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A few days after traveling back to Storybrooke, Emma and Killian went back to work. Henry was spending time with Regina at her office. Killian was out on patrol, Emma was doing paperwork and watching on Hope was crawling and wobbly walking around her office, holding onto her desk and chair. "Mommy." Emma smiles and goes to Hope. "Mommy is here." Hope gripped her Mommy's finger. "You can walk." Hope held her Mommy's finger as she walked around the room, the door opens and Hope fell on the floor and began to cry. "Hope." Emma scoops Hope in her arms. "Hopey." She checks for injuries. "You are alright, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses where the door hit Hope, which calmed down Hope. "You love me giving you kisses to you." Hope hugs her Mommy. She looks up and sees her Mom at the door. "Emma... I am so sorry..." Emma was mad. She looks down at Hope. "Hope, Mommy has done enough work today. We can go home." She packs her bags. "Mom, what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to check on you after your rough way home."
"I am fine, Mom." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are going to have Mommy and Hope time." Emma leaves her office. "Emma, please talk to me."
"I made it clear to you at Leo's diagnose session, you are not in my family and in my life." Emma leaves the station with Hope. Emma carries Hope home. Killian finds his wife and daughter walking into town. He gets out of the car. "Dada." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hi, little Hope. Are you being a good little lass for Mommy?" Hope babbled. "Emma, are you on break?"
"No. Hope and I are going home."
"Emma, what is wrong?"
"My mom... Hope and I were walking around my office. I did not see her at first until we were walking and she opened the door hit Hope."
"She looks alright."
"Yes, that what I checked first for injuries. She is okay. I just could not be there with my mom..." Killian hugs his wife. Hope began to cry. "Love, you get Hope home. I know our little lass wants to snuggle with her Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, when Daddy gets home from work we can have a pirate talk." Hope smiled. "Yes, you love your time with Dada."
"You make her smile, Killian."
"Aye, I will always make my two loves smile. Are you okay love?"
"I just need to relax. I should have stayed home."
"Love, take some time off. You have been through a lot lately."
"Hey, you were the one who did the quick thinking to get Henry and Hope to safety when the storm caught Jolly Roger on fire. You also saved my life."
"Aye, I will always save my family."
"That is why you need time off with your wife and daughter." Hope babbled. "Dada needs to be with us, you are right Hope."
Killian smiles. "I will try to get out of work early. Hope's appointment with Allison is at the end of the month??"
"Yes, June 20th. Two S-H-O-T-S."
"Aye, I will definitely be there." Hope fusses wanting to walk.
"Hope, do you want to walk the rest of the way home?" Hope smiles as her Mommy let her walk. Killian kneels to his little love. "Hope, dada will be home later. I know you are going to have fun with your Mommy. We are going to have Dada and Hope time later." He gives Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope hugs her Daddy. "I love you too, little love." Hope gripped her Daddy's hook.
"Killian, I think Hope wants you to walk home with us."
"Hope...." Hope gave him her pouty face, which made him smile. "Little love, your face is exactly like your Mommy's, I cannot say no to that face." Emma smiles. "Dada will walk home with you and Mommy little love." Hope smiles and doesn't let go of her Daddy's hook. Emma let Killian walk with Hope, and she took pictures which she loves witnessing their Daddy daughter moment. "Swan, are you going to join us?"
Emma smiles and let Hope hold her fingers. "Hopey, Mommy is here." Hope babbled.
"Swan, you did not bring her stroller?"
"No, we were rushing, I forgot it. Hope likes to be held by me most of the time anyways and she is practicing walking now."
"Aye, our little lass is becoming a big little love." Hope began to cry. Killian puts Hope in his arms. "Hope, are you tired of walking? We were only walking a block."
Emma chuckles. "Killian, it is getting to her naptime." She kisses Hope on her cheek.
"Aye, little pirate princess, dada will carry you home. You can nap on Dada." He gave Hope kisses as he snuggled on him. Emma kisses Hope on her cheek, "You just wanted Dada to be with us." Hope smiled, which made Emma kissed her daughter more. "You take after me baby girl."
"Aye, Hope takes after her Mommy."
Emma smiles. "She does take after me." Hope hugs her Daddy. "I told you that Hope wanted her Dada."
"I love being with my two loves." They kiss. By the time they arrived home, Hope was fast asleep. Emma opens the door and gently got Hope out of Killian's arms. "Thank you for walking us home."
"Your welcome, love. Now I have to explain to your Dad..."
"Killian, you are my deputy and I am the sheriff, you can tell my Dad that you had to take our little sheriff home because she wanted her Dada."
"Aye, I will always be there for my two sheriffs." They kiss. He noticed something was wrong with his wife. "Are you okay, swan?"
"Yea, I am fine."
"Emma, I know you love, what is wrong? My Swan."
"It is just..." Emma began crying. Killian hugs his wife, he knew that his love needed him to stay home. "Love, want to cuddle in our room?" Emma nodded her head and held onto Hope. They go into their room, Emma puts Hope on their bed and lay next to her and holds her hand as Killian text his father in law about staying home with his wife and daughter and pick up the patrol car. Killian hugs his wife, "Love, we are home safe with Henry and Hope."
"I just want to stay home and be with our family."
"We are home, love."
"I know. I just want to be with our kids..."
"We are home with our children." He kisses Emma on the head.
"I just hated being away from Henry and Hope in another..."
"Love, I could not stop thinking about Henry and Hope when I sent them through portal alone without us. They were safe here and I got us help."
"You took such good care of me when I was unconscious." He kisses Emma on the head. 

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant