Killian's Special Day

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As Henry's finals were approaching, Killian helped his son study for all of his finals at home, while Emma took Hope to work with her. Emma was in her office doing paperwork, with Hope playing in a small playpen with her toys. "Mommy." Emma smiles and gets Hope from her playpen. "Hopey. You want to sit with Mommy?" Hope babbled. She kisses Hope on the head and sits back down on her chair. "You can keep me company while I am finishing up my work." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You give the best hugs baby girl." She kept gave Hope kisses on her head as she did paperwork. When she was finished, Hope began to cry. "Hope, I am finished working baby girl. We can go home." She puts Hope in her stroller and put the diaper bag underneath and pushed her out of the station. "Emma, you are leaving for the day?""Yes, Dad. I got most of my work done. Hope, say bye-bye to grandpa." Hope fussed. Charming "Why are you crying, little princess?" Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "Emma, Hope wants you to hold her." "I am not surprised." Emma gets Hope out of her stroller and put her on her hip. "Hope, we are going home.""Ome." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Yes, baby girl, home. I know you want to play on the swings at home." Hope smiled. "Emma, I can walk you and Hope home." He pushes the stroller for his daughter while Emma carried Hope."Thanks, Dad. Hope just wants to be held." Hope pulled her Mommy's blond lock of hair. "Hopey." She giggles. "You see what I mean, Dad?" Charming smiles. "Yes, I can see Hope loves being with her Mommy."Emma smiles. "Yes, she loves being with me." Hope babbled. " You like being Mommy's little sheriff?" Hope babbled loudly which made Emma and Charming laugh."She sure takes after you, Emma.""Yes, she does. Hope is my mini-me." She shifts Hope around and held her in her front. "Comfy Hope?" Hope babbled. "How is Mom?""She is doing alright. She has not been the same ever since Leo hurt Hope. Her suspension has made her more mad about everything she has done.""She has done some much to my two kids, I told her so many times what was the right thing to do with Leo. She did not listen to me and has lost my trust." She hugs Hope."Emma, I know you do not trust your Mom." "I really don't, she is the reason why Hope is in casts and getting Henry teased in school...""I know, sweetheart. Your Mom is causing a lot of trouble but you are doing an amazing job being a Mom to both Henry and Hope. She is proud of you as I am, Emma. Even though she is mad at you, she knows you are great Mom to our grandchildren." "Mommy.""You have the best Mommy, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Can you tell Grandpa that you give the best hugs Hope?" Hope babbled and gripped her Mommy. "You are with Mommy, baby girl." They arrived home. Killian sees his two loves. "My love and little love are finally home.""Dada."Killian takes Hope into his arms. "Hi, Little love. Did you have a good day with Mommy?" Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "My little love wants one on one time with Dada.""Dada." "How is Henry studying session with you?""We studied all of his subjects. He is understanding all of the information. I just want to make sure he knows it by going it over and over again with him.""Is he finished studying?""Yes, we studied for three hours and he went to visit Regina at her office.""He needs a break, he has been studying for finals all weekend. His finals start tomorrow.""Aye, the lad has been studying really hard and finals week begins tomorrow." Hope babbled. "Is that right little love you are getting your casts off tomorrow?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Dada is going to be there when you get them off." He gave Hope kisses. "Charming, how is the station?""Not too busy.""I will come in the morning and make it in time for Hope's appointment." "Dada.""Yes, little love. We can have daddy-daughter time in the hammock." Hope fussed. "Killian, she needs to be fed first. She was getting hungry on the way here." She takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, Mommy will feed you." Emma takes Hope upstairs to her room and nurses her on her bed. "Killian, how Emma has been lately since the recent fight between Snow and her?""Aye, Emma has been focusing on Henry and Hope. I can tell she doesn't want to talk about her mother.""Emma is being a great mom to Hope and Henry.""Aye that she is.""If you and Emma need anything you can both call me.""Thanks, mate. I will let you know." Killian joins his two loves in their bedroom. "How is our little love, swan?""She was very hungry." Hope moved around. "You just want Mommy's milk." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "How are you feeling, swan?""Honestly, I just want to go on vacation.""We are going to Boston soon, right?""Yes, we are. I booked our hotel and we are going next week. I am not sure what you want to do for Father's day? It is your special when we are on vacation." "I just want to be with my wife and children all day and have fun..""I am pretty sure we can do that, captain maybe the beach?""Aye, I would not have it any other way." They kiss. The next day, Henry was playing with Hope in the living room before he headed to school. "Henry, are you ready for your finals?""Yes, Mom. Dad is a great tutor especially with math." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. When I come home from school, we are going to play." Hope hugs her brother. "Are you giving me a good luck hug?" Hope smiled which made Emma smile. "Kid, you do not want to miss your bus.""I am going to Hope's appointment later with you and Hope?""Yes, Henry. I am going to pick you up after your final and we are going to drive there. Your dad is going to meet us there from work." He puts Hope on the couch and hugs his Mom. "You can do this Henry. You are my smart son.""Thanks, Mom. I love you.""I love you, too. Henry." Henry hugs his Dad. "You can do it, lad.""Thanks, Dad for helping me over the weeks to study.""You are my son. I will always help you. We will see you later." Henry leaves for school. Hope began to cry. "Little love, don't cry." He holds his daughter in his arms. "I know you want to play with Henry, he has to go to school. When he comes home, he will play with you." Hope makes her poop face and makes a lot of poop. "You love making poop on me."Emma giggles. "Hope, are you being a little stinker?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Whoo. You need a clean diaper." Hope cried more and makes more poop. "Little love, dada is not mad at you. Love, I will change her diaper." He rubs Hope's back and takes her upstairs to her room and changes her diaper and into her Pluto shirt. "There you go little love, you are all clean. You are getting your casts off today. Are you excited?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you are excited to move your legs again. Daddy and Mommy have a walker for you to move around in the house in you will get to play in it, jump and walk around the house." Hope babbled. "Aye, Daddy, Mommy and Henry will get to chase you all over the house." Hope grabs her Daddy's hook and chews on it. "You love your Daddy's hook." Hope smiles which make Killian smile and scoops Hope into his arm. "You are just happy being with Dada." He sits on the rocking chair and enjoying his one on one time with his little love. He gave her kisses on her head, "Dada.""Yes, little love we are having Dada and Hope time. Do you want a pirate story?" Hope smiled held onto her Daddy's hook. "Once upon a time, in Neverland..." Emma sees Killian having one on one time with Hope and smiles, she is so lucky to have Killian as her husband and Daddy to both of her children. She goes back to bed to get more rest in their room, she still sleeps with Hope in her crib with her. Emma wakes up from a phone call from her Dad. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, Emma. We need your help with your brother?""How can I help?""We need you to meet us in Archie's office.""Archie's? I will meet you there." Emma gets off the phone and changes into an outfit. She sees Killian snuggling with Hope in his arms who was napping. "Killian, how is Hope?""She is loving Daddy-daughter time." Emma smiles seeing holding her Daddy's. "She loves her Daddy's hook. I got a phone call from my Dad.""Swan..""He asked me to meet him, Leo and my Mom at Archie's office. I have a feeling it is Leo's diagnosing results.""Emma, go to Archie and figure out what is going on with Leo. Hope is enjoying her daddy-daughter time and holding my hook." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "I love you baby girl." Killian and Emma kiss. "Love, call me if you need me.""I will." Emma drove her yellow bug into town and heads into Archie's office. "Archie?""Hi, Emma. Please come in. We are waiting for you to start." She sees her parents and her brother. She sits on the opposite side of her family, not trusting her Mom or brother. "Why am I here?""Emma, I want you here to hear my diagnostics on Leo's behavioral issues since he hurt your daughter."Charming holds his wife's hand. "Whatever Archie tells us we have to accept it.""Charming...""No, Snow White. Our son is out of control.""Charming and Snow White, I ran a test on your son Leo...he is a sociopath..."Charming looks concerned. "What is a sociopath?""A sociopath is a personality disorder with extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. He loves hurting people for fun with no feeling..." Snow White was mad. "The test results are wrong. " Charming holds his wife from attacking Archie. "Snow you have to accept it. He needs help!" "Mom, it is the truth. He hurt so many people without a care in the whole world. You have to cut your denial crap and face the truth. Archie is there a cure or treatment?""Yes, Emma there is treatment a lot of counseling for him and family counseling.""Do I have to be at these sessions? I know my Mom needs counseling of her own because she is in denial of Leo's darkness and doesn't want to acknowledge that Leo the most of the town and hurt my daughter.""Emma...""Mom, it is true. Dad, I will help as best as I can with Leo but he cannot be around my family.""Emma, the whole family needs to help Leo.""Archie, even if our Mom doesn't accept it? That is not going to help him and I lost my mother's trust.""Emma, I know. I am going to work with your Mom and Leo in one on one counseling. Leo's darkness and sociopath are connected and he is going to learn with me and Rumplestiltskin on how to control his darkness.""He loves hurting my daughter.""Archie, hurting Hope is so much fun.""See?!""I see it and I am going to treat him.""The only one in my family in this room I trust is my Dad. He is the only one is allowed to be with my family.""I understand, Emma. You are protecting your family.""Yes, Hope almost died from getting hurt by my brother and my mom getting Henry bullied in school by his classmates and herself. I just want to keep my children safe, are you sure you can help him?""Yes, Emma. Rumplestiltskin is helping me on this Emma. Your brother is out of control and he needs help.""He is not out of control, Archie!" Charming holds his wife down. "He is a good boy.""Snow White of all people to be in denial of not supporting your son when he needs help. Don't you see that?! Your daughter does not trust you. The whole town doesn't want Leo to be around their children because he hurts for fun. I know you see the good in everyone Snow White but you have to accept Leo having darkness in him and being a sociopath. If he doesn't get the help that he needs now, he will be killing people, Snow White. I know you don't want your son in prison.""I just want to raise him normal. Is that a bad thing?""No, but being in denial and not getting the help your son needs is not good parenting, Snow.""Mom, you have to accept for who Leo is and get the help he needs and it will get easier to raise him normally but life is not perfect." "Emma... I did not raise you.""I know but what you are doing to Leo is not right Mom. When you stop being in denial, we can restart our other and daughter relationship but by the way, this family feud is going, you are not in my family even though you gave birth to me, I do not see you as my mother. How can I? You do not even listen to me. " She checks the time. "I have to go to get back to Hope and Killian.""Emma, thank you for coming.""Your welcome, Dad. Thanks for inviting me.""You are part of our family.""I know, I needed to know what Leo's diagnosis is so I can keep Hope faraway from him.""Emma." Leo hugs his sister. "I miss you." Emma hugs her brother. "I miss seeing you too, little bro but hurt Hope so many times is making me hard to trust you. When you stop hurting for fun, I will see you more." Emma returns home finding Hope crying in Killian's arms. "Emma, you are back. Hope missed you when you were out. She has been crying ever since she woke up from her nap.""Mommy.""Hopey." She takes Hope from Killian. "Mommy is home. Mommy is here... Did you wake up from your nap and wanted Mommy?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy is home. I am not going anywhere." She rubs her back and bounced her until she stopped crying. "We are snuggling baby girl. Later, we are going to pick up Henry at school. Then Auntie Allison will cut off your casts off. You will be able to crawl again." Hope babbled. "Yes, sweetie. We get to snuggle a lot more without your cast on. You get to go swimming in your baby pool in the backyard." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "How was Archie?""We had a family counseling session. He diagnosed Leo as a sociopath.""What is a sociopath?""From what Archie defined it as a person with a personality disorder with extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviors. You know how much he likes hurting people for fun and not feeling guilty about it.""Aye, that sounds a lot like Leo.""Yes now we know what he has and we need to keep him away from Hope.""Aye, Hope will never get hurt from him ever again." They got ready for Hope's appointment, Emma drove the yellow bug to Storybrooke High School to pick up Henry. Henry was so happy to see his family when he left his school and enters the car. "Hi, Dad, Hi, Mom.""Hi, lad. How was your exams today?""Good. I felt like I knew all of the answers.""That's my boy.""Can we study later?""Yes, we can, Henry." Emma drives them to Storybrooke Hospital. As they were waiting for Hope's name to be called, Henry was playing with Hope with toys in the waiting area. He was teaching Hope on how to use them. Allison came to the Swan-Jones family, "Hope, are you ready to get your casts off, little niece?""Aaaa....ahhhh." Allison smiles and takes Hope into her arms. "Aunt Allison that is yes from Hope." Allison leads the Swan-Jones family to an exam room and preps to get Hope's cast off. Hope began to cry. "Hope." Emma puts Hope on her lap. "Mommy is here, Hopey." She calms down her daughter. "Little sis, after you get your cast off we can play in the backyard. Maybe go swimming..." Hope stopped crying. "Henry, that is a great idea. Hope is going to love that.""As long as I get to swim with Hope." Emma giggles. "Emma, Hope needs to lie down now." Emma sets Hope on the table. "Hope, I am right next to you baby girl." She holds Hope's hand. Hope saw the scissors and began to cry. Killian gets on Hope's other side. "Little love. Dada is right here. You can grab my hook. After this is all over we are going home you and Henry can swim in your pool little love." Hope reaches out to both of her parents. Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Mommy and Daddy are right here baby girl. The scissors look scary but they won't hurt you, Hope. They are to get your casts off your legs so you can crawl again. Remember my cast story, from my broken wrist..." Hope hugged her Mommy. "The scissors won't hurt your skin but you have to stay still. Okay?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy." "You are not alone, Hope. Daddy and Mommy will hold your hands and won't let go when you get your casts off. Auntie won't hurt you, sweetie." She settles Hope back on the table, Killian and Emma both held Hope hands, as Hope continued to cry while Allison cuts off Hope's casts. "Hope, you are not getting hurt little love. You are alright." Allison got her casts off. "Hope, look baby girl, your cast is off.." Hope moved her legs and stopped crying. Hope babbled and turns to her tummy and crawled to her Mommy. "Mommy.""Yes, I can see you can crawl again!""Emma and Killian, Hope can move around just make sure she doesn't go overboard, her legs are still in recovery." Henry helps Hope stand up. "You can stand up again, little sis.""Lad, be careful with Hope's legs." Hope babbled. "Yes, little love. I can see Henry helping you stand up." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Allison, are her legs still weak?""Yes, Emma. That is why to make sure Hope moving around too much for a few weeks until her legs are fully healed. Hope will be able to swim, Emma.""We will make sure Hope does not overdo it until she is fully healed.""Mommy."Emma smiles. "Yes, Hopey. I see you standing up like a big girl you are!" Hope smiles and reaches her arm out. She takes Hope into her arms. "You can hug me baby girl with no more cast." Hope babbled. "Allison, Archie diagnosed Leo today. He told me with my parents, Leo is a sociopath.""Oh my gosh.""I was surprised myself and once Archie told us what it meant, it made a lot of sense. Leo is not allowed to be around Hope.""Mom, Hope is not going to hurt again.""I know, Henry. We are not going to let your little uncle around your sister." Henry lets Hope hold his finger. "Love, we know what Leo has and we know that we need to protect Hope from him." Hope babbled and moved her legs. "Yes, little love. I can see you have your casts off." Hope smiles. Emma carries Hope back to their car. "We are going home, Hope." Killian drove his family home, "Mom, can Hope and I go swimming when we get home?""Yes, Henry." "Hope, we get to go swimming in our pool." Hope babbled and clapped her hands. Killian smiles seeing Hope excited. "Emma, our little love is excited to go swimming with her brother.""Yes, Hope is excited to swim and get her legs wet again." Killian gets the baby pool into the backyard and filled it up with the hose while Henry got into a bathing suit as Emma changes Hope into her swim diaper. "You are already to swim, Hope!""Mom, I can bring Hope to the backyard." Henry carries Hope to their backyard. "Lad, the pool is almost filled." Henry let Hope crawl around their backyard and Hope was crawling around her Mommy. "You are just happy to be with Mommy and to crawl again." Hope smiled and tried to stand up by herself. Emma helps Hope stand up. "You are going to stand up on your own baby girl, really soon. You have your family to help you, Hope." She looks up at Killian. "Little pirate, your pool is ready." Emma puts Hope in her pool and she crawls around getting wet. "Mom, Hope is enjoying the water.""Yes, she is Henry. Are you going to swim with Hope?""I will soon, I want Hope to enjoy herself being able to crawl around again." "Henwy.""I am coming in, Hope." He goes into the pool and plays with Hope. Henry splashes around with Hope who was splashing water back at her brother. Emma and Killian took pictures of their children playing in the pool. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, I have a feeling Henry and Hope will be in the pool a lot this summer.""Me too. Hope is a little pirate after all." "Aye, yes she is.""We just have to watch her in the pool more so she won't get hurt and crawling around the house.""Love there are baby gates all over the house.""I know. I just don't want Hope to get hurt again." "Me too, love. She has us to watch her so she won't get hurt again." They kiss. Over the next few days, Henry had his final exams. Killian went to work at the Sheriff Station while Emma spends one on one time with Hope. Emma bakes brownies with the help from Hope. "Hopey, are you ready to be my mixer?" Hope smiles. Hope was sitting on the table as Emma helped Hope mixed the brownie mix, "You are a good mixer Hope." Hope babbled. "You know what I add extra in the mix? Can you keep a secret?" Hope babbled. "I add extra chocolate chips." Hope smiled. She teaches Hope every step on how to bake brownies. "When we turn on the oven, we do not touch it because it is very hot and we can get hurt. I do not want you to get hurt, little duckling." As the brownies were in the oven baking, Emma watched Hope crawl around the living room. She lets Hope play in her walker, Hope was bouncing in her walker until she began to cry. "Hope." She takes Hope out of her walker. "Does your legs hurt sweetie?" She kisses her on the head and they snuggle on the couch as they watch an episode of Barney on the television. The time on the oven. "Hope, the brownies are done. We have to take them out of the oven." She carries Hope into the kitchen set her down in her high chair. She takes out the brownies and shows them to her daughter. "Hope, they are ready to eat. Do you want some?" Hope babbled. "We can have some now after it cools off." Emma gave one to Hope and loved taking pictures of Hope trying her first mommy and Hope baking and her first brownie. "You like it?" Hope smiled with her face covered in brownies. "They are really good. We need to bake more often." Hope babbled loudly which made her Mommy laugh. Two days later, she takes Hope into town in her stroller to the pottery store. Emma and Hope make a shirt for Killian for Father's Day. "Daddy is going to love the shirt we are making him for Father's Day." She let Hope fingerpaint the shirt for Killian. "It is beautiful Hope. Dada is going to love it." Hope places her hand onto her Mommy's face which makes Emma smile. "Hopey." Hope babbled. After Hope was finished, the worker wrapped Hope's present and they took it home with them. "Hope, Dada is going to love your shirt you made him." Hope babbled and moved her legs around in her stroller. "Yes, when we get home we are going to have lunch and nap time." Emma let Hope crawl around in the kitchen as she was making their lunch for them, macaroni and cheese, with sweet potatoes and soft broccoli for both of them. Hope was crawling around and learning to open cabinets. "Hope, are you pulling out pots and pans." Hope banged pots around which made Emma laugh, she loves seeing Hope learning new things and explore every day. Hope began to cry, Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Hope, your lunch is the ready baby girl. I know you are hungry." She puts Hope in her high chair and Hope enjoys her lunch, as Emma ate hers. Hope cries again and reaches her arms out. "Hope. Why are you crying?" She put Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl." She pats Hope's back and trying to calm down her daughter. She takes Hope up to her room and rocks Hope in her rocking chair. "We are snuggling baby girl. Mommy and Hopey time." She gave Hope kisses. "Later you can help Mommy pack for our family vacation to Boston. We are going to see animals at the zoo and go to the aquarium again to see the water animals. We are going to have so much fun on our family vacation. We are going to give Dada his gift on his special day when we are on vacation." "Mommy...Mommy...""Hope, I am right here. We are snuggling. I am not going anywhere. I am staying with you my little duckling." She gave Hope kisses on her head and hugs until Hope calmed down, she knew her daughter is still afraid to sleep alone in her crib. "We can snuggle on Mommy and Daddy's bed." She takes Hope to her room and they snuggle. "You are with Mommy, Hope." Hope babbled. "We can talk." Hope babbled."Oh, really. You love the water like Dada. Tell me more..."When Henry returned home from his final exam, he found his Mom and sister in their parent's room, Emma was sleeping with Hope crawling around with her toys scattered all over the bed. He joined his sister on their parent' bed. "Hi, Hope. Are you playing on Mommy's bed?" Hope babbled. "We can play in my room." He picks Hope up and she begins to cry. "Hope. We can play in here little sis. Don't cry." He puts Hope back on their parent's bed. "I will be right back, little sis." He gets his storybook from his room. "Hope, it is story time." He joins his sister on their parents' bed and she fusses. "You want to sit with me and Mommy?" Hope nods her head. Henry moves around close enough to their Mom. "We have to be quiet, Hope. Mommy is sleeping." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope." He opens his storybook. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest..." When Henry turns the page to their grandpa holding their Mom, Hope places her hand on the page. "Mommy." Henry smiles. "That is right, Hope. You love Mommy's story because it is about our Mommy." Hope babbled loudly. "Yes, Hope. Mommy is sleeping right next to us." Hope babbled more. "Yes, Hope. Our Mommy's story is the best in the whole book." Hope squirms around and crawls off Henry and climbs onto her Mommy which wakes up their Mom. "Hope. Hi baby girl." "Mommy.""Henry is reading my story to you?" Hope babbled. "Mom, Hope did not want to leave your room. She stopped me reading your story to tell me that it was you on the page and got off of me and climbed onto you."Emma was in awe. "Hope, you want to be with Mommy while Henry reads you my story?" Hope babbled. "We can both listen to Henry's story." She puts Hope on her lap. "Henry, how was your last final?""Good. I am just happy that I am on summer vacation. I am looking forward to Boston on Monday.""We are having a family road trip. Hope and I made your Dad a gift for Father's Day.""Hope and I have something for Dad. Right Hope?" Hope babbled and moves around and tries standing up with the help of Henry. "Hope, are you standing up?" Hope babbled. "You are getting stronger little sis." Hope began to cry. "Henry, I got your sister. Hope." She holds Hope on her chest. "You are with Mommy baby girl. You are alright.""Mom, what is wrong with Hope?""Even though her casts are off, her legs still hurt, it will be a few weeks until her legs are back to normal." "She just wants to be held by you." "Your sister wants to snuggle." "Hope, I know you are in pain little sis but I am right here and want to make you happy. I love you." Hope stopped crying. "You are the best little sis ever." Hope babbled. "Mom, I got Hope to stop crying.""I told you, Henry, that you and Hope have the special brother and sister connection." Hope babbled. "Hope, you want Henry to finish his story?" Hope babbled. "Okay, sweetie. You can snuggle with Mommy and listen to Henry's story." Henry opens his book and continues reading to Hope who kept touching the pages. Killian returns home from work finding his family in their bedroom. "Hello, love.""Hi, honey." They kiss. "Hi, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head."Dada.""Little love, are you snuggling with your Mommy? And having story time with Henry?" Hope smiles. "Hope wants to be held by me and I cannot pack for our vacation.""Love, I can help you pack.""Great. Hope, we need to pack your clothes for Boston." Hope fusses. "Hope, you are going to be with Mommy while we pack." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Love, I will help you pack Hope's clothes." Emma carries Hope into her room. She shows Hope what clothes to take out of her drawers, "Hope, we can pack your bathing suits so we can go you want to bring your Pluto shirt?" Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope we are going to pack your Pluto dolls." Killian smiled at Emma is an amazing Mom to Hope to teach her how to pack as he took clothes from Emma and packed them in Hope's suitcase. "Love, her big Pluto is packed.""Good." Hope was playing with her small Pluto on her Mommy's lap. Hope babbled."Yes, Hope. I see you are holding your Pluto doll." Hope hugs her Mommy, Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Dada.""Yes, little love?" He kneels to Hope and she grabs her Daddy's hook. "You just want your Daddy's hook?" Hope smiles."You are my little pirate." He gave her kisses in her cheek which makes her laugh. "Killian, Hope wants to be with the both of us.""Aye, she loves being with her Mommy and Daddy." Hope tries to stand up. "Dada will help you, little love." He helps Hope stand up. "There you go, little love." Hope fussed and reaches out to her Mommy. "Hope, I am right here, baby girl." She gave Hope her finger to help her stand. "You are standing baby girl." Hope babbled holding both of her parents' finger and hook. Henry sees his parents' moment with his sister and took a picture of them helping Hope standing up. "Henwy.""Little sis, are you standing up with Mommy and Daddy helping you?" Hope babbled. "You want to work on art with me?" Hope smiles. "Hope, let's do art little sis." Their parents set Hope down on the carpet, Hope follows Henry to his room by crawling, Emma took pictures of Hope following Henry. "I love seeing Henry and Hope together. She is following her big brother.""Me too, love. Now that Hope can crawl again, I have a feeling we are going to see there brother and sister moments more often.""Yes, captain. Just wait until Hope walks then we were in trouble. Killian laughs and hugs his wife. "I have a feeling Hope will follow her Mommy around when she can walk.""Yes, Hope loves being held by me and playing with me, I love it." They kiss. "Let's pack our luggage for Boston while Henry is keeping Hope busy." They pack for their family trip to Boston in their room. Hope crawled to her parent's room and babbling away and tried to climb onto her Mommy. Emma smiles and picks up her daughter "Hope, did you escape Henry's room?" Hope babbled. "You did not want to do art?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "You just want to hug Mommy." Henry enters the room. "Hopey, I turned around for one minute and you were not in my room anymore." Hope babbled. "Oh really? You escaped my room because you wanted to be with Mommy." Hope babbled more. "Did Hope have fun working on your art project with you?""Yes, until she crawled onto my canvas and tried to eat it.""Hope! Say sorry to Henry." Hope babbled. "Lad, I think that is a sign for us that Hope is hungry. Right, little love?" Hope smiles. They ate dinner together in the kitchen. A few days later, Emma and Killian packed the family car, as Henry was playing with Hope in the living room, chasing her around the living room before their long car ride. "Love, anything else?""We have Hope's stroller, car seat, playpen...""Swan, you know our Hope she is going to end up sleeping with us. I do not think we need her playpen.""You are right, can you put the playpen back inside?""Aye, as you wish." They kiss. Regina comes by. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Regina. How are you?""I am good. How is Henry?""He is doing good, Regina. He is playing with Hope inside before we leave so Hope can nap on our car ride to Boston." They return inside with Hope crawling on Killian and Henry. "Killian...""Sorry, swan. Hope wanted to play with me... I could not resist saying no to our little love." He lifts Hope up and down making her laugh. "Henry.'Hi, Mom." Henry hugs Regina. "Are you excited for your trip?""Yes. I am going to take a lot of pictures to show you when we get back." Hope crawl and sits on her Daddy's face, and makes poop. "Emma..." He lifts up Hope. Emma rushes over to get Hope off of Killian. "Hope. No, no, sweetie. You do not sit on Daddy's face." "Dada.""Hope, I know you want to play with Dad but you cannot sit on his face. You are hurting Dada.""Love, she made poop while sitting on my face." Henry and Regina laughed. "Hope. Let's get you changed before our car ride." Emma takes Hope up to her took to change her diaper. "Hope, you made a lot of poop." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are being a little stinker." Hope kicks her legs, Emma giggles and scoops Hope into her arms. "Are you ready for our road trip?" Hope smiles. Emma brings Hope downstairs, "Little love, are you poop free?""Dada." He takes Hope from his wife spun Hope around and gave her kisses. Hope babbled. "Thank you for the apology, Hope. I know you did not mean to sit on my face." Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "My little pirate." "Killian, are you okay?""I am not mad at hope, Emma. She just wanted to play with her Daddy but her sitting on my face and making poop was vile." Emma giggles. "We should be going.""Aye, Henry is already in the car." Killian puts Hope in her car seat. "Regina, did Rumple tell you what Archie diagnosed Leo?"Yes, Emma. I know Leo is a sociopath.""Lily and Mulan are in charge of the sheriff station while we are away.""Emma, I got everything under control here. I will keep an eye on your brother." "Thanks, Regina." Hope began to cry. "Mom...""Coming, Henry." Emma gets into the car and comforts Hope. Henry hugs his other Mom. "Have fun on your vacation Henry.""Thanks, Mom. I will facetime to you soon." He gets into the car. "Mom, how is Hope?" "She just wants me to be next to her." Hope sucks on her Mommy's finger. "Mom, I can help Dad with the GPS." He sits next to his Dad. Killian drove his family out of Storybrooke. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are over the town line." Hope clapped her hands. "Yay!" She claps with Hope. "Mom, I am pretty sure Hope is excited about our family vacation.""Yes, she is Henry." Hope fusses. She gives Hope her quilt and calms down. "You just want your favorite quilt for naptime." Hope smiled. She gave Hope kisses and rubs her hands until Hope fell asleep. Emma falls asleep. Killian drove his family to New England, Boston without stopping with a little traffic. "Lad, do you have directions to the hotel?""Yes, Dad," Henry tells Killian directions to their hotel. "Mom, we are here." Emma wakes up. "Killian, let's register. Henry...""Mom, I will stay with Hope." Killian and Emma walked into the hotel together and register in their room. Killian pushes the cart back to their car, Henry was holding Hope who was crying. "Hope, Mommy is back little sis. I told you she did not leave us." He gives Hope to their Mom. "Mom, Dad and I will unload the car." Henry helps his Dad unload the car as his Mom calms down his sister. After they settled in their hotel room, they went out for an early dinner. Henry got maps to see what they can do in Boston and planned out what they want to do in their hotel room. Hope was crawling around her Daddy. "Lad, we are going to the zoo tomorrow.""I know. What else should we do while we are here?" Hope babbled. "Yes, there is a children museum for you to play in." Hope babbled and crawls to Henry and he puts Hope on his lap. "We can play there and crawl around." Hope babbled. "You want to go swimming? That is a great idea. Mom, can we go swimming?""Yes, we can." Emma dresses into her bikini and cover before she dresses Hope in her swim diaper and bathing suit, "Hope are you ready to go swimming with Henry?" Hope smiles. "Little love, are you going to swim with Mommy and Henry?""Dada." She crawls to her Daddy and grabs his hook. "You want Daddy to join swimming in the pool, little love?" Hope babbled. "Daddy will swim little love." Emma giggles. "I told you, Hope you will get Dada to swim in the pool." She kisses Hope on her cheek. "Aye, our little love is persuasive just like her Mommy." Emma smiles. "I think she takes after her Daddy because you can be very persuasive.""Oh, really swan?""Yes, captain. Just one look and you can change my mind." Killian and Emma kiss for a moment, Hope babbles. "Yes, little sis. They are making out." Henry takes Hope from their Dad's lap. "We can swim." Emma stops kissing Killian, "Wait for me, kid." "Love, I will meet you down there." Henry carries Hope to the pool. Hope babbled. "Henry, be careful with Hope in the pool." Emma watches as Hope splashing in the pool being held by Henry. Killian joins them at the pool, he kisses Emma on the cheek as Emma hugs her husband. "Killian, Hope loves the water like her Daddy.""Aye, she has the ocean in her blood just like her daddy." "Mom, Dad Hope wants you to join us in the pool." They join them in the pool. "Hope." Emma takes Hope into her arms. "Are you having fun swimming with Henry?" Hope smiles. She spins Hope around and bounces Hope up and down in the pool which made Hope smile. "Hope, kick your legs. Swim to Dada." Hope kicked her legs as her Mommy helped her swim to Killian. "You are doing great little love." He caught Hope in his arms. "Swan, it is my turn to swim with our little love." Hope splashed her Daddy. "Aye, you want Dada to get wet?" Hope babbled. "My little pirate." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Henry went to the deeper end and did cannonballs while Killian held Hope and let her splash and kick her legs as he sat on the steps. Emma sees how much Killian loving being in the pool with their daughter. Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you tired? Let's go back to our room." He wraps Hope in her towel. "Love, I will take Hope upstairs. Our little pirate is getting tired." They kiss. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "We will snuggle later baby girl." Killian returns back upstairs with Hope and gives her a bubble bath. "You want Dada to join you?" Hope smiles and as he joins his little love. They play with her bath toys and got her clean. "You are all clean little love." He put Hope in a towel and dries her up and drains the tub. He put Hope on the floor so he can dry up before changing her into her pajamas. He changed Hope into her pajamas and turns Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and fed Hope her bottle. Hope loved snuggling with her Daddy. "Are you comfy little love?" He kisses her on the head and watched her fall asleep. Emma and Henry returned and stopped talking once they see Hope sleeping on Killian. 'How is she?" Henry takes a shower first"She had her bubble bath, bottle, watched a little of Pluto before she fell asleep. The pool tired her out." She kisses Hope on the head and kisses Killian on the cheek. "She loves her Daddy.""Aye, she loves her Dada." They kiss. The next morning, Emma packed Hope's diaper bag and made her they have her stroller for the zoo. Henry was playing with Hope as their parents were getting ready to go to the zoo. Emma drove her family to the Franklin Park Zoo and unloaded the car, Hope began to cry. "Little sis, we are going to see animals. We are going to have fun." "Henry, your sister wants to be held by me." Henry puts Hope in their Mom's arms. "Hopey, you are going to be held by me while we look at animals." Killian carries the diaper bag into the zoo. Emma bought them tickets as Henry got maps of the zoo. As Henry lead his family around the zoo, Hope was snuggling with her Mommy as her Daddy pointed out the different animals tigers, bears, zebras, and lions. Henry took pictures of every animal that they saw. When they were at the giraffe exhibit Hope began to cry. "Little love, the giraffe won't hurt you, Hope." "She is afraid, Killian. Hopey. The giraffe is a nice animal but very tall." She rubs Hope's back. Giraffe lean to Emma and Hope, Emma pet the giraffe. "Hope the nice giraffe wants to say hi to you, sweetie." Henry took a picture of the giraffe by his Mom and sister. Hope screamed. "Hope, we are going bye bye from the giraffe." Henry leads them to another exhibit. "Little love, we left the giraffe's Hope." He kisses Hope on the head as Hope cried more. "Are you hungry baby girl? Henry, we need to take a break." Emma nurses Hope under a cover on a bench. "Yes, you need your Mommy's milk." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy. "Love, you have been carrying her around most of the day. I can carry Hope." She gently puts Hope in Killian's arms. They went all around the zoo and saw different animals. Emma was talking to Henry and kept looking at Killian holding Hope. "Are you okay love?""I just want to make sure our daughter is alright and my husband is alright carrying our baby girl.""My arms are not tired carrying Hope. I love carrying our little love.""She is gripping your jacket.""Aye, she loves the smell of the ocean." "She misses the ocean just like you.""Aye, she is my little pirate.""Our little pirate." They kiss.Over the next few days, the Swan -Jones family toured all around New England, Emma showed her family and learned about America's history too. They went to the Freedom Trail, Faneuil and the Market Place. On their last day, Killian took Hope to the Boston Children's Museum for one on one time as Emma took Henry to the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston for their own one on one time. On Father's day, Emma woke up early with Hope. "Hope, you like snuggling with Mommy. Do you know what day it is ?" Hope babbled. "Yes, it is Daddy's special day." Hope babbled. "You can wake up Dada." She puts Hope on Killian's chest, as Hope crawls on her Daddy and pats his face until he wakes up. Killian woke up smiling, Emma uses her iPhone capturing their daddy-daughter moment. "Good morning, little love." "Dada." "Thank you, little love." He gave Hope kisses. "Happy Father's Day, Killian.""Thank you, love." They kiss. "We are going home today right love?""Yes, we are, Killian.' She gave Killian a look.'Swan, what are you up to?""You will see once we get back home." They kiss. "Mommy.""Yes, Hope. We have to wake your brother so Daddy can open his presents." "Hope, I am awake little sis." Henry gets his present for their Dad. "Dad, this is from Hope and me." Henry takes his sister from his Dad so he can open their present. Emma uses her iPhone to record Killian opening his gift from their children. "Daddy is opening our present little sis." Hope babbled. Killian opened his gift from his children a clay anchor with all their names on it and on the bottom "Swan-Jones family." Killian had tears forming in his eyes. "Henry, you and Hope made this for me?""Yes, we did Dad. Do you like it?" Killian hugs Henry and Hope. "I love it so much, Henry. It is the best father's day gift I have ever received." Hope began to cry."Hope, Daddy likes our gift we made him little sis.""Kid, Hope needs to be fed." She gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, Dad will open his gift from you after you eat." As Emma nurses her daughter, Henry explained to his Dad how he created the anchor. Hope began to cry. "Swan, give me our little love." Emma hands over Hope to Killian. "Hope, why are you crying?" Hope gripped her Daddy. "You are with Daddy little love. Don't cry." He kisses Hope on the head. "Do you want Dada to open your present?" Hope gripped her Daddy. "Henry, can you open my gift from your sister?""Sure." He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy is going to love your gift little sis. Don't cry." "Mommy.""Mom, Hope wants you.""I heard your sister, kid." She leans to her daughter. "Hope, you want Mommy to be next to you and Daddy?" Hope babbled. "Little love, your Mommy is going to see me open my present from you." Emma puts Hope on her lap and Killian opened his present, while Henry took pictures on his iPhone. Killian smiled big, seeing his tee-shirt from his little lass, with painted handprints all over with the sentence "My Daddy Is the Best Pirate," in the center. Hope babbled. "Hope, you made me the best shirt, little love." He gave her kisses as Emma put Hope in his arms. "I am going to wear my new shirt today."Hope gave her Daddy kisses. "Thank you for my gift little Hope.""Dada.""She has one more gift, Killian." She hands her husband the homemade card, "Dear dada, I love you so much. I love our pirate talks. We love the ocean, sailing, Wa-wa and telling me exciting pirate stories. I cannot wait for more pirate adventures. You are the best Dada ever. I love you, Hope." Killian had tears in his eyes. "I love your card, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on his cheek and lifts her up and down until Hope made poop. "Little love." Emma and Henry took pictures of their daddy-daughter moment. "Killian, I will change her." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are going back home today." Emma changes Hope diaper and into a cute outfit, "My Daddy is a Pirate and I love him." "Mommy.""Mommy has to pack our suitcases.""Mom, I can play with Hope." He takes Hope from the bed and let her crawl around in the hallway. Killian changed into his father's day shirt. "You are showing your daddy side today." "Aye, our little love is a great artist." "You look handsome, my pirate." She tugs his shirt and gives him a look and they kiss. "Tonight you and I in our room..""Aye, I like where this is going." "Good. Let's get back home." They kiss. Killian carried their suitcases, in the hallway they see Henry chasing Hope around. "Henry, Hope. We are leaving." Henry gets Hope from the carpet. "We are going home, Hope.""Ome." "Yes Hope. Home." Emma holds Hope and carries her to the car and buckles her in. "Mommy is driving us home." "MOm, I am going to read stories to Hope on the way home or until she naps." Hope babbled. Emma drove them home, with Killian right next to her. There was traffic on the highway and Hope began to cry. "Hope, do not cry little sis." "Henry, there is a bag of goldfish in my diaper bag, Hope is probably is hungry." Henry takes out goldfish. "Here you go little sis, goldfish." Hope fusses. "Hopey, they are good." He ate some, "Yummy. You want some?" He hands her a few to her to reach and she grabbed one and ate it. Hope smiles. They shared goldfish snack. "Hope, you want to watch Pluto?" Hope babbled. "Henry, make sure Hope does not choke on her snack.""Yes, Mom." He takes his iPad and got Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Hope babbled loudly when she saw Pluto. "Yes, Hope. Pluto is on my iPad." Emma and Killian smiled at each other, knowing how great Henry is being a big brother to Hope. Hope fussed again. "You want your bottle?" He gets Hope's bottle from her diaper bag. "You want your ba-ba?" Hope grabbed her bottle from her brother and sucks it. "Slow down little sis, you do not want to choke." He takes it out of her mouth and Hope began to cry. "Mom, I do not want Hope to choke." "Henry, Hope is not going to choke. Let Hope have her bottle." "Lad your sister is not going to choke." Henry gives Hope back her bottle, which made Hope stop crying. "Sorry, Hope. I thought you were going to choke." The highway got less crowded and got off the next exit for a rest stop. "Henry, we are at a rest stop.""Yes, we can get snacks." Hope cries. Emma gets Hope out of her car seat. "Hope, you are coming with us, sweetie." Emma knew Hope needed a change. "You need a change, baby girl." "Mom, there is a Starbucks.""I know, can you get me a cinnamon hot cocoa.""Sure." Emma changes Hope in the women's restroom. While they were finding Killian and Henry, Hope wanted to crawl around. Emma found a spot where Hope can crawl around without bumping into other people. Henry finds them, "Mom, I got your cinnamon hot cocoa.""Thanks, Henry." She gets her cinnamon hot cocoa from her son. "Where is your Dad?""In the bathroom." Hope yanks Henry's jeans. "Hi, Hope. Are you crawling around?" He put Hope in his arms. "Henwy.""Hopey." He gave Hope kisses. Killian found his family. "There you are my swan.""Hope wanted to crawl around, I needed to find a place where she can crawl around without anybody else around." "The shirt that Hope gave me is giving me a lot of attention."Emma giggles. "I know they are jealous of your shirt that our baby girl for her Dada.""Aye." They kiss. "Love, I will drive the rest of the way home.""Killian, it is your special day. I can drive us almost." Emma puts Hope in her car seat. "Hope, we are almost home baby girl." Emma drove her family back to Maine, Killian and Henry talked the rest of the way home while Hope napped. Emma drove to the Jolly Roger. "Killian, we are home.""Aye our second home.""Yes, for the rest of your special day we are going to go sailing.""Really swan?""Yes, captain." "You are giving me a look swan? Is there something else?""You will see." Henry carries his sister on the Jolly Roger as Emma guided Killian onto his ship, there was a picnic all set up for them. "Swan, you did this?""Yes, captain. I thought we can have a family picnic before we sail.""I love that idea swan." Hope woke up from her nap. "Hope, look where we are little sis?" "Wa-wa." Henry, Killian, and Emma all smile at Hope knowing they were at her second home."That is right little sis." He puts Hope down and let her crawl around onto the picnic. Killian chuckles. 'It appears our little love wants us to have lunch first before we sail." He takes Hope from the picnic, "She takes after her Dada." She kisses him on the cheek and made Hope her plate of fruit salad and grilled cheese. "Love, you ordered Granny's?""Yes, I ordered Granny's in advance and had Ruby arranged the picnic today." Hope babbled. "Here is your lunch sweetie." Hope ate her lunch on her Daddy's lap. "Swan, eat your lunch. I will eat after our little love is finished." Hope babbled. "Is your lunch yummy little love?" Hope smiles. "Dad, where are we sailing today?""We are going to sail around here but I was thinking we can here tonight and have a star navigation lesson.""Awesome." "Killian, that is a great idea." Hope babbled. "Hope, you want Daddy to teach you about stars tonight?" Hope crawls to her Mommy. "You can be with me while we watch stars with Daddy and Henry." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian gets Hope's life jacket. "Little love when Daddy steers the Jolly Roger you need to wear your life jacket." He puts Hope in her life jacket. Hope fusses. "No, little love. When Jolly Roger is moving you need to wear it for your safety." "Listen to your Daddy, Hope." Killian holds Hope in his arms. "I will clean up our lunch." "Lad, get ready to sail.""Wa-wa." "Yes, little love sailing." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "My two pirates." Emma kisses Killian and Hope on their cheeks. Hope babbled."Yes, little love you help me with the sails." Killian lets Hope feel the sails as Henry and Emma pull the anchor up. "Dad, the anchor is up!""That's my boy." He carries Hope to the steering wheel. "Little love..." Hope grabbed the steering wheel, which makes Killian proud, "That is my little pirate.""Wa-wa." Hope helped Killian steering the Jolly Roger. Emma took pictures of Hope steering her Daddy's ship. "Mom, Hope is doing great helping Dad steering.""Are you jealous?'"Not really. Hope loves being with Dad. She is a little pirate after all. I know she can only steer for now." Hope began to cry. "Little love, are you tired? Emma!" Henry and Emma come up to the steering wheel. "Love, Hope wants her Mommy." Hope reaches out to her Mommy. "Come to Mommy my little pirate." She gets Hope from Killian. "We can snuggle in Daddy's captain quarters." She bing Hope inside. Emma lies down on Killian's bed and Hope snuggled on her Mommy. "Son, can you help me steer?""Yes, Dad. How was Hope steering?""Your sister is still learning left and right..." He smiles. "Let's just say she takes after your Mom's stubbornness she just wants to hold onto the steering wheel."Henry chuckles. "I am not surprised. She is Mom's mini-me.""You are right, my boy.""How is wearing your new shirt from Hope?"Killian smiles. "I got a lot of looks today at the rest stop." Henry laughs. They sailed until sunset. Killian checked on his two loves who were both fast asleep on his bed. He kisses them on the head. "I love you both so much," Killian ordered pizza for his family after Henry and himself set up his big telescope ready for star navigation. "Dad, how long did it take you to memorize all of the constellations?""It took me a long time to learn them but in time I am able to tell which one is which by now.""That is really cool, Dad. I hope one day that I can memorize the constellations." Killian wrapped his arm around his son's shoulder. "I will help you lad to teach them all to you.""I really like that Dad." Henry hugs his Dad. Emma returns to the deck with Hope. "Dada is outside with Henry.""Hi, swan. How was your nap?""It was good. Hope woke me up because she wanted her Dada." Killian takes Hope from his wife. "Hi, little love. Did you have a good nap?""Wa-wa.""Aye, Dada quarters is the best to take naps." Hope grabbed her daddy's hook. "Little love, you want to play flying Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled. Killian went around his ship moving Hope as the Jolly Roger, he loved hearing Hope laughing and making his little lass happen. Emma took a lot of pictures of Killian playing with Hope. Emma paid for their pizza and had Henry help her set up their dinner. They had pizza together. Henry chased Hope around the Jolly Roger. When the sun was down, "My two pirates it is time for star navigation lesson." Henry carried Hope back to their parents, "Dad, Hope needs a change first.""Kid, give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. Emma changes Hope diaper and into pajamas in Killian's cabin. "Are you ready to look at stars Hope?" Hope smiled. Killian taught Henry and Hope together about constellations and let Henry figure out which constellation was which. He showed Hope the stars. Emma loved seeing her family together especially Killian being a great father to both of their children. After a few hours of star navigating, Killian had Hope sleeping on him, Emma wrapped Hope in her quilt as Killian continued star navigating with their son. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek. Henry went to bed. Killian cuddled with Emma on deck and showed her the stars as Hope was fast asleep in his arms. "Did you enjoy your special day, Killian?" Killian smiles. "This is my best father's day ever. I get to be with my family, I love being a Daddy to our little love and our son, I get to teach them sailing and star navigating. Thank you, Emma, for planning my special day."Emma smiles. "You are welcome. I know my pirate very well by now." "Aye, you know me so much my swan.""Yes, I love making my husband happy. I know Henry and Hope had so much fun today.""Did you have fun today?""Yes. I am very grateful to have my whole family together and having fun.""Aye, you made me a father swan, I love being a father to Hope and Henry. It is the best job in the world, especially having my beautiful wife on my side."Emma smiles. "I would not have this life without you." They kiss and cuddled. They gave Hope kisses on her head. "Happy Father's Day, Killian.""Thank you, Emma." They kiss. Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms with Hope right next to her. Killian watches his two loves sleep, he is so grateful for his whole family and had so much fun today celebrating his special day as a father. Thanks to Emma's planning out his special day, sailing and star navigation lesson. Emma changed his life around ever since he laid eyes on her, if it wasn't for her, he would be still wanting revenge and alone. Now he has the love of his life and raising a family with her and loving being a daddy to Hope and Henry. He will always be there for his family.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now