Smooth Recovery

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Everyone was happy to be back home. Even though Hope was in pain, her family was there for her when she needed them. Hope is now nine months old and her fractured rib is mostly recovered. She still was recovering from her internal bleeding but not in much pain. Allison comes by often to check on Hope and visit her extended family. A few weeks later, Henry was watching Hope for their parents, Emma and Killian were back at work. Henry was with Hope in her room, Hope was sitting on her fuzzy rug. Henry was sitting next to her, with his storybook. "Hope, look who is on the page. Who is that?"
"That is right, little sis, Mommy is in this story. Our Mommy is the best, right?" Hope babbled. Henry went to get a toy and he turns around and Hope was out of her room and heading toward the stairs. "Hope!" Henry runs and grabs her before she fell down the stairs. Hope began to cry. "Hope, you could have gotten hurt, little sis. I did not want you to get hurt. If you did, I will be in big trouble by Mommy and Daddy then Mommy again." Hope gripped Henry. "Hope, you are getting so big and getting faster you are almost crawling," Emma calls. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. How is going with Hope?"
"Mom, I turned around for one second, Hope was out of the room by the stairs. I caught Hope in on time."
"Your Dad needs to put the baby gates on the staircase."
"Hope is moving more now."
"Yes, I know. Her physical therapy is helping Hope. besides her escaping her bedroom, how is she?"
"Hope likes being held by me and we were reading your story."
"I will be home soon. I know she needs to be fed soon."
"Mom, Hope will be very happy to see you. Hope is having fun with me."
"I know Hope is loving her time with you, Henry." They ended their phone conversation.
"Hope, do you want to play downstairs?" Henry takes Hope downstairs to the living room. Hope scooted around the carpet and she tried to stand up from holding onto her playset. Henry took pictures for their Mom. "Hope, are you standing up?" Hope sat down. "That is okay, little sis. Good try." Henry puts Hope in her bouncy chair and she enjoyed playing with her toys. Hope makes poop. "I will change you." Henry takes Hope back to her room to change her diaper. Hope was moving around. "Hope...Hope stay still." Hope laughed. "You love being a little pirate." he tickles his sister. Henry brought Hope downstairs after he changed her. Hope played with a few of her toys. They heard the door home. "Henry, Hope, I am home." She finds her children in the living room, Hope went scooting to her Mommy. Emma kneels down and watched Hope crawling. "Hope you are crawling!" Henry recorded his sister crawling. "Come to Mommy baby girl!" Hope crawled to her Mommy. Emma was in tears and takes her daughter from the floor. "Hope, you are crawling! Mommy is so proud of you!" She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, Hope is crawling!"
"Yes, she is Henry. Now we need to put the baby gates on the stairs and watch her more."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are happy that Mommy is home?" Hope babbled.
"Mom, Hope missed you today."
"She waited for me to come home to crawl for the very first time."
"Hope wanted you to be there when she began to crawl. She knows that you missed everything with me."
Emma smiled. "Yes, Hope wanted to me to see her craw for the first time." Hope began to cry. "Are you hungry? Mommy will feed you, little duck." Emma nursed her nine-month-old daughter in Hope's bedroom. "You are getting so big, sweetie. Mommy is proud of you beginning to crawl."
Henry enters the room. "Dad is going to be so happy to see Hope crawling."
"We can surprise him at the station after Hope is fed."
"I think he will like that." After Hope was nursed, Emma packed Hope's diaper bag and took her children to the sheriff station. "Henry, can you bring Hope in?"
"Yes, I can." Henry unbuckles Hope from her car seat and holds her. "We are going to surprise, Daddy at work." Emma went ahead and sees Lily and Regina talking to her husband and father. "What is going on?"
"Swan, you are back."
"Yes, I am. What is going on?"
"I will tell her, Killian. Emma, your brother is still causing trouble in school."
"Dad, I thought the prison tour helped him."
"It did, Emma but your Mom and I are still having trouble with his darkness at home. I was asking Lily and Regina ideas on how to help him at home."
"I understand."
"Love, how are the kids?"
Emma smiled. "I am glad you asked that. Henry, you and Hope can come in here now." Henry puts Hope on the floor.
"Hope, go to Mommy little sis like you did at home." Hope crawled to her Mommy, who kneeling on the floor waiting for her daughter, while Killian, Charming, Lily, and Regina watched. "Hope, come to Mommy and Daddy." Killian couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing his little love was crawling right in front of him, he is so happy that Hope can crawl and developing properly since she was in recovery from her surgeries for a long time. "That is it baby girl."Hope ended up in Emma's arms and given a lot of kisses. Killian smiled big."Swan? Is Hope crawling?"
"Yes, our little pirate princess is beginning to crawl. Hope saw me when I came home and began to crawl to me."
Killian had tears in his eyes. "Little love, Daddy is proud of you." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Swan, do you want to see if Hope can crawl to me?"
"Hope, you can crawl to Daddy?" Emma moved a short distance with Hope and kneeled on the floor. "Hope, go to Dada." Killian kneeled on the floor. "Hope, come to Dada little love." Hope crawled to her Daddy. "That is my little pirate." He holds his daughter. "Dada is so proud of you little love. Did you come here to show Dada you are crawling?" Hope babbled.
"Killian, we need to put the baby gates on the staircase at home."
"Aye, I will work on that tonight. We are going to watch Hope more now so she won't get into trouble."
"I know that our daughter will crawl into anything." Hope fell asleep on her Daddy. Charming and Lily congratulated Hope and spoke to Emma about Leo.
Henry hugs his other Mom. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. I just saw Hope crawling."
" I witnessed her first crawling at home. I am so proud of her."
"How is Hope's recovery going?"
"Since her fractured rib is mostly healed so she is in less pain. Hope is nine months old already. Dad was worried about her having delays since she has been in recovery for so long but with the help from her physical therapist, Hope doesn't have delays." Killian goes to Regina and Henry. "Lad, can you hold your sister?"
"Yes, I can." Hope began to cry when Henry takes her. "Dad, Hope wants you."
"Aye, she does. Little lass, you can sleep on Daddy." Hope slept on her Daddy. "I just did not want her to hear about Leo. He caused Hope enough trouble."
"Killian, Lily and I are working on his darkness with him. It is a slow process."
"Aye, he is not going to be around my daughter. Our family just got back to normal from Hope back home from the hospital. She doesn't need any more surgeries."
"Dad. Hope is not going to have surgeries anymore and she knows that we are there for her." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I am your hero little sis."
"Has Snow White accept Leo has darkness?"
"That is also a slow process."
"Leo threw the IV pole out her hospital window how is she still in denial?"
"I do not know, Killian. Has Emma spoken to her Mom?"
"The last time Emma saw her Mom was when Snow White slapped on the face since she was mad putting Leo into jail. Emma told her Mom that she was disciplining her brother more than her mother was."
"Snow White is slowly realizing Leo has darkness in him. How is Emma?"
Killian smiled. "Happy, Hope is home with us, she is back to work and happy to be with Henry and Hope."
"Little love, are you awake?" He kissed Hope on the head.
"Hope, are you listening to your Daddy and I talk?" Hope babbled.
"Swan." Emma goes to her husband. "Our little love wants her Mommy." Killian hands over Hope to his wife. "Hope, Mommy got you." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy little buttercup." Henry gives Hope her quilt. Hope began to cry. "Killian, we need to take Hope home. She needs to be fed and getting cranky."
"Aye, Regina and Charming call me for updates."
"Yes, I will. Henry." Henry hugs his other Mom.
"Mom, I will visit you at the office soon. I can bring Hope right?"
"Yes, you can."
"Emma, Hope is getting so big."
"Yes, I know Dad. She waited for me to come home before she crawled for the first time. I cannot wait to tell your Mom." Emma got sad. "Emma, I know your Mom did not mean to slap you in the face."
"Of course she means it, she was mad for putting Leo in jail which he needed for discipline. No one was disciplining him. She loves Leo than me.'"
"She did not raise me, I was a good child. Now she has Leo who is the opposite of me and she fights for him even though he has done bad things."
Hope began to wail. "Hope, Mommy is taking you home sweetie." She bounces Hope. "Dad, I have to bring Hope home. I have my family to think about not Mom...Henry do you have my diaper bag?"
"Yes, Mom and her quilt."
"You rock, kid." She turns to her Dad. "You can only visit us dad, not Mom or Leo. Hope is getting better and I do not want her to get hurt."
"I understand, Emma but your Mom.."
"She showed how she really feels about me. I am raising my children equally amount of love and care. I do not want them to feel what I feel towards Mom now. They are my babies and they are going to get the same amount of love and care and they are close."
"Love, I can hold Hope."
"No, I can hold her. Dad, I got to go." Charming kisses Emma on the head.
"I love you, Emma. You are my princess."
"I love you, Dad. Hope say bye-bye to Grandpa." She waves Hope's hand. Killian walks with his two loves to their car. Killian drove his family home, Emma sat next to him. He held her hand. "Are you okay love?"
"I will be okay. Allison told me we can start feeding Hope puree food tonight."
"Aye, that is a good sign."
"Yes, it is."
"Mom, can I choose Hope's food to eat?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, you can Henry." They reached home, Henry chose Hope puree food to eat, sweet potatoes. Emma put Hope in her Bumbo chair and a bib on her daughter. "Hope, you are going to try some pureed food tonight." Hope smiled. Killian got the baby food from Henry. He makes waves with his the spoon "Little love, the Jolly Roger needs a place to land." Hope opens her mouth and eats most of it. "Hope, is it good?" Hope babbled, Emma giggled. "Hope, be careful sweetie." Emma and Henry took pictures of Hope eating. Killian fed the whole jar of sweet potatoes. "That is good little love, you are eating sweet potatoes." He wipes Hope's face the sweet potatoes off using her bib. "Hope you ate all of your sweet potatoes baby girl, Mommy is proud of you." Hope reached out for her Mommy. Emma gets Hope from her Bumbo chair. Emma burps her daughter. "Hope my little buttercup needs a bubble bath."
"Love, I will clean up in here. She did so well."
"Yes, she did. We are going to get her into food slowly."
"Mom, will Hope be able to eat cake on her birthday?"
Emma and Killian smiled at each other, "Henry, Hope will eat her first solid food, cake on her birthday."
"Yes! I cannot wait for Hope to try birthday cake." Emma giggled.
"Us too, Henry." Emma gives Hope a bubble bath. She played with Hope in her bathtime. Killian takes pictures of his wife playing with Hope during bath time. "Hope, are you all clean little love?"
"Hope, do you want Daddy to join us play?"
"Aye, our little love wants me to join." He sits next to his wife and plays with Hope. Henry found his parents playing with Hope and took pictures of them playing with Hope. After her bathtime, Emma got Hope dressed. "Hope, you are all clean." Emma plays with Hope their special game, which makes Hope very happy. "I love you baby girl. You are my one and only baby girl." Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. "Mommy."
"Hopey." She looks up and sees Henry. "Henry, do you want to join us?"
"I do need my art assistant."
"Hope, Henry wants you, sweetie." Henry takes Hope.
"Hope, do you want to do art with me?" Hope fussed and reached out to her Mommy. "Mom, you want to join us?"
"I would love to Henry."
"Hope, Mommy is coming with us, little sis." Henry sat on the carpet with Hope crawling around. Henry had his drawing pad and color pencils in a container. Hope put a color pencil. 'Hope, no little sis." Henry takes the color pencil out of his sister's mouth. Hope began to cry. Henry put down his drawing pad and puts Hope on his lap. "Hope, you cannot put pencils in your mouth. I need them to draw. Do you want to help me color? Do not cry, little sis." Emma gets Hope from her son.
"Hope, Henry is not mad at you sweetie. He doesn't want you to choke. You are not supposed to have pencils in your mouth." Henry gets Hope's Pluto doll and gives Hope her big Pluto.
"Henwy." Emma giggled.
"You are welcome, Hope."
"You know how to make Hope happy."
"Yes, I know because I love making my baby sister happy, it is part of my job."
"Henry, do you want to watch a movie?"
"I want to do some art with you and Hope in here."
"We can watch a movie later." Emma played with Hope and her Pluto doll while watching Henry working on his art project. "Mom..."
"Yes, Henry?" He stops his art project and sits next to his Mom and sister. He hugs his Mom. "Henry, what is wrong?"
"Since Hope's injury and surgeries, you and Grandma have been fighting...I am still mad at Grandma for getting Hope hurt and she was wrong about Leo. You are right, Mom. I am on your side."
"When will Grandma realize that her denial or Leo's darkness and her favoriting Leo is affected you. I do not know how grandma is favoriting Leo. Mom, you are amazing, you are there for us, you love spending time with us, you protect us, you are the savior and our Mom most of all I do not know how your Mom is favoriting Leo who is causing people injured and especially Hope." Hope was holding her big Pluto. "Mommy, Henwy." Emma and Henry both smile at Hope. "You are right, Hope. We do have the best Mommy ever who plays with us, loves us and always hugs and kiss us. I do not know how Grandma favorite Leo."
"Henry, why are you sad?"
"I just think that it is unfair that Leo is her favorite and he has done all of the bad things, I mean Mom we almost lost Hope and all she cares is for Leo. It is like she only cares for Leo and not your Mom. I am sad that you have your Mom in town but she is not your Mom, I were alone and always wanted your parents and now it is not ..."
Emma hugs her son. "Henry, I am not alone anymore, I have you, Hope and your Dad. I have my family, I am not alone Henry. As long as, I have you two, your Dad and Allison and her family, I am not alone. I am around people who love me so much. I love you two so much." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "I want you to never be alone."
"You brought me to my family. Ever since I met you, I have never been alone." Hope fussed. Emma gets Hope to snuggle her. "Hope, you want to join our hug?"
"I think Hope feels left out." Emma giggled. "Hope, you are joining our hug with Mommy, little sis." Henry kisses Hope on her cheek and makes her laugh.
"See, Henry. I am not alone, I have you and Hope. You two are my world and I love you both so much."
"After all of the fights since Hope got injured and in the hospital, I just ignore grandma in school, all of the fighting and how she is wrong is getting me madder."
"Mom, I am on your side. She is wrong and you are right."
"I know, Henry. Has school been hard since Hope been in more recovery?"
"I kind of got used to Hope's being in recovery, I love playing with Hope and making her happy, I know how to help her and I have not had trouble concentrating in school. I finish my homework before I come home so I can focus on Hope." Hope grabbed Henry's hair. "Hope." Emma giggled.
"Mom, can Hope to join my art class in school please?"
"I have a feeling Hope want to move around.
"Mom, I can hold Hope. I am working on a new project in school and I want my little art assistant to help me."
Emma smiles. "Hope can join your art class."
"Yes!" He talks to his sister. "Hope, you and Mommy are going to join my art class in school. Would you like that?" Hope babbled and reached out to her big brother. Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Mom, I think Hope is trying to say, "I want to paint with Henry." Emma giggled. "Hope, do you want to art with Henry in school?" Hope smiled. "If you be a good girl, you can help Henry with his art project in school."
"Mom, Hope is always a good girl." Hope hugs her brother. "See, Mom. Hope is the best and she loves her time with me."
"Oh, I know. Hope has physical therapy in the afternoon, do you want to come?"
"Hope and I will pick you after school and we will go together."
"I am looking forward to playing with Hope." Hope babbled.
"She knows that you make her feel safe when she is afraid."
"I know Hope is not used to the physical therapy place, I am there for her to make her feel comfortable and most of all happy." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"That is why she has the best big brother ever, my kind caring big hearted son." She kisses her son on the head. Hope fell asleep on Henry. Henry moved to his bed. "Mom, join us." Emma smiles and lies next to her two children. "Comfy?"
"Yes. I like having you and Hope with me."
"I love being with my two children." Emma hugs Henry and Hope. Henry falls asleep. Killian checked on his family, Henry and Hope were fast asleep on his bed while Emma was awake.
"Hello, love. Are you enjoying being with Henry and Hope?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am. Henry likes being with me and Hope together. He is joining Hope's physical therapy session tomorrow afternoon. He asked me to bring Hope to school and join his art class."
"Swan Hope will love it."
"I know, now that our little girl is crawling around now, I do not want Hope to interrupt his class."
"Love, everyone loves Hope. Hope will make Henry happy in school."
"Henry told me that he has been mad at my Mom and especially seeing her at school is hard for him. He got sad." Killian holds his wife's hand.
"Which is why when Hope joins his art class in school, he will be very happy."
"You are right. I am going to ask his art teacher tomorrow if Hope and I join his art class when I pick him up from school."
"Love, I know Hope will be able to join his art class."
"He knows all about the fights with my Mom...he is on my side."
"Of course, love. You are his Mommy and he knows that you are right, like I know you are right."
"Henry thought that since I am fighting with my Mom that I was alone. I told him ever since I met him, I have not been alone ever since."
Emma got sad and Killian pulls her in for a hug. "You are with me love. I love you so much. You are with your family."
"I love you too and our two children."
"Ay, that is right." hope woke up and decided to crawl off Henry to the end of the bed.
"Hope!" Killian caught Hope in time and Hope began to cry.
"It is alright, little love. We have to keep an extra close eye on you."
Henry was awake. "Mom, what happened?"
Emma takes Hope from her husband. "Hope, you are alright, sweetie. You are safe. You cannot crawl off of Henry like that. You could have gotten hurt. I know you do not want to get hurt."
"Love, I will work on the baby gates now." He talks to Hope. "Hope, you cannot get off of Henry like that we do not want you to get hurt little love. We love you Hope our littlest pirate." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dada." Hope grabbed his hook.
Emma and Killian smile at their daughter."Hope, are you saying thank you to Daddy for saving you?" Hope babbled.
"You are very welcome, little love. Daddy is going to put gates on the stairs so you won't get hurt. You were just being a sneaky little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, little love." Killian goes to put the baby gates on the stairs.
"Your sister woke up and crawled off of you and off the bed. I saw it and your Dad caught Hope on time."
"Is she okay?"
"She is a little afraid but she is alright."
"Hope, you are not hurt little sis." Henry kiss Hope on her cheek and made her smile.
The next day, Emma did the morning shift while Killian stayed home with Hope. Allison visited Emma at work. Allison found Emma at her office."Hi, sheriff."
"Allison!" They hugged. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes, yes. I wanted to visit my best friend at work. How is my little goddaughter?"
"Hope is recovering very well. She is not in much pain as the last surgery was. I have something to show you." She shows the video of Hope crawling to her, the video from Henry. "This is what happened yesterday."
Allison was in tears and smiled big. "My little goddaughter is crawling."
"Yes, she is. Henry and I were very surprised to see her crawling to me when I came home from work yesterday."
"How are you?"
"I am good. I am just enjoying being at home with Hope and Henry. When Hope got to be in less pain, I decided to come back to work. Killian and I have schedules with work and Hope. Hope had her first puree food again. We made sure she did not choke. We also put the baby gates on the stairs last night. Hope almost fell off of Henry but Killian caught Hope in time."
"Emma, you, Killian and Henry have a crawler in the house now."
"Yes, I know. My baby girl is getting so big. Do you have advice on how to watch a crawler? I feel like that Hope is going to get hurt every minute, I do not watch her."
"Emma, Hope will be crawling around but I know you have Killian and Henry helping you watch Hope. Just make sure to have a clear space for her to crawl around and have baby gates around an area, like the living room for Hope to play in."
"I will work on that. Hope has her physical therapy this afternoon. Henry is joining her physical therapy session today. I am picking up Henry from school on the way and ask his art teacher if Hope can join his class."
"Awe, hope loves doing art with Henry."
"Yes, she does. How are Lizzie and Connor?"
"They are doing good. When do you want to come over?"
"Can we come over on Thursday afternoon. Is that a good time for you?"
"I am off on Thursday. We can get Granny's in the morning, shop in town and go over to my house."
"Great, that is a good plan. Is Hope.."
"Emma, hope is joining ups. I can hold Hope when she wants to crawl around."
Killian got Hope's diaper bag packed while Hope was taking her morning nap. Hope had a fun morning, storytime with Daddy, playtime, and Killian chasing Hope all over the living room making sure Hope doesn't get hurt. Hope woke up from her nap. "Little love, Daddy is here." He takes Hope from her crib, "Did you have a good nap little love?" He sniffs his daughter. "You need a change." Killian changes Hope's diaper. "You are all clean little love." He holds her, "Do you want a story?" Hope smiled. Killian got a book from her bookshelf, "The Three Little Bears."
Hope listened to her Daddy's story. He smiled at Hope with her big blue eyes and blonde hair. "Daddy loves you Hope so much." He checks the time. "Do you want to surprise Mommy at work?" Hope smiled. Killian got Hope coat on her and took her to the family car. He drove himself and Hope to the station. He carries Hope and her diaper bag into the station. He sees his father in law. "Hi, Charming."
"Hi, Killian. Hi, little princess."
"How is work today?"
"Quiet. At home with Leo is another story. Snow White is still getting used to having a child that has darkness in him. Leo is not making it easy. How is having Hope crawling?"
"My little pirate is crawling all over the place."
"How is Emma?"
"She is loving her time with both of her children together and very happy Hope is home." Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Hope do you want Mommy?" Killian puts Hope on the floor. "Mommy is in there. You can surprise her." Hope slowly crawled into her Mommy's office. Emma sees Kilian. "Allison, Killian and Hope are here." Emma looks down at the front of her door was Hope. "Hope, are you here to surprise me?"
"Mommy." Emma smiles and picks up her daughter.
"Love, I decided to surprise you. Hope wanted to see you first." Emma smiled.
"Mommy is so happy to see you, baby girl." SHe kisses Hope on the head. "You and Hope both surprised me." They kissed. "Allison, Hope is here."
"Hi, Hope. did you come to visit Mommy?" Hope smiled. "I heard you can crawl now."
"Hope do you want to show Auntie Allison your crawling?" Hope babbled. They went into the center of the station. Allison kneeled on the floor a distance away from Emma and Hope, Emma put Hope on the floor. "Hope, go to Auntie Allison." Hope slowly crawled to Allison, Killian videotaping Hope's crawling on his iPhone.
"You are doing it, Hope. Come to Auntie Allison, sweetie" Allison picked up Hope. 'Hope, you can crawl! I am so proud of the little niece." Allison spun Hope around. Hope began to cry when she sees Leo and Snow White. "What is the matter?"
"My mom and Leo are here. Can you take Hope in my office? I do not want Hope around him."
"No problem."
"Love, I am right here." They went to Leo and Snow White.
"Mom, don't you have work?"
"Yes, when I got the phone call that Leo punched a classmate and gave him a bloody nose. Leo is suspended. I am giving him to your Dad."
"Leo, why did you punch your classmate?"
"He took a toy away from me and I got mad. I punched him in the nose."
Allison enters the room carrying Hope. "That will explain my next patient, another victim of Leo's. He might have a broken nose." Killian takes Hope from Allison and away from Leo. "Emma, I will see you later?"
"Yes, after Hope;\'ss physical therapy."
"I can drop by."
"Leo you are giving me more patients because you are hurting so many classmates. You need to learn to be nice and share."
"It is fun hurting."
"No, Leo. As sheriff, Dad. You can put Leo in the cell."
"Mom, a classmate is in the emergency room and might have a broken nose. The jail cell can be his time out."
"What is his punishment then?"
"No screens."
"Or you can take his toys away." She kneels down to her brother. "Did you learn to behave when you saw the prison?"
"Yes, but I like to hurt others."
"Dad put Leo in the cell." Charming puts his son into the cell.
"Mom, I am done arguing with you. Leo needs discipline, not hand holding. He is suspended for hurting a classmate."
He is my son."
"I am your daughter who is thinking straight and thinking about the safety of the town and his classmates." She sees Hope crying. "I have to go. I am done arguing with you about the obvious." She gets Hope from Killian."
"Love, I can keep an eye on your brother."
"Thank you." They kiss. "Hope, are you ready to pick up Henry?" Hope babbled.
"Love, I will cook dinner tonight."
"Great, I know whatever you cook will be delicious."
"Have fun with Henry and Hope."
"Thank you. I am taking my yellow bug." She gets the diaper bag and leaves with Hope. Hope, we are picking up Henry." Hope smiled. Emma drove herself and Hope to Storybrooke High School.
After Emma leaves, "Killian, you are letting Emma do this."
"Aye, I follow my wife's rules. She is the sheriff. She knows that Leo is out of control. If he stops hurting others and learning from his mistakes than Emma will be not as overprotective. He already causes our daughter injury and surgeries. What more proof do you need?"
Charming laid his hand of his wife. "Snow, I will watch Leo, go back to work." Snow White leaves the station.
At Storybrooke High School, Emma nurses Hope before entering the school. Henry texts him to pick him up inside. "Hope, let's go find Henry." Emma takes Hope inside the high school and finds Henry in his art class. "Hope, Henry is inside." Henry sees his Mom and sister. Mrs.Foxworth opened the door, Hello Mrs. Jones. Hi, Hope. You have gotten so big."
"Hi, Mrs.Foxworth, I am here to pick up Henry. Am I interrupting?"
"No, not at all you and Hope can come in. This is open studio hour."
"Hope, we are with Henry."
"Henwy." Henry gets Hopr from his Mom.
"Hi, Hope. Do you want to see what I am working on?" He takes Hope to his easel.
"Henry asked me if Hope can join his art class. Hope is allowed to join."
"Are you sure? I do not want Hope to disrupt his classmates."
"Henry has been not himself lately."
"How so?"
"He has not been himself in class. I was getting worried about him."
"Hope was in the hospital over his winter break, she had another emergency surgery. She almost died."
"How is she now?"
"This was her second surgery. My brother fractured her rib with his toy truck, her fractured rib cause internal bleeding and over break, they both got a stomach virus. Hope stomach virus caused more internal bleeding. Henry was with us in NICU for most of his break. How is he now?"
"He talks about Hope all the time. When your mother dropped by he got mad which is when I got concerned."
"I can explain that we figured out that my brother has darkness when Hope got injured and my Mom and I have been fighting a lot, she is in denial and I had to arrest my brother for causing damage in the hospital room. Henry is mad at my Mom for not believing in me about Leo's darkness and the cause of Hope's injury and surgeries. He is helping out at home with Hope in recovery."
"Mrs.Jones, Hope can join Henry's art class anytime. She is making Henry happy."
"Actually, Henry has been doing a lot of artwork at home. He made my husband and I a family portrait for Christmas." She shows her pictures of the family portrait. "Hope is his art assistant." She shows Henry's teacher a picture of Hope sitting on his lap by the drawing pad. "Henry's drawing is amazing. Henry looks so happy to be with Hope. I am glad he is doing art at home."
"Art is Henry's one on one time with Hope, he loves doing art with his sister."
Emma looked at Henry holding Hope who is covered in paint. Emma jaw dropped. She takes a photo of her two children covered in paint. "Hope now, Mommy knows. Mom, we can explain." Hope babbled.
"Henry, how..."
"I was showing Hope my recent artwork. Hope grabbed the paint..."
"Kid, I know when someone is lying."
"I gave Hope the paint and she covered the easel and then herself...Hope put paint on me and we kind of had a paint fight."
"Hope, no more paint. We are already in trouble with Mommy, little sis." Hope babbled."I know you love to paint, Mom is mad not a good time..." Hope put her paint covered hands on the easel. "That is where the paint goes Hope." Hope babbled.
"What am I going to do with the both of you."
"Mom, Hope is having fun. Right Hope?" Hope hugs her brother. "This is why you are my art assistant, Hope because you love getting messy like me."
"Henry, you are covered in paint."
"I know, Mom. I have extra clothes in my locker."
"Good, you need to get changed. I need to get Hope changed."
"Mom, five more minutes."
"Five more minutes, we have to leave soon to Hope's physical therapy session soon."
"Hope, what color do you want next?" He shows her red and pink. Hope grabbed pink. Henry put pink paint on Hope's hands and she put her hands on the easel and moved the pain around. Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope doing art together covered in paint.
"Mrs.Jones, this is the happiest that I have seen your son in weeks."
"He loves his little sister."
"Even though they are messy, Hope can join Henry's art class anytime." Hope began to cry.
Emma takes Hope from Henry. "Hope." She sniffs Hope. "You need a diaper change and a new outfit."
"Hope, Henry needs to clean up too, no more paint." Hope cried. "My little artist."
"Mom, the bathroom is across the hall and I will clean up and get changed too." Emma takes Hope to the bathroom and cleaned off the paint off with baby wipes, took off her clothes and changed Hope's diaper and changed Hope into a new outfit. "You are all clean, Hope. You like painting with Henry?" Hope babbled. "I love you Hope. You love art like Mommy and Henry." Hope hugs her Mommy. "That is my sweet baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. She takes Hope back to the art room. "Mrs.Foxworth,I am so sorry about Henry and Hope's mess. They love doing art together."
"Mrs.Jones, I have not seen Henry smile big in a long time. Hope, you are welcome to join Henry's art class anytime. I know you love art like your big brother." Hope babbled.
"Mrs.Foxworth, I think Hope is saying, :I cannot wait to join Henry's art class. Right Hope?" Hope babbled.
"Mom, I am ready."
"Henry, your sister can join your art class."
"Yes! Thank you, Mrs.Foxworth."
"Henry, we need to get going to Hoe's physical therapy."
"Mom, can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can." Henry takes Hope from their Mom.
"Hope, are you ready to play more with me?" Hope hugs her brother. Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Mom, I need to bring our matching aprons when Hope joins my class."
"That is eight, so you keep your clothes clean."
"Yes. Mrs.Foxworth, I will see you tomorrow. Hope say bye-bye to my art teacher." Henry waves Hope's hand. They leave, "Mom, how was work today?"
"It was good, I did paperwork. Allison visited me during her lunch break."
"How is she?"
"She is good. Your dad and Hope surprised me at work too. Hope crawled into my office."
"Aunt Allison saw Hope crawling?"
"Yes, she did. I saw your Grandma with Leo."
"Leo got suspended for punching a classmates' nose. Your aunt had to meet Leo's latest victim in the emergency room. I told your grandpa to keep Leo in a cell for his time out. Your Dad is making sure he is staying in there for his time out. Your grandma got mad at me."
"Mom, putting him in jail is the only way for him to learn his lesson, do not be too hard on yourself. You are disciplining him not grandma."
"I know." SHe hugs her son. "It is good to hear that from you and your Dad."
"And from my baby girl, Hope you know that I am doing the right decision." Hope babbled.
"Mom, you know if Dad, Hope and I are agreeing with you meaning that you are doing the right decision even though it is making grandma made you are preventing Leo from hurting others at the moment."
"Thanks, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. "Now, we are going to be late." Emma drove her yellow bug with Henry and Hope in the back. Emma parked the car. Hope know where they are and began to cry. Emma takes Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, we are only to see Ms.Jane and play with her."
"Little Sis, I am playing with you and Miss.Jane." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"You are safe, sweetie. You are with Mommy. I am not leaving you." Emma kisses Hope on the head. Henry carried the diaper bag while Emma carried her daughter inside the hospital to the physical therapy place. Hope began to wail. "Hope, you are alright. No NICU, we are only going to play with Ms.Jane." Allison can hear Hope crying from her office. Allison sees Hope wailing being held by Emma and Henry to calm her down. "Hope, what is the matter little niece?"
"Hope is afraid, Aunt Allison. Mom and I told her she is only going to play and go home afterward."
"Hope, I can play with you in here." hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, how about you, me, and Mommy can play together. Would you like that?" Hope stopped wailing as Emma sat on the floor with her, Henry brought over toys to play with. "Look what He brought you to play with, a ball. You have to grab it."
"Hope, you can sit on Mommy's lap." She puts Hope on her lap and gave her multiple kisses on the head. Allison gave Hope the squishy ball. "Hope, look it is so squishy." Hope smiled. Ms.Jane joined Emma, Allison, and Henry on the floor. "Hello, Hope. Are you having fun with the ball?"
"Hi, Ms.Jane. Hope is a little afraid being in the hospital after being in the NICU for a long time."
"I understand, Emma. Henry, can you get me a few toys for Hope to play with?"
"Yes, I can. Can you tell me what to bring over?"
Yes, I can." While Ms.Jane and Henry getting toys. Hope was calming down. "Allison, thank you. I owe you one."
"You are very welcome, Emma. I knew it was Hope's crying, I heard her in my office. I had a feeling that you need my help."
"Yes, after you left, I took Hope to Henry's school. Henry and Hope got themselves covered in paint."
"Yes." They both giggled. Emma showed her iPhone pictures of Hope and Henry covered on paint. "Emma, were you mad?"
"I was surprised, I was talking to Henry's teacher and the next thing I knew Hope was covered in paint."
"They are so cute covered in paint."
"Yes, I know. I could not be mad at them for too long." Henry and Ms.Jane returned.
"Hope, Henry told me you painted with him at school." Hope babbled.
"Ms.Jane, Hope is Henry's art assistant. She loves doing art with her big brother." Hope dropped the ball and hug her Mommy. "Hope, you are okay sweetie." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Henry, can you show the video of Hope's recent milestone to Ms.Jane/"
"Yes, I can." He gives Hope's instructor his iPhone and shows the video of Hope crawling."
"Henry, Hope can crawl."
"Yes, she can. She started yesterday when our Mom came home from work and she crawled to our Mom."
"Hope, do you want to crawl to Auntie Allison?" Allison moved a short distance. Emma set Hope on the floor. "Hope, come to Auntie Allison, sweetie." Hope slowly crawled to her aunt. "That is a good girl." Hope reached her auntie, Allison. "Hope, you crawled to Auntie Yay." Allison clapped her hands and held Hope. "Do you want to crawl to Mommy?"
"Mommy." Allison sets Hope back on the ground. Hope crawled back to her Mommy.
"Hope, you did it!" Hope reached her Mommy. Emma picks up Hope. "You are getting stronger."
"Little sis, look what I have for you, toys." Henry handed Hope a toy. She did not grab it. "Hope, play with Henry, sweetie."
"Emma, does Hope like swings?"
"Hope loves the swings."
"Hope, do you want to go on a swing? Emma, you take Hope and follow me." Ms.Jane lead them to a flat square swing with rope as handles. Allison got beeper text. "Henry, I have to go back to the emergency room." Henry hugs his aunt.
"Thank you for helping us calm down, Hope."
"You are very welcome. I will see you soon. Your Mom and I having a girls day."
"My mom needs a break."
"I know, I saw your mom fighting with your grandma."
"How is Leo's latest victim?"
"This beeper told me that his y-ray results are in, to see if his nose is broken or not."
"Wow, my little uncle can punch."
"I know. I will see you soon." Henry joined his Mom, sister and Ms. Jane by the swing.
"Hope, look a swing just for you to play on, sweetie." Emma placed Hope on the swing , sitting.
"Hope, you need to hold the ropes." She got Hope to hold the ropes, Hope began to cry. "Hope, your Mommy is right here, watching you."
"Mommy is watching you swing all by yourself." Hope reached out for Emma and she gets her daughter. "Hope you love the swings at the park."
"Mom, I can hold Hope on the swings." Henry takes Hope from their Mommy, "Hope, we can show Mommy that you love the swings, with me. I am not going to let go of you." Henry sat on the swings with his sister on the lap. "Henry, make sure Hope is holding the ropes."
"Hope, you can hold on the ropes, and I will hold onto you. You are not going to get hurt, little sis. I am holding onto you." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you have to hold the ropes so we can move." Hope grabbed the rope."Good little sis."
"Henry, you can move gently and the swing will move not too fast." Henry moved the swing with his feet holding on to his sister. Emma took pictures of Hope swing ride with Henry.
"Hope, you are moving on the swing with Henry."
"You are doing really good, Hope. Henry, you are doing great with Hope."
"Thank you, Ms.Jane. I always make sure to remind Hope that she is safe and she is not going to get hurt." Henry moved on the swing with his sister for a little while longer. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, are you tired of the swing? We can stop. I know you had fun." Miss Jane got Hope from Henry. "Hope, we are going to do exercises for your muscles." Miss Jane got Hope to do muscle exercises, Hope was crying most of the time. Hope got tired of it and crawled to her Mommy. Emma lifts her daughter. "Hope, are you tired? You can sleep on Mommy, baby girl. You had a long day." Hope fell asleep. "Miss Jane, I am sorry about Hope today, she is having a long tiring day."
"Emma, I understand. She is still in recovery and she had fun with Henry at school. I can come over for Hope's next session."
"That will be great." Henry got Hope's diaper bag. "Thank you, Miss Jane, for your patience with Hope. I know she was giving you a rough time."
"Emma, Hope was happy with Henry, you and her doctor."
"Actually, her pediatrician is her aunt and godmother."
"I was happy to see all of Hope loved ones together making her happy."
"Hope is very lucky to have all of us."
"Miss Jane thank you for letting me play with Hope, she had fun with me."
"You are welcome, Henry. You can join anytime." Emma and Henry left the hospital, Hope was fast asleep when they arrived home. Emma carried Hope inside with Henry opening the door. TI was dark out by the time they came home and they were exhausted. Emma smelled Killian's cooking. Killian sees his family. "Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Dad."
"How was Hope's physical therapy?" By the look on Emma's face, it did not go well. "Dad, Hope and I did art in my art classroom. We got into a paint fight."
"Oh, really."
"Yes, we got covered in paint. It was awesome."
My artist, you need to take a shower now."
"Yes, Mom." Henry went upstairs and brought Hope's diaper bag to her room.
'Love, what happened?"
"Hope had a lot of fun with Henry. When we brought her to the hospital for her physical therapy all she did was cry and cry...she wanted to be held by me, Allison helped us with Hope. Miss Jane let us be in her session because Hope wanted to be held by me and did not want to do anything with her. Henry helped so much."
"Love, let me take Hope."
"No, can we just sit together on the couch. I really am tired."
"Sure, love." Killian and Emma cuddled on the couch. Hope was sleeping on her Mommy. "Our little love is so tired."
"Yes, she is. Henry held Hope on the swing and after that Miss Jane did exercises with her all she did was cry. I knew she was tired once I held her she fell asleep."
"Love, Hope just wanted her Mommy. She is happy with you love."
"I know..."Emma began to cry. "All of the fights with my Mom and Leo...I am tired of fighting of proving that I am right, Killian."
"I know, love. You are right, love. I am on your side and will support you until your Mom knows that Leo has darkness in him." He rubs her shoulders. "You can always tell me to watch Hope for you if you need to relax."
"I want to go on a vacation with the kids and you. Is that a bad thing?"
"Swan, Hope is almost done with her recovery, she has been in and out of the hospital for three months in a row love, of course, we need a vacation. We can go on a vacation love just us, Henry and Hope." Emma cried, Killian knows his wife needed a break with Hope in and out of the hospital, and her many fights with her Mom about Leo's darkness and the issues he is causing at school. "Love, where do you want to go for a vacation?"
"We can go to New York City. Hope is crawling now and she can play in the Brooklyn Museum."
"Love a little family getaway to the big apple will be a great family vacation."
"Hope, do you want to go to New York with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry?" She kisses her sleeping daughter on the head.
"We can plan soon."
Henry comes downstairs. "Planning for what?" He joined his family on the couch.
"Henry, your Mom and I want to go on a family vacation with you and Hope, to New York City."
Henry smiled. "When are we going?"
"We just decided to go on a vacation. Your Dad and I need to plan but soon."
"I cannot wait to go to New York again. Mom, I know you need a break. On the vacation, I can watch Hope if you and Dad can go on a date night. I want to help out and make you both be able to relax."
"I know Hope will have fun with you, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Hope woke up. 'Hope, we are planning a family vacation." "Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Emma nurses her daughter who stopped crying once she was being fed. Henry helped his Dad get dinner ready. "Dad, is the vacation your idea?"
"Your Mom's idea. I do not blame her, she needs time to relax."
"I know what you mean, she is stressed enough about Hope, Leo, and Grandma. She has us helping her."
"I know, son. We are helping your Mom with Hope but the fight with her Mom is a sensitive topic for her."
"I know, I can see the hurt in her eyes. I just want to make my Mom and sister happy."
"You are, son. You are making you Mom so happy and I knew you are making Hope happy in your art class and physical therapy."
"Yes, I am Dad. She gave Miss Jane a hard time. Mom, Aunt Allison and I made her happy."
Emma brings in Hope. "Dada."
"Killian, someone wants her Daddy." Killian takes his daughter from his wife. "Hi, Hope. I heard you had so much fun with Henry today with paint." Emma goes upstairs to take a shower. Killian held Hope as they were eating.
"Mom, can we have a family movie night?"
"Yes, we can Henry."
"Great, I will get the movie ready." Killian was playing with Hope.
"How was the rest of your work day? After Hope and I left."
"Leo stayed in the jail cell until your Dad shift ended. I made sure Leo stayed in there to learn his lesson about hurting his classmate. Allison called me that his classmates' nose is broken."
"I know. The boy's mother is not too happy about that. The mom was furious and called the school, then your father got a call saying Leo is suspended for a whole week."
Henry enters the kitchen."Mom, I chose a movie."
"Great, Henry." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"Hope, do you want to help me make popcorn?" Hope babbled and moved in his arms.
"Henry, I can make the popcorn, you can play with Hope in the living room. Keep a close eye on her."
"I will, Mom." Henry takes Hope into the living room.
"Love, Hope's baby gates are up."
"Good, now Hope is crawling, I know this going to be new for us as parents."
"We will make sure Hope doesn't get hurt." Killian holds Emma's hand.
Emma smiles. "I know that you, Henry and I are going to have fun chasing around Hope."
"That will be fun." They kiss. Emma made popcorn her way, with melted milk duds. They joined their children in the living room. Emma sat in between her two boys with Hope on her lap. They watched the movie, "Cinderella." Hope crawled on her family members and they took turns playing with her. Hope fell asleep in her Mommy's arms. Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. They are together with their children, loving family time and enjoying time together with no drama. Emma loves her family movie night and loves being with her two children and loving husband, nothing can beat time with her family. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kissed and enjoyed watching Disney classic Cinderella together with their children.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now