Telling Everyone Else About Pregnancy

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The next morning, Emma continued to have morning sickness. Killian walked with Henry to the bus stop. "Henry are you excited about becoming a big brother?
"Yes, I am. I am so excited. Are you looking forward to being a dad?"
"Oh yes, I am really excited. I was over the moon happy when your mom told me that she is expecting."
"Can I ask you something?"
Killian faced to Henry."Sure lad, what is in your mind?"
"I had been thinking, ever since you and my mom got married..and my real dad is dead. Robin is great. Now there's a baby on the way. Can I call you dad? Since I don't really have a dad.
Killian smiled, "Why of course you can me dad." He patted Henry on the shoulder. "Can I call you son?"
"Yes." He hugs Killian. "I cannot wait until my baby brother or sister arrives."
"Same here, son. Do you want a brother or a sister?"
"I definitely want a sister. I'll be happy with a brother too."
Back at the house, Emma finishes her morning sickness for the moment. She hears the doorbell. She answers the door. "Regina, Hi."
"Hi, Emma I just wanted to stop by to see how you are doing since you were sick for the last few days."
"Sure come on in."
"What kind of sickness do you have?"
"Actually...I need to tell you something."
Regina looks concerned "What is it, Emma?"
Emma smiled touched her tummy, "I am pregnant."
Regina jaw drops then smiled "Emma, I am so happy for you, I really am." She hugs Emma.
"Thank you."
"I had a feeling something was going on. Do your parents know yet?"
"Not yet, Killian and I have to figure out when to tell them."
"How far along are you?"
Emma looked down at her soon to be a baby bump. "I am 6 weeks. The morning sickness is pretty bad. We told Henry about the baby last night."
"That is why you wanted him to come over all of the sudden after having a "stomach virus."
"Yes, I couldn't wait another day to tell him."
After Regina left Emma headed to the sheriff station, Killian met her there. Emma still was not feeling good. Her Dad was at the station.
Charming "Hi, Emma. You do not look so good."
Emma said in a frustrated voice" Dad, I am fine."
"You are sure?"
Emma faints, Charming catches her before she falls to the floor. "Emma!!"
Killian runs to his wife. "Emma, love." Killian talks to Charming, "Emma is pregnant." David's jaw dropped.
Killian holds Emma, while Charming calls an ambulance. When Killian rides with Emma in the ambulance, Charming calls Snow.
Snow, "Charming is everything okay?"
"No, Emma collapsed in the station."
"Do you know what is the cause of her passing out?"
"Killian told me Emma is pregnant. I am on the way to the hospital."
"I will get a substitute teacher and come straight away."
Emma wakes up in a hospital room with an ivy in her arm. Killian is next to her. "Where..what happened?"
"Love, you are alright. You fainted at the sheriff station. Dr.Whale said that it was caused dizziness."
"Did you tell him that I been having bad morning sickness?"
"Yes, I did. He wants to keep you here overnight for observation."
"Can you hand me that plastic bin? I'm going.."
Killian quickly hands her the bin and she pukes. "Thanks."
"Does my dad know why I fainted?"
"Yes, I told him about the baby right before he called the ambulance. Both of your parents are here."
"I might as well tell them officially now."
Snow White and Charming entered the room. Snow rushed to Emma. "Honey are you okay?"
"Better than before." Killian held her hand. "Mom, Dad. Killian and I are expecting a baby!"
Charming patted Killian on the back. Snow hugged Emma so tight. "Oh, honey. I am so happy for you both."
"Thank you, Mom. Can you please loosen your hug. I am pregnant." She chuckled.
Charming, "Emma I am so happy for you."
" Thank you, Dad. We are both really excited."
Snow, "Does Henry know?"
Emma, "Yes. We told him last night."
"I am so excited to have another grandbaby!" She hugs Emma lightly. "When is your due date?"
"My due date is April 20th. I have been having bad morning sickness, it is not fun and the cause of why I fainted."
"Did you have it this bad with Henry?"
"Nope. I barely had morning sickness with him, mostly nausea."
Charming, "Emma do not worry about work, just rest. Come back when your morning sickness stops."
"But Dad I.."
"No buts. I can manage to work at the station for a few weeks."
"Are you sure?"
"Yea I will have the dwarfs to help me. Killian, you take care of Emma."
Killian, "Dave, I.."
"No buts. I want you to take care of my daughter. You can come back to work after her morning sickness is done."
"Do not worry, I will take care of Emma. Like I always do." (Giving Emma's hand a squeeze.)
Snow, "I think we should go now Charming and let Emma rest. We will see you soon honey." Snow kissed Emma on the head.
Charming to Killian, "Keep my daughter and grandchild safe."
"I will Charming, they are my world."
"Emma let us know if you need anything." He hugs Emma.
Snow to Killian, "Let me know if you both need anything, call me."
"I will thank you, love."

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