Emma's Road to Recovery

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Throughout Emma's recovery, Killian was at her side helping her, tending her every need with heating pads, walking, comforting her and extra snuggling and taking care of Hope, especially at night. Henry helped his Dad watching his sister. For the first few nights, after Emma's returned home from the hospital, at night, Hope was crying and walking around upstairs, she was confused wondering why her Mommy was upset. Killian was struggling watching Hope and to tend to Emma was grieving of their surprised miscarriage and internal bleeding recovery. Henry sees his sister crying by their parent's room. "Hope. What are you doing in the hall by yourself?" He holds Hope into his arms, "Hopey, you are with Henry little sis." He gave her snuggles and kisses. "Mommy.""Mommy is going to be okay, little sis. Mommy is very sad because her tummy hurts and she lost the baby but she is not alone, Daddy is with her taking care of her. I know you are confused but everything is going to be alright." He kisses Hope on the head and takes Hope into her room. He puts Hope in her crib. "Hope, I can sleep with you in your crib. We can have a sleepover." He climbs in and lies down, and Hope crawls onto his chest and hugs him. "Henwy." Henry smiles. "I am right here.""Tay.""I am not going anywhere, Hope. Daddy is with Mommy and I am with you." He rubs her back as she dozed off to sleep. "Sweet dreams, Hope. I love you, little sis." In the next room, Killian was hugging his wife, "Emma, I am right here. Henry is with Hope.""I just awful.""Love, you are in recovery, of course, you feel awful...""No...how did I not know that I was pregnant with our next baby...you must think I am an awful wife..""Emma, look at me.." Emma looks up at her husband face to face. "You are not a failure, you are not an awful wife. You are an amazing wife to me, kind caring and always caring for your family and others. You are an amazing mother to Hoe and Henry, you are always there for them, comfort them, fight for them when they need you and love them and always there for them." Henry heard his parents' conversation through the baby monitor. Hope wakes up crying. "Hope, I am right here little sis." Hope cries more. "Hope, you want to sleep with Mommy?" Hope nods her head. "Me too, little sis. Mommy needs us." Henry gets out of the crib and carries Hope, "Let's cheer Mommy up." He enters the room. "Mom? Hope and I.." Emma feels awful for not paying attention to her daughter. "Killian, I cannot be in recovery, Hope needs me. I am neglecting Henry and Hope." Emma cries more into Killian. He continues to comfort his wife. "Lad, take Hope out of the room." Henry listens to his Dad, knowing he was serious. "Emma, you are in a lot of pain. You are recovery so you can get better so you can be a Mommy to Hope and Henry. Hope is just confused why you are upset, Henry and I are taking care both of you and Hope. Hope is not neglected, she has you, Henry, Allison and I to take care of her." Emma hugs her husband and continues to cry. "Emma, we love you. Henry and Hope love you so much because you are their Mom. You are not an awful person. We are here for you, love." He kisses her on the head and rubs her back. "Henry and Hope...can they sleep with us?"Killian smiles. "Yes, love. They can sleep with us." Henry and Hope enter the room, "Henry you and Hope are sleeping with us.""Yes!" Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Hopey. Are you okay?" She hugs her daughter. "Mom, she just wants to be with you.""Henry, come here." Henry joins their hug. "I know you are taking such good care of your sister." Hope tugs her Mommy. "Mommy.""Yes, baby Henry is taking good care of you." Hope hugs her Mommy and stops crying. "I am right here. You and Henry are giving me hugs when I need them the most." Henry sits next to his Mom and sister who already fell asleep on her Mommy. Killian put more pillows on the bed. "Mom, we love you. You are our Mom, please do not forget that." Emma smiles."How can I ever forget that I am your mom, to you and Hope? You and Hope are my two children who I love so much." Henry hugs his Mom, she kisses him on the head. "Mom, if you need anything, please let me know. I want to help.""You can help me now by sleeping with us. I do feel sad about the miscarriage..." Henry hugs his Mom. "I know you are grieving, I want to help you. Hope...""I am...""Mom, you are in a lot of pain. I am helping Dad with Hope and I can be with you. You are always there for us and I want to be there for you."Emma kisses Henry on the head. "Thanks, kid.""You are my mom." She hugs her son carefully since Hope was sleeping on her, "Henry, I love you so much.""I love you, too. I hate that you are in pain and seeing you sad..." "I have you, your Dad, Hope and your aunt there for me. I am not alone. I have you all. We need to get some sleep." They got comfortable in bed, Emma and Hope in the middle, with Henry and Killian on each side of them. "Hope let me sleep in her crib with her."Emma smiles. "Oh really?""Yes, Hope was confused about what was going on with you. I wanted to let Hope know that everything was alright. I know she is afraid of sleeping in her crib alone so I climb in there and scrunch my legs to fit in but Hope slept on me." Emma smiled loving her son being an amazing big brother to Hope."I know she felt safe sleeping with you, kid." "She was sleeping on me but I do not know how you do it, Mom."Emma chuckles. "Well, when you become a parent you are willing to do anything for your children, especially if you are scrunched up all night in a crib when your child needs you, which I do not mind, I like it.""Mom, you are our mom like that all the time to both Hope and I. You are always there for us and we are there for you." He yawns. "Kid, we will talk more tomorrow. We both need to get some sleep.""Okay." He kisses her on the cheek and falls asleep next to his Mom."I love them sleeping with me.""They love sleeping with you and cheer you up, swan. They love their Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head. They fell asleep with their children. The next morning, Killian woke up before his family, he made coffee and breakfast for his family. Emma woke up with Henry and Hope sleeping on her, "I love you both so much." Hope wakes up, "Mommy.""Good morning, baby girl. Did you have a good night rest on me?" Hope babbled. "Let's go play in the living room, before we eat breakfast." Henry stirs in his sleep. "Kid, get some more rest." She kisses Henry on the head. She carries Hope to the living room smelling Killian's cooking. "Daddy is making us breakfast. Let's play." Emma sits on the carpet and watched her daughter walk around and play in the living room, she had music of nursery rhymes. Hope was dancing to "Mary Had A Little Lamb." She recorded on her iPhone of her daughter cute dancing bending her knees and moving her body side to side with the music. "Hope, you like this song?" Hope smiles as she continued to dance. "That is it, sweetie. Dance!""Mommy!""I will dance with you my little duckling." She stands on her knees and dances with Hope. Killian heard his two loves in the living room and sees Emma and Hope dancing, he took pictures and videos of his wife and daughter dancing and Emma smiling which he has not seen in days since before the accident happened. They danced a few songs until Hope stopped and hugged your Mommy. "Are you done dancing?" Hope smiled. "You had fun dancing with me?" Hope screamed happily, which made Emma very happy. "Since you like dancing so much when you are bigger Mommy can enroll you in dance classes. You can learn ballet and other dances and perform on stage. What do you think?" Hope babbled. "I know you will love it." She gave Hope kisses on her cheeks. Killian enters the room, "Hope, did you have a dance party with Mommy?" Hope babbled. "She loves dancing, Killian. I was thinking when she is a little older we can enroll her in dance classes. She gets to wear costumes and perform in a recital. I always wanted to take dance classes..""I am your teacher, swan."Emma smiles. "Yes, you are my captain. We get to give Hope opportunities the ones I never got to experience as a child.""Aye, we are going to give Hope everything, love." They kiss. Hope babbled. "Little love, do you want your breakfast? Breakfast is ready." "Mommy." "Baby, time for num nums." Hope reaches out her arms when she was put in her high chair. "You want to eat on my lap?" Hope babbled as her Mommy takes her out of her high chair and sits on her lap. Killian saw his wife in pain. "Love, do you want to lie down? I can get you a heating pad." "I am still in pain but I will feed Hope first." Killian makes his swan a heating pad and hands it to his wife."Love, you are in recovery, I can feed Hope." Killian takes Hope from Emma."Mommy." He sits on the chair with Hope on his lap. "Hope, Mommy needs to rest little love. Her tummy still hurts her." "Hope, after you eat your breakfast with Daddy, you and I can snuggle and nap together." She kisses Hope on her cheek. Hope gave her Mommy kisses, which made her parents both smile. "I love you too, baby girl. Thanks, for the heating pad.""You are welcome, love. I got our little pirate." They kiss. Emma heads upstairs slowly to rest. Henry joins his Mom on her bed. "Mom.""Hey, kid. Join me." "Are you okay?" "I am in a lot of pain still.""Do you need anything?""Just a hug from you." Henry hugs his Mom. "You are up early?""Yes, your sister woke me up and we had a dance party in the living room before breakfast." "Did you have fun?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I did. I am taking it easy.""You are going to get better soon, Mom." His Mom falls asleep. Henry kisses his Mom on the head, "I love you so much, Mom." Henry went downstairs to find his Dad and sister eating breakfast. "Hi, Dad.""Hi, son. Breakfast is ready.""Mom is sleeping.""Aye, she needs her rest." "Dad, can I take Hope to the beach? I know Hope needs fresh air.""Sure lad. Hope you are going to have a fun day at the beach with Henry." Hope babbled loudly. "After I eat my breakfast, we are going to the beach." Hope clapped her hands. Killian finishes feeding Hope. "Little love, Dada will get you all ready for the beach." Killian brings Hope to her room and changes her into a swim diaper with a purple Ariel rashguard long sleeve with a beach hat. "Hope, you are ready to go to the beach." He lets Hope run around in her room while he packed Hope's diaper bag for the beach. Hope disappears. "Hope." Hope ended up in her parents' room. "Hope, little pirate. Mommy is sleeping. We have to be quiet." Hope began to cry when she could not climb onto her parent's bed. Killian helps Hope on to the bed, who crawled by her Mommy. Emma wakes up. "Hope, are you wearing swim gear?" Hope babbled and hugs her Mommy."Henry is taking Hope to the beach for brother and sister-time." Hope babbled. "My little duck, I know you are going to have so much fun with Henry on the beach. Will you tell me all about how much fun you have when you come back home?" Hope hugs her Mommy as Emma gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Allison enters the room, "Hi, Emma. How is my best friend and little god niece?" "Hope look who is here..." Hope sees Allison and walks over to greet her, "Antie!" Allison was smiling big at her little niece saying her name. They were all surprised at Hope's new word. "Hi, Hope." Allison scoops Hope into her arms. "Antie."Allison smiles big hearing her niece saying her name."Yes, Hope, Auntie Allison is here. Are you going swimming today?" Hope babbled and hugs Allison. "Allison, she can say half of your name now.""I know. She can call me auntie. I am her aunt after all." She lifts Hope up and down."Little love, I have no idea you can say, auntie. Is this your new word?" Hope babbled. "Little niece, I came over to see how your Mommy is. Are you taking good care of her?" She sits on the bed. Hope babbled. "Hope is keeping me very happy." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Hope, you can say auntie now." Hope hugs Allison. "I love you, Hope." Allison gave Hope kisses. Henry enters the room. "Dad, is Hope's diaper bag all packed?""Aye, lad. Everything is packed including beach toys and beach supplies." "Kid, just make sure Hope has enough sunscreen on and watch her, she loves walking.""Yes, Mom. I am bringing her stroller with me so she won't walk away while we walk there." "Thanks for taking Hope out, Henry.""Mom, I know Hope and I need a break from the house. We have not been to the beach in a while. Hope and I need brother and sister time""Just be careful, Henry.""I will Mom, Hope and I will have fun." He hugs his Mom. "Just call me if you need anything while we are out." "Thanks, kid. You have been helping me and your sister...""Mom, I will do anything for my family. I like helping out." Emma hugs her son. Hope walks to join their hug. "Little sis. Are you joining our hug?" Hope smiled big. "I love getting hugs by you two." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hopey you and Henry." She gave both of them kisses on her head. "Hope, when you go to the beach with Henry, listen to Henry. Okay?" Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy. "When you get home you can tell me all about your beach day with Henry." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Mom, Hope is safe with me.""I know. You will protect her and take good care of her like you always do." She hugs her son. "Little sis, time to go to the beach." Hope screamed and hugs her brother. "Henry and Hopey time." "Antie!""Hope, have fun at the beach with Henry little niece." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Aunt Allison Hope's new word is your name?""Yes.""Finally." All of the adults laughed. Killian leads his children downstairs."Lad, I packed Hope's diaper bag and your lunch in her stroller and blanket for the beach.""Thanks, Dad." "Dada.""Little love, be a good little pirate for Henry." He gave Hope kisses and took pictures of his two kids in their beachwear. Henry puts Hope in her stroller. "Lad, be careful with Hope in the ocean.""Dad, I will keep a close eye on Hope.""I know.""I just want to help out as much as I can with Mom.""Aye, you are son, you are helping us so much." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. We are going to the beach." "Lad, one more thing.""Yes, Dad?""If you need anything or something happens call me and I will come when you need me.""I will Dad. Hope, say bye-bye to Daddy, little sis." Hope waves her hand. Henry pushes the stroller to the beach. Killian goes upstairs to check on his wife, Allison was examining her. "Allison, how is my Emma?" He sits next to his wife on their bed."Recovery well as it should be. Her internal bleeding is healing as it should be. Emma, I know you are in pain.""Allison, I am in a lot of pain. Killian is barely letting me lift a finger and Hope..." Emma began to cry. Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, you are not neglecting our Hope. Henry and I are taking care of Hope and you...Love, please do not cry.""I just feel so awful." She hugs her husband tighter around his neck. "Love, you are a great mother to Hope and Henry, we talked about this last night." Allison placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder."Emma, I know how you feel, a few years ago I had to get my appendix taken out, Lizzie was two years old and Connor six years old at the time. I was in recovery for a long time. I felt awful most of the time because I could not hold Lizzie and Connor who wanted hugs and spend time with them as I usually did."Emma sniffled. "What did you do about it?""I was able to be Mommy to both Connor and Lizzie, not as much as carrying them too much, they both gave me snuggles a lot in bed during my recovery. I took it easy until I recovered. Ted helped me in recovery and my parents came to help me until I was able to move normally again. Emma, you are not neglecting your children in recovery. You have Killian at your side, and Henry helping you. Hope is being your little girl who loves being with her Mommy.""I carried her downstairs to play before breakfast, even though I was in pain I was having a dance party with Hope."Allison was in awe. "Take it easy, Emma. I know you will be chasing Hope around the house in no time.""Love, do you want snacks? While you and Allison have girl talk?""Yes, please. Thank you." They kiss. Killian went downstairs to the kitchen while Emma and Allison talked. Henry pushed Hope's stroller to the beach, it was not too crowded. Henry laid out a bedsheet on the sand so they can sit and lay on it and placed their bags on top. Henry takes Hope out of her stroller and placed suntan lotion on her and let her sit on the bedsheet and play with toys while he continued to set up. He looks up seeing Hope walking to the ocean. "Hope." He scoops Hope into his arms. "Hope, are you going swimming?" Hope babbled. "You have to wait for me, you cannot go swimming alone." He let Hope stand by the waves were crashing and she squealed with delight, which Henry enjoyed seeing Hope happy. Hope tugs her brother's hand. "You want to go a little deeper?" He carries Hope on his hip and walked a little deeper into the ocean, Hope babbled loudly. "You are a lot like our Dad little sis. You love the ocean just like him." Hope kicked her legs and clapped her hands happily as the waves were crashing at them. "Henwy.""I am having fun with you too, little sis." After time in the water, Henry carries Hope back to their spot. "No.""We need to warm up little sis, I am cold. I am pretty sure you are cold too." He wraps a towel around his sister first and wrapped a towel around himself. "Are you having fun with me, little sis?" Hope smiles. "Yes, I have the best little sis ever to play with." He tickles his sister and makes her laugh. He gives Hope her bottle of water when she was thirsty and changed her diaper when needed. Hope walks around the sand and headed back into the ocean. "Hope." Henry chases his sister. He catches her. "I caught you, little pirate." Hope babbled. "You cannot go in by yourself, you cannot swim yet." He sits with Hope in the wet sand and both got wet by the waves crashing into them until Hope began to cry. "What is the matter, Hope?" He holds his sister. "Are you tired?" Hope hugs her brother as he kisses her on the head. "You can sleep on me, little sis." He takes Hope back to their spot lies down and watches his sister sleep. Regina finds Henry and Hope on the beach. "Hi, Henry.""Hi, Mom. Shh, we have to whisper. Hope just fell asleep." Regina joins them on the blanket. "I stopped by your house to visit you but Killian told me that I will find you and Hope here. How is swimming with Hope?"Henry smiles big."Hope loves the ocean. She was kicking her legs and clapping her hands as the waves were crashing onto us in the ocean. I had to chase her a few times because she kept going to the ocean without me." Regina chuckles. "Hope takes after your Dad.""Oh, yes she does. She is a little pirate and I love her." Hope stirs in her sleep. He wrapped a towel over Hope more, "Shh...shh..." Hope stopped stirring and fell back to sleep. "How is Emma in her recovery?""Mom is taking it hard, she is in pain from the miscarriage and the internal bleeding. Last night was rough, Mom was crying a lot about how she was neglecting Hope and me...I just think she feels bad about the miscarriage which makes her want to be the perfect parent for Hope and I...when Dad is taking care of Mom, I have been taking care of Hope who is confused on what is going on with Mom. I am explaining to Hope about how much she is in pain but she just wants Mom. I offered to take Hope here today because Hope needs a break." "Henry, I know you are helping Killian with Emma. You are being a great brother to Hope and being a great son to Emma and Killian especially when she needs you. You are there for your family. I am so proud of you, Henry." She hugs her son. "Thanks, Mom. You and my other Mom taught me always to be there for your family when you need them." They continue to talk until Hope wakes up from her nap. "Hi, little sis. Did you have a good nap?" Hope babbled. "Are you hungry? Let's see what Daddy packed us for lunch." He takes out fruit salad and sandwiches, which he shared with Regina and Hope. He helps his sister get fed before he fed himself. "Hope, is Henry is a good big brother to you?"Hope smiles, "Henwy." "Yes, I know, you have the best big brother taking such good care of you." Hope babbled and begins to walk. "Hope...not again." Hope heads to the ocean. "Hope, wait for me." Regina smiles seeing her son chasing after Hope and took pictures of them swimming together. She goes closer to the wet sand, "Henry I have to go back to the office." Henry carried Hope to Regina. "Thanks, for coming by.""Your welcome. If you need to talk, come to my office.""Thanks, Mom. I will come over, soon. Hope, say bye-bye to Regina." Hope waves her hand. Hope reaches out to the ocean, " Hope, I cannot go deeper, I need to hold you, little sis." Hope enjoyed the sea by kicking her legs into the ocean. "You love the ocean, Hope." Hope clapped her hands. They continue to enjoy the ocean until Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you want to go back to our spot?" He walks with his sister to their spot. "Little sis, Daddy packed us toys to play. Do you want to build a sandcastle?" Henry began the sandcastle. Hope was walking around their spot and keeps patting the bucket. "Are you helping me build the sandcastle, Hope?" Hope babbled and trips over the sandcastle faced planted. Hope began to cry so loud, Henry quickly scoops up his sister and gets a water bottle to get the sand out of her eyes. Hope cried more. Henry gets his iPhone out and calls his Dad. Killian was resting in the living room while Emma was with Allison. He wakes up getting a phone call from Henry, he can hear Hope crying in the background. "Henry, what is wrong?""Hope fell face first on top of our sandcastle. She has sand in her eyes." "Lad, I am on my way." Killian arrived to the beach and found Henry doing his best comforting his very upset sister. "Henry, I am here.""Dad, I washed Hope's eyes out with water bottles to get the sand out but she is still crying." Killian takes Hope from henry. "Hope, dada is here, little love." He looks down at her foot, "Little love, you have a cut on your foot. Dada will take care of your foot and your eyes." He sits down on the blanket with his daughter and checks her eyes, "Dada is looking at your eyes, little love." He looks at Hope's eyes was red. "Lad, give me the first aid kit. I think Hope cut her foot on a shell when she tripped." Henry hands over the first aid kit, Hope was whimpering, Killian took care of Hope's cut and kisses the band-aid, "Your boo-boo will be better soon, little love. Dada put a bandaid on your boo-boo. " He kisses his daughter's foot. Hope hugs her Daddy. "Son, get your stuff packed. Hope needs to get her eyes looked at from Allison who is still at our house." "Mommy." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are with Dada little love. You are going to be okay." He gave his little lass kisses her on the head as Hope gave him. "Little love, Dada is going to take you home to see Mommy and Auntie Allison. " Henry gave his sister a clean towel and wrapped her in it. "I am sorry little sis that you fell down on the sand and got hurt. We were having so much fun today together, we did a lot of swimming." "Lad, I know you and Hope had so much fun together today in the ocean." Killian carried Hope home with Henry pushing the stroller. "Lad, take the sand off..""Yes, dad. I got it." Killian carried Hope inside, "We are home little love." Emma heard Hope crying and rushes as fast as she could to get to Hope. "Hope." She takes Hope from Killian who was still crying. "Baby girl, you are with Mommy. You are home with Mommy. Shh..shh..." She rubs her daughter's back and gave her kisses until Hope's crying lessens. Allison joined them by the front door. "Killian, what happen to Hope?" "Allison and Emma, Henry called me, they were building a sandcastle and Hope fell face first on top of the sand which got into her eyes. Henry rinsed her eyes out with bottles of water but her eyes are still red." "I will be right back, I will get my medical bag and examine Hope's eyes." Allison went upstairs. Emma sits down on the couch with her daughter. "Hope, you are going to be okay baby girl. Mommy is right here giving you snuggles." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Hope, you have a boo-boo. Who took care of your boo-boo?" "Dada."Emma smiles at her husband, "Daddy took care of your boo-boo. Your dada is the best." Killian smiles. "Aye, I will always be there for our little love and true love." They kiss. Henry enters the house, "Hope, are you happy to be with Mommy, little sis?" Hope was still sad. "I had so much fun with you today. We can go to the beach again just play in the ocean no sand. Deal?" Hope babbles. "I promise, no sand." He gave Hope kisses on her cheek. Henry sat next to his Mom and sister. "I know Hope had so much fun with you today."Henry smiles, big."I know Hope had fun with me today because I was busy chasing Hope who kept going into the ocean by herself. I held her when we were swimming together, she was splashing and kicking her legs the whole time." "Sounds like a fun day." "Yes, Mom. I can bring Hope to the beach again.""I know Hope will love that. Right baby? You had fun swimming in the ocean with Henry today?" Hope babbled. Allison returns with her medical bag. Emma sits up with Hope, she examines Hope's eyes. "I need to rinse Hope's eyes with a saline solution, to rinse her eyes properly. For a few days, Hope eyes need to be extra protected to prevent any irritation. She can wear sunglasses outside. Killian, can you go to the drug store to get saline water?""Aye, I can get saline water and sunglasses for Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are going to be alright, Hope." Allison writes a prescription down and hands it to Killian. "Call me if you need anything else, love.""Thanks, Killian. Hope is happy to be with her Mommy." Killian heads to the drugstore. "Emma, when Hope is in her bubble bath make sure she doesn't get soap in her eyes.""We will be careful." "Mom, I can run Hope a bath.""Thanks, kid." Henry went upstairs. Hope was snuggling with her Mommy. "Emma, Hope is very happy to be with you.""Of course she does. She always loves snuggling me when she is afraid or hurt. I am doing my job right as her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are okay, baby girl. After we clean your eyes out you will be alright." Hope cries more. "Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope.Killian drove the family car into town and bought the medicine that Hope needed. Snow White bumps into him on the sidewalk. "Killian, how is Emma?" "She is in a lot of pain. She is grieving on the babe we loss and feels guilty not being here for Hope in recovery...I keep telling her that she is not a failure as a mother.""I want to help, Emma has not been answering my phone calls.""Aye, she has been resting a lot and spending time with both of the kids.""I want to help.""I have to talk to Emma about that, it is her decision. She only wants her family to take care of her.""I am her family." "My wife and children don't trust you and my wife said no.I respect my wife's decisions and that is final. Snow, I have to get back to my family.""Please call me when I can come over.""Killian returns home finding Emma with Hope in the living room. "I am back. Allison, did I bought the right saline water?" Allison checks the medicine. "Yes, Killian you brought the right medicine." Allison takes the medicine, as Emma preps Hope on her lap. Allison uses the saline water to rinse Hope's eyes, who began to cry. "Little love, the water is helping your eyes." "Hope, blink for Auntie, sweetie." Hope cried louder. Emma faces Hope to her, "Hopey, copy what Mommy does." Emma blinks and Hope blinks back. "Good job, sweetie." Allison watches Hope blinking. "Emma, her eyes are normal just a little red from the sand causing her pain. Just be careful with her eyes for the next few days and rinse them with saline water twice a day." "Hope, you are all done, baby girl. Can you say all done?" Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. Emma was rubbing Hope's back. Henry comes downstairs who already took a shower. "Mom, Hope's bath is ready." Henry takes his sister from his Mom, who Hope screamed. "Lad, I will give Hope her bath. Come to Dada, Hope." He takes Hope from Henry and takes Hope upstairs. "Now, my little pirate we are going to have daddy-daughter time." Henry sits next to his Mom. "Emma, please call me if you need anything or we can have girl talk." "Great. Thanks, Allison for coming over today.""You are welcome, I will come back soon." They hug. Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house. Henry was hugging his mom."Mom?""Yes, Henry?""Are you okay?""I am in pain but I know I am getting better every day with you, your Dad and Allison all there for me. Are you okay Henry?""I do not want to upset you...""I am your Mom I can bever be mad at you. If you think that I am mad at your about Hope getting sand into her eyes...""Not about Hope, which was an accident by the way.""What is it then, Henry?" She knows something was on her son's mind."After all you want through I mean in your whole life...I am sorry..." Henry began to cry as Emma hugs him tight. "Henry...""Mom, I have been thinking...about our first time in New York when I was so angry at you for lying about my biological Dad. I am so sorry Mom...I am so sorry..." Emma hugged her son and thought about why she lied to him for a god reason because Neal framed her for the crime that he committed, left her in prison, had their son in prison and never came back to her. She found him because of Rumplestilskin was his father which she did not know at the time. He told her that he would not even go near her if he knew who she was. He also did to believe her about Tamara who kidnapped their son. "Henry, why are you apologizing...""Mom, I never apologized for being mad at you for lying about my real Dad...""Henry, I lied to you because your real Dad hurt me in so many ways, abandoning me, framing me for his crime and being a jerk when I found him and that hurt came all over again. I did not want to hurt you with my past and get hurt by him. You were the best part of my past, Henry. When you found me in Boston, I knew you were my son but I did not want you I know how much of a bad man your father was in the past.""But Mom, Killian is a way way better father who actually rescued me and there for you all the time. He is my real father who always there for you Hope and I. He teaches me how to be a man, sailing and always there for his family, that what a real father does. I know you did not want me to get hurt but...I never apologized for being mad at you in New York...""Henry, why are you feeling so guilty about being mad at me?" "I...after all you have been through lately, the miscarriages and almost dying...I realized how much of a jerk I was to you back then..." Henry cried more as his Mom hugged him."Henry, I am alive. You, Hope and I are all alive and healthy. You are there for me now and back then during the curses.""I know. I did not want to leave you as many people did to you in your past but... I caused you pain..." Henry continued to cry. "Henry.." She rubs his back. "You do not cause me any pain. You found me, made me happy for the first time ever in my life. Once, I saw you, I knew in my heart that I was not going to leave you ever again and all I wanted to do was to protect you from all the dangers we faced during the curses. After I broke the first curse, all I wanted was to be there for you, my son and be your Mom. This is how much I love you, Henry. For the first time in my life, I wanted to stay in one place and not be anywhere else just to be with you. I love you so much, Henry." She rubs his back and gave him kisses on his head. "You changed my life, Henry for the better. We are living together now, I have you, your Dad and your sister. If you have not found me, I would have been still alone in the world. I know you were mad about me lying to you..""I am sorry for not apologizing to you but I love you no matter what. It just now..""Why did you think about your him...your Dad?""I do not miss him. I just hate what he did to you. He was one of those people Mom..""What people Henry?""I hate that we almost died, I hate how many villains are here... Your past Mom, my biological Dad hurt you and so many villains are out to get you. I hate you are the one who they always want to hurt you, you are my Mom! You do not deserve all of that hurt, you had so much hurt in your past...you are kind, a good person and a hero...you should not have that much pain more in your life you should not have. It is not fair.." Killian goes downstairs hearing Henry crying to Emma, he saw them having one on one time and went upstairs to be with their little lass in their bed. He takes Hope to the backyard and let her sleep on his chest while they are on the hammock so Henry and Emma's conversation won't wake her up. "You are sad all the time and in pain, I hate seeing you in pain. You do not deserve all of the pain you are in.. you are my Mom and I love you so much...you do not deserve the pain..." "Henry. I know you are feeling awful. Yes, I did have an awful but we cannot control what happens in our lives, we can make decisions that affect our lives but we cannot control what happens to us. We have to face whatever happens to us together with the good and the bad but we are not alone. I have you, your Dad, Allison and so many good people in town who are willing to help us. I am not alone anymore, Henry. I have our family. You know our family takes care of one another."Henry hugs his Mom. "Yes, you, Dad and my other Mom taught me that. I have been taking care of Hope."Emma smiles. "You are amazing with Hope. She loves you, Henry.""Mom, Hope and I love you so much. I just want to help you..""You are helping me, Henry so much. You and Hope are making me so happy during this recovery...""I am sorry Mom about the baby. I know you are grieving...""Is that why your upset about too, kid?""Yes, I know you did not know, and I felt awful when I found out... I know you were devastated. Mom, you are not a bad, Mom. You are the best Mom, who always will fight for us, protect us, care for us, be a good listener and loves us. I want to protect you." "I am doing my job right.""Yes, you are Mom. I do not want not you to get hurt anymore." Emma kisses Henry on the head. "I am your Mom. I will always be your Mom. I am not going anywhere, kid.""Can we do art project soon?"Emma smiles. "Yes, we can, Henry." "Yes, you, Hope and I.""That sounds like a fun plan, kid." "I love you, Mom.""I love you, too. Henry." Henry falls asleep on his Mom. "I love you, Henry. I am not going anywhere." She watched her son sleeping on her, she was so grateful for her kind caring son who was worried about her and cares for her especially about her past. Killian returns inside the house with sleeping Hope and sees Emma with sleeping on the couch and joins them. "How is our son?""Better now. How is our little pirate princess?" "She is sound asleep. Her bubble bath made her happy and she is enjoying sleeping with me." I am pretty sure the beach tired her out.""She looks very content with her Dada. Henry told me he was chasing are all around the beach mostly to the ocean.""What happened to Henry?""I think he felt guilty or the stress of my recovery got to him. He got upset because he did not apologize with me when he was mad at me when I lied to him about Neal..""He has been thinking about Neal?""I think the way how mad he was when he found out I lied to him about his Dad. I did not tell him the truth because I did not expect to see Neal again and we did... Henry felt guilty not apologizing to me but I think about the accident and how close we were about to die...maybe he did felt guilty of not saying sorry to me...also about the baby he lost..." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders and she leaned onto her husband. "I know he loves you so much, Emma.""He does, he got angry on how much people trying to hurt me and wants it to stop...I told him I am not going anywhere.""You are not going anywhere, swan." "I know." She kisses him on the cheek. Hope woke up seeing her Mommy, "Mommy?""Little love, we are with Mommy and Henry."Henry got very sad. He is sleeping on me, baby girl." Hope crawls onto her Mommy and pats her brother's head. "Hope, we have to be quiet, your brother is sleeping.""Killian, she can be with me and Henry."She repositions Henry and makes room for Hope. Hope falls asleep on her Mommy. "Love, you are in pain." He puts Hope on him. Hope began to cry. "Killian.." He repositions Hope to sleep in between them and she stopped crying. "Now, she is sleeping with us both.""She is happy to be with us both." "Aye, our whole family is together love.""That is what I love captain." They kiss. Emma leans on to Killian's shoulder and falls asleep. "I told you, Emma. You are an amazing mother, swan. Both of our children love you so much. We love you, Emma." He kisses Emma on her blonde head and watches his family sleep and grateful that they are all together.

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