something." Henry shows his baby sister the duck doll. "Hope, Daddy and I got you a duck doll. Do you like it?" Hope grabbed the duck's wing and it fell on her which made her cry. "Hope, you are not hurt. You are okay little sis." He takes Hope in the hallway. "Mom!" Emma rushes upstairs.
"Henry, what is wrong with Hope?"
"Hope grabbed the duck doll's wing and it fell on her now she is afraid the doll."
"Awe, Hope." Henry gives his sister to his Mom. "Hope, Daddy and Henry got the doll just for you." She bounced and kissed Hope on the head. "Henry, I am pretty sure Hope likes it. She is a little afraid for now. Kid, we are going to the beach."
"Yes! Hope we are going to the beach little sis." Henry gets ready. Emma gets Hope ready and herself ready.
"Hope, are you ready to get wet in the ocean?" Hope coos. "Yes, Mommy and Daddy are going to swim with you in the water." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love you baby girl." Hope smiles. Emma holds Hope in her arms and went to check on Henry. He heard him talking.
"Mom, I was only venting my feelings."
"Henry, I am not mad."
"I love you. I am not ready to visit just yet."
"Henry. I am not going to hurt you, your Mom, your sister or your Dad."
"I do not want them to get hurt. Are you mad that I am not visiting you? Please tell me honestly how you are feeling."
"Henry, I am sorry for all of the things I have done, especially for isolating you as a child. I want to make it up to you."
"I am not sure Henry. I am not mad at you. I love you, Henry. If you want to you can visit me at the office. I really miss you, Henry."
"I will visit you when I am ready. Just do not harm my family with your magic."
"I will not Henry."
"I have to go, we are going to the beach."
"Have fun, Henry."
"Thanks, Mom." They end their facetime call. Henry got his stuff for the beach and sees his Mom and Hope by his door. "Mom?"
"Henry, are you okay? I overheard some of your conversation with Regina."
"She called me and I answered. I have mix feelings about everything with her. I want to stay in touch with her. I am still not ready yet to visit her."
"We will support you when you are ready."
"I know. How was your girls morning?"
"Allison painted Hope's nails and we went shopping."
"What did you get?"
"I did get you and Hope something." Emma hands over a bag to her son.
Henry opens the bag, a t-shirt with Florida written over it with a beach and sun on it. He looks into the bag and finds a matching onesie. Henry smiled big."Mom, No way. You got Hope and I matching shirts?"
"Yes, I did Henry."
"Mom, can Hope and I wear it tonight at dinner so we can match?"
"Yes, you can."
"Hope, we are going to wear matching clothes tonight." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope grabbed her brother's hair. "Hope!"
"Hope, let go of your brother's hair sweetie, you are hurting him."
"Mom, I was only teasing her."
They walk downstairs together. "Aunt Allison, you did a great job on Hope's nails."
"Thank you, Henry. Did Hope like the duck doll?"
"She got afraid. I am hoping she will like it."
"Henry, I know she will love it coming from you and her Daddy." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, you want to go to the ocean little sis?" He kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Aye lad, Hope wants to go in the ocean."
"She sure takes after you."
"Aye, she certainly does." They all went to the beach together and set up their spot. "Love, I can bring Hope into the ocean. You can relax."
"Sure." She kisses him on the cheek. "Hope, have fun with Daddy." She hands over her daughter to her husband. Emma and Allison did suntan while Henry took pictures of his Mom and aunt, his Dad and sister enjoying the last day on the beach together. After a little while, Killian returned with crying Hope. "Love, Hope needs a break from the sun." He smiles. "Our little love did not want to leave the ocean."
Emma smiled. "Awe, Hope you did not want to leave the water." She takes her daughter from her husband. "Hope, I will bring you in the ocean very soon, sweetie. You need a break from the sun." She sits down in the shade with her little girl.
"Lad, do you want to go swimming?"
"Emma, I can watch Hope. You can swim."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I can spend time with my little niece."
"Thank you." She hands over Hope to Allison and joined Killian and Henry body surfing with her boys.
Allison had Hope wrapped in a towel and snuggled with her little niece. "Hope, are you cozy and warm now?" Hope cooed. "Yes, you need to be warm. You cannot be in the sun too long. You do not want to get sunburn sweetie. When my children were your age, they love snuggling me. Now they do not hug me too much. Now I have you to snuggle with." Allison kissed Hope on the head and Hope happily cooed which made Allison smile. Hope took a nap on her auntie. Allison watched Emma and Killian hug each other and kiss in the water as Henry was body surfing nearby them avoiding them being lovey-dovey. Allison took pictures of them on her iPhone, letting her family friends enjoy their time on the beach, while she was happy being with her god niece, soaking up time with niece, who she is going to miss not seeing every day. She knows that she will be seeing Emma, Hope and the boys all the time in each other houses, or when she babysits Hope or when she and Emma meet up in town or each other houses, it won't be the same as now her time with the Swan-Jones family. She feels like she is one of them and they love her. She is going to spend her time with the whole family on their last night together on this trip. After a long time, Emma returns to their spot. "Allison, how is Hope?"
"She is loving her snuggling time on me and taking a nice long nap." Allison got sad.
"Allison, what is wrong?"
"I am going to miss seeing you, Hope, Henry and Killian all the time. You treat me like I am in your family."
"Allison, you are part of our family. You are on our family vacation, after all. I have been thinking the same too, we are going to miss you. We all are going to miss you but I know that we are going to see each other all the time. You are my sister after all."
Allison smiled. "Yes, I am your sister."
"Yes, you are much of a sister to me since my little brother who is almost 30 years younger than me. I know we are going to get together a lot.
"Yes! We can go on shopping trips."
"Yes, we can meet up after work or before work in town or at each other homes. I know Hope is going to miss seeing her auntie."
"Yes, I will drop by unannounced to see you all."
"Well, you do have the keys to our house and we do trust you."
"Yes, Henry told me that you gave your Mom keys and took them away from her. Why?"
Emma began to laugh. "Well, after the underworld, Killian got resurrected by Zeus for helping us defeat Hades. Killian and I were living together. I was making pancakes and we made more than just pancakes in our kitchen if you know what I mean."
"Wait you mean..."
"We were starting just by making out...but my Mom barged in with wedding planning We lost our appetite."
Allison began to laugh. "That is why you took the keys away from your Mom."
"Yes, for our privacy sake. I know you are not like my Mom and her noisy habit."
"Don't worry, Emma. I won't interrupt anything." They both laughed. Hope began to cry. "Hope, your Mommy is back from the beach."
"She is probably hungry. Let me get ready to feed her." Emma prepped to feed Hope, and Hope latched on and ate from her. "After you eat, we are going to go in the ocean." She kissed Hope on the head. Henry returns to their spot with Killian.
"Aunt Allison, can we build a sandcastle a big one?"
Allison smiled. "Yes, we can Henry." Henry and Allison go to distance to build their sandcastle. Killian sat next to his wife and daughter. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes, I am. I am going to miss this."
"I too love."
"I want to come back to next year."
"Aye, so do I. I know our little Hope is going to want o come back next year."
"Yes, Hope will be walking next year. We will have to make sure she does not go by herself to the deep end." They both laughed. "Aye, I cannot wait to see that."
"Me too. You and Hope in the ocean together."
"Aye, you and Hope together with your matching dresses and Hope following you."
"Are you talking about next year or the near future?"
"Aye, maybe a little bit of both." Emma smiled and kissed her husband.
"I love our family."
"Aye me too love. I love the way it is. You, I, Hope, Henry, and Allison."
"Yes. I love our family just the way it is. Allison is going to miss seeing all of us every day."
"You don't say, love."
"Yes, she is really part of our family."
"Aye, she is love. That why she is on our family vacation with us."
"Yes, that what I told her. I know that Allison is going to be coming over to see us, we are going to shop and talk."
"Aye, you and your girl talk. I never seen you so opened up to somebody besides, me, Henry and Hope."
"Yes, she is one of us." Hope was full. Emma burped her daughter. "Hope, you want to go in the ocean with mommy and daddy?" Hope cooed happily. "Killian, you want to swim with us?'
"Aye, I would love to swim with my two loves." They kiss and walk to the ocean and sat by the waves coming onto shore talking, watching their daughter Hope enjoy the water. They took turns holding Hope and giving her kisses. Henry took picture of his family enjoying the ocean. After Henry and Allison finished their sandcastle, Henry joined the rest of the family getting wet with his baby sister. Allison took a picture of her family by the shore. Emma and Killian took turn bringing in and out Hope from the ocean because she could not the in the sun too long. Allison, Henry, and Emma swam together when Killian was with Hope. When Hope was in the shade Hope enjoyed storytime with her big brother. When the sunset, they prepped to leave. Hope was crying because she did not want to leave the ocean. "Killian, Hope is definitely a little pirate."
"Come here, little love." Emma hands over their daughter to him. "Hope and I will meet you back at the house."
Emma smiles. "Hope, be a good girl to Daddy." She kisses Hope on the cheek. She puts a towel over Killian's shoulder for them to keep warm after the ocean."Killian, she is going to need a bubble bath when you bring her back."
"Aye, I know love. I will bring our little lass wrapped up in the towel. She and I need some daddy-daughter time."
"I know. She needs her time with her Daddy." They kiss. Killian carried Hope to the ocean, Emma looks back at the husband and daughter, thinking, "I have an amazing husband who is a caring and adoring Daddy." Henry took pictures of their Dad and Hope one on one time before leaving the beach with his mom and aunt.
"Emma, let me guess, Killian's one on one time with Hope?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, you got that right. My two pirates."
"Mom, Hope is a pirate and a princess."
"Yes, she is Henry."
"The baby pool will make her happy?"
"Yes, it will. She is going to love swimming in the pool with you."
"Yes, I know. I love making Hope happy, she makes me happy."
"Yes, she makes us all happy." They watched Killian with Hope by the water for a few minutes before heading back to their beach house. She hugs her son and they walked back together. When they arrived back they cleaned up their beach supplies. Emma and Henry talked in his room.
Killian puts their towels on the sand far away from them so they do not get wet. Killian sat on the wet sand with his daughter who loves getting wet. He held Hope in a sitting position watching her kick her legs and splashed the water with her hands. He smiles at his daughter. He loves how much Hope takes after him, with the ocean in her royal blood, his little pirate. He held Hope in his arms and she looked at him with her matching blue eyes. "Daddy knows you love the ocean like me. You love to get wet, being by the ocean, and the ocean breeze. I did not expect ever to have a family. I did not expect to have a little lass who loves the ocean like me and who also is a little royal. I love your mommy, Henry, auntie Allison, and you Hope. You are my little love. You are ever will be my little pirate." Hope smiled and cooed and reached to her daddy and touched his chest. "Aye, I love you too Hope. You are my little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. "When we get back home, we are going to have a lot of sailing adventures on our ship the Jolly Roger. Would you like that have fun on Daddy's ship?" Hope smiles. "Aye, you are Daddy's little pirate." He kisses Hope on the tummy which made her smile more and moved around in his arms. "Aye, you love your time with Daddy." He watched Hope enjoy the ocean getting wet and he himself enjoyed the ocean air until Hope fell asleep in his arm tuckered out from her ocean fun with her Daddy. He let Hope snuggle on him got their towels and wrapped Hope in hers and covered himself with his. He slowly walked back enjoying his one on one time with his little lass who was sound asleep from their ocean fun who was safe and cozy in his arms, knowing he was loved by him and everyone else in their family. He could not think of what his life get better than this, being with his family, his daughter loving the ocean as he does, his little pirate. Emma saw her two pirates from the distance and took a picture of her two pirates and so grateful for her amazing husband and adoring Daddy who was loving his time with their baby girl. Killian knew they were getting close to their beach house. "Hope, Daddy loves you, little love. I will always will love you and be there for you and love our one on one time together little lass." He sees Emma at the door. "Hi, love."
"Hi. How are my two pirates?"
"We had fun. Our little pirate had so much fun she is sound asleep."
"You look like you had fun."
"Aye, love I did. I love my one on one time with our little lass."
"I know Hope had fun with you her loving caring Daddy."
"Aye. I know Hope loves her caring loving Mommy."
"Yes, she does."
"Aye, she loves the both of us."
"Yes, Hope loves all of us.." They both smile and have a passionate kiss and hug not squishing their little girl who was sound asleep smiling who knows she is in between of her loving parents.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now