Mommy and Hope Time

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Killian was up with Hope most of the night after he tutored Henry for his math final. Emma got plenty of rest. Emma woke up around 8:00 am she was rested. Emma got dressed for the day, She saw her daughter awake in her cradle. "Hope, come on baby girl. You and I are going to go have some girl time. Would you like that?" Emma smiles at Hope. Hope happily cooed in her Mommy's arms, "I will take that as a yes. Mommy is excited to have our Mommy and Hope time." Emma took Hope to her room and got Hope dressed and fed. After Hope was full and burped. Emma got the diaper bag and buckled Hope in her car seat and drove the family car to town. "Hope, before we shop we have to go to Granny's who has the best hot chocolate in town. Emma takes Hope in the diner. "Good morning Emma and Hope."
"Good morning, Granny. Hope say hi to Granny."
"Is it just you two girls today?"
"Yep. Killian was up most of the night with Hope after he tutored Henry with math. Since I got more sleep, Hope and I are going to have a girls day."
"What can I get you?"
"My usual with hot chocolate."
Emma sat with Hope in their usual spot. Hope fussed. Emma placed Hope on her chest and she stopped fussing. Hope gurgled happily. Granny gave Emma her hot chocolate. "Thank you."
Granny sits down at their booth."I can hold Hope for a little bit."
"Hope, Granny wants to hold you." She hands over Hope to Granny. Emma drinks her hot chocolate.
"Hi, Hope. Do you remember me?" Hope gurgled. "I can already imagine her being another version of you with the love of the ocean like her Dad."
"So far she has my stubbornness and features from me but she loves the ocean like her Daddy." Emma gives Hope her finger and Hope grabs it. "Mommy is right here baby."
"How is motherhood for you so far?"
"I had my doubts when I got pregnant since I did not raise Henry but once she was born my mother instincts came and I was never going to let her go, you know what I mean."
"Hope loves you, Killian, and her big brother Henry."
"Yes, she loves us all. She is mostly attached to me."
"Emma she is going to be a really close relationship with her when she is older. Just knowing how close she is with you now."
"Awe, you think so?'
"I know so, seeing how Hope was crying when you fainted was a sign of how close she is with you. How was Henry babysitting yesterday?"
"He did amazing with her. He kept her happy and awake for three hours at the park. He can calm her down when she is in distress besides me. He always helps Killian and me with Hope and makes Hope happy. He loves to read to her and plays with her."
"How is Killian adjusting to fatherhood?"
"He is amazing with Hope and loves spending time with her. He considers Henry as his own and he and Henry have grown very close. He is more of a father than his actual one."
"Henry wasn't close with his real father?"
"No, not really. He doesn't even consider his father at all. Killian teaches him, he is there for him when he needs to talk, guides and role model for him. I told Henry his step-Dad and he said no Killian is my real Dad who helps me and there for me that is a real Dad."
"Wow, Emma you really chose a great guy to be there for you."
"Oh, yes. He is very overprotective of me and Hope and Henry. He is a caring and adoring husband. I lucked out."
"Emma, you needed a guy like Killian in your life."
"I know. I am very grateful to find the right guy." Hope begins to cry. "Hope. Mommy is right here baby." Granny hands over Hope to Emma.
"You are doing really great with her as a first time Mom of newborn ."
"Thank you, Granny." Emma comforted Hope. "Mommy got you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head while rubbing her back and lets Hope sleep on her shoulder. A waiter gave Emma her breakfast. Emma did not mind eating one handed even with Hope sleeping on her. After Emma finished eating she paid for her and said bye to Granny. "Hope, you want to go shopping?" Emma got the stroller out of the car and put Hope in the stroller. Emma took Hope to the baby clothes store. "Hope, let's see what I can get for you to wear." Emma looked around the store. She found cute baby jeans, new onesies, new bows for Hope. Hope fussed in her stroller. "Hope, what is the matter, baby?" She takes Hope out of the stroller and holds Hope. "You want to shop with me, baby?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. She showed Hope clothes and when Hope gurgled at the ones she saw, Emma got for her. Emma found a cute jacket for Hope. She found more pajamas for Hope when she gets bigger. Emma paid for the clothes and placed Hope back in the stroller. Emma took Hope to the toy store next. "Hope look at all of the cute toys." After looking around Emma found a few toys that Hope would love, a cute teddy bear and huggable duck doll. Emma showed Hope the toys and made Hope smile. After Emma bought the toys she put the clothes and toys in the car. Emma pushed Hope in her stroller to the library. "Hope this is the library where we get our books from, like the ones that Belle gave you. It is a whole place full of different books." Emma pushed Hope in her stroller around the library.
Belle sees Emma. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Belle."
"Hi, Hope. You are just in time for storytime in the children's section."
"Great. Hope, we are going to listen to stories." She followed Belle to the children's section of the library. Emma saw a group of children with parents waiting for story time. Emma took Hope out of her stroller and sat with Hope. Belle read the group a few stories. Halfway through the storytime Hope began to cry. "Sorry, Belle. I have to feed her."
"That is okay Emma. You can feed her here." Belle continued the story.
Emma whispered."Hope, Mommy is going to feed you, baby."Emma got her cover out from the diaper and a burp towel and covered Hope and breastfed her. Once Hope was full Emma burped her and held Hope in her arms until storytime was over. When Belle finished, the other parents and children scattered to the reading sections. "Belle, Hope loved stories. Thank you for letting me feed her here."
"Emma, it is no problem at all." Gideon crawled over to Belle and she lifts him up. "Gideon, you know Emma. This is Hope, Henry's baby sister. Can you say hi to Hope."
"Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Gideon. Belle, Gideon has gotten so big from the last time I saw him."
"I know. He has been crawling around the library. Did Hope enjoyed storytime?"
"Yes, she did. She always loves to listen to stories from Henry, Killian and I. She was awake for most of the storytime today until she fell asleep after she ate."
"You two are more than welcome to join us every Wednesday and Friday."
"Thank you, Belle. I know Hope and I will both love it."
"How are you doing?"
"I am doing better than a few days ago. I fainted from skipping a meal and sleep deprived. Killian is helping me with Hope more at night now so I can get more sleep. Henry took Hope to the park yesterday."
Emma and Belle sit at a kid table and chairs in the children reading area to talk more."Oh, really. All by himself with Hope?"
"Yes. Henry was a great babysitter. When I passed out, my parents could not calm Hope's hysterical crying. Regina picked up Henry from school and brought him to the hospital to help with Hope, he got her to calm down. He took Hope to the park for three hours and he changed her dirty diaper. He also calmed her down when she was afraid of Rowand."
"Really? Rowand is a quiet sweet child."
"Somehow, Hope senses Rowand is Zelena's daughter."
"How so?"
"When I was pregnant with her Zelena got jealous of me being pregnant with my true love and she was about to attack me, as I was covering my small belly bump at the time Killian blocks me and threaten Zelena with his hook."
"Did she listen?"
"I am pretty sure since she does not have magic anymore she knows that we would have locked her up. Killian told me that Regina told Zelena if she threatens or hurt us in, either way, she would lose her visitation rights to Rowand. Then when Hope was born, Hope wakes up crying hysterically with Zelena at my hospital bedroom door and I get Hope and told her to leave and she was not allowed in here. She yelled at me then the nurses and security guards had to pull Zelena out of my room. Killian and Regina took care of Zelena by putting her in the psych ward and she lost her rights to visit Rowand."
"Wow, I am so sorry to hear that had happened to both of you, no wonder why Hope does not trust or afraid of Rowand. I still wonder how Hope knows that Rowand is Zelena's daughter."
"I have no idea. Henry thinks that maybe she sensed something was off with Rowand or she was evil."
"No, not little Rowand. Robin and Regina are taking care of her not raising her evil."
"I know. Somehow Hope sensed something was not right."
"Mama, Hope awake."
"Gideon, Hope is awake in Emma's arms."
"Thank you for letting me know Gideon."
"Welcome." Emma and Belle both giggle. Belle let Gideon down for him to crawl around.
"Hope, did you have a good nap? Baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma talks to Belle. "Hope and I are having a busy morning, we went out Granny's and we went clothes shopping for her. I got the cutest outfits for her. I also took Hope to the toy store and got her a few plush animals and then storytime here."
"Emma, you really are enjoying your time with Hope."
"Yes, I really am. I am loving motherhood with her. She is my mini-me. I am loving being a Mom from the start and love spending time with her all the time. She loves her time with Killian and Henry." Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you need a change baby..yes you do."
"I can show you where the bathroom is. Follow me." Belle pushed the stroller as Emma comforted crying, Hope. Emma took the diaper bag and Hope into the bathroom. Emma changed Hope. "You are all clean baby girl. Now let's look at books for us to borrow." She takes Hope back. Emma phone rings.
"I got the diaper bag."
"Thank you." She answered the iPhone. "Hello."
"Love, I woke up noticed you and Hope were gone."
"Killian, you let me sleep enough last night. I took Hope out to have some Mommy and Hope time We are at the library."
"Aye. I love the sound of that. I am going to check on the Jolly Roger since I got enough rest."
"Hey, you would do the same for me. I will see you later."
"Aye, I would see you two later. Please give Hope a kiss from me."
"I will. We can grab lunch together?"
"Love, I can cook."
"Sounds good."
"Aye. I will see you two later." They hang up.
"Let me guess, Killian."
"Yes. He was worried because he did not know where we are. He was happy to know that Hope and I are having Mommy and Hope time." She talks to Hope. "Right baby girl? You are loving Mommy and Hope time?" She kisses Hope on the head. Belle smiles.
"Emma, do you need any books to read for yourself?"
"Yes, I have a few books I want to check out." She hands the list to Belle.
"I can find these books for you. You and Hope can read in the children's section. I will be right back."
"Thank you, Belle."
"Your welcome."
Emma pushed the stroller and held Hope back to the children's reading area. Emma found a few books that she thinks Hope might like. She found a beanbag to sit on with Hope. "Hope look at the books Mommy found to read to you." Hope gurgled. Gideon comes by. "Hi, Gideon."
"Hi, Emma."
"Gideon, can you say hi to Hope."
"Hope. She has blue eyes." He points at Hope's blue eyes.
"Yes, Hope does have blue eyes. Gideon do not touch her eyes. You do not want her to get hurt."
"Look at her feet. They are so small. You can touch her foot." Gideon touched Hope's foot. "Her foot is very small and soft."
"Yes, they are." Belle sees Emma talking to her son.
"Gideon, are you being nice to Hope?"
"Belle your son is very observant."
"Yes, he is. He gets it from me and his father." Rumpelstiltskin enters the room.
"Well, someone is talking about me."
"Hi, Rumple. I just telling Emma where Gideon gets his observant personality from" Gideon rushes to his Daddy.
Rumpelstiltskin "Hi, Gideon."
"Daddy, Hope." He points to Hope. Emma gets up holding Hope.
"Hope, this is Rumpelstiltskin Henry's grandfather."
"Hope, it is finally nice to meet you. I heard so much about you from Henry." He talks to Emma. "She looks so much like you."
"Yes, she does. Hope is my mini-me."
"How is Henry as a big brother?"
"Henry loves Hope so much. He reads to her, plays with her and is her babysitter."
"Really already?"
"Yes, Henry is amazing with her and she loves him."
"How is Killian adapting to fatherhood?"
"Killian adores his pirate princess Hope. He is very overprotective of her and me."
"Does Henry gets jealous?"
"No way. Killian treats Henry and Hope equally. Henry looks up to him as a role model."
"Good, I am happy that Henry has a father figure that he can look up to."
"Gideon, I will take you home in a few minutes my boy. I just have to finish talking to Emma." He talks to Emma. "I am sorry Emma, he has been in the library since very early this morning. He needs his nap."
"Do not worry. Hope here keeps me up and with the help from Henry and Killian I get more sleep."
"I will see you around Emma. Gideon says bye to Emma and Hope."
"Bye, Emma. Bye Hope."
"Bye, Gideon."
"Belle, we will see you later."
"Gideon be good for Daddy." Rumpelstiltskin and Gideon left.
"Belle, Rumpelstiltskin really has changed."
"I know. He is taking advantage of his second chance of being a father."
"I know what he is going through same here for me as a mom from the start." Emma sat down with Hope and read to her a few books. Hope love listening to her Mommy. Hope was still awake. Emma found a few more books to read to Hope. She sat down with Hope and read to her. Emma snuck in her snack to munch on, green grapes. "Hope, do not tell Belle. I need to eat something. We are not supposed to eat in the library." Hope gurgles. "I know you can keep secrets like you keep Henry's." Emma ate her snack. Emma checked the time. "Hope, we need to go home, sweetie. We have been out all day so far. Do you like Mommy and Hope time?" Hope cooed. "Yes, Mommy loves it too. We are going to do this again." Hope coos and moves happily in her Mommy's arms. " I will take that as a yes." Emma placed Hope in her stroller and gathered the books that she was going to borrow for herself and Hope.
"Emma, you look like you and Hope both love books. "
'Yes, we do Belle. We want to come back for storytime and read more books after."
"I love the sound of that."
Emma and Hope leave the library Emma put the books in the back next to Hope after she placed Hope in her car seat. She folds the stroller and put it in the trunk nearby all of the shopping bags. She got into the driver's seat and checks on Hope. "Hope, we are going home." Emma drives them home, Hope began to cry. "Hope we are almost home baby. I know it is your naptime, sweetie." When Emma parked the car in front of their house, she quickly got out of the car and to get Hope. She unbuckles Hope. "Hope we are home baby. I know you need your nap."
"Emma, do you need a hand?" Killian approaches the car.
'Yes, I do need your assistance captain." They kiss. "I need your help to empty the trunk of the car and back seat."
"Sure, love." He kisses crying Hope on the head. "Little Hope, did you have fun with mommy?"
"Yes, Hope had fun with me. She needs her nap."
"Aye, I will unload the car you can put her in her crib." They kiss. Emma brings up Hope to her room and rocks her. "Hope you are with mommy baby girl." She puts Hope on her chest and Hope slowly stops crying and falls asleep on top of Emma's chest. She kisses Hope in the head. "I had fun with you today, sweetie. I love you, Hope." She placed Hope in her crib and takes the baby monitor with her. She goes downstairs seeing Killian carrying the last load of the shopping bags that Emma bought.
"Love, you and Hope definitely had a girls day. A lot of shopping?"
"Yes, we did." They kiss. "Did you bring in the library books?"
"Aye. I did they are in the living room. Please tell me more of your Mommy and Hope day."
"Well, I can show you what I bought in the living room." The both carried all of the shopping bags to their living room. "Hope and I had breakfast at Granny's first. Then we did some shopping. Look at what I found for Hope at the baby clothing store."
"Emma is that a mini version of your red jacket?"
"Yes, it is."
"Hope is going to be your mini-me for sure now."
"Yes, she is." She shows him all of the other clothes she got for Hope. He was in awe of how happy Emma was spoiling their little Hope. Emma showed him the duck plush doll she got for Hope.
"Swan, our little Hope is going to love the duckling doll."
"Yes, that is why I got it for her."
"Aye. I am not the only one spoiling her."
"Nope. I love spoiling our little girl too. I love Mommy and Hope time. After shopping we went to the library for storytime, I am pretty sure Hope enjoyed it."
"Aye, love. She loves reading like you and Henry."
"Yes. Hope sure does it take it from us." They kiss.
"Love, I am going to make us some lunch."
"Okay." Emma organized Hope's new clothes and placed them in her drawer. As Emma was looking through the library books that she borrowed she hears Hope's cries in the baby monitor. She goes upstairs to tend to Hope. "Hope, is it your lunchtime already?" She takes Hope out of the crib. "Mommy is going to feed you now baby girl." She kisses Hope and feeds her. "Mommy had so much fun today with you. We can go shopping again and go to the library. I love spending time with you Hope." Hope looked up at her Mommy and smiled. After Hope was done eating, Emma took Hope to her bedroom and laid next to Hope on the bed. Hope grabbed Emma's finger as Emma watching her daughter who was very happily moving her legs around. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are." Hope looked at her Mommy while she sang and cooed after the song was over. Emma smiled and kissed Hope little hand. "You like that song baby? Your Daddy is going to teach you all about the stars when you are a big girl."
"Aye, I will little love."
Emma looks at her husband standing at their bedroom door."Killian, how long were you at the door?"
"Oh, the whole time you were singing to Hope." Killian goes on Hope's other side and lies down. Hope was in between both of her parents. "You sang beautifully by the way."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome love. Hope did you love Mommy singing to you?" Hope looked at her Daddy still gripping Emma's finger. He kissed Hope on the head.
"I was just thinking, should we cancel on dinner at Regina's next Thursday since Hope's reaction to Rowand? Or we can go see what happens?"
"Love, it would be rude to cancel. We can try and see it for ourselves. I am pretty sure Henry will be with Hope most of the time."
"Oh, yes. Definitely."
"I came up to tell you that lunch is ready."
"Good, I am hungry."
"I will take Hope down." He takes Hope from their bed. "Hope, since you had your lunch now Mommy and Daddy need to eat." Killian had Hope on his chest as Emma ate. "Hope, you had fun with Mommy?" Hope cooed. "Daddy missed you, little love. I am happy you had special time with Mommy." Hope smiled. "Emma, she loves you so much."
"Yes, our little girl loves me. I still cannot believe that we made her."
"Aye, I too love. Have you spoken to you Mom since the emergency room?"
"No, I haven't why?"
"I saw your Dad. He came to talk to me at the Jolly Roger to see how you and Hope were doing. Your Mom text me when you returned home."
"I was thinking of bringing Hope there for a visit, maybe this evening."
"Love you and Hope visit your Mom. I can tutor Henry for his math exam."
"When is his math exam?"
"The first day of exam week on Monday morning."
"Over the weekend, you and Henry can study, Hope and I can have Mommy and Hope time. I can take her out the park or the library."
"That is a great idea love."
"Yes, I do not want Henry to be distracted with Hope to fail his math exam."
"Love, he loves his sister and he is getting better. I want to help him to get a good grade."
"I know he loves Hope. I do not want him too distracted to not pass all of his exams."
"Love, he will pass all of them. Do not worry. I will help you with Hope at nights while you have fun with her in the daytime so you can get enough rest ."
"Hope loves her time with both of her Daddy and her Mommy."
"Aye, Hope loves her time with the both of us."
"Even though Henry has to study, Henry can spend time playing with Hope."
"Aye, Hope loves her time with her big brother. Right little lass?" Hope smiles. "I will take that as a yes." Emma laughs. "Little love, Daddy has to eat now." Emma gets Hope from Killian and sits back down in her chair. After Killian finished eating, "Love, I can watch her for now."
"That is good because I need a nap before I take her to visit my parents." Emma talks to Hope. "Hope, have fun with Daddy." She kisses Hope on the cheek and hands her over to Killian. Hope begins to cry. "Love, I got her. Emma went upstairs to her room and went in her blankets and fell asleep. Killian changes Hope diaper in her room. He brings her to the rocking chair. "I know you and Mommy went shopping today. Mommy got you new clothes. Did you have fun shopping for new clothes with Mommy?" Hope coos. "Aye, I love you and Mommy so much Hope. You bring her and me so much happiness. Mommy did not have this time with Henry and she was alone most of her life. Now, you, Henry and I are all here for your Mommy showing all of our love to Mommy. She did so much for this town and help our family so many times little love so we can have this happy normal life with her. That is why we love and enjoy our special time with Mommy. You are doing so well as being a good girl little lass and make Mommy so happy." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles. "That is my good little lass" Killian rocks Hope until she fell asleep. He kisses Hope on the head. "Sweet dreams little Hope. Daddy and Mommy love you so much." He places Hope in her crib. He quietly goes out of the room with the baby monitor in his hand. Emma took a 2-hour nap. She goes downstairs to find Killian in the living room. She kisses him on the head. "Hello, love. How was your nap?"
"It was very good. Hope is napping?"
"Aye. she is." She sits next to him."
"I have been thinking, about work."
"What about work?"
"When to go back. My mom offered to watch Hope at the station while I work and she would work part-time at the high school."
"She would really do that?"
"Yes. She offered and she wanted to be in my life as much as possible since she missed so much already. She wants to watch Hope. Meaning you and I can both go back to work."
"When are you thinking of going back to work?"
"I have been thinking to go back as full-time sheriff in the fall. I can work part-time in the summer schedule with Hope's feeding time. Also, Henry can watch her while he is on summer break when we are not on our vacations."
"Love, I will help here and work too."
"I know. We can take shifts working and eventually in the fall, we can work as partners again."
"I do love the sound of that" They kiss.
"I do miss work. I am just worried about you love."
"Killian, you and I can shifts. I can do the morning shift or the afternoon shift."
"We can be flexible depending on Hope."
"Yes, I do want to miss too much on Hope's moments."
"Love, you can spend the summer with both of the kids and I can go back to work. Having Henry around here in the summer is going to be very helpful for the both of us."
"Are you sure Killian?"
"Love, you have our son who can help with Hope and is an excellent babysitter already. I will have my time with Hope and Henry."
Emma hugs Killian."You are the best you know that?'
"Aye, Yes. I know. I want you to spend time with both of the kids in the summer."
"I am going back in the fall then." They kiss again. Emma checks the time. "I should get Hope ready to go my parents."
"Aye." Hope cries through the baby monitor.
"Can you make sure I have everything in her diaper bag while I change Hope's outfit?"
"Sure, love." They both walk upstairs together.
"Hope, Mommy is here baby. Did you have a good nap little duck?" SHe takes Hope out of the crib and kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, Daddy is here too. You are going to have more Mommy time." HE kisses Hope on the head. Killian checks the diaper bag as Emma changed Hope. Emma and Hope played their kissing game.
"Hope, remember we went shopping this are going to wear your new outfits today." Emma put Hope in a new onesie outfit, "Daddy's little princess." with a new pink bow. "You like your outfit baby?" Hope gurgled. SHe lifts up Hope and showed Hope's outfit to her husband. "Killian, what do you think of Hope's outfit?"
"Love, I love." He goes to Hope. "Daddy loves your new outfit, Hope." Emma hands her over to Killian. "Did you like shopping with Mommy?" Hope gurgles happily. Emma takes pictures of Killian talking to Hope.
"Hope, look at Mommy baby girl." Emma took pictures of Killian and Hope.
Killian hand over Hope to Emma."Now, look at Daddy little love." Emma and Hope looked at Killian. " Both of my two loves are smiling in these photos." Emma and Killian kiss. Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Little love, be a good girl for Mommy." Killian helps Emma bring the diaper bag and Hope's quilt to the family car. Emma buckled Hope in her car seat. "Are you already love?'
"Yes. I will be at my parents' house for a few hours."
"Love, enjoy your time with your parents. Henry and I will study and cook dinner."
"We will see you two later." They kiss. Emma gets in the driver's seat and looks at Hope. "Hope, are you ready to go to grandma and grandpa's house?" Hope looked sad to Emma. "Hope, Mommy will hold you the entire time we are their sweetie. I am not going anywhere, baby." After she assured Hope, she drove to her parents' farm. She parked the car. Emma got the diaper bag and her quilt and unbuckled Hope. She held Hope in her arms. who was already gripping Emma. "Hope, Mommy is not going anywhere baby. I know you were scared when I got sick but we have to see grandma and grandpa. Leo knows how to play you now. They love you, baby. You know Mommy is going to protect you, sweetie. I always will." She gave multiple kisses on Hope's head. "Let's go see grandma and grandpa." Emma holds Hope on her chest while holding the diaper bag with the quilt inside of it. She rings the doorbell. Snow answers the door. "Emma."
"Hi, Mom."
"Come in. Hi Hope." Hope still gripping Emma.
"Hope is still nervous and wants to be with me ever since the fainting incident."
"Ah." Snow takes the diaper bag and quilt off from Emma. "How are you doing?"
"I am doing pretty good. Killian is helping with Hope more at night so I am getting more sleep." They walk into the kitchen. "I am about to make some hot chocolate do you want some?"
"Yes, please." Emma sat at the kitchen table with Hope. "Hope, there is nothing to worried about sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Where are Dad and Leo?'
"He is picking Leo from school. How is Hope?"
"Hope only had one shot do it was not that bad as last time. Henry babysat Hope yesterday he took her to the park."
She hands Emma mug of hot chocolate with cinnamon and whip cream."Really. How did that went?"
"Henry spent three hours at the park with Hope. He read to her, play with her and did tummy time. He even changed her poopy diaper."
"Wow. He really loves her and a very committed big brother. You definitely have a babysitter."
"Yes, and yes we do. There was an incident at the park."
"What happened?"
"Robin was with Roland and Rowand at the park he saw Henry with Hope. Rowand said hi to Hope and touched Hope's hand and Hope suddenly crying hysterically. Henry calms Hope down. Somehow Hope knew Rowand is Zelena's daughter."
" That is crazy."
"Maybe Hope senses Rowand is her daughter."
"Babies have their own ways of meeting people and knowing things somehow."
"Yes, they do." She looks down at her daughter. "Mom, how are you?"
"I am fine Emma."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am Emma. Can I hold Hope?" Hope was fast asleep on top of Emma's chest. Emma takes Hope off of her chest, Hope cries. "Hope, it okay sweetie. Mommy got you." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. "Sorry, Mom. She is still nervous and not letting me go."
"It is okay, Emma. She looks really comfy on you."
"Yes. Hope and I had our mother-daughter day today."
"What did you and Hope do?"
"Hope and I had breakfast a Granny's, I took her shopping, hint her new outfit and we went to the library for storytime."
"Emma her outfit is so adorable on her and sounds like you both had fun."
"Yes, we did. Mom."
"I spoke with Killian with your offer to watch Hope while at work. He and I discussed. I am going to work in the fall so I can spend time with both of the kids and he is going back to work during the summer. We would arrange work schedules with yours."
"Emma, I would let you know what my schedule is and I would be so glad to help with Hope. I hope she lets me hold her by then." Hope grips Emma.
"Mom, she would slowly get used to you again. I think she knows that you are not yourself."
"Emma, I am fine sweetie." She goes to Hope. "Hope, grandma misses you, sweetie. She is better now. She is not in shock anymore." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope still grips Emma.
"Mom, once she sees you more and she will warm up to you." She talks to Hope, "Right Hope you love grandma sweetie?" She gurgles. They hear the door open. Leo rushes to Snow White."Hi, Mommy." He hugs her.
"Hi, Leo. Look who is here."
"Sissy, Hope."
"Hi, Leo. Can you give Hope a kiss on the head?" Leo gives Hope a small kiss to Hope on her head. "You are being gentle with Hope, you are listening little bro."
"Can I have a hug?"
"Leo, Hope is a little bit of nervous, see how she is gripping me. It shows me that Hope is scared or nervous. If I do not hold her she will cry. You can give me a kiss instead." Leo gives Emma a kiss on the head.
"Emma, I do not want Hope to be sad." He talks to Hope. "Hope, I love you."
"Hope loves you too, Leo."
Charming enters the kitchen. "Emma, Hope."
"Hi, Dad." He kisses both Emma and Hope on their heads. "Hope and I came here for a visit."
"I can tell." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hi, Hope." He talks to Emma. "Is Hope okay?"
"She is a little nervous Dad."
"Hope, why would you be nervous to see grandma and grandpa?"
"She senses people's emotions like Hope knew that Mom was in shock at the hospital now she is little nervous." She kisses Hope on her head. She sniffs Hope, "Hope you need a change sweetie?" She talks to Leo. "Leo, can you help me?'
"Can you bring my diaper bag upstairs? I have to change Hope."
"I can carry it ."
"Thank you my strong little bro. Mom, Dad, we will be right back." Emma goes upstairs with Hope and Leo to her parents' room.
Emma sets Hope on her parents' bed and set up to change her. Leo sits next to Hope. "Leo remember to be gentle and soft with Hope."
"Yes, Emma." He talks to Hope. "Hope, you are so small." Emma gets Hope and places Hope on the changing pad and change Hope out of her onesie. Hope makes more poop. Leo laughs. "Sissy she is making poop."
"Yes, she is Leo. When you were her age I used to change your diapers too."
"Yes, Leo I did. Now we have to wait until she is done so I can change her" After a few minutes Hope was ready to be changed. Emma cleaned up Hope and changed her diaper. "Baby girl, you are all clean." She cleaned up her mess and put the changing pad and other products away. "Leo, can you get me the garbage bag?" Leo gets a garbage bag and Emma throws out the dirty diaper and the many baby wipes. "Thank you for helping me, Leo. "
"Your welcome, Emma." She lifts up Hope and puts her on the chest. Leo follows his sister and niece downstairs. Emma goes back to her parents. Snow White goes up to Emma.
"Was Leo helpful?"
"Yes, he was."
"Can I try holding her?"
"Yes, you can try. Hope, Mommy is right here baby." Emma gives Hope to Snow White. Hope knew she was not in her mommy's arms and began to cry. "Hope, you are with Grandma sweetie. I am not nervous." Hope cries louder.
"Mom, she is scared." Emma takes crying Hope in her arms. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. You re in Mommy's arms you are safe. Shh...shhh... There is nothing to be worried about Hope. Mommy got you. It is okay sweetie" Emma bounced her and rubbed Hope's back.
"Sissy, can I play with Hope?"
"Leo, you can lay her quilt in the living room when Hope stops crying you can play with her."
"Okay, Emma." He goes into the living room.
"Mom she is nervous. Like I said before Hope will get used to you again. For now, she is a little nervous. She has been extra clingy to me since the hospital."
"Emma, I understand. You are doing amazing with her though."
"Thank you, Mom. " She talks to Hope. "Hope, do you want to play with your Uncle Leo." Emma takes Hope to the living room. "Leo, remember do not be rough okay?"
"Yes, Emma." Emma laid Hope on her quilt. Hope moves her legs around while lying on her back. Leo was sitting close to her. Emma hands Leo her chewable ring.
"Leo, give Hope her chewy ring." Leo gives hope her chewable ring and she grabs it and puts the ring in her mouth.
"Emma, she took it and puts it in her mouth."
"Yes, she did Leo." Charming and Snow White enters the living room. Charming watches Leo playing with Hope. Snow White sits next to her daughter. "Mom are you sad that Hope is nervous around you?"
"Yes, a little."
"Mom, give her time she is like me remember?"
"Yes, she does take after you." Snow hugs Emma. "I am happy that you better and you are doing an amazing job with Hope."
"With the help from Killian and Henry, it makes a huge difference. I get more rest and spend time with my little girl." Hope begins to cry.
"Emma, I did not hurt her."
"I know you were playing with very nicely. Hope just needs me that is all." She picks up Hope. "Hope, are you ready to go home to see Daddy and Henry?" She kisses Hope on the head and comforts her. "We are going home now sweetie." Leo kisses Hope on the head.
"Bye, Hope. Come over again so we can play."
"Leo Hope will love that. "
"Emma, I can help carry her diaper bag to the car."
"Thank you, Mom." She talks to Leo. "Leo, you can help me carry her quilt."
"Yes, sissy." They follow Hope and Emma to their car. Emma placed Hope in her car seat and buckled her in."
We are going home to Daddy and Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. Snow White puts the diaper bag on the other side and Leo handed Emma Hope's quilt. "Leo." She picks him up. "Thank you for playing so nicely with Hope."
"I had fun with Hope." She gives Leo a big hug. "Leo, give Mommy extra hugs. Hope did not want Mommy to hold her."
"I will Emma."
"Good." She puts him back on the ground. Snow White approaches Emma.
"Thank you for coming by."
"Yes, I just wanted to come say hi and tell you that I am not sick or anything."
"You can bring Hope here anytime for a visit."
"Thanks, Mom." She hugs her mom. "She will get used to you."
"I know she will." Snow White kisses Hope on the head. "Grandma loves you, Hope." She walks with Leo back to their house.
Charming comes by. "Emma, thanks for coming by today."
"Your welcome. Killian told me and I know mom still is not herself."
"I know Hope is still a little nervous around mom, which probably made Mom feel worse."
"Emma, she was happy you and Hope came around. She was happy that you are with Hope and being there for her."
"Hope will warm up to Mom. "
"I know she will." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma hugs her Dad. "I will see you soon." Emma gets in her car and drives home. Emma carries Hope on her chest who was wrapped in her quilt and carried the diaper bag. Before she reached the front door, Killian was there. He gets the diaper bag from Emma.
"Thank you."
"You welcome love. You have your hands full." They walk into the house.
"How was your visit to parents?"
"It was not that bad. Hope would not let my mom hold her at all. She still nervous. My mom is still a little sad but I think Hope made her feel worse."
"Love, they are both recovering in their own way."
"I know." H Henry comes downstairs.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid."
"How were Grandma and Gramps?"
"They are fine. Hope would not let you grandma hold her."
"Really? Why?"
"She knows that your grandma is still sad about the hospital incident. She was very nervous and she gripped me the whole time."
"Ah. Can I hold her?"
"Sure, kid. Hope Henry is here sweetie." Hope wakes up. "Henry she just woke up to see you." Henry gets Hope from their Mom.
"Hi, Hope. I did not see you all day. I missed you, little sis. Come on let's have some storytime in my room." Hope cooed to Henry.
Killian and Emma both smile and he wrapped his arm around Emma. "How are you feeling love?"
"A little tired but emotionally I felt sorry for my Mom because Hope would not hold her at all."
"Hey, Hope will get over it soon, she takes after you after all."
Emma giggles."I know. That what I told my Mom."
" Come on, I made dinner. Henry ate already after he studied so he can play with Hope."
"I love our live in babysitter."
"Aye, the lad loves Hope."
"He sure does. How did his tutoring session go?"
"He has improved and he is almost ready for Monday."
"You are an excellent tutor captain."
"Thank you swan." They kiss. Emma and Killian ate their meal together. While Henry spends time with Hope.

Happy Beginning Captain Swanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें