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The new prison could not come any sooner, more of Zelena's underground league of villains who were attacking the heroes. They all escaped from prison and attacked the heroes. It was getting more dangerous to the point of the schools were getting closed because parents were afraid of their children will get hurt by Zelena's army. Rumpelstiltskin and Regina were working with the fairies to get the prison built faster as Emma and the rest of her squad including Snow White, Red, Ashley, Dorothy and Granny were protecting the town. Emma and Killian got a call from Charming that there were more attacks in the town. "Mom, I can fight.""Yes, I know, kid. We do not want you or Hope to get hurt.""Mom, Hope has light magic that she can use and I have my sword to protect me.""Yes, I know you can fight. Your sister is only 16 months old she is too young to fight and I do not want her to fight, she should not have to fight. I want you and Hope to have normal lives." Henry was mad, which Emma knows. She puts her hand on her son's shoulder. "Henry, I want you to watch Hope because I know you can fight. If any villain tries to enter our house, I know you will protect your sister."Henry smiles. "Mom, no one is going to hurt Hope and I. I will always protect Hope.""That is my son." They hug. "Mom, my other Mom also put a protection spell on the house.""That is why I know you and Hope will be safe here. Her dark magic and my light magic are protecting the house." Emma gets a phone call from Allison. "Allison.""Emma, villains are attacking my house.""Allison, take your family to the basement and hide. Killian and I are on the way. Do not leave the basement until we come to get you." They ended their conversation. "Killian! We need to leave. Allison's house is being attacked by villains." Killian rushes downstairs with his sword. "Love, let's go.""Mom, kick butt.""We will." Emma and Killian rush to the car and leave to Allison's house. Henry went to find Hope who was fast asleep in their parent's bed. He sits on the bed and placed his sister on him. "I am right here, Hope. I am going to protect you, it is my job as your big brother. We are safe at home little sis. Mommy and Daddy are stopping the bad villains from attacking the town." Killian drove his wife to Allison's house. Witches were attacking the house Killian and Emma knew what to do just looking at each other. Emma used her light magic to hurt the witches while Killian was at her side using his sword to stop villains hurting his wife. Lily arrived in time after Emma and Killian defeated the villains, she arrested the witches. "Emma, we need a bigger station.""Yes, I know. The prison is being built faster." "Love, are you alright?""Yes, another battle, wow.""We are a team, love." "Let's go see Allison and her family. They are not used to magic or villains as we are." Emma used her key to enter her best friend's house. "Allison? It is Emma and Killian." They searched the house finding Allison and her family in the basement, Lizzie was crying into Allison and Connor was hugging Ted. "Emma!" Allison rushes to her best friend, Emma hugs Allison and Lizzie. "Allison, Ted, the villains are gone. They are heading to the station in handcuffs as we speak." "Emma, you saved us. How much damage is our house is in?""There is minor damage. We will call the construction company to fix your house." "Auntie Emma, no one will hurt us?"Emma faces her niece."Lizzie, the bad villains are not going to hurt you. I am going to use my light magic to protect your house." Emma went out to the front of the house and used her light magic to cast a protection spell on Allison's house. "Allison, are you okay?""I am still a little shaken up by those villains.""You are safe now. Your house is protected. I want you and your family to stay in our house with us, so you all are safe." Allison and her family rushed to pack. "Killian...""I know love. You just want to protect your best friend and her family.""Yes, they do not know anything about magic. They will be safe with us.""Aye, they will." "This whole Zelena league of villains is just crazy...I thought we were done with fighting villains.""Love, we will stop this war soon together." He hugs his wife. "You and I are going to defeat this war together." They hug. Allison and her family returned downstairs with luggage packed each. "You all are riding with us." Killian helped Ted packed the trunk while Allison had Lizzie on her lap who was holding her Belle plush doll. Connor sat in between his parents. Emma drove her yellow bug to her house. "Mom?""Yes, Connor?""Where are we going?""We are going to stay in Aunt Emma's house for a while until this fight with witches is done. You and Henry can play video games." Connor smiles. "Mommy?""Yes, sweetie?""Are we going to be safe in Auntie Emma's house?""Yes, Lizzie. Auntie Emma's house is going to be safer for us to stay at her house. She has magic to protect her house. You can get to play with Hope." "Yes!"Emma and Killian held each other hands knowing they are protecting their extended family. Killian looks back two witches flying on broomsticks chasing the car. "Emma...We have witches coming at us.""Shit! Killian, take the wheel.""Aye." "Everyone stay calm. I will be right back." Emma climbed onto the roof, "Killian, keep driving." "Swan!" "I know what I am doing." Emma used her light magic to knock the witches off their brooms and knocked them into smithereens. One of the brooms hits Emma's arm. "Aah." "Swan." Killian stopped the car, he gets out of the car and carried his injured wife off the roof of the car. "A witch's broom hit my arm." "Love, let's get you home." He puts his wife in the passenger seat. They hear Lizzie and Connor's crying, both of them being comforted by their parents. Killian drives his wife and extended family home. Killian helped his wife inside, they hear Hope crying. Henry holds his sister, "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are home." He sees his mom injured. "Mom, are you okay?""A witches broom hit my arm while I was fighting them on top of my car while they were trying to attack us." Allison carried Lizzie in who stopped crying. "Hi, Aunt Allison.""Hi, Henry. Hi, Hope. Lizzie, we are with Henry and Hope." "Witches...are scary, Henry.""You are safe here, Lizzie. Do you want to watch a movie with me and Hope.""Yes." Allison set Lizzie down, "Hi, Hope." Hope reaches for her Mommy. "Lad, I can hold your sister." Killian takes Hope from his son. "Hope, Daddy, and Mommy are home. Mommy has a boo-boo. She will hold you soon." Ted and Connor bring in the luggage. "Hi, Connor.""Hi, Henry.""We can play video games later after we watch a movie. Lizzie you can choose the movie." Connor and Lizzie head into the living room. "Ted, our guest room is upstairs on the left." Ted brings the luggage upstairs. "Mom, let me guess witches attacked Aunt Allison's house?""Yes, they are going to be staying with us for a while.""Emma, let me check out your arm." Emma, Allison, and Killian holding Hope go into kitchen. Killian sat next to his wife, Hope was gripping her Mom's other hand. "You are keeping me company while Auntie checks my arm." Hope babbled. "Yes, baby girl. I was fighting bad guys today." "Mommy!""Aye, you are proud of your brave strong Mommy." Allison examines Emma's arm. "Emma you have a few deep cuts, nothing broken. You just need a few stitches which I can do here.""Mommy." "Mommy is okay, baby girl." Killian moved closer to his wife so Hope can hold her hand. "You just want Mommy to be protected, right?" Hope babbled. "You take after me, Hopey." Hope smiles. "Aye, she takes after her Mommy."He kisses Hope on the head. "Your Mommy stood on the yellow bug and fought the two witches while I drove the car." Hope babbled. "Aye, Mommy was being brave.""Em, I am impressed I got to see you do a crazy stunt and fight off witches with your light magic all in one day.""Allison, you have no idea what I can do when I fight especially to protect my loved ones." "I get to see my best friend in action." "Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hope is proud of you too.""Oh, yes. She knows what I can do. Now you got to see me in action.""Yes, my powerful best friend." They both smile. "After this war with the villains are over, I am going to babysit Hope. You and Killian need a date night.""Thank you, I know the emergency room is busy too.""Yes, it has been so hectic with all of the injuries from the victims of the villains." "Are you two still taking Henry to New York Comic Con?""Yes, we are. That is our vacation since we had to cancel the Florida trip.""You can use my former apartment.""Aye, we appreciate that, Allison.""You two protected my family from villains twice in one day and letting my family stay in your house. It is the least that I can do. I get to spend time with my little niece." "The new prison is almost finished up.""Already?""Aye, we have Regina and the crocodile working on the prison using their magic to make it built faster." "Dada.""Yes, little love? Are you happy Auntie is sleeping over at our house?" Hope babbled. "Yes, I cannot forget your cousins, Lizzie and Connor." Allison gave Emma stitches, while Emma was holding Killian's hand and being hugged by her daughter. Emma gets a phone call from Regina. "Hi, Regina.""Hi, Emma. Rumplestilskin and I are at the new prison. We need to talk.""Killian and I are on the way after I get stitches in my arm.""What happened?""We just fought a battle with more of your sister's league of villains at Allison's house and in my car. We will be there soon." They ended their conversation. "Duty calls, we have to go to the new prison.""Who called?""Regina and Gold.""I hate the crocodile.""I know but he is helping us with the prison and fighting the villains.""Emma, you need to rest your arm. You just got stitches.""Allison, I will make sure Emma doesn't use her arm. I will drive us to the crocodile and Regina." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are going to stay here with Auntie, Henry and play with your cousins." "Mommy...tay." "I will come back and we can snuggle." She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. "I have to protect the town, our home." Hope babbled. "You know me so well, baby girl." "Emma, I will watch Hope." She holds her niece. "Hopey, we can play together. When Mommy comes home we can have girl talk.""Hope, listen to Auntie and Henry." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek.They hug. "Thank you for coming.""It is part of my job as savior, sheriff, and your best friend.""I have you as my best friend." They hug. Henry enters the room, "How is your arm Mom?""I just needed a few stitches. Those witches won't hurt me." Henry hugs his Mom. "Watch your sister.""I will, Mom. I will keep Hope out of trouble."He wrapped his arm around his wife. "Aye, I will make sure your Mom won't hurt her arm even more. We are going to see your other Mom and crocodile on the prison.""The prison can't come any sooner.""We all agree on that, kid. The fighting will be over soon. Remember what I told you..."Henry smiles. "That I will protect Hope and the rest of our family if needed. Your magic and my other Mom's magic will not let any villains from entering in here." "Exactly, kid." "We will be back." Hope hugs her Mommy's leg crying."Hopey." She picks up her daughter and hugs her. "I need to keep everyone in this town safe. I promise you, Hope and Henry after this war are over, we are going to go to New York and have fun. We are going to meet voice characters and artist in New York. " "Mom, you mean?""Yes, the voices of Disney princesses will be at the comic con...I know Hope's favorite Disney princess will be there." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You get to meet the cartoon, Ariel." Hope stopped crying. "We can watch her on the television now." Henry gets Hope from their Mom"Mommy.""Mommy will be back soon, little sis. Mom, Hope will be with me and Aunt Allison." "Emma, they will be with me." They hug. Emma drove Killian to the new prison location. "Love...""I hate not having Hope at work. I hate leaving our daughter at home...she did not want me to leave...I know it is too dangerous for her to be working with us now...""We are going to end this fighting soon love. When it settles back to normal, Hope will be your little sheriff again."Emma smiles. "Just her seeing me fight that witch a few weeks ago...I just knew Hope needed to be at home...""That what your gut instincts told you?""Yes, my mother's intuition told me. I cannot wait until our vacation.""Aye, I know Henry and Hope will love New York Comic Con.""Yes, they both will. I got tickets already for Hope to meet the voice of Ariel.""Aye , Hope will love meeting the cartoon voice of Ariel. Henry will love meeting the artists of superhero movies.""Yes, after all of this is over, our family will be back to normal." Rumplestilskin and Regina were waiting for them. "Emma, how are Allison and her family?""They were shaken up because it was the first time they witness dark magic. They are staying over at our house until this fight with your sister and her league of villains are over.""They are one of the nonfairy tale characters in this town.""Exactly, they are not familiar with magic or villains taking over the town.""How is Henry?""He is home with Hope. He has been studying for PSAT with Killian and I. How is the prison progress?""It is almost done. Rumple and I are adding all of the magic needed to prevent all of the villains not to escape. We also are going to add the new magic in the other prison too.""Fighting every day is a battle with all of the villains.""Miss Swan, don't worry, Regina and I have a special location in the new prison for Zelena.""Good, she causing enough trouble in and out of prison. We are running out of cells in the station to keep all of the witches in and away from Zelena." "Don't worry, Emma. The new prison will be finished soon." "Good, we were attacked when we were bringing Allison and her family over to our house. Your sister is a nutjob.""Aye, yes, a former witch nutjob.""Emma, we can stop her. If she wants a fight we will give her a fight.""How about your knife, Gold. Can you use that to stop her?""Yes, that is my plan. I am tired of her villains hurting everyone in town. I will be on your side, Miss Swan. I hate Zelena destroying the town, keeping everyone feeling unsafe, especially my family. She has own special prison cell far away in the dungeon. The same magic that your parents used on me at their dungeon when they came to ask me about you." Emma and Killian met up with her squad and got everyone updates on the damage and witch army. "Zelena has not shown up yet.""Lily knowing Zelena I have a feeling we will fighting her soon. We just need to be prepared." "Emma, fairy magic is working. Even if I use my sword, the fairies are kicking butt too.""I am still thinking of how we can separate the villains.""Swan, not all of the villains are on Zelena's side. We just need to separate the ones who worked with Zelena the longest and who was forced to fight with her. We can improve the old prison.""The damage of the old prison and how bad it was being used...it needs the same updates as the new one. Dad, can you ask Rumplestiltskin to use his magic with the fairies to improve the new prison?""I am on it, Emma." After a long day, Emma and Killian picked up three pizza pies on the way home. Killian carried the pizza pies in, they hear Lizzie and Hope laughing in the living room. They see Lizzie playing with Hope. "Hope." Hope sees her Mommy and runs to her. "Mommy!"Emma kneels down and scoops Hope into her arms. "Mommy is home." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy, afe." "Yes, Hope. Mommy and Daddy are home safe." She looks at her husband. "Killian...another word.""Aye, Hope has a new word.""Hi, Uncle Killy.""Hi, Lizzie. We got pizza for dinner.""Can I help carry the pizza?""Of course, Lizzie." He kneels down and let Lizzie carry a box. Allison came down. "Lizzie, are you helping Uncle Killian?""Yes, Mommy. Auntie Emma and Uncle Killian brought home pizza." "Allison, how were they while we were gone?" "Hope was snuggling with Henry first. Hope fell asleep on me. I helped Henry study a little bit while Lizzie and Connor worked on homework. After homework, Henry and Connor are playing video games upstairs ever since.""I am not surprised. I am just so happy to be home where everyone is safe. I get to have my Hope snuggles." Hope babbled. "We can snuggle for the rest of the night." Everyone had dinner, Lizzie played with Hope in her room, while Emma and Allison had their girl talk. "Mommy?""Yes, sweetie?" Lizzie sat on Allison's lap. "Can I sleep with you and Daddy?""Yes, you can baby girl. You and I can hug all night. We are safe in Auntie Emma's house." Lizzie hugs her Mommy. "Allison, Connor can sleep in Henry's room, we have a pull-out mattress...""Emma, that is perfect. I know they will be playing video games together for the rest of the night." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, it is your bedtime." Emma gave Hope her bath and got her ready for bed. "Hope, time for storytime." Hope babbled. Henry enters the room, "Mom...""Connor is sleeping in your room. Are you mad?""No, I was wondering if I can read to Hope her bedtime story."Emma smiles. "Henry, that is a great idea." They go into their room, Henry read Hope from his storybook while she was being held by their Mom. Hope fell asleep. "Goodnight, little sis. I love you so much." He kisses her on the head. "Mom, how was your day?""Crazy but I have a feeling that this fight with Zelena will be over soon.""I know you will defeat her Mom. Like you did the last time in the final battle with adult Gideon.""That is right." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you, Henry." She kisses him on the head." Emma fell asleep, Henry went to his bedroom and talked to his aunt. Killian joined his wife and daughter and snuggled. "This crazy witch battle will be over soon, Emma." He kisses her on the head.The next morning, Henry woke up noticing the house's magic is being used and saw the army and Zelena in front of their house. " Mom!" He runs to his parent's room. "Mom!" Emma and Killian both woke up instantly. "Zelena and her league of villains are in front of our house!" Emma and Killian knew what to do. Allison and Ted entered the room. "Emma, I will call your Dad to gather the squad and tell them to come here." "Tell Lily to come in her dragon form.""Aye." Killian gets changed. Hope woke up crying. Emma hugs her daughter and her son. "Henry, you and Hope are going to stay inside.""Yes, we will Mom. I have my sword ready if I need to use it." Hope babbled. "We know you can use your magic, little sis." Hope gripped her Mommy and Emma had a hard time changing into her clothes, Hope did not want to leave her side. Henry takes Hope from their Mom."Hope, Mommy needs to fight Zelena and put her in prison for the final time. I need you to be with Auntie Allison and Henry.""No...Mommy." "I know baby. I know." She hugs her daughter. "Hope, our Mommy always wins the fight with the villains, little sis." "Emma, I will watch Hope.""I know...just keep the kids in the basement until I come back." Ted get his kids down to the basement. Killian arrived back with their swords. Henry got his sword just in case he needs it. Emma looks down at her baby girl. "Allison and Henry." They look at her. "If anything happens to Killian and I...we have you both on our will that...Allison and Henry you two are both Hope's guardians.""Mom, I will always be there and protect Hope. You know that."Emma smiles. "I know you will be there for Hope.""Emma, Hope is my second daughter." Hope was still crying. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy need to fight Zelena. We will be back soon." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you two so much." Killian takes Hope from his wife. Henry hugs his Mom. "Hope, listen to Henry and Auntie. Daddy and Mommy will be back after we fight Zelena." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Good always wins. I love you, Hope." He kisses his little lass on the head and gave Hope to Allison. "Killian will be safe with me." They go downstairs. "Mom, Dad, no one will hurt Hope and the rest of our family." Henry hugs his Mom. "I know you will kick butt." "Thanks, kid. I love you, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "I love you too, Mom." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." Allison and Henry took Hope to the basement. Killian and Emma held hands. "Are you ready Emma?""Yes, I want this war to be over with." "That is my swan." They kiss and go out of their house to face, Zelena together, team captain swan.

Happy Beginning Captain Swanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن