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Henry was holding his sister when they were in a ship tied up in a blanket. "Want Mommy."
"I know, Hope. I want Mommy and Daddy too. Wherever they take us, Mommy and Daddy are going to save us and take us home." Hope hugs her brother. "You are safe with me, Hope. I am not going to let them hurt you."
"Luv you Henwy."
"I love you, Hope." Henry knows whoever kidnapped him and his sister for a reason and he is not going to let them hurt his sister. They heard the ship land on the sand and they were being carried off. Hope was crying. "You are with me, Hope." The lost boys opened the blanket, Henry and Hope were at the lost boys' campsite. "Not Neverland again." He knows they are after Hope's light magic.
"Bad. Want home." They see a lost boy talking to the ones who kidnapped them, who they called Pan Jr. Hope clung to Henry shaking with fear. Lost boys led them to a cage and locked them in.
Henry has an idea. "Hope, we need to be quiet because we are going to leave. Hold onto me tight." Hope clung to her brother. He rocked the wooden cage until it fell and landed on the ground. Hope was crying. "You are okay. Shh..shh..." He uses his free hand to break the door. He holds his sister. "You are with me. We are having our own Henry and Hope adventure."
"Adventuwe home."
"Yes, we are having a Henry and Hope adventure. We need to find a way home."
"Mommy, Dada."
"We have to be quiet." Hope clung to her brother and he ran into the forest to find Tinkerbell or Tigerlily. Hope makes poop. "Oh no." He gets an idea, he took Hope's diaper off and buried it in the ground, and cleaned her off with leaves. "Henwy."
"When you need to go pee or poop, you tell me and I will bring you to a tree. You have to say potty. Okay?"
"Good job." He held Hope and carried his sister as he walked more into the forest finding one of the fairies to help them. It was a long long trek for Henry but he was not going to stop; he knew that they were in danger. Most likely Hope was the one they were after.
Killian and Emma ran to the yellow bug and drove to Gold's shop finding Belle and Rumpelstiltskin were there. "Crocodile. A flying ship took Henry and Hope."
"Can you help us?"
"I can find where they are." Rumplestiltskin gets his globe. Emma was still crying. Killian was hugging his wife.
Belle approaches Emma. "Emma, is there anything I can do for you? Can I get you something?"
"Can you call my squad for me?"
"Yes, I can, Emma."
Gideon goes to Emma. "Hope, pway."
"Not now, little lad. Hope and Henry were taken from us."
Gideon goes to his Daddy. "Daddy find Hope."
"I will do my best, my boy."
"Find Hope."
Charming, Regina, Mulan all rushed in seeing Emma hysterically crying into Killian.
"Emma, Killian, what happened?"
"Someone on a ship broke into our house and took Hope and Henry from Hope's room "
Regina was mad. "Whoever took my son, I am coming with you to get him back."
"Aye, we are going to need all of the help we get."
Charming goes to his daughter. "Emma, I know you are mad at me but I am going to help you find Henry and Hope."
Emma gripped Killian. "We are going to find them, love."
Lily and Red arrived. "We got Belle's message."
"I know where they were taken." Everyone in the room looked at Rumpelstiltskin.
"Where are they?" Emma and Killian went to the dark one.
"They are in Neverland."
"That place still exists after Pan died?"
"Bloody hell. I was there when..." He looks at Gideon. "Your adult son Gideon prevented me from returning to Storybrooke to be with Emma. After Aragabah, I ended up in Neverland with Blackbeard. There are still lost boys who are loyal to Pan. I was in Neverland until Emma rescued me. Tiger Lily and Tinkerbell are still there."
"Gold, what do the lost boys want from our children?"
"You did say that they kidnapped them in Hope's room?"
"They might want Hope for her light magic."
Emma felt like she was going to faint. Killian catches his wife. "Emma, we are going to find them. Henry knows Neverland and probably got Hope away from the Lost boys."
"They are out in that damn jungle. We need to get them back home."
Killian thinks of a plan, "Charming, Regina, Crocodile, we need you to come with us to Neverland."
"I am not going. I hate that place."
Killian was furious and approached his enemy. Charming hugs his daughter. "It was your father's fault that brought Henry there in the first place. We need your help to rescue Henry and Hope!"
Gideon was crying. "Daddy save Hope. Save Hope."
"Aye, my boy. I will save Hope and Henry." He looks at his enemy. "Hook, I will come."
"Great. Can you bring that potion to stop Dreamshade?"
"I can bring some with me."
Killian goes to his wife. "Emma, I think you should stay..."
"Killian, I am going to get our children back."
"It is dangerous, for the..."
"I know but I can't stay here worrying about you and our children in another realm. I am their Mom, they need to see me when we rescue them. I do not want them to think I abandoned them, since they are in a place where children are unwanted."
"I do need my captain swan."
Emma hugs Killian. "Nothing is going to happen to our little bean."
Belle goes to Emma and gives her a box of tissues. "Here, you need these."
"Thank you."
"Do you need anything else?"
"I am good, Belle. Thank you."
"You and Killian are going to find Henry and Hope."
"Everyone." Everyone looked at Emma. "Before we leave, we need to figure out who takes over Regina's job while we are away."
Mulan approaches Emma. "I can..." Killian takes Mulan to the side.
Lily, "Emma, I can keep charge around here."
"Lily, are you sure?"
"Yes. Ruby and I can keep in charge of the town while you and everyone else is gone. Robin can also help us. "
Ruby, "I can keep an extra eye on your Mom."
"Thank you, Ruby."
"Emma, I can help them keeping an eye on the town."
"Thank you, Belle."
Gideon hugs his Mom's legs. "Mama want Hope here."
Belle holds Gideon on her hip. "Emma and Killian are going to bring Hope and Henry back to Storybrooke."
Killian looked around making sure no one was looking at them. Mulan knew something was going on. "Killian?"
"I need you specifically on this operation."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Be Emma's bodyguard."
"Why? She is capable of fighting.. "
He whispers in her ear. "Emma is pregnant. I need you to protect my swan and our baby."
Mulan smiles and understands why now Emma has not been at the sheriff's station often and Killian being overprotective of her. "I will protect Emma, Killian."
"Thank you, Mulan. We will be meeting at the docks in an hour."
Everyone got ready and met at the docks. Killian and Emma packed what they need and what Hope and Henry need when they find them. Ava was waiting at the front door and Mike. "Ava? Mike?"
"Hi, Emma. I heard from Belle that Henry and Hope were taken to Neverland. I want to help."
"Are you sure? It is going to be dangerous."
"I can help you on the ship, Emma. I can fight. Please."
"Emma, Killian, Ava can go with you."
Emma smiles. "You can join us."
"Yes!" She hugs Emma.
"We will take care of Ava, Mike."
"I see Hope's window is broken, I can fix it. Also, I can keep an extra eye on your Mom while you are gone."
Emma smiles. "Thank you, Mike." They walked to the docks.
"Emma, Henry did tell me that you saw the baby today?"
"Yes, we did. The baby has a strong heartbeat."
"That is a good sign."
"Swan, Mulan knows about the baby."
"She does?"
"I told her because if we are separated, Mulan is going to be protecting you on this operation ducklings besides me." He places his hand on her abdominal. "I do not want anything to happen to you or our little love to get hurt on this operation saving Henry and Hope."
Emma hugs Killian knowing he was looking out for her and their baby, he puts her first and overprotective of their baby. "Thank you."
"You are welcome, Emma." They kiss. When they arrived at the docks, they found Charming, Regina, Gary, Mulan, Belle, Gideon, Rumpelstiltskin by the docks.
"Everyone come aboard." Everyone went to the Jolly Roger.
Gary walked to Emma. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Gary."
"Regina told me about Henry. Since I lived there I want to help rescue Henry and Hope."
"We are happy that you are joining us." Gary goes aboard.
Belle carried Gideon to Emma. "Hope, Emma."
"Gideon, I am going to bring Hope and Henry home. You can play with Hope very soon."
Gideon smiles. "Daddy."
Rumpelstiltskin holds his son."Gideon, be a good boy for your mother."
"Yes. Bring Hope home."
"I will, my boy." He hugs his son.
"Be careful in Neverland."
"I will. I will be home soon." They hug.
Ava and Regina bumped into each other. "What are you doing here?"
"I am helping to rescue my boyfriend."
Killian sees trouble about to start. "Ava." He gently pulled her away from Regina. "Can you make sure everything in the captain quarters is all set for Emma?"
"Yes, Killian." Ava leaves.
"Hook, why is she coming?"
"She heard from Belle that Henry was kidnapped and wanted to join us."
Emma was getting the sails ready. Charming approaches his daughter and helps her. "Thanks, Dad. I had it."
"I just wanted to help."
"I appreciated it."
Charming know something was going on with this daughter. "Is there something you are not telling me?"
"Are you sure?"
"Says the one who did not tell me about Mary-Margaret is out of prison for weeks."
"True. Granny is with your mom and Leo at home..." Emma walks away. "Emma!"
She went into the captain's quarters and looks at Hope's treasure chest full of toys. "We are going to find you, Hope. We are going to rescue you and Henry and take you both home." She hugs Hope's pirate Pluto and lies down on the bed. She places her hand on her abdominal. "Baby Swan-Jones, your big brother and big sister is going to be with us soon. Daddy and Mommy are going to rescue them from Neverland."
Killian blocks Charming from going near his wife. "I need your help in this operation. I need you to be my first mate."
"Emma is more..."
"I don't want you to be near Emma because you are upsetting her. I need your help."
"Aye, mate."
Everyone got their assignments from Killian and got ready to sail. Emma returns to her husband. "Killian, what operation should we call this?"
"We should call this Operation Save Henry 2?" Emma chuckles with tears in her eyes. "I am only kidding, love."
"Hormones and also both of our children are kidnapped. I think we can call this Operation ducklings."
Killian smiles."Perfect. Operation Ducklings it is."
Regina approaches Killian and gives him the magic bean. "Hook, what is going on with Emma? She is not helping us sail."
"She is helping me steer, Regina. Now, do as I say." He takes the bean from Regina. "Let's sail away." Killian steers the Jolly Roger. He throws the magic bean. "Everyone hold on." The Jolly Roger goes through the portal. Everyone holds on. Emma was holding onto the rails as Killian was shielding his wife and baby on the way as they enter the portal.
In Neverland, Henry was carrying Hope through the forest. They were walking for a long time not finding a safe place to stay. "Scawy, Henwy. Want Mommy Dada home."
"Mommy and Daddy are coming for us. You are safe with me, little sis. No one is going to hurt us." He was trying to find Tinkerbell's treehouse. He sees a green light flying and lands right in front of him. The green light gets brighter and Tinkerbell appears. "Tink!"
"Hi, Henry. You have gotten so tall."
"I am 17 years old now. Hope, we are with Tinkerbell."
"Who is this?"
"Tink meet my sister Hope."
"She looks like Killian."
"Yes, she is a lot like our Dad, a little pirate. She takes after our Mom, too. Hope, this is Tinkerbell."
"Hi, Hope. You are so cute. You have your Daddy's eyes."
Hope began crying. "Dada...Mommy."
"Hope, we are going to find Mommy and Daddy. Don't cry." He looks at Tinkerbell. "Tink, we got kidnapped here by the Lost Boys. Hope wants our parents."
"Those lost boys have gone mad since Pan was defeated. You two are coming with me. It is not safe to be out here." Tink leads Henry and Hope to her treehouse.
"Hope, you need to climb on the ladder."
"I have an idea." Tink takes Hope and flies her to her treehouse. "Whee!"
Henry was waiting for Hope and Tinkerbell to enter the treehouse, he saw Hope smiling.
Tink lands with Hope into the treehouse. "Yay! Fly Tink!"
"We will fly again, Hope."
"Hope, say thank you to Tink."
"Ank you."
Tinkerbell smiles. "You are welcome, Hope." Hope walks around the treehouse. Tinkerbell looks at Henry. "Tell me, what happened?"
"We were reading in Hope's room at home, all of the sudden through her window we were covered by a blanket and taken here by Lost Boys."
"I did see the Lost Boys building a boat. The next thing I knew a lot of my pixie dust was missing." Hope goes to her brother and hugs him. "Do you have any idea why they want to take you and Hope?"
"Hope has light magic just like our Mom. She is a product of our parent's true love." Tink smiles knowing Killian was in love with Emma during their last adventure in Neverland. "I was thinking Tigerlily can help us. I can go find her. You two stay in here." Tink poofs back to being small and flew away.
"She is coming back, little sis." Henry catches Hope before she falls from the hole in the floor. "Hope, we are going to stay here." He tucks Hope in the bed. Hope gripped her brother's hand. "I am staying here with you, Hope." He kisses her on the head. "Mommy and Daddy are coming for us." Hope falls asleep.
The Jolly Roger popped out of the ocean into the Neverland realm. "Swan, rest up now, while you can." He held his wife's hand and held her abdominal. "I want you two safe."
"We are. You are helping us and I can use my light magic. Remember?" Killian smiles. "Since you and Mulan are going to keep me and the baby safe. I know we are going to be safe." Emma heads into the captain quarters.
Ava enters the captain quarters with a cooler and goes to Emma. "If you need anything, Emma. I can help." She gives Emma a bottle of ginger ale.
"Thank you, Ava."
Rumpelstiltskin enters the captain quarters, Emma and Ava were talking. "Miss Swan."
"Emma, I will see how far are we?" She leaves the room. Ava goes to Kilian who was steering the ship. "Killian."
"Emma is alone with Rumpelstiltskin."
Killian knows that is not a good sign. "Charming, can you steer? Mulan can you take over the motor?"
"I am on it." Mulan goes to the back. Charming goes to the steer.
Killian heads to the captain's quarters. Emma sits up on the bed. "Yes, Gold?"
"I want to help you?"
"Help me?"
"I know that you are pregnant."
Emma was surprised. " do you know?"
"Relax Miss Swan, your pirate did not tell me. I knew you were more emotional than usual at the shop..." Emma folded her arms. "Killian was looking at you when he mentioned dream shade, and Belle was giving me hints when the last time our children were playing together that you weren't yourself. I figured it out myself."
She gave him a curious look. "What are you up to?"
"I know Killian let Mulan come on this mission to protect you. I have magic to protect your unborn child."
Emma was thinking what dark magic he can do to harm her unborn child. "The last time you used magic on me caused me to go into a sleeping coma."
"This is not a potion. It is just like when healing a cut. I am only to protect your unborn child from Dreamshade or any danger in Neverland."
Killian comes into his captain quarters. "Crocodile, what are you doing with my wife?"
"I just want to help."
"He knows that I am pregnant. He did the connection himself. He wants to use magic to protect." She places her hands on her abdominal.
"Our baby?" Killian was thinking about all of the bad things Rumpelstiltskin can cause to their unborn child after all they were both dark ones in the past. He blocks Emma from the Crocodile. Emma nods her head yes. "No, no no!! Crocodile, I do not want any dark magic on our unborn child."
"It won't be on..."
"Magic always comes with a price. I do not want Emma or our unborn child to get a bad side effect from your dark magic."
"I am only using my magic to make sure that your unborn child stays protected when Emma is in Neverland."
"Why are you helping us?"
"Because Emma, you gave me a second chance of being a Dad with Gideon. Hope is my son's best friend. Henry is my grandson."
"Thanks for the offer, Gold. I do not want it. I am not harming my baby because this baby is healthy and safe inside of me. I am not going to lose this baby because I lost babies in the past. I am not going to let anything bad happen to this baby without dark magic."
"I am going to keep the offer on the table." Rumpelstiltskin heads back to the deck. Killian holds his wife's hand. "That is my swan."
"I do not want any dark magic around our baby. We had dark magic but our baby is light magic. I do not want any darkness to our little pirate who is not causing me any morning sickness for the moment."
"I am going to make sure our little pirate is safe." He kneels down to her abdominal. "That's because our little pirate is enjoying our second home. Little love, you are getting our first ride on Dada's ship." He kisses her abdominal while Emma was smiling love hearing Killian's baby voice talking to their unborn child.
"Killian, the baby is asking, if we are almost there?"
Killian smiles at his littlest pirate. "I will check baby Swan-Jones. Mommy and Daddy are rescuing your big brother and big sister in Neverland. That is our job as parents, your parents littlest love." Emma was still smiling at her caring pirate Daddy. He hugs his wife. "We are going to find our children, love."
"I just know they kidnapped Hope for her light magic. Our baby is in danger."
Killian holds her hands. "Hope is not alone, love. Henry is with her. My swan needs to rest while she can." He kisses her on the head. "We are going to rescue them. Now I want my captain swan to rest."
"You are the best husband pirate ever." They kiss. He tucks her in and went back to the steering wheel and takes over steering from Charming.
"Killian, what is wrong with my daughter?"
"She is worried sick because our children are in danger in Neverland!" Killian steers the Jolly Roger until he sees land and stops the ship. "We are here."
Emma felt the ship stopped knowing they were near land. She finds Ava and Gary talking, Gold and Regina looking out to land. Emma goes to her husband. "We are here?"
"Aye, very nearby. We need a plan to find them before we get any closer."
Everyone gathered around Killian and Emma. Emma was thinking. "We know that Henry and Hope escaped from the Lost Boys' territory. We just need to figure out how to search for them."
"Aye, from what the Crocodile said, Hope might be the target of whatever the Lost Boys were planning to use for...for her magic." Emma held his hand.
Regina was thinking. "Henry knows Tinkerbell. He must have ran to find her. Her treehouse is in his book at home."
Regina gave Killian an idea. "You are bloody right, Regina. We need to get Tinkerbell to help us find them or they are at her treehouse. We can start looking for them there."
Emma smiles."That is a great idea. We know where she lives. What about the Lost Boys they are searching for Henry and Hope since they escaped. "
"Swan, I know who can help us, the one who helped me escape the last time I was here."
"Aye yes,swan."
Charming was curious, "How do we find Tigerlily?"
"She is usually around the island or near the Lost Boys making sure they do not cause too much harm."
Charming, "We need to split into two groups."
"Three groups."
Everyone looked at Mulan. "One group to Tinkerbell's, one group to stop the Lost Boys from getting to Henry and Hope and one group to find TigerLily."
Rumpelstiltskin, "As you all know I do work on my own." He disappears.
Charming, "You have a good point. Killian finds Tigerlily with Ava..."
"No no. Emma, Mulan, and I head to Tinkerbell's. Regina and Gary, you two find the Lost Boys and stall them from getting close to finding Henry and Hope. Charming, you and Ava find Tigerlily."
"I remember Tigerlily when she helped us with the orphans from the Black Fairy's realm."
Emma gives each person from one each group, a shell each. "This is how we can contact each other."
Killian sailed them closer to shore not close to land. Charming helps Gary lower the anchor. Each group travel separately on the extra small boat to land. Regina and Gary went first. Charming and Ava were next. Before Charming went on the boat. He faces his daughter. "Emma, what is going on? I know something is not right with you."
"I am fine, Dad. We need to hurry, the longer we do not find Henry and Hope, the more chance the lost boys find them first."
Charming knew Emma was right,"Stay safe."
"I will. You too." They hug. He goes on the boat with Ava and they sail to land. Mulan rows back to the Jolly Roger. Killian helped his wife on board first and he carried a backpack of her needs and children's needs besides their weapons. They went ashore. "I cannot believe that we are back here, now rescuing two of our children."
"Aye, now it is called operation ducklings. I hate this place because our children are the one is in danger here. It is even worst than when I was living here for years."
"We are going to get our children back. You are not that pirate anymore. You are a pirate hero and an amazing Daddy and my husband," They held hands.
"Killian, what is the plan?"
"Mulan, I am going to lead, it's mostly forest. I know where Tink lives." Killian leads them into the forest. As they were walking, Emma stopped for a break, leaning against a tree and breathes, she was still nauseous being in Neverland makes it worse.
Killian knows Emma was not right behind him and sees his swan against the tree. "Love?" He rubs her back.
"I-I need a break."
"Mulan, we are taking a break." Mulan keeps on guard. Killian gave her ginger ale.
"Thank you." She takes the ginger ale and sips it.
He rubs her back. "The baby, love?"
"Yes." She looks at her husband. "It is the baby, making me feel nauseous. I was fine while we were sailing now we are on land again..." She began crying. "I feel awful from morning sickness and it is worse now that we're back here again and our children are here somewhere in danger..."
Killian hugs his wife. "We are going to find them, Emma. I know you are feeling awful..." She lays her head on his chest. "If you need to rest, love. You can sleep in our captain quarters.."
Emma was mad. "No. No, I did not travel all the way here to sit on the sidelines. I am here to get our children back!" Emma marched ahead. Mulan looks at Killian.
"Aye, she has also been hormonal a lot lately." Killian and Mulan catch up to Emma. He hugs his wife. "We are going to find Henry and Hope, Emma. When you need to rest let me, know."
"Thank you." She wiped her tears away. "I am sorry I snapped at you."
"It is okay, love. I know you just want to get our children back and having morning sickness in Neverland of all places."
"I did not expect ever to come back here and especially being pregnant. Now both of our children are kidnapped or lost in this forest."
"We are going to find them soon, love. Then we can go back home."
"Home. I miss it."
"We will be home soon, love." He kisses her on the head. They continue walking. Whenever Emma needed to stop, they stopped. She felt awful but she was more worried about her children being in danger. Killian would make sure she drinks a lot of fluids and at her side when she vomits. He felt sorry for his brave swan having morning sickness on a rescue mission in Neverland.
Charming and Ava were walking around trying to find Tigerlily. "Henry told me about this place. He was right, it is all just forest and no sunshine only night time here."
"That sums up Neverland. I have always seen you in town."
"Let's just say Emma reunited my family during the dark curse. Your daughter is amazing. Henry is lucky to have her as his Mom. He is a good boyfriend of mine."
Charming smiles. "How long have you two been dating?"
"It is February now, we have been dating since October. We have a lot in common. Regina and I do not understand each other. She was the one who separated my twin brother and me from our Dad before the curse. She tried to put us in foster care but Emma found our Dad."
"Regina is hard to understand. Parents can be good or bad or in between."
"You are a good Dad to Emma."
"No, not recently, I did not tell her about Snow White released from the psych ward. When I did not tell her about Snow White, even when she was asking me what I have been keeping from her. I did not tell her. I lost Emma's trust. She is not telling me what is going on with her now. I know she is keeping something from me like I did to her."
Ava felt sorry for Charming but it was not her place to tell him about Emma's pregnancy. "But you are now helping Emma rescue Henry and Hope. This is how you can gain her trust again or start of it."
Charming smiles. "You are right." On the way to the camp, they found Lost Boys, who began attacking them. Charming went charging at them with his sword while Ava used her father's compass as her weapon to hurt them. She helps Charming tied them up with rope. They found the camp, no one was there. They continue to walk and find Regina and Gary.
"David, did you find anything?"
"No one at the camp but we found Lost Boys a few yards back."
"I know where Tigerlily stays. I used to live here."
Charming smiles. "Gary, you can lead us." Gary leads them to where Tigerlily lives.
"Regina, I am happy to be living with you in Storybrooke."
Regina hugs Gary. "You have a home in Storybrooke." They arrived at Tigerlily's home.
Charming approaches the hut. "Hi, Tiger Lily."
Tigerlily sees Charming. "Hi, Charming. What are you all doing here?"
"Henry and Hope are kidnapped by the Lost Boys. Killian, Emma, and the rest of us are here to rescue them. We are hoping you can help us."
"I can help you. I can find the Lost Boys." She flew to search for the Lost Boys.
Killian, Emma, and Mulan were still walking. They heard rustling in the tree. "Someone is coming." They get their swords out, prepare to fight, it was Tinkerbell.
"Hi, Hook, Emma..."
"Hi, my name is Mulan."
"Tink. Nice to meet you, Mulan. Emma, Hook, Henry, and Hope are in my treehouse. Follow me."
When they arrived, Emma climbed up first, she found Henry tied up. "Henry!" Killian quickly climbs up seeing Emma untying their son. Emma hugs her son. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She began looking for bruises.
"I am okay, Mom. The Lost Boys took Hope!"
"Swan, I will start searching." Killian goes back down the ladder. "Mulan, the Lost Boys took Hope."
"I will tell everyone else to be on the search for Hope and the Lost Boys." Mulan talks into the shell.
Emma and Henry come down. "Dad." Henry hugs his Killian.
"Henry, what happened?"
"The Lost Boys found us. They tied me up and kidnapped Hope."
Tinkerbell, "I know where their camp is located."
Emma was thinking. "Tink, can you fly to their camp and see if she is there?"
"I am on it."
"Killian..." Mulan gives him the shell. "It is Charming. Tink wait." Tink flew back down.
"Charming, what did you find?"
"We found Tigerlily. She knows where the Lost Boys are."
"Where the bloody hell are they?"
"Skull Rock."
Emma's heart is beating fast,her daughter is in danger at the same place where Henry was in danger the last time. Henry hugs his Mom. "No..."
Killian had to think quickly. "Charming, let me talk to Tigerlily."
"Tigerlily can you fly out and figure out why they took Hope to Skull Rock?"
"I know they are using her for her light magic."
"Tigerlily tell Charming to get Regina and everyone else to meet us by Skull Rock."
Tinkerbell, "I can fly out there and report back quickly."
"Thanks, Tink. We can start coming up with a plan to get Hope back." Tink flies quickly. Killian holds onto his wife. "Emma, we are going to find Hope."
"We are going to get her back together."
"Mom, Dad, Mulan I know how to get to Skull Rock. I do not want the Lost Boys to hurt my sister or trick her like I was..."
Emma hugs her son."We are going to get your sister back, kid. Lead the way."
Henry led his parents and Mulan the way. They find Regina, Gary,Ava and Charming. "Ava!"
"Henry!" Ava ran to him and he scooped her into his arms. "Ava! What are you doing here?"
"I heard you were taken, I wanted to come. Also, your Mom and I talked a lot."
"Ava and I talked a lot on the way here."
Henry sees his other Mom. "Mom. You came?"
"Of course, I did. You were taken to this nightmare place again. I had to come." Henry hugs his Mom. "Hope is taken from the Lost Boys. I just know they are using her for her light magic."
"I am going to help Emma and Killian."
Tinkerbell and Tigerlily both fly to Skull rock and see the Lost Boys with Hope. Hope was wailing. "Mommy, Dada,Henwy."
Lost Boy 1, "Shut up baby!"
Lost Boy 2: "You are not going to see your parents ever again." Hope cried more and her light magic began acting up. Two more Lost boys tried to tie Hope up but her magic was too powerful preventing them to tie her up.
"Oh, you two cannot tie her up."
They see Pan Jr who is a blonde haired boy with brown eyes, who is 13 years old, who came to Neverland right after Pan died. The Lost Boys do not know his real name but he resembles their former leader Pan. "Don't cry, little girl. You are going to help us, live longer."
He leans to face Hope. "You have no idea." She spits in his face.
Tinkerbell looks at Tigerlily. "Killian and everyone is meeting by the entrance."
"Warn them and get them here before it is too late. I am going to distract them to stall for time." Tinkerbell flew back to find Killian, Emma, Henry and everyone else with them. While they were waiting for Tinkerbell, they see Hope's light magic coming out of the Skull Rock. "Hope! She is there. Killian, we got to get to Hope before they hurt her.."
"We are going to get her out of there, love."
Tinkerbell returns. "Tink, what did you find out?"
"Did you find our daughter?"
"Yes, Pan Jr, that's what the Lost Boys call him. He is another version..."
"Of my father.."
"Yes, he is going to use Hope for her magic to keep him and the rest of the Lost Boys young."
Emma went into Mama bear mode, Hope needs to resume her, back not savior mode. "We need to get Hope out of there now!" She looks at her group, "Killian, you, Mulan, Regina and I go rescue, Hope. While, Henry, Ava, Dad, and Gary get the Jolly Roger here." Killian, Regina, Emma, Mulan all got into the boat. "Kid?"
"Sail the Jolly Roger here, with my David, Ava, Gary,and Gold. We need to escape fast."
"I will sail as fast I can. I know you and Dad are going to get Hope." They hug.
Tinkerbell goes to Killian. "Killian! Tigerlily is there when you arrive, she will distract them."
"Thanks, Tink."
"I will help Henry with the Jolly Roger."
"Killian, we need to go now!" Emma used her light magic to speed up the rowing to get to Skull Rock.
Rumpelstiltskin used his dark magic to transport all of them back on the Jolly Roger. Henry thought fast, "Gramps set the sails, Gary and Ava pull up the anchor."
Charming did as he was told. "Are you okay Henry?"
"I just want my sister safe. Out of the villain's clutches. "
"We are going to help her escape from the Lost Boys. I know your parents are getting your sister back." When they were ready, Tinkerbell used her pixie dust to make the Jolly Roger fly.
Henry was steering the Jolly Roger to skull rock. "This is so awesome!"
"My boyfriend is the best captain." She kisses him on the cheek.
"I am so happy to see you."
"I could not let your parents save you. I showed your grandpa a few of my tricks with my Dad's compass when we were fighting off Lost Boys."
"My girlfriend is awesome!" Rumpelstiltskin disappeared.
Emma, Killian,Mulan, and Regina arrived at Skull Rock. Emma remembers the last time, Henry was tricked by Pan by giving his heart. Killian rubs her hand. "We are going to get Hope out of there safe, love."
Regina gets out of the boat first to check any protection spell. "Emma, there is no protection spell. We can go now."
Killian holds Emma's arm. "Swan?"
"Our daughter is in danger, we need to go now."
"What is going on? You two have been keeping a secret since we were sailing here."
Killian was stressed out, his daughter was in danger and his wife was pregnant and does not want his swan and daughter to get hurt. "Not now, Regina! Mulan, you and Regina go ahead and attack. Tigerlily is going to help us distract them. When they are not around Hope, Emma you can get Hope."
Regina, "I can tear that Pan Jr heart out."
"Aye, good plan. Let's go."
Mulan goes to Killian. "You agree with this? You told me I need to protect Emma."
"Can you do both?"
"Yes, I can. Emma is not going to get hurt." Regina and Mulan went ahead and heard them talking. "This is the right baby who has magic."
"Are you sure Pan Jr? We kidnapped so many children from that Black Fairy's realm. Why did they not help us?"
"Because they do not have magic like this little girl has." Hope was crying. Tiger Lily threw poison darts on the Lost Boys' necks. When Regina and Mulan heard the Lost Boys screaming, Regina and Tigerlily ran to attack them. Hope began running.
Regina sees Pan Jr. trying to catch Hope. "Uh-uh." She used her magic to stop Pan jr. from getting to Hope and takes his heart out. Rumpelstilskin arrived, "Regina, I can do this." He gets the heart from Regina squeezes his heart making him drop to his knees. Since he could not do this to his father but he can do this to his father's impersonator. Regina continues to fight Lost Boys with Mulan and Killian the Lost Boys who were tipsy from the darts from Tigerlily but eager to fight them.
Emma sees her daughter running and trying to hide, which reminds her of herself as a child wanting her own mother to find her when she was afraid or lost. She goes to her daughter who was crying and hiding, "Hope!"
Emma scoops her daughter in her arms crying happy tears. "Hope. My baby girl."
Hope stops crying. "Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy.
"I am never letting you go again. You are with Mommy."
A Lost Boy charges at Emma and Hope, making Hope scream, "Aaaahhh!!" Hope began crying.
Emma sees the boy coming and goes into mama bear mode."DO NOT hurt my daughter!!" She holds her hand out and light magic shots out of her hand making the lost boy fly across the skull room and hit against the wall. Hope cries more. "You are okay, baby girl. You are with me. You are safe. Shh...shhh..." Emma takes Hope to the boat. "We are going to go on the Jolly Roger with Dada and Henry and sail home."
"Tay you Mommy."
Emma hugs her daughter. "You are staying with me. You are safe." Emma was relieved that her daughter was back with her in her arms safe.
Tigerlily joins the fighting with Mulan and Killian with the fighting. "Nice to see you, Killian."
"You too, Tigerlily. We always see each other in a fight."
"Yes, we need to see each other not in a battle."
"Aye, I agree."
Mulan and Tigerlily tied up Lost Boys. Regina and Tigerlily go to Killian. "Hook, what should we do with them?"
"They need to be put in Echo Cave for their punishment."
"Captain Guyliner I can do that."
Rumpelstiltskin goes to Regina. "Ah. Regina. After I show them their "leader's" punishment. Since I am the dark one."
Tigerlily looks at Killian. "Regina, Mulan and I got them under control. I know you want to check on Hope."
"Thank you for your help, Tigerlily".
"You are welcome."
Killian goes to Emma and Hope. They hug. "Dada!"
Killian takes Hope from Emma and hugs her. "Little love, Dada is here. You are safe with Mommy and Dada."
"Hero, Dada and Mommy."
"That is part of our job being your Mommy and daddy."
"Mommy magic."
"Yes, I used my light magic baby girl to protect you." Hope reaches out for her Mommy. Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "You are safe with Mommy and Daddy." Killian was smiling as he hugs his three loves were all together again.
"Dada, Mommy hero."
"Yes, little love. We are your heroes."
"Sweetie, that is part of Mommy and Daddy's job." She puts her head on her daughter's head and looks at her husband. "Killian. We saved Hope."
"Yes, we did. We saved both of our children. Next stop, home."
"Aye, yes, home." Killian and Emma both hug Hope and cry in happy tears that they found their daughter.
Back inside of Skull Rock, Regina had their leader's heart. "This is what is going to happen if you ever kidnap Henry or Hope or any of the Swan-Jones family again. Rumplestilskin?"
He takes the heart and held it in his hand, he has not felt this power in such a long time. "I haven't done this in such a long time." Rumplestilskin crushes Pan Jr's heart and he dies on the floor. "This will happen to you. If you ever come back to Storybrooke and kidnap Hope and Henry. You got that?!" The Lost Boys were afraid and nodded at the dark one. Mulan tied them up with rope. Regina uses her magic to get the Lost Boys to disappear to Echo Cave. Tigerlily flies away.
Mulan was impressed. "Nice job with your magic."
"Thanks, Mulan. What is going on with Killian and Emma?"
"I cannot say." Regina rolled her eyes, no one was telling her what was going on with Emma. They return to the entrance finding Emma and Killian hugging Hope.
Regina,"Emma, how is Hope?"
"She is not hurt." She hugs her daughter. "She is safe."
"Emma, Mulan and I heard information."
"What is it Regina?"
"The Lost Boys were kidnapping the orphans from the Black Fairy's realm to try to use them for their magic spell to make them stay young."
"That is where the orphans came from. I wonder how they got sent to our realm?"
"Aye, maybe they dropped them in the woods? The escaped prisoners caught them."
"Luckily we rescued them and they are in foster homes and safe."
Hop began moving around excitedly in her Mommy's arms. "Dada! Dada!! Olly Wawa fly!" Hope points at the Jolly Roger in the sky glowing with pixie dust.
They all look at the Jolly Roger flying. Emma and Killian were smiling. "Hope, you are right, little love, the Jolly Roger is flying."
"Yes, Hope, Tink's used her pixie dust." The Jolly Roger lands into the ocean making a huge splash. Henry lands the Jolly Roger and sailed it to Skull Rock. Charming puts down the anchor. Henry went out first and rushes to his family. "Mom! Dad! Hope!"
"Henwy!" Henry hugs his family. Hope hugs her brother.
Henry holds his sister and she hugs him, "Hope,are you okay?"
"Mommy dada hero!"
"I told you Hope, that Mommy and Daddy will rescue us. I steered the Jolly roger to get you from the Lost Boys."
"Bad boys!"
"Kid, why Hope is not wearing a diaper?"
"I did not have any diapers when she needed to change. So I kind of began potty training her." Emma was impressed.
"Swan, Allison did say we can start potty training her."
Emma smiles. "Henry helped us start potty train, Hope." Everyone went onto the Jolly Roger and were preparing to sail home. Emma took Hope to the captain's quarters and cleaned Hope up with baby wipes and changed Hope into a clean diaper and clean pajamas. Henry and Ava talk.
"Tink, thank you for helping us."
"You are welcome. I got to meet your daughter, Hope. She really is cute."
"She is a little pirate." He whispers to Tinkerbell. "We are having another pirate on the way."
"Congratulations! I know you and Emma are amazing parents to Henry and Hope. I can give you some pixie dust to help you all return to Storybrooke."
"Aye, I appreciate that." Emma and Hope return on deck.
Hope walks to Tinkerbell. "Tink!"
"Yes?" Hope takes her hand and leads her to the captain quarters.
"Swan, where is our little pirate taking Tinkerbell?"
"I think Hope wants to play with Tink."
"Aye...I think Tink has a special place in her heart for Hope."
"I think so."
"Mom, Dad, Tink like Hope right away."
Emma hugs her son. "I am not surprised."
Hope shows Tinkerbell her treasure chest full of toys. "Hope,is that your treasure chest?"
"Toys!" Hope takes out her Pluto pirate doll. "Pluto piwate!"
"Your doggie is a pirate?"
"Yes! Dada!"
"Your Dad got you a pirate doggie..."
"Oh, your doggie name is Pluto!"
"Yes!" Hope takes out her pirate bunny.
"Is that a pirate bunny?"
"Yes! Olly Wawa!" Tinkerbell smiles seeing Hope's toys, Killian is a daddy that gives his daughter everything. "Olly Wawa."
Killian enters his captain quarters smiling seeing Hope showing Tinkerbell her dolls. Killian goes to his daughter. "Hope, are you showing your Jolly Roger bunny and Pluto to Tink?
Killian smiles and looks up at Tinkerbell. "Tink, that is her Jolly Roger bunny."
Tinkerbell smiles. "The bunny doll's name is Jolly Roger?"
"Yes. Emma and her best friend Allison took Hope to a place where they make their own stuff animals, called Build-a-Bear. Hope chose the bunny doll, the outfit, and the name all by herself."
"Dada! Tink fly."
"Yes,she does fly with her wings, little love."
"Fly Tink!"
"Okay, one more time Hope." Tink holds Hope and takes her out of the captain quarters and flies up in the air.
"Wheee!!!" Killian and Emma both smile and took a video of Hope flying around with Tinkerbell.
They return, Hope was clapping. "Hope,what do you say to Tink?"
"Ank you."
"You are welcome, Hope."
"Dada! Fly Tink!"
"I saw you flying with Tink!" He holds Hope and hugs her.
"Mommy Fly fun!"
"I saw you flying with Tinkerbell!"
"Swan, I am going to sail us home." Emma takes Hope from Killian.
"Pway fly Olly Wawa."
Killian smiles Hope remembering their special game. "We can play flying Jolly Roger when we get back home. For now, we are going to travel home on the Jolly Roger."
"Olly Wawa adventuwe."
"Yes, our Jolly Roger adventure. You are my little first mate."
"Yay!" Killian kisses Hope on the cheek and hugs his daughter.
"Tink, I do not know what to say thank you so much for helping us rescue Hope and letting her experience flying."
"You are very welcome, Emma. Once, I saw Henry and Hope. I knew they were in danger with the Lost Boys. I had to help them. Hope I will visit you soon in Storybrooke." Hope smiles and claps her hands.
Emma smiles. "I think you are Hope's new friend."
"Yes, I am."
"You are welcome to come over soon."
"Thanks, Emma." Tink goes to Regina. "Regina, how are you and Robin?"
"Robin and I are married. Well, I adopted his daughter Rowand, who is the mother of Zelena."
Tinkerbell was surprised. "Your sister?"
"Long story short, she disguised herself as his dead wife and forced to have sex with him. She lost custody of Rowand. We have full custody."
"Wow! I am happy you have a happy family with Robinhood finally."
Killian gives Henry and Hope water to drink. Emma was sitting on the deck with Hope on her lap.
"Thanks, Dad." Henry hugs his Dad. "Hope was getting thirsty. I could not give her water from coconuts since she is allergic."
"I know you took good care of her."
"Hope was in danger."
"It was the Lost Boys fault but you are helping us now, by escaping here." He takes Henry away from everyone. "Henry you are not the one to blame that Hope got kidnapped."
"Yes, I did." Henry began to tear up.
"No,no, no,son." Killian hugs his son. "You were the one who Hope felt safe with, with your experience with Neverland, and knew where to get to safety. You did not let the Lost Boys hurt Hope. You protected Hope when she was afraid..."
"Terrified. That is what a job of a big brother does, protect their younger sibling from danger and making them feel safe. You kept Hope safe in a scary situation, lad. You helped us bring the Jolly Roger to Skull Roger so we can escape. I know Hope thinks that you are her hero son." Henry hugs his Dad.
Kiliian gives Emma water to drink and goes to the steering wheel. Tinkerbell puts pixie dust on the Jolly Roger and the ship flies up in the air. "Killian second star to the left!"
"Thank you, Tink!"
Henry was sitting next to his Mom and sister. Emma was holding Hope who wanted to look down. "Little sis, we are flying!"
"Olly wawa fly!"
"Yes, we are going home, little sis."
"Mommy." Hope hugs her Mommy.
"You are with me, Hope. Henry and you are both safe with Mommy and daddy."
Henry joined their hug. "Hope, I am right here, little sis."
Charming goes to his daughter and grandchildren. "Emma, is Hope okay?"
"Yes,Dad. She is okay."
"Hi, Hope."
"Mommy dada hero!"
"Your Mommy is a hero."
"Yes!" Hope kisses Emma on the cheek.
Ava returns to give Hope her Pluto doll. "Pluto!" Hope hugs her pirate Pluto. "Ank you Ava."
"You are welcome, Hope." Ava sits next to Henry. Emma looked exhausted.
"Mom, I can watch Hope. You look like you need to rest."
"I'm really tired. I just need to sleep."
"Tay you, Mommy."
"You can stay with me, sweetie." Charming helped his daughter up from the deck and helped them walk to the captain quarters. "Thanks, Dad." Emma sets Hope on the floor and Hope reaches up to her Mommy's belly. "Baby." Hope hugs her Mommy's belly. "Luv you."
"You are being a very good big sister, Hope.The baby can hear your voice."
"Baby." She kisses her Mommy's belly.
"You are staying with me and the baby." She hugs her daughter. Emma turns to her Dad seeing him dumbfounded, hearing Hope talking about his daughter's pregnancy.
"Emma...y-you are pregnant?" He smiles.
Emma smiles. "Yes, I am. I am 8 weeks along."
"Emma." He hugs his daughter knowing she had a hard time conceiving after she had Hope. "Congratulations. I am so happy for you."
"Thank you, Dad. Killian and I are very excited to be parents from the very beginning again. We are all very excited for the newest addition to our family."
Emma smiles at her daughter. "As you can see, Hope is very excited."
Charming kneels to Hope. "Hope, you are going to be a big sister!"
"Yes! Piwate baby."
Emma chuckles. "Yes, we are having another pirate to our crew." She hugs her daughter. "Dad, please keep my pregnancy a secret. Killian and I don't want the whole town to know about our addition to our family just yet. Also, the baby is healthy. We had a sonogram appointment right before this operation."
"I will keep your special news a secret."
"Thanks, Dad."
"I can cover for you at the station. I knew something was going on with Killian taking your shifts. He has also been overprotective of you this whole this trip and before this trip."
Emma smiles. "That is my husband." Emma yawns.
"I will let you rest." Emma lies down on the bed with Hope. "Hope make sure your Mommy gets some sleep."
"Okay." Hope lies down next to her Mommy and hugs her. "Sleep."
"Yes, little duckling." She kisses Hope on the head.
Charming sees his daughter and granddaughter together lying down and closes the door. He returns to the deck to Killian who was steering. He folds his arms. "Congratulations Killian."
"On what?"
"On that facet that you and Emma are having...."
"Emma told you?"
"Actually, Hope did. Emma confirmed it."
Killian chuckles, his little pirate princess. "Oh, Hope did?"
"Yes. I really am happy for you and Emma. You really are taking good care of Emma."
"Yes, I am doing my job as her husband." Killian sees Henry with Ava lying in his arms fast asleep. "I am also teaching my son on how to treat a lady right."
Charming smiles."You are teaching him right." Killian went to the second star to the right and turned left into their realm.
A little while later, Emma carried out very upset Hope. "Killian, our little pirate princess wants her daddy."
"Want Dada!"
"Little love, we are out of Neverland. We are flying over London."
Emma was surprised."We are?"
"Yes." Emma carried Hope to the side to show her London. "Hope, the Jolly Roger is flying over London. The city is pretty at night."
"Mommy, go there."
Emma chuckles. "Not now, sweetie."
"Little sis,we need to travel on an airplane to go to London."
"Dada." Ava wakes up.
"Hope, I will take you to Daddy, little sis." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Mom, I can be with Hope and Dad."
"Thanks, kid." She hugs Henry and Hope and heads into the captain quarters to get some rest. Henry takes Hope to their Dad.
"Dada eer."
"He is steering us home."
"Dad, Hope wants you to hold her."
"Son, how about you steer? While I hold Hope?"
"Awesome." Ava takes over the wheel so Killian gets Hope from Henry. Henry takes over the steering of the Jolly Roger.
"Hope, you are with Dada. Dada. Do not cry. You are safe." Hope hugs her daddy.
"Want Dada."
Killian knows Hope was afraid since she was just experienced in Neverland. "You are safe with me, Hope. We are going home."
"Yes, Home. You can be my little pirate. You can help me tell Henry where to steer us home." He rubs her back and hugs her until she stopped crying. He tells Henry where to steer while holding Hope. "Ava."
"Can you get Hope's sippy cup in her diaper bag?"
"Sure. I will be right back." Ava enters the captain's quarters seeing Emma fast asleep and gets the sippy cup of milk from the diaper bag. "Killian, here is Hope's sippy cup."
"Thank you, Ava." He gives Hope her sippy cup of milk to drink. "I also want to say thank you for coming on this operation ducklings with us and being helpful especially Emma."
"You are welcome, Killian. I am happy to help, Henry is my boyfriend. I wanted to make sure he was rescued. Emma helped my family. Henry and you, Hope and Emma are my family." Hope wanted to walk around.
"Alk Henwy."
"Dad, your turn to steer."
"Aye, son." They switch places.
Hope tugs Henry's hand and they walk around. "Alk!"
"We are walking, little sis."
Regina approaches Henry and Hope. "Henry, what is going on with Emma? She has been acting weird this whole operation?"
"Nothing is wrong with her."
Regina kneels to Hope. "Hope, can you tell me what is going on with your Mommy?"
"No, ina." Hope walks away, making Henry chuckles. "Henwy!" Henry scooped Hope into his arms and tickles her.
Ava joins Henry tickling Hope. "Henry, if you want me to, I can watch Hope so you can rest."
"Let's see what Hope thinks." He kneels down to his sister. "Hope, do you want to play with Ava?"
"Yes, pway with Ava!" Hope hugs Ava making her smile.
"Have fun!"
"We will, Henry." Ava walks around the ship with Hope. She showed Ava her knots.
Rumpelstiltskin approaches Regina. "It is harsh when your son is not telling you something or barely talking to you. He doesn't trust you?"
"I do not like who he is dating."
"You do not like her because of your history with Gretel?"
Regina got mad. "Shut up." Rumpelstiltskin smiles knowing that he was right.
Henry goes into the captain quarters to sleep with his Mom. He lies down next to his Mom.
Emma wakes up seeing Henry next to her. "Hey, kid."
"Hi, Mom. Did I wake you up?"
"Not really?" She hugs her son. "Are you okay?"
"I am just a little tired that is all. This trip was more walking this time. I held Hope the whole time until we got to Tink's house, telling her she was safe. She was afraid, Mom. I made sure Hope was safe."
"You took good care of Hope, kid."
"I did not Mom! They took Hope away from me! I couldn't protect her. I put you at risk and the baby at risk! If you got hurt and the baby you would hate me forever...."Henry began crying.
Emma felt sorry for her son for feeling so guilty. "Henry. Henry..." She hugs her son and rubs his back. "It is not your fault. The Lost boys kidnapped, Hope. You did not put me at risk or the baby, Henry. Your Dad made sure I did not get into any danger. He barely let me do anything on this operation. He even hired Mulan to be me and the baby's bodyguard. Killian told everyone the plan when we arrived at Skull Rock, your Dad told everyone the plan to rescue Hope. Your dad told me specifically was only to get Hope after everyone else got the Lost Boys. When Regina told me to come up to skull rock with her to fight the Lost Boys, your Dad just held my hand and told Mulan to go ahead. Tigerlily helped us with her poison darts. I saw your sister and took her into my arms. When Hope screamed I just put my hand and my light magic burst and the Lost Boy flew to the other side of the room. That was the only action I did, Henry. The baby is not hurt. I am not hurt. Your sister is safe, kid because you got her away from the Lost Boys. You helped us to escape because you steered the Jolly Roger to Skull Rock. You got Hope to feel safe while you two were in danger. You are an amazing big brother Henry. It was my decision to come because I did not want you and Hope to forget me thinking you two were being replaced."
"Mom, I kept telling Hope that you and Dad were going to rescue us and telling her we're having an adventure. I knew you were going to come. I was not going to let the Lost Boys brainwash Hope." He hugs his Mom knowing he was not going to forget him. "You are my Mom. I know you are not going to replace Hope or me."
"When you two were taken, I went into mama bear mode to get you two back. I wasn't going to stop until you two were safe with your Dad and me. You two are never going to be replaced."
He hugs his Mom and places his hand on his Mom's belly. "Baby bro or baby sis, our Mommy went to Neverland with daddy to rescue Hope and me. You are going to have our amazing Mom who always fights for us and rescues us. Our parents are the best. We cannot wait for you to join our family." Emma was crying she was hormonal but coming from a lost girl herself, she has a family now. "Mom, do not cry."
"I am crying because you are safe with me. You and Hope are back with us." She hugs her son.
"You are our Mom, Mom. I love you."
"I love you so much my baby boy."
"Mom..." Emma chuckles that she can still embarrass her son.
Ava returns with Hope. "Henwy, potty."
Emma was surprised. "You really began potty training Hope?"
"Yes, I did. Tink gave me toilet paper."
Emma holds Hope. "Hope, you have to show me how you go potty on the toilet?" Emma carried Hope on the potty and helped her sit on the toilet.
Hope pees. Emma smiles. "Done."
Emma cleans up Hope. "Very good, Hope. You are becoming such a big girl!" She kisses Hope on the head. "We are going to need to get you big girl underwear." She brings Hope out of the bathroom, to Henry. "Kid, you helped your Dad and I began Hope's potty training."
"Awesome! High five Hope."
"Five!" They high fived.
Emma and Hope returned to the captain quarters to sleep as Henry and Ava talked on deck. Killian was steering his vessel as the sun was rising and as they were getting close to Maine. "Ava, Henry and Mulan prepare the sails to land." Henry, Mulan and Ava set the sails for landing. Killian steered his ship out of the clouds and saw the ocean and landed his ship with a big splash.
Emma wakes up when the Jolly Roger landed in the ocean, Hope was still fast asleep. She carried Hope to the deck to Killian. "My captain, are we back home?"
"Yes, we are, love. We are almost at Storybrooke's docks. How is our little pirate princess?"
"Fast asleep. Getting her very needed rest after her adventure in Neverland."
"Aye she needs to rest." He kisses Hope on the head. "Little love, we are almost home from your adventure."
Henry approaches his Dad. "Dad, can I steer the rest of the way to the docks? Please. "
"Aye, yes you can, my boy." Killian lets Henry sail. "Swan, I got our little pirate." He takes Hope from his swan. "You are with Dada. Dada is not going to let anyone take you away from us again."
"You are with Mommy, Dada and Henry."
Killian wraps his hook arm around his wife's waist. "How is our littlest bean?"
Emma smiles. "Not causing me any sickness since we are in our second home. Our little bean loves it's daddy's ship."
Killian smiles. "Just like the rest of our family." They kiss.
"I will be right back." Emma walks to her Dad. "Dad?"
"Yes, Emma?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For coming to Neverland to help Killian and me rescue Henry and Hope."
"You are welcome. I am happy to help Henry and Hope out of Neverland, they are my grandchildren. You are my daughter, I will always be there to help you. I want to gain your trust back."
"You are gaining my trust, Dad. You came to Neverland where you got hurt with the Dreamshade poison the first time. You still came."
"That is because you are my princess." He hugs his daughter. "I will always be there for you."
"Just please do not talk about Mary-Margaret. Only when it is necessary."
"I promise. I will make sure she does not cause trouble."
"Thanks, Dad."
Regina sees Emma and Charming talking. "Are you going to talk to your son? To make up like Miss Swan and David are."
"No, Rumple."
Henry steers the Jolly Roger at the docks into the early morning of Maine. "Land ahoy! We are home!" Everyone cheered. Killian goes to Mulan. "Thank you for coming on this mission."
"You are welcome,Killian. I am happy to help and experience Neverland for the first and last time." They both laughed.
Ava hugs Henry. "I will call you later?"
"Yes." They kiss.
There was more cheering as everyone left the ship. There was a crowd greeting them, Belle with Gideon, Mike, Nicholas, the seven dwarves, Robinhood, Roland, Rowand and Allison, and the rest of the Cameron family. Regina and Gary went off first, after them it was Mulan, Charming, and Rumpelstiltskin.
Belle and Gideon go to Rumpelstiltskin. "Daddy!"
"Rumple." They had a family hug.
"Daddy home. Hope?"
"Yes,son, Hope is home. She is on the Jolly Roger with Hook and Emma."
Ava went off next and went to her dad and brother. "Dad!"
Mike hugs his daughter. "Hi, Ava. Did you have fun?"
"Yes. I helped them with their operation."
Nicky, "Why could I not go?"
"Because you did not help me during our assignment from the Evil Queen. Sneaking into the gingerbread house and you ate a cupcake which woke up the Blind Witch. I pushed her into the oven and we had to run for our lives! Remember?"
"Yes." Ava hugs her brother.
"How was being on the same ship as the Evil Queen?"
"We were separated most of the trip. We barely talked."
Henry hugs his Dad. "Dad, when we sail next time, can we sail for fun not in danger?"
"Yes, son. The youngest Swan-Jones likes when we sail."
"The baby does?"
"Yes, kid. Our littlest pirate doesn't give me too much morning sickness when we are on our second home."
"The baby already takes after Dad."
Emma smiles and hug her son. "I am so happy to be home with you and Hope both safe."
"Speaking of home, swan. Let's go home to our home on land."
"I love that idea. We all need to go home." They went off the Jolly Roger and into the crowd of cheering friends and family that greeted them home.
"Allison!" They hug.
"We need to catch up. I need the details. How is Hope and Henry?"
"Yes, we need to catch up. They are not injured or used for any villain person plot. They are safe. Also Henry potty trained Hope. Well begin potty training Hope."
"I can give you tips."
"I do need tips." They hug. Killian wrapped his arm around his three loves. "Killian, we saved our children."
"Yes, we did, love. We saved them,Team Swan-Jones way."
"Operation Ducklings is a success?"
"Aye, operation Ducklings is a success!" Killian knew Emma needed to rest, he led his family home. Emma rubs Hope's back."Hope, we are home, sweetie."
Hope wakes up. "Home! Mommy! Home!"
Emma was smiling hearing Hope happy to be home. "Hope, we are home." Hope hugs her Mommy. "No more Neverland."
"No Nev-land."
Emma hugs her daughter. "That is right, sweetie. No Neverland for you and Henry."
"Hope,we are home, little sis."
Emma gives Hope a bubble bath and changed her into a comfy outfit in her bedroom. "You need to get big girl underwear. My big girl."
Hope hugs her Mommy. "Luv you,Mommy."
Emma smiles. "I love you so much, Hope."
Hope goes to her brother's room. "Henwy." Henry was changed and holds Hope on his hip. "Hope, we are home, little sis. Mommy and Daddy got out of Neverland."
"Henwy, hero!"
Henry smiles. "I am your hero, Hope?"
"Yes,you afe me."
"I am your hero, Hope. I am your big brother." Hope hugs her brother. "We are home." Emma and Killian smile seeing Hope and Henry's brother and moment. They went downstairs to relax in the living room.
Allison enters the Swan-Jones house. "Emma?"
"I am in the living room, Allison." They hug.
"Emma, how are you feeling?"
"I am less nauseous now. I had morning sickness when we were in Neverland. I used my light magic to protect Hope and speed up the boat to get to Skull Rock. I did not fight on our Neverland trip."
Henry and Hope arrive downstairs. "Auntie."
"Hi, Hope." She hugs her niece.
"Henwy, hero."
"Henry is your hero?"
"Afe me."
"He saved you?"
"Yes!" Killian smiles at Henry who was smiling knowing Hope is calling him her hero.
Allison hugs Henry. "How are you?"
"I am happy to be home."
"Best bro!" Henry takes Hope from Allison and spun her around.
Killian got thinking as he wrapped his arm around his swan and littlest love. "Aye, Allison. Do you think this adventure could have affected Emma's pregnancy with the baby?"
"I can check."
Emma was curious. "How?"
"I have a portable doppler monitor with me. We can hear your baby's heartbeat."
Emma and Killian both smile."We can hear the baby's heartbeat?"
Allison smiles."Yes, I can, Emma. I had a feeling you were going to be nervous about the baby when you arrived back here. I heard from Belle what was going on. " Allison gets ready. Henry sits with Hope on his lap next to their Mom and Dad.
"Killian, we get to hear our baby's heart again."
"Aye, I do want to hear our little bean's heartbeat again like we did yesterday."
"If there is something wrong..."
"Emma, you did not fall down, you did not get hurt on this trip, love. I made sure of that."
Emma relaxed a little bit knowing her husband was right. "You did a great job on protecting us, Killian." She hugs him.
"I always will, Emma."
"Mommy, Dada."
"We are going to hear the heartbeat of the baby, little sis."
"Baby." Hope goes to her Mommy. "Baby, Mommy!"
"We are going to hear the heartbeat of the baby, sweetie."
"Baby pictuwe?"
"No picture of the baby today, sweetie." Hope looked like she was about to cry wanting to see her sibling. "Hope." Emma takes Hope from the carpet and hugs her. "You can sit next to me while we hear the baby's heartbeat." She kisses Hope on the head and pulls up her shirt.
Allison puts the gel on and puts on the doppler on Emma's abdominal and searches for the heartbeat. Emma was gripping Killian's hand nervously. It was quiet until the heartbeat sound took over the room. Allison smiles."That is a strong heartbeat, my little niece or nephew."
Emma began crying in relief. "Our baby is healthy."
Killian was hugging her crying that his littlest pirate is safe. "Our littlest pirate safe, love."
"Yes, our littlest duckling is safe." They kiss. Allison smiles seeing her whole extended family happy that their soon to be newest member of their family is still alive and happy that she was able to bring that joy to the family.
Henry sighed in relief as his Mom's journey in Neverland to save them did not harm his newest sibling. "Yes!" He hugs his Mom.
"Baby." She kisses Emma's abdominal.
Emma smiles down at her abdominal where her baby was growing inside of her knowing her trip to Neverland did not harm her baby in any way. "We all love you baby Swan-Jones. We cannot wait to meet you. You are a fighter like me and your daddy. You take after your family already." Killian hugs his wife knowing they rescued their children from Neverland together and their family is all together under one roof.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now