Emma's Birthday

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Emma was bottle feeding Leia in her bedroom letting Killian sleep in their bedroom. "Leia, you are my rainbow baby because Mommy lost babies, you were born, making me a Mommy again. Which is the best birthday gift for me." She kisses her daughter on the head. Today is her birthday and she is not sure what she is going to do for her birthday. For now, she is enjoying her night snuggles with her littlest duckling.
The next morning, Emma wakes up,not seeing her daughters sleeping with her as usual. She sees a note with a painted handprint note, Happy birthday my swan. Go to where we made pancakes for the first time in our new home for your next clue." Emma smiles that her husband is up to something, a birthday scavenger hunt. She changes into an outfit and followed her clue to the living room. She smiles finding the next clue on the couch where she and Killian make out before Hyde ruined it by entering into town. He read the note with a baby handprint on top. She opens the note. Your next clue is in the kitchen. Emma goes to the kitchen and smiles seeing a bouquet of buttercups, and reads the card, Flowers for my beautiful Emma. Your next clue is in the backyard.
Killian was waiting in the backyard with the two girls for Emma to come. He was holding Leia in his arms. He was texting Henry, they were going to surprise Emma for her birthday. Emma enters the backyard seeing her family on a picnic blanket scattered around presents. "Mommy!! Happy birfday!!" Hope runs to her Mommy and hugged her legs.
"Thank you, Hope." She scooped Hope into her arms and spun her around and gave her kisses on her cheek.
"There is the birthday swan. Happy birthday, Emma."
"Thank you, Killian " They kiss.
She kisses Leia on the head. "I have my two little ducklings with me on my birthday."
"Dada too."
"Yes, Daddy is with us, sweetie." Leia looks at her sister.
"Baby sis." She kisses her sister on the cheek. "It is Mommy's birfay." Leia coos. "Pwesents Mommy!" Hope shows her a wrapped gift.
Emma smiles. "You got me presents?"
"Yes!! Dada and Leia too!!"
"You all got me presents! I better start opening them."
"Yes, Open!"
Emma opened her presents which was a birthday card that Hope has written, Dear Mommy, Happy birthday! I love you so much. You are the best Mommy in all the realms. My Mommy. I love you. Hope. Emma smiles seeing her daughter's name written on the bottom. "Hope, I love it." She hugs her daughter.
"Dada helped me write."
"I can tell. I love your handwriting on the bottom. Thank you." She hugs her daughter. Emma opened her other presents, she got two new dresses, new brown knee-high boots, make-up, and a spa kit that she can use in the tub. "Killian, when will I be able to use this?"
Killian wrapped his arm around his swan."I can be with our two pirate princesses while you have your me time." Emma smiles and kisses her husband on his scruffy cheek. Hope gives her Mommy a wrapped present. "Mommy, more pwesents to open."
"I have more presents to open?!"
"Yes!" Leia began crying.
"Hey, baby duckling." She holds Leia. "Mommy is here, sweetie." She kisses her daughter on the head.
"Baby sis, it is Mommy's birfday. Happy day."
Emma smiles at Hope. "Leia, you can be with me while I open my presents. You and Hope can help me open my presents." She kisses Leia on the head. Leia gripped her Mommy's blonde lock. "Swan, this gift is from both Hope and Leia."
"Let's see what you and Hope got me for my birthday." Emma opens her present, with was a shirt of herself with Henry, Hope, and Leia, We love our Mommy. Emma was in tears. "I love the shirt. I am going to wear it today." She kisses her daughters on the head. She looks into the box and finds two painted ceramic duckling frames, connected, pictures of Emma with Hope and Leia. "My two little ducklings. I love my new duckling frames." She hugs her daughters.
Killian takes a picture of his swan hugging her little ducklings. "Swan, you have one more gift."
Emma opens her gift which was a canvas painting of her two daughters and her son. She began crying, her son's artwork. "This is Henry's artwork."
"Me too, Mommy! I helped."
"You did!" She hugs Hope. "You are such a great artist, Hope."
"Henry and Hope worked on this when he was home for the weekend."
"I love it. I am going to put it in our glass cabinet in the living room."
"Emma, you have one final gift from me."
Emma opened her gift which was a gold bracelet, with a swan in the middle. "Killian I love it. Thank you."
"You are welcome, Emma." He puts her bracelet on her wrist." They kiss. Leia began crying.
"Swan, I will get Leia her bottle." He returns inside to the kitchen.
"Dada is getting your milk, sweetie."
"Leia, your milk is coming." She kisses Leia on the head, who looks at Hope and stops crying.
Emma smiles her daughters have a close sister bond. Killian returns with Leia's bottle. Emma bottle feeds Leia.
After his littlest love was happy and fed, Killian gives Hope another clue, with a pink handprint of Hope's on it, "Mommy, clue!!"
"Another clue! You and Dada are giving so many clues today." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Your next clue is to go to where we get our usuals. Emma smiles."Hope, we are going to Granny's."
"Yay! Dada bwunch."
"We are going to brunch, Hope?"
"Yes, Mommy supwise!" Emma hugs her daughter. Killian smiles Hope did not tell his swan the real surprise.
The family got ready for the day, Emma dressed Leia into a onesie, Today is my Mommy's birthday. "You are so cute, little Leia." She gave her kisses everywhere, making her daughter smile. Killian sees Emma cooing to their daughter and takes a photo on his iPhone 11. Emma sees Killian. "Dada is here, Leia." Leia fusses. Emma held Leia on her chest. "Sweetie. You are with Mommy."
"Is that Hope's onesie?"
"Yes! Leia can fit into Hope's 6-month clothes. She is 11 pounds already at 7 weeks old. She is my biggest baby, who I love so much." She kisses her daughter on the head. She remembers when Hope wore the onesie when Hope was 6 months old and said her first word, Mommy, on her birthday.
"Emma? Leia is your biggest baby because she is taller. I have a feeling she will take after me. The onesie is a little big on her, love."
Emma smiles. "I know, I love her so much. I just think we need to get her more clothes. She is going to use all of Hope's onesies quick."
Killian knew his swan wants their daughters to have everything unlike her childhood in the foster system. He places his hand on her shoulder. "We can go shopping for Leia, love. Our littlest duckling won't run out of clothes to wear." He kisses her on the head. Leia looked up at her Daddy. "Hi, littlest love." He kisses Leia on the cheek.
Emma sees Hope by the door. "Hopey!" Hope smiles and runs to her Mommy and hugged her legs. She smiles her daughters were hugging her. Killian takes Leia from his swan so she can hold Hope. Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Hope, when you were very little, you wore the same onesie Leia is wearing!"
"I did?!"
"Yes." She shows her daughter the picture of her when she was 6 months old in the same onesie. "That is you when you were 6 months old on my birthday."
"I was small."
"When you wore the onesie, you said your first word, Mommy!"
"My fiwst word was your name?"
"Yes, which made me so happy because you were my first baby to say my name, on my birthday." She shows Hope the video, of her saying, Mommy. "That is you as a baby on Mommy's birthday. You were so small!"
"That is you, Hope on my birthday 3 years ago. That was the best birthday present I have ever have. You saying my name. Your first word." Hope smiles. She hugs her daughter.
"You made everyone so happy, little love. You surprised us with your first word."
"Mommy, when Leia be dis big like in iPhone?"
"Around your birthday, she will be bigger."
"She will pway more?"
"Yes, she will, sweetie." Emma smiles her daughter wants to play with your baby sister.
The family walked together to Granny's, Killian pushed the double stroller. When they entered, Emma saw Belle, Gideon, Mulan, Red, Dorothy, their daughter Emily, Prince Eric, Ariel, Ashley, August, Gepetto, Granny, Red, and Allison. "Happy birthday, Emma!!" Everyone cheered.
"Supwise, Mommy!"
Emma smiles. "It is a surprise party, Hope." She looks at her husband. "Killian?"
"I may have told a few people that we are coming for brunch. Everyone has been asking about you and Leia lately. They want to celebrate your birthday with you."
"I do miss seeing other people. You are so sweet." She kisses him on the cheek, her husband making her birthday so special on her special day. "Thank you for inviting everyone and planning my birthday brunch."
"You are welcome, birthday swan." They kiss.
Hope goes to hug Allison. "Auntie Allison!"
She scooped Hope into her arms. "Hi, Hope! How is my little niece?"
"Good!" She kisses Hope on the cheek.
All of the guests came to hug Emma and wish her a happy birthday. "Emma!" Allison hugs her best friend. "Happy birthday best friend!"
"Thank you, Allison." Leia coos.
"Hi, baby niece." She rubs Leia's cheek and sets Hope down so she can go to her friends.
"Hi, Emma."
"This is your newest member of the Swan-Jones family."
"Yes, this is Leia. Leia, say hi to Mommy's friend August." She lets August hold her daughter.
Leia kicks her legs making August smile. "Hi, Leia. You look just like your Mommy. I was the one who brought your Mommy to safety. You have your Mommy's eyes and her hair was dark blonde when she was your age." He tickles Leia. Emma smiles as her old friend is holding her newborn daughter. "She likes you."
"I think she does."
"Leia, do you like August?" Leia looks at her Mommy and began crying. She takes her daughter from her old friend and places her on her chest. "Leia..Leia...shh..shh. You are with Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head who slowly stopped crying.
"You are a natural."
"I do have practice." She kisses Leia on the head. "Leia, Hope, and Henry are all of my second chance of being a Mom, a family I thought I would never have. Until Henry found me and I met Killian." Hope hugs her Mommy's legs.
"Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Pinn-ochio." She looks up at her Mommy. "Baby sis, can sit next to me Ee-on and Mel-Mel."
Emma smiles. "Leia can sit with you, Melody, and Gideon, Hope."
"Swan, I have our littlest pirate." Killian takes Leia from his swan and sits next to Hope and her friends, at the tables set up for everyone to sit together.
Gideon looks at Leia. "Hi."
"Leia, say hi to Gideon." Leia coos.
"Baby Leia." Melody smiles. Leia coos.
"She likes you, Melody."
"She knows I am her fweind."
"I am her fweind too!"
"You hear that Leia, you and Hope have the same friends."
Belle smiles seeing Killian holding Leia. "Emma, Leia is so cute."
"Yes, she is." Leia began wailing. Emma gets Leia from her husband. "Leia...Leia...you are with Mommy." She wrapped her daughter in her blankie and bounced her up and down. Leia gripped her Mommy. "You are with me, baby girl."
"Mommy! Leia wants to sit next to me."
Emma smiles at her daughter who wanted to cheer her baby sister up. "She will sit next to you soon, sweetie."
Allison goes to Emma and Leia. "Emma, I can hold her."
"I got her, but thank you. I think Leia is not used to so many people." She takes Leia outside and sat at a table. She opened her shirt letting Leia snuggle on her bare chest. Leia calmed down. "You just wanted to be with Mommy all for yourself on her birthday." She kisses her daughter on the head. "Dada surprised Mommy with a birthday party brunch." Leia looks at her Mommy. "Your daddy is the best."
Ava arrived seeing Emma and Leia outside. "Hi, Emma! Happy birthday!"
"Hi, Ava."
"How is Leia?"
"She is good. She just wanted to be outside from the other guests."
"The noise got to her?"
"Yes." Leia coos. "Yes, we are with Ava."
Ava sat down and Emma places her daughter in her arms. "Hi, Leia. I heard from your big brother. He misses you but he is in class today. He will call your Mommy later, to tell her happy birthday." Leia kicks her legs. "I miss him too."
"Ava, we are going to eat soon."
"I can order my usual." Ava carried Leia back inside walking to Emma.
"Ava!" Hope hugs Ava. "Hi."
"Hi, Hope. Leia and I can sit next to you."
"Yes!" Ava sits next to Hope. Allison sat across from Emma and Killian. "Ava, Leia likes you."
"She does, Hope."
Emma gets her daughter from Ava when the meals came. Red took photos of the party. Leia fusses. "Baby sis, I am here." Hope gives her finger for her sister to hold which got her to stop fussing.
Allison takes a picture of the two sisters on her iPhone 11. "Hope, you are making your sister happy."
"I am doing my job, Auntie Allison." Hope kisses Leia on the head.
"Yes, you are, little niece."
Killian hands Emma a note. "Killian another note?"
"Aye, it is your birthday scavenger hunt, love."
She opens the paper, Go to where we travel to rescue Henry in Neverland. "Looks like we are going to the Jolly Roger." After the party, the Swan-Jones family went on the Jolly Roger, with Allison. Emma carried Leia as Hope was being held by her Daddy. "Dada, sail today?"
"Aye, we are going sailing today but also playtime on the Jolly Roger." Hope climbed onto barrels, treasure chests, and boxes. He laid down Leia's play mat on the deck.
Emma laid Leia on her tummy. "You are going to have fun tummy time on Dada's ship." Leia coos. Emma smiles. "You are enjoying your Dada's ship." Emma lies down and faces her daughter. Allison gives Emma her birthday present. "Allison."
"Emma, it is your birthday."
She opened her gift which was a spa kit. "I really need a spa day."
"You need a spa day. We need to get our nails done together!"
"Yes! We need to plan for a weekend when you are free."
"I will squeeze you in." They both laughed. Leia coos. "Hi, Leia. Are you watching Auntie giving Mommy her birthday present?" She kisses Leia on the cheek.
"She usually cries during tummy time."
"Aye, maybe because she likes tummy time on her second home." Leia coos. He faces his daughter. "You like tummy time on the Jolly Roger little pirate?" He takes a photo of his daughter's tummy time on deck.
Hope carried her colorful rope to Allison. "Auntie, Dada wope."
Killian goes to Hope. "Hope, you are not tying up Allison or Leia."
"Tie knots Dada." Allison chuckles.
"How about you and I show your auntie how we tie knots? Away from Leia's tummy time."
"Yes, dada!" They went to a spot. Killian gives Hope a knot lesson. Allison takes pictures of the father and daughter on her iPhone. She also took photos of Emma having one on one time with Leia. Killian was getting texts from Henry, his updates on how close he was getting home. Hope wrapped her Daddy's legs together with ropes and tying knots. Allison was laughing, Hope was showing her pirate side.
Leia fusses. Emma scooped Leia from her mat and sees Hope tying up Killian. "Leia, let's go see Hope tying up your Dada." Emma carried Leia to the rest of their family. "Hope, what are you doing?"
"Knots on Dada Mommy. Not on Auntie Allison."
Emma giggles and sits next to her daughter with Leia in her arms. "Hope, are you going to teach Leia how to tie knots?"
"Yes, dada and me teach her."
"Aye, we both will." Leia fusses. Killian takes his littlest pirate in his arms. "Leia, do you want to learn how to tie knots?" He kisses Leia on the head. Hope gives her sister a rope to hold.
"Em, Hope is really good with ropes in her hands."
"The rope skills are from her Daddy's side. I do not know about ropes."
"Swan, you have not given me a chance to teach you."
Emma remembers about their beanstalk adventure. "You did not teach me, you tied a bandage on my hand when I got a cut from climbing from the beanstalk. You wrapped a cloth on my cut."
"Aye, I wanted to stop your cut from bleeding."
"Uh-huh, you told me you did that because the giant can smell blood."
"Dada, Mommy wight." Emma and Allison both laugh and hug her daughter. She sits on her Mommy's lap.
"You are right, little love. Emma, I also covered your cut because I wanted to help you and gain your trust. You have not taken the scarf off your wrist since our trip. I knew you liked me."
Emma smiles. "You were right, my captain. I couldn't admit that I liked you then."
"Aye, you needed to gain my trust, first."
"Which you did."
"What about when you first found me in the pile of dead bodies, with Mulan and Aurora?"
"That was Mulan and Mary-Margaret, who tied you up around the tree. My job was to see if you were lying or not and threaten you with the giant." Killian chuckles. "I was still getting used to the Enchanted Forest."
"Aye, I remember you were trying to get back to Henry."
"Yes, I was. You let me win our sword fight. Without Cora knowing."
"Aye, I wanted you to gain my trust by letting you win that sword fight."
"Yes, you did, Killian. You turned your ship around, and we traveled together to rescue our son in Neverland. You were gaining my trust."
"I knew I was gaining your trust on that adventure, Emma."
"I did not want to admit it back then but you were gaining my trust." They kiss.
"Eww!" Hope covered her eyes.
"Hope, nothing is eww about your Daddy and Mommy, kissing little niece." She tickles Hope making her laugh.
Snow White and Charming come aboard the Jolly Roger, which the adults see. "Hope, let's go play with Leia in the captain quarters." She takes Leia from Killian. "Killian, the girls will be with me."
"Thank you, Allison."
She takes the girls into the captain's quarters. Leia began wailing. Hope goes to her treasure chest to her toys. "Leia toys baby sis!" Allison changed Leia's diaper, which did not calm down. "Baby sis don't cwy. We are with Auntie Allison. I can hold her Auntie."
"You have to sit on the bed to hold her."
Hope climbed onto the bed and sat against the wooden wall. "I can get her to stop cwying." Allison laid crying Leia into Hope's arms, helped her hold Leia's head. "Baby sis! You are with me. It is okay. We are in Dada's ship, Jolly Woger. " Leia stops crying. She kisses her sister on the head. "I luv you." Allison smiles and takes a picture of the two sisters. She stays nearby them to help support Leia's head.
Back on deck, Emma sees her parents. "Mom, Dad." She goes to them.
"Hi, sweetheart. We need to talk to you."
Charming hugs his daughter. "Happy birthday Emma."
"Thank you, Dad."
Charming looks at his son-in-law. "Killian, I am sorry I did not come to the party."
"Aye, I was wondering where you were Charming."
Snow White looks at her husband. "What party?"
"Killian threw Emma a surprise brunch party at Granny's."
"I was not invited?"
"Of course you weren't because I do not want my daughters or my wife to get upset on her birthday."
"I was about to come but we had to go see Gold about Leo."
"Why?" Her parents looked at each other. "Dad, Mary-Margaret, what did you two find out about Leo?"
Charming takes a deep breath,"We found out Leo's heart is dark."
"Your mother wanted me to prove Leo is into a sociopath, which he is because his heart is dark. Gold took his heart out and saw that his heart is fully dark."
Emma was surprised. "Like what you did to Lily, to take the darkness out of me and replace it with Lily's light magic. Leo has the darkness in him...Are you going to help him? Or be in denial, Mom?"
"I want him to be good and do the same to teach him to be good."
"You switched darkness and light between me and Lily. You only told me about your secret when Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella were in town. You did not raise me." Emma was mad her parents think of her brother before her even on her birthday. She went away from her parents.
Killian was mad at his in-laws. "You had to find this out on your daughter's birthday?!? You are still putting Leo before her?!" He went to find his swan by the steering wheel staring at the ocean. He hugs his wife. "Take your time love. I am right here."
Emma was crying. "I do not know how they will raise Leo good? They did not raise me. I was found in the woods escaping from a dark curse in a magic wardrobe. Growing up, my birthday has always been sad because I was not with my family or my parents. I was abandoned."
Killian hugged his swan hate seeing her husband and hearing about her past birthdays. He wants to make her happy on her birthday. "You are not alone on your birthday anymore. You have me, your true love. You have our two daughters, who love you so much. You have our son in your life, who is doing great in college. You have your best friend. You have the whole town that loves you, Emma. You are not your brother's parent, Emma. It is your parents' job to raise him not you. You have three children of your own, one of them is an adult but he needs his Mom, a toddler, and 7-week old, two girls who need their Mommy. We love you, Emma. I hate seeing my beautiful wife sad on her birthday."
"He is not my problem only if he hurts our family. It is my parents' problem, not mine. Gold can help them." She sighs. "I just want to be with my daughters."
"Aye, love." He goes to his in-laws.
"Killian, where is Emma?"
"She does not want to see you, Snow. She told me to tell you that you can get Gold's help with Leo's heart."
"No buts, Snow. Your daughter made it very clear to me that you are his parents, it is your job to ell him from right and wrong. You made it clear to her on her birthday that you put Leo first before her. She has enough people not looking out for her or not putting her first her whole life. You two did. I am not doing that to my wife."
Snow White and Charming look at each other. "Killian, is right, Snow."
"I just want my son the help he needs."
"Not thinking about our only daughter,Snow?"
Killian looks at his mother-in-law. "Don't you feel bad? Empathy? For your own daughter? Are you Zelena?"
"No, I am not, Zelena, Killian!"
"It is our daughter's birthday and you went to Gold with Leo who pulled his heart out."
"I had a dream Leo had my heart, like when I had that vision that Emma was dark, crushing my heart. My dream was true for Leo."
"But he is not Emma's problem. He is ours. We are going to work with Leo together to get him less dark. We made our daughter upset on her birthday." He goes to the captain's quarters.
Emma goes to the captain's quarters. She sees Hope holding Leia who was fast asleep in her sister's arms. She takes a photo on her iPhone 11. "How are my two girls?"
"Hope insisted on holding her. Leia stopped crying once Hope began talking to her. She has been holding her ever since."
"I love my two girls."
"What did your parents say?"
"Leo has darkness in his heart."
"What are they going to do?"
"Raise him to be good. They took the darkness out of me and put it in Lily."
"I know they will work with him."
Charming enters the room. "Emma."
Charming hugs his daughter. "I am so sorry we brought you bad news about Leo on your birthday. I feel awful for upsetting you."
"Mommy, I got Leia to stop cwying!"
Emma smiles at her daughter."You did? She is fast asleep in your arms." She joined her daughters on the bed. "Yes."
"You are doing a great job as her big sister." She hugs her daughters. "I love you, Hope. I love you, Leia. My two little ducklings are being so sweet to each other."
"David, she will forgive you not now."
"I know she will, Allison. She just needs time to let me talk to her." He leaves for his wife and they walk off the Jolly Roger.
Killian enters his captain's quarters seeing his three loves hugging. He loves the sight and took a picture on his iPhone.
Allison looks at Killian. "Hope held Leia and she stopped crying."
"Aye, Leia loves her big sister."
"Dada, Leia fell asleep while I was holding her."
"Wow! She is still sleeping in your arms, little love. You are a great big sister Hope." He looks at his wife, "Are you in the mood to sail love?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am captain."
"Aye, that is my swan. I knew you were a pirate when we first met." They kiss.
Emma sets the carrier on herself and puts Leia in her carrier. "Baby duckling, you get to be with me while we sail."
Hope was running around on deck waiting for them to sail. "Little pirate."
"No running on deck, little love. We are going to sail soon." Killian puts the life jacket on his little love. Killian was steering the ship, as Allison was working on the sails and Emma was doing the motor with sleeping Leia in the carrier.
Hope was telling her Daddy directions where sail. "Port!"
Leia woke up crying. "Are you hungry, little duckling?" She looks up at her husband. "Killian, Leia needs to be fed. We are going to be in the captain quarters." She takes Leia inside and laid her on the bed. She checks the diaper bag, no full bottles. "Oh no." Leia was wailing. She pulled up her shirt and held Leia in her arms, she latched on. Emma smiled big, her daughter was latching on her. "Good job, baby girl. You are eating Mommy's milk." She rubs Leia's brunette head. Emma was treasuring her littlest duckling eating from her while enjoying rocking of the Jolly Roger.
The family returned home, Emma sees Italian food delivered and a chocolate birthday cake on the table, Happy Birthday Mommy. "Killian?"
"My swan needs a birthday dinner and a birthday cake for her special day. "
"Cake!" Hope climbs onto the chair to get a closer look.
"Whoa! Little love." Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "First, dinner then cake. No fingers in the cake."
"Killian, we can put the cake on the counter so there won't be fingerprints on the cake. From this little sneak." She tickles Hope making her laugh.
Allison puts the cake on the counter on top of a glass cake holder. "Emma, your cake looks good."
"Yes, it does look so good." Leia coos. "You will have the milk form in your bottle sweetie." Killian takes his youngest daughter from his swan knowing someone is home, Emma's surprise.
They hear someone coming down the steps. Emma turns around and sees her son. "Mom, it is your birthday. You needed a cake to go with your birthday dinner."
"Henry!" Emma smiles big and goes to her son and hugs him. "You are home!"
"Happy birthday, Mom. I could not miss your birthday."
Emma remembers when Henry found her on her 28th birthday. "Henry..." She began crying.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too Henry. When did you come home?"
"An hour ago. I picked up Dad's orders at the Italian place and your cake from granny. I also stopped by to see my other Mom."
"Where is Ava?"
"Can she come over?"
"Yes, she can. She is part of our family, kid."
"Swan, Ted, Lizzie, and Connor are joining us too. "
"Henwy!!!" Hope joins their hug.
"Hi, Hope." He holds his sister on his hip.
"Your home on Mommy's birfday."
"Yes, I am! I surprised Mommy."
"Yes, you did, kid."
Leia fusses. "Littlest pirate, Henry is home."
"Hi, Leia." He kisses his baby sister on the head. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi,son. How was the drive up here?"
"It was good."
"Mommy birfday cake."
"Henry, your sister is going to get herself in the cake."
"Hi, Aunt Allison." They hug. He sets down Hope and holds Leia.
Leia began crying. "I know you are hungry, sweetie." Emma takes Leia from Henry.
"Mom, I will heat up her bottle."
"Thank you, kid." Emma takes Leia to her room. "We are in your bedroom, sweetie." She sat on the rocking chair, tired from her fun birthday.
Henry and Hope arrive upstairs. "Mom, here is Leia's bottle."
"Thank you, Henry." Emma bottle feeds Leia. "Kid, how is school?"
"Going good. I just finished midterms. I am so happy to be finished with them."
"Were they hard?"
"For one of the midterms, I had to pull an all-nighter to finish my project."
"Yes, I have a very strict professor. My art project was a painting, it had to be perfect for him. He scares the class."
"After that midterm, I went straight back to my dorm and passed out."
"How are you feeling now?"
"I am so relieved that I am done, especially my hard midterm. Now,I am home for the weekend."
"I am glad you get to enjoy the weekend home stress-free."
"Yes. I am happy to be home on your birthday, Mom." He hugs his Mom. "I have a birthday gift for you. I can feed Leia while you open it." Emma gave Leia to Henry.
He continued bottle feeding her. "Baby sis, Mommy is going to open her birthday present from me."
She opened her present which is a new red hoodie with a picture of her and Henry from when he first found her. "Henry...?" She began tearing up and hugs her son. "I love it."
"I had a feeling you will love it."
"You will always be my first baby, kid. Even if your sisters are with me all..."
"Mom, I love my sisters. I love you, Mom. Please try on your new hoodie."
Emma puts her hoodie on. "It fits!"
"It looks good, Mom."
"It is perfect for the cooler weather now. I can finish feeding your sister." Henry and Emma switched spots, she continued feeding Leia.
"Hoodies are comfortable to wear. I have mine from my college that I wear most of the time when I am not painting."
"H time bro? Pwease."
"I did promise you, one on one time. We are going to have H&H time before dinner." They walked out of the room.
Emma smiles her children are happy to have their one on one time. She looks down at her 7-week old daughter. "Leia, you will play with Henry and Hope soon." She kisses her on the head. "Did you have fun sailing today? I did. You got to sail for the first time on Mommy's birthday." She kisses Leia on the head. "I got to be a Mommy again on my birthday, to the cutest littlest duckling. You, Leia."
Killian and Allison were setting up the table for dinner in the backyard. As Emma was burping Leia, she hears the door open, Lizzie and Connor arrived. "Leia, your cousins are here." She brings Leia downstairs.
Lizzie sees Emma and Leia. "Auntie Emma! Is this Leia?"
"Yes. Do you want to hold her?"
"You can hold her in the living room." Lizzie sits down on the couch, Emma laid Leia in Lizzie's arms.
"Hi, Leia. My name is Lizzie." Allison takes a picture of her daughter holding her niece on her iPhone. "Mommy, Leia looks like Auntie Emma."
"She does look like Emma."
"Auntie Emma, she is so cute."
"Yes, she is very cute."
Connor looks at Leia. "Lizzie, she looks like Killian."
"No, Auntie Emma."
"Whoa, no fighting, around the baby." They stopped arguing.
"She is cute."
The doorbell rings, Emma answers the door, it was Ava. "Hi, Ava."
"Hi, Ava. Come in."
"How was sailing?
"It was very fun. Your boyfriend is home."
Ava smiles. "I know. He told me he was coming home when I visited him in Boston."
"Swan, dinner is ready."
"Great." Emma goes to the stairs. "Henry, Hope! Dinner!"
Hope comes down first, "Ava!" Hope hugs Ava.
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun sailing?"
Henry comes downstairs seeing his girlfriend with his Mom. "Hi, Ava."
"Henry!" They hug and kiss, Hope was in between their hug.
Lizzie sees Ava hugging Henry. "She is here?"
Allison was holding Leia. "Lizzie, be nice to Ava. She is Henry's girlfriend."
"Yes, Mommy."
Everyone goes to the backyard, where Killian sets up lights for everyone to eat outside. Killian takes Leia from Allison. "Littlest love, were you talking to Auntie Allison and Lizzie?" Leia coos. "We are going to eat outside for Mommy's birthday." He sat next to his swan, and little pirate princess. Henry sat across from his sister and next to his girlfriend. Lizzie sat next to her Mom who was sitting next to Hope, Connor and Ted were at the end of the table.
Everyone was talking to each other while eating spaghetti and meatballs, chicken parmigiana, ziti, garlic bread and eggplant parmigiana. Leia fusses. "Killian, I got our baby duckling." She holds Leia.
"Baby sis, you are wif Mommy, and me." Leia stops fussing.
"Little sis, I heard you were a great big sister on the Jolly Roger?"
"Yes, Leia stopped cwying when I held her."
"You are an awesome sister to Leia and me." Hope hugs Henry.
Killian brings out Emma's cake with candles lit up. Everyone sings Happy Birthday to Emma, who was smiling holding her newborn daughter and Hope hugging her and Henry standing behind her, and Killian at her side, as Allison took photos. "Make a wish, swan."
Emma felt the love around her. "Hope, Leia, help me blow out my candles." Emma thought of a wish and blew out with Hope's help.
Everyone cheered. Hope was clapping her hands, Emma was clapping Leia's hands. Killian cut the cake, and handed out the slices, first his swan. Henry was holding Leia, Hope and Ava were talking to him. "Mom, my sisters are so happy that I am home."
"We are all happy that you are home, kid." Emma was looking around. She wasn't alone on her birthday, all of her three children are with her on her birthday. Her loving husband is at her side. Her best friend and her family were with her. She has everyone around her family. Killian wrapped his arms around his swan. "You are right, Killian. I am not alone. I have you, our children, my best friend, and Ava. I am not alone on my birthday."
"You are not going to be alone ever again on your birthday and every day. You have your family Emma. I am not ever going to leave you. You are my true love."
"You are my true love."
"Happy birthday, Emma." They kiss. Emma has a whole family with her, she is not the lost girl, alone in the foster system. She has her family she always wanted with her and loves so much.

End of Book 1!

To Be Continued in Part 2 of Happy Beginning Captain Swan Book 2!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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