Second Chance Part 2

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It was January, in the new year. Emma was helping Henry filling out college applications to colleges that he was interested in going to in the fall. One Saturday morning, Emma and Hope were at the library with Belle and Gideon. Killian was at the sheriff's station while Henry was at Ava's house. Hope was playing with Gideon in his toy room, as their mother's watched. Belle knew something was off with Emma. "Emma, are you okay?"
"Yes, I am."
"You just seem very tired."
"Yes, I am always on the watch for my Mom now that she is out. Killian and I are extra cautious around town, to protect Hope."
"Emma, Hope is safe."
"Yes, Killian and I are being overprotective of our daughter. We do not let her out of our sight when we are out of the house. We are worried if Mary Margaret will try to kidnap Hope again..."
"She is safe with you and Killian. She is happy playing with Gideon."
Emma smiles. "When we were walking here, she was telling me,"Play with Gideon."
Belle smiles. "They are close friends."
"Yes, they are." After the playdate, Emma walks with Hope home. "We are going home, baby girl. Did you have fun?"
"Yes, pway Gideon."
"You are going to play with Gideon again."
"Mommy."Emma knew Hope was getting afraid and holds Hope on her hip. "Afe."
"You are safe with me, baby girl. We are going home."
"Daddy is working." Emma walks home carrying Hope. She made Hope lunch, macaroni and cheese, and broccoli. For some reason, she did not feel hungry. After she cleaned up Hope's lunch, she brought Hope up to her room for a nap. "No, nap."
"Sweetie, Mommy needs a nap. You can stay with me."
"Okay." Emma fell asleep right away.
Henry returns home from Ava's house, while his Dad was at work. Hope comes downstairs. "Henwy!"
Henry caught Hope in his arms. "Hi, Hope."
"Where is Mommy?"
"Do you want to play?"
"Yes." Henty takes Hope to the living room and plays with her new toys. "Mommy..."
Henry knew his sister was getting upset and took her upstairs to their parents' room. "Mommy is home, baby sis. She did not leave us." Emma wakes up hearing Henry and Hope. "Mom, are you okay?"
"Hey, kid. Hopey." They joined their Mom on the bed. Emma takes Hope from Henry.
"I was only taking a nap baby girl." Hope lays on her Mommy's shoulder. "Henry, how is Ava?"
"She is good. We just hang out at her house. We talked a lot and did some art. How are you?"
"I am just really tired." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Mom,are you hungry?"
"Yes, I am. I was not hungry before. Hope had her lunch already."
"I can make us grilled cheese."
"I cannot say no grilled cheese,kid." Henry hugs his Mom before going downstairs.
"Tay, Mommy." Emma gives Hope kisses on her cheek and lies back down. Henry noticed his Mom was more tired than usual. He cooks his Mom a grilled cheese. Killian arrived home. Henry carried a plate of grilled cheese for his Mom. "Dad."
"Hi, son."
"Mom seems more tired than usual. She was not hungry before."
"Aye, let me check up on your Mom. I can bring up her lunch." Killian goes to his bedroom finding his two loves in their bed. "Hi, swan."
"Hi, Killian." They kiss. She takes her plate from Killian. "Thank you."
Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "Hi, little love. Did you have a fun time playing with Gideon?"
"Yes, fun!"
Killian smiles. "Aye, that is what I like to hear."
Henry enters the room. "Hope, do you want to have H&H time?"
"Yes!" Henry takes Hope into his bedroom.
Killian joined his swan on their bed waiting for her to finish her grilled cheese. He wrapped his arm around his wife noticing she has not been herself lately. After she was finished eating, Emma lays her head on Killian's shoulder. He hugs his wife in his arms and kisses her on the head. "Emma, I know you have been more stress than usual, love."
"Yes, I am stressed out more than usual because my mother is out of the psychward. I am worried she will try to steal Hope again..." Emma began crying. "I am so tired, Killian. I just want our daughter to be safe. All I want to do is sleep." She cried more as Killian hugged her.
"You are her strong amazing Mommy, making sure our daughter is safe. You and I are extra cautious, love. Hope is safe with us." Emma just cried more. Killian hugged his swan and rubbed her back as long she cried.
Early the next morning, Emma was still exhausted and her breasts were tender. Hope was sleeping in the middle of her and Killian. She went to their private bathroom and took out a pregnancy test from under the sink. Killian noticed his wife was not in bed with him and sees the light in the bathroom on in their bathroom. He sees Emma sitting on the bathroom floor. "Emma?"
"I am taking a pregnancy test...I am about too.."
Killian smiles big. "Emma, do you think, you are..."
"I think so... I think I am. My breasts are hurting. I am extremely tired."
Killian holds her hand. "Emma, no matter what the pregnancy stick test says yes or no. I love you no matter what."
"I am afraid, if I am pregnant again... I mean I lost babies already...I do not want to get so excited and lose..."
Killian hugs his wife who has been through enough pain trying to conceive another child after having Hope. "No matter what happens, you are loved by me and our two children. If it is negative, we can always have fun trying again..."
Emma smiles. "Making pancakes?"
"Aye." They kiss.
Emma sat on the toilet bowl. "Killian?"
"If it is positive...if..." Killian holds her hand. "I want to see Dr. Claire today to confirm...if..."
"I am coming with you, Emma." Emma smiles knowing he was on her side no matter what. As Emma was peeing on the pregnancy stick, Killian was putting the timer on her iPhone for three minutes. She puts the test on the sink and sits next to her husband who was hugging her. Her heart was beating fast,she felt nauseous, her body was shaking, which Killian felt knowing his swan was so nervous. "You are okay, love. I am right here. You are not alone." He rubs her back trying to calm her down, as they were waiting for the timer to go off. Emma's phone goes off. "Three minutes..." She looks at him.
"We can look at the results together, Emma."
Emma calmed down. "Together." Killian helped his swan up and the look at the pregnancy test together. Emma sees the results, it was positive. "" She puts her hand on her abdominal. "We are having a baby..." She looks up at Killian who was crying and smiling with joy. "Baby Swan-Jones, this is your Mommy. I love you so much."
Killian was smiling so big. "Swan! We are having another baby!"
"Yes,we are!" Killian holds his wife and spun her around. Emma giggles. "Slow down..."
"Aye, precious cargo." Killian puts his wife down and kneels to his wife's abdominal and kisses it. "This is your Daddy. Daddy loves you, little bean. You are growing inside of your amazing Mommy. You are going to hear me a lot, talking to you. I am going to protect you growing inside of your amazing strong caring Mommy." He kisses Emma's abdominal. "I love you so much." He stands up and looks at his swan. "I love you so much,Emma."
"I love you so much,Killian." They kiss and sit on the bathroom floor against the bathtub still processing the news. Killian places his hand on her abdominal and rubs it. "I love our newest pirate to our crew. He or she is going to be spoiled by us. He or she is lucky because our little bean has Henry and Hope as its siblings."
"Yes,Henry is going to be ecstatic knowing he will be a big brother again. Hope is going to be an amazing big sister..."
He can read his swan's face. "Emma?"
"What if I cannot protect this baby? Hope is always in danger..."
"We are going to protect all three of our children Emma, together."
"What if there is danger while I am pregnant?"
"I am going to do my job is to protect you and our little bean growing inside of you, that is my job as your husband and daddy to our little love." He hugs her. "You and our baby are not going to get hurt. Not my watch."
Emma places her hand on his hook and looked at him with happy tears in her eyes. "We are having a baby...."
"We are having a baby....We are having a baby..." Emma smile loves hearing Killian's singing voice which will happen a lot with their newest baby on the way. They continue to snuggle and talk enjoying the news so far only them knowing as the sun was rising and Hope was sleeping in their bed.
"Killian, your birthday is soon."
"Aye, I am so happy that we are having another baby, swan. Becoming a Daddy again is the best present I can ever get. This is the continuation of our second chance of being parents."
"Yes, you mean parents to a toddler and a newborn baby and almost an adult." Emma began crying. "I would not have this if it weren't for meeting you in the Enchanted Forest. You gave me everything I never had as a child a family.." Emma cried more.
Killian hugs his wife knowing she was definitely pregnant since she was hormonal. "I fell in love with you when I met you in the Enchanted Forest when you pulled me out of the pile of dead bodies. After you and Mulan tied me up against that tree and you looked at me in the eye, I knew in my heart that you were my true love. You were broken and I was going to do everything to make you happy, protect you and love you for the rest of our lives together. I did not think I would ever have a family until I met you. Now, we are having another baby which makes me so happy to be a daddy again with my true love." He kisses her on the head. "I love you so much, Emma."
"I love you, Killian Jones." They kiss. A little while later, Emma checked the time, it was 8:00 am. "I need to make an appointment with Dr.Claire. I just want to confirm my pregnancy..."
"I will go with you, love. How far along are you? Do you think you are?"
"It is the middle of January...we did have sex last month....maybe a month? If I am pregnant, we can tell Henry and Hope the news today."
"Aye, love. It can be our Swan-Jones secret. Henry and Hope will be so happy."
Emma got nervous which Killian clearly saw on his swan's face. He holds her hand."Emma?"
"Hope...she has not been without you or me since Mary-Margaret got out..."
"How about we get Allison to watch Hope?"
Emma smiles. "That is a great idea. I need to make my appointment first." Emma calls the hospital, the gynecologist department. "Dr.Claire's office."
"Hi, this is Emma Swan-Jones. I would like to make an appointment with Dr.Claire today..."
"I have 10:30 am this morning."
"Perfect. I can be there. Thank you." She hangs up the phone and smiles. Killian hugs her. "10:30 am is my appointment."
"I will drive."
"I need to call Allison." She calls Allison. "Hi, Allison."
Allison knew Emma was not a morning person at all knowing something was going on with her best friend. "Hi, Emma. You sure are in a good mood this morning?"
"Yes, I am. I know this is short notice, is it possible for you to watch Hope and Henry this morning? Killian and I have not left Hope without one of us since Mary-Margaret has been out..."
"I can come in to be with them. Do you and Killian have a case?"
"Not exactly...I have a doctor's appointment with Dr.Claire."
Allison smiles big. "Emma, are you?!"
"Maybe...I took a test and so far it is positive." Allison screams with joy, Emma pulls her iPhone away from her ear. Killian chuckles. "Everyone except for Allison?"
"Yes, but she is part of our family." She puts her iPhone back to her ear.
"What time is your appointment?"
"10:30 am."
"I can come around 10:00 am."
"I will see you all soon." The phone conversation ended. Emma sat down on the bed and smoothes Hope's hair. "Mommy is going to have a baby. You are not going to be replaced." She placed a hand on her abdominal, "You are going to be a great big sister, Hope."
Hope wakes up seeing her Mommy."Mommy!"
Emma hugs her daughter. "Good morning, little duckling." Hope lays her head on her Mommy. Emma smiles, Hope loves snuggling on her in the morning.
"Good morning, little love."
Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. "Swan, are you hungry? You do need to eat..."
Emma smiles. "I am hungry. Can you make me a grilled cheese and onion rings?"
"Swan, onion rings are not good for..." Emma gives her husband a look and knowing his swan can eat what she likes for now before morning sickness. "I can order you granny's."
"Thank you." They kiss.
"Hope, do you want to help me cook breakfast?"
"Dada needs your help in the kitchen, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"Swan, Hope is still waking up." He faces Hope. "You just want to be with your Mommy, right Hope?"
"Yes, Dada. Mommy."
"Swan, breakfast will be ready soon." They kiss. Killian goes downstairs. He orders from granny's for Emma to be delivered to their house and cooks pancakes and bacon for the rest of the family. He cannot stop smiling that he and Emma are expecting again and expanding their family. He also cannot wait to teach the baby to be a pirate just like the rest of their family.
Emma was snuggling with her daughter. "Hopey." She hugs her daughter.
"You just wanted Mommy and Hopey time, right?"
"Yes."Hope lays on her Mommy.
Emma smiles. "You are my baby girl."
"You want me to sing to you?"
Emma smiles. "I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too."
Hope clapped her hands. "Again! Mommy again!"
Emma chuckles. "Okay, another song. Or the same song?"
"Same song!"
"I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too." She bops Hope's nose. Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy. "Do you like me singing to you?"
"Yes best."
"You are the best, Hope."
"Mommy best. Luv you."
"I love you so much." Emma smiles knowing even when the new baby comes, her relationship with Hope will not change. She knows she will give the same amount of love to the new baby. "Hope, let's get you dressed for the day." She got two outfits for Hope to choose from, "Which outfit do you want to wear?" Hope chooses her long-sleeve gray dress with ducks on them and leggings. "That is a good choice, Hope." She changes Hope into her outfit.
"Bwaid, Mommy."
"I can do your hair." She brushes Hope's blonde hair and braided her hair into a french braid. "There you go."
"Ank you Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy and plays with her hair.
"You are doing my hair?"
Henry wakes up hearing his sister and mom in Hope's room. "Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"I see Hope is messing your hair."
Emma smiles. "My hair was already messy. Your sister will learn how to braid my hair soon."
"Henwy!" Hope jumps from her bed into her brother's arms.
"Hope, be careful!"
"Mom, it is okay." Henry spun Hope around making her laugh. "Hope loves jumping into my arms when she sees me."
Emma hugs Henry. "I do not want you to get hurt when she jumps into your arms."
"She is not going to hurt me,Mom."
"Okay. Hope do not be too rough with Henry."
"Okay, Mommy."
Henry brings Hope downstairs. Killian had the table set up for breakfast with Emma's grilled cheese and onion rings. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Henry."
"Little sis, we are going to eat in a few minutes." He sets Hope in her booster seat. Emma helps Killian set the table. "Swan, I got it."
"I can help." She kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you for the grilled cheese and onion rings."
"You are welcome, love." They kiss.
"Mom got granny's?"
"Yes, lad because your Mom wanted grilled cheese and onion rings. I do not have those onion ring fryers."
Emma chuckles knowing Killian was keeping their secret good. "It is deep fryer, honey."
"Aye, I do not think we can have that in our kitchen." Emma chuckles.
"Mom, we need to try making onion rings?"
"Yes, we should."
"Yes, Henwy!"
"Hope, you agree with me?"
"High five."
"Five!" Henry and Hope high fived.
After breakfast, Killian takes Hope upstairs to change her diaper while Hope was drinking her sippy cup of milk while Emma and Henry were cleaning up the kitchen. "Kid, Aunt Allison is coming over in a little while."
"She is?"
"Yes. Your Dad and I have a case."
"A case?"
Henry knew something was up, his Mom was not acting like herself. "Something is going on."
"Nothing is going on. Allison is coming over because Hope might be crying when your Dad and I are out."
"You got a point, Hope definitely will be upset." He looks at his Mom. "What are you not telling me?"
"I will tell you soon, after this case. I promise." Emma goes upstairs to change. She looks at her abdominal knowing she could be having another baby again with her true love. "Baby Swan-Jones, Mommy loves you so much. I cannot wait to meet you." She changes into jeans, a gray tank top, and her new red leather jacket that Allison got her for Christmas. Hope enters the bedroom holding her Daddy's hook. "Mommy here."
"Yes, I see Mommy, little love. Swan, Hope wants to be with you."
Emma kneels down and Hope goes to her Mommy and hugs her. "Mommy."
"I am right here, Hope." She hugs her daughter. "I told Henry that we have a case..."
"You lied?..."
"Yes, I did as our cover story."
"Aye, we can tell them if you are..."
"Yes, exactly." They hear the door open and close, Allison arrives. Emma brings Hope downstairs. "Hope, auntie is here."
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison." They hug.
Allison takes Hope from Emma. "Hi, Hope. We are going to have fun together." She looks at Emma. "Emma, how are you?"
Allison holds her hand."I have a good feeling about your appointment..." Emma smiles.
"Auntie pway."
"We are going to play, Hope."
"Henry can join us." Killian arrives downstairs.
"Hope, Mommy and Daddy have to be sheriff and deputy for a little while. We will be back soon."
"No!" Hope began crying and reaching out to her Mommy.
Killian holds Hope. "Hope, Mommy, and Dada will be back very soon, little love. We will not be out for too long."
"Dada afe, Mommy afe."
"Yes, Hope. Daddy will keep Mommy safe. You are going to be here with Auntie and Henry."
Hope hugs her Daddy. "Mommy." Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Tay."
"Mommy and Daddy will be back very soon. When I get home, we are going to have Mommy and Hope time."
"Swan, we are going to be late." Henry comes down.
"You are right." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Kid, we will be back soon."
"Okay, Mom."
"Henry, how about we watch a movie?"
"Yes. Little sis, do you want to help me pick a movie?"
"Yes." Henry takes Hope into the living room.
"Emma, they will be safe with me."
Emma hugs her best friend. "Thank you."
"You are welcome. I hope to hear good news soon."
"Emma, we need to go." Killian gently leads his wife out of their house. "Hope is going to be okay with Allison and henry, love." He drove his wife to the hospital.
Allison sees Hope crying. "Henry, I got Hope." She takes Hope from Henry.
"Your Mommy will be back very soon." Hope hugs Allison. Allison sits down on the couch.
"Henry, what movie are we watching?"
"Atlantis: The Lost Empire."
"I only saw this movie once."
"You can see it again. This will be Hope's first time watching this movie." He looks down at his sister. "Hope, we are watching a new movie." He rubs his sister's cheek. "Mommy will be back soon. You are with me and Auntie Allison, Hope."
"Henwy." Hope grabs Henry's hand. "Henwy. Auntie." Henry kisses her on the head.
As Emma and Killian waited in the waiting room, Emma was shaking. Killian hugs his wife. "Everything is going to be okay, Emma. No matter what happens, I am going to love you as much then as much as I love you right now." She kisses him on the cheek and felt safe in his arms.
A nurse comes near the waiting area, "Emma Swan-Jones. Room 2."
Emma walks with Killian at her side into an examination room. He stayed in the room when Emma was getting undressed and into a gown that a nurse gave to her. Emma sat on the table and held onto Killian's hook. "Come join me." Killian sits next to Emma on the examination table. She leans her head on his chest. "I am nervous." He hugs his swan and kisses her on the head. "I am right here, Emma. You are not alone."
Dr.Claire enters the room. "Hi, Emma. Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Dr.Claire."
"Hello, Dr.Claire."
"How can I help you, Emma?"
Emma looked at Killian before facing her doctor. "I took a pregnancy test this morning and it was positive. I have also been tired a lot lately more than usual. Also, my breast has been more tender."
Dr.Claire puts her gloves on. "Those are definitely signs of pregnancy. I am going to examine you and see if you are pregnant." Killian gets off the table and pulls a chair over to be sitting next to Emma as she laid down on the table. She puts her legs in the stirrups and holds Killian's hand. Dr.Claire examines Emma. Killian was rubbing Emma's hand to calm his swan down. Dr.Claire looks up smiling at the couple. "Emma, you are pregnant!
Emma smiles so big. "I am?"
"Yes, you are. You are 5 weeks pregnant. Do you want a sonogram?"
"Yes..we do." She looks at Killlain who was smiling big. "One of the reasons why I made an appointment to confirm my pregnancy, is to make sure I am pregnant the right way..."
"I will do a sonogram, Emma." Dr.Claire sets up an ultrasound machine but with a different tool to use. "I am going to use a different sonogram tool because you are so early in your pregnancy. This is going to go through your vagina." She sees the tool to stick into Emma up to her uterus. Emma closed her eyes as she was in uncomfortable pain as she gripped Killian's hand "Uncomfortable." He rubs his swan's head to calm her down.
"Emma, your baby is whereas it should be." Emma opened her eyes and sees the sonogram of her uterus. "Your baby is right here." Dr.Claire points at the itty-bitty baby dot on the screen in her uterus.
Emma began crying. "I...I really...I am having a baby..." Killian was stunned seeing the little bean on the sonogram and began crying.
"Your baby is growing where it should be."
"When is my due date?"
"Your due date is September 17th. I will be right back." Dr.Claire took pictures and left the room so the couple has privacy.
"Killian, I am going to be a Mom of three before my next birthday."
"Finding out that I am going to be a daddy again almost three children, close to my birthday is the best."
Emma places her hand on her abdominal and sees Killian crying. She placed her free hand on his scruffy cheek. "You are going to be a Daddy again."
"I am so happy, Emma.You are going to be a Mommy again. I know you are going to be an amazing Mommy to this bean as you are with Henry and Hope."
Emma rubs her abdominal. "Baby Swan-Jones. This is your Mommy. Mommy and Daddy saw you on the sonogram. We love you so much. We cannot wait to meet you." She kisses her palm and places it on her abdominal.
Killian kisses Emma's abdominal. "Little bean, this is your daddy. Daddy loves you so much. You just need to grow inside of your Mommy and get big and strong."
Emma was crying with happy tears finally having another baby with her true love."I cannot believe that we are going to have a third baby, another pirate to our family."
"Aye, I cannot wait to have another baby with you." They kiss.
Dr.Claire returns. "Emma, here are your sonograms."
Emma gave half of her sonograms to Killian. He puts them in his wallet. Emma changed into clothes. "Swan, how should we tell Henry and Hope?"
"We are going to tell them together with the help of the sonograms."
Killian smiles big. "I love your idea." They walked together back to their yellow bug. "I am going to drive my two loves home." Emma smiles. As Kilian was driving his swan home, Emma was rubbing her soon to be belly bump. "My littlest duckling, Mommy loves you so much."
"Emma, 8 months from now you will be a mother duck to three ducklings soon."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am so excited being a mother of three. You will be a daddy to another little pirate."
Killian parked the car in front of their house. Emma was rubbing her abdominal and Killian joined her as he placed his hook on her abdominal. Emma smiles. "We are having a baby."
"Yes, we are swan. We are going to be parents of three. We are expanding our chapter of parenthood."
"Our second chance."They kiss. Killian helped his swan out of the car and protectively walked her back to their house. Emma knew this was the beginning of Killian's over protective of her now that she was pregnant again, just like when she was pregnant with Hope, which she loved. They entered the house, Henry was chasing Hope around the living room. "Allison, what is going on?"
"Hope did not like the movie and wanted to play with Henry." She hugs her best friend. "What is the news?"
Emma and Killian smiled big. "We have to tell Henry and Hope...I am 5 weeks along."
"I knew it!" Allison hugs Emma. "Congratulations!"
"Thank you."
"If you need to talk or anything. You have me to call."
"I have the best best friend ever!"
Henry and Hope see their parents. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy's legs. She holds Hope on her hip.
"Mom, Dad you two look way too happy coming from a case."
Emma chuckles."Okay, kid. You got us. We do need to tell you something."
"Swan, let's talk in the living room."
"Emma, I will talk to you soon."
"Yes." They hug. "Thank you for watching them."
"You are welcome. I am happy for you..."
"We are happy too." We will have our girl talk soon. "
"We will have our girl talk soon, Hope." Allison leaves.
They went into the living room and sat on the couch. "Killian, don't we have something to show them?"
"Hope, Mommy is going to tell us what she was up to this morning. She was not on a case."
Emma takes the sonogram out. "Meet the newest member of our family, baby Swan-Jones!"
Henry smiles big. "Mom! Yes!!" Henry jumps in the air making his parents smile. He hugs his Mom and sister. Emma and Killian were both smiling at Henry's reaction.
Hope was not sure what was going on. "Hope, this is a picture of our baby."
"Baby." Hope holds the sonogram as Emma pointed out where the baby was. "Baby."
"Yes, the baby is growing inside of my tummy." She points at her belly and places her sonogram on top of her belly. "The baby is growing inside of me. In a few months, you will have a little brother or sister."
Hope smiles big. "Baby."
"Yes, Hope, Mommy is having a baby, little love."
Emma hugs Hope. "Mommy is going to love you, Henry as much as the new baby."
"Luv you."
"I love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and hugs her daughter.
"Little love, you are going to be a big sister."
"Piwate, baby." Hope shows her daddy the sonogram. "Dada."
Killian puts Hope on his lap. "Yes, we are going to have another pirate to our crew. A baby pirate. I am going to teach you, Henry and the new baby all how to sail because you are all pirates."
"Mommy piwate."
"Of course, Mommy is a pirate too." Emma smiles.
"When this baby comes, you are not going to be replaced. Daddy is going to love you and Henry as much as the new baby."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I knew it! That is why you were acting so strange this morning."
"I wanted to make sure I was pregnant before telling you and Hope."
"I really am happy for you, Mom. I knew you were going to have another baby."
"Do you think we are going to have a girl or boy?"
"I think girl. You?"
"I am not sure, yet. Boy or girl, I will be very happy." She hugs her son. "Remember, you are always my first baby, Henry."
"I know I am. I cannot wait to be a big brother again. Is this part of your happy beginning?"
"Oh yes, my second chance is now being a mom to an almost adult child,a toddler, and a newborn." Emma holds his hand. "Even if you are 18 years older to this baby, that is not going to matter. The baby is going to have the best big brother."
"When is the baby due?"
"September 17th!"
"I am going to be there for you when the baby is born. I will drive from college."
"I am going to help you decide your college, kid."
"I know, wherever I go, I will be close enough to drive home to visit you, the baby, Hope, Dad, and Ava." They hug.
"Henwy, Mommy."
"Little sis. This is what I did when you were growing inside of Mommy. I am going to teach you how to talk to the baby. " Henry kisses his Mom's belly. "Hi, baby. This is Henry, your big brother. I love you. You are going to be part of our amazing family with our awesome parents, with me your big brother, and a big sister name Hope. We all love you."
"Henwy, my turn."
"Your turn Hope?"
Hope kisses her Mommy's belly. "Baby, luv you."
Emma was crying in happy tears, Killian wrapped his arm around his swan and looked at each other excited to expand their Swan-Jones family. "Swan, are you two hungry?"
"I... Yes, the baby and I are hungry."
"What are you in the mood for?"
"Something sweet, like chocolate ice cream."
"Dada ice cweam!"
"Aye, ice cream sundaes for everyone!"
"Yes!" Henry and Hope high fived.
"I will be right back, swan." Killian goes to the kitchen to make his family sundaes.
Henry and Hope hug their Mom. "I love you two so much."
"Yes, Hope. I love the baby too." She rubs her belly. "I love all three of my ducklings." She hugs Henry and Hope. "I love all three of my children."
Killian smiles seeing his swan so happy. He carried a tray of sundaes, with everyone's favorite flavor, with rainbow sprinkles, whip cream and a cherry on top. "Sundaes for everyone!"
"Yay!" Hope clapped her hands.
"Hope, Daddy made yummy sundaes little sis." Henry gets his sundae and his sister's.
"Ice cweam." Hope eats her ice cream.
Killian hands Emma hers which had extra chocolate ice cream. "Here you go,swan."
"This looks delicious."
"Aye, I made it extra special for my swan and the littlest pirate." She kisses him on the cheek. Emma enjoyed her chocolate ice cream. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Delicious?"
"Yes, very delicious. This is what me and the little bean needed. I do not care that it is winter, I love ice cream all year round." She hugs her husband.
"I am not surprised, love." He kisses heron the head.
"Henwy movie."
"We can watch a movie, little sis."
"Little love, you are covered with ice cream."
"Yes!" Hope shows her hands sticky with ice cream. "Mommy!"
"I see your messy hands, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Swan, Hope and I will be right back." Killian takes Hope upstairs to clean her up.
Henry chooses the movie for his family to watch on Disney Plus, Mary Poppins. "Mom, what do you think of my movie choice? Hope did not like Atlantis: The Lost Empire."
"I like both movies. For Hope, I think she is going to love Mary Poppins." Killian brings Hope downstairs. "Hope, we are going to watch Mary Poppins." Henry makes popcorn with melted milk duds, his Mom favorite movie snack. He sits next to his Dad who was snuggling with their Mom, Hope was on his lap. "Pop."
"Popcorn, Hope."
"Hope, you cannot have too much popcorn at a time, baby girl. I do not want you to choke."
"I will make sure, Hope won't choke, love."
"Me too, Mom." As they watched the movie,Hope was enjoying the movie.
"Killian, pretty soon we will have three children to have family movie time with."
Killian smiles. "Aye, soon we will be parents of three." He rubs her soon to be baby bump. "The little bean is growing inside of you, Emma."
"That is why I wanted to confirm my pregnancy to make sure I was pregnant right..."
"The baby is healthy inside of you, Emma." She places her hand on top of his hand.
Killian puts Hope on his wife's lap. She hugs her daughter. "Do you like Mary Poppins?"
"Yes!" She kisses Hope on the head.
Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms with Hope on her other side watching the movie. Killian kisses Emma on the head, knowing his swan was very tired but very happy that she was carrying a healthy new baby on the way. "Mommy."
"Mommy is sleeping, little love." Hope kisses her Mommy on the head. "Very good, Hope."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Luv you,Mommy."
"We all love Mommy, Hope."
"Yes!" Hope watches the movie sitting next to her Mommy hugging her.
"Dad, Hope is excited."
"Aye yes she is. We all are very excited." Henry hugs his Dad. "Aunt Allison and I knew Mom was going to have another baby. I am very happy that I get to be a big brother again."
"I am looking forward to being a Dad to three."
"You are a great Dad to Hope and I. You are the only Dad I really have."
"I am your Dad, son."
"Can we have a sword lesson soon?"
"Yes, we can."
"Yes!" Henry hugs his Dad. He sits next to his Mom on the other side hugging his Mom. Killian puts Hope on his lap so both Henry and Hope were both with Emma. Henry puts his hand on the abdominal. "Henwy." He helps his sister put her hand on their Mom's abdominal. "Baby."
"Yes, there is a baby inside of Mommy, Hope. You are going to be a great big sister, little sis. I am going to be a big brother again." Killian smiles seeing his two children looking forward to the new baby to their family.
"I have three ducklings who I love so much." She hugs Henry and Hope at the same time. Killian knows that he was going to take good care of her, be there for her and their new baby and protect them from harm. Their new baby will be coming into a family full of love, care, family members who will love him or her and love sailing just like the rest of the Swan-Jones family. Emma was going to be an amazing Mommy of three children. The year 2021 is going to be a great year for the Swan-Jones family.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora