One Year Wedding Anniversary

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On May 6, 2018, the day before Emma and Killian's wedding anniversary, Killian and Henry helped with Hope most of the day so Emma can rest since it was so hectic busy at work while being a mom to a newborn. While Emma slept in, Hope was in her parents' bed lying down while Henry was watching her and reading her a few stories from his storybook. Killian checked up on Henry and Hope. He took a picture of Henry reading to Hope by Emma who was asleep. Emma wakes up hearing Henry reading to Hope who was happily gurgling. "Hope, are you having fun with Henry baby?" She reaches her finger to Hope who grabbed it and Killian took another picture.
"Mom, Hope is enjoying her storytime." Henry bends down to Hope, "Right Hope?" Hope happily movies her arms and legs. "You are enjoying listening to me, little sis."
"Hope, you want to lie down on Mommy?" Emma lifts up Hope and put her on her chest and kisses her on the head. "You and I can both listen to Henry's story okay baby?" She gives Hope little kisses on her hands while Henry sits next to Emma on her bed. Henry gave Hope little kisses on her cheeks. "Mom, I see her smiling."
"Hope, Henry saw your first smile."
"Mom we both made her first smile."
"Out little lass has her first smile?"
"Yes, she did." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. Henry took a picture of Hope smiling. "Dad, she is smiling again." Henry took a few pics of Hope smiling and Hope with their parents. Hope began to fuss. "Baby, do you need to change?"
"I can change her love."
"Killian, I can." Emma gets up from their bed and holding Hope. "Mommy is going to change you, baby." Emma changes Hope. After Hope was clean, Emma and Hope played their kissing game. The doorbell rang. Killian answered the door, it was Belle. "Hello, Belle."
"Hi, Killian. I brought over my baby gift for Hope. It is kind of big."
"No problem, love. Henry and I can carry it up. Henry can you come down her lad." Henry came downstairs, "Hi Belle."
"Hi, Henry."
"I got something for you baby sister."
"Lad, can you help carry it up with me?"
"Sure, Dad." The boys carried the gift to Hope's room and Belle followed them. Emma and Hope were playing their kissing game when they carried in the gift. "Emma, we have a visitor." Belle enters the room.
"Hi, Belle."
"Hi, Emma. I finally brought you and Hope a present that I know you will both love."
"Aw, Belle that is so sweet of you." Emma picks up Hope from the changing table. "Hope, Belle got you a big present baby." She kisses Hope. "Let's open it. Henry, can you please open it?"
"Sure, Mom." Henry and Emma opened the present.
"Hope, look what Belle got you, your very own bookcase full of books. I can read you all different stories all the time. Belle this is very sweet of you. Where did you get these books?"
"It is no problem, Emma. I got extra books in the library and I saw the books you were looking at while you were pregnant with her. I figured you wanted to read to her all the time."
"Thank you so much, Belle. Hope say thank you to Belle." She hands Hope to Belle. Hope gurgled to Belle.
"Henry, you, your Dad and I have more books to read to Hope."
"Yes, love. Hope is going to love her books, like you and Henry."
Henry got Hope from his grandmother. "Hope, you got such a cool gift from Belle." He talks to Belle, "I read to Hope all of the time."
"I know, that is why I knew what to get Hope as a special gift for everyone to read to her. Henry your murals are beautiful."
"Thank you, Belle. I got an award at the art show." He rushes to his room to get the trophy to show Belle. "I was the first ever freshman to win this award, The Artist of the Year."
"Wow, Henry."
"It is all thanks to Hope, right son?"
"Yes, Dad. If it was not for Hope I would not get into art. I made a speech too."
"That is wonderful Henry."
Killian and Henry arranged space for Hope's new bookcase by her rocking chair. Emma holding Hope and Belle talked in the living room. "How is being a mom from the start?"
"It is going really great, except for no sleep but I love her so much."
"I know the feeling. Who is she the most attached to the most?"
"Hope loves everybody, she loves her Daddy, Henry and me. She is stubborn like me. If she wants me, it is me only. She loves being held by me and snuggles." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"How was handling work and being a new mom?"
"It was stressful, I was rushing back and forth to feed Hope, she still does not take the bottle. Yesterday, I had to bring Hope to work because I would be out all day and it was easier to have her nearby to feed her than worrying if I was going to let her starve, which happened after going to school for the fire. So I brought Hope to work with me yesterday she got to be my little partner." She bends her head to Hope. "Right baby? You got to see me catch the mean boys who hurt your big brother." Hope grabbed her mommy's finger.
"I never saw you so happy Emma."
"That is what everyone was saying to me."
"I can see why. Hope loves you so much."
"She loves her Daddy and Henry. How is Gideon?"
"He and I read all the time. He crawls all over the place. You can bring Hope to storytime in the library."
"That is a great idea, Belle."
"Have you been thinking of joining the mommy and me classes?"
"I am not into that. Even though Hope and I are royalty, I do not want to be with the royal group. I want to raise her normal as possible the way I did not have as a child. I want her to be raised as a normal family."
"I understand that. The story time at the library is on Wednesdays and Friday mornings at 10:30 am. I have feeling Hope will like it."
"I am pretty sure Hope will love it, she already loves when Henry reading to her."
"I hope little Hope loves her bookcase."
"Thank you, Belle, that was really sweet of you."
"Emma, you helped this whole town for so many years and you got my Gideon back to me as a newborn. I thought this gift was a way of showing you how much I appreciate all you did for us."
"Belle, you are really sweet."
"I have to go now back to Gideon and Rumple. Enjoy the books, Hope." She leaves.
"Hope, let's go see your bookcase." Emma brings Hope back to her room. "Look, baby, at your bookcase. Hope do you want Mommy to read you a story? Let's read this one, "The Berenstein Bears." Emma grabbed the book and sat with Hope in the rocking-chair and began to read to Hope. Killian took a picture of Emma reading to Hope. After a few books, Hope began to fuss. "Baby are you hungry? Storytime is over." She kissed Hope on the head and placed the book back on the bookshelf and got a burp towel and breastfed her. Henry came in to check up on Hope and Emma. "Mom, does Hope like the books?"
"Yes, she did, Henry. Do you want to help me give Hope her bath?"
"Sure, Mom."
"Hope's umbilical cord finally fell out and she can take a full bath."
Henry and Killian helped Emma got Hope's bath ready in the bathroom. Emma gently cleaned Hope by using a sponge and Gerber Baby products. She was smiling every time she got wet. "That is my little lass, she loves the water like me."
"Oh yes, she does." Henry brought in water toys and played with Hope by squirting water at her. "Henry, do not be too rough with her in the water."
"Mom, she is in the holder."
"Yes, be gentle with your sister." Killian took a few pictures of Henry playing with Hope and Emma washing her up.
When Hope was all clean, Emma took Hope out of the water with a towel "Hope bathtime is over, baby." Henry and Killian cleaned up the bathroom. Emma took her to her room to dry her off and lotion her body. "Hope, did you have a fun bathtime? I know you love Henry playing with you." She playfully kissed Hope after she was dressed. Henry enters the bedroom. "Mom, Dad and I are done cleaning the bathroom. Can we have a movie night in here tonight? Since I do not have school tomorrow?"
"Sure, kid." Henry made popcorn just the way Emma likes it with melted milk duds. Henry held Hope for the most of the movie, a Star Wars movie. Killian and Emma snuggled together and watched their children getting along so well. Henry was explaining to Hope who was all of the characters were and the plot of the movie. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms and Hope fell asleep in Henry's arms. Killian paused the movie, so Henry put Hope in her cradle while Killian placed Emma on her side of the bed. Henry and Killian tiptoed out of the bedroom. "Dad, what is your plan for your anniversary tomorrow?"
"Son, I am taking your mom out tomorrow night just the two of us to the Italian restaurant where we had our very first date. I got her a gift."
"Ah, what is it?"
"You will see in the morning. I am going to pick up the Mother's Day gifts tomorrow. Do you know where we can hide them until next Sunday?"
"We can hide them in my room or in the shed?"
"Aye, she would never go in the shed."
"Are you two going to do anything during the day?"
"I have a feeling we both want to spend the day with you and Hope. I already called your grandmother to babysit in the evening only."
Hope gave Emma and Killian another long night.
On May 7, 2018, Killian woke up early and used the carrier and the diaper bag to take Hope into town. "Hope, we are going to get Mommy's present. Today one year ago Mommy and Daddy got married." Killian and Hope went into the flower shop and got Emma flower bouquet of buttercups. "Your mommy loves yellow buttercups, which is your nickname to her." Hope was awake and enjoyed looking around where her Daddy was taking her into town. Killian picked up the Mother Day's gifts at the pottery store The last stop before heading home was the jewelry shop. "Hope, Daddy ordered a special gift here for Mommy." Killian got a wrapped present for Emma. Hope did not fuss at all while she was with her Daddy.
Emma was still asleep when Killian and Hope returned home. Killian woke up Henry first. "Henry, wake up."
"Hi, Dad. Did you take Hope out?"
"Yes, your sister and I had a few errands to do and she enjoyed Daddy time. She kept up your Mom all night."
"Oh, I know." Henry helped Hope out of her carrier while Killian set out the gifts for Emma."Henry, hide the Mother's Day presents."
"Sure Dad." When he returns to his room, "What are we doing today Dad?"
"If your mom wants to we can have brunch at Granny's and we can go spend some time on the Jolly Roger."
"That sounds great Dad. I know Mom will love it."
"Yes, now I have to wake up your mom."
Killian enters his room, Emma was still asleep. Killian kissed Emma, "Emma Happy one year wedding anniversary, love." Emma wakes up to Killian and kisses him on the lips. "Happy one year wedding anniversary." He hands Emma the bouquet of buttercups flowers. "Killian you got buttercups, for me? They are my favorite! Thank you." She hugs him and takes the bouquet.
" I love you so much, Emma. Henry, bring Hope in here with the other bag."
Henry carried in Hope with Killian's other gift. "Mom, this is from Dad." He hands her the jewelry bag and he sat down on their bed holding Hope.
Emma opens the jewelry box. It was an Alex and Ani bracelets of swan and pirate ships, engraved on the back, "To my love Emma, I will always love you, Killian." Emma was in tears. "Killian, you got this for me?"
"Aye, I did. I customized it for you, Emma. I love you, Emma."
"I love you too." They kiss on the lips. "I love you and our whole family." "I got you something too." She goes to her drawer and takes out a small box that was wrapped up. "Happy Anniversary."
Killian opens his gift, it was a compass engrave with a pirate ship and a beanstalk and engraved in the back, "To my husband, Killian. I love you so much. I will love you always, Emma." "Emma, I love it!" He hugs and kisses her. "This is how we began in the Enchanted Forest."
"Yes, it reminds you how much you have gone through and became my loving husband and an awesome father." Killian shows Hope and Henry the compass. "Henry and Hope this is how Daddy and Mommy met fighting for a compass." Emma laughed. "Yes, I used the compass as a weapon to get back to Henry, long ago, Hope."
"Hope, we have something for them right little sis? We will be right back."
While they were waiting for their kids, "Love, the most special part of our loving marriage is having Hope and the family we created."
"Yes, Hope and Henry are our best part of our marriage." They share a deep and emotional kiss. Henry and Hope waited until they were done kissing, "Hope, this is when not to enter their room, they get really into kissing."
Henry knocked on the door, "Kids are back." Emma and Killian giggled. Henry and Hope returned with a card painted "Happy 1st-year anniversary Mom and Dad with a hook and two wedding rings on the front. The inside of the card it says "We love you very much, Love Henry and Hope. Henry signed his name and used a painted handprint for Hope's signature. "Son, when did you make this?"
"Hope and I made it last week, right sis? Hope love finger painting." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, can I hold Hope?" Henry hands over Hope to their Mom.
"Hope, you and Henry made a card for Mommy and Daddy. Thank you so much, baby." She kisses Hope on the head. "I cannot forget Henry, Come here." Killian gets Hope from Emma. "Hope, you and Henry made a great card." Killian kisses Hope on her cheeks.
"Henry, I love the card so much! You did amazing on the painting. I like how you made Hope be apart of it. Thank you so much, Henry." Henry gives her a big hug. "Your welcome, Mom." She gives him a big kiss.
"Love, Hope and I got your gifts this morning, Hope enjoyed her trip to town with me. She loved looking all over the place and she did not cry once."
"That is because Hope was with you."
"I was thinking love since Henry is off from school we can have a family brunch at Granny's to celebrate our first wedding anniversary."
"That is a great idea." Emma fed Hope first and changed Hope into a cute outfit and wrapped her up in her pirate swaddler. "Come on, sweetie you are coming with me so I can get ready for the day." She put Hope on her bed while Emma dressed for the day. She lies down close to Hope, "Hope, today one year ago Mommy and Daddy got married and you know what baby, you were our special gift that we made a few months after we said I Do." She playfully kisses Hope. "Mommy loves you so much, Hope." Emma kisses Hope's little hands. She hears the camera and looks up, "Killian."
"How are my two loves?"
"we are almost ready and having a little fun. You want to join?"
"Aye, I would love to play with you both?" Killian joined their kissing game. Henry took a picture of Hope playing with their parents playing with her.
"Mom, Dad can I join?"
"Sure, Kid." Henry and Killian took turns kissing Hope. Emma loved watching her family playing together until Hope got fussy. "Hope, are you tired of playing? It is okay baby, we can play later." Emma sniffs her. "You need a change baby." Emma changes Hope's diaper and makes sure the diaper bag is full of Hope's needs. Henry and Hope sat in the back while Emma drove the yellow bug with Killian next to her and drove to Granny's. They sat at their usual table. "Happy anniversary, Killian and Emma."
"Thank you, Granny."
"I cannot believe your wedding was a year ago and it was a beautiful ceremony."
"Yes, it was until the Black fairy's curse."
"Dad, you have no idea how hard it was breaking that curse. My great-grandmother was a nutcase."
"Aye, Henry she was. She made sure everyone was separated and luckily Rumple defeated her."
"Yes, kid. It was a challenging curse." She bends down to Hope in her arms, "Hope, there are no more scary curses in this town anymore baby." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Do you want your usual orders?"
"Yes, can I have a chocolate milkshake with my order."
"Mom, can I have milkshake too?"
"Sure, kid."
"I will have soda with my order."
"Okay, they are coming right up."
"Love, let me hold Hope for a little while."
"Sure, Hope Daddy wants you."
"Mom, do you like the presents that Dad gave you?"
"Yes, I love the bracelets. I have to be careful wearing them especially around Hope, I have a feeling that Hope will take after me by the love of jewelry when she gets a bit bigger."
"I can imagine that."
"Emma, tonight you and I are going out tonight."
"it is a surprise, do not worry Swan your mom is coming to watch Hope and Henry is going to be there."
"Killian, what about..."
"Love, I made reservations for us by Hope's feeding time and we will make it back in time for her next feeding."
"You sure?"
"yes, love."
"Mom, I will call you if Hope gets hungry do not worry. I am going to keep her occupied by reading my book to her on your wedding, which is in the book."
"Including the final battle? Which was not our honeymoon by the way."
"Including the final battle. I know your honeymoon was way after the final battle was over." Hope was happy in her Daddy's arms. Killian gave her little kisses and she grabbed his nose. Henry took a picture of Hope and Daddy moment.
"Aww, Hope you caught your Daddy's nose."
"Little lass, you got a strong grip, like your mommy." Emma giggled. Their food arrived. "Love, eat. I can hold our little Hope until you are done." As they ate, they began to discuss on where they want to go on vacation during the summer as the first family vacation. "Mom, can we go to this really cool aquarium in Boston?"
"Sure. We can also go to New York and go to Central Park."
"Love, we can take the kids to Florida where we had our babymoon, they will both love the beach."
"Mom, can we go to Florida?"
"That sounds like a good plan." After Emma ate, it was Killian's turn to eat and hands over Hope who was sleeping with Emma. Emma whispered, "You are going to eat the milk version of my meal later baby, I hope you like chocolate." She lightly kissed Hope on the cheek. After their family brunch, they drove to the small beach, since it was a hot day for May. Henry and Killian skipped rocks. while Emma took Hope's shoes and socks off and placed Hope standing by holding her to get Hope's feet wet, while Emma was barefoot too. "Look, baby, you are getting wet in the ocean." Hope gurgled happily. "You definitely are like your Daddy who loves the ocean." Killian and Henry took pictures of Emma and Hope by the water. "Emma, Hope loves the ocean."
"I know she does. I am getting wet but I am loving it."
"Aye, my two loves, love the water."
"Dad, can we go sailing this week?"
"Sure, Henry. Let's see how the weather is, it is spring, we cannot sail during rain showers." Killian and Henry sat on each side of Emma and took turns on holding Hope and getting wet.
"Great, now we are all wet."
"that is okay love, I do have spare towels in the car. I can get your yellow bug clean."
"Thank you so much." They kiss. Hope began to fuss. "Uh oh, I think it is someone's nap time."
"Aye, let's get back home." Killian and Henry set the towels on the car seats and Emma strapped in Hope in her car seat. "Hope, we all had fun getting wet with you in the ocean."
They drove back to their house. Henry unbuckled Hope from her car seat. Hope fussed a little bit. "Hope, it is me Henry, baby sister. I am bringing you to your bedroom for your nap." Emma and Killian unloaded the car. "Our son sure loves Hope."
"Oh, yes he does. For tonight what should I wear for our wedding anniversary dinner?"
"You can wear a fancy dress."
"I will see what I find in my closet. My body is not the same before I had Hope."
"Love, you look beautiful every day." They kiss. While Hope was napping, Emma took a nap too. Henry and Killian played video games in the living room. Emma woke up from her nap before Hope did. She watched Hope sleep in her crib until she woke up. "Hope did you have a good nap? I know that you had so much fun playing in the ocean today." She changed Hope's diaper, lotioned Hope and changed Hope into her pajamas. Emma played with Hope their kissing game and read to her with one of her new books. Emma spoke to Hope, on why she loved a good book and how she is going to love reading as well. Hope loves being on Emma's chest, "Mommy loves you baby." She gives Hope gentle kisses. "Are you going to be a good girl for Henry and Grandma tonight?" Hope looks like she was about to cry. "Aww, Hope You are going to have fun with Henry, baby." Hope did not want to let go Emma. "Baby, Mommy loves you so much and I will always be there for you." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian was half dressed by the time he checked up on Hope and Emma. "Swan, did you feed her yet?"
"Not yet, she knows that I am L-E-A-V-I-N-G."
"Why are you spelling it out?
"Because I told her that I was going out and now she is not letting go of me."
"See Emma, I told you that Hope will be attached to you the most."
"Oh, she loves me so much. She does not want to let me go." Hope began to fuss. "I think Hope is hungry." Killian hands her the burp towel. Emma breastfeeds Hope.
Killian goes downstairs to Henry, "Son, when your mom and I are about to leave can you read to her in her room?"
"Sure, Dad."
"Hope knows that your mom is leaving and not letting your mom get ready."
"I will distract her, do not worry. I will read the books from Belle got her."
"that is a good idea lad, maybe our wedding story later on."
"Let's see how Hope is when she knows mom and you are out."
"Aye. I am going to see if your mom needs me to distract Hope so she can get ready."
Hope lets Killian hold her while Emma gets dressed but as long as she was nearby Emma. "Little love, I know you love your mommy so much, but can Mommy and I have a few hours to ourselves than Mommy can snuggle you all night?" Hope responded by pooping. "Hope, you did a poop explosion." Emma laughed, it is your turn to change her poop explosion."
"Aye, little Hope you are a little pirate." He gives her kisses. Emma laughs as Killian takes Hope to change. It took a while for Killian to clean Hope, her stained cover onesie, and dirty diaper. "Lass, are you doing this on purpose?" Hope just moved her arms around happily. Hope was changed into a clean diaper and new pajamas.
Snow White arrives and Henry tells her the plan when his parents go out to distract Hope. Emma checks up on Killian, "How is Hope's poop explosion?"
Killian stares at his beautiful wife, "Emma..."
"What do you think? Fancy enough?"
"Aye. Hope is all cleaned. Hope do you think Mommy looks beautiful little lass?" Hope happily gurgled and reached out her arms for her Mommy.
"I think that is a yes. Come here, baby." Killian hands over Hope to Emma so he can finish getting ready for their date. "Do you like my dress baby?" She kisses Hope on the head while she laid on Emma's chest. Emma rocked Hope to sleep. Emma gently puts Hope in her crib and took the baby monitor and tiptoed out of Hope's room and closed the door. Emma got her purse in her room and looks at Killian. "Don't you look handsome." SHe kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you, love."
"We should go now, we have dinner reservations."
Emma goes downstairs and sees her mom and Henry. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Emma. You look beautiful."
"Thank you. Thank you for watching them for the night."
"It is no problem."
"I am warning you now that Hope knows that I am leaving, the poor thing did not let me go. She is asleep for now and I fed her."
"Emma, Henry and I have everything under control here."
"Here is the baby monitor if she wakes up. Henry knows what to do to keep Hope calm."
"Yes, Mom. I am going to read her books from her bookshelf and Grandma gets Hope to do tummy time."
"She does?"
"Aye, she listens to your mom on that."
"Emma, she will be fine go out on your date."
"Thank you, Mom. Call me if anything goes wrong."
"Emma have fun tonight with Killian." Killian takes Emma to her car and he drives them to the Italian place.
"Killian, this is where we had our very first date."
"Aye, now this is our first night out as parents."
They enjoyed their dinner without getting interrupted as they were last time. They talked about what they want to do in the summer, like vacations and more dates and family day trips. After their dinner, Killian and Emma make out in the car. "Killian, we cannot have sex yet."
"Aye, we can just kiss." Emma giggles and enjoyed being with Killian. Emma got a text from Henry, "Hope is getting hungry. I am distracting her with her books as best as I can."
"Killian, we better head back now. Hope."
"Aye." They fixed the car seats sitting up and Killian drove them home. The returned home, no one was in the living room. They found Henry holding Hope reading their wedding story in Hope's room while Snow White watched them.
Emma whispered, "Mom, how was Hope?"
"She got upset when you were not here but Henry calmed her down and we did a little tummy time and I changed her. Henry read her a few stories."
"How was your night out?"
"It was a nice Italian dinner with no interruptions and little pancakes."
"Pancakes? You mean"
"Aye, we did." Emma nudged him.
"Not all the way, just kissing." They giggled. Henry stopped his story, "Hope look who is here, Mommy is home." Henry hands Hope to their mom.
"Hope, mommy missed you so much, baby." She kisses Hope. "Henry how was Hope tonight?"
"She got upset once she knew I was home she had fun with Grandma and me."
"Kid, you sound like you did great with her."
"It was fun. I am just happy that Grandma and I gave you a break of baby duty for a few hours."
"I missed you both so much."
"Mom, Grandma and I can watch Hope anytime you both need a break."
"Thanks, Henry." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, I know you are hungry." Henry gave Emma a burp towel while she prepped to feed Hope. Henry goes to bed. Hope latches on quickly.
Killian and Snow White talk downstairs. "Snow thank you for watching them tonight."
"It is no problem Killian I enjoyed watching my grandchildren. We had fun when Hope was asleep Henry taught me how to play video games."
"Aye, he did?"
"Yes, I promised him that I will teach him on how to use a real bow and arrow. When Hope woke up, we took turns calming her down. Henry and I both did tummy time with her and Henry played with her on the play mat and read to her. He really loves Hope."
"Aye, Hope loves Henry."
"I will let you and Emma know when the school is going to re-open."
Aye, how long did Regina say until repairs are finished?"
"A few days or a week, hopefully. If it is longer we might combine the high school students in the elementary school and the middle school, if it takes longer. Please tell Emma that I said goodnight."
"Aye, I will. Thank you for watching them."
"Your welcome, Henry told me what you the four of you did during the day. Was it fun?"
"Aye, it was, spending family time just us four. Hope love the ocean."
"Aw, she does take after you."
"Aye, she does. Good night, Killian."
"Good night Snow."
Killian goes upstairs, Emma was in bed already with Hope sleeping in her cradle. "Hey."
"Hi, love." They cuddled. "Did you enjoy our first wedding anniversary?"
"I loved every minute of it. You?"
"Aye, I love being with you and our kids."
"Happy anniversary, Killian."
"Happy anniversary, Emma." They kiss and Emma fell asleep in Killian arms as long as she can before Hope wakes them up again.

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