Mixed Feelings

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Henry walked home from Violet's house. He texts Killian that he arrived home safely. When Henry entered his home he hears Roland running and screaming "Henry is home!" He bearhugged him.


Regina comes downstairs, "Henry you are home? I thought you were staying over at Emma's for the weekend?"

"Hi, Mom. I was until Mom got sick. I figured she needed some time to rest. I also just came from Violet's house. We were working on a science project. Killian dropped me off at her house after we went sailing."

"How was sailing?

"It was fun!" With a smile then Henry's face turned sad "Too bad Mom was sick. She would have enjoyed it."

What type of sickness does Emma have?"

"I am not sure, they weren't even sure last night. She was very tired. That is all I know. I am going to text Killian how Mom is."

"Let me know too. Maybe if Emma is better in the morning. I can drop you off tomorrow to see her."

Henry smiled. "That would be great. I did not get a chance to talk to her that much last night and she was still sleeping."

"We will see, depends on how she is feeling. Don't go to bed too late." She hugged him and kissed him on the head. "Good night."

In Regina and Robin's room, Robin finished putting Roland and Rowand to bed, when Regina returned to their room. Robin, "Did I just hear Henry downstairs?" I thought he was over at Emma and Killian's for the weekend."

"He was supposed to but Emma is under the weather. He wanted to come home so she can rest.I told him I would drive him over there tomorrow if Emma is better."

"Do you think something is seriously wrong with Emma?"

"I do not know. Henry said she was over-tired. Maybe she is overworked at the station?"

Knowing Henry he will call Emma to check up on her. Let's hope for the best that she just needs rest."

"Yes. Now we need some sleep." Robin and Regina kissed and went to sleep.

At the Swan-Jones house, Killian and Emma calmed down about their special news; Emma lied down against Killian and both of their hands were on top of her very unnoticeable soon to be baby bump. "Do you know how far along are you?"

" I am not sure, maybe 2 months pregnant? I have to go to the doctor in the hospital to confirm my pregnancy. Most likely Dr. Whale will be my doctor." Killian sighed, "They really need another doctor in that hospital besides that bloody Dr. Whale."

"Yes, I definitely agree, I hope I can get a woman doctor; as long as I have a good doctor, I want to have a healthy pregnancy."

"When do you want to tell the news of our little bean?"

Emma smiled. "Well, I would like to not tell anyone until I meet with the doctor. I want to keep it a secret between us before the whole town knows."

"Aye, I love our special little secret."

"Same here." They kiss.

"Swan, when should we tell Henry that he is going to be a big brother?"

" I definitely want to tell him before my mom and dad; knowing my mom who cannot keep a secret." Killian chuckled. " I want Henry to know first."

"Aye, Henry is going to be so excited to be a big brother. He will be thrilled."

"I hope so, he already has younger siblings at Regina's. He has Roland as a half stepbrother and Rowand who is his adopted half-cousin/ step-sister since Regina has custody of her."

"Swan why is Zelena does not have custody of her daughter?"

"After the final battle, Zelena and Robin shared custody of Rowand. The more Robin took care of Rowand the more Zelena turned green of jealous. She eventually decided to let Regina and Robin have Rowand because the pressure of being a parent got too much for her. She was not prepared to be a parent."

Emma looked serious. "Swan, what is wrong?"

"I really hope that we can be parents. We both never experienced the diaper changes, the feedings.."

"You are a great mother with Henry."

"Yes 10 years later after giving him up, and he found me in Boston as a 10-year-old. I missed everything with him"...starting to cry.

He hugs her. "Swan our little bean, (touching her abdominal with his hook), is both of our second chance. You are going to be a brilliant mother with me on your side starting from the very beginning. We are going to make mistakes and learn from them but we are going to do it as a team. Remember you are not alone this time. I am going to take care of you and our little bean."

"I know now, that I am not alone this time. I still feel guilty for giving up Henry. I don't think I will ever stop having that feeling..."

"Emma, listen to me, you made the best choice to put Henry up for adoption because you wanted him to have his best chance. He knows that, and he loves you for making the best decision for a better life. You are in his life now. He is going to love to have a biological sibling."

"You are right. Henry is going to love his baby sister or brother. You are an amazing husband you know that?"

"Of course, I know." She kissed him on the cheek.

"How about we get something to eat. You cannot skip meals, it will not be healthy for the babe. What do you want to make you?"

"Well...I am craving for grilled cheese."

"I can make us both grilled cheese and salad on the side."

"No onion rings ?"

"Hey, you got to eat a little healthy for the little babe."

"Fine...I will have salad on the side."

Killian went downstairs to cook their dinner, Emma rubbed her abdominal and said to it "You are going to love your daddy. He loves you so much already. Your big brother Henry will love you so much. I love you so much already."

After dinner, Emma and Killian watched a movie on Netflix.

Henry got ready for bed. He wanted to call Killian to check up on his Mom.Henry calls Killian, he did not pick up. Killian texts him <i>  "Emma is getting a little better."  </i>

 Henry responded, <i>" Can I come over tomorrow to see Mom?" </i>  

Killian responded, <i>"I will let you know, depending on your mom. Goodnight lad." </i>

Emma falls asleep next to Killian. He turns off the television. He bridal carries her to their room and tucked her into bed. He kissed her on the head and kissed her invisible baby bump whispered: "Daddy and Mommy love you."

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