Girls Day 2

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The next morning, Snow White came at her usual time to watch Hope. She sees Killian on the couch talking to Hope. "Good morning, Killian."
"Morning, Snow. Hope grandma is here."
"How was Boston?" She sits on the couch with Killian and Hope.
"It was so much fun. Henry and Hope loved the aquarium." He bends down to Hope, "Right little love, you love the fishes exhibit." He kisses Hope on the head. He hands over Hope to Snow White.
"How was Hope on the trip?"
"She loved the aquarium except for the shark exhibit. Emma had to take her out of the room because she was so afraid of them she was crying."
"Hope, did you have fun seeing sea creatures?" Hope happily gurgles.
"The lass and Henry got closer on this trip, except when she kept us up all night, mostly Emma. She did not sleep in the crib at all."
"Hope you did not sleep in the crib."
"Aye, Hope only slept with her Mommy that is all she wanted."
"Hope, you love your Mommy so much."
"Aye, she does. Emma was holding her for most of the whole trip, Henry gave Emma breaks and babysit Hope for a little bit."
"Did Henry enjoyed the trip?"
"Aye, he did. He had a blast. He and I loved the museum of science and the aquarium."
"Did you spend quality time with the kids separately?"
"Aye, we did. Emma and Henry went swimming in the hotel's pool that they had all to themselves and they played cards. Hope and I had daddy and daughter time, with her listening to me."
Emma goes to the living room, "Killian, did you forget to tell her that Hope had a poop explosion on you?"
"Morning, love. No, I did not want to mention that." Emma giggled and they kissed.
"Hi, Emma." Hope began to cry in Snow White's arms.
"Hope, Mommy is right here baby." Snow White hands over crying Hope. "Hi, Hope." Emma comforts her. Hope coos happily in Emma's arm. Snow White and Killian both smile.
"Emma, it sounds like Hope recognizes your voice, she wants you that is it." Emma sits down on the couch holding Hope in between her Mom and husband.
"Oh, yes. Hope hears me, she wants me only." She gives Hope kisses on the head.
"Aye, Snow. The whole way home, Emma sat next to her, she sang to Hope three times. Once Emma sang Hope stopped crying."
"Aww, Emma Hope loves your singing voice."
"Well, we were in a lot of traffic yesterday and I could not change or feed her until we got out of traffic so I decided to sing to her to calm her down, which it did." Hope cooed. Emma giggles, "Hope you love Mommy singing sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Snow, I drove the whole way home since Hope kept up Emma up all night. The traffic was horrible all day."
"But you made it. Especially with making extra stops for Hope."
"Aye, it was worth it. Seeing Henry and Hope happy. Right love?"
'Yes, it was. Until we had to bring Henry to Regina's."
'What happened?"
"Well, we had to drop off Henry to Regina's because it was a school night and he needed sleep. When he was about to leave, he said bye to Hope. She instantly loses it and began to wail. Henry took her out of the car seat and tells me he has a plan. He brought her to his room. We do not hear from Henry for an hour. Regina and I check up on them." Emma shows Snow White the picture of Henry sleeping with Hope on his chest and storybook nearby.
"Aww, Emma. He really did this."
"Aye, he did. Robin and I were talking the whole time outside of his room, had no idea what his plan was."
"Taking out Hope from his arms was tricky I was afraid she was going to wake up and cry. She did not. Hope you enjoyed your weekend with your big brother." Hope gurgled happily. She asks Killian, "Did you tell my mom what you got Hope at the aquarium?"
"No, I did not love. I will show her." He goes upstairs.
"Emma, you look tired."
"Yes, I got more sleep last night since before we went on the trip. Hope slept in her crib most of last night. Killian helped me during the night. During the trip, this little girl only wanted to sleep on my skin to skin or be held by me."
"Emma, you are doing so great with her. You are an excellent mother."
'Thank you, Mom, coming from not having anyone to being a parent is so different. My love for her makes me want to be the best parent that I can be even with no sleep. Mom, what time do you want to get our nails done?"
"We can leave here at 10:00 am. I have to be at work around 12:30 pm."
"That is enough time. I was thinking of bringing the carrier with me, so I can carry Hope home."
"I can drop you two off."
"Mom, our house is a farther distance from your work. I do not mind walking home with Hope."
"Emma, it is no problem me to drop you off."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I love to spend quality time with you and Hope."
"Oh, Killian is taking the early shift tomorrow because Hope has D-O-C-T-O-R in the morning."
"Ah, the one-month check-up?"
"Yes, more S-H-O-T-S."
"She will be fine Emma."
"I know, Killian and I are prepared for the side effects this time."
Killian returns with the fish plush doll and the onesie."Little love, look what Daddy has for you." Hope smiles as Killian shows her the fish plush doll. "Love, Hope is smiling." Emma kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian, you got her fish plush doll and a cute fish onesie."
"Aye, I did. Hope loves it."
"Yes, he did Mom. He bought it right after Hope got afraid of the sharks."
"Love, I did not buy it out of guilt."
Emma gives him the look. "Kilian, I know when people lie."
"Yes, I bought it out of guilt and I could not help but spoil our little lass."
"Hope, Daddy loves you so much, The next time I am buying you toys."
"Love, I got to get to work."
"Okay, we will see you tonight. What time are you working tomorrow?"
"8:00 am to Noon. I will be home in time, love." They kiss. Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Daddy will see you later Hope. Be good to Mommy and Grandma."
"Killian, we are getting our nails done today."
Killian smiles. "Oh, really."
"Yes, our little Hope is going to get her first pedicure."
Killian smiles. "I cannot wait to see your nails when I get home. See you tonight loves." He leaves. Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, baby Daddy will be home later. I know you miss him sweetie, so do I." Hope grips Emma. "Hope, I am not leaving you, baby. Hope, Grandma you and I are going to get our nails painted today. You will love it." She rubs her back and bounces Hope. "It is okay, sweetie." Emma gives Hope's kisses. Hope calmed down a few minutes later. "Mom, I had no idea babies this young know when people are leaving. I mean the ones who are really close to her like Killian and Henry when they leave she knows. She gripped her hands on me when I told her when I was leaving on my wedding anniversary date. Last night, when Henry was about to leave she was crying and did not want to let go of her big brother. "
"Babies are more aware than we think they know. She is aware of you, Killian, and Henry that means she very close to them and know their face."
"I don't even want to know what I was like, every time I changed foster homes at her age or when I was older." She holds Hope tight. "Now, I do not want to leave her ever." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy loves you so much, Hope. I do not want you to experience what I went through as a child, nothing like that for your or Henry."
"Emma, when you go back to work, I can help you watch her at the station while you and Killian work."
"Mom, you would do that?"
"Of course sweetie. I can work part-time at the high school and help you out when needed."
Emma smiles."Mom, I do not know what to say. Thank you." She hugs her Mom as much as she can since she was holding Hope.
"Emma, I was not there for you as a child, I want to be part of your life as much as I can now especially helping Hope."
"You are the best Mom. I am going to get Hope and me ready, then we can get our nails done." Emma takes Hope to her nursery to change her diaper and changed Hope into a cute outfit. "Hope, we are going to have fun getting our nails painted." She played their kissing game for a little bit. Snow White takes pictures of Emma playing with Hope. Hope smiles while they were playing,"I got you to smile Hope." She giggled. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Let's get you fed before we get our nails done." Emma picks up Hope and sees her Mom. "Mom, you saw us playing."
Emma sits down at the rocking and feeds Hope."Yes, I did. No wonder why she is so close to you she loves you so much, you play with her and talk to her and sing. Emma from you not having me and you Dad as parents growing up, you sure are amazing Mommy coming from the foster system."
"Thank you, Mom. I am doing my best especially she is my second chance on being a mom from the very beginning."
"I know the feeling. Hope is definitely attached to you the most."
"Hope is attached to me the most. She loves to hear me talk to her, read, sing and cuddling with me which I love my Hope snuggles." She kisses Hope on the head. "I thought, Hope would be more the most attached to Killian."
"She loves all of you."
"Yes, she does." Hope was full and Emma burped her. "Hope, Mommy is going to ready." She hands over Hope to Snow White, who begins to cry.
"Emma, I got her. Go get ready." Snow White sits down with Hope. "Hope, look I got a book for you. It is called "Winnie the Pooh." She read Winnie the Pooh until Hope calmed down. Emma got dressed quickly. Emma packed the diaper bag. She walks in on Snow White reading to Hope who stopped crying. "Hope, Mommy is ready. We can go get our nails done." She hands over Hope to Emma. "We can use your new car since Killian took the yellow bug to work."
"Sure, Hope we get to show Grandma our new car." Emma buckled Hope in her car seat. Snow White sits next to Emma in the front.
"Wow, Emma you have a nice new car."
"Thank you, Mom." She looks in the mirror at Hope. "Hope, are you ready for our girl's day?" Hope smiles at her. Emma drives them to the "Three Bears Nails Spa." Emma carries Hope in with the diaper bag. Snow White carried Hope's carrier."Hello, two manicures and pedicures for us and one pedicure for this little girl." Emma and Snow White chose their nail polish. "Hope,I think you will like pink sparkles nail polish for your little toes." She kisses Hope on the head. The nail worker took the diaper bag from Emma and guided the girls to their massage chair. The nail worker placed the diaper bag and carrier next to Emma and Hope.
"Do you want me to paint her toes first?"
"Yes, please." Emma went close to the manicurists and sat Hope to get her toes nails. "Hope, you are getting your first pedicure, baby." Emma took a selfie with Hope, "Mommy and daughter first nails day." Snow White joined them in another selfie, "Three generations of Mommy and daughter girls day." The manicurists took her time painting Hope's tiny nails. Snow White took pictures of Hope getting her first pedicure.
"How old is your daughter?"
"Hope just turned one month old on Sunday."
"She looks so much like you."
"Aww, thank you."
"She is a very happy baby."
"Yes, she is." She looks at her Mom. "Mom, are you going to get your nails done?"
"Yes, I am Emma. I just want to see Hope getting her first pedicure. This is so cute, baby pedicure. She looks so happy in the pictures, I took."
"Hope, you like getting your toenails painted baby?" She kisses Hope on the head.
"I am done painting her nails, I coated them so they will last longer."
"Thank you so much." She talks to Hope, "Hope, you have pretty toenails. Now it is Mommy's turn to get her toenails painted." Emma sits back in her chair and held Hope in her lap, carefully letting Hope toenails dry while Emma got her toenails painted. Snow White sat next to them. "Mom, what color nail polish are you using?"
"I chose navy blue. How about you?"
"I chose purple."
"Hope, I love your cute toenails. Your mommy picked a nice color for you Hope." Hope gurgled happily.
"Mom, Henry loved this family trip. He and Killian got closer, he asked Killian to be his math tutor."
"Yes. He wanted to make sure with him because Henry knows he back to work and Hope. He reminded Henry that he is his father too."
"Emma, that is amazing how they are so close even though they are not biologically related."
"I know, I am so grateful for Killian for being his caring self and loving both of them equally. He treats Henry as his own than a bad stepparent to the stepson. He is wonderful to Hope and Henry"
"He is a great father."
Emma speaks in a low voice. "Yes, I had many experiences in the foster system when the foster parents treat the biological children treated better than the foster kids are treated so badly just used for extra money from the government."
"Really, Emma?"
"Yes, which is one of the reasons why I ran away so many times and left the system at 16."
"Was it around the time when you met Neal and had Henry?"
Emma got sad."Yes. I had Henry before I was seventeen." Hope cooed. Emma smiled. "You know, Mommy so much Hope." She kissed Hope on the head. Hope grabbed her finger. "Mommy loves how you know when I am sad, mad or happy, sweetie." Snow White smiles at Hope and Emma's close relationship.
"Emma, just remember you have Henry in your life now and little Hope here who loves and cares about you so much."
"I know, Henry has Killian who is a way better father than his biological father and Hope loves her Daddy. Killian loves them both so much." Emma showed her Mom the picture from the trip.
"Emma are those butterflies on Hope?"
"Yes, we went to the butterfly garden in the museum of science. There so many butterflies flying everywhere. They mostly landed on Hope."
"Wow, that is amazing." Hope fell asleep in Emma's arms.
"Excuse me is her toenails dry?"
The manicurist checks Hope's toenails. "They are dry."
"Thank you. Can you please, hand me her carrier." The manicurist gave Emma the carrier. "Thank you." She put sleeping Hope in the carrier and made sure she was strapped in. She talks to her mom, "This will make it easier when I get my manicure."
Hope slept the whole time in her carrier as Emma and Snow White got their manicure and dried their manicure. "Emma, she is being well behaved."
"Yes, I know. I am guessing yesterday tired her out. We did have a seven-hour drive home from Boston."
As they were leaving the nail salon, Snow White held Hope for a little while. "Mom, can we get something to eat at Granny's?"
"Sure, honey."
"I just realized that I did not eat anything at all today." They walked to Granny's since it was nearby. Emma felt off. "Mom..." Emma faints.
"Emma!" Hope begins to cry She gets her phone out called an ambulance. "Emma Swan-Jones fainted. I need an ambulance now. I am in front of Granny's." Snow White screams for help. Granny came running out seeing Emma on the floor.
"What happened?"
"We were about to come to your restaurant. She told me that she did not eat all day and she faints. I called an ambulance."
"Snow, do you want me to take Hope?"
"Can you call Charming and Killian? They are at the station."
"I can do that." The ambulance arrived, Killian and Charming arrived as Emma was being carried into the ambulance.
Killian rushes out to see his daughter "Snow, what happened?" He takes Hope from Snow White. "Hope, Daddy is here."
"She told me after we got our nails done that she needed something to eat and the next thing she faints."
"She skipped breakfast?"
Killian was torn between Emma and Hope.
"Killian, we will take Hope with us and meet you at the hospital."
"Aye, here is her diaper bag and our car keys." He kisses crying Hope, "Mommy will be better soon." He gives Hope to Charming. He rushes into the ambulance to be with his wife. "Emma, I am here."
"Hope you are with Grandpa. Mommy is going to be okay."
"Charming, I know Hope is not going to calm down until she sees her parents or Henry."
"Snow, she is going to be fine. We have to get to the hospital in their car."
"I got to call work to let them know I have a family emergency. Maybe you can call Regina to get Henry from school?"
"That is a good idea. Henry will cheer Hope up. Hope, Mommy is going to be okay." They made their phone calls and rush to the hospital. Charming driving, and Snow White trying to calm Hope down.
Regina rushes to the high school to pick up Henry. She waited at the Principal Office for Henry. "Mom, is everything okay?"
"No, your Mom is in the hospital."
Henry got afraid and began to run to the car. Regina started the car and drove."Mom, what happened to her?"
"From what your grandma told me, after their nail spa day, Emma wanted to get food she realizes she did not eat at all. As they were going to Granny's your grandma had Hope and Emma faints."
"Who went with her in the ambulance?"
"Your Dad. Your grandparents are with Hope. From the sound of the background from hearing Hope crying, your little sister has not stopped crying since your Mom fainted."
"Do you think Mom fainted for not getting enough sleep too?"
"Possibly, Henry. We will find out when we get there. Henry, your sister needs you. She is not familiar with your grandparents, knowing your Dad is with your Mom. Hope is giving your grandparents a hard time. That is why I took you out of school to help Hope and be there for Emma."
"Mom I am going to help both of them. I will calm her down."
"I know you will help them both. I will meet you inside." Henry rushes inside to the hospital. He can hear Hope's wailing. "Hope." He sees his Grandpa holding wailing Hope. "Henry, she has not stopped crying since your Mom fainted."
"I will do my best grandpa, usually Mom calms her down most of the of the time." Charming hands over crying Hope to Henry. "Hope, Henry is here baby sis. Everything is alright. Calm down Hope..shh..shh." He rubs her back and bounced her. "Mommy will be back soon." He kisses Hope. "Grandpa do you have her quilt." He gives Henry Hope's quilt. "Hope, I have your favorite quilt. Remember I got this especially for you." He wraps Hope in the quilt sits down and let her relax on his chest until she calmed down by rubbing her back. "Henry is here for you Hope. Mommy and Daddy will be back soon." He kisses her on the head. She calms down and falls asleep. "Now that is a good little Hope." He kisses his sister on the head.
Regina finds the Charmings with Henry and Hope. She was impressed finding Hope sleeping on Henry. He kept massaging Hope's back and kissing her on the head.
Regina talks to Charming."How was Hope before Henry came?"
"She would not stop crying ever since Emma fainted. Henry came he calmed her down."
"I can see. Any news on Emma ?"
"Not yet. Killian is with her."
"Where is Snow?"
"She is sitting over there, in shock."
"From the phone call, Snow sounded like she was in shock. I did not mind bringing Henry knowing he is one of the few who can calm down Hope and be here for Emma." Charming sits with Snow White and Regina sits with Henry and Hope. Regina whispers, "You are doing amazing with Hope."
"Thank you. I do not know how long it will last depending on when she gets hungry. She does not take the bottle." He kisses Hope on the head. "I am happy to be here with you little sis."
In the hospital room, Emma was up from the blackout with an ivy in her arm and Killian sat right next to her. "What happened? Hope!"
"Easy, Emma. Hope is with your parents. You fainted."
"I remember nail salon, and we were walking to Granny's."
Dr. Whale enters. "Hi, Emma. You fainted for not eating and not getting much sleep."
"I am a mom to be newborn."
"I am ordering you to bed rest for tonight to keep you under observation."
"Love, if I need to I can help more at home."
"Dr.Whale, since I am staying overnight. My daughter only breastfeeds. Can I have her stay the night with me?"
"I can help Emma with everything else for our lass."
"Sure." He leaves.
Killian hugs Emma. "You need to get more rest at home."
"I know and not to skip meals." They kiss. "Can I see Hope?"
"Sure, love. I will go get her." Killian leaves her hospital room to the waiting room to find the Charmings, Regina, and Henry waiting for news. He goes to Henry with Hope.
"Henry, I am here. It looks like Hope is comfortable on you." He hugs them both. He takes Hope from Henry. The Charmings and Regina go to Killian.
"Yes, Dad she is. How is Mom?"
"She is awake now. She is going to stay here overnight for observation. She needs more rest. Meaning I have to stop work for a little while to help Emma with Hope."
"Killian we will help."
"Thanks, Snow."
"Dad, if she is staying here overnight what about Hope?"
"Aye, your Mom asked Dr.Whale if Hope can stay here overnight and he allowed to since she is only being breastfed." He talks to Charming, "How was Hope?"
"She would not stop crying since Emma passed out and Henry here came and calmed her down."
"Lad, you calmed Hope?"
"Yes, Dad I did."
Hope woke up from her nap. "Hope, you are with Daddy. You want to see Mommy?" She began to fuss. "Hope I am going to bring you and Henry to see Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry followed Killian and Hope to Emma's room. Emma sees Killian and Hope and she was surprised to see Henry. "Henry!"
Henry runs to hug Emma."Mom! I am so happy that you are okay."
"Yes, kid. I am okay." He kisses his Mom. Hope began to cry. "Hope, baby Mommy is here." Killian gives Hope to Emma. "Hope, Mommy is so happy to see you. Mommy is okay sweetie."She kisses Hope on the head and stopped crying in her Mommy's arms. Henry moves to the other side of the bed to sit next to their Mom. "Hope, you must be starving." Emma feeds Hope, who quickly sucks on. Henry hugged his Mom. "I am so happy to be with you both."
"Love, Hope did not stop crying since you fainted. Your parents could not stop her crying once Regina brought Henry, he calmed her down."
"Henry, you calmed down Hope?"
"Yes, I did. Hope knows me and loves me. Of course, I can calm down my baby sis when she is in distressed."
"Kid, you are a great big brother." She hugs him as best as she could without hurting Hope was eating. "Hope, has her appointment tomorrow? What are we going to do?"
"Emma, her doctor is on the children floor love. I can take her to her appointment."
Killian, she supposed to be getting her shots tomorrow."
"Love, I can talk to Dr.Cameron and see what we can do. For now, you need to relax. I am taking time off work to help with Hope so you can get more sleep, okay?"
"Mom, I will help more with Hope too. I can babysit."
"Henry, I know you can. Seeing you with Hope today you are definitely are her babysitter." He hugs Emma.
They had a knock on the door, Dr.Cameron.
"Hi, Emma. I hear to check on you and Hope. I heard that you fainted."
"Hi, Dr.Cameron. This is our son Henry. Henry this is Dr.Allison Cameron. Hope's doctor."
Henry's jaw drops looks at his Mom and Dr.Cameron back and forth. "Wow, you look so much like my Mom." Emma, Killian, and Dr.Cameron all laughed.
Dr.Cameron sat on the bed."Emma, what happened that made you faint?"
"I skipped breakfast before my nail spa day with my Mom and Hope. I fell off on the way to Granny's and the next thing I knew I blacked out. Dr.Whale told me it was because of skipping a meal and lack of sleep. I have a newborn, Hope keeps me up at night." Hope finished eating from Emma. Killian passed the burp towel and she burped Hope. She held Hope on her chest.
"This doctor's appointment is not just about Hope and it is about you too as a mother to a newborn." Hope was happily cooing in her Mommy's arms. "Since you are here today, I can do part of her examination today. I can do the shots and physical tomorrow. Has Hope is aware of your voices, faces?"
"Oh, yes. Hope knows my voice, Henry and Killian's."
"How does Hope respond?"
"She looks at our faces, coos and gurgles and once she is in my arms she stops crying."
"Mom, when you sang to her in the car on the way home yesterday she stopped crying three times." Emma smiles and Dr. Cameron smiles.
"Yes, we went to Boston for the weekend."
"Aye, just now when Emma fainted Hope did not stop crying since Emma passed out. She only calmed down when Henry came."
"Trust me Dr.Cameron Hope was with my grandparents she was crying so much. When my grandpa gave me Hope I got her to stop crying." He talks to Hope, "Right Hope." He gives Hope his finger and grabs it. "I hate to see when Hope is in distressed now she is with our Mom she is happy.
"Hope loves Henry. He helps us with her all the time."
"Does Hope respond to seeing faces?"
"Yes, mostly mine, Henry Killian and my mother's." Hope fusses. "Hope, do you need a change baby?" She sniffs Hope. "Yes, you do."
"Love, I will change her. Remember you need to rest."
"Yes, I know." She talks to Hope. "Hope, do not give Daddy trouble for changing you. Mommy is going to be right here." She kisses Hope and hands her over Hope to Killian. Killian changes Hope on the bed.
"How is Hope's poop?"
"Well, Hope had a few poop explosions. One on Saturday went through her clothes to Killian who was holding her. Could she have an upset stomach?"
"Let me see for myself." Dr.Cameron watches Killian changing Hope. "Hi, Hope. Do you remember me?" Hope gurgled. "Yes, I look a lot like your mommy." She looks at Hope's belly button. "Her belly button looks good, no leftover of her umbilical cord." She examines Hope's poop. "Her poop looks normal, Emma. When she is older and eating food her poop will not be very liquid. Is she only breastfeeding?" Killian finished changing Hope and hands her over to Emma. Hope coos in her Mommy's arms.
"Yes, she does not take the bottle."
"Breastfeeding is the best for her. How often does she eat?"
"She eats every 3-4 hours now."
"How is she sleeping?"
"She sleeps a lot mostly during the daytime. At night that is a different story. She is staying awake longer too."
"Hope is going to be more awake now since she is over a month old but she still will be sleeping a lot."
"Hope, you want to show Dr.Cameron your pretty toenails?"
"Hope, you have pretty pink sparkle toenails. You chose the color, Emma?"
"Yes, I did."
"Emma, from the looks of it, Hope is healthy. I will do the physical examination on the children's floor tomorrow morning. I can do her shots here tomorrow afterward in here so she can be with you." Regina and the Charmings come by Emma's room.
"Thank you Dr.Cameron."
"Aye, I will bring her down tomorrow. We are staying overnight."
"I will see you both tomorrow morning. Hope, tomorrow you are not going to be happy with me but I will come by afterward to see you your happy self."
"Thank you Dr.Cameron for coming by."
"Your welcome, Emma. Just get some more rest. I know your family is helping you."
"Oh yes, they are. Hope saw bye bye to Dr.Cameron."
Dr.Cameron turns around seeing Regina and the Charmings, "Hi Regina."
"Hi. Dr.Cameron."
The Charmings jaws dropped. Snow spoke first, "You look exactly like my daughter." Emma, Killian, Regina, and Henry all laugh.
"I know, everyone tells me that. I am Dr.Allison Cameron. I am Hope's pediatrician."
"Hi, I am Snow White, Emma's Mom."
"I am Charming, Emma's father."
"It is nice to meet you both. Now you have to excuse me, I have to get back to the children's floor." Dr.Cameron leaves.
Snow White rushes to Emma. "Emma. are you okay?"
"Yes, Mom. I am fine. I need to rest and not skip meals. Mom are you okay?"
"Yes, now that I get to see you. You really scared me and Hope. Hope would not stop crying."
"I know she knew that I was not okay and wanted me only." She kisses Hope on the head who was fast asleep.
"Emma do not skip meals ever again."
"Mom, I am sorry." She talks to Henry. "Henry, can you hold Hope?" Henry takes Hope. Emma hugs her Mom. "Mom, I will do that again especially scaring you, Hope, everyone here makes me not want to do that again, fainting in front of Granny's." They hug again. Henry goes to Killian over to his Dad with Hope. "Dad, can you help me with my math homework?"
"Sure lad. I will hold Hope, you can get your textbook. I have a feeling your Grandma is going be here with Emma for a while."
"Killian, I will be with Emma for a little while you can be with the kids."
"Henry is having Hope with you going to distract you from studying?"
"Mom, Dad held Hope as he was helping me with my math in Boston."
"Aye, I can handle both of them. In order of Dr.Whale letting Hope stay overnight is me watching Hope."
Regina hugs Henry. "Henry, I will see you tonight. Study with Killian not just playing with your sister." "Don't worry, Mom. I will." Killian Henry and Hope find a place to study and letting Emma rest.
"Regina, can you give me a lift. I need to get them back to the sheriff's car at Granny's.
Charmings goes to hug Emma. "Emma, I am so happy that you are alright."
"Thank you, Dad. I know you were doing best with Hope."
"Henry did amazing with Hope."
"Regina, thank you for bringing Henry."
"Emma, it was no problem at all. When your mom called me in very panicked voice and hearing Hope crying so loud in the background, I knew Henry eas needed, especially from last night."
"Yes, Hope loves her big brother."
"What happened last night?"
Regina showed the Charmings the photo. "Hope was crying and she would not let go of Henry. So Henry showed her his room and Regina and I found them sleeping together."
"Emma no wonder why Hope calmed down with Henry."
"Yes, Dad. Hope loves Henry and she is stubborn like me if Hope wants me Henry or her Daddy she gets what she wants or all hell breaks loose."
Charming chuckles, "You got that that right. Snow, I will pick up you and Henry later."
"Alright." They kiss. Regina and Charming left. Snow White held Emma's hand. Emma falls asleep.
Regina and Charming found Killian holding sleeping Hope while teaching Henry in the waiting room.
"Henry, your grandpa is going to bring you home later okay?"
"Yes, Mom. I am happy to help Hope and my other mom. Thank you for bringing me here."
He hugs her. "Your welcome, your mom and sister needed you."
"Aye, lad. You are doing amazing with your sister. She is so happy now."
"Henry your grandma and I could not calm her down no matter what we did. She stopped crying once she was with you. I will pick you up later." Regina and Charming left.
After an hour and half of studying, Hope began to cry. "Little lass, you want your Mommy? Henry, are you good for now?'
"Yes, we studied enough." Killian brought crying Hope back to Emma, who was asleep.
"Killian, she is sleeping."
"I know, Hope wants her Mommy." He placed Hope on Emma's chest. Emma wakes up,"Hi, baby. You just wanted your Mommy?" She kisses Hope who gurgled happily being on her Mommy's chest. Emma wrapped her hands around her daughter. Henry went to sit with Emma too. He wraps his arms around Emma.
"I could not miss the fun."
"Henry, you can stay." She kisses Henry on the head. He leans his head on her shoulder "I love being with my two kids together."
"We love you, Mom. We are here for you."
"Thanks, Henry." Hope coos. Emma giggles."Hope, you are here to sweetie. Mommy knows that you were crying for me. Until Henry came." Hope happily gurgled. Emma falls to sleep with Hope fast asleep on her chest. Henry falls asleep next to Emma. Killian took a picture of them sleeping together.
"Emma and the kids are so close."
"Yes, they are and we are doing amazing with our small family and getting closer every day."
"I will bring you something to eat."
"Thank you, Snow."
He sits down next to Emma and their kids. "I love our family Emma." He kisses Emma on the head. And watches them sleep together.

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