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A few hours had passed, around midnight all of the Swan-Jones family were sleeping. Henry was sleeping on a chair, Hope was sleeping on her Mommy with Killian arms around them. Emma wakes up from a phone call. "Hello?"
"Dad? What is wrong?"
"Your Mom is in the Intensive Care Unit. I found her on the kitchen floor at home knocked out. She is unconscious."
"Dad, I am coming right now."
"My mom is in the Intensive Care Unit unconscious."
"Emma, do you want me to come with you?"
"Can you watch Hope and Henry? I..I do not know where Leo is...."
"Yes, I can watch them. They are going to be with me."
Emma kisses Hope on the head and hands her to Killian. Emma leaves the room. Killian knows that Emma needs him, he wakes up Henry. "Henry."
"Yes, Dad?"
"Can you watch Hope?"
"Yes, I can. What is going on?"
"Your Mom got a call from your grandpa that he found your grandma unconscious. She is in the Intensive Care Unit."
"Did Leo hurt Grandma?"
"I do not know, lad. Your Mom is going there right now. I know your Mom needs me."
"I can watch Hope. We have the nurses and Aunt Allison nearby if anything goes wrong with Hope. Hope is going to be with me."
"I will update you later, son ." Henry takes Hope from their Dad.
"Hope, you are with me little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and let her sleep on him. Killian finds Allison in her office. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Allison. Emma got a phone call that her mom was found unconscious at home and now in the hospital. I have to be with Emma with her Mom. I also have a feeling that Emma and I are going to be needed in investigating what happened."
"I can keep an eye on Hope and Henry."
"Thank you, Allison. Henry is watching Hope."
"I know. I will be here if he needs me. I will check on them."
"Thank you." Killian heads to the Intensive Care Unit.
Emma rushes to Intensive Care Unit sees her Mom in bed unconscious and Dad next to her bedside. "Dad!"
"Emma." He hugs his daughter.
"What happened to Mom?"
"I came home and found her on the kitchen floor with her head bleeding. "
"Where is Leo?"
"With Lily and Regina, they are keeping a close eye on him. Dr. Whale came in, he said whatever knocked her out was hard."
Emma sits next to her Mom's hospital bed and began to cry. "Mom, if Leo did hurt you, I told you that...Why you did not listen to us...Why?" She felt Killian's hook on her shoulder, she held onto it tight.
"I am here, love."
"My mom..." She cries into him. Killian gives her a big hug
"She is a fighter like you love. She is going to be alright. I am with you and your Dad is with us."
"Please stay."
"I am not going nowhere." He kisses the top of Emma's head.
Charming gets a phone call. "Regina?"
"Hi, Charming. Lily is investigating how Snow got hurt. I am trying to get Leo to talk to me. Lily needs you or Emma to come to your house."
"Emma has Hope in the NICU and I am with Snow's beside."
Emma gets up. "Dad, what is going on?"
"Lily needs you or my help to investigate how Mom got hurt?"
"Dad, you can be with Mom. I can investigate."
"Emma, are you sure?"
"My mom is my still my Mom even though we do not agree on everything and are fighting.. I want to investigate."
"Love, I can help you investigate."
"Killian, I want you to be with Henry and Hope. I can investigate on my own."
"Love, you have me, I can help you search. I am your deputy and your husband."
Emma hugs Killian. "Thank you."
"I know you need me, love, I can see it on your eyes."
"I need you." She hugs him. "What about Hope and Henry?"
"Allison is nearby and there are nurses just in case anything happens while are out investigating. Henry can watch Hope."
"You are right, let's get started. Dad..."
"Emma, I will call you if any updates." Emma drove Killian to her parents' farm.
"Love, if you need to talk."
"I am fine."
Killian holds his wife's hand. "You are not fine, Emma. I know you, love. I can see the frustration in your eyes."
" I just want to figure out what happened to my Mom. Even though I am mad at her, I want to know who had done this to her."
"I am on your side, Emma."
"You are the only one making me calm out of this situation with Hope in the hospital and having surgeries to my mom and I are fighting about Leo and her denial it is a lot to take in..."
Killian wrapped his arms around his love. "I am on your side, Emma. I am always with you and we are in this together as parents." She hugs her husband and always feeling safe and everything is going to be okay when she is with him.
"I cannot imagine doing any of this without you."
"You are my love and I will always be on your side." They kiss.
Killian and Emma arrived at her parents' house. Lily was already there. "Hi, Emma and Killian."
"Did you find anything?"
"I found the blood on the floor in the kitchen."
"I will search more." Emma enters her parents' house feeling weird because her parents aren't there. She went into her parent's kitchen and investigated the crime scene. Killian and Lily talked. "Killian, how is Hope?"
"In recovery in the NICU from her emergency surgery, we almost lost our little love."
"She is with you, Killian."
"Aye, I know. She takes after her Mommy and I, as fighters and survivor. Now Emma's Mom is unconscious in the hospital."
"Did Emma and Snow White have another fight?"
"Aye, to the point that Emma does not want Hope to be around her Mom and Leo."
"Who is with Hope?"
"Henry and Allison, Emma's best friend and Hope's godmother and pediatrician. Where is Leo?"
"With Regina at the sheriff station."
"Was Leo home when the incident happened?"
"Yes, he was home. Do you think Leo would have hurt his Mom?"
"I do not know but judging that he told us a few hours ago that he did not care about Hope getting hurt...anything can happen."
"Killian, Lily, I found something." They found Emma in the kitchen. "I found this." She had gloves on holding a firetruck. "This can be the weapon to use on my Mom. Now, we have to figure out who had done it."
"Leo was home."
"Where is Leo, Lily?"
"He is with Regina at the sheriff station."
"I got to talk to my brother. Killian, call Allison to check on Hope." Emma, Lily, and Killian rush to the station.
Back in the NICU, Allison finds Henry with crying Hope. "Hope, are you okay?" She takes Hope from Henry. "I changed her diaper and she hates the IV needle in her arm."
"I know, it is very painful but she needs it." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are okay, sweetie. Auntie Allison is here." She sits on the rocking chair and got Hope calmed down and snuggling on her.
"Where are our Mom and Dad?"
"Your Dad called me, they had to investigate on who made your Grandma unconscious."
"Did Leo have anything to hurt my Grandma?"
"Possibly, I am not sure, Henry." Allison gets a phone call from Killian. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi,Allison. How is Hope?"
"Hope is sleeping on me and Henry and I are talking. How is the case?"
"We may have a suspect. How long can you stay with Hope and Henry?"
"Killian, I can watch them as long you need me too. How is Emma?"
"She just wants to figure out who hurt her mother and be back to Hope."
"Please tell Emma that Hope is alright."
"Aye, I will. We will see you and the kids soon. Thank you for watching them."
"You are welcome." They ended their phone conversation.
"What did my Dad say?"
"They have a lead and your Mom is focusing on whoever hurt your grandmother and get back to Hope."
"It is a good thing Dad is with her, he is one of the people that can calm my Mom down beside me."
"Your Mom will be not as stressed after the case."
Emma, Lily and Killian entered the station. "Love, the kids are alright. Allison is with them."
"Good. I am less worried that Allison is with them. " Emma finds Regina. "Regina. How is Leo?"
"I cannot get him to talk."
"I will talk to him. He will talk to me. " Emma finds her little brother at their Dad's desk. "Hi, Leo."
"Hi, Emma."
"Leo, do you know how Mom got hurt?"
"I threw my toy truck to her head."
"I was mad. She was telling me not to play."
"You hurt our Mom?"
"I saw yesterday evening a few hours ago, you did not care when Hope got hurt."
"I love Mommy, I didn't mean to hurt her."
"You hurt many of your classmates and your niece."
"I do not care about them. I love Mommy."
"Why did you like hurt your classmates?"
"It was fun hurting them. I did not mean to hurt Mommy."
"You only feel bad hurting our Mom?"
"You have to feel bad when you hurt Hope and your classmates."
"It was fun hurting them. They are so easy to hurt it was funny."
"It is never fun hurting other people. In order, to have friends and family you cannot hurt anyone. If you do hurt people you will have no friends." Leo shrugged his shoulders. "Leo our Mom is going to be alright."
"Is Mommy going to be mad at me?"
"Most likely. Can you tell me why you hurt Hope?"
"I do not like Hope."
"Why? She is your niece, my daughter."
"She gets all of the attention and I do not like her."
"You do not hate your family, Leo, ever." Emma goes back to Lily, Regina, and Killian.
"Emma, what did he say love?"
"He only feels bad hurting our Mom."
"Emma, coming from my experience the darkness affect people but when it is someone they love, that is another feeling."
"He said he has fun hurting Hope and his other classmates."
"Emma, he will learn, from my experience with darkness as a child."
"Killian, we have to go back. Lily, can you watch Leo?"
"Yes, I can."
Emma talks to her brother. "Leo, are you ever going to hurt Mom ever again?"
"I do not think so."
"Leo, if you hurt our Mom again, you will be in big trouble. Are you going to hurt others like Hope and classmates?"
Emma sighs. "If you hurt my daughter, you aren't allowed in my house."
"It is fun hurting her."
"You do not hurt Hope."
"I do not like her. I like hurting Hope."
"She is your family, you do not hurt other family members." Emma gets mad. Killian holds on to his wife.
"Love, he will learn. Let's go back to the hospital."
Emma drove them to the hospital. "Before we go in, swan talk to me."
"Leo likes hurting our daughter, which makes me so mad. I do not know what to expect from my mom. Will she be in denial?"
"We will have to see. From what I saw today, Leo has darkness in but he loves your Mom, maybe that is why she doesn't see it."
"Yes, well she is in the hospital because of him."
"I know, love. She is going to be alright." They held hands and went back to the Intensive Care Unit. Charming was sitting on Snow White's bedside. "Dad."
"Hi, Emma. Did you found out what happened?"
"Yes, Leo told me that he threw a firetruck to Mom's head when she told him to stop playing and to clean up his toys. He really feels bad out of all the bad things he has done, he only feels bad about hurting Mom not Hope or his classmates."
"He will learn but we have to ask Regina and Lily how to teach him to control his darkness"
"Yes, he will learn Dad." Emma goes to her Mom's hospital bed and uses her magic to fix her Mom's cut.
"Swan, you cannot fix Hope's internal bleeding?"
"I only can fix my Mom's cut, not on the inside damage. For Hope's internal bleeding that is for the operating room. I am not making mistake on Hope, no way. Light magic works differently in serious injuries. I want Hope to heal normal way, she is going to be strong and a fighter. "
"Aye, she is going to be a strong brave lass just like her mother."
"She is a survivor like her Daddy."
"That is right, love." They cuddled together as they waited for a few hours until Snow White to wake up. Emma knows her husband is at her side.
"Magic works differently and my mom is unconscious."
"Your Mom is going to be okay love." Killian kisses Emma on the head.
Snow White wakes up from her concussion."Emma?"
"Mom." Emma hugs her Mom while crying. Charming hugs his wife next. He holds his wife's hand.
"My head hurts."
"Yes, you had a concussion."
"Yes...I remember, I told Leo to clean up his toys and he got mad and threw his fire truck at me."
"I used my magic to help your cut. Your head inside needs to heal."
"I saw the darkness in him, Emma. You are right, I did not see it in him."
"Leo told me that he feels really bad that he hurt you. Hope and his other victims he had fun hurting them."
"I am so sorry Emma, I did not realize his darkness until he hurt me. I did not want to believe it."
"I know."
"I really am sorry, Emma. I mean Hope almost died yesterday and I brushed it off like it was nothing...I did not want to believe Leo has darkness and he had caused all of the pain of Hope has been in and I am so sorry and all of you said about me was true."
Emma hugs her Mom. "I love you, even though we have been fighting."
"You were fighting for Hope and I was fighting for your brother even though I was wrong and you were right...I know I lost your trust...I do not blame you."
"You really hurt me, Mom, you were in denial all of all people you were in denial and I hate denial..." Emma was tearing up. "All of the foster families and social workers were in denial when I needed someone to help me when I needed to be taken out of an abusive family or social workers did not believe it...I always thought that my mom would believe me...when you did not believe me about Leo being dark and in denial of Hope's injuries I was really really hurt and felt like when I was a child when no one believed mom of all people. Now Hope almost died yesterday..."Emma cried harder. Snow White hugs her daughter and Emma pulls away. Killian held her in his arms.
"Emma, I did saw it, I just did not want to believe it..."
"You just denied...denied and denied again what I said to you was the truth...which is why I hate denial that is part of my abandonment and not trusting people came from..." Killian hugs his wife tighter.
"Emma, I know now Leo has darkness in him now after getting hurt myself by him."
"I did not get hurt from him but my daughter got hurt more than once from him and his classmates got him from did not see that."
"Emma, I see it now."
"Now? You choose now to realize it, you could have seen it earlier to prevent Leo hurting his classmates and your granddaughter but you chose not to until you got hurt yourself."
"Emma, listen to me. I know you do not trust me. I lost your trust. I want to make it up to you..."
"You are right, I do not trust you."
"I know, I know that you can never forgive me that Leo caused these serious injuries to Hope."
"Yes, she almost died yesterday because of her injury from Leo. Do you even care about Hope? Or only about Leo?"
"Emma, I love my granddaughter."
"If you really love Hope, you would have cared when she got injured and her almost dying yesterday not brush it off and be in denial. Why you did not admit that Leo has darkness yesterday?"
"I did not want to believe that he caused Hope to almost die yesterday."
"Leo did, Mom. Hope is in more painful and longer recovery because of him."
" I know now, Emma. I really am sorry Emma for letting Leo's darkness get out of control and I did nothing to stop it and was in denial and got Hope and many other children in injuries. All I am asking is that we can talk and start from there. Please forgive me, please,I know now what I did was awful especially to my granddaughter. Emma, please forgive me."
Emma sighs. "I do forgive you ...but you got my Hope seriously hurt and caused her almost to die on the hospital table. I do not trust you, you did not listen to me, weren't there when I needed you and you were in denial which I absolutely hate."
"I understand, Emma. I will work really hard to regain your trust."
"It will take a lot of time..."
"I am patient, I want to be back in my daughter's life again."
Emma smiles. "When you are better, you can visit Hope in NICU as long we do not fight."
"No more fighting."
"Leo is not allowed at my house, are you okay with that?"
"How can I trust you if you let my brother hurt Hope?"
"Emma, when Leo gets his darkness...under control..."
"He is not allowed to be with Hope alone, ever. He loves hurting her. He told me himself." Killian held his wife's hand.
"What I think your Mom is trying to say Emma is that Leo needs darkness lesson from Lily and Regina. He will not be alone with Hope. Your Mom and I can visit you and not bring Leo."
"Good, he needs to get the help he needs. I just need to know from Mom is that, if she is not in denial anymore?"
"Emma...I know he has darkness in him but...I cannot believe it."
"Mom, you cannot gain my trust if we are not on the same page."
Emma gets a phone call. "Henry?" She hears Hope crying in the background.
"Hi, Mom. Hope needs to be fed and she is not taking the bottle."
"Henry, I will be right upstairs. I am in the Intensive Care Unit." She ends her phone call. "Mom, I have to go to feed Hope."
"Emma, I need to... realize that Leo is not perfect."
"The sooner you realize Leo has darkness let me know. For now,I got to take care of my daughter from what your son did to her." Emma and Killian rush upstairs to NICU. Killian hugs his wife and she hugs him back. She kisses him on the cheek. "Emma, how are you feeling?"
"Not as relieved but my Mom is finally realizing that Leo has darkness and she needs to accept it...I do not trust that bad? I still feel the pain of denial and Hope in a lot of pain.."
"No, love not at all. If she stopped Leo or was not in denial of Leo's darkness, Hope would not have got injured and be in more recovery from a surgery which she almost died in, I do not blame you, love, for not trusting your mother."
"I do not trust my mom, I have you on my side, which all I care about."
"That is right, love." They kiss. "I am always on your side." They walk to the NICU. They entered the room, seeing Hope crying while being held by Allison. "Hope, Mommy is back." Emma gets her daughter from Allison.
"Hope, Mommy is back from being sheriff. Did you have fun with Henry and Auntie Allison?" She sits on the rocking chair and preps to feed Hope. "Here you go sweetie, Mommy's milk." Hope latched on and Emma kisses her daughter on the head. Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mommy is here, Mommy is not going anywhere, Hope." She rub Hope's hand.
Henry sat down next to his Mom and sister. "Mom, what happened? Aunt Allison told me and Hope that you and Dad had to work?"
"Yes, your grandpa told me that he found your grandma on their kitchen floor unconscious. Your Dad and I investigated with the help from your other Mom and Lily. Leo told me he thrown a firetruck to my Mom's head when he got mad about cleaning up his toys, he only felt bad about hurting our Mom but not about hurting Hope and his classmates which he thought for fun."
"It is like when my grandpa, Rumplestiltskin always felt bad when he has done bad things to Belle."
"Exactly. Your grandma woke up. Since she got hurt she finally realized Leo has the darkness in him. We kind of had an argument but I let her forgive me."
"What about Hope?"
"I forgave my mom but I do not trust her because of what Leo did to Hope."
"How about Leo?"
"He is not welcomed in our house until he does not hurt others, he likes hurting Hope. Hope is not going to get hurt from him."
"I trust you, Mom. You are our Mom and supported Hope when she was being hurt by Leo."
"I am always going to be here for my children."
"Hope, we have the best Mommy right little sis?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Mom, Hope knows you are the best."
Emma smiles. "I will always do my best for you and Hope." She kisses Henry and Hope on their heads. After Hope was nursed, she fell asleep on her Mommy. Henry went to sleep on the chair. Killian put a blanket on Henry.
Killian sits next to his two loves and wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. "How is our little pirate princess?"
"Full of my milk and sleeping on me happily."
"Love, you need to get rest yourself. You had a long night of being sheriff."
"I got the one who hurt my Mom. Even though I do not trust her, she is still my mom." She looks down at Hope. "I am with Hope now which all the matters." She kisses Hope on the head.
"We are with our little love. Hope is proud of her sheriff Mommy." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma smiles. "I love you, Killian."
"I love you, Emma." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms with their daughter sleeping on her not letting her go. Killian watched his two loves and son sleeping as the sun was rising, he is with his family and they are all together which is most important of all.
After a few hours of sleep, Emma woke up seeing Henry playing with Hope on his lap."Hope, tickle...tickle..." Hope laughed. Emma smiled seeing her two children playing together. "Hope, do you want your small Pluto?" He shows her the small Pluto and she grabs it and put it in her mouth. "Henwy."
"Yes, I know Hope, I am the best big brother ever." Hope leans onto her brother. "I love your hugs little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Morning, Henry and Hope."
"Morning, Mom. Hope, Mommy is awake."
"How is Hope this morning?"
"She is off the blood transfusion IV for now and she is very happy with her Pluto doll. She gives the best hugs."
"I know, Hope love to giving us the best hugs." She talks to Hope. "Right, Hope? You love giving Mommy, Henry and Daddy hugs?" Hope gives her Mommy a smile holding her Pluto doll. Emma gives Hope a kiss on her cheek. Killian returns to the NICU seeing his family awake with breakfast. "Morning, love."
"Morning, honey." They kiss.
"I brought you and Henry breakfast."
"Thank you. How much sleep did you get?"
"Enough, but I know you needed more sleep than I." Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, do you want Daddy?" Killian takes Hope from Henry. "Little love, are you loving your little doggy Pluto?" Hope smiled. "Aye, little pirate. Pluto makes you happy, which makes me happy seeing you happy." He sits on the rocking chair holding Hope as Emma and Henry ate their breakfast and talked. Hope grabbed her Daddy's hook. "Hope, you are definitely a little pirate princess." Hope babbled. "Yes, when you are out of the hospital we can go on the Jolly Roger. We can play Jolly Roger at home on your toy Jolly Roger. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. "Aye, Daddy and Henry will build your pirate ship at home. So when you return home, we can play pirates." Hope began to cry. "Are you in pain little lass?" Hope makes a lot of poop. "Aye, you need a diaper change." Killian changes Hope's diaper. "You are one stinky pirate." Hope babbled. Emma stands nearby her daughter and husband. "Hope, are you giving your Daddy trouble?" She gently tickles her daughter. "Our little love, trouble? No." Hope makes more poop. "Perfect." Emma giggles and hands him another clean diaper. "You love grossing out Daddy little love." He changes Hope into another clean diaper. Hope snuggled on her Daddy. "She is loving her time with you, Killian."
"Hope needs one on one with her Daddy. Do you want to go home and get more rest? Hope is going to be alright with me love."
"I do need a shower."
"Love, Hope is with me."
"Call me if anything happens."
"I will love."
"Henry, I am going home for a little bit. Do you want to come?"
"Sure." Henry and Emma left.
"Hope, it is just you and me little love."
"Aye, your one on one Dada time." He kisses Hope on the head and enjoyed his one on one time with his little pirate who was snuggling on him.
Emma drove Henry back home. "Home."
"Yes, we are home Mom."
"It feels so long I have been here. Our family is not all together."
"Mom, Hope is getting better. We are going to be home together soon."
"You are right, Henry." Emma went to take a long shower which she hasn't done in days. Henry took a nap in his bed which he enjoyed because sleeping on a chair can be uncomfortable but he will be there for Hope when she needs him at the hospital. After Emma's long needed shower and changed into something comfy. She kept her phone nearby just in case Killian called and she was needed to go back to Hope. Emma lied onto her bed and fell asleep. Henry checked on his Mom, he joined her in the bed and slept next to her. Emma woke up feeling Henry was in her arms and smiled. She loved one on one time with her son. They took a nap together and enjoying the quiet not hearing machines noises from other sick babies.
Killian was holding Hope when Allison entered the room. "Hi, Killian."
"Hello, Allison."
"How is my little goddaughter?"
"She is happy not to have the IV needle in her arm."
"Let me check her chest." She opens Hope's hospital gown. "Hope, I am just looking at your chest sweetie." She examines Hope's chest. "No new bruises which is a good sign. You, my little Hope might be able to go home sooner." She closes Hope's gown.
"That is great. How many days?"
"A few more days in here but she is getting better. Where are Emma and Henry?"
"I told Emma to get some rest at home. With Hope and her Mom in the hospital and Leo..."
"She has been stressed out more."
"Aye, exactly. It is my job to make her less stressed and always on her side. She never had anyone on her side until she met me. Hope and I are having Daddy-daughter time." Hope babbled.
"I know Emma has been more stressed, I saw it yesterday with her brother and Mom. How is her Mom?"
"Leo did cause their Mom to have her concussion. He admitted to Emma that he did hurt their Mom and he was sorry for hurting her. He has fun hurting Hope and his classmates."
"I do not know magic but that sounds like darkness to me."
"Aye, that is right." Hope fussed. "Little love, do you want Auntie Allison?" Allison takes Hope from Killian. "Hi, Hope. Is that Pluto your holding?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love your Pluto." She kisses Hope on the head.
"After we returned yesterday, Emma used her magic to heal her Mom's head wound, inside took a whole to heal."
"Why Emma did not use her light magic to heal Hope?"
"Light magic works different,she does not want to make a mistake on Hope. Also, she wants us to raise Hope normal life without magic. She grew up in a world without magic and wants to raise Hope in a normal lifestyle and raise her to be a strong little lass."
"You both are raising Hope in a normal lifestyle. When Hope is done with her recovery, Hope is going to be strong and brave though anything like you and Emma." Hope moved around. " What did Snow White say when she woke up?"
"From being hurt by Leo she finally can see the darkness in him. Emma was relieved that her Mom woke up but she is still is mad at her Mom for not trusting her and being in denial for so long about everything. Her mom begged for her to forgive her."
"Did Emma forgive her?"
"Aye, kind of, she will accept her apology once her Mom wakes up. She does not trust her Mom. I can see it in Emma's eyes, the pain and all of walls building up of her not trusting her Mom. She told her that Leo is not allowed in our house." Hope babbled. "Aye, little love. He is not allowed in our house because we love you so much and want to keep you safe and not get hurt by him ever again." He kisses Hope on the head.
"That is right Dada."
Allison smiles. "Killian, Emma is lucky to have you on her side."
"Aye, I was the first to be on her side and gave up my ship to get back to her before we began dating and showed her that I put her first before anyone else. I was the first person in her life that did that, putting her first. Then we began dating." Hope babbled. "Yes, little love, Mommy and Daddy dated and I got the Jolly Roger back."
"I know Emma has trust issues. How long do you think Emma will not trust her Mom?"
"I do not know, Allison. No matter what, I am on her side and she focuses on Hope's recovery and for Hope not to get hurt from Leo. I know she does not trust Leo."
"From yesterday, I can definitely see that, Emma not wanting Leo around Hope. I saw Henry protecting Hope." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You have the best big brother ever who is protecting you from getting hurt and loves you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabbed Allison's hair.
"Little love, let go of your Auntie Allison's hair?"
"Hope, you have a strong grip. Killian's it's alright."
"Dada." Allison smiles and hands over Hope to her Daddy.
"She loves saying your name."
"Aye, she loves saying all of our names." Hope fell asleep in her daddy's arms. "I have a feeling when Hope can go home, my two loves and Henry will be going over to your house."
"Yes, for girl time. Lizzie has been asking about Hope. I told her when Hope gets better Hope can visit our house."
"Aye, Hope loves Lizzie. She is terrified of Rowand but loves Lizzie."
"I know our two girls will play with each other a lot."
"Aye, I can imagine them playing tea parties, dress up and toys."
Allison chuckles. "That will happen a lot. Killian, I have to go back to work. Call me if anything happens."
"Aye, I will. Thank you for checking up on Hope."
"You are very welcome." Allison leaves the NICU and continued her rounds.
Emma woke up seeing Henry sleeping. She packs more clothes and snacks and more diapers for Hope. Emma gets a phone call. "Hello."
"Hi, Emma. It is Regina. How is Henry?"
"Henry is taking a nap. We are at home, Killian is with Hope in the NICU. What is going on?"
"How is your Mom?"
"She is awake. Once she got hurt she realized finally that Leo has darkness."
"You mean she finally accepted it?"
"Yes but not fully accepted yet."
"It will take time, Emma. Lily is still watching Leo. Your dad called me to ask Lily to bring Leo to visit Snow."
"Just tell Lily to watch Leo and make sure he does not wanders off and ends up hurting Hope. Hope is in recovery still and I do not want Leo around Hope."
"I completely understand." They ended the conversation.
Henry wakes up. "Mom, who was that?"
"Your other Mom. Get packed, we are going back to Hope and your Dad." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I know you are very stressed out about Hope, grandma, and Leo. I want to tell you that you are doing great as our Mom."
"I love you, Henry."
"I love you so much, Mom.
"I love you and Hope so much, Henry. You two are my world and I will always fight for the both of you." Emma drives Henry back to Storybrooke Hospital.
"When we can bring Hope home can we go on the Jolly Roger?"
"I am pretty sure that we can make that happen. We do have pirates in our family."
"Yes, knowing Hope she will want to go on Dad's ship. Can we go on Dad's ship for Hope to get fresh air once she is released?"
"Henry, Hope will love it and knowing your Dad he needs to be by the ocean more." They return to the NICU, hearing Hope crying. Killian was trying to sooth Hope. Killian sees Emma. "Emma, Hope just got another IV."
"Killian, give me our daughter." Killian kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Emma. "Hope, Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. "I know you are in a lot of pain sweetie. The IV you are getting is Mommy's blood, so you have part of Mommy's blood more to help you stay healthy." Hope stopped crying. "Mommy is back and Henry is back. We are all together. You and I will snuggle now." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Yes, Hope you are with Mommy." They did nose to nose and Emma and Hope both smile. Emma sat on the rocking chair enjoying snuggle time with her daughter. Henry hands his Mom Hope's quilt. "Hope, Henry bought your quilt, sweetie."Emma wrapped Hope quilt on her daughter.
"She looks so happy to be with you Mom, as soon as you are holding her everything is alright."
"That is part of being a Mom always there for your children to let them know that they are safe in your arms...Henry."
Henry hugged his Mom."Mom. I love you so much. You make me feel safe all of the time. Hope is lucky to have you now and she needs you especially now when she is in pain." He reaches to his sister. "Hope, are you happy to be with our Mommy?" Hope babbled. "That is right, little sis. We have the best Mommy ever." He let Hope hold his finger. Snow White enters the room, "Hi, Emma. Hi Hope and Henry."
"Hope do you want to say hi to Grandma." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Hope, you are snuggling with Mommy sweetie." She talks to her Mommy. "Sorry, Mom. Hope does not like the needle in her arm."
"That is alright. I just want to see Hope." She held Hope's hand. Hope began to cry.
Henry approaches his sister and Mom. "Mom, I can hold her." He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, you are with Henry little sis. You are safe." He kisses Hope on the head and takes Hope away from his Mom and his grandma.
"Little love, what is the matter?"
" Dad, I think she does not want to see Grandma."
"Aye, that what I am thinking, too. You are with Henry and Daddy little love."
"Mommy." Hope cried. Killian played with Hope with her Pluto dolls to calm her down as Emma and Snow White were talking.
"Mom, how are you feeling?"
"I am getting better. I got the permission to move around from Dr.Whale. About earlier, I have to get used to Leo having darkness. I did not expect my second chance as being a mom raising a child..."
"Hard, challenging?"
"Emma, not hard but with behavioral issues."
"Even though you did not raise me, I was a good child in that horrible foster system. I knew you couldn't raise me but now you are raising Leo who is not a good person."
"Emma, he is a...."
"I am not having this conversation. Look at Hope Mom, she is in the NICU for a second time from his damage that he caused on her. If you do not see can I trust you."
Hope cried, "Mommy."
"Hope needs me." Snow White leaves the room. Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, Mommy is here...Mommy got you." She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. "Mommy is here."
"Yes, Hopey, Mommy. You and I can snuggle together." Hope snuggled on her Mom.
"Mom, I knew Hope did not want to be with Grandma. Dad and I tried to calm her down she just wanted you."
"I know you both tried your best. She loves her daddy and her big brother."
"Mom, we know Hope loves us she just wants to be with you and tell you that you are a great Mom."
"Love, Hope knows that you and her both don't trust your Mom."
"Hope knows you both know, Allison and my Dad know that I lost my trust with my Mom." Hope babbled. "That is right Hope, Leo hurt you and your Grandma defended him so many times that she did not want to believe that he hurt you which he did. It will take Mommy a long time to gain Grandma's trust."
Emma smiled. "I know you trust me, sweetie."
"Hope, you are right little sis. You and I have the best Mommy ever and we can go to for anything and she will always help us."
"Henry is right Hope. You and Henry can always come to Mommy and Daddy for anything and we won't be in any denial when you need us."
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Your Mommy is right little love. You and Henry can come to us for help and we are honest with you always."
"That is our job, Killian."
"Aye, it is as parents." Emma and Killian kiss.
"Yes, son?"
"I told mom my idea already. When Hope gets the okay to go home, can we go to our second home first?"
"You mean our ship?"
"Yes. I know that will make Hope happy."
"Lad, you both are pirates. I know Hope will be moving around on our ship. Hope, do you want to go on the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbled."Aye, that is a yes from our littlest pirate." Emma, Killian, and Henry all smile at Hope. Killian gets a phone call. "Hello?"
"Killian, it is Lily. Leo is causing havoc in Snow White's room. I need help to calm him down."
"Aye, I will come right now." They end their conversation.
"Leo is causing trouble in your Mom's room. Love, stay here with Hope."
"No, I am going with you. He is my brother and I can use my light magic if needed."
"Mom, I can watch Hope."
"Hope, Mommy has to be sheriff for a little while and I will be right back." She kisses Hope on the head.
Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hopey, you and I are going to snuggle when I am not being sheriff."
"Yes, baby girl. Be a good girl for Henry."
"Henwy." Emma smiles and leaves with Killian. Henry holds Hope.
"Hope, you want a story?" Hope babbled. Henry gets his storybook and sits with Hope on the rocking chair. "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest..."
Emma and Killian rush back to her Mom's hospital room, seeing the room destroyed and Leo screaming his head off to their parents and Lily watching.
To Be Continued.


Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now