Captain-Swan Christmas

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Emma and Henry went shopping the day after their family spends the rest of the day on the Jolly Roger. Before Emma left, Hope was spoonfed her medicine by her Daddy and was fed by her Mommy. "Emma, Hope is going to be with me love. I know what to do when she is in pain and comfort our little love."

Hope finished eating and Emma burped her daughter. She kisses Hope on the head. "Hopey, be a good girl for Daddy." Hope fell asleep and Emma puts her daughter in Killian's arms.

"Emma, have fun with Henry. You need a break and Hope needs her one on one time with me."

" Hope, have fun with Daddy. Mommy and Henry will be back later." She kisses her sleeping daughter on the head. "Thank you, Killian."

"Love, have fun with Henry. He needs his time with his Mom."

"Yes, after yesterday. I felt bad for not giving one on one time with him."

"He enjoyed family time on the Jolly Roger. You are making it up now. You have one on one time with him while I stay inside with our little love."

"Just call anytime if you Hope needs me..or you need a break."

"Love, you and I both have been constantly worried about Hope since she got injured, mostly you. You need some time to relax and our son needs his one on one time with his Mom."

"You are right. I just want to make sure he is okay. I was surprised to see Allison on your ship yesterday talking to him."

"Henry goes to his aunt Allison when he wants to talk...I can tell yesterday at Granny's got him upset."

"Me, too. I just felt so bad."

"He was upset about you, love."

"How did you know?"

"Allison. She told me a little bit after she examined Hope. She told him that he can call her anytime if he needs to talk to her. He doesn't want to stress us out."

"I told him that he can talk to me anytime."

"I know love, so did I. He talks to Allison and she is our family member."

"I am just happy that he talks to Allison and Regina...but I think he talks to Allison more."

"Aye, me too. Go have fun with our son." They kiss. Henry was waiting in the living room. "Henry are you ready?"

"Yes, I am." They leave the house and they walk to town. "I have been thinking."

"What about?"

"When we buy Hope's presents from me. Can we wrap them and put them underneath the Christmas tree? The tree is decorated and it still looks empty."

She hugs her son."We can wrap your gifts for Hope today. When we get back home and put them under the Christmas tree."

"Can we get hot chocolate with cinnamon on after we shop?"

"Yes, we can. I also need to apologize to Granny for arguing with me Mom..." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, you have me, Dad and Hope. We love you."

"I love you all too." They went into the toy store, Henry was looking at every toy to make sure what to get Hope for Christmas. "Mom, I do not know what to get Hope."

"I am here, to help you. She is 8 months old, knowing Hope if she likes something she will chew it."

"You mean something soft? Not a chew toy. I want to get something Hope will love and have always have growing up...I just do not know what it is."

"You are her brother Henry, what does Hope love?"

"Hope loves you, Dad, me and Aunt Allison. She loves her Pluto doll. The ocean, the Jolly Roger and Dad's hook."

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