In Danger Again

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During the night, Zelena escaped the psych ward and went to Regina's house. Once she arrived there, she snuck into the house and kidnapped her daughter Rowand. The next morning, a few hours later, Emma wakes up by getting a phone call. "Hello?"
"Emma, it's Regina. I got a phone call from the psych ward that Zelena escaped. Rowand is missing, Robin and I searched everywhere for her. We think Zelena kidnapped her."
"Killian and I are on the way." She gets off the phone and wakes up Killian. "Killian..."
"Morning, Love."
"Get dressed, we have to go to work now." Emma rushes to get dressed.
"What is going on love?"
"Zelena escaped and Rowand is missing."
"Bloody hell." He gets up.
Henry wakes up. "Mom, Dad what is going on..."
"Henry. I know you have school today. You need to stay home today to watch Hope. Your Dad and I have to go to work."
"Mom, what is going on?"
Emma whispered. "Zelena escaped and Rowand is missing."
"Kid, you and Hope are going to stay here. I am going to put a protection over the house to protect you and Hope."
"Mom, there is a possibility Rowand has magic."
"Dad, Zelena is her mother."
"Killian, please stay home with them."
"Just in case Zelena gets ideas of using Rowand for her magic to get revenge on us for putting her in the psych ward...I want you to keep Hope and Henry safe. Please keep our children safe"
"Love, I will protect them."
"Can you call Lily to help find Zelena?"
"Aye, love." He calls Lily.
"Mom, Hope is waking up."
"Good morning, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Did you have a good sleep on Henry?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you did. Mommy has to go to work. Be a good girl for Daddy and Henry, while Mommy has to be sheriff."
"Mom, I will be with Hope the entire time. She is not going to get hurt on my watch."
"Henry, Hope is going to be with you. I know you are going to keep her safe." She hugs them.
"Mom, we love you."
"I love you both so much. Listen to your Dad."
"Mom, we will." Emma leaves.
Meanwhile, Zelena with a very upset Rowand dragging her out of the town area and heading to the private homes. "Rowand you are with Mommy."
"You are not my mom. I want my mommy and daddy."
"I am your mom!" She drags Rowand to Swan-Jones house. "Rowand, I know you have magic."
"My mom said not to use it."
"Damn that Regina. She is turning my daughter into her, not using magic." She bends down face to face Rowand. Zelena screamed. "Use your magic at this house right now!" Rowand uses her green magic at the house. Henry noticed the house magic was being used, he noticed his Mom's magic is working. "Dad, something is going on." Killian looks out the window and sees Zelena and Rowand, Rowand using her magic.
"Bloody hell, Emma was right." He turns to Henry and Hope. "Henry, stay here with Hope. Whatever happens, do not go outside."
"Dad, I will protect Hope."
"That's my son. Call your Mom right now to tell her to come home now!" Killian gets a sword from the basement. Hope began to cry knowing something is wrong. He looks out the front window and sees Zelena and Rowand, using magic at their house as he was calling his Mom."Mom!"
Emma was with her Dad, Robin, Regina, and Lily."Henry!"
"Dad is getting a sword and your magic is working but I see Zelena and Rowand at our house and Zelena forcing Rowand to do magic."
"Henry, we are on the way. Stay inside with Hope."
"Mom, I am not leaving Hope." He hangs up. "Hope, it is okay little sis. Mommy and Daddy are the heroes they are going to take the bad lady away from our house."
Emma gets off the phone. Emma began to run and everyone else follows her. "Regina, your sister is forcing Rowand to do dark magic at my house threatening my family, what the heck."
"Swan, you have every right to arrest her."
"Yes, she is going to prison for kidnapping Rowand and threatening my family for the third time. She better not hurt my family."
"Emma, I will fly ahead and sees what's going on." Lily turned into a dragon and flies.
"Thanks, Lily."
"I got to hand it to you hiring Lily was a great idea, Emma."
"Thanks, Dad. The plan is to get Rowand away from Zelena. I will fight Zelena off enough so Regina can get Rowand."
"Your family is going to be alright."
" From that crazy witch...she better not hurt any of them."
Killian opens the door and stayed in the protection spell. "Zelena, leave my family alone, you crazy witch."
"No! Thanks to your wife, I lost my custody visits to see Rowand."
"Killian, she is making me do this."
"I know, love."
"You want to fight captain?"
"Nobody threatens my family and lives to see the light of day."
Zelena laughs."Oh, please pirate. With you and that one hand."
"Aye, what about you no magic? Since you are not a witch anymore Zelena."
"I do have a sword to use." Killian and Zelena fight. Inside of the Swan-Jones house, Henry was watching from the window in the living room not showing Hope what is going on. "Hope, it is okay, little sis. You are with me." He kisses Hope as she continues to cry. He sees a dragon, Lily. "Hope, Lily is here to help Daddy. Look at the dragon flying the sky." He shows Hope Lily in dragon form. As Lily lands with a thud, that made Zelena land on the ground and blows out the fire at Zelena. Hope was crying hearing the dangerous noise around her and Henry. "Hope, you are safe with me. Daddy is going to be okay. The dragon is on the hero side and helping Daddy defeat Zelena." He rubs Hope's back and bounced her to calm her down. He was nervous too but he knows his family by now, they can get through anything.
"Rowand hurt him now!!" Rowand aimed her hand at Killian, he used his sword to block her magic. Lily blows her flames as Zelena.
Emma arrives at her husband's side. She uses her magic to protect Killian from Rowand's magic. "Zelena get away from my family you crazy witch."
"Oh, Emma. You care to join our fight?"
"Try your best with no magic." Emma and Zelena sword fight, Regina gets Rowand and rushes to Robin and Charming.
"You are with me. Daddy is here too." Regina hands over Rowand to Robin.
Zelena still fighting with Emma with the swords. Emma is mad enough Zelena threatened her family. Emma used her magic to knock out Zelena to the ground and punched Zelena in the face a few times which makes Zelena passes out. "That is payback for threatening my family when I was pregnant and the last time and now." Charming and Lily, not a dragon form carried out Zelena to the police car, that arrived a few minutes ago driven by Grumpy. Grumpy, Charming and Lily drove Zelena to prison.
"Killian." They hug.
"Love we have not had a fight like that in a long time."
"Yes, I know. Are you okay?" She puts her hand on his scruffy face.
"Aye, I am. Remember love, I am a survivor."
"Yes, you are." They kiss. "Where are the kids?"
"They are inside." Henry sees his parents reuniting and takes Hope who was still crying.
"Dad, are you okay?"
"Aye, lad. I am." He goes to his two kids and hugs them. "How is little Hope?"
"Hope has been crying ever since you went out here, she was afraid of the noise. She wants you, Dad." Henry gives Hope to their Dad.
"Little love, Daddy is alright little lass. That mean lady is not going to bother us anymore Hope.Daddy got you, little love." Hope gripped her Daddy. "Hope, Daddy has you. I am not hurt. I am a survivor, Hope."
"That is right Hope. Your daddy can survive anything. He was protecting you and Henry from being hurt." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope your Daddy did not get hurt sweetie. He is okay."
"Hope your very brave Mommy protected me from dark magic. You made sure the mean witch got hurt from all the mean things she did to us. Mommy is a hero little love."
"Hope your daddy is a hero to sweetie. He protects you and Henry sweetie from that mean witch from entering our house and hurting you both."
"Aye, your Mommy is right little love. We both protected you and Henry. That mean crazy former witch is going to prison where all the bad people live." Killian kisses Hope on the head and Hope gripped her Daddy. "Swan, Hope just wants her Daddy."
"Yes, she does. She knows her daddy is protecting her."
"Aye, she does love. I will take her in for snuggle time."
"I will join you both soon." They kiss. Killian takes Hope inside.
"Mom, are you okay?" Henry hugs his Mom.
"Yes, Henry. I am okay. My light magic helped me protect your Dad from Rowand's magic and fighting Zelena with a sword was fun and payback never felt so good since she threatened our family for the third time now. Thank you kid for telling us that about Rowand's magic."
"Your welcome, Mom. I am just happy you and Dad did not get hurt." He hugs his Mom.
"How was Hope after I left?"
"When Dad went out to fight Zelena Hope began to cry until I took her out here. She heard the noise and got afraid. I did not show her any of it. I only showed her Lily as a dragon."
"Henry, you are a great big brother."
Regina approached them. "Regina, how is Rowand?"
"Scared that I was mad at her for using magic. I told her that it was okay and she and I are going to have magic lessons. I told her the crazy witch is going to prison."
"Yes, Zelena is going prison as we speak."
"Mom, you have to tell Rowand who Zelena really is."
"Henry, she is three years old, her mother used her magic to get revenge on your family. I am not telling Rowand that Zelena is her mom."
"Zelena used her daughter's magic to threatened you and your family, I do not want to scare her."
"I told Hope what was going on the entire time and she is only 6 months old."
"Henry, I will tell Rowand when she understands.."
Henry gets aggravated and went inside the house.
"I know..he still hates that I am not being honest with Rowand. I want to protect her.."
"I understand...that was when I told Henry about his real Dad that he died as a firefighter to protect him from knowing the truth of his father who was really a bad guy.."
"Emma, I understand."
" I had to admit fighting with your crazy sister, after all, she threatened my family not once not twice now three times, and punching her never felt so good." Killian brings upset Hope. "Swan, Hope wants her Mommy."
"Hope, you want Mommy?" Hope reached out to her Mom and Emma gets her daughter.
Hope crying, "Mommy!"
"Yes, Hope, Mommy." She kisses. "Mommy and Daddy got the mean witch away from you and Henry." She soothes Hope. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy while her Mommy calmed her down.
"Emma, is Hope talking?"
"Yes, she is. Hope surprised me on my birthday yesterday morning, saying Mommy as a birthday surprise."
She talks to her husband, "Killian, can you tell Henry to get ready for school and that we will drive him there?"
"Aye, love. I will." He goes inside to talk to Henry. He finds his son in his bedroom looking mad."Henry, are you okay?" He sits down next to his son.
"I am just annoyed that my other mom won't tell Rowand who Zelena really is." He wrapped his arm around his son.
"Lad, we talked about this, everyone raises their children differently."
"I just knowing the truth and you cannot say it sucks."
"Aye, lad it does."
"I am just happy to live you, Mom and Hope, in an honest family."
"Aye, lad you are. Even though we have to fight a crazy witch."
"Yes, but you and Mom are the heroes."
"Yes, lad we are."
"You and Mom are raising Hope right from the very beginning. Mom I can be open with always did."
"Henry, I know. You are open with us and we are open to you about anything. Your mom told me to get ready for school and that we will drive you to school."
"Okay. I will get ready. Can Hope join us on the ride?"
Killian smiled."Hope is definitely going to join us. After what happened this morning, your Mom and I want to make sure you both are safe." Henry hugs Dad.
"Dad, can we sail soon?"
"Lad, we do need to have a lesson soon, on Saturday perhaps?"
"Yes!" Henry gets ready for school and Killian checks on his two loves with Regina.
"Emma and Killian, thank you for getting Rowand away from Zelena." Hope cried.
"Hope they are gone, sweetie. They are not going to hurt you." She soothes Hope. "Your welcome Regina, Hope is still afraid of both of them." She takes Hope inside.
"I will make sure your sister is in prison."
"Thank you, Killian." Regina leaves. Killian returns to his wife and daughter, Hope was being fed in the living room by Emma.
"Swan, how is Hope?"
"She is nursing now which is helping her calm down." He sits next to his wife and daughter.
"Hope, Daddy is here, little love." He lets Hope hold his hook. "That is a good little love." Henry comes down ready for school. "Mom, I am ready for school."
"We will leave in a few minutes, Henry. I just got to finish feeding your sister."
"I can get her diaper bag packed."
"Thanks, kid."
Henry returned with the diaper bag and Killian was holding Hope in his arms. "Henry, come to sit next to me, kid."
"Yes, Mom?"
"Are you okay from this morning witch attack?"
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, I was a little afraid this morning but I know that you and Dad were going to defeat her as you always do together as heroes. Hope was terrified, I was holding her the entire time...Mom, Hope was afraid, she was gripping on me and I was telling her everything is going to be okay and that she was safe and we will not get hurt. She knew once Dad told us to stay inside that when she wanted Dad. I was protecting her as best as I can.."
"Henry." Emma hugs her son. "Henry your Dad and I are okay. You are my brave son you did all that you can for Hope by being there for her when she was afraid. Hope knew that you as her big brother was protecting her from the evil witch outside our house."
"Mom, I am Hope's brother. I love her and hate when she is afraid. I am going to protect her always...Hope was hugging me tight crying so afraid for Dad and you..." Henry began to cry and Emma hugs him. "Henry...your Dad did not get hurt...I protected him with my light magic....your Dad and I did not get hurt." She rubs her son's back as he was crying onto her lap and Killian moved over on the couch to join Emma rubbing Henry's back while Hope was hugging her Daddy. "When you called I knew she was at our house. I was so afraid that she and daughter were going to get in the house and hurt you and Hope....I know your Dad was not going to let that happen."
"Aye, lad, your mom is right. I was not going to let that witch hurt your and Hope. I am not losing my family."
"Dad." Henry hugs him. "I know you were going to protect us."
"Aye, lad. I will always protect my family."
"You and Mom are always are going to be protecting us as heroes and most important of all you both are our honest and brave parents." Emma and Killian looked at each other smiled knowing their children think of them parents mostly than heroes. Emma hugs her son.
"That is right Henry, we are your parents first always than heroes. We are not letting you and Hope ever get hurt from evil villains." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Mom, you are my mom first and then the savior."
"Yes, I am, kid."
" I love you, Mom. Thank you for being you our Mom."
"Henry, you, and Hope are my kids, you two I will put first always. You two are my and your dad's first priority always for you and Hope." She kisses Henry on the head and hugs him
"Mommy." She reaches out to her Mommy.
Emma excitedly, "Hope!" Killian happily handed over their daughter to his wife. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will always protect you for evil villains. We are the heroes. Your Daddy the pirate and your Mommy the savior the one who saves this town from villains and give everyone the happy endings. " Hope hugs her Mommy. "Yes, Hope. Mommy will always be your hero."
"Little Sis. Mommy and Daddy protected us from the mean witch. I told you we will be okay." He kisses Hope on the cheek and made her laugh. "I told you I will always protect you from danger, it is my job description as your big brother to make sure you are safe, loved, protected and happy." Hope smiled and grabbed his face. "Hope, I love you too Hope. You are my baby sister." Emma and Killian smile at each other knowing their love of their small family is strong and being there for one another during danger and come together in tough times as one family. "Hope, can you say Henry...Henry."
"Mommy." They all laughed.
"Hope, say dada....dada.."
"Mommy!" She hugs her Mommy.
"Henry, Hope will say your name and yours Killian very soon. She just can my name first." She kisses Hope multiple times and made her laugh. "Yes, you are my little girl...yes you're my little cutie." She tickles Hope and made her laugh.
When everyone was ready, Emma drove Hope, Henry, and Killian to the high school, in her yellow bug car. Henry was sitting next to Hope and played with her. "Hope, I am the tickle monster...I am going to get you...I am going to get you....tickle...tickle...tickle." Henry tickled his sister and made her laugh very loudly and happily. Hope loved playing with her big brother. Emma and Killian smiled at each other, loving their children are really close. Emma parked her car. "Henry, we are here."
"Hope, I will see you later, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope began to cry and reaches out to Henry to hold her. "Aww, Hope.Do not cry, little sis." He unbuckles her and holds his sister on his chest and snuggled her. "Hope, I have to go to school." He kisses her on the head, Hope hugs her brother."I love you, Hope. I promise to read to you when I get home." Hope continued to wail. "I am not going to be in any danger, Hope. You are going to be with Mommy and Daddy, you are going to be safe with them." He comforts his upset sister.
"Mom, Hope wants us together...after this morning...she was with me the entire witch fight."
"Henry, you are right, Hope wants you to be with her."
"Mom, I do have my art class now. If I can ask my art teacher, can you and Hope sit in for today? So I can make Hope happy."
Emma smiles for her son caring so much about his little sister ."If your art teacher says yes. Hope and I can sit in your art class."
"I want Hope to know that we are not leaving her. She is safe."
"Lad, Hope trusts you. She loves you."
"Oh, I know. I want Hope to be happy." He kisses Hope on the head while Hope snuggles on her brother. He sniffs his sister. "Mom, Hope needs a change." Emma goes into the back and changes Hope's diaper. "You are all clean my little pirate." Hope reaches out for her Daddy. Killian holds Hope.
"Love, I have to check in with Lily and your dad about the crazy witch. I can wait out here..."
"Killian, it was going to be you or me to check on the case. I can be with Hope and Henry."
Henry takes Hope after getting his backpack and waits for his Mom. "Killian, Henry really loves Hope."
"Aye, I know love. He wants to let her know that she is safe and not alone."
"He is definitely our son."
"Aye, he is." They kiss. "I will wait out here. Text me if you can sit in the class."
Emma smiled."Yes, I will. I have a feeling I will be doing all the watching and Hope is going to be with Henry the whole time."
"Aye, I can imagine that too." They kiss. "Be careful."
"Love, I will." They kiss. Emma leaves the car with Hope's diaper bag and walks with Henry and Hope inside the high school together. Killian loves his family and protect them always. Even though Henry is not son biologically he sees a lot of him in Henry's personality protecting and being there for his loved ones no matter what.
Henry carried his sister and lead his Mom to his locker in the crowded halls. "Mom, before we go in my class, I have to get my art supplies. Can you hold Hope?"
"Yes, I can." Emma holds her daughter as Henry got his locker open and took out the art kit that his aunt got for him for his birthday and placed his backpack in his locker, which had pictures of his Mom Dad, Hope, his other Mom and his aunt Allison. Emma smiles seeing the photos in her son's locker. "Henry, I like the pictures you have in your locker."
"Thank you, Mom. These are my favorites." Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, do you want your brother?" Hope smiled.
"Mom, I can hold her. Hope we are going to my art class." Emma hands him, Hope. Henry leads his mom and sister to his art class. "Hi, Mrs.Foxworth." She turns around and sees Henry with his sister and his Mom and walks into the hallway.
"Hi, Henry. I see you brought some guests."
"Yes, I did, my mom and my sister."
"Is this Hope?"
"Yes, this is my baby sister Hope." Hope was hugging Henry.
"Hi, Hope. You have gotten so big since I saw you at the art show."
" Mom, I think you remember my art teacher Mrs.Foxworth."
"Yes, I do remember your art teacher from the art show."
"Hi, Mrs.Jones."
"Hi, Mrs.Foxworth, I just brought Henry to school now because...(She whispered in her ear). "We had a family attack at our house from a crazy witch that threatened our family with dark magic this morning."
"I understand."
"Mrs.Foxworth, can my sister Hope can join our art class for today, please? She does not want to separate from me...she was with me the entire time my parents were fighting off my other mom's sister."
"Henry of course your Mom and Hope can join our class for today."
"Yes! Hope you are joining my art class, you are going to paint with me, today, little sis." Hope babbled. Emma chuckled."Hope listen to your brother." Hope smiled. Henry takes Hope inside.
"Thank you so much for letting Hope and I sit in today."
"Your welcome, Mrs. Jones. Henry is one of my best students. Ever since Hope has been born, Henry grew into an amazing artist."
"I had no idea he had this art talent until he painted Hope's room all by himself when I was pregnant with her."
"Mrs.Jones, you have a very talented son."
"Thank you. I was thinking maybe for college for him he can apply to art colleges."
"I know whatever Henry does, his talent will be shown for art."
Emma texts Killian that she and Hope are staying in the class. Henry brings over to his usual seat next to Violet.
"He loves his baby sister. He actually got a summer job painting bedroom murals for Dr.Cameron two children."
"Yes, he did. He loved it." They walk into the classroom.
Henry brought over Hope to his table. "Hope, this is where I do all of my artwork."
"Henry, is this Hope?"
"Yes, Violet. Hope this is Violet. Hope say hi to Violet." Hope babbled. "Yes, Violet is my friend."
"Hi, Hope." Hope smiled and held onto Henry.
"Hope is here today to help me with my art project."
"Hope, are you going to help Henry?" Hope babbled. Violet giggled. "Hope is so cute."
"Yes, I know. My little sister is so cute" Violet went to continue her art project. "Hope, are you ready to paint with me?" Hope babbled. "That is right little sis. You can paint with me today." Emma sat nearby her two kids, Henry letting his baby sister help with his art project. Henry placed Hope on his lap and finished a paint. "Hope which color should I use first? I am making a colorful parakeet." He shows her the paints, red, blue and yellow. Hope grabs yellow paint container. "Yellow, it is." He squirts yellow onto a paint pallet. He painted his bird. Hope reached over to the palate and grabbed it and yellow paint landed on her face. "Hope, are you being a sneaky little pirate." Hope smiled. Emma gets Hope from her son and cleans Hope off with baby wipes, who began to cry. "Hope, I know you like to be messy but you have to be clean sweetie and not have paint on your face." She puts Hope back on her son's lap once she was cleaned up.
"Thanks, Mom."
"Your welcome, Henry. I know Hope is having fun with you."
"I know. I am having fun with her here." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you can help me paint." He puts yellow paint on her hand and let her paint on his canvas by holding the canvas and let Hope finger paint, he loved Hope helping him with his art project. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You are getting messy with me." Emma was watching closely on Henry letting Hope help him with his art project and she took pictures of Henry and Hope together. "Hope, I am having so much fun with you little sis. You can help my art projects anytime." Hope smiled and placed her yellow painted hand on his face, which their mom took a picture of. Henry laughed, "Hope." He placed yellow paint on her. "Now you and I both have yellow paint on our faces." Emma took a picture of Henry and Hope having paint on their faces.
"Hope, did you get paint on your brother?" Hope babbled and made Henry and Emma giggled.
"Mom, I will wash it off later. Hope is helping me with my art project. Hope, which color should we use next?" He showed her the paints and Hope grabbed the red paint container and try to put it in her mouth, "No, Hope that does not go in your mouth little sis." Hope began to cry. "Hope, do not cry." He takes the paint from her and squirts red paint into her hand. "Here you go Hope you can put it on my canvas." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Red is Mommy's favorite color."
"Hope, you know my favorite color is red." She rubbed Hope's cheek.
"Hope, you can put red right here." He held the canvas and let her hand on the area of the canvas. Hope smiled. "Mom, Hope loves to get messy."
"Yes, Hope loves to get messy, kid." After a few more paints later, the bell rang and the class was over. "Hope, my class is over. We need to clean up."
Hope began to cry. "I know Hope. I had so much fun too, little sis. We can paint at home later." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma gets her daughter from her son.
"Hope, you are my little pirate princess need to be cleaned up." Emma cleans up as Henry finished up his art project for the day. Hope continues to cry. "Hope, it is your nap time. You missed your morning nap." Henry gets Hope from their Mom so she can put the carrier on.
"Hope, do not cry. I had so much fun with you. Did you have fun with me?" She gripped Henry. "When I come home today you and I can paint or read a lot of stories? Would you like that?" Hope hugged her brother. "Hope have fun with Mommy. I will play with you when I get home." He gives Hope to their Mom and she puts Hope in her carrier. "Hope, you are with Mommy and I are going to snuggle when we get home. Mommy and Hope time. Shhh...shh...Henry is going to be with us later. There are no more mean witches. Mommy and Daddy got rid of the witch sweetie, you and Henry are safe."
"Mom, I know Hope will have fun with you."
"I know Henry. She will calm down soon and have a nice nap. She skipped her morning nap."
"Hope, have fun with Mommy little sis. You and I are safe, no mean witch out to get us." He kisses Hope on the head while Emma rubbed Hopes' hands as Hope was calming down and goes into a nap.
"Kid, you did great this morning."
"Mom, I was nervous but I knew you and Dad were going to protect us. I was there for Hope when she needed me."
"You are her big brother."
"Yes, I am. Hope needed me and I was there for her when she was afraid. I will always be there for her."
"I have to go to my next class."
"Mrs.Foxworth, thank you so much for letting Hope and I sit in your class today."
"You are very welcome Mrs.Jones. I have never seen Henry so talkative in class today until he was with Hope. You and Hope are always welcome to join in the class."
"Aww, that is so kind of you. Hope had so much fun with her brother."
"I can see that. Henry, you did great today."
"Thank you Mrs.Foxworth, Hope loves to paint like my mom and me. She gets it from us. I will see you tomorrow." They leave the art room. "I have to go to my next class. Mom, I will see you and Hope at home."
"Yes, kid. Hope had so much fun with you today."
"I had so much fun with her. I knew if Hope joined my art class, she will have fun and make her forget what happened this morning."
Emma hugs her son. "Henry...You are my caring son. You know how to make your sister happy and it worked.." She kisses Henry on the head.
"Mom, I am so happy that I helped Hope today at home and here. I will see you when I get home."Henry leaves to his next class. Emma sighs in relief both of her children are safe and happy. As Emma was walking down the high school halls, she sees her Mom in her classroom. She knocks on the door. Snow White looks up seeing her daughter and granddaughter. "Hi, Mom."
"Emma." She hugs her daughter and granddaughter. "How was this morning? Your Dad got a call from Regina about Rowand missing."
"Oh, the usual, Zelena escaping from the psych ward and threatening my family using Rowand's magic. Henry was with Hope the whole time, Killian was protecting them...I come back just in time to use my magic to protect Killian from Rowand's magic. Lily turned into a dragon I fought Zelena with my magic and punched her a few times for threatening my family. She is being sent to prison."
"Are you and Killian alright?"
"Mom, we did not get hurt. Henry was with Hope was who was terrified, he was with his sister the entire time while we were in battle. Hope did not want to leave Henry...Henry and I think she was very afraid that if we were not with her...Henry would have been hurt. He was with her the whole time when we were in battle. Henry suggested us to join his art class."
"Is that why you are here?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, we dropped him off and ended up staying of his art class. Henry let Hope join his art project, painting, Hope had so much fun with Henry was so..." Emma smiled. "Just watching how Henry was with Hope...was all I ever dreamt about having my two kids getting along and being there for one another." She shows her pictures of Henry with Hope in his art class on her iPhone. "Emma...I can see why you are in awe."
"Yes..." She kisses Hope on the head. "My two babies together is the best feeling ever."
"Is Henry in class now?"
"Yes, he just went to his next class. Hope skipped her morning nap and now she is snoozing on me."
"I do have a lunch break and a free period. Do you want to go get lunch at Granny's?"
Emma smiled."Lunch date with my mom and my daughter sounds great to me especially after a crazy morning."
"Yes." They walked together to Granny's and sat in their family booth. "Emma, how is it being a mom and savior slash sheriff in one day?"
"Well, stressful after all Zelena was out to get revenge on my family...I was protecting my family. There was no way Hope and Henry were going to experience what I went through..." She hugs her baby girl. "I am always going to be there for them no matter what." They ordered their usuals.
"Mom, how is teaching?"
"It is going well. How is being a mom from the very beginning?"
Emma smiled. I absolutely love it... sometimes I think I might doing something wrong but I have Killian with me and Henry. I love spending a lot of time with Hope so much. I am not missing her milestones...yesterday was my favorite one her first word..." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love snuggling her,skin to skin, talking to her, breastfeeding her,all of it."
"How is having Henry at your house full time?"
"I love having him full time. He loves living with us full time. Killian and I are giving Henry a normal home, which I am happy about. He wanted a normal family life, which we are giving him and Hope. All I ever wanted to raise my family in a white picket fence life. I am happy to give Henry and Hope that life." They got their orders while they were catching up.
"Emma, you are. Both of them love you."
"This morning, I am just relieved that we got the Zelena issued over with. Hope is still terrified of her name and Rowand...I do not like it when Hope is afraid."
"Emma, Hope knows that you are going to be there for her and she knows you are going to protect her."
"I always will. I protect her when she was in my tummy and this morning, when Zelena was threatening my whole family, I went mama bear mode on Zelena no one is going to hurt my family. She was not hurting my children. Any luck with Leo?"
"We are still figuring out why he has been acting out?"
"Do you think Archie will help?"
"We were thinking of that and also talking with his teacher." Hope woke up.
"Hope, hi baby." She kisses Hope on the head. "We are with grandma. You want to say hi to grandma?" Emma hands over Hope to her Mom.
"Hi, Hope. How are you today?" Hope babbled.
"Mom, I am going to use the bathroom. I will be right back." Emma leaves the room and Hope began to cry.
"Hope, mommy will be right back."
Hope cried louder. "Mommy."
"She did not leave, Hope." Snow gets a toy for her to play with and gives Hope a toy and she just drops it and continues to cry.
"Mommy!" Emma rushes in the bathroom quickly because she hears her daughter crying and calling out her name, she enjoyed how much Hope wants to be with her. Emma returns to their booth.
"Hope." She takes her daughter from her mom. "Hope, Mommy got you. Mommy did not leave are with me, sweetie." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy got you, sweetie. You are safe." She kisses Hope on the head and soothes her and sits back down "Mom, she is still afraid of what happened this morning." Emma nurses Hope.
"Emma, I understand. I can see Hope is attached to you. She knows you are there for her."
"Yes, I am. I am there for her now, I am her Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love my Hope hugs. I love being her Mommy." Snow White smiled."Emma, I have never seen you so happy, ever. You are a great mom to Hope and Henry."
"I love them both so much and I am going to be there for them whenever they need me." Hope hugs her Mom.
"Yes, baby. I love you too." Hope smiled. "She loves Henry and her Daddy...she just wants all three of us today. She wanted her Daddy after the fight. She did not want Henry to leave, she got to spend extra time with him in his art class. Hope did you have fun with Henry?" Hope smiled and babbled. "Yes, you did. Now you just want Mommy."
"How was Hope in Henry's art class?"
"She loved painting with Henry. I know that we will have a lot of art projects in our house. Right Hope? You will do art with Mommy and Henry?" Hope babbled, which made Emma and Snow White smile.
"Emma, can I hold her?" Emma burped her daughter before handing Hope to her mother.
"Yes, you can." Emma hands over Hope to her Mom. Hope began to whimper. "Hope, Mommy is right here. Grandma wants to say hi to you." She reaches over and holds Hope's hand and rubs them. "I am right here sweetie. I am not going anywhere without you." Hope calmed down as her Mommy continued to rub her hands.
"Emma, you are amazing with Hope. Hope knows you are making her feel safe."
"Yes, I will do anything to make Hope feel safe and happy."
Emma smiled. "You want Mommy sweetie?" She takes Hope from her Mom. "You, my little duck is getting so big." She tickles her daughter and makes her laugh. Emma gets a phone call. "Killian?"
"Hello, swan. How was Hope in Henry's art class?"
"Hope had so much fun with Henry in his art class. Henry let Hope paint with him for his paint project. I took a lot of pictures for you to see."
Killian smiled. "Aye, I would love to see them when we get home later. Listen, love, we need you at the station. We are having a tough time figuring out how Zelena escaped the psych ward."
"I can come to the station or psych ward. I do have Hope."
"Love, Hope can be with me."
"We will see, Hope is being extra clingy now."
"Aye, Hope will be your little sheriff?"
Emma laughed. "Yes, Hope is going to be my little sheriff. I will see you soon."
"What is going on?"
"Killian, Lily and Dad are having trouble figuring out how Zelena escaped."
"Are you bringing Hope with you?"
"Yes. I know she is going to flip out if she is not with me. She is my little sheriff. Hope you are coming to work with me!" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are my little sheriff." Hope bugs her Mommy. Emma and Snow White part their ways, Emma headed to the Storybrooke Hospital with Hope as Snow White headed back to work."Hope are you ready to be my little sheriff?" hope smiled. "Good." Emma arrived at the hospital seeing her Dad, Lily, and Killian. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, swan. Hi, Hope."He kisses Hope on the head. "We are still trying to figure out how she escaped?"
"Have either of you spoken to her yet?"
"Emma, we are waiting for you to talk to Zelena." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, she is not here sweetie. You are safe with are safe....shhh....shhh." Hope stopped crying.
"Lily, I forgot to mention to you that our little love is terrified of you know who name?"
"Really? I am sorry."
"That is alright. Killian, can you take Hope?" Killian takes Hope.
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Mommy and Henry?" Hope hugged her Dad. "Love, I can watch her. I promised out little love some daddy-daughter time today."
"Hope, have fun with Daddy, sweetie. Mommy has to make sure the one mean ones go to prison for good. Then I come home to snuggle with you all night." She kisses her on the head and hands him the diaper bag. "Be safe."
"Love, be careful."
"I will be careful. Take care of our little girl."
"Love, Hope and I will be safe. We are going to the Jolly Roger." They kiss. Killian and Hope leave.
"Lily, I knocked her out this morning. She was threatening my family. I do not think she will tell me how she escaped the psych ward. Dad, any luck with security cameras?"
"We did not see anything maybe you can see something we missed."
"Sure. I can do that. Dad, can you search her room and door and see if there anything we missed?'
"I can do that Emma."
Emily and Lily walked to the security guard room together, "Emma that is Hope?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, that is my little girl."
"How is it being a mom from the very beginning?"
"I love it. I love my little Hope and having Henry living with us full is just a great feeling having my whole family together. Unlike the system..I am taking advantage of my happy beginning with my family which I always wanted a family in one roof and a permanent home."
"You deserve it, Emma, Hope loves you." They went in and Emma looked at the security camera tape on the computer. Charming enters the room, "Emma, I have found nothing."
"That is okay. I am looking on the computer screen now inside of the psych ward." She searched herself inside and outside, she found Zelena outside out the hospital in the dark. Emma searched deeper for the inside screens. Emma sees a man in black outfit opening the door for Regina to escape."Oh my gosh."
"What is it, Emma?"
"Dad, Lily look." They look at the screen. "Someone let Zelena escape." Emma zoomed into the picture she took of the person who helped Zelena escape. "Jefferson?"
"Emma, who is that?"
"Dad, Lily he was awake during the first curse."
"Emma, I was trying to get his help to get you and your Mom back from the Enchanted Forest. I wonder why he helped Zelena escaped."
"Yea, well during the curse he was convincing me that I was the savior after he kidnapped Mom and hold us hostage until we escape."
"From what Henry told me that he had his happy ending with him reuniting with his daughter Grace. Have not seen him in years."
"I know where to find him. Dad and Lily, we need to interrogate him. Dad is Zelena is in prison?"
"Yes, she is Emma. We took her straight in for charges on kidnapping Rowand and threatening your family."
"My children and husband are not hurt. She threatened my family three times."
"Emma, I know. Your family is safe." He hugs his daughter.
"Yes, Dad. They are." Emma showed Lily picture of Jefferson and she turned into a dragon to find him. Emma gets a phone call hearing Hope crying in the background."Killian?"
"Hello, love. How is the case?"
"I found on the security camera that Jefferson the mad hatter helped Zelena escaped."
"Is he dangerous?"
"I am not so sure, he did kidnap me and my mom during the curse to make me realize that I am the savior. Now he is happy with his daughter Grace."
"Can you send me a picture so I can be on the lookout?"
"Sure. How is Hope?"
"We are at our special spot, Hope got upset once we left you. She wants her Mommy. I am trying to calm down our little lass at our spot."
"Swan, be sheriff. I can be with our little love."
"Please give Hope a kiss from me and tell her I will snuggle her all night."
"Love, how about our date."
Emma sighs. "Killian, after this morning, the kids ...I just want to be with our kids. I know it is my birthday date night. Can we reschedule?'
"Love, it is your birthday date. I want to be with the kids too. I will call Allison to reschedule."
"Thanks, Killian. I have to find Jefferson and interrogate him. Zelena is in prison."
"Love, we can do a family movie night and pizza."
"Killian, I cannot wait for tonight.
"Aye, love. We will see you soon."
"I will see you when I get home." Emma and Charming went to the police car and went searching for Jefferson. Killian was at the special spot with Hope. He kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy and Mommy love you so much." Hope continued to cry. He carried Hope to the water. "Look, Hope. We are by the ocean."
"Hope, I know you want Mommy. Mommy has to work. You are with Daddy. Daddy is going to keep you safe. No one will hurt you, my little love. Never. I will always protect you, Hope." Hope looked up at her daddy with matching blue eyes and stopped crying and hugged her Daddy. "I love you Hope so much." Hope knows that her daddy will be there for her no matter what and she was safe with him, she just wants to be with her mommy. Hope fell asleep and Killian held his sleeping daughter and sat in the special spot as Hope slept on him. A little later, he walks home. He arrives home Henry was home before them.
Henry takes the diaper bag from his Dad. "Hi Dad, where is Mom?"
"Mom needed to be sheriff. Zelena is arrested but they are finding a suspect, Jefferson who helped Zelena escape. They have to interrogate him and then she will come home."
"So no date night?"
"Your Mom wanted to be home and have a family night in."
"You mean a movie night and pizza?"
"Aye lad. That is the plan. How was school today?"
"It was fun in art class with Hope, she made it extra special. How is she?"
"After I took Hope from your mom, I brought her to the Jolly Roger, she had a poop explosion, I changed her diaper and we played below deck. Hope ended up crying and wanted your Mom. I took her to our special spot to calm down. She eventually calmed down and been napping on me ever since."
"Dad, Hope will be very happy to see me when she wakes up."
"Aye, lad she will." They sit on the couch.
"Dad, thank you for being you." He hugs him.
"Your welcome, Henry. I will always protect my family." He wraps an arm around Henry. Hope woke up from her nap seeing her brother. Hope babbled
"Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Daddy?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you did. You want to play with me?" He takes Hope to her bounce chair and let her play in it with the toys around it. Henry was showing how Hope to play with the toys and she was able to have fun with the toys for her to grab and use her hands.
"Lad, I will order in our meal."
"Dad, it is my turn to watch Hope. I already did my homework for tonight, I am free to play with Hope."
"Aye, lad. Hope, are you happy Henry is home to play with you, little love?" Hope smiled. "Aye, have fun with Henry." He kisses Hope on the cheek.
Emma and Charming went to Jefferson's house and Jefferson's daughter Grace answered the door. "Hi, Grace."
"Hi, Emma."
"Grace where is your Dad?"
"He is out in the woods."
"Can you take us where we need to talk to him?"
"Sure." Grace leads Emma and Charming to Jefferson's backyard.
"Hi, Jefferson."
"Hi, Emma and Charming. What brings you by?"
"We have a few questions to ask you."
"Sure. What do you need to know?"
"Where were you at 5:45 am this morning?"
"I was in bed asleep."
"Zelena the wicked witch was locked in the psych ward and someone let her escape early this morning. We need to know your whereabouts because..." She shows him the photo. "We think you let her escape. After she escaped she kidnapped her daughter from her father's house and tried to hurt my family, using her daughter's magic this morning."
"Jefferson, I know you just wanted a normal happy life with Grace. Just please tell us the truth. Do you have anything to do with Zelena escaping?"
"I went down there to see her to let her talk because she missed her daughter. I know what it feels like having your child around but not with the child."
"Jefferson, Zelena threatened my family three times, and cause havoc. She gave up her rights as a mother and let her sister Regina and her husband the father of Rowand raise her. She lost her visitation rights after threatening my family twice and when she did today she ends up in prison. Please tell me did you help her escape?"
"No, I did not Emma. I only went to talk to her." Emma looked at him letting her superpower to let her know if he was lying to her or not. "Are you sure you did not help her escape? I know you helped Belle escape."
"Yes, because that was to get revenge on Regina during the curse. I did not let Zelena escape, Emma. I know I kidnapped your Mom and you...I am sorry. I know now you are the savior and you got my Gracie back to me, that is all I ever wanted to be with her."
"I believe you, Jefferson. If you know anything how Zelena escape please come to the station."
"I will Emma if I have known how she escaped. I would have told you right now."
"Thank you for your honesty, Jefferson." Emma and Charming left Jefferson's house.
"Emma, was Jefferson telling the truth?"
"Yes, he was. Now we have to figure out how Zelena escape."
"Emma, we can search the cameras..." Emma sensed something was off...
"Something is wrong..." She sees Jefferson running. "Dad."
"I am on it." They ran after Jefferson and Charming tackled him to the ground. "Jefferson, why are you running?"
"Trying to escape."
"So you did lie."
"No...someone is after me...the one who helped Zelena escaped."
"Did you see the person?"
"Yes. Tall and brunette hair."
"In my backyard after you left."
Emma rushes back as Charming untackles Jefferson. Emma seeing a long brunette woman running and she tackled her to the ground. "Why did you help Zelena?"
"She was paying me..." Emma handcuffed her and lead her to the car.
"Dad, we got the one who helped Zelena escape the psych ward." She puts the woman back in the car. "Jefferson, thank you for telling us the truth and helping us."
"Your welcome, Emma. I am just happy to help because you got my Gracie back to me."
"Your welcome, Jefferson. I broke the curse because of my son."
"Henry right?"
"Yes. Thanks to him for bringing me here, I would never have found my parents or met my husband Killian and we have a daughter together."
"Emma, we have to go."
"Yes, Dad. Bye Jefferson." Emma drove them back to the station. Charming does the woman's booking her in at the station. Lily met them at the station and Emma caught her up. Her dad returned to Emma's office. "Emma, Lily and I can do the interrogation."
"Lily, you can do the interrogation?"
"Yes, Emma. I can be a badass like you are. I will get her to talk."
"Once she confesses, we are sending her to prison."
"Lily, you can do the interview. I can watch from the one-way mirror because Zelena threatened my family. I want to know why she let her escape."
"Dad, I need to know how. She told me that Zelena paid her. After the interview, I will go home to my family."
"Alright, Emma."
Emma and Charming, watched Lily do the interrogation from the one-way mirror.
"Hi, my name is detective Lily. What is your name?"
"My name is Elizabeth, I been in Storybrooke for almost 2 years. I came from the land of untold stories. I worked as a cleaning lady in the hospital. I always heard Zelena crying. I talked to her from the window. SHe sounded like a nice lady and we became friends...she told me how much she loved her daughter and how she lost her custody rights to see her that she can never see her again..I felt so sorry. " As Emma heard this lady's story, she was getting mad. "This lady has no idea that Zelena is a psychopath."
"Emma, you need to relax." Emma groans.
"Dad. This lady caused my whole family stressed and scared today. Hope is extra clingy and terrified that Zelena is after her...Henry got upset too before we brought him to school." Emma teared up.
Charming hugs her daughter. "Emma. They are going to be okay. You and Killian are not hurt. They are going to recover from what happened this morning with the help of you and Killian, they are both like you strong and brave children..."
"Yes, they know that they are safe with us. I am not letting them get hurt. I went complete mama bear mode on Zelena today."
"I know you did. I saw you in action." They continue to listen to Elizabeth's story.
"Elizabeth, do you know why Zelena she was put in the psych ward?"
"She said mean people let her there. I opened her door and let her out."
"Elizabeth, the psych ward is for the craziest people who cannot be living out here in the world because they cause a lot of trouble. Zelena is a crazy witch who threatened the savior and her family two times. After she escaped this morning, she kidnapped her daughter and used her own daughter's magic to hurt the savior's family."
What she told me she loved her daughter?"
"Yes, love is different forms. She used her child's magic to get her revenge on the savior who locked her up. Zelena is in prison now. You are going to join her."
"You let a crazy witch out on a threatening spree to the savior who is also the sheriff."
"The savior and sheriff is the same person?"
"Yes. You are going to prison for being involved in Zelena's crime threatening savior's family." Lily put the handcuffs back on Elizabeth and escorts her out of the room. "Emma, we got her."
"Thank you, Lily."
"Your welcome, Emma." Lily takes Elizabeth out of the station.
Emma hugs her Dad. "Dad...thank you for being here..."
"Emma, you are my daughter. My family was being threatened too. I know you are like your mom your not going to stop searching until we caught her."
"You got that right. She let that witch out and caused my family my children being scared and afraid today..." She checks the time. "I need to go."
"Emma, go. Lily and I will bring her to prison."
"Just make sure they are separated cells from each other."
"Emma, they will. Go home to your family." She hugs her Dad and leaves the station. She drives home in her yellow bug. When she arrived home, the porch lights were are and her family was inside waiting for her, she was finally home and exhausted. Emma enters her house, "Killian, Henry, Hope. I am home." Emma sees Henry in the living room with Hope who was playing her bouncy chair toys. Hope sees her Mommy and gets really excited and began to jump in her bouncy chair. "Mommy!"
Emma smiled happily seeing her daughter happy to see her. Even though she was really tired of her grueling day at work, seeing her happy daughter greeting her made her whole day fighting made it worth it to protect her family, her loved ones.
She takes Hope from her bouncy chair. "Hope, did you have fun with Henry and Daddy?" She kisses Hope on the head and Hope hugged her.
"I know, I missed you so much, sweetie. When I was being sheriff all I think about being with you and Henry."
"Mom!" He rushes up to her to give her a big hug.
"Hey, kid. How was the rest of your day?"
"Mom, having Hope in my class was the best art class ever! Can you and Hope join my art class again please?!"
Emma chuckled. "Henry, I am pretty sure Hope will love to join your art class. We can schedule another sit in with your teacher."
"Yes!" Killian watches Emma being greeted by their children. He loves their family together. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, are you hungry baby? Mommy will feed you." She sits on the couch and nurses Hope.
"Hello, love."
"Hi, honey."
"I made you hot cocoa."
"Thank you. I needed a good drink after a long day." They kiss. Killian and Henry sat on each side of Emma and Hope.
"Did Jefferson gave you a hard time?"
"Killian, Jefferson was there not at the time of the escape. He was there to talk to her since he knows what it was like to be separated from his daughter Grace during the first curse. He was awake the entire time. I knew he was not to let anything happen to be away from Grace ever again. After we left, Jefferson runs and my dad tackles him to the ground asking why is he running. I knew that he was not lying. He told us that a lady came by the one who let Zelena escape and threatened him. I rush to get her which I did. Lily did her interrogation, she was from the land of untold stories and her name was Elizabeth. She did not know what psych ward was and she worked there as a cleaning lady...she had no clue that Zelena was a crazy witch." Hope gripped her Mommy. Emma rubbed her hands to calm Hope down. "This lady was crazy and I was listening I was so annoyed at this crazy woman all I think about was about you all this morning and the crazy witch attacking our house."
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, we are all safe because of you. You and Dad are not hurt and you both kept Hope and me safe."
"I know...I went mama bear mode on Zelena."
"I know you did. I watched you knocking her out which was awesome."
"When she or anyone threatening my family, I went all out mama bear mode protecting you all." Hope was full and Emma burped her. Hope did not want to be away from her Mommy and began to cry. "Hope, you are with Mommy sweetie. I am home. You are safe." She placed Hope on her chest and Hope gripped her Mommy. "I promised you snuggle time. You are getting your snuggle time now. Killian, how was she when I was working?"
"Crying a lot. I told her that she was safe with me and I was going to protect her always and she calmed down."
"Mom I helped out too when they came home and Hope and I were playing the whole time until you got home."
"Oh, really? What did you both do together?"
"I taught Hope how to play with her bouncy chair toys, Hope loved story time. We also had a talk in my room and she took a nap me. She played in her bouncy chair again. Mom, I never saw Hope jump ever until you came home when she saw you."
Emma smiled. "Hope was very happy to see me and now she is having snuggle time on me."
"Mom, we are happy that you are home." He leans on her shoulder. Emma kisses Henry on the head. "I am home with you both, which is the best feeling ever."
"I love you, Mom. You are our Mom."
"Yes, I am Henry. I will not let any crazy villain hurting my family." Killian wrapped his arm around his family. Henry fell asleep on his Mom's shoulder as Hope fell asleep snuggling on her mommy.
"Love, you saved us all."
"Yes, with your help protecting our children."
"Aye, love we are a team."
"Yes, we are. Team Swan-Jones."
"Team Swan-Jones." They kiss. "Love, you Emma."
"I love you too." Emma loved her family together, her children are safe, her and Killian protecting Henry and Hope. She is so grateful for her family and would have been devastated if something has happened to them if Killian was with her looking out for Zelena. Once Henry told them about Rowand's magic ability she made the right call, for Killian to stay with Henry and Hope, she knew Zelena was out for revenge. She is so happy that her family is safe and all together now after a rough day they are together feeling the love in closeness they were happy, Killian wrapped his arms around his family, Emma having her husband next to her, Hope and Henry both sleeping on her. Emma could not think anything better than this, being with her family altogether safe, happy and loved. Knowing all of her fighting being their savior against a villain that was threatening them is more she cared for than being the savior for the whole town, her family is most important and not seeing them getting hurt. They are all together home, safe and no curse and the villain was in prison for good. Emma and Killian fell asleep with their children, enjoying the Swan-Jones family time after a hectic day and family and love means everything to them. No matter what happens they are going to keep their family together and help one another when they need support. "Good night Emma."
"Good night, Killian." They kiss and fall asleep with their children all together as one.

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