Weekend Getaway

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During Hope's peanut recovery, Hope was crying most of the time and wanted to be carried everywhere, which her family did. Hope was up most of the night Emma and Killian took turns staying up with Hope so they can get sleep, Hope was up most of the nights crying and being uncomfortable with her hands and feet were swollen. Emma hated seeing daughter upset. Emma changes Hope diaper in her room, "You are covered with poop." Hope cries. "Hope, let's go downstairs and have one on one time." She brings Hope to the living room turned on Barney and Friends and wrapped Hope in her quilt and snuggled with Hope, who stopped crying. "Ba-Ba...""Barney." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma was enjoying Hope's cuddles. After a few episodes of Barney, Emma changed the channel to Disney+ and put on "The Little Mermaid," television show. Emma fell asleep on the couch. Hope pats her Mommy with toys to wake up. "Mommy." Emma wakes up smiling. "Are you telling me to wake up?" Hope babbles. "I am awake." She kisses Hope on the head. After television, she tickles Hope making her laugh and reads to Hope a counting book. "1...2...3...""Very good Hope." Hope began to cry and hugs her Mommy. "Are you tired? You want to go night-night?" Hope nods her head. "You and I need to sleep." Emma takes Hope to her room and puts Hope in her crib. "Mommy.""I am sleeping in your crib with you." Emma climbs into Hope's crib and scrunches up. "Lie down, sweetie." Hope lies down next to her Mommy and hugs her. Emma smiles and kisses her on the head, even though she is exhausted she loves having special moments with her daughter. She rubs Hope's head until Hope fell asleep. Emma fell asleep next to her daughter. Killian wakes up knowing Emma was up with Hope and finds his two loves in Hope's crib. Killian gets a blanket from their room and places over his two loves. He kisses Emma on the head and heads downstairs and sees toys scattered everywhere which was a sign of Hope and Emma's long night and cleans up. Henry wakes up smelling breakfast and found his Dad cooking breakfast. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, Henry.""Let me guess, Hope kept Mom up all night?""Aye, yes she did." They had breakfast together. Killian checks the time, Hope needed her medicine again. He went upstairs to check on his loves and wakes up Hope who was not happy. "It is time for your medicine, Hope." Emma wakes up and gets out of Hope's crib and sat with Hope on the rocking chair. Killian feeds Hope her medicine."Henwy..""He is downstairs, little love." "Killian, we need to plan our vacation.""Aye, we can do that, downstairs." Emma helps Hope going down the steps. Hope goes to find Henry. "Henwy..." "Hi, little sis." Henry scoops Hope into his arms. "Do you want to play?" Hope babbles. "Our little Hope loves her big brother.""Aye, yes she does.""Now, let's go plan our Boston trip." They go into the kitchen, Emma ate her breakfast while researching hotels. Killian made his swan coffee. "Thank you.""Welcome. Why you did not wake me up?""I do not know...""Emma, I can read your face, what is the real reason swan?"Emma looks at Hope coloring on her easel with Henry. "Hope is getting so big. She is going to be 2 years old in a few months she is not going to be a baby anymore. I am just treasuring the moments with her, we read and watched a lot Barney and The Little Mermaid television show until she wanted to go back to bed...She is not going to need me that much..."Killian held his swan's hand. "Emma, Hope will always need you no matter how big she gets.""I guess you are right...I fell asleep on the couch and she woke me up patting my face telling me to stay awake with her."Killian chuckles. "Emma,Hope loves spending time with you, she is your mini-me, love." Emma smiles. "Very true...I just want to treasure the moments because she is my second chance of being a Mommy...""You are a great Mommy to her and Henry, Emma. Hope will always need you.""I am afraid that she will not be close with me when she is older like I am with my own Mom..." Emma began to cry, Killian hugs his wife."You are not going to end up like your Mom, Emma. You are honest and open to our children. Remember we do not lie to each other and not lie to our children. We are going to raise our children to be close to each other and to us. They always come to us now when they need us, it is not going to change when they get older. You will always be there for our children. They love you, Emma." He kisses her on the head and they leans their heads to each other. "You are a great father and husband. You always can cheer me up." "Aye, I will always cheer up my swan." Emma smiles and they kiss. Hope walks over to her Mommy with a drawing of herself and Emma. "Mommy." "Hope, did you make a drawing with Henry?" Hope babbles and gives her Mommy the drawing. Emma scoops Hope and puts her on the lap. "Thank you Hope. I love your drawing. Is that you and me in the picture?" Hope babbles. "Oh, we are playing in the backyard in the picture. I love it." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hope, it is a pretty picture, little love." He gave Hope a kiss on her cheek. "Emma, I will put Hope's artwork on the refrigerator." "Hopey, you want to help Mommy and Daddy plan our trip to Boston?" Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope we must have a pool in our hotel." Emma research for the best hotel. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, are you hungry?" "Love, I have breakfast ready for her." Hope grips her Mommy as her Daddy tried to get her. "Killian, Hope wants to stay with me, right baby girl?""Yes!" Emma chuckles, Killian sets Hope's meal next to his little lass and made sure she ate while Emma did research. "Killian, I found our hotel.""When are we going Boston?""Hope's peanut reaction is lessening. I want to get the okay from Allison before we go. We can go this weekend in a few days." "Mom, we are leaving Thursday?""Yes!" Hope clapped her hands. Henry kneels to Hope. "Yes, Hope, we are going on a vacation." Hope pulls Henry's hair. "Hope." He tickles his sister. "There is going to be a pool in the hotel we are staying at, Henry.""Awesome." Allison arrives at the Swan-Jones house. "Hi, Emma. Hi Killian.""Hi, Allison.""Antie." Allison scoops Hope into her arms."Hi, Aunt Allison." Henry hugs Allison. "Hi, Henry. Emma, how is my little niece?""She was awake most of the night. We ended up reading and watching television in the living room." Hope babbles. "Yes, we had Mommy and Hope time at night.""Emma, I can examine Hope. I want to see if Hope is getting better." Allison carried Hope into the living room, "Henry, you can look up what you want to do in Boston.""Sure, Mom. I can also plan what we can do on our vacation.""Thanks, kid.""Dad, can you help me?""Yes, after I help you with research and see Hope's progress, I need to go to work." Emma joins Allison and Hope in the living room, Hope was wearing her diaper. "Mommy.""Hopey." She gave Hope a kiss. Allison examines Hope's body. "Hope, your rash is mostly gone, which means you are getting better." Hope screams. Allison giggles."Allison, does this mean that Hope can get off her medicine?""Her medicine is almost done, she can finish her medicine and she will be able to sleep normally again." "Yes. Hope you are better, baby girl." Hope screams. Emma helps Hope down from the couch, Hope walks to the kitchen. "How are you, Allison?""I am good. How are you, Emma?""Really tired." Allison hugs her best friend. "You look like you needed a hug." "Thanks.""Are you okay?""I am just tired, it has been tiring few days.""If you need a girls' day just you and me, we can have a girls' shopping day."Emma smiles. "Allison, thank you. We do need a shopping day soon.""You are welcome. You are my best friend and we can talk about anything." Hope carries "The Ugly Duckling book to her Mommy. "Mommy b-b-b..." Emma smiles. "Allison, that means she wants me to read to her." She scoops Hope into her arms. "Mommy b-b-b..." "Yes, Hope.I will read to you our favorite story in your room." Killian enters the room. "Dada." "Is Mommy going to read you your favorite story?""Mommy.""Yes, Hope. It is Mommy's favorite story too." He tickles Hope. "Antie." Hope shows her the book. "Hope, is that your favorite book?" Hope screams. "Antie...tay.""Hopey, you want Auntie Allison to join us in our storytime?" Hope babbles. "Hope, I can join storytime." Hope screams. Allison puts Hope on her lap."Allison, just letting you know your little niece's storytime are usually very long, more than just one story. " She tickles Hope.Killian laughs. "Aye, your niece loves having her story told more than once.""Emma, that means she is a reader.""She definite;y takes after me, Hope moves books." Hope babbles. "Hope, I am staying for storytime. Emma, I can stay for one story then I have to go to work." "Mommy." Hope shows her Mommy the book.Emma chuckles. "Yes, Hope. I will read you the story." Emma gets the book from her daughter. "Once upon a time, there is a Mommy duck and Daddy duck..." Killian knows Emma loves reading to their daughter. After Emma read the story the first time, Allison had to leave. Hope began to cry. "Hope." She holds Hope on her hip. "Hope, I have to go to work to take care of other people.""Tay." "I want to stay but I cannot stay little niece." She gives Hope a hug. "Emma, we need to have girl time soon.""Yes, after this weekend. Killian and I taking Henry and Hope to Boston for the weekend.""That sounds so much fun. Hope, you and your Mommy can tell me all about your trip when I see you after your vacation." Hope hugs Allison. "You are so sweet, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head."Allison, we will meet up after this weekend. Hope, we can "The Ugly Duckling." Hope stopped crying. Emma takes Hope from her best friend. Allison leaves. Hope fusses and Emma lets her daughter go on the floor Hope carries her book to Henry. "Henwy." Emma and Killian both laughed."Our little lass wants her brother to read to her.""Yes..." Emma hugs her husband, he kisses her on the head. "About before...I was thinking about us having another baby?"Killian smiles. "Aye, I would love to have another little pirate in our house."Emma smiles. "I want us to have another baby but I am not ready yet.""Emma, I know you by now. You were upset about Hope growing up and I can tell that you were thinking of wanting another babe but I know you are not ready.""After the two mis..miscarriages this past year...I just want to enjoy the time I have with Hope growing up...one baby is enough for now...""Just like we agreed before, we can try for another baby when Hope turns three years old. Hope is my little love and perfect. I just want to enjoy her as the only baby in the house.""I do want to have another child but I am not ready yet." "I know, love. Whenever your ready, I will be ready." They hug. He kisses her on the head. "I love you, Emma.""I love you, too." They kiss. "Mom!" They heard Hope crying and they rush to the kitchen. "Hope is being stubborn. I need to finish my research but she wants me to read to her for the third time."Emma chuckles. "Hopey, Henry needs to finish his research for our vacation." "Henry, you can finish up planning our vacation spots. Emma, I can read Hope her favorite story." Killian gets Hope from his son and the book. "Little love, Dada will read to you." He takes Hope to the living room. Emma joins Henry in the kitchen table. "So, kid. What do you have so far?""Children museum for Hope, definitely the aquarium for Dad and Hope. I also looked up the Boston Market, a private food tour, Bow Market with food, art, and retail shop. I also found LA Burdwick where we can try different hot chocolate around the world."Emma gave her son an impressed look. "That is all is awesome. You researched so much,Henry. We can definitely do most of these attractions over the weekend." "Yes!" A few days later, Hope was fully recovered from her peanut reaction. The Swan-Jones family packed the family car. Hope was walking around the front yard and picking up sticks. She goes to her Daddy and pokes his leg. "Hope, are you using the stick as a sword?" Hope babbles. Killian gets a stick and teaches Hope to sword fight. Emma returns outside with the last of the luggage and sees her two pirates sword fighting. She takes a picture of them sword fighting with sticks. Emma kneels down, "My little pirate princess is Dada teaching you how to sword fight?""Mommy.""Hope, Mommy can teach you how to sword fight too." Hope continues to play with her Daddy. Regina drops by. "Hi, Henry.""Hi, Mom.""I brought you snacks for your drive.""Thank you, Mom.""How is Hope?""She is back to her normal self. Dad was packing the car, Hope poked a stick his leg, now they are having a sword-fighting lesson.""I am not surprised. Hi,Emma.""Hi, Regina.""I see Hope is feeling better.""Yes, Hope is off of the medicine and back to her sleep schedule. As you can see she is back to being her little pirate self." They watch Killian and Hope playing."Hope, you won, little pirate." Killian scoops Hope into his arms and tickles her. "Hi, Captain eye-liner.""Hello, your majesty." He lets Hope walk around. "Ina!" Hope walks to Regina.Regina kneels to Hope's level. "Hi, Hope. Are you looking forward to Boston?" Hope babbles. "I brought you a snack for you to eat on the road." "Henwy.""Yes, for you and Henry to share." Hope walks away to her Daddy. "Love, I will put Hope in her carseat." "Emma, I will keep an eye on everything here while you are gone.""Thanks, Regina. I have Mulan and Lily in charge of the sheriff station.""I can see why. Your Dad has your brother on child-leash around town. He is trying to keep him out of trouble." Killian returns to his wife. "Killian, do we have everything?""Yes, love. We are all packed.""Emma, Killian have fun on your vacation.""Thank you, Regina." Henry gets out of the car and hugs Regina. "Henry, have fun.""Thanks, Mom." He turns to his other Mom. "Mom, Hope is crying.""Emma, I will drive." "I will sit in the back with Hope." They kiss and go into their car. "Mom...""Yes, Henry?""I am sorry I have not been visiting you that much over the break...""I know you have been helping Hope in her recovery. I was thinking since you start school again after you return from Boston, I can pick you up from school and we can get Granny's.""That is great.I will see you in a few days." Henry gets into the passenger seat, seeing his Mom playing with Hope. Killian drove the car, Regina waved the family off. "Mom, how is Hope?""She is happy holding our favorite book and holding my hand.""She looks happy Mom." Hope babbles. "Hope, is Mommy reading you The Ugly Duckling?" Hope screams which made her whole family laugh. They went over the town line. "We are officially over the town line everyone! Which means..?""Swan-Jones family vacation?'"That is right Henry!" Hope screams. Killian chuckles. "Hope is excited for Boston."Emma chuckles. "Hopey, can you say yay for vacation?" Hope screams and claps her hands. Emma joined her clapping. Henry turned on the GPS. When Hope napped, she did not let go of her Mommy's hand. "Mommy is right next to you, baby girl." She looks up at Killian. "Killian, I think we can have a break when Hope gets fussy.""Aye, that is a great idea. We can get lunch at our driving break." "Dad, are we going to the aquarium tomorrow?" "Yes, we are, Henry.""I have my camera ready for tomorrow." "Henry, I was thinking we can go to the hot cocoa tasting tomorrow evening or Saturday morning." "We can go Saturday.""Aye, while you two are at the hot cocoa tasting I can take Hope to the children's museum.""Sounds like a plan. I was thinking we can go swimming tonight.""Mom, we have to go swimming it is our only chance we get to swim in the winter." Emma chuckles. "You are right, kid." When they arrived at the hotel it was late in the evening after a long day of driving, Hope was wide awake and wanted to move around. Henry got a cart while Emma held Hope's hand from walking around in the parking lot. Hope wanted to walk, but Emma stopped her and holds her."Hope, you have to stay with me, there are cars here that can hit you." Hope began to cry. "Hope, you have to stay with me.""Mommy, up!" Emma puts Hope on her hip while the boys unloaded the trunk of the car. Hope stopped crying. Killian and Emma registered their family in,while Henry walked around the hotel main lobby with his sister. The family went up the elevator together, Henry was playing with Hope. When Emma opened the door, Hope ran into the room. "Our little love is very excited about the hotel room."Emma chuckles. "Our little duckling knows that she can run in here." They unloaded the cart, Hope climbed on it. "Little sis, you want to ride the cart while I bring it downstairs?" Hope babbles. "Lad, be careful steering with Hope on the cart.""I will, Dad. Hope and I will be right back." Killian kneels down to Hope. "Hope, when you ride in the cart with Henry, you need to hold on okay?" Hope babbles. Killian holds the door and watches Henry push the cart with Hope holding on tight. Emma smiles. "They are so cute.""I know, love." "They are ours." They kiss. Henry brings Hope to the elevator and pushes the cart to the main lobby. "Hope, time to go back to Mommy and Daddy." He lets Hope hold his hand as they go back upstairs to their room. "Hope, our floor is 4. Can you click 4?" He points at the button. Hope presses 4. "Good job, little sis." Henry carries Hope back to their hotel room. "Mom, Dad. Hope knows how to press the elevator button and knows the number 4.""That is great, kid. Hope knows her numbers because we teach her.""Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, do you want to go swimming?" Hope babbles. "Henry, Killian, we can go swimming.""Aye, we have not swim in a while.""Yes!" Everyone got ready to go swimming. Emma and Hope got ready in the bathroom, she changed Hope into a swim diaper and into her Ariel bathing suit. "You are all dressed for the pool." Hope babbles. Emma changes Hope into a bathing suit and a cover. Hope opens the door. "Hope! We are changing little love." Emma laughs and quickly gets Hope away from Killian and Henry changing. "Sorry, Killian. Hope escaped the bathroom." Emma carries Hope. "Killian, Henry we will meet you two at the pool." Emma brings Hope downstairs to the pool. "Are you ready to go swimming baby girl?" Hope babbles. She sets their towels and diaper bag on the pool chair and brings Hope into the shallow end of the pool. Hope splashes around. Killian and Henry joined them. Henry does a cannonball in the deeper end. "Whoa, Henry. That is a big splash, kid." Hope splashes which make Emma laugh. "You make big splashes too, little duckling." Killian joins them in the shallow end. "Little pirate, are you splashing around with Mommy?" Hope fusses. "Swan, I think our little duckling wants to swim."Emma smiles positions Hope. Killian swam a few feet away. "Hope, kick to Daddy baby girl." Hope kicks her legs as her Mommy brought her over to her Daddy. Killian scoops Hope. "Very good, little love." Emma swam back. "Hope, kick your legs to Mommy.""Swim to Mommy baby girl." Hope kicks her legs and her Daddy leads her to Mommy. Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Good job, Hope, my little fish." She spun Hope around. Emma joined Henry and they both did a lot of cannonballs together, while Killian swam with Hope and catching her in the air, and making her laugh. Henry swims to his Mom and sister. "Hope, you want to swim to me?"Henwy." She reaches out to her brother and jumps into his arms. "Hope, you can stay with me." Hope babbles. Emma and Killian swam in the deeper end while Henry played with Hope. The next morning, the family slept in a little later than usual. Hope wakes up first and babbles until her Mommy woke up. "Morning, baby girl. Are you excited to see fishies today?" Hope babbles. Emma kisses Killian's cheek until Killian woke up smiling. "Morning, swan.""Morning, captain." They kiss. "Mommy." Hope began to cry. Emma hugs her daughter. "Hopey, we are going to see fishies today.""Emma, she must be hungry. They are serving breakfast downstairs." "Hopey, we are going to eat downstairs. Killian, we can let Henry sleep in and bring him up a plate.""Aye, let's do that." Killian quickly gets dressed. Emma carries Hope down to the main lobby. "Love, I will make Hope a plate. Little love do you want pancakes and eggs?" He kisses her on the cheek. Emma finds a table, "Hopey, you are with Mommy baby girl. Dada is making you breakfast." Killian brings Hope her plate. "Here, you go little love.""Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. He goes back to the breakfast station to get his wife and himself breakfast. Emma did not mind having Hope on her lap, she made sure Hope ate. "Is it yummy?" She kisses Hope on the head. Killian returns with their breakfast. "Thank you, Killian.""You are welcome, swan. I know our little lass wants to stay with her Mommy." Hope babbles. After they finished breakfast, Killian brings up a plate for Henry, "Killian, Hope needs a diaper change before we leave." Henry was out of the bathroom. "Hey, kid.""Hi, Mom. Hi, Hope." "Your sister is having a rough morning." "Little sis, we are going to the aquarium today. Don't cry." "Henwy." Henry holds his sister."Mom, you can get dressed. Hope wants to stay with me." Hope babbles. Emma smiles. "Thanks, kid. Your Dad has your breakfast for you." Emma gets ready in the bathroom while Henry ate his breakfast and had Hope babbling to him."Hope, does Henry make you happy?" Hope babbles. "Dad, are you and Mom going to go on a date night here?""Maybe? I am thinking about a date night tomorrow evening after Hope goes to bed.""I can watch Hope, Dad. Hopey, you want H&H time?" Hope babbles and makes more poop. "Lad, I will change her diaper." Killian changes Hope's diaper and changes her into her outfit of the day, a floral dress and leggings with sneakers. Emma returns full dressed with a dutch braid. "Mommy.""Hopey, you want me to do your hair?" Hope babbles. Emma gave Hope two little half dutch braids on top of her hair and tied them with small bowties. Killian took pictures of Emma doing Hope's hair. She took a picture of Hope's braids on her iPhone and showed it to her. "Hope, you have braids in your hair just like Mommy!" Hope screams and hugs her Mommy. "Yes, sweetie you and I have the same hairstyle." "Emma, I am pretty sure that is Hope's favorite hairstyle.""Yes, Hope loves me doing her hair, which I love doing her hair." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope I can do your hair in braids anytime." "Hope, your hair is so pretty little love.""Mommy.""Aye, Mommy is the queen of braids." Emma chuckles. Henry takes a picture of his Mom and sister in their braids. Emma drove her family to the New England aquarium. Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope we are at the aquarium little sis." He takes Hope out of her car seat and walked with her. Emma bought their tickets to enter, Henry got a map. "Hope, do you want to see the fishies?" Hope babbles. When they arrived at the fish exhibit, Hope runs to the fish. "Mommy...Dada..." Emma giggles. "Our little girl loves the ocean like her Daddy.""Aye, she certainly does." Hope tries to get into the fish exhibit. Killian rushes to Hope. "Little love.No...No..." Hope began to cry. He scoops Hope from his arms. "Hope, you cannot go swimming in the fishies tank. You only swim in the pool or the ocean with Mommy, Dada, and Henry. Not in the fishtanks with the fishies." Hope reaches for the fish tank and tries to squirm out of her Daddy's arms."You are definitely a stubborn little pirate." "Dad, I think Hope wants to pet the fish?""Aye, but we cannot pet the fish.""Killian, give me our daughter." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, you just want to see the fishies right?" Hope cries more. "You can look at the fishes Hope and not touch the glass or go swimming with them. How about you and I can watch the colorful fishies?" Hope babbles. "We can watch the fishies." Killian faces Hope. "Hope, I am sorry for yelling at you, little love. You are not allowed to go to where the fishies live. I am not mad at you, Hope. I just wanted to tell you right from wrong." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope." "Dada." Hope grabs his hook."My little pirate." Hope babbles. After a little while of Hope watching the fish swimming in tanks, henry wanted to see another exhibit."Dad, can we go see another exhibit?""Yes, you and I can. I know your sister wants..." Hope grips her Daddy's hook. "You want me to stay here with you?""Dada." Killian holds Hope. "Hope, how about you and I watch the fishies.""Mom, can we go see other exhibits?""Yes. Killian we can meet up in an hour?""Aye, that sounds like a plan." Emma gives him the diaper bag. "Mom, there is an exhibit where we can pet sea lions. I know Hope will like that. Dad, Hope, there is a sea lion exhibit where we can pet sea lions.""Sea lions? Hope, you want to pet sea lions?" Hope babbles. "We can come back to watch the fishes later." Hope babbles. Henry leads his family with the map to the sea lion exhibit and saw a crowd around the pool where sea lions were swimming around and letting people pet them."Look, Hope, sea lions little love. We are going to pet them." "Henry, I can take pictures." She gets Henry's camera from her son. Henry approaches the pool and a sea lion came to him. "Hi." Henry pets the sea lion. Emma took pictures of her son petting the sea lion. "How is petting the sea lion?""Soft and slimy at the same time. It is pretty cool."Emma smiles."Awesome." She pets the sea lion. "This is really cool, kid." The sea lion swam away. "Bye, sea lion." "How is petting the sea lion, swan?""It is really cool." Hope babbles. "Hopey, do you want pet the sea little sis?""Dada.""Hope, you and I can pet the sea lion together, little love." They got closer to the pool and a sea lion approaches them. Henry pets the sea lion. "Hope, the sea lion is nice, little sis." Killian helped his little lass pet the sea lion. Hope babbles. Emma took pictures of Hope and Killian petting the sea lion. Killian was smiling seeing Hope happy and smiling. The sea lion raised its head to face Hope and gave her a kiss on her cheek. Hope squeals with joy, Henry and Emma captured the moment on iPhone video and camera. Killian was surprised. Hope pats the sea lions face. "Be gentle to the sea lion, Hope." "Hope, can you give the sea lion a kiss back?" Hope gives the sea lion a peck on its nose and the sea lion swam away. "Little love, the seal lion liked you so much it gave you a kiss." Hope cries and reaches out to the sea lion. "Hope, the sea lion is going home to eat fish with its friends, little sis." "Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hopey, I saw the sea lion kiss you." Hope babbles. "I know you love the sea lion but the sea lion needed to go eat." "Mom, after one more exhibit can we get lunch?"Sounds like a plan." They Swan-Jones were leaving, the sea lion returned and barked. Hope screamed, Emma turned around seeing Hope's sea lion friend is back. "Hope, you friend is back." She takes her daughter back to the sea lion. Hope babbles.Henry turns around, seeing his Mom and sister with the sea lion. "Dad, the sea lion is back." Hope was smiling and laughs as the sea lion was sniffing her. "Hopey, you have a sea lion friend." Hope pats the sea lion's face. Killian uses Henry's camera to take pictures of Hope with the sea lion. One of the workers came over to the Swan-Jones. "Wow, Pepper really loves your daughter. He usually is not friendly with humans.""Aye, our little lass loves Pepper. She has the magic touch." Emma gave Killian a look. The worker giggled."Hopey, say hi to Pepper." Hope babbles."Little sis, the sea lion's name is Pepper." Hope babbles again. "Mom, Hope loves Pepper.""Yes, she loves him but we cannot take him home.""I know but we can visit here more often."Emma chuckles. "Maybe we can, who knows." Hope pats Pepper. "Hope, be gentle to Pepper, sweetie." The worker approaches to Hope. "Hope, do you want to feed Pepper a fish?" "Hopey, you can feed Pepper." Henry Emma gets the fish from the worker, "Hope can you give this to Pepper?" Hope grabs the fish from her Mommy and Peppers the fish from Hope which made Hope squeal with delight. Killian took pictures of his little lass feeding Pepper."Hope, did Pepper ate the fish from your hand?" Hope babbles. "Yes, he loves you so much." "Emma, Hope smile." They smiled as Killian took pictures of his two loves and Henry joined them in the next photo. Pepper swam away which made Hope cry. "Little sis, he has to go back with his family." Hope cried more and move around. "Henry, Hope needs a change and getting close to her naptime." Killian helps Emma find the nearest bathroom, Hope was screaming her head off. Killian held Hope down as Emma changed her. "Hope, I know you are upset but the sea lion had to leave. He had to leave, baby girl." "Mommy..." Emma scoops her daughter into her arms and she bounced her up and down as Killian cleaned up their mess. "I know you are upset baby girl, but he needs to go home with his family." Hope cried into her Mommy. "I know you are upset but he had to leave. Okay?" She hugs her daughter and slowly bounced her up and down until Hope fell asleep. "She needed her nap.""Aye, I can carry her." "Killian, she is fast asleep. I can carry her." They walked out of the bathroom. "Thanks, for helping me in there...her first real tantrum...but I think she was upset that the sea lion left her." She hugs her daughter. "It reminded me as a child every time a social worker took me away from another foster family. I did not want to leave the good ones, I would cry and scream just like Hope did but worse." Killian hugged his wife. "Emma, I saw you struggling with Hope's tantrum but you were not yelling at her. She just wanted you to hold her since she was upset.""I will always hold her and hug her. I hate seeing her upset.""I hate seeing her upset too but she needs to learn we have to leave we have to leave.""You are right." Henry finds his family. "Hey, kid. What you got there?""I got a little gift for Hope at the souvenir shop." He takes out a sea lion plush. "Awe, Henry. Hope is going to love it." "I felt bad that Hope had to leave her friend but it was really cool that Hope made a friend with Pepper.""It was awesome and unexpected.""Love, do you want to get some lunch?""Yes, I am getting hungry.""Me too, Dad." The Swan-Jones family went to the cafeteria to get lunch. Emma was holding Hope and sat with Henry as Killian got lunch. "Mom, is Hope okay?""Henry, Hope was very upset when Pepper left but she was cranky since it was way past her naptime.""Do you think she will like my gift? Her souvenir?""Yes, Henry. She will love her gift from you.""I have a question?""Yes, kid?""What are we going to do for Dad's birthday? It is coming up, January 26th?" "He is the only winter birthday in our family. I was thinking we can go sailing on his birthday on our second home.""That will be a great idea. I have to figure out what Hope and I can make him for his birthday gift.""I know whatever you make him, he will love it." Killian returns with a tray. "I bought you pizza.""Thank you.""Hope is still fast asleep?""Yes, captain. She needed her afternoon nap." They ate their lunch. Hope woke up from her nap hugging her Mommy. "Hi, baby girl. Did you have a good nap?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope was fussy. "Hope, your braid is messy, do you want Mommy to fix it?" Hope nods her head. "I will fix your braid." Emma fixes Hope's lose braid. "There you go, baby girl. Your braid is pretty again." Hope smiles."Hopey, Mommy is the best." He gives Hope a kiss on her cheek."Henwy." "Hopey, I have a gift for you." Hope fusses. "Lad, you can give your gift to Hope later. Emma, I bought Hope lunch too, a kids meal of chicken nuggets and fries.""Thank you. Hopey, are you hungry? Dada has your lunch." "Dada." Emma lets Hope on the floor and she walks over to their Daddy. "Hi, little love." He puts Hope on his lap. "Are you hungry?" Hope ate her lunch. "This is one of the only times you eat chicken nuggets and fries."Emma chuckles. "Hope likes it., Killian." "Aye, maybe Hope will have it once in a while."After Hope ate, she just wanted her Mommy. "You can be carried by me while we look at more sea mammals." Emma carried Hope around or walked with Hope hand in little hand for the rest of the aquarium day. Emma smiles seeing Hope and henry playing in between exhibits. They saw African penguins, octopus, green sea turtles, the Loggerhead sea turtles, and cuttlefish. Hope was wide awake for the rest of the exhibits, babbling away. "Emma, how is our little love?""Happy, she just wants to be held by me." Killian gave Hope kisses on her cheek making her laugh. "Hopey, are you happy to be with your Mommy?" Hope babbles. "Aye, Mommy is the best." He kisses Emma on the cheek. "Mom, before we leave. Can we go see the fish tank?""Yes. lead us the way, Henry." Henry leads his family to the fishes. "Dada."Killian gets Hope from his wife."Hope, you want to see fishies?""Aye, aye." "My little pirate." He gave Hope raspberries making her laugh. "Look, little love. The fishies are pretty. There are red ones, blue ones, and green ones." Hope babbles. "The green ones are very pretty. Which ones is your favorite?" Hope babbles. "Aye, I like the blue ones, too." "Mom, do you think Hope likes the fishes because they are in the ocean?""Yes, and maybe because they are bright and colorful.""True."One of the aquarium workers approaches the family, "Hope. You are still here."Killian holds Hope protectively. "Aye, we are still here. Why does my little lass concern you?""My name is Julia. I heard from my co-worker Kelsey of how much Pepper loves your daughter Hope. I was wondering if Hope would want to meet Pepper face to face."Emma approaches the workers. "Do you mean up close?""Yes." "Little sis, you get to meet Pepper up close. Can we Mom and Dad?""Aye, son. Hope will love Pepper. Emma, what do you think?""Hope gets to see a sea lion up close." Julia leads the Swan-Jones family to the sea lion exhibit where the humans feed the sea lions. Hope babbles. "Hope, this is where Pepper and his sea lion friends live, little love." Henry was taking pictures of everything they were seeing. Julia opens the door and leads them to Pepper. Hope babbles loudly."Yes, Hope, that is Pepper baby girl. You are going to meet him. Are you excited?" Hope screams. "Mom, Hope is very excited to meet Pepper." Killian puts Hope down on the ground. "Hope, are you ready to meet Pepper, little love?" Hope holds her Daddy's hook. "We are going to meet him together." Killian brings Hope to Pepper and Julia. "Hope, this is Pepper." Hope seeing Pepper who was so gigantic, she backed up. Emma knew Hope was afraid and holds her daughter. "Hope, I know Pepper he is big, he is not going to hurt you." Pepper barks. "He is saying hi to you, Hope." Hope babbles. Henry pets Pepper. "Hi, Pepper. I am Henry, Hope's brother. Hope, Pepper is nice. He wants you to pet him." Killian takes a picture of Henry petting Pepper. "Hopey, I am going to hold you so you can pet Pepper. Okay?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "We are meeting Pepper together, little duckling." Emma carries Hope to the sea lion. "Hi, Pepper." Pepper barks. Hope reaches out to pet Pepper, Emma helped her daughter to pet him. Hope was babbling happily, Killian was taking pictures of Hope petting her sea lion friend with his wife smiling at their little lass. Hope hugs Pepper. "You are giving him a big hug." Pepper licks Hope making her laugh. "Hope, Pepper gave you a kiss, little sis." Hope pats Pepper's face. "Be soft to Pepper when you are petting him, Hope." Hope babbles to Pepper. Pepper barks which make Hope laugh. "Our little love is now friends with a sea lion.""Yes, she is friends with a sea lion." The aquarium workers took pictures of the Swan-Jones family and pictures of Hope hugging Pepper. Julia had to let Pepper go back to his family. "Mommy." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you are with me. Are you tired?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You had a long busy fun day.""Aye, swan. We should be going to our hotel." "Yes. Hope say thank you to Julia for letting you play with Pepper. Julia thank you for letting Hope and us meeting Pepper." "You are all very welcome. We never saw Pepper interacted with any other human before until now. You are all welcome to visit here anytime.""Thank you. We will come back to visit." The Swan-Jones family returned to their family car, Killian drove his family back to the hotel. "Hopey, we are back to our hotel." Emma holds Hope who was still crying. They arrived back to their room, Emma nurses Hope who latched on right away. "I knew you were hungry." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and she lays her head. "Where is our son?""Our son is exploring the neighborhood." He noticed his wife exhausted. "Are you tired love?""Very. Hope is very tired. I have a feeling Hope and I will have an early night in." He kisses Emma on the head."Aye, my two lasses will have an early night in." Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "Little love. Dada is here." He burps Hope. "Little love, let's have our pirate talk." He lies down next to swan. "Hopey, why are you so upset little pirate princess?" Hope was still crying. "I know it is not the S-E-A-L-I-O-N." She rubs Hope's back. "Hopey, you are okay."She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Hope stops crying when she was chewing on her Daddy's hook."Killian, I think she is teething again. She stops crying when she is being nursed and she loves chewing on her daddy's hook when she is teething."Killian smiles. "Aye, Hope can chew on my hook when she is having teeth pain." He sits up letting Hope hugging him. "You can stay with me, Hope." "Mommy.""Hopey, how about bath time and we can snuggle." Hope stops crying in her bubble bath. "My little fish." Henry returns back to the hotel room hearing his Mom and sister in the bathroom playing. "Dad. I found a few restaurant options for you and Mom.""Thanks, lad.""Dad, I can watch Hope. You and Mom need to make up that date night." "Aye, I do not know, Hope is teething. Let's see how your sister is first then I will ask your Mom about going on a date night." Hope walks back to her Daddy and Henry in her Ariel nightdress. "Henwy.""Hi, little sis." He hugs his sister. Hope kisses Henry on the cheek. Killian approaches his wife."Emma, I was thinking we can get dinner tonight, just you and me?""What about the kids?""Mom, I bought dinner for Hope and I. I can watch Hope. ""I did not pack a dress.""You do not need a dress. We can just walk around and see where we end up.""You mean an unplanned date night?""Aye, yes, swan.""I will get dressed, captain." They kiss. Killian takes Hope from his son. "Hope, are you going to be a good lass for Henry tonight?" Hope babbles."Good because Dada is going to take out Mommy for dinner." Emma comes out the bathroom with makeup on her face and her in a fishtail braid. "Emma, you are beautiful.""Thank you." She kisses him on the cheek. "Henry, tomorrow evening we are going to the hot chocolate event.""Yes!" "Hope you listen to Henry tonight." Hope babbles. "Henry, I put a spell protector in our hotel room. Call your Dad and me if you both need us. Hope was a little upset before..." "Mom, Hope and I will have a fun night in. H&H time.""H!""Yes, Hope. We are going to have H &H time tonight." Emma hugs her children. "Have fun, Mom.""Thanks, Henry." She gave him a kiss on the head and Hope a kiss on her cheek. "We will be back later." Emma and Killian leave."Hope, you want storytime?" Hope babbles. Henry gets his storybook out while Hope was walking on his bed. "Are you hungry? We can eat first? I bought pizza." She nods her head. Henry cuts up Hope's slice and sees Hope eating his. Henry laughs. "Hope, that is my slice." Hope continues to eat. "How about." He takes the slice to cut it up."Henwy!""Hope I do not want you to choke on my watch, Mommy will get mad at me." He gave her the rest of the slice he cut up. Hope continues to eat and Henry ate the other slice, he was thinking his sister is like their Dad sneaky and their Mom stubborn. After they ate, "Hope, I got you a present." He gives his sister a sea lion doll. Hope babbles. "Yes, Pepper." Hope hugs Henry. "You are welcome, little sis. Now, it is storytime little sis." Hope sat on Henry's lap. He read to their Mom's story but Hope was not paying attention. "Hope you want to tell you the story when Mommy and Henry lived in New York for a year?" Hope babbles. He got Hope's attention. "It started when Pan's curse was coming and everyone was going back to the Enchanted Forest..." "Dada..""Hope, you gave me an idea for Daddy's birthday present for us." Henry spun Hope around making her laugh. Killian leads his wife to their car and opens the passenger seat. "For my swan." Emma blushes. "So, where are we going captain?""It is a surprise, Emma." Killian drove them to a seafood restaurant. "Love, we are here.""Killian? We are having seafood for dinner?""Aye, yes we are." "After we went to an aquarium for a whole day, we are going to a seafood restaurant.""Aye, I do miss eating seafood love. Life on the ocean you get used to eating seafood." Emma felt bad and held his hand. "Hey, we can have seafood at home. If you miss it,I am pretty sure we can go fishing on the Jolly Roger to catch fish or any type of seafood.""I just thought seafood..." Killian got sad. Emma hugs her husband. "Killian, what is it?" "It may sound stupid...""It won't be stupid. You can tell me anything..." She rubs Killian's hands and faces him with no judgment in her face. "What is wrong? Honey." "It is just...I thought you and Henry do not like seafood. I thought if I cook it no one will eat it like my mackerel fish.""Killian..." She hugs her husband. "I am so sorry. Yes, Henry and I do not like mackerel fish. We do like other fish clams, lobsters, crabs and mussels. We do like seafood. Actually, I have been thinking about asking you to make more seafood at home, like seafood pasta."Killian smiles. "Well I make good pasta. I do like catching mussels and clams in the ocean on our second home. I was thinking we can have seafood pasta on my birthday. We can buy the shells at the grocery store. I do not want our little lass to be scared that we catching Melody and Ariel's ocean friends from the ocean."Emma chuckles. "Yes, her best friend is half mermaid but I can see what you mean. Store-bought shells are easier than catching it ourselves. I am sorry for Henry and I teased about your mackerel fish, we did not mean to offend you and make you self-conscious in your own home. I am so sorry.." Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, it is not that self- conscious at home. I am never self-conscious with my family.""That what is it?""I did not want to cook what I like and no one will eat it.""Killian, we will eat seafood. Do you remember when we brought the kids to Florida and Henry tried lobster for the very first time. We both saw the look on our son's face of how he was excited eating lobster for the first time." Killian remembers breaking the lobster for his son."Aye, I know our son likes lobster. We can have lobster soon.""Yes, we can cook them together. I am pretty sure that Hope will like lobster-like her Daddy.""Aye, she is part pirate, seafood is in her blood.""Just do not tell her that they are Ariels' friends.""Aye, I will never do that, her best friend is part mermaid after all.""Exactly." She lies on his chest. "Is there anything else on your mind?" She kisses him on his chest. "There is also something on my mind."Emma faces her husband. "What is it?" "My birthday...it is always a sad time for me...I never really celebrated my birthday." Emma touches his face. "You are not going to be alone on your birthday you have me remember? And our children who I know are already planning you an amazing birthday present. I am going to make your birthday happy because you always make me happy on my birthday. It is my job to make you happy on your birthday." "Emma, I know you will make me happy because every day waking up next to you my true love, I am the luckiest man in the realms.""I love you.""I love you, Emma." They kiss. "Are you hungry?""I am starving." They went into the restaurant and got a table. "I am sorry, Killian.""I am not mad, Emma. Not at all. I can tell you anything. How about I cook our family when we get home seafood pasta.""I can help.""Aye, I do need my swan on my side helping me cook." Emma smiles and gets a facetime call from Henry. "Henry, is calling me. Did we stay out too late?" "Maybe we were talking in the car for a long time." Emma answers her facetime call seeing Hope on the iPhone screen. "Hopey, Henry." "Mommy?"Emma smiles. "Hi, baby girl. I see you have your sea-lion doll." Hope shows her Mommy her new doll."Mom, Hope is calling it Pepper.""Awe, Hopey, your big brother is the best. Mommy and Dada are eating in a grown-up restaurant." She shows her husband. "Hi, Hope.""Dada!" Killian smiles hearing and seeing Hope's joy seeing him on Henry's iPhone. "Little pirate, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope babbles. "Henry, how is she?""We did storytime and art time but she was getting upset thinking you both left her but I calmed her down with her new doll.""Hopey, we did not leave you forever. We are coming back after we have dinner. Henry, did Hope eat?""I fed her pizza. She stole my slice and I had to eat hers." Killian laughs."Sounds like a swan, I know." Emma chuckles. "Kid, there is food for Hope in the refrigerator and I have snacks on the drawer." "Awesome. I will eat the snacks later. Hope just wants to cuddle and storytime. She is drinking her evening bottle." Hope babbles. "I told you, Hope that Mommy and Daddy are still in the area. They are just having dinner and be back with us soon.""Hopey, Dada, and Mommy will be home soon. I know you are being a good little lass to your brother.""Aye, aye.""That is my good little pirate. We will be home soon.""Dad, have fun with Mom.""Thanks, lad. We will see you both soon." They ended their facetime call. "Henry showed Hope that we did not leave her." "Aye, he was cheering his sister up showing her we did not leave her.""She is a lot like me." "Aye, she is her Mommy's mini-me."Emma smiles. "My little duckling." He rubs her hand. "Are you okay love?""Yes, I am just happy. Hope misses me.""I told you, swan that Hope will always want to be with her Mommy no matter how big she gets." "You are right captain." Their dinner was served, they both ordered lobster and enjoyed their meal. As they were leaving "Killian, we are definitely going to have lobster on your birthday."Killian chuckles. "That will make my birthday perfect. After a day of sailing.""My goal is to make my husband the birthday captain happy." "Aye, I would not have it any other way." they kiss. Killian drove his wife back to their hotel. Before they entered, Emma held Killian's hand. "Killian?""Yes, Emma?""You can always be honest with me. You can recommend what to cook, you always the best cook in the house. I am surprised that you did not cook seafood yet."Killian faces his wife. "I am the chef of the family, seafood is on my future menu." Emma chuckles. "I am always open with you, Emma.""Good. I do not want my husband not to be open in his own house.""Aye, I will always be open, especially to my wife." They kiss and hug. "Even though we had a long serious conversation I had a nice night out.""Aye, I did have fun too without any other interruptions."Emma wrapped her arms around his neck. "Next time, it is my turn to plan our date night.""That is a deal, Emma." They kiss. Emma enters the room seeing Henry and Hope fast asleep on Henry's bed with Hope's toys scattered around the bed and Henry's book. "Killian...""Aye, the lad is a great babysitter for Hope." They quietly cleaned up and got ready for bed. Emma places a blanket on Henry and Hope and kisses them on the head. "My two babies. I love you both so much." Emma gets into bed with Kilian and hugs him. "My captain.""My swan." He hugs his swan. "I am not ever letting you go.""Good. I feel safe in your arms." He kisses her on the cheek. The next morning, Killian waking up to the seeing Hope snuggling with Emma. "Morning, Emma.""Morning honey." They kiss. Hope babbles. "Yes, we are having morning snuggles." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Morning, little love. Are you excited to go to the children's museum today?" Hope babbles. Emma changes Hope into a clean diaper and outfit."Killian, I was thinking we can go to the children's museum after there is a hot cocoa event at the LA Burdwick...""You mean the one you promised our son that you and him will go to?""Yes. I did promise him that we will go together.""Aye, Hope and I can drive you both and pick you up. I know in between Hope and I can go to the park.""Dada." Killian takes Hope from his wife."Hi, little love. Are you excited to play today?" Hope babbles. "Emma, I will bring Hope down for breakfast.""I will meet you two down thereafter I get dressed." They kiss. Emma took a shower and got dressed and finds Henry awake and dressed. "Henry, you are awake.""Morning, Mom. What are we doing today?""We are going to have breakfast first before we go to the children's museum. After your Dad is going to drop us off at the hot chocolate event and he will bring Hope to one of the parks.""Awesome. I just know Hope will have fun at the museum. Dad is not mad...""Why would he be mad?" "Because...he and Hope will miss it.""Your Dad knows that you and I need one on one time. He is also not a hot cocoa fan as we are.""Yes, but he does drink it."" I am slowly turning your Dad into a cinnamon hot cocoa person." They joined Hope and Killian in the breakfast area. "Hi, Dad.""Morning, son. " "Dad, can we go sailing when we get back home?""Aye, lad. We will have a sailing lesson when we return back to Storybrooke on your first weekend off.""Aw man back to school." Hope babbles. "Hope, you can join my art class. You can make art with me in school." "Yes!" Henry gave Hope kisses on her cheek. After breakfast, Killian drove his family to Boston's Children's Museum. Emma takes Hope out of the car, Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, we are going to play here." She lets Hope on the floor when they entered the museum while she was buying tickets. Killian was watching Hope making sure she does not get lost. Henry got a map. "Hope, do you want to play on slides?" Hope babbles."Kid, lead us to the slides." Hope reaches her hand out to her Mommy. "You can walk with me, baby girl." Hope babbles. They follow Henry. "Our little lass is very excited to play here.""Yes, she is. We just have to keep an eye on her.""Aye, I do not want Hope to get lost." "Mommy! Up!" Emma holds Hope on her hip. Henry leads them to a playroom with different slides, toys, and sensory toys. "Look, Hope you can play house, kitchen, and go on different slides." Emma sets Hope down on the floor and Hope goes to the slides first.Henry helps his sister with the stairs. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are at the end of the slide.""Henwy.""I will come down with you, little sis." Henry slides down with Hope. "Again!" "Yes, Hope." Henry goes up and down the slides with Hope. Killian wraps his arms around his wife. Emma smiles love seeing her two children playing and knowing her life is perfect for way it is. "I love our children.""Aye, I love our family. I cannot wait for our next family adventure." "Me too, captain." They kiss.Hope walks to her Mommy. "Mommy!" "Henry, it is my turn to play with your sister.""Thanks, she tired me out from taking up and down the stairs." Killian chuckles. "Lad, we can sit on the chairs.""Sounds great." Emma lets Hope drag her away to another play area. "You want to play kitchen? Can you cook for me?" She watches Hope playing in the toy kitchen area with the pots and pans, and rest of toy food. Hope gave her Mommy a toy plate filled with toy food, Emma pretends to eat it. "Yummy." Henry talks to his Dad. "Dad?""Yes, Henry?" Henry hugs his Dad hard. "Are you okay?" "Yes, I am just happy to have you as my Dad.""I am happy that you are my son, lad." "I am having fun on vacation with you, Mom and Hope. You are a great Dad to Hope and I.""I will always be there for my children and for your Mom."I know you are always there for her and she is always there for you.""Aye, exactly Henry." He sees Hope leading his swan to the sensory area, playing with color sand and rice and beans. Henry took a few pictures of his Mom and sister playing together."Dad, Hope is having fun with Mom." "Aye, I have a feeling that Hope will be napping in the afternoon. She is having her fun now." hope continued playing around in all of the different areas of the children's museum, when they were at the water area, "Dada!""Coming little pirate." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Dada will play with you in the water." Henry and Emma took pictures of Killian playing with Hope Emma takes Hope to the bathroom to change her. "Hopey, are you having so much fun playing?" "Yes." Emma holds her daughter who wanted to nurse, she nurses Hope in the bathroom who falls asleep. Emma finds the boys. "She is fast asleep.""Aye, she had fun until she got tired." "Mom, can we go to the cinnamon hot cocoa event?""Yes, we can, kid.""Awesome, Dad I have the address of the location." "Great lad. You can help me with the GPS machine." Emma puts Hope in her carseat and gave Hope her Pluto doll and her quilt. Killian arrived in town where the LA Burdwick hot cocoa event was located found a parking spot nearby. "Dad, Hope is asleep you and Hope can join us.""Killian, you two can join us.""Aye, I do not want to intrude.""Dad, please come. It is our family vacation." Killian smiles. "I guess I can look for chocolate for my family and maybe chocolate with rum." "Killian, I have a feeling they will have that." Killian gets Hope from her car seat and holds the diaper bag. They walked to the hot chocolate festival. Henry went around. "Emma, it is my turn carrying Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "You can go with Henry to try different hot chocolates. Hope and I will look around the other chocolate options." "Thank you." She kisses him on his scruffy cheek. "We won't be too far." Henry returns to his parents'. "Mom, I found hot cocoas from different countries. Can we try them all? And the best one we agree on we can take home."Emma laughs at Henry's excitement. "Henry, we will see depends on how many hot cocoas there are but we can bring the best ones home with us""Alright!" "Emma, have fun." "Thank you." Henry drags his Mom leading her to the different stands of hot cocoa from other countries. Killian smiles seeing his wife having fun with their son, trying different hot chocolates. Emma tried hot chocolate samples from Spain, Italy, France, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, and Germany. They found a spot for them to sit. "Henry, what is the verdict which hot cocoa is the best?" "Germany or Peru. You?""Germany and Peru." "Mom, we both have the same likes." "Yes, kid. You are right." Henry hugs his Mom. "Are you okay Henry?" She hugs him back."Yes.""I know when you are not telling me the truth. You can tell me what is on your mind, kid." "I do not want to leave tomorrow. I do not want to go back to school.""Henry, you have to go back. Why do you not want to go back to school?""I have to study for the SAT's.""Dad and I can help you study, your Dad can help you study for the math section and I can help you study with the reading and writing section. We can study at the sheriff station if you want to study out of the house. What else is on your mind?" "That is all." Emma knew her son was hiding something from her, she is going to find out. Killian and Hope found them. "Henwy.""Hi, little sis." Henry takes Hope from their Dad. "Mommy and I tried hot cocoa from around the world. Mom,can I get Hope samples of the German and Peruvian hot chocolates?" Hope babbles."Yes, you can kid. We can also buy the hot cocoa boxed chocolate bar versions too. Henry, we need to read the labels first for Hope's peanut allergy.""Yes, Mom." Henry leads his family to Germany hot cocoa stand while carrying Hope. Emma and Killian were behind them. "How was Hope?""She was sleeping on me most of the time. I did buy chocolate bars and chocolate full of rum.""Good..." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Emma, what is it?""Henry. There was something on his mind. He told me that he is worried about the SAT's.""We will help him study.""That what I told him. There is something else. He won't talk to me what it is...something about school." Killian rubs his wife's shoulders. "Henry will talk to us both, swan.""I am just worried.""I know, you are. He will talk to you and I. He did mention to me about having fun with you, Hope and I after he hugged me about being a great father to him.""If he talks to you...""He will talk to you and I, Emma." He hugs his wife and rubs her back. Henry brings crying Hope to their parents. "Mommy."Emma takes Hope from Henry. "Hopey, why are you crying?" "Mom, I read the labels at the chocolate bars and hot cocoa both have nuts or peanuts in other flavors. Hope is upset because she cannot have any of it.""Aww, Hope. it is okay, baby." She hugs her daughter. "You are okay, baby girl. You cannot have the chocolates from here. We do not want you to get very sick again." "Little love, it is alright. How about we get you your own girl scout cookies. I found a stand nearby.""Killian, that is a great idea. Hope you hear that you can have girl scouts cookies which are way better than foreign chocolate." Hope smiles. "Henry you can buy the best chocolate bars and hot cocoa mix for Regina.""Yes, Mom. I was thinking of getting her chocolate bars for her and Gramps." Henry buys the chocolate bars and hot cocoa mix. "Killian, girl scout cookies are really good. You can get Hope a box each of smores and mint flavors. Can you get me 4 boxes of smores and mint chocolate cookies.""Four each?""Yes, they are really good. Storybrooke does not have girl scout cookies. ""Alright, swan. Eight boxes of cookies coming up." Hope babbles. "Aye, for my two loves." He gave Hope kisses and went to the stand. Henry returns. "Mom, I have cinnamon hot cocoa that we can drink in your office, some chocolate for my other Mom and gramps. I feel sorry that Hope cannot have the different the other hot chocolate or chocolate bars.""I know, the bad part about Hope's nut allergy is that peanut and nuts are the main ingredients in a lot of food. I do not want Hope to get another allergic reaction again. You can save some of the foreign hot cocoa for us, I will keep a stash in my office.""You mean we can have hot cocoa in your office?""Yes, anytime, kid." Henry hugs his Mom."With Hope's nut allergy we have to be very careful With you being her Mom she will be peanut-free.""Thanks, kid." She wrapped his arm around her son. "You know you can talk to me about anything right?" "Yes, Mom." Hope babbles. "Little sis, I love you." They find Killin at the car unloading the girl scout cookie boxes. "My two princesses have their chookies. I also bought more different ones that are nut-free for all of us." They get into the car and ate in the back together."Mom, which one should we try first?""Definitely the smores one then mint." Emma opened up a box and gave one cookie to Hope. "Hopey, your first girl scout cookie." Henry and Killian took one too. Hope babbles."Mommy.""Is it good baby?""Ookie.""Yes, little love cookie. You like the smores cookie.""Ookie." "I know that it is your favorite word."Emma chuckles. "So, Henry, Killian what do you think?""Mom, it is really good." "You can open the box of peppermint patties and see which one is the best." "Yes!" "Love, the smores cookie is really good. Hope seems to love it." Hope reaches out her hand."Ookie." "You want another cookie?" She lets Hope take one out of the box. "You love smores cookie." "Mom, the peppermint cookie is really good." Killian tried one."I told you, Killian, that girl scout cookies are the best." "Aye, I understand why you told me to buy a lot of boxes now." Emma chuckles. He kisses her on the head. She fed her husband another girl scout cookie. They kiss and snuggle. They watch Henry and Hope playing together. Killian whispered in Emma's ear. "We are going to figure out what is wrong with Henry." "I know. We are going to help him." "Mom, Hope wants another cookie."Emma smiles. "Hopey, you want another cookie?" Emma gets Hope from Henry. "You want another cookie?""Ookie.""You are a cookie monster." She tickles Hope making her laugh. "I know you will know who that is when we watch a new show when we get back home to Maine." Killian gives Hope a peppermint cookie. "Is it yummy little love?" Hope babbles. "Aye, which is better the smores or peppermint?" Hope babbles. "Both. Emma, Henry which one is the best? Smores or peppermint? I vote for smores " "Dad, smores.""Smores." "Little love raise your hand for smores?" Hope raises her hand. "Aye, we have a winner, smores." Hope clapped her hands. Hope fusses in her car seat. "Little sis." Henry takes Hope out of the car seat and lets her stand on his lap. He tickles Hope. "Killian, you saved the day.""Aye, luckily I was exploring around the festival. I saw the cute little lasses in their scout uniform. They told me what was their job. I promised them that I will buy cookies." Emma was in awe, her husband being caring to younger lasses which is why their children love him. She kisses him on the cheek. "This is perfect.""Aye, a Swan-Jones weekend getaway. It is a perfect break for us from home.""Yes, just to spend time with you and our kids.""Aye, the best way to spend our vacation." "I love you, Killian.""I love you, Emma." They kiss and enjoy their vacation with their family.

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