Mother's Day

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As Mother's day was approaching, a few days after their anniversary, Emma was at work catching up on paperwork, while Killian was at home with Hope, Henry was at Regina's office. Hope was snuggling with Killian, she wanted her Mommy. "Little love, do you want to play kitchen in your room?""Mommy." Hope hugs her Dada."Mommy will be home with us soon, little love. We can make Mommy's mother's day gift. We can do art together.""Art?""Yes, art, little love." He got Hope ready for the day, packed Hope's diaper bag, and carried Hope into Maine Street. He brought Hope to the pottery store. He chose a table for him and Hope to sit at and walked around with Hope to see their pottery options, "Hope, you want to make Mommy a vase for her buttercup flowers?" Hope nods her head. "How a mug for Mommy to drink her cinnamon hot cocoa in?" "No." They continued to look at options. Hope sees a duckling to paint. Hope reaches out to the duckling. "Mommy....b-b-b.""That is a great idea, little love. You can paint it for Mommy. She is going to love it because you are her little duckling." Hope smiles. Killian let Hope choose the paints and went to their table. He places Hope in a booster seat and places her art apron on her. "Which paint do you want to use first?" Hope dipped her brush in the yellow paint and painted her duckling. Killian was smiling his little love was doing such a good job painting her duckling, he took pictures of his little pirate-princess. "How is Hope?""She is making art with me, love. She stopped crying, swan. How is work?" "Paperwork. Do you want to get lunch at Granny's?""Aye, we will meet you there. We can get our table.""Great! xoxo." Emma was happy that Killian and Hope were having one on one time together as she was doing paperwork. Killian was helping Hope paint her duckling. "You are doing such a great job, Hope." Hope smiles. After Hope had finished her art project, she was crying "Hope, are you hungry?" Hope nods her head. "We are going to get lunch at Granny's." Killian took Hope's apron off and cleaned up Hope from the paint. "Your Mommy is going to love your gift on Mother's Day." Killian paid for the duckling, Hope was hugging his legs crying, he knew Hope was hungry and tired. Killian carries Hope to Granny's. "Hi, Hope. Hi, Killian.""Hi, Granny." Hope cried more"We are sitting at our table little love. We are going to eat soon." 'Hope, your usuals are coming right up.""Thank you, Granny." Hope hugs her Daddy.Emma drove into town in her yellow bug. Ashley sees Emma. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Ashley. How are you?""I am good. How are you?""I am good. I just returned to work today.""Oh really?""Yes, Hope's clinginess because of Zelena and my Mom...""I heard that is just awful. I know you and Killian are making sure that Hope is safe.""That is what we are doing.I am about to get lunch with Killian and Hope. Do you want to join us?""Sure." They went into Granny's and saw Hope crying in Killian's arms. She went to her husband and kneels to Hope. "Hope.""Mommy!" Hope stopped crying and jumped into her arms, making Emma smile."Hi, baby girl. Did you have fun with Dada?""Mommy...Mommy..." Emma loves when Hope was very happy to see her. She gave Hope kisses on her head. "How was she?""She was good until the end, crying.""We still have a lot to work on with her, it is a start.""Hi, Killian.""Hi, Ashley.""Hopey, Ashley is going to join us for lunch.""Momsmy..."Ashley faces Hope. "Hope, your Mommy is going to stay with you."Hope smiles at Ashley. "Hi.""Hi, Hope. Emma, she is so cute." "She likes you." They sat down. Ashley sat across from Emma, Killian, and Hope."Ashley, how is work?""The daycare is going well, Killian. I actually visit Annie and Rosie once a week."Emma was surprised. "You do?""Yes, Emma. Thanks to you, I made a new friend. I feel sorry for Annie, raising her daughter there." Emma hugs her daughter. "That is why I helped her right away when she asked for me...the Blue Fairy was giving me trouble but I got her to listen to me.""Swan, you got the Blue Fairy afraid of you." Hope babbles. "Hope agrees with me." Emma smiles. "I had to defend Annie. I had no one on my side when I was in there. I wanted to help her and make sure she has the support that she needs." Hope babbles. "I am doing my job right?""Hero!" Hope hugs her Mommy.Emma smiles. "That is right baby girl. I am a hero." She looks at Ashley. "Hero is Hope's new word.""Mommy!""I am Hope's hero." Hope babbles. Ashley smiles at Emma and Hope. "You need a diaper change. We will be right back." Emma takes Hope to the bathroom."Killian, Emma is an amazing mother to Hope.""Aye, yes she is. She is always there for our children. She is giving Hope everything she did not have growing up. Now with Hope, clinginess we are taking that slowly." "After all Hope has been through lately, you two are doing such a great job with Hope reassuring her that she is safe.""Aye, thank you. We always make sure that Hope knows she is safe. As you can tell Hope does not like being away from Emma or me too long. She likes being with both of us together because we rescued her together.""You two are the perfect team, I just knew you and Emma were meant to be together.""Aye, I got Emma to open up, to trust me, and always be on her side." "You are a great dad to Hope. I knew you were going to be a great Dad when you helped me distract Alexandra when I was getting my list of children for the daycare when Hyde brought people here.""Yes, I remember that. Emma and I helped you reunite with Clorinda."Ashley smiles. "Yes, you both did. Emma is always there for me and everyone in town. I just want to help her any way I can.""Aye, I knew you came over to visit Hope was in recovery.""I heard what happened and I wanted to help out. Emma was taking care of Hope.""Aye, Emma is an amazing mother to her children. What are you doing for Mother's Day?""Hope and I made er something at the pottery store. I know Henry has a gift planned with Hope for Emma." Emma and Hope return back. Hope climbs next to Ashley. "Hi.""Hi, Hope. You want to sit next to me?" Hope nods her head and points at her parents. "Mommy... Dada." Ashley smiles. "Yes, I know your Mommy and Daddy. They are the best. I was your Mommy's first save when she came to Storybook. She helped me to keep Alexandra." "Mommy...hero.""Yes, your Mommy is a hero." Emma and Killian held hands. Granny brought their orders together. A few days later, it was Mother's Day, May 10th,2020. Killian woke up early, he kisses Emma on the head. Henry got up early with his Dad, they made Emma breakfast and placed it on a tray. Killian went to the shed and got Hope and his mother's day gifts for his swan. They went upstairs. Emma wakes up from Hope's crying who was sleeping right next to her. "Hopey.""Mommy."Emma holds Hope on her lap. "Hopey, you are with me. Everything is okay." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are with me, you are alright." Killian and Henry came in carrying breakfast and gifts. "Hey.""Swan, what is wrong with our little love?""I do not know, she just woke up crying and wants to snuggle." Henry sat next to his Mom and sister. "Hope, I need your help giving Mommy our gift. It is Mommy's special day.""Mommy." "Hope you can help me open my presents. You want to be my little helper?" Hope babbles. "Okay. it is my third mother's day with you and Henry. You just want to be with me.""Mom, this is from Hope and me. Happy Mother's Day." He gives his Mom and sister the present. "Hope, I cannot wait to see what you and Henry got me." Emma opens her gift which was a canvas painting of her, Henry, and Hope on the bottom "Hope and Henry with our best Mom ever." "Henry! I love it! Come here!" Emma hugs both of her children. "I am going to hand it next to your Dad and my anniversary painting that you both made." "Mom, we love you.""I love you both so much." She gave them kisses on their heads. "Little love, you want to give Mommy her present from you?" Hope gives her Mommy her gift. Emma opens her gift from Hope, it was a duckling painted with pink, yellow, and orange. "Hope, you made this for me?" Hope nods her head. "I love it." She hugs her daughter. "Hope chose the duckling to paint all by herself.""I love it. We need to have a glass cabinet in the living room so we can put all of our children's artwork.""Aye, we do need that.""I ordered one and it is coming in the mail soon." Hope began to cry all over again. "Hopey, you are safe with me. Everything is going to be okay. No one is going to take you away from us. " "Little sis, you are safe with Mommy baby sis. No one is going to take you away from us again like last year." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing that Hope remembers being kidnapped by Zelena. "Hope, no one is going to take you away from us again. You have Mommy, Daddy and Henry.""Little love, no one is going to take you away, Hope." Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "I promise you, Hope. No one is going to take you away from us." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "Afe." "Yes, Hope. You are safe with us, baby girl. You can give me snuggles all day." "Hope, you have one more gift for Mommy her card." "Gift...""I am going to open your card." Emma opens the envelope which is a home card of Hope's handprints in the front. "Dear Mommy, Happy Mother's Day. I love you so much. You always play with me, sing songs, do art, and bake with me. You are also the best sheriff ever. I love being your mini-me. I love being your little sheriff. You always protect me and Henry. I love you so much. Love, Hope." Emma was in tears. "Hope, I love your card, baby girl." Henry brings in two more gifts for his Mom. "Thank you, lad." He takes the potted buttercup flowers from his son. "Emma, I thought we could plant this in the front yard.""You mean a little garden of buttercups in our front yard?" "Aye, that's what I was thinking.""I love that idea. I had a feeling you were a green hook.""Little love, we are going to have a garden in the front yard.""Hope you can help us plant the flowers in the front yard.""Little sis." Hope reaches out for her brother and he gets her from their parents. "Hopey, I know you are having a rough day. You have Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." He kisses Hope on the head."Mommy.""It is Mommy's special day." "Mommy." Henry sits next to his Mom. "You just want to be with Mommy, little sis?" Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy."Hope, you are my little duckling. You can be with me the whole day." Hope smiles. "There is my favorite little smile." She hugs her daughter."Mom, I have one more gift from you." Emma opens her gift which was a Catwoman shirt."Henry, I love it." She hugs her son. "I love my gifts today." She hugs both other children. "I have the best two children in the world.""We love you, Mom.""Luv, Mommy."Emma eats her breakfast, while Hope was drinking her morning bottle. "Killian, are these cinnamon hot cocoa pancakes?""Yes, they are.""They are really good." "Aye, I make the pancakes for my wife." They kiss. Henry brought up breakfast for himself and Hope to eat. "Dad, they really are good. Right Hope?" Hope babbles. "How did you make these?""I use the pancake batter with a hot cocoa pack and cinnamon and mix them together?"Emma was impressed. "I did not know you were an experimental chef.""I wanted to try your favorite drink in pancakes.""I love it, it is so sweet of you." "Aye, I will do anything to make my swan happy." They kiss."Dada." Hope gives one of her cut-up pancake to her Dada."Thank you, little love. You can have it.""No! Dada!"Killian smiles knowing his daughter is bossy like his swan."Aye, I will have your pancake." He lets Hope feed him. "Yummy. Thank you for sharing your pancakes with me." Hope smiles."Killian, Hope wanted you to have her pancake.""Aye Hope loves to share." "Now, I want to plant my buttercups that you got me.""Aye, I will bring them down." Emma gets Hope dressed in a floral dress and herself dressed for the day and brings her to the front yard. "Dada is going to teach you how to plant flowers." Emma walked Hope outside, "Henwy.""Hi, baby sis." He holds Hope on his hip. "We are going to put the flowers in the soil so we can let them grow." He sets Hope down. Killian teaches Hope about gardening, planting the flowers, and covering the dirt. "We need to water buttercups every day." Hope grips the watering can and tries to pour the water herself, Henry helps Hope pour the water to the buttercups. "You are doing a great job, little sis." Emma takes pictures of her family gardening. "Not too much water, little love." He takes the watering can from his little pirate. "Mommy!"Emma kneels to her daughter. "Hope, are you gardening with Dada and Henry?""Dada!" Hope smiles. Hope leads her Mommy to the flowers. Hope points the buttercups to her mommy. "They are very pretty flowers that Dada got me for Mother's Day. Are you going to help me take care of them?""Henwy!""Little sis, you are giving the job to me." He tickles his sister making her laugh. "Hope and I will help you take care of the flowers, Mom.""Thanks,kid." "Mom, can we do some art?""Yes, we can." Hope did not want to leave."Little love, you want to play out here?" Hope babbles. "Swan, I will play out here with our little love.""Hope, I will be inside with Henry." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma and Henry went inside. "Little love, what you want to do?" Hope looks at the mud. Killian smiles. "I see where you want to play." Hope jumps into the mud and squeals with joy. Killian took pictures of Hope jumping into the mud puddle and made sure Hope did not ruin the buttercups. Emma was with Henry up in his room drawing. "Henry, are you okay?" "Yes." Henry hugs his Mom. "I know you have something on your mind.""I am worried about Hope. She is still clingy to you and Dad. I hate seeing my sister afraid all the time.""I hate seeing Hope upset and afraid, kid. I remember last Mother's day she was kidnapped by Zelena the first time...but I think now that she is safe home with us." "Do you think that she remembers what happened the first time with Zelena?""I do not know, Henry, maybe. She was afraid this morning, maybe she had a nightmare about it or the recent time.""Zelena has caused pain to our family...Grandma put Zelena up to stealing Hope recently...they both caused Hope and our family so much pain, Mom.""Yes, kid." She hugs her son. "I am going to continue to make sure they get their punishment for almost killing..."Henry hugs his Mom. "You and Dad rescue Hope every time that she is in danger. I am sorry for upsetting you... first Hope now me...""Henry, I love the gift that you and Hope gave me. I also love my Catwoman shirt. I have a feeling when we go to the comic con this year...""We are going to go to comic con this year?""I told you kid, that we can go again!" Henry hugs his Mom. "Are we going on vacation this summer?""Your Dad and I are still planning but we are thinking of renting a beach house.""Awesome. Can we draw before I have to go to my other Mom for the day? I am going out to lunch with her.""You have two Moms' to celebrate with." "I was wondering if we can have one on one time?""We have not had one on one time in a while. We need one on one time, I am sorry...""Mom, I know Hope is clingy,it is okay. You are taking care of Hope when she needs you.""Hope is getting better being with your Dad or I...for a little while. How about you and I can do a stakeout when your Dad watches Hope?""Awesome!" They hear Hope crying from outside. Henry and Emma return back outside seeing Hope and Killian covered with mud. "What is going on out here?" Hope runs away seeing her Mom. "Mom, I will get Hope." Henry followed his sister."Killian?""Hope and I were playing in the mud, Hope started the mud fight." Killian bends down and picks up a crushed buttercup. "Hope got upset after she realized she ruined one of your buttercups. When I told her about you...""She thinks she is in trouble?""Aye, our little lass does.""She is not in trouble.""I have an idea. I will be right back." Killian was leaving."Killian! You are covered with mud. You need to change first." He returns, "Aye, I forgot that I am covered in mud." Emma chuckles. She holds his hook and kisses him. "You are such a great Daddy and sexy covered in mud." "You like a dirty pirate?""Maybe later we can get dirty together in the mud?""I do like the sound of that swan." They kiss."Now, I have to talk to our daughter." Killian fixed the mud mess before heading inside. Emma finds Hope crying on Henry's lap. She sits next to her daughter and son. "Hope..." Hope cried more. Emma faces her daughter speaking in a soft tone. "Hope, you are not in trouble. Mommy is not mad.""You hear that Hope, Mommy is not mad at you, little sis. You are not in any trouble." "Hopey, I know you were just having fun with Dada in the mud. You did not break the buttercup on purpose, it was an accident. I am not mad at you, Hopey. I know you are very sorry and very upset. I do not like seeing my little girl crying." Hope looked at her Mommy with her sad swollen ocean blue eyes, her Mommy was not yelling at her. "Mommy." Emma gently gets Hope from Henry. "I am not mad at you. I know it was an accident. I love you so much." Hope hugs her Mommy, still sad. "You are not in any trouble. I am not mad at you." She kisses Hope on the head and looks up at her son. "Kid, can you get me a bunch of yellow flowers that grow into the grass?""Sure." Henry picked up the yellow flowers from their yard and returned to his sister and Mom. "Aren't these weeds Mom?""Yes, but we can make weeds pretty. I am going to teach you both how to make flower crowns." "Flower crowns?" "Yes,kid." Henry sat down next to his Mom and sister, Emma taught them how to make flower crowns twisting the ends of the flowers to make a chain. Hope stopped crying and was interested in what her Mommy and big brother were doing. "Henwy.""Hopey, Mommy is teaching us how to make flower crowns." He lets Hope hold a yellow flower."Sweetie, I am making your flower crown. You want to try?" Hope gripped the flower crown, Emma teaches both Henry and Hope how to create flower crowns. "The more flowers we have the thicker the flower crown we are going to make.""I am going to find more, Mom." Henry finds more flowers and continues working on her flower crown with Hope. "Are you having fun Hopey?" Hope smiles. Henry returns with more flowers."You....Henry.""You are welcome, Hope. Mom, Hope is having fun making flower crowns.""Yes, she is. Hope loves the flowers. Are you having fun?""Yes, I am." Hope takes flowers from her brother and gives them to her Mommy. "Thank you, Hope. How is your flower crown kid?""I am struggling."Emma smiles. "Here is mine, you can add flowers to the front while I get yours started." "Is this how your flower crown was made when you and Dad at the ball at King Arthur's kingdom?""You mean the day you met Violet?""Yes."Emma smiles. "Yes, I taught myself when I was a kid because I did not have too many toys and stuck in a group girl home. I did not want to play with other girls so I saw flowers in the grass and decided to make flower crowns. I use what I have. I am happy to teach you and Hope." Hope puts the flower in her Mommy's hair. "You made my hair pretty." Hope smiles. "Thank you, Hope." Henry took pictures of his Mom and sister. "It takes practice but I know you and Hope will get the hang of it." Hope hugs her Mommy this Killian returns outside seeing his family making flower crowns. He takes pictures on his iPhone of his family creating flower crowns. He went into town to buy Emma seeds of buttercups. He returns to his family. "I see my swan teaching our children to make flower crowns."Emma smiles. "Yes, I am!" Hope babbles. "You are having fun making flower crowns with me?" Hope screams with joy. She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Dada!" He kneels down to his little love and she gives him flowers. "Thank you for sharing, little love." "Mommy.""You are having fun with Mommy?" "Yes." "She loves sharing with her Daddy." "Aye, she loves sharing with her family." After Emma and Henry finished the flower crowns, they let Hope decide which one was the best."Little sis, which one do you like better? My flower crown or Mommy's flower crown?" Hope grabs both. "Mom, we both won, Hope, loves them both."Yes, you are right." She puts one on Hope's head and the other one on her head. Killian and Henry take pictures of Emma and Hope with their flower crowns."Emma, I have another gift for you..." He gives his swan flower seeds. "I figure that we can plant butter cups instead, so we can have a garden of them in our front yard. I also bought a fence so our little lass cannot climb over it.""I love that idea of a garden in our front yard. I love your green hook." She smiles."Aye, these flowers that we are going to grow, we will always have them." Hope babbles."Hopey, are you going to help Dada plant flowers?" Hope nods her head. Killian takes Hope to the other side of their front yard. Killian teaches Hope how to plant seeds. Emma took pictures on her iPhone. Regina arrives seeing the Swan-Jones family on the front lawn. "Hi, Henry.""Hi, Mom.""Why are you covered with mud?""Dad and Hope had a mud flight, Hope got upset and I had to calm her down. Then, Mom taught us how to make flower crowns. Now, Dad and Hope are planting buttercups. I am going to get changed." Henry goes into the house. Hope walks to Regina. "Hi!""Hi, Hope.""Ina!" Regina smiles. "Henry told me that you were making flower crowns.""Mommy!" Emma holds Hope on her hip."Hi, Regina. Happy Mother's Day.""Happy Mother's Day to you too." Hope smiles. "How is Hope?""She is very happy but still clingy which I do not mind. She helped me and Henry makes flower crowns and helping Killian with planting flowers." Hope babbles. Henry returns in a clean outfit. "Mom, I will see you tonight.""Have fun, kid." They hug. "Henwy!" Henry holds Hope. "Little sis, we are going to have H&H time later." He kisses Hope on the head and gives his sister to his Mom. He leaves with Regina. Hope began to cry. "Henry will be back. Hopey, we are going to see Auntie Allison today. Auntie is your godmother. You are going to give her Mother's day gift from you.""Auntie.""Yes, Auntie Allison is your godmother and godmothers get gifts on Mother's day." Hope stopped crying and her Mommy gave Hope a bubble bath and got her dressed for the day in a butterfly pattern dress and did two pigtail braids. Hope tugs her braid."Mommy.""You like your braids?""Yes." She kisses Hope on the head and lets her walk around. Killian enters Hope's room."Emma, I have Hope's gift for Allison.""Thank you. You look like you have something on your mind."Killian smiles. "I have nothing on your mind." Hope hugs her Daddy's leg. "Hi, little love."He holds Hope on his hip. Hope hugs her Daddy. "You give the best hugs. I love your dress." Hope smiles. Emma takes a picture of Killian and Hope on her iPhone. Emma drove Killian and Hope to Allison's house in her yellow bug. She sees Allison with Lizzie and Connor in the front yard. She gets out of the car. "Hi, Allison!""Hi, Emma!" "Happy Mother's Day.""Happy Mother's Day to you too." They hug. "Hi, Allison.""Hi, Killian." Killian gets Hope from her car seat and lets Hope walk to Allison."Auntie!" Allison scooped Hope into her arms. "Hi, Hope. I love your dress." Hope smiles. "Allison, Hope has a present for her godmother.""Awe, I am going to open it on the porch, Hope." She carried Hope to her front porch to the porch swing. Killian sat nearby his two loves and Allison. "Hope here is your gift for Auntie Allison.""!" Hope shows Allison her gift."Thank you, Hope. I am going to open it right now." Allison opens her gift which was a picture from of her and Hope in black and white, with a frame A godmother is special because she is chosen. You will always have a special place in my heart. Love Always, Hope." Allison was in tears. "Hope, I love my picture frame. Thank you." She hugs Hope. "Emma, I love it. I am going to put it on my mantle." Hope babbles. "I am the best?""Auntie." Hope hugs Allison."Hope you made my Mother's day extra special." Emma takes pictures of Allison and Hope. "How are you feeling Allison?""I am feeling so much better. I am back at work. I know, I have my little goddaughter tomorrow." She lifts Hope up and down. Emma and Killian smile at each other."Mommy." Emma takes Hope from Allison. "You need a diaper change. We will be right back." Emma takes Hope inside. "Killian, do you have plans for my best friend for the rest of Mother's Day?""Well, I have plans for my swan.""From what Emma told me about your captain swan butter cup trail, sailing adventure and dinner on the Jolly Roger and you both sang and danced to your wedding song. Henry told me about that part and planned the romantic dinner on the Jolly Roger.""Aye, I wanted to make sure my swan deserves everything and happiness.""Your wife is amazing and my best friend. After what you all went through, you both deserved an amazing wedding anniversary.""Aye, we had an amazing anniversary.""Where is Henry?""Henry is out with Regina.""Right, he has two moms."Emma returns with Hope. Hope points at the swings. "Hopey, you want to go on the swings?" Hope smiles. "Little love, I will go on the swings with you.""Dada."Killian scoops Hope into his arms. "Little pirate princess." Hope laughs. "Dada is funny?" He tickles Hope and brings her to the swingset and joins Lizzie and Connor."Emma, how is your mother's day going?""Hope was very clingy this morning. From last year's Mother's day, Zelena kidnapped her....then this year Zelena worked with my own mother kidnapping Hope...We think Hope had a bad dream of Zelena of the recent incident." Allison hugs her best friend. "You are an amazing mother to Hope and Henry, Emma. You fight for your children and always there for them when they need you. You always make sure they feel safe.""I am concerned about Hope..""She is happy with you, Killian and Henry. Us mothers always will be worrying about their children. It is part of our job.""Before, Henry went with Regina. Killian had a mud fight with Hope after planting my buttercups. Hope accidentally ruined one of my buttercups and got upset thinking she was in trouble. Henry and I calmed down by me teaching both of them making flower crowns." She shows Allison pictures of her and Hope with the flower crowns. "Emma, this looks like Hope loved it. You look like you were being the best Mom to her.""I am doing my job." Hope runs up to Emma with a flower."Mommy!" Hope shows her Mommy the flower. Emma smiles and kneels down to her daughter. "Hope, did you find a flower?" Hope puts the flower in her Mommy's hair. "Thank you, Hope, for making my hair look pretty." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian found more flowers. He gave Hope another flower. "Auntie." Hope gave the flower to Allison. "Thank you, Hope." Hope babbles. "I love the flower." She kisses Hope on the cheek."Emma, she loves flowers.""She takes after me, she loves flowers." Killian took pictures of Hope with Allison and pictures with her Mommy. He also took pictures of the two best friends. Hope began to cry. Hope scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, are you getting tired?"Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are with me." "Love, she is getting afraid again.""Yes, but it is almost her naptime." Allison faces Hope. "Hope, everything is alright, little neice. Tomorrow, you are going to visit me at work with Mommy and Dada. I love the gift you got me." She kisses Hope on the cheek."Allison, we will see you tomorrow.""Thank you for dropping by.""Hope really wanted to see you today to give you her gift.""I love it." Allison hugs Emma and Hope. Emma puts Hope in her carseat. "Emma, I will drive." Emma sits next to Hope as Killian drove. Killian knew where to take his two lasses next. He drove his two loves to the duckling pond where Emma ran away to and they got sucked into the time portal. Emma sees where they were. "Killian, you brought us here?" "Aye, I know this is one of my swan's favorite spots, swan lake." Emma carried Hope out of the car. Hope fusses. "You are with Mommy baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "We are the pond baby girl, like in our favorite." Hope smiles. Emma lets Hope walk, holding her hand. "Dada." Hope reaches for her Daddy's hand, he gives his little love his hook. Hope was happy walking in between her parents around the pond. Hope was smiling. Emma and Killian lift her up and hand made Hope laugh. A mommy duck and her duckling walked across them. "Mommy." Hope points her hand to the ducking. Emma kneels down to Hope. "Yes, a Mommy duck and baby ducks." Hope screams with joy. Killian takes pictures of his two loves on his iPhone. "You can wave hi to the ducks."Hope waves. "Hi!" Emma and Kilian smile at each other. The ducks went into the water and swam away. "No!" Emma hugs her daughter who was crying."Little love, they are swimming in the pond which is their home." Hope cried more into her Mommy."Hopey,I have our favorite book. We can have storytime by the lake.""Book?" Emma and Killian love hearing hope's new words. "Yes, we can have storytime our favorite book,The Ugly Duckling." "Book!" They found a spot to sit on a bench facing the pond. Killian takes out the book from the diaper bag. Hope takes the book from her Daddy. "Mommy! Book!" "Yes, Hope. We are going to read The Ugly Duckling book." Hope clapped her hands. Emma loves cheering Hope up. "Emma, our little lass loves you reading her favorite book."Emma smiles. "Yes, she loves our favorite story." She kisses Hope on the head and opens the book. "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy duck and Daddy duck...." When Emma finished reading, Hope babbles."One more time?""Swan, you know it is just more than one more time.""I know.""!" "Hope, you want me to read you the book?""Dada!"Emma chuckles. "It is your turn, captain to read our little pirate her story." He takes the book from his swan. "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy duck and Daddy duck...." Hope lied on her Mommy while her Daddy read her the story. Emma loves Hope's snuggles. By the end of the story, Hope was fast asleep. "Sweet dreams, little duckling." She leaned against her husband who wrapped his arms around his two loves. "I remember our first time here, you found me here telling me Storybrooke is my home before and after our time-traveling adventure.""Aye, I knew this was your home. Now we have our family of our own. You are celebrating your third Mother's Day with Hope and Henry.""Yes, I am. I love being a mom to both Henry and Hope."They talked for a little while until Regina parks her car and Henry arrives. "Mom! Dad!""Hi, lad!" "Mom, I brought cupcakes.""Awesome.""Lad, how did you know that we were here?""I had a feeling you were at Aunt Allison's house and she told me in a text message that you were heading this way." He gives his Dad a hook cupcake. "Lad, is this a hook?""Yes, it is. I got them especially design for all of us." "This is so cool, Henry." Hope wakes up. "Henwy!" "Hi, little sis. I brought you a cupcake." Hope takes her duckling cupcake from her brother."Is the cupcake yummy baby girl?" Hope babbles and gives it to her Mommy. Emma gets a little taste. "Thank you, Hope, for sharing. Kid, can I have my cupcake?""Here you go." He gives his mom her cupcake which was decorated as a swan. "Thanks, kid." She tried her cupcake. "This is really good." "I got Bashful to customized our cupcakes and nut-free for Hope..""They are great. Thank you.""You are welcome, Mom." He hugs is Mom. Hope babbles. "Sorry, Hope for squishing you." After their cupcakes, Hope was showing Henry the lake and walked around.Emma hugs Killian and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you, for making my day special.""You are welcome, Emma. You deserve everything and happiness.""You are so sweet." They kiss."Mommy!!" They see Hope pointing at the ducks swimming by, Emma goes to her daughter. "Hopey, the ducks are back!" Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head. They watched the mommy duck and baby ducklings swimming in the pond. Emma knows that she will take Hope here knowing this is another favorite spot that reminds them of their favorite story. Killian takes pictures of his swan and their ducklings. "A perfect Mother's day for my swan."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now