Work and Parenting

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Henry was doing his online school work in the morning, Killian was getting ready for work and noticed Emma was not. "Emma?" "I am in here." He finds Emma in Hope's room with Hope in her rocking chair who was fast asleep. "Hope woke up crying wanting to be held. She has been sleeping longer than usual. She is usually up by now playing by now." She rubs Hope's cheek. "I am pretty sure Hope is not feeling well." She kisses Hope on the head."Poor little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are going to feel better soon, little love." He looks up at his swan. "Your Dad called, we have a case. I will go to work with him. Call me if you need me to come home or if you both need anything.""Thank you." They kiss. Hope woke up seeing her Daddy. "Dada.""Hi, little love. Mommy told me you are not feeling well?" He places his hand on her head and rubs it. "Dada."He holds Hope, who just laid on his chest. He gave her kisses on her head. "She is feeling warm, love."Emma gets the first aid kit and returns with the first aid kit and took Hope's temperature, 99.0% "Her temperature is a little high. So far she is just really tired and has a little fever." Hope coughed. "Aye, she is also no coughing. Our little lass is sick." Hope coughed again."Killian, I will get her water." Emma goes downstairs to fill Hope's bottle with water. She returns to Hope crying. "Baby, I am back." Killian hands over Hope to Emma who sits down and gave Hope her bottle. Hope was happy to be with her Mommy. "Emma, I will go to work on the case with your Dad. Call me if you need anything.""I will." They kiss. Killian leaves for work. He arrives at the sheriff station, seeing Charming and reading a paper. "Killian, there you are. Where is Emma?""She is home with Hope who is sick. What is the case?""I need your help, you are a former pirate.""Aye, a former pirate you say?" "Yes, Blackbeard escaped prison.""Bloody hell. Smee is still in town. He wants to steal the Jolly Roger." They ran out of the station Killian calls Emma. Emma was at home with Hope in Hope's bedroom, she felt her light magic being used. She gets a phone call from her husband. "Hi, Killian.""Hi,Emma.""Can you check on the Jolly Roger? Blackbeard escaped.""Yes, I am on it. I just felt my light magic from the protector spell on the Jolly Roger. He must be there.""Aye, your Dad and I will meet you there." He gets off the phone. "Charming, Emma's light magic protection spell is going off on the Jolly Roger. She is meeting us there."Emma gets off the phone. "Henry. I need you to watch Hope.""Sure." "Blackbeard is trying to steal the Jolly Roger.""Kick butt, Mom." Henry takes his sister from their Mom. Emma rushes to the Jolly Roger and sees Blackbeard cannot go on the Jolly Roger, her magic was preventing him. She sees Smee trying to steal the JollyRoger. "Oh no, he won't steal our second home." She pushes Blackbeard away and runs to Smee who was about to steer the ship. She uses her light magic to knock him away from the steering wheel. "Do not steal the Jolly Roger." She ties him up with rope using her light magic and brings him down and ties him up to the pole. Killian and Charming arrive at the Jolly Roger and get out of the patrol car. Killian sees Blackbeard. "Well...well isn't it Captain Hook.""Blackbeard. What the devil are you doing here?""Trying to escape on my ship.""It is not your ship, it is my ship." "I figured to steal it, Smee gave me updates on your "adventures," to baby parties. You really are not a pirate anymore, Hook. You are weak." He began to laugh so loud. Killian was furious and launched at his enemy and began to sword fight. Emma hears her husband and sees her Dad. She pushes Smee off the Jolly Roger. "Smee, you are under arrest." She sees her Dad."Dad, he tried to steal the Jolly Roger. Can you put him in the patrol car?""I am on it, Killian on the other hand...""Dad, I got my husband." She approaches her husband fighting off his enemy. "Killian!" Killian stops fighting with Blackbeard."Hi, Swan.""Haha, your wife turned you into a wuss." Emma snickers at Blackbeard and punches him in the jaw which knocks him down. "Nice one, Emma.""Thank you. I hate seeing you fighting with your enemy." She kneels to her husband's enemy. "You think you are such a smart pirate?" She handcuffs him. "Well, you could not get onto my husband's ship." As Blackbeard was standing, Emma kicked him in the nuts, which made him scream in pain. "The next time you escape prison, you are going back to your cell in pain just like you are now." "Aye, you are getting that extra pain from my wife you just made my wife angry by threatening to take our home away from us.""You are not a pirate anymore, it is not your home."Killian faces his enemy, "I am still a pirate. You are going back to prison where you. If you ever threaten my family or try to steal my ship, you will be sorry, pirate." He punches Blackbeard in the face. He puts him in the patrol car. "Emma, I will ride with your Dad to the prison. I will bring Blackbeard back to his cell.""Good. Dad, can you ask Smee in the sheriff's station how he helped Blackbeard escape?""Yes, sheriff.""Dad..." "Emma, you are my daughter and the sheriff.""True." Emma gets a phone call from Henry. "Hey, kid. How is Hope?""Hope is non stop crying.""I am on my way home, kid. I am not too far. I am at the docks." She ends her phone conversation."Swan, I know Hope needs her Mommy.""Yes, she is not feeling well and very upset.""Call me if you need anything for Hope.""I will." They kiss. Emma watched her husband and Dad left in the patrol car with the pirates and walked back home. She arrives home hearing Hope's crying, "Henry? I am home." Henry brings down crying Hope."Mom, Hope has not stopped crying since you and Dad left." Emma takes Hope who looks flushed, from Henry. "Hopey, Mommy is home. I know you are feeling sick." "She has been coughing more and turning pink.""I can see, Hopey.""Mommy." Hope coughs weakly. Hope felt hot in her arms."Henry, get me my diaper bag. I am going to take Hope to Allison." Emma quickly took Hope to their family car and put Hope in her carseat. "Sweetie, we are going to see Auntie Allison."She rubs Hope's head. Henry packs Hope's diaper bag with her quilt and a few of her favorite toys and her favorite book. He returns to his sister and Mom by the car. "Mom, I have her stuff packed.""Thanks, Henry." She puts the diaper bag in the car next to Hope. "Henry, we will be back soon.""Mom, can I come?""Henry you look like you need to rest.""Yes, I am tired. I also have work to do.""We will see you later, Henry.""Henwy.""Hopey, Auntie Allison will make you feel better little sis." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "When you and Mommy come home, we will have H&H time." Hope smiles. Emma drove the family car to the hospital since Killian has the yellow bug for work. Hope was still crying. "Hopey, we are almost there soon." Hope coughs more. Emma parked her car at the hospital and took Hope out of her car seat still upset. "Hope, Auntie will make you feel better soon." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are staying with me, baby girl." She takes Hope to the Emergency Room and finds Allison. "Hi, Allison."Allison was surprised to see her best friend and niece. "Hi Emma, Hi, Hope." She faces Hope. "Little niece, you are not feeling well?" Hope gripped her Mommy."Hope is not feeling well at all. She has a fever, is tired and has a bad cough." Hope coughs. "That does not sound good at all. I can put you two in a room. Hope, you are going to get better soon." Allison led Emma and Hope to a room. Emma puts Hope on the bed and takes her clothes off. She takes Hope's temperature first, 102.00. "Emma, her fever is high, 102.00." She uses the stethoscope to hear Hope's lungs which were not normal as expected by the sound of Hope's coughing. Allison examines Hope's throat. "Emma, Hope has croup.""Croup?" "It means Hope's lungs are inflamed. It is a sickness that babies get. She has a high fever and coughing and her lungs are inflamed.""Poor Hope." Emma hugs her daughter. "I know you feel awful sweetie but you will get better soon." Allison pokes her head out of the room. "I need a nebulizer machine and Corticosteroids in here. Now!" Emma gets Hope from the bed and changes her back into her tee-shirt. Hope wanted her Mommy to hold her. "Hope, you are going to be held by me, sweetie." She held her daughter and hugged her. She texts Killian what was going on. The nurse arrived with the nebulizer. Allison gets the nebulizer machine ready while Emma was getting Hope comfortable with Hope's quit and their favorite story ready knowing her daughter will be upset. "Emma, the nurse will give Hope an IV for fluids for her fever after she will get a nebulizer treatment." The nurse enters with Hope's IV and baby Tylenol. Emma fed Hope her baby Tylenol. The nurse gave Hoper her IV, Hope was screaming. Emma was holding onto her whispering comforting words to her daughter. After Emma and Allison both calmed down, Hope, Allison places the nebulizer mask on Hope who was giving her a hard time. "Noo." "Hope, you need this medicine, sweetie. I know you can't breathe, feel hot and your arm hurts but you have to let auntie Allison put the mask on you. The medicine will make you feel better. After your medicine, you will get a treat.""Ookie."Emma smiles knowing Hope was being like her Daddy willing to do something for a deal."Yes, you can get a cookie, baby girl. After you have to take your medicine and listen to Auntie Allison." Allison puts the mask on Hope and turns on the machine. "You are listening to your Auntie, baby. Good girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope gripped her Mommy. "I am right here, Hope. I am not going anywhere." She hates seeing Hope in and afraid at the same time, she gently hugged her daughter. "I am staying here with you."At the sheriff's station, Killian was watching Charming interrogating Smee after they dropped Blackbeard at the prison back at his prison cell. Regina was with him so she will know how Smee helped Blackbeard escape the prison. "Blackbeard contacted me when I visited him in prison. He told me to help him escape. I helped him escape by breaking his cell window and he snuck out. He promised me that we will travel the realms and form our new pirate team and steal from every realm we travel too." Killian could not concentrate on Smee because he knew Hope was sick and the text Emma sent him that Hope was in the emergency room. Regina knew something was wrong with Killian. "Killian? What is wrong?""Emma text me that she had to take Hope to the emergency room. She has croup.""Croup is a sickness that babies get." Charming exited the room with Smee in handcuffs. "Killian, I am taking him to prison.""Aye, he belongs there. Smee, you were trying to steal my ship, how could you?""Blackbeard and I agree we could use it for pirating. That is what a pirate ship is for, looting and capturing people. Not sailing with babies for baby parties." Killian was mad he punched his former first mate in the gut. "No, Smee. It is my ship and my family's second home. While you were trying to steal my ship, my daughter is in the hospital. I am not with her, instead of being with her I am stuck here with you!! Charming, take him away.""Oh no you won't, Charming." They all turn around and see Rumpelstiltskin."What are you doing here crocodile?""Henry called me and told me that the Jolly Roger was in trouble. I thought I would come down here to help you?""You are helping me? Why Crocodile?""Because you brought my family back safely to me from the Merkingdom. Hope is friends with my son and the sister of my grandson. I thought I can help you with Smee.""Aye, you can?" "Yes, Hook, I can. Trust me, he is not going to escape where I am taking him." He snapped his fingers, Smee turned into a rat and was in a cage."Bloody hell, you turned him into a rat again?!""Gold you just did that?""Yes, I did, Killian. He is not going to escape again." He picks up the rat in the cage. "Now, Gideon has a new pet rat."Regina chuckles."Rumple, really? He is Gideon's new pet?""Yes, Regina, that way he won't escape and I can watch him.""Gold, are you going to tell him about the pet before as a human?""Charming, you mean that I turned Smee into a rat? No, never." Killian gets a phone call from henry. "Hi, Henry.""Dad, I called Aunt Allison, since Mom was not picking up her phone. She told me that Hope is on an IV, and on a nebulizer treatment for croup."Killian got afraid. "Henry, I am on my way to the hospital now.""I am on my way too." They hung up. Charming, Rumpelstiltskin, and Regina looked concerned. "Killian,what did Henry say?" "He called Allison, she said Hope is on an IV and on a nebulizer for croup.""Killian, go be with your family. David and I will work in the prison.""Kilian, if you or Emma, need help call me.""Thanks, Charming and Regina." Kilian ran out of the sheriff station and hopped into the yellow bug and drove away. He thought of something from their second home to cheer up his little lass. Back at the hospital, Emma was still holding Hope who was very upset and just wanted to hug her. Hope has been crying nonstop for hours, and it broke her heart that her daughter is so upset. "Hope, you want me to read to you The Ugly Duckling?" Hope fusses. Emma positioned Hope to hug her."I know you are afraid and feel awful, baby girl. I am not going anywhere, I am staying with you. The medicine that Auntie and the nurse gave you will help you feel better." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are safe with me, Hope." Hope looked up at her Mommy. " Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march,Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land,This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found,The strength to light your way. " Hope stopped crying, "You like me singing to you?" Hope smiles. "Yes, I will sing to you more songs. " I love you You love me We're a happy family With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too." Hope babbles and Emma smiles happily knowing she made her little girl happy. Killian arrives at the hospital, finding Allison in the emergency room. "Allison. Where are Hope and Emma?" "They are in a room, follow me." Allison leads Killian to Hope's room, Killian sees comforting Hope who was in wires. "Allison, how is my daughter?""She just finished her nebulizer treatment for her lungs which are inflamed. She took baby Tylenol and on IV fluid for her fever. Emma got Hope to stop crying. She was crying for a long time.""The poor little lass.""She is getting the medicine she needs, Killian. Emma brought her in just in time.""Aye, we had a case, when Henry called her, she went straight home to Hope. I hate seeing my daughter in pain.""Hope is going to get through this, she takes after you and Emma, she is very strong. I will be back soon to check on Hope." Allison heads to her office.Killian enters the room. "There are my two loves.""Hi, honey. Hopey, Dada is here." Hope looks up at her Dada. Killian hated seeing Hope upset and in pain. He kneels down to face his little lass. "Hi, Hope. My little pirate princess is having a very rough day." Hope made a sad sound. He rubs her head. "Dada is here. You are going to be okay, you are going to get through this sickness with Dada and Mommy." Hope reaches her free hand out to her Daddy's hook. Killian smiles. "You can hold my hook, Hope. I am not going anywhere. All I could think about at work was you, Hope." "Dada." "Dada is not going anywhere. I am staying with you, Hope. I heard your Mommy singing songs. You were having music time?" Hope babbles. "Aye, your Mommy is a beautiful singer." Hope babbles. "Oh, really? Your Mommy sang you two songs? Wow!" Emma loves watching Hope and Killian's conversation, it is so cute. Hope yawns. "You need to take a little nap, Hope. We can finish our pirate talk, later.""Wawa.""Aye, Jolly Roger tale." Hope tugs her Daddy's hook which meant storytime. "Once upon a time, Smee helped Blackbeard escape out of his prison cell. When Grandpa got the call he calls Dada. As we were rushing to the docks, I called Mommy for help. She reached there just in time to stop Smee from stealing the Jolly Roger." "Bad.""Aye, stealing is very bad especially trying to steal our second home.""Yes." "Hopey,Mommy stopped Smee from taking our second home away from us. I used my light magic to stop Smee from steering our ship and tied him up with rope. Then I heard Dada fighting Blackbeard.""Aye, Dada and grandpa came seeing Blackbeard. Blackbeard and I sword fight until Mommy tells me to stop and hurt Blackbeard in his private parts." Emma giggles. "Dada and Mommy saved the Jolly Roger from Blackbeard and Smee. After Dada and Gramps brought Blackbeard back to his prison cell where he belongs. Gramps interrogated Smee. As Gramps was about to bring Smee out of the interrogation room, Rumpelstiltskin...""Ee-on.""Yes, little love, Gideon's Daddy and Henry's other grandpa turned him back into a rat. Now rat Smee is Gideon's new pet.""Wawa...afe.""Yes, my little pirate, our second home is safe." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy holding her Daddy's hook. Emma's jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh, Smee is a rat?!""Aye, Crocodile turned him into a rat before now he is keeping him as a pet for Gideonin a cage so he won't escape. He is not telling him what he was...""Hope knows!""Yes. We just have to teach her to keep secrets. She might not remember.""Maybe? I am hoping she does not tell her friend about who his pet was before his Gold turned him into a rat. Then Gold wants to hurt you again.""Emma, your Dad and Regina were both there. He is not going to hurt me.""You two just had a fight on the Jolly Roger a few weeks ago." He wrapped his arms around his wife. "I am not going to get hurt by the crocodile. You know me by now I am a survivor. I know Zeus is not going to let the Crocodile hurt me. He sent me back down here as thank you to be with you and our family. Our son and daughter need their Daddy." Emma relaxed. He helps Emma place Hope's quilt on their sleeping daughter. "Killian, Dada was Hope's second word since we got here?"Killian smiles. "Oh really?""Yes. The first word was cookie." Killian quietly chuckles. "She was having a hard time with the medicine, IV and the machine. I had to calm her down so I bribed her. I said If she listened to Allison and took her medicine, I would give her a treat. Hope said cookie." They both chuckle. "Aye, I know our little lass is smart like her Mommy." Emma smiles. "She missed you, Killian. I think that is why she was crying a lot and not letting me go. Your pirate story made her very happy. She would not nap without your hook ." Killian smiles. "Hope loves my hook. She has you and me taking good care of her. Our little lass needs both of us."Emma kisses Hope on the head and sniffs Hope. "She needs a change.""Aye, I will help." Killian carries Hope and places her on the bed. Emma gets the diaper bag, and notices Hope peed on her. "Emma, I can change her.""No, I can change her, she is going to wake up all upset again." Killian held Hope as Emma changed her diaper and sat on the bed with Hope sleeping in her arms. " Hope was crying for hours, even before I got home. I got her to stop crying when I sang to her. I hate seeing her sick.""Me too,love." He kisses Hope on the head. "I did bring Hope something, I was saving it for her birthday next month, I thought this will cheer her up." He shows his swan a tee-shirt of Pluto in a pirate costume. "Henry taught me how to shop on the Disney shop website. I saw this and knew Hope will love this."Emma was in awe. "Killian, this will definitely Hope up. She is going to love it!""Aye, Henry told me that the costume is from The Pirates of the Carribean movie.""It is a ride in Disney parks but it was created into a movie series.""Aye, we should watch it.""Yes, captain we can watch the movie. The movie is too old for Hope. When she is a little older, she will love the movie." "What about Pirates of the Carribean ?" Henry enters the room."Hey, kid.""Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.""Hi, son. I thought you were going to beat me here?""Well, Aunt Allison told me to pick up Hope a treat at the bakery." He shows his parents a big chocolate chip cookie. "Kid, Hope is going to love it. You can give it to her later when she can eat not now she still has the IV in her arm." "I will hide it for now." He puts the cookie in his backpack. "I also brought you, lunch Mom.""Thanks, kid." Emma ate her lunch, while Killian held Hope."Aunt Allison told me Hope had a rough time.""Yes, she was getting IV, Baby Tylenol and nebulizer all at once, I had to calm her down when they were giving her medicines, I had to bribe her with a treat and she said cookie."Henry smiles, "I am not surprised." He kisses Hope on the head. "Baby sis, I am here." "Lad, the crocodile turned Smee into a rat.""Again?""Aye, yes again but turned it into a pet for Gideon.""Cool and weird at the same time.""Aye, very weird." "Am I the only one who did not know that Smee was a rat before?" Henry laughs, "Mom, you were being the savior and sheriff. You were too busy with Owen entering town and trying to figure out who Tamara was and hiding Dad from my other grandpa who was trying to kill him for shooting Belle over the town line.""Aye, I wanted him to feel the pain of losing a love one when he caused with Milah." Hope wakes up from her nap. "Hi, baby girl. Look,who is here.""Hopey."Hope smiles seeing her big brother."Henwy." He takes Hope from their Dad. "Henry, be careful of Hope's wires.""I will be careful, Mom. She is so happy to see me." Hope babbles happily and he sits down on the rocking chair with Hope. "Is Auntie taking good care of you?""Mommy." Emma smiles."Yes, our Mommy is the best. I know she is taking such good care of you." "Tay.""I am not going anywhere, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "We are having H&H time." Hope hugs her brother. Killian wrapped his arms around his swan and she hugs him. "When the Crocodile brought the darkness to Storybrooke, you sacrificed yourself to be the dark one because of him. I knew I was not going to stop until I get you back because he took my first love away and I knew that I was not going to lose you even if you were the dark one.""You did stop me from killing Merida in the Enchanted Forest. Once I saw you, I knew that I was not alone that you were my home with you. You came to rescue me.""Aye, I was going to rescue you, I did everything to get back to you.""After all of the darkness and fighting villains, we have a normal life with our kids.""Aye, I would not have it any other way." They kiss. Hope coughs and began to cry. Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Sweetie, are you thirsty?" Hope peed a lot. "Hope was still crying. "You are thirsty and need another diaper change. I will change you." Emma changes Hope's diaper, on the bed Killian gives Hope her baby bottle filled with water. "Here you go, little love." Hope drinks from her bottle. Hope did not want her bottle. Emma nurses Hope instead, which calmed down Hope a little bit. "Killian, she is still hot and shivering." "Love, do you want me to get Allison?""Yes. Hope is still hot." She holds Hope in her arms after she burps her. Killian gets Allison. Henry rubs Hope's back."Mommy." Hope coughs. "I am here, sweetie. You are going to be okay." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Dada is getting Auntie to check on you." Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. "Mommy is here...shh..shh.." She rubs Hope's head. Allison enters the room. "Emma, how is my little niece?""She still has her fever." "Let me take her temperature." Allison takes Hope's temperature. "Her fever is 100.00. It dropped a little bit." Hope coughs a lot. "You still have your cough." She examines Hope's chest. "Emma, I have to give her another nebulizer treatment." When Allison was getting the mask on Hope, Hope was crying."Little love, you need your medicine.""Hope, Henry has a surprise for you." Henry shows Hope the cookie."Ookie.""Hope, you can have some of the cookies now and then take your medicine. Okay?" Hope reaches out for the cookie. Henry gave Hope part of her cookie. Hope stopped crying. "Mom, Hope likes it.""Yes, she loves cookies. My little cookie monster." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy." Hope shares her cookie. Emma took a bite."Thank you, sweetie."Hope gives Henry a bite. Henry had a small bite. "Thank you, Hope, for sharing your cookie." He gave Hope a kiss on her cheek, he is happy he can her his sister up. Hope coughs moe."Henry, Hope need her medicine. Hope after your medicine you can have more of the cookie."Killian spoonfeeds Hope her baby Tylenol."Good, little love. You are listening." "Wawa.""I will tell you a pirate story soon."Allison gave Hope her mask and turn on the machine. Hope began crying again. "Hopey, you are alright. The medicine is helping you feel better." Emma hugs her daughter, Hope gripping her Mommy's arm. "Emma, I will be back to check up on Hope. If Hope needs anything else, I will be nearby.""Thanks, Allison." Allison leaves the room."Mom, I have an idea on how to calm down, Hope." He takes out his iPad puts on the, "Mickey Mouse Club House." Hope screamed with joy. "Lad, you know how to cheer up your sister.""Of course, Dad. Hope is my baby sis. I love making her happy." Hope was enjoying her favorite television show while hugging her Mommy. Allison entered the room. "Emma...your Mom is here to talk to you." "Henry, can you watch Hope?""Yes, Mom. Come to Henry, little sis.""No!! Mommy!" Hope began crying. "Hopey, I am not going anywhere. Allison, I cannot talk to her right now. Hope is afraid.""Emma, I can cheer Hope up." Killian takes Hope from his swan. "Little love, dada has a gift for you." He shows Hope the pirate Pluto shirt."Pluto." Hope reaches out to grab the shirt. "You want to wear it?" Hope babbles. "Aye, I will put it on after your medicine." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Swan, Hope will be with me ." Killian sits with Hope on the rocking chair, Henry was holding his iPad letting Hope watch her favorite television show. Allison leads her best friend to her mother. Emma finds her Mom in the hallway. "Hi, Emma.""Mary-Margaret.""I just want to talk to you. To have my daughter back." Emma steps back from her Mom. "Why?""I miss you.""If you miss me and want me back in your life, you have to gain my trust back. I do not trust you. My family does not trust you. My children do not trust you, because you hurt them and hurt me.""I am your mother!""Yes a mother who had a chance to get me back and did not raise me! You defend Leo all the time while he hurts my husband, children and the rest of the town. You need to get him under control. I have to get back to my family, my daughter needs me. Unlike you, I am here for my children when they need me, I did not have any of that growing up comfort and love." Emma returns to Hope's room, seeing Hope finished with her nebulizer treatment, she was dressed into her new Pluto shirt and watching her favorite show with Henry on the bed. "Hope, are you wearing your new shirt from Dada?" "Dada!" Emma smiles."Mom, Hope calmed down after her nebulizer treatment. She loves wearing her new shirt and watching Pluto." "Henwy." "Yes, Hope we are having H&H time." "Aye, Hope loves her new shirt." He knows something wrong with his wife because of her mother. "Emma, are you okay?" They stepped away from Henry and Hope. As Emma was about to speak. Snow White chargers into the room. "Emma! I am your mother!" Hope cries. Henry holds his sister."Leave my family alone. My daughter is sick." Emma leads her Mom out of Hope's room. Why are you here all of a sudden?""I miss you!""You thought of coming here while my daughter is in the hospital to do this is the right time?! My daughter has been crying the whole day, we just got her to stop crying!!""Mom! Hope needs you.""I am coming Henry. You are not in my life or my family, so leave us alone." Emma enters the room, Killian can see his wife was mad. Emma gets Hope from Henry and calms her down. Henry helps his Mom calming down his sister. "Mommy?""I am right here, baby girl. You are okay. Mommy is not mad." Killian was getting mad that his mother in law was causing Emma pain. Killian rushes out to catch his mother in law. "Snow White why the bloody hell are you causing a scene? Coming here yelling at her!""I want my daughter back in my life!! My family is broken.""You and Leo caused your family to be broken. Emma does not trust you! You caused so much pain to her, and our family!! You need to get your son treated he needs and stop letting him hurt people!! If you get Leo to stop hurting other people, you can get your daughter back. If you continue supporting Leo hurting others, you will not have your daughter in your life. You will not be a part of our family. Now leave, you upsetted my daughter who is very sick." Allison can hear the argument from not too far away. "Snow White, you need to leave. Your fight with your daughter and son in law which is causing stress and disturbance to my patients, especially your granddaughter who is very sick. Leave." Snow White leaves. Killian and Allison entered Hope's room, Emma was on the bed comforting Hope. "Hope, Mommy is okay. Everything is okay." "You?"Emma smiles knowing Hope was checking up on her. "Yes, I am okay, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head."Luv, Mommy""I love you, to Hope. You will always have me, baby girl." Henry joins their hug. "You will always have me, Henry.""I know. I have the best Mom ever." "Mommy." "Hope, you and I have the best Mommy ever." Hope babbles. Henry takes Hope from their Mom, sitting next to their Mom."Mommy.""You and Henry are next to me, baby girl." "Henwy." Henry hugs his sister. Emma smiles. Killian hug his swan. "Emma, she left." Hope coughs. "Good. Allison, can you check Hope?""Yes, I can." Emma sets Hope on the bed. "Hopey, let me hear your lungs." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope this is a stethoscope. You remember, little niece." Allison kisses Hope on the cheek. "I am going to check your lungs." She uses her stethoscope to check Hope's lungs. "Emma and Killian, her nebulizer treatment is working. Her breathing has improved. Her fever is gone." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, you can go home with Mommy, Daddy and Henry." Hope smiles. "You look so cute in your Pluto shirt." She tickles Hope. "Dada.""Your Dada got you a new Pluto shirt." Allison takes off the IV needle out of Hope's hand, Hope was crying so loud, Emma hugging her daughter until Hope calmed down. "No more needles, sweetie. We are getting ready to go home." She kisses Hope on the head. "You were such a brave girl today, just like me." Hope smiles at her Mommy and pats her Mommy's face. "You are a lot like me, Hope." They both smile. "Little lass, no more needles.""Dada!" Killian takes Hope from his wife and holds her."Dada is here, everything is alright. Needles hurt, no more needles." He changes Hope into the rest of her outfit. "You are wearing your Pluto shirt home." Emma smiles seeing Killian talking to their daughter. "Emma, Hope will need antibiotics to lessen her cough and steam from the nebulizer to help with her cough." Hope coughs."You are okay, little love." He rubs her back. "Dada...ome.""Yes, we are going home,little love." Hope hugs her Daddy. Henry got his sister's diaper bag packed. "Emma, about letting your Mom to talk to you, I am so sorry. She was bugging me to talk to you.""I know my Mom can be stubborn like me...I am not mad at you." Emma hugs Allison."I was thinking before Hope's birthday since her birthday is on a Monday, we can take girls to Build-A-Bear. As a pre- birthday celebration for Hope and a girls' day."Emma smiles. "Is it the place where you make your own teddy bear and dress it up.""Yes! There are also accessories for the bears too. Lizzie loves going there. She has been asking me for a while that we go to the one in Maine.""I think Hope will love it. It will be both Hope and I first time at Build-A-Bear, I know the girls will have fun. I do have a question, do you think Hope will be able to go back to her swimming lessons in two weeks?""Her croup will last a week. As long as she takes her medicine, she will recover. If Hope has another fever bring her in.""What if Hope's breathing bad?""The nebulizer that I am going to prescribe for Hope will help Hope's breathing. If you need help with the nebulizer machine, call me." Allison wrote down the prescription. Killian brings Hope to Emma. "Ome...Mommy." "Yes, Hopey, we are going home." Emma takes her daughter from her husband and hugs her. "Killian, we have one more prescription. Hope needs a nebulizer machine and antibiotics.""Aye, I will get her medicines from the pharmacy. I will meet the three of you at home. Do you want me to drive the family car?""I can take the yellow bug home." They kiss."Dada.""I will meet you at home, little love. He kisses her on the cheek and goes to the pharmacy in town. "Auntie." Allison hugs her niece."Hope, take your medicine at home with Mommy and Daddy. I will visit you soon." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope smiles."Allison, we can have our girl chat soon.""Yes! I will bring over snacks." The hug. "Hope, I will see you and Mommy soon for girl time." Hope smiles. Emma carries Hope out of the hospital room all bundled up, back to the yellow bg. Henry sits with Hope in the back as Emma drives her children home. Henry takes Hope out of her carseat and lets her walk to her door and she tries to open the door. "Mommy...ome."Emma chuckles. "Hope, I will open the door with my key, baby girl." Emma opens the door and Hope walks in screaming. "Mom, Hope is very happy to be home." Emma chuckles. "Yes, her medicine is helping her feel better.""Henwy!""Mom, I promised Hope H&H time."Emma hugs her son. "Hope needs playtime. I am going to order pizza.""Yes!" Henry finds Hope playing in the living room and he plays with her. Emma orders them pizza and takes a shower. Killian arrives home finding Henry and Hope playing in the living room, Hope was lying on Henry's stomach, while he was lying on the floor. "Dada!""Hi, Dad.""H, Hope. Henry Hope looks like she is having fun with you.""When she tackled me, she knocked me down to the floor." Killian chuckles. "Hope, be gentle to Henry, little love." Hope babbles. Emma arrives downstairs changed into comfy clothes and damp hair "Hi, swan.""Hi, honey." They kiss."Our little lass is showing her tough side to Henry."Emma sees Hope playing with Henry and chuckles. "Hope, be gentle on Henry.""Mom, Hope is not hurting me." He tickles Hope."Love, I have Hope's nebulizer and her medicines.""I think when we do her nebulizer treatment we can do her treatment down here. She can watch television while she takes her treatment.""Aye, that will distract her, I know our little lass hates the machine.""Yes, I don't know it is the mask or the steam that scares her. I am just hoping the television will distract her from her fear or else we are going to have a hard time every time she needs her medicine." Killian holds his swan's hand knowing she was nervous and faces her in hazel green eyes. "Emma, we will get her used to the nebulizer machine, love." Hope coughs loudly. "Swan, I will get Hope some water. She needs to stay hydrated.""I ordered us pizza." "Aye, we are all hungry." Killian gets Hope's water. Hope began to cry. Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Sweetie, Dada is going to get you water. We are going to have pizza for dinner. After you are going to get a bubble bath and storytime before bedtime." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I know you feel awful." Hope hugs her Mommy. "We can snuggle." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian gives Hope a bottle of water, which Hope takes. "Hope, are you tired little sis?" He kisses her on the cheek."I think you are right,kid. Hope is very tired. She did not sleep too much in the hospital." Emma takes Hope up to the bathroom. She gave her a bubble bath and changed her into a clean diaper and footie pajamas. Hope babbles. "Are you feeling better after you had a bubble bath?" Hope reaches out for her. "We can snuggle." She sits down on the rocking chair with Hope who stopped crying. "We are having Mommy and Hope, time." Hope fell asleep. Killian finds his two loves in Hope's room with his little lass fast asleep. "The pizza is here, love." He kisses Hope on the head. "I am going to eat later. She just fell asleep.""Aye, our little lass is tuckered out.""Yes, she is sick and she barely got sleep in the hospital." She kisses Hope on the head. "She has her Mommy taking great care of her.""Yes, she wants to sleep and snuggle with me." "She does look comfortable in your arms, swan. She just wants her Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head which makes her smile. "I hate seeing her in pain and sick both at the same time. I just want the pain to go away from our little girl." "Aye, my heart was aching, all I wanted was Hope's sickness was to go away."Emma held his hook, "Her sickness will go away with the medicine she needs to take and the love and care from us.""Aye, from us." They kiss. Henry brought up a slice of pizza for his Mom."Mom, I have your dinner.""Thanks, kid.""Lad, I will make sure your Mom eats it.""How is Hope?""Fast asleep. She just wants to be held by me." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "You are going to be okay, baby sis. We love you so much." He goes to his room. Killian hand-fed Emma her meal, he did not his swan to starve since she was comforting Hope. Emma loves her husband being so caring to her and at her side when their family needed him. "Thank you. I was hungry.""I knew you were hungry, swan." The doorbell rang. "Love, I will get it." Killian opens the door to find his two in-laws, he was mad seeing Snow White. He closes the door behind him knowing that there will be a lot of yelling and does not want to wake up his sleeping lass. "Bloody hell, I thought I told you to leave my family alone!""Killian, Snow White told me...well Allison told me what happened. She is here to apologize for what she caused at the hospital. Right Snow?""Yes...""Where is Emma?""With Hope, who just wants to be with her. Our little lass was having a rough day even with your wife's rude and loud screaming at my wife before and barging into my daughter's room scaring her.""Snow, you did that to our daughter and granddaughter!!!""Charming...""Snow?""Yes, I did. I was mad that Emma did not want to be part of our family.""Snow, our son hurt our grandchildren!! He even hurt Killian!! Every time, Leo hurts someone you defend him, you lose our daughter's trust!! Apologize to Killian, you fought with him too!"Snow White looks down, "I am sorry, for yelling at you.""I was defending your daughter who you were yelling at and playing the victim. You are not the victim here, Snow. You are the one letting your son hurt people and ripping your family apart. Leave my family alone until you come out of your denial. I do not want you anywhere nearby my wife or my children. Understood?" Snow White did not know what to say and left the Swan-Jones house angry. Charming rubs his forehead. "She needs alone time to think. It is my fault, I called Allison to check on Hope after the station, Snow overheard my conversation with her. She left the house before I got the chance to stop her. Allison called me after she kicked Snow out of the hospital. Can I see Emma and Hope? Allison told me Hope had croup.""Aye, you can come in. Not for a long time, Emma is exhausted, our little lass had a very rough day, all Hope wants is Emma." Killian leads his father in law upstairs to Hope's room. "Killian, ..Dad?""Hi, Emma. I came by to check on Hope." She holds Hope protectively and goes into her room. "Emma..." "Dad, we heard the arguing from up here.""Aye, let me talk to your Mom." Killian knocks on the door, "It is me, swan. Emma, let me in love." Emma uses her light magic to open the door for her husband. He finds her crying on their bed hugging sleeping, Hope. He hugs his wife. "I cannot deal with any more stress today." "I know, love. I am going to prevent your stress." She leans on him. He kisses her on the head. "I heard you defending me against my Mom twice today.""Aye, I will always defend my swan." They kiss. "I will be right back, swan." Hope moves around. "Dada.""Little love, Dada will be right back." He kisses Hope on the head and she smiles. "Dada is going to snuggle with us, baby girl." She hugs Hope. Killian finds Charming with Henry in his bedroom, showing Charming his artwork." "Henry, you are very talented.""Thank you, Gramps.""You are welcome, Henry." He looks up seeing his son in law. "Let me talk to your Dad." He leaves the room. "Charming, Snow caused Emma so much stress than she already was in with Hope.""She does not want to see me?""Aye, she cannot take any more stress, not tonight." Hope walks out of the room and hugs her Daddy's legs."Dada...Mommy." He holds Hope on his hip. "I know Hope, you want to snuggle with me and Mommy."Gramps is here to see you, little love.""Amps." Hope coughs. "Hi, little princess. I heard you do not feel well. I wanted to come by to see you." He takes Hope from Killian.Hope cried."Mommy!!!" Killian tries to get Hope from Charming but morphed into Zelena and runs away from Killian. Emma saw it happened, they both ran to catch Zelena with Hope who was wailing. Henry calls Regina. Meanwhile, team captain swan was running into the woods chasing after Zelena. "Bloody hell. She screamed for you as I was about to take her from Charming, he turned into Zelena.""I saw it, Killian. We are going to get our daughter back." They hear Hope crying so loud for them. "Mommy....Dada!!!""We are coming, Hope!" "We are going to get her away from Zelena." Zelena makes a turn to the bridge and runs to the other side and cuts off the bridges' rope with a knife so Emma and Killian won't catch up to them. Emma and Killian stopped at the broken bridge, Killian held onto his wife from falling and they saw Zelena getting further away from them with their daughter. "HOPE!!"To Be Continued.

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