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It was a Friday morning, Killian taking Hope to preschool letting Emma sleep after a long night with Leia. Hope has been sad lately and quiet at home, Emma and Killian have been barely getting sleep busy tending to Leia. He was driving the yellow bug into town. "Little love, you are going to see Melody today?"
"Yes."He knew Hope was sad. He held Hope's hand as they were walking in the school. "Dada?"
"Yes, Hope?"
"Do you still luv me?"
Killian kneels down to faces his daughter. "Yes, I love you, Hope. You are my first pirate princess. You made me a daddy." He smiles at his daughter.Hope smiles. "I know that Mommy and I have been very busy with Leia. We still love you so much. That has not changed."
"Not same."
"I know but you can hug Mommy or Daddy whenever you want. We still have our daddy and Hope time. You can talk to Mommy and Daddy, little love." She hugs her Daddy. "I love you so much, Hope." He kisses her on the head and carried her into the school. He enters the classroom, seeing children playing with toys.
Ashley goes to them. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Ashley."
"Hi, Hope. We are going to have fun today." She takes the backpack from Killian.
Hope hugs his neck. "Dada stay."
"Daddy has to go, little love."
Hope began crying. "Dada stay, Dada."
"Hope." He hugs his daughter. "After school, we are going to Jolly Roger."
"Noo. Stay!!"
Ashley noticed Hope has not been herself. "Killian, you can stay for a little while.."
"Aye, I appreciate that, Ashley." He looks at Hope. "Little love, can you show me where you like to play?"
Hope stops crying. "Blocks area." He sets Hope down and she leads him to the toy area. "Dis way, Dada."
"What do you want to build?"
"We can build a garden with flowers." He and Hope build a garden out of blocks. He smiles as his daughter was chatting away to him, happy to have one on one time with him in her classroom. "Want flowers at home.
"We have buttercups."
"We need more buttercups,dada."
"Aye, we do need more flowers."
Killian chuckles. "We need more buttercups, little pirate." He tickles his daughter making her laugh. Ashley smiles at Killian; he is a caring Daddy to his daughter. Killian and Hope take a selfie on his iPhone. They continue to play until Melody arrives. "Hi, Hope!"
"Hi, Mel-Mel."
"Hi, Killy."
"Hi, little Melody. Do you want to join us? We are making a garden."
Killian stayed with them until circle time was beginning. He quietly stepped away. Ashley goes to Killian. "Ashley, thank you for letting me stay."
"You are welcome. I know Hope needed her Dad to stay longer. How is having two daughters?"
"Emma and I both have not been sleeping, we have been up all night with Leia. We are worried about Hope adjusting to Leia."
"She is happy here playing with Melody. I can keep an extra eye on Hope today."
"Aye, thank you, Ashley. We appreciate it." Ashley goes to the children on the rug and Killian left.
He returns home finding Emma half-asleep holding Leia in the living room. "Killian, how was drop off?"
"Hope did not want me to leave. I stayed for a while and played in the blocks section. I left when it was time for circle time."
Emma smiles. "I need one on one time with Hope when she comes home tonight."
"Aye, I can be with our littlest pirate princess." He takes Leia from his swan. "Littlest love, dada is home." He kisses Leia on the head. Emma leans on his shoulder and falls asleep. Killian smiles having his two of his loves with him quiet time.
In the afternoon, it was Ava's turn to pick up Hope. Ariel approaches Hope and Melody. "Hope, you and Melody will have a playdate soon."
"Yes! At my house?"
"Yes! I will talk to your Daddy and Mommy to plan a playdate." Hope smiles. Ariel and Melody leave.
Hope sees Ava and cried. "Hope, why are you crying?"
"Mommy, not here. Want Mommy. Not like change. Miss Henwy."
Ava knows from Killian and Emma Hope has been sad lately. "Hope. How about we go see Henry?!"
Hope smiles big with her ocean blue eyes shone brightly. "Weally?"
Ava smiles. "Yes. We can drive to see him." Ava led Hope into her car and buckled her in. She makes a phone call.
Emma wakes up hearing her iPhone. "Hello?"
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Ava." She yawns.
"I have Hope with me. I am wondering if I can take Hope to see Henry?"
Emma was still half asleep. "Yes, you can." She falls back to sleep.
Ava ends the phone conversation. "Hope, we can go!"
"Yay, to Henwy!" She clapped her hands. Ava drove Hope out of Maine.
Emma wakes up a few hours later, noticing the time, she did not hear her daughter. She searches all over the house calling out Hope's name, not finding her. "Hope?" She goes downstairs finding Killian with Leia in her moving chair. "Killian? Is Hope down here?"
"No, she is not home yet."
"She should be home by now? Where is she?" Emma gets her iPhone out, Ava was not picking her up. "Ava is not picking up." She calls Henry. "Henry?"
"Hey, Mom. How is Leia?"
"She is good. Have you heard from Ava?"
"No. Not today. Why?"
"Ava is supposed to be picking up Hope from preschool. She isn't home yet. We cannot get in touch with Ava."
"Hope is missing?"
"We think so. We just do not know where she is."
"Mom, I am going to call Ava. Hope is going to be okay." They ended their phone conversation.
Killian held his wife's hand knowing she was nervous. "Swan, I will set up a search party. We are going to find Hope, love." Emma began crying. He hugs his wife. "Emma, there must be a reason why she is not home yet with Ava. We are going to find our daughter,Emma."
"I am busy focusing on Leia, and no sleep...this happens, Hope is missing..."
"We are going to find our daughter, Emma."
"I am going to give Hope an extra one-on-one time when she comes home. My baby."
Killian hugs his swan, he is nervous too but needs to stay strong for both of them. "Maybe she is with Allison or Ariel?"
"I can call Allison, after I call Ashley."
"I am going to call Ariel."
Emma gets her iPhone out, "Ashley?"
"Emma, how..."
"Hope is not home yet from preschool."
"Ava picked her up at dismissal."
"Thank you, Ashley. Maybe Ava dropped off Hope at Allison's?" She makes another phone call.
Leia wakes up crying from her moving chair. Emma takes Leia from her moving chair and hugs her. "Sweetie, you are with me, baby girl." She unzips Leia's onesie and changes her diaper. "You are all clean, baby girl." She hugs her daugher. "We are going to find your sister." She calls Allison.
"Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison. Is Hope with you?"
"No, she is not. Why?"
"She is not home yet. Ava is not answering her phone. We do not know where she is."
"Emma, I am coming over." Allison rushes from home and goes to Emma and Killian's house.
Killian gets off his iPhone. "Ariel said she saw Hope is with Ava."
"She is with Ava, that's what Ashley told me. Why isn't Ava answering her phone?"
"I do not know, love. I will call Mike." Killian calls Mike. "Hi, Mike."
"Hi, Killian. How is Leia?"
"She is doing well. Have you heard from Ava? Hope is not home yet and it was Ava's turn to pick her up from preschool?"
"I have not. I will call her." The phone conversation ended.
"Swan, he is going to call her." He hugs his two loves. "Our Hope is going to be here soon."
Allison arrives. "Emma." She hugs her best friend. "Hope is going to be okay." Leia fusses. She takes Leia from her Mommy. "Hi, Leia. Auntie is here."
"Can you watch Leia? Killian and I are going to search around town for Hope/"
"Yes,I can watch Leia. Call me when you find her."
"I will."Emma goes upstairs to change into maternity jeans and out of her milk and vomit-covered shirt into a clean shirt.
"Killian, wherever Hope is, you two will find her."
"Aye, Emma is in mama bear mode now. I just want our daughter back."
"Hope will come home."
"Aye, I know." Emma walks downstairs.
"Emma, Leia will be with me. I will call if Hope comes home while you search for her."
"Thank you, Allison." She faces Leia. "Leia, be a good little rainbow duckling to Auntie Allison." She kisses her on the head. Killian and Emma went to the yellow bug which she drove.
"Emma, I can drive."
"I can drive. I have not slept but I am awake now since our Hope is missing." She gets into her driver's seat.
Killian held her hand. "Swan, talk to me before you start driving, love."
"I need to find our daughter!! I do not want her to be lost out there forever. She would be trapped in the foster system, and we cannot get our baby back." Emma began crying into Killian just thinking her daughter will be in the same situation as she was.
He held his wife in his arms. "We are going to find our daughter Emma. Hope is not going to get into the foster system. She is going to be home with us soon when we find her."
"I do not want our Hope in the foster system or lost...I want our baby."
"We are going to find our daughter, Emma." He hugs his wife knowing she was extremely tired and hormonal, especially now their daughter is missing.
"Do you think she went with Ava to run away from home because of Leia?"
"I do not think so, love."
"Hope missing reminds me of me running away from foster homes and how Henry ran away to find me."
"She is three years old, a toddler love, she did not run away on her own. Ariel said she saw Hope with Ava, meaning she is not alone."
Emma sighs and continues to drive around town. "I will call Mulan and my Dad and ask if they have seen them around town."
"I can call your Dad."
She calls Mulan on speaker. "Hi, Mulan."
"Hi, Emma."
"Have you seen Hope or Ava around town on patrol? Hope is not home yet from preschool."
"I saw Ava driving out of town. I think Hope is with her."
"Out of town?" Emma and Killian looked at each other.
"Yes. I can keep an eye on the town line when they return."
"Thank you, Mulan." She stopped the car and began to cry. "Why did our baby run away?"
He hugs his wife. "Emma. She is not running away. Maybe they are visiting Henry."
"Henry! Why did I not think of that?"
"Because you and I are running with 2 hours of sleep, love. I am also your other half."
Emma smiles knowing her pirate was right. She calls Henry. "Henry!"
"Mom, did you find Hope?"
"No. Mulan saw Ava driving out of town with Hope."
"Mom, if they are visiting me, I will let you know. Ava is a good driver Mom. She isn't going to let anything happen to Hope on her watch."
"I think she ran away."
"Hope did not run away from home."
"Your Dad and I have been very busy with Leia lately. We only have 2 hours of sleep."
"I think Hope misses me. I will get to the bottom of this. I will call as soon as they come to see me."
"Thanks, kid." They ended their phone conversation.
Killian held his swan's hand. "Hope probably wanted to see Henry, love. Ava has been telling me she misses Henry."
"They both miss him. I do too."
He hugs his swan. "Aye, I have a feeling we are going to see our son soon." He kisses her on the head. They continue to search around town and in the woods. "Are you ready to head back home?"
"Yes. We both can get some sleep at home while waiting for Hope." She drove them home. Killian walked with his swan back into their house, Charming and Snow White was with them. Killian updates Allison and Charming and Snow White.
Allison gives Leia to Emma and places her hand on her best friend's shoulder. "She is going to be okay, Emma. I have a good feeling she will be home soon. Do you want me to make you a cinnamon hot cocoa?"
Emma began crying and nodded her head yes. Allison heads into the kitchen. She hugs her daughter. "Mommy misses Henry and Hope, sweetie." She hugs her daughter. "I am enjoying our snuggles, little buttercup." Leia looks up at her Mommy. She kisses Leia gently on her forehead. "Leia..Leia..." Leia coos. "My baby girl. I love you so much."
Charming smiles seeing his daughter so happy with her daughter. "Emma, she is getting so big."
"Yes, Leia is getting so big quickly. She is giving me and Killian no sleep but we love her so much."
"Emma, I can watch Leia during the day so you and Killian can get some sleep."
"No, Mom. Both of my daughters do not trust you." Leia fusses. "Leia...Leia..." She hugs her daughter.
Charming does not like seeing his daughter upset. "What can I do to help with Hope or Leia?"
"I spoke to Henry. He thinks that Ava is taking Hope to see him. He will call me if they visit him."
"Hope is going to be okay, Emma." Em ma lays her head on her Dad's chest. He hugs his daughter.
"Dad, I wreak. I need a shower and a few hours of sleep."
"I can hold my granddaughter."
"Emma, I can hold her."
"No. Leia, you are going to be held by your gramps." She puts Leia in her Dad's arms and goes upstairs to take a long shower.
"Hi, Leia. How is my little princess?"
Killian rubs Leia's cheek. "Our little Leia is eating a lot and is healthy. She is not giving us sleep."
Leia coos and looks up at her grandfather, making Charming smile. "You have your Mommy's eyes." He looks at Killian. "I think Leia looks more like you."
Killian chuckles. "Aye, I think Leia has my hair and ear but looks like Emma. She has her pirate side from me. Emma thinks she looks like Henry when she was first born but I think Emma thinks she looks like her." Leia fusses. Killian gives his hook to his little lass to hold. Leia chews on it. "Dada is right here, little love." He is worried about Hope.
Ava was driving on the highway listening to Hope talk and stopped whenever Hope needed a potty break or to buy snacks for both of them. When her Dad call she did not pick up because she was driving with Hope, who was hugging her Pluto doll. "We are going to see Henwy, Pluto. Adventuwe with Ava." Ava has been driving since 11:00 am. They arrived into the city and drove to the Brown extension program around 5:00 pm. "Ava, Henwy school!" She points at the college sign.
Ava smiles. "Yes, we are at Henry's school." She finds a parking spot. Ava walked with Hope holding her hand. "We have to find Henry's dorm."
"Tiwed." Ava holds Hope on her hip. They entered the dorms and went upstairs. Hope runs in the halls."I can knock." Hope knocks on the door. Henry opens the door. "Henwy!!"
"Hope!!" Henry holds Hope and hugs her. "Hope, you are safe."
"Yes, I am. Ava took me here to see you."
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi. Ava, you didn't call my parents? Before taking Hope to Boston!"
"I did! Your Mom answered and said I can take her here."
Henry's roommate, Jason entered the room. He had red hair and freckles and wearing a hoodie."Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Jason. This is my sister, Hope."
Jason kneels down to face Hope."You are the famous Hope."
"I am! Hi!" They high-fived.
"Hi, Jason."
"Hi, Ava."
"Hope and I came to visit Henry."
"Bro, show you art."
"You can show me your art." He puts her on his bed. Hope takes her art out of her backpack. Henry gets his phone out. "My Mom is worried sick."
"I called her phone and asked her and she said yes."
"Maybe she was half asleep when you called her. Mom and dad have barely been getting any sleep." He makes a phone call.
Back at home, Emma was lying next to Killian, on the living room couch with Allison. Her iPhone rings. "Henry!" She answers her phone and puts him on speaker.
"Henry, is she with you?"
"Yes, Hope and Ava are with me. It's a surprise visit."
Emma sighs in relief. "Oh thank gosh. She is safe!" She looked at Killian who was smiling big. "Hope is with Henry in Boston!"
Killian smiles. "I told you that she was with Ava going to see Henry." Emma smiles at her husband.
"Mom, Ava said she called you and you said it was okay to take her to Boston."
Emma groans. "Oh, I was probably half asleep. Your Dad and I have barely slept since we brought Leia home. We are running 2 hours of sleep, kid."
"Mom, Hope is going to join me and Ava on a tour of Boston."
"Okay. Have fun."
"We will. Ava is going to bring her home afterward." They ended their phone conversation.
Killian hugs his swan who was crying in relief. "Our Hope is safe."
"Yes, she is safe, love."
"We have to talk to her about her trips over the town line without us."
"Aye, we will."
"Emma, I had a feeling they were going to see Henry." Allison was holding Leia in her arms. "Leia, your big sister is with your big brother." Leia coos at Allison. "Yes, you need to see your big brother next." Leia fusses. "Emma,someone wants her Mommy."
"Leia." Emma holds her daughter on her chest and rubs her back. "I needed my Leia hugs." Leia coos. "That is right, your big sister is with your big brother, baby duckling." She kisses her little rainbow baby on the head
"Swan, our daughter is safe."
"We need to talk to her about not going to Boston without us." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. Emma sighs in relief, her daughter is not lost.
Henry showed Hope his art after Hope showed him her paintings from preschool. Hope hugs her brother. "I miss you."
"Is that why you came to visit me?"
"Yes. Change a lot at home. Mommy and Dada busy. Not you home. Not same."
"I know there are many changes at home but it will get easier. I am going to come home soon to see you and Leia." She hugs her brother. "Mommy still loves you."
"Yes. Mommy called me because she was looking for you. She was worried about you, Hope. She was very sad. She was afraid you were lost."
"Not lost with you and Ava."
"She did not know you were driving with Ava to Boston. She was very worried, Hope. Mommy still loves you. When you worry about someone means you love that person so much, which Mommy does. Even when she is busy with Leia, she will have time for you. You can still talk to her and give her hugs. Okay?"
"Daddy still loves you, Hope. I love you. Leia loves you."
"I like hugging and talking to Leia. Luv her."
"You do?"
"Yes. She is cute."
Henry smiles. "Yes, she is. You are a great big sister. How about I take you and Ava to get something to eat?"
"Your sister and I both are hungry." Henry helps his sister off the bed and hugs Ava.
"Thank you for keeping my sister safe."
"You are welcome. She missed you. She was so sad when I picked her up from preschool. I spoke to your Mom."
"She said she was half asleep when you were on the phone with you."
"I need to ask Killian and your Mom next time before taking your sister to Boston.Next time."
"I am happy to see you."
"I am happy to see you." They kiss.
"Eww, pancakes." Henry laughs. He tickles his sister, making her laugh. Henry lifted her on his shoulders. Henry and Ava were talking as they were walking around the city. "Big houses."
"Yes, they are very big buildings here. The city is awesome."
"Awsume." Henry smiles. Henry took pictures of his sister and Aa around the city. He gave them a tour. Ava took pictures of the brother and sister and selfies with her boyfriend on her iPhone.
They arrived at an Asian Fusion restaurant,Mei Mei. They had a booth table. Henry was sitting in between Ava and Hope. He was holding Ava's hand. "Hope, we are going to have Chinese food for dinner."
"Ooh." Hope clapped her hands in excitement. 'Tyw new foo.
"Someone is excited."
"We do not have Asian Fusion restaurants in Storybrooke."
"True. I am excited to try sushi."
"You are in luck, I know which ones for you to try." Henry and Ava ordered dumplings, filled with kimchi, ground beef, sushi, tempura, miso soup, and edamame.
Henry ordered his sister miso soup and chicken dumplings. He let Hope try edamame and kimchi dumplings which she liked. "Yummy!" Henry smiles knowing his sister was happy to be with him. Henry talked with Hope and Ava as they ate. "Potty."
"Henry, I can take her." Ava takes Hope to the bathroom.
When they came back, Hope hugs her brother. "Are you enjoying your dinner?"
"Yes, very good."
"Do you think we need to get an Asian Fusion restaurant at home?"
"Yes, Ina."
Henry chuckles. "I can ask my other Mom." Once Hope was fed, she fell asleep on her brother's lap. "Little sis, you ran away to Boston, in your own way. You do take after me."
"Your mom is going to be so mad at me."
"Ava, she was relieved that you were with her and took her to Boston. She is not mad at you. She knows that Hope is safe." He wrapped his arm around his girl. "You brought my sister here to see me."
"We both miss you."
"I miss you and Hope." They kiss.
"I need you to visit you more."
"Yes, you do!"
"You can come here and celebrate our 1 year anniversary together."
"Yes!" After they paid for their meal, they walk back to Henry's campus. He was carrying his sleeping sister. "I am going to miss you."
"Well, how about if I tag along with you and Hope back to Maine?"
Ava smiles big. "You are coming back with us?!"
"I do need to visit my Mom, Dad, baby sister and make sure my sister and girlfriend travel back safe."
"Shh, I am going to surprise Hope." They return to the dorms. He sets Hope onto his bed and back his bag with enough art supplies and clothes for the weekend. "I am going to drive my car and follow you both."
"Okay. I am not driving alone tonight." Ava's iPhone rings. "Hi, Dad."
"Ava, Killian called me. Where did you take Hope?"
"To Boston to visit Henry. Emma and Killian know. "
"Mike, I am going to drive behind Ava on the way back to Maine. I am not letting her and my sister drive alone."
"Okay. Ava come home soon."
"Yes, Dad. After I drop off, Hope." They went to their cars.
Henry buckled his sleeping sister into her car seat in Ava's car. "See you in Storybrooke, little sis." Ava and Henry got into their cars and drove back up North. Since it was nighttime, there was no traffic.
It was almost 1:00 in the morning, Killian finishes bottle-feeding Leia and puts his daughter into her crib. "Sweet dreams, littlest pirate princess." He sees his swan wrapped in a blanket looking out the window. Emma goes looking at the window, waiting for her daughter to come home. She is worried her daughter is so far away from her. He hugs his swan. "Emma, you look like a sad puppy."
"I want our baby home."
He kisses her on the head. "Hope is on her way home. Henry texted me, swan."
She looks up at her husband. "Leia is our baby-baby. But Hope is my baby because she gave me a second chance of being a Mommy. She is not home right now making it feel like something is missing...I know Henry is not home but he is an adult and in college...Hope has never been away from us for so long. I love all of my babies equally. Hope gave me the second chance of being a Mom, which I never thought I had after giving Henry up."
"I understand that love. I love all of my children equally. I miss our Hope,too."
"You got to spend time with her at preschool today. I have not spent enough time with her."
"Emma, you give her enough time with her."
"Not enough for her wanting to go to Boston!" She cried more.
"Emma, we are still adjusting to being parents to a toddler and a newborn. We are giving Hope and Leia equal one-on-one time."
"You do. I do not." She hugs her husband.
"Hope loves you, Emma."
"I am going to give her one-on-one time even when I do not get sleep."
"Aye, we do not sleep anymore but the kids."
They see Ava's car. "Killian, Hope is home." They rush out to the car. Ava parked her car and got out. Emma goes to the back of the car and sees her daughter fast asleep in her carseat. "My baby girl is home from her trip to Boston." She unbuckles Hope and held her in her arms and cried tears of joy that her daughter was home safe and sound and in her arms. "Hope. You are safe, little duckling."
"Emma. I am so sorry for taking Hope."
Emma hugs her. "I am sorry too. I was half asleep."
"Next time, I am going to call both of you before I take Hope anywhere."
"Aye, good idea." Killian takes the car seat from the car. Ava carried the backpack into the house.
She was gripping onto sleeping Hope tight. "You are home, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are with Mommy, baby girl."
"Swan, time for me to hold our Hope." Killian takes sleeping Hope from his swan. "Hope, you are with Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are home, Hope."
"How was she on your road trip?"
"We had a few bathroom stops on the way to Boston. She had a lot of fun in Boston with Henry and me. We did some sight-seeing."
"How was Henry?"
"He is doing good, Emma. We went to an Asian Fusion restaurant. Hope enjoyed sushi and new types of dumplings. That is where Hope fell asleep."
Emma smiles."I am happy you two got to visit him. I miss him."
"Mom, you do not have to miss me anymore."
Emma turns around and sees her baby boy. "Henry?" She runs to her son and hugs him. "Henry, you are home!!" Killian smiles as his wife happy that their son is home from college.
"Yes, I am!! I could not let Ava and Hope travel back here by themselves in the dark. I wanted to see you, dad, and Leia." Emma was crying in happy tears. They hear Leia crying. "Mom, I am going to get Leia!" Henry goes upstairs. "Leia!! Big bro is home!" Killian, Emma, Ava all laughed at Henry's excitement to get his sister. He goes to his sister's room finding Leia in her crib. He takes Leia out of the cradle. "Hi, Leia. You have gotten so big since the last I saw you." Leia looks at her big brother and stopped crying. "Yes, Henry is home. I missed you so much, baby sis." Leia coos. He sat on the rocking chair. "I have a story for you..." Leia coos. "Let's just say our sister takes after Mommy and me." Leia looks up at her big brother with her hazel green eyes, "I wonder if you are going to run away when you are a toddler?" He kisses her on the head.
"Emma, Killian, I will see you two in the morning. My dad is mad at me for not answering his phone calls when I was driving with Hope. I did not want to answer the phone when I was driving with Hope."
Emma hug Ava. "I am not mad at you.You brought Hope to Boston and back safe.You also brought my son home too. Please tell your Dad that."
"I will. I also had fun with Hope today." Ava leaves the Swan-Jones house.
Hope wakes up hearing the door close. "Dada? Mommy?! Home?!"
Killian smiles. "You are home, little love!"
"Dada!" Hope hugs her Daddy around his neck. He spun his daughter around.
"Ava drove you home."
"Mommy, mad at me."
"No,she isn't mad at you, little love."
"Yes, she is."
Emma places her hand on Hope's back."No, I am not mad at you, little duckling."
"Mommy!" Hope smiles big looking at her Mommy.
Emma takes Hope from her Killian. "Hope! I am so happy, you are home safe." She hugs her daughter.
"Boston fun with Henwy and Ava. Woad twip."
"You had fun with Henry and Ava?"
Emma faces her daughter. "Hope, you do not ever go anywhere without telling Mommy and Daddy. You have to tell Mommy and Daddy where you are going and do not ever go alone without us. You scared me baby girl because I did not know where you were."
"I am sowwy, Mommy." She hugs her Mommy. "I had adventuwe at Henwy school."
Emma smiles. "Henry and Ava gave you the college experience?"
"Yes! His school fun."
Emma and Killian smiled at each other. "I am so happy you are home."
"Don't like change."
"Leia is part of our family. When she gets bigger you get to play with her more."
"I luv Leia. Miss you."
"Hope." Emma hugs her daughter knowing her daughter was missing her and possibly went to Boston to see Henry because she was sad. "Did you want to see Henry because you missed me?"
"Yes and not like change here,no Henwy."
"Hope, I am busy with Leia but I am always going to have time for you, baby girl." She puts her hands on her daughter's face. "You were my first baby I got to raise from the very beginning. Whenever you see me holding Leia you can join our cuddles and we can talk."
"No,Mommy and Hope time?" Her lip was quivering.
"Hope, we are still going to have our Mommy and Hope time. I love spending time with my mini-me. We are still going to have our swimming lessons, get our nails done, storytime, snuggles, and shopping."
"Light magic?"
"I do need to teach you."
Emma smiles. "Yes, you are my little sheriff. Leia is my little deputy. We are still going to have our Mommy and Hope time." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma cries happy tears her daughter was with her. "I am so happy, my baby girl is home."
Killian faces his daughter. "Hope, you can still have Mommy and Hope time, just like we have our pirate time. While you are having one on one time with your Mommy, I am going to be with Leia."
"Okay. Dada. Jolly Woger soon?"
"Yes. But you cannot run away like that because you scared dada too."
Hope hugs her Daddy. "Sowwy dada."
Killian hugs his daughter. "You are home, Hope. You are safe. Ava took good care of you."
"See Henwy."
"The next time you go to Boston to see Henry is with me, Mommy and Leia. Deal?"
"Deal." Emma joined their hug. She and Killian looked at each other in happy tears, their daughter was home.
Henry carried down to the living room Leia. "Leia, Hope is home."
Hope turns around and sees Henry. "HENWY!!" She runs and hugs his legs. "Henwy home!!!"
Henry kneels down."Yes, I am home, Hope!! I could not let you and Ava come back home alone." Emma and Killian smile at each other, their family is back together. "I get to spend the weekend with my two sisters."
"Leia, Henwy best brother." Leia coos. "Baby sis!" She kisses Leia on the head. "Luv you,Leia." Leia looks at both of her siblings. Emma and Kilian hug, they both love seeing all three other children together.
Emma holds Hope. "Hope, it is way past your bedtime. Henry is going to be here in the morning when you wake up."
"Mommy, snuggle."
"Yes, we get to snuggle."
"Henwy, stowytime, me and Leia."
"Yes, one story, Hope." Leia kicks her legs. "You are joining storytime, baby sis."
Emma gets Hope ready for bed. Killian goes to Henry and Leia in his bedroom. "Lad, how is school?"
"Hard but I miss being home. I miss my two sisters, Ava, you, and Mom, and my other Mom. Leia has gotten so big already and she is only 3 weeks old." He lets Leia hold his finger. "Leia, your big brother is here."
Killian smiles. "Leia knows you, son. She is happy that you are holding her."
"I know you and Mom have no sleep. I can be up with Leia."
"Dad, I want to get to know my baby sis. You and Mom need to sleep."
Killian smiles. "Aye, you can help us when your Mom and I need sleep in the morning."
"I think storytime is going to help both of my sisters to fall asleep."
Hope gives Henry his storybook. "Leia, Henwy book!"
Emma joins her children on the bed. "Hope, we have to let Henry tell us the story." Hope climbed into her Mommy's lap. She kisses her daughter on the head.
Henry had his book open, "Once upon a time, there was a long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest..." By the end of the story Hope and Leia were both asleep.
"You are the storyteller of the family, Henry." She hugs her son and kisses him on the head.
"Yes, I love reading to my sisters. I really missed them both, Mom. I am happy to be home." Henry smiles looking down at his baby sister.
"Your sister told me that you gave her the college experience?"
"Yes, I did. She enjoyed sushi, different types of dumplings, and miso soup, and edamame." Emma was impressed her daughter is not a picky eater as her. "She wants Regina to get an Asian-Fusion restaurant in town."
Emma chuckles. "I am happy that my baby boy is home from college." She hugs her son.
"Can we get granny's or ice cream tomorrow? I can drive."
"Hope gets an Asian Fusion place? I got granny's?" She gives her son a look. "I am only kidding. We do need one on one time together. I just hope that Hope doesn't run away again because I am busy with Leia."
"Mom, Hope knows that you missed her and worried about her when she was with me in Boston. I told her that after I got off the phone with you." Emma yawns. "I got Leia."
"Kid, you had a full day of school and drove here. You need to sleep."
"I came home because I want to spend time with my baby sis and little sis. I did my homework before Ava and Hope came. I can do this. I also missed you, Mom."
"I am so happy that you are home, Henry. We are definitely going to get Granny's tomorrow." Emma kisses her son on the head and hugs her son. "There are bottles of milk in the refrigerator. You have to check the temperature of the milk on your wrist."
"That I can do. Leia, you are going to keep me up tonight, not Mommy and Daddy."
"She is going to have her one-on-one time with her big brother." Emma carried Hope back to her bedroom and sat on her bed with her sleeping daughter in her arms. "My baby girl, you scared me today."
Killian sees Henry lying down on his bed with Leia fast asleep on him. "Lad, your baby sister loves you." He looks down at his daughter. "Littlest love, you are with your big brother." He was happy that his son was home. He finds his two loves in Hope's room and joined them on the bed. "How is our little pirate princess?"
"Fast asleep after Henry's story." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Our daughter is home."
"Yes, love our Hope is home."
"She brought her brother home."
"Aye, the Swan-Jones family is all under one roof." They kiss, happy their daughter was safe and sound and their son is home for the weekend.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now