Doctors & Home

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During Emma's overnight stay for observation, Hope slept on her Mommy's chest. Killian woke up every time Hope needed to be changed, Emma only fed Hope and cuddled with her. Emma had Hope in her arms."Hope, you love to be awake at night to have our one on one time, sweetie. We can have our special time in the day so I can get some sleep. Daddy is helping me because I need to rest. Even though I need to rest, I love my special time with you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope coos happily. "I know you love our Mommy and Hope time. So do I baby girl." She gives Hope many kisses on the cheek, which made Hope smile. "I got you to smile baby. Yes! Mommy loves you so much, Hope." Killian was half awake hearing his wife enjoying time with their daughter. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, are you tired baby?" She puts Hope on her chest and laid down on the hospital bed. "Hope, we will be sleeping in our bed at home tomorrow baby." Hope coos. "Yes, I know when I got sick it was very scary for you, Mommy, Daddy, Henry and our whole family. I do not want faint again. Tomorrow, you are going to see Dr.Cameron, she is very nice. Mommy will be there for you when you are scared. Mommy and Daddy will be always there for you when you are scared, sad, or happy. When you can talk, you can always come to me or Daddy to talk. You and I can have girl talks like we are having now, our special Mommy and Hope time. Do you like the sound of that Mommy and Hope time?" Hope coos happily and grabs her Mommy's finger. Emma smiles. "I am taking that as a yes, baby Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and watched Hope fall back to sleep. "I love you, Hope, I will always will." Emma falls back to sleep.
Killian wakes up early, as usual, seeing Hope sleeping with Emma. Killian set Hope's outfit ready for the day, luckily Emma packed Hope extra clothes for Hope. He hears Hope cooing. "Little love, you are awake. Good morning Hope." He kisses Hope on the cheek. He gently takes Hope out of Emma's chest. "Today you and I are going to have some Daddy and Hope time." He dresses Hope and talks to her. "We are going to see Dr.Cameron today, we are going to see big you have grown like yesterday. Dr.Cameron is so nice, she is going to let you be with Mommy when you scared when you get your shots. Remember you are going to be brave like Mommy and Daddy, little love. I will be there with you." Hope gurgles. He kisses Hope. Hope gives her Daddy her poop face. "Lass, you love being a little stinker." He changes Hope. "Hope, when we get home, we have to let Mommy sleep more. Henry and Daddy will be helping Mommy with you so Mommy will not faint again. You do not want Mommy to sick right Hope." Hope coos. "Yes, we want Mommy home having fun with you and all of us all the time. I know you and Mommy have so much girl time together." Hope looks at her Daddy and coos.
Emma hears Killian's conversation with Hope. "I love my adoring and caring husband." She wakes up. "Morning."
"Morning, Love." He carries Hope and kisses her on the cheek. Emma kisses Hope on the cheek.
"What time do you need to bring Hope down to Dr.Cameron?
"I think 8:30 am love. It is 7:30 am now." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" He hands Hope over to Emma.
"Hi, baby." She kisses Hope and feeds her. "You are going to be a good girl for Daddy and Dr.Cameron today?"
"Love, she will be fine for most of the appointment. Dr.Cameron said that she can get her shots with you here."
"I know. She is going to be with you, which makes me less nervous."
"I am sure love, Dr.Cameron will give you an update on our little Hope before the shots."
Emma looks down at Hope who is eating."Yes, I want to know how big you are getting Hope." Killian smiles. "I feel guilty that I cannot be there. If I have not skipped breakfast I would not be here."
"Love, you were sleep deprived. Hope kept you up all night and we had a busy vacation." He hugs her. "The more important thing is that you are going to get the help you need to take care of our Hope from me, Henry and your parents." She begins to cry. He wraps his arm around Emma and Hope stops eating.
"Hope you need to eat baby."
"Love, Hope knows you are not yourself."
Emma wiped her tears away."Yes, Hope you know Mommy so well sweetheart. I love you so much baby girl." She gives Hope kisses on her head and her small hand. "Mommy is not sad anymore, you can eat Hope." Hope latches back on and eats from Emma.
"Emma, Hope loves you so much. Our whole family loves you and wants to help."
"Yes, I know. I want to spend time with Hope as much as possible with more sleep."
"Aye, you will Swan. With our support system, you can spend so much girl time with Hope."
"Yes, I want to spend time with Hope because I missed everything with Henry. I love my Hope snuggles and love Hope being so little."
Emma switched Hope on the other boob. Killian kisses Emma on the head."I know, love. You are loving your quality time with Hope. Just think when she gets bigger you and she has more time to read, your special game and play time. Henry loves Hope and he is going to be a great babysitter which will be very helpful now."
"You got that right. I love you and our family so much. I just do not want to let anyone down."
"Emma, we love you for who you are and we all love to help whenever is needed. Henry and Hope love you so much as their amazing Mommy. You do not fail anyone. Remember you saved everyone so many times, now we have our family to think about not saving the town."
'You are right. I should not think of letting everyone down. I am still getting used to having a family, not being alone. I love being a Mommy. "
"Love, we all love you."
"I love you and our family. I need to not think of failing everyone, it is hard to do thinking of that way my whole life in the foster system. This normal having a family and support system is still new to me."
"I know, love. It takes time to adjust. You are doing an amazing job with our Hope who is only a month old and she loves you tremendously already. Henry loves you and trusts you since he met you when he was 10. You are an amazing Mommy to both of them."
"I love my children so much. I want to do everything I can for them."
"Emma, you are doing everything for both of them. Do not forget that."
"I love you so much, Killian."
"I love you to my Emma." They kiss. Hope stops eating and looks up at her parents. They smile at each other. "Little Hope you want a kiss from Mommy and Daddy?" They both give Hope a kiss each. Hope spat upon her onesie and begins to cry.
"Hope, do not crybaby Mommy will change you to a new onesie." Killian passes Emma a clean onesie. Emma changed Hope's onesie and burps her. She holds Hope in her arms and makes eye contact with her daughter. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope reaches her hands and grabs Emma's face. Emma smiles. Killian takes a picture. "See, Emma. Hope loves you so much." He checks the time. A nurse comes in with Emma's breakfast. "Hope, we have to let Mommy eat, little love." He takes Hope and sat down on the chair. He lets Hope lie on his chest. "How is the food?"
"It is hospital food, not as good as the normal food. What time are you bring her to the children's floor?"
"I have to bring her downstairs now. Tonight, I can let Henry watch Hope and I will cook us dinner."
"I love the sound of that. I just want us four tonight."
"Aye. Me too, Emma." He lets Emma kiss Hope.
"Hope, be a good girl for Daddy."
"We will be back soon. Eat and rest, love."
"I will." They kiss. "Make sure you have her quilt."
"I know love. I have her quilt and diaper bag."
Emma ate and enjoyed some quiet time to herself. She went back to sleep after eating her hospital food.
Killian takes Hope to the children's floor. Dr. Cameron saw Killian and Hope as they entered her office. "Good morning, Killian. Hi, Hope."
"Good morning Dr.Cameron. I have to sign Hope in, my hands are full. Can you hold her for a minute."
"Of course." Dr.Cameron takes Hope from Killian. "Hi, Hope. Are you happy today?" Hope coos. She tickles Hope."Tickle..tickle." Hope smiles. Dr.Cameron smiles.
"Hope usually does not like strangers."
"She knows me."
"Aye, not as much as her family. She likes you."
"Probably because I remind her of her Mom."
'Most likely." They both laugh.
"Hope, let's see how much you have grown." Dr.Cameron takes Hope and Killian exam room 1. "How is Emma?"
"She is resting. I mostly changed Hope diapers and outfits during the night. Hope slept on Emma. They had their girl chat. Emma loves to snuggle Hope."
"I can tell that they are very close." Dr.Cameron places Hope on the table.
"Aye, they are. She is close with both of our kids." He puts the diaper bag down and undresses Hope. Dr.Cameron weighs Hope and measures Hope, Hope cries. "Little Hope, it will be over soon little love."
"She gained four pounds and her length is 21 inches. Hope, your Mommy feeding so good that you are healthy and growing."
"Emma is disappointed that she missing this. Would you mind telling Emma before the shots?'
"Sure, I know she wants to know how your daughter's development is going, which is good so far. I know Hope is healthy but there are procedures to make sure her organs, bodies parts, eyes and ears are all normal for Hope."
There was a knock on the door. "Hope, Killian."
Killian turns around and sees Emma in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse."Emma, you are supposed to be bed rest."
"Yes. Killian, you really think I would miss Hope's appointment especially it is her first checkup for being a month old."
"Love, how..." Emma gets up from the wheelchair and sits on the table nearby Hope.
Nurse, "She had me ask Dr.Whale to let her come up here for Hope's appointment. It was either that or magic."
"Aye. Thank you for bringing her."
"Hi, Hope. Mommy is here." She looks at Dr.Cameron. "What did I miss?"
"I just weighed her and measured her. Hope is 11 pounds now since birth, 4 pounds she gained and 18 inches now, she gained 3 inches. Her head is normal size."
Emma smiled. "Hope, you are getting so big baby girl."
"Hope, I am going to listen to your heart. This is not going to hurt." Dr.Cameron uses a stethoscope to listen to Hope's heart. "Her heart is healthy and normal." She puts Hope on her tummy to listen to her lungs. "Her lungs are clear. No breathing issues." She put Hope back on her back. Dr.Cameron looks into her eyes, "Hope's eyes are clear and healthy." Dr.Cameron looks at Hope's ears next. "They are clear, no fluid." She talks to Hope, "Hi, Hope." Hope turns to look at Dr.Cameron's face. "You are doing so good, Hope."
"Hope, Mommy is right here." Hope coos and reaches her hand to Emma. Emma gives Hope her finger and Hope grabs it. "That is Mommy's good girl." She kisses her little hand. Dr.Cameron examined Hope's mouth next. She used a tongue presser to look around Hope's mouth, Hope begins to cry. " Hope, baby it is okay. Dr.Cameron is almost done." "Her mouth is clean and normal. She has no yeast infection or any bacterial infections." Hope stops crying. Dr.Cameron examines Hope's belly. "I know that I checked her belly button yesterday. I have to check her organs next." She does the examination on Hope's small tummy. "Her organs are normal nothing unusual in Hope's belly. She has no hernia as well." Hope cooed happily and made Dr.Cameron, Emma, and Killian all smile. "Her belly button is healing very well." Dr.Cameron checked Hope's reflexes next on Hope's legs, hips, arms and check for muscle tone. She did certain ways to check Hope's body is normal. Dr.Cameron moved Hope 's arms, legs, hips, and hands. "Her body reflexes are normal. Let me check her skin." She looked around for birthmarks, jaundice, and rashes. "Her skin is normal no birthmarks, jaundice or rashes." She talks to Emma and Killian, "I am going to give Hope vitamin D drops for Hope since she is being breastfed. She just needs extra vitamins. Today Hope is only going to get one shot today her second dose of hepatitis B vaccination. "
"Only one shot. That will be better than last time." She gets Hope from the table. "Killian, can you hand me her quilt?"
"Sure, love." He helps Emma to put Hope in her blanket. "Little Hope, you are being a good girl for Dr.Cameron. Daddy and Mommy are so proud of you."
"Before I give her the shot. Hope is very healthy. Her sleep schedule needs to be fixed so you can sleep, Emma. How does Hope usually sleep?"
"She sleeps in her cradle at night and her crib during the day for naps. Hope and I do skin to skin at times and she sleeps on my chest."
"Skin to skin is healthy for newborns. Just be careful of sudden infant death syndrome, it is when a baby dies for no reason, usually causes from health issues. Do not worry, Hope is perfectly healthy."
"Aye. When Emma and Hope do skin to skin I usually watch them make sure Hope does not fall off. Hope sleeps in her crib or cradle except for last night."
"I just need to tell you, because a lot of babies dies from sudden infant death syndrome and it is my job to tell you. Hope is healthy. One of the reason SIDS can be the cause of death was low birth weight, being born premature, or have a sibling that has SIDS. Hope is healthy and getting big."
"I am pretty sure my son did not have SIDS as a baby, I do not know."
"Regina would have told me."
"Yes, Henry is my biological son that I gave him up for adoption when I was seventeen and Regina adopted him."
"I am so sorry I did not know."
"It is okay. The most important thing is that Henry is in my life now, I co-parent with Regina and he loves Hope and always there to help her. Is there any way to prevent SIDS?"
"Yes, to make sure your baby sleeps on her back."
"I still love to snuggle her and skin to skin with her. Can I still do those?"
"Yes, for most when she sleeps for a long period of time making sure she sleeps on her back."
"We will do that."
Dr.Cameron got the shot out. "Emma make sure Hope is comfy." Emma had Hope's blanket in her arms and Hope lying above the quilt. "Remember there are side effects of this shot, like fever, pain, swelling, tiredness and stuffy or running nose."
"Aye, we have Tylenol from her last shots."
"Hope, baby girl. Mommy came down here because I did not want to miss your one-month appointment. I did not have this with your brother." She kissed Hope. Dr. Cameron gives her the shot. Hope cries. Dr.Cameron put a band-aid on Hope's arm where she put the shot. "Hope it is all over. Baby, I know that you are in pain. Mommy got you, Hope." Emma rocks her and bounces her to calm down. " Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Killian is there any problems or side effects please you or Emma call the office if anything goes wrong."
"Thank you Dr.Cameron for everything today and yesterday."
"You are welcome. I am just hoping Hope's shot does not have serious side effects since Emma is still in recovery from fainting."
"Aye. Our son is going to help us and her parents are just a phone call away."
"That is good to hear. Have a good day."
"You, too, Dr.Cameron."
Hope calms down. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, I thought you have to rest."
"Killian, I missed everything with Henry. I did not want to miss our daughter's one-month-old checkup." She talks to Hope, "Hope you are happy that Mommy came right baby?" She kisses Hope on the head. "You and I are going to have extra snuggles today sweetie."
"Aye, let me get her dressed and get you back to your hospital room." Killian dresses Hope. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you want Mommy?"
"Let me get back into the wheelchair then you can wheel us both back into the hospital room." She gets back to the wheelchair. Killian wraps hope in her quilt and hands her to Emma. "You were very brave when you got your shot Hope. Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you." Hope gurgled in her Mommy's arms. Killian got the diaper bag and wheeled Emma back to the hospital room. Dr.Whale was there.
"Emma, where have you been?"
"I asked the nurse to take me upstairs in this wheelchair for my daughter's one-month doctor appointment."
"Let me check on you. So I can discharge you." Emma hands over Hope to Killian and gets on her hospital bed. Dr.Whale asked her a few questions and examined Emma. "You are free to go. Rest up."
"I will. My family is going to help me with Hope." A nurse pushes Emma in a wheelchair with Hope in her arms. Killian walked beside them. "Hope, Mommy can go home. We are going home, baby." Killian got their car and helped Emma in the front. He gets Hope from Emma and put her in the car seat. He sits in the driver's seat.
"Are you ready to go home love?"
"Yes, I am. Do you think Hope is going to be okay? Since she only had one shot?"
He holds Emma's hand."Aye, she most likely will be. We know what to do this time."
"Yes, we do. I am looking forward to just spending time with you, Hope, and Henry tonight even if Hope might be in pain but I love snuggling her."
"Aye, Hope loves your special time with you."
"I love spending time with her too." Killian drives his family home. "We are finally home." Emma gets out of the car and gets Hope. "Hope we are home baby." Hope begins to fuss. "Hope Mommy will feed you now baby." She kisses Hope and takes her inside. Killian follows his girls with Hope's diaper bag. Emma takes Hope up to her nursery. "Hope, we are back home baby." She gets a burp towel and preps to feed her. Hope latched on and eats from Emma. Killian went to check on his loves. "How is she, Emma?"
"She was just hungry."
"How are you love?"
"I am still tired."
"Do you want me to make you something to eat?'
"Yes, please." The kiss. Killian makes Emma a grilled cheese with a water bottle and brought it up to her and she eats it as Hope was eating from her. "Thank you."
"Your welcome love." Hope finished eating and Emma burped her. Emma placed Hope on her chest and rocked Hope to sleep. Hope begins to cry again that sounded different.
"Killian, can you bring up the Tylenol."
"Sure love. I will be right back."
"Hope, Mommy knows that shot hurt baby. Daddy will give you Tylenol to make the pain go away." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian returns with Hope's Tylenol and a bottle of water. He spoon feeds Tylenol to Hope, "Hope, drink it, baby." She gives Hope the water bottle after Killian gives Hope her medicine. "You will feel better soon, Hope." She kisses Hope and puts Hope on the chest and slowly rocks Hope.
"Emma, she is okay love."
"Yes, I know. I do not like seeing my baby girl in pain."
"Neither do I love. You did great in there with her getting her shots."
"Yes, I just could not miss her appointment, Killian. I am sorry."
"Emma, you are her Mommy you wanted to see our Hope's progression and I know you missed everything with Henry. You are not going to miss everything with Hope." He kisses her on the head. "Love, I can hold Hope for a while and watch her. Please get some rest while she is sleeping."
"Fine. I need some sleep anyways and a shower." She kisses Hope and hands her over to Killian. "Please wake me up if she needs anything."
"I will love, do not worry." They kiss. Emma went to their room and takes a shower and changes into a comfy outfit and sleeps. Killian held Hope in his arms and watches his daughter sleep. He gets a text from Snow White. "How is Emma? How is Hope?" He puts Hope in her crib. He replied. "Emma is fast asleep. Hope had her physical exam and one shot. We gave her Tylenol after she was fed and now fast asleep." Snow White response, "Good that appointment went well and let them both rest. Let me know if you need anything. Xoxo." Killian hears the door opens and closes. Henry was home. "Hi, Lad."
"Hi, Dad. How are Mom and Hope?"
"They are both asleep. Your Mom is still tired. Hope had her appointment today and got one shot. We gave her Tylenol. I have to go to the store. Can you watch your sister?'
"Sure, Dad. That I can do."
"Great. Lad if anything happens to Hope wake your mom up."
"I know let Mom rest. Later, can you help me with my math?"
"Yes, lad. You and I are cooking dinner tonight. Your Mom just wants us 4 to have a quiet night in."
"I can sleepover. I asked my Mom if I can sleepover. She said yes. I want to help with Mom and Hope."
"I really appreciate it, Henry. I am going to need your help around here for who knows how long."
"Dad, no matter how long it takes, I am going to help all the time."
"Lad you are going to a big help with your Mom and sister." They hug. "I will see you when I get back to the store." He leaves.
Henry goes upstairs to see Emma. She was fast asleep. He kisses her on the head. "I love you, Mom. I am so happy you are home and better. I am going to help you no matter what always." He goes to Hope's room and sat in the rocking chair watching his baby sister sleep. Henry read a book in Hope's room while he kept an eye on Hope. Thirty minutes later Hope wakes up crying. "Hope, Henry is here little sis." Henry takes Hope out of her crib. "Hope I am sleeping over tonight. I am not leaving little sis. I know you had a shot today." He comforts her as she grips his shirt. "Hope, how about we have storytime in my room." He checks on Mom in her room still asleep. Henry takes his upset sister to his room. "Hope, I have my storybook with me."He held Hope in one arm as he opened the book with his other hand. She moved around in Henry's arm and fussed. "Hope. Do you want to talk instead? Okay." He pushed the book aside. He puts Hope on his chest and lies down. "Hope. Do want to talk about how I found Mommy when I was ten years old?" Hope gurgled. "Well, our grandma gave me the storybook when I was 10 years old because she knew I was lonely and had no friends, this is when during the curse everyone was separated from their loved ones and lived in one time. I was the only one in this town that had grown up. Everyone else was stuck in one day time. When grandma gave me the storybook, she gave me Hope and I realized that our Mommy was the savior. Grandma was Snow White, not just my teacher So I went on the computer and searched to where find our Mommy. I found out that she was in Boston. So I stole grandma's credit card to get myself a ticket to Boston and found Mommy. Let's just she was surprised that I showed up at her doorstep. " Emma woke up once she heard Hope's cry. She listened to Henry's story to Hope about how he found her by his door. "Hope, you have no idea how hard it was to convince our Mommy that she was the savior and the daughter to Snow White and Prince Charming that was the hard part when I brought her here to Storybrooke. Now she saved the whole town of many villains and curses she gets to have a normal life with us. She has you, me, and Daddy." Hope cooed happily. 'Hope you are really listening to me, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "When you were in Mommy's tummy I always read to you, hug you and kissed you and you always moved especially for me." Hope gurgled. "Yes, I love you so much baby sis and it makes me sad when you are in pain Hope." He sits up and put Hope in his arms. Hope grabs his finger. " you have a strong grip, Hope. You get that from our Mommy." Emma goes back to her bed. She just loves her two children relationship growing closer together. Killian returns from the grocery store and puts the groceries away. He goes up to find Henry. He finds Henry talking to Hope in his room. "Hi, Henry and Hope."
"Hope, Daddy is home from the store."
"How was she when I was gone?"
"I watched her sleep for an hour and then when she woke up I brought her in here and talked to her. She loves to listen to me." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Aye, she loves her big brother." Hope begins to cry. "Little love." Henry gives Killian Hope. "Hope, do you need a change?" He checks her diaper. "You are not wet or dirty. Are you hungry? Let me take you to your Mommy." Killian takes Hope to Emma with Henry following them. Emma wakes up from her nap by Hope's crying.
"Hope, what is the matter?" Killian's hands Hope over to Emma. "Come to Mommy, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head.
"She is not wet or dirty love."
"Mom, she was fine I was talking to her."
"Henry, I am pretty sure she loved your time with you. Maybe she needs more Tylenol." She puts Hope on her bed and took her shirt off. Henry took Hope's onesie off. Emma places crying Hope on her chest. Hope calmed down a little.
"Lad, let's cook dinner. We will let you know when dinner is ready, love."
Henry goes to Hope. "Hope, I had fun talking to you baby sis." He kisses Hope on the head. "Enjoy time with Mommy."
"Henry, you are doing so great with Hope."
"Thanks, Mom. Oh, I am sleeping over tonight. I wanted to help with you and Hope."
"Henry, you are the best kid."
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." He kisses his mom on the head. He goes downstairs to help prep for dinner.
Killian sits on their bed close to Emma and Hope" Love, how are you feeling?'
"I got a little bit of more rest. I actually woke up and heard Henry's conversation with Hope."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, I listened in on what he told Hope on how he found me in Boston. I am pretty sure Hope enjoyed story time because it was about me."
"Aye, love. Hope loves story time especially it is about you." They kiss. "Hope, did you want Mommy time? Is that why you cried?" Hope gripped Emma's bra.
"Aye, think that is a yes then."
"Hope, Mommy loves you so much and loves our one on one time baby." She kisses Hope on the head. "I am hoping she is not in pain."
"Love, we would know she is in pain."
"Yes. What are you cooking for dinner tonight?"
"You will see once dinner is cooked, love."
"You love to surprise me with your excellent cooking skills."
"Aye, love. That what I love to do." They kiss. He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope have fun with Mommy." He goes downstairs to cook dinner with Henry.
Hope was awake on Emma. "Hope, you love your special time with me." Hope coos. Emma smiles. "Hush Now,
Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness.
Shadows may march,
Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail.
Through our land, This sacred land,
Nightmares sprite confusion,
But stand your ground,
Until you've found,
The strength to light your way." Hope coos happily on Emma. "Hope Mommy is happy you have blonde hair like me, when you are older I am going to braid your hair all the time." Hope makes poop. "Hope, did you just made poop? Okay, Mommy will change you." Emma outs her shirt back on and takes Hope to her room to be changed. Emma changes Hope's diaper and played their kissing game that made Hope smile. She changes Hope into pajamas and read to Hope in the rocking chair. After Emma read to her Hope began to fuss. "Sweetie, are you hungry?" Emma feeds Hope. She rubs Hope's head as she ate. Henry comes up to Hope's room. He enters Hope's room. "Mom, dinner is ready."
"Okay. I think your sister is almost done eating."
"How is she doing?"
"Hope and I did some skin to skin, then I changed her and I read her a book. I am pretty sure she is happy."
"How was the rest of your hospital stay?"
Emma smiles. "Well, let's just say that I threatened a nurse to ask Dr.Whale to let me go to Hope's appointment with Dr.Cameron."
" you threatened the nurse with your light magic?"
"Henry, I could not miss Hope's one-month-old checkup. I missed everything with you. I did not want to miss Hope's appointment. The nurse pushed me into a wheelchair and I made it to her appointment."
"Wow, I am still am surprised the way you do to get what you need to get done."
"Yes. She was well behaved for the whole appointment until the shot. Your little sister is now 11 pounds and 21 inches. She is growing so much. She is healthy."
"Mom you are doing great with Hope. She is happy healthy and loves all of us. She loves you the most."
"Thank you, Henry." Emma burps Hope. "Now we can eat."
"Mom, can I bring her down?"
"Sure." She hands over Hope to Henry."
"Hope, are you full little sis?" They walk downstairs together. Henry puts Hope in her moving chair. The boys made meatloaf with mash potatoes and cooked mixed vegetables."Killian, you and Henry made all of this?"
"Aye, we did."
"It looks delicious." She hugs him. "Thank you for cooking."
"Your welcome love. Now, remember do not forget to eat. I will always cook for you."
"Aww." They kiss. "
"I got dessert."
"Dad, what is it?"
"Eat your dinner first then dessert." Emma, Killian, and Henry ate together and talk a lot.
"Killian, this whole meal is delicious. I love everything."
"Thank you. Love."
"Mom, I made the mashed potatoes and helped Dad with the meatloaf."
"You did?'
"Yes. I am learning to cook from the best."
"Lad, I am not the best."
"Well, you are better than me at cooking than me."
"Yes, love you got that right." They all laughed. Hope began to cry in her moving chair. Emma went to see what was wrong with Hope. "Hope, what is the matter, baby? Are you in pain?"
"Love, I will go get her Tylenol and her bib." He goes upstairs. Henry fills a baby bottle with water for Hope.
"Hope, Daddy is going to give you your medicine to make you feel better, sweetie." She kisses Hope and rubs her back. Killian returns with the Tylenol and bib. Emma ties the bib on Hope and Kilian spoon feeds Hope's liquid Tylenol which Hope drank. "You are doing so good baby, drinking your medicine." Henry gives his Mom the baby bottle and Hope drinks her water. She stops crying and calms down. "Mom. I can hold her. You can eat, I already finished."
"Sure, Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry gets Hope from his Mom. He takes Hope into the living room and sits with Hope on the couch.
"You okay love?"
"Yes and no. I hate seeing my baby in pain."
"Love, Hope is going to be fine. She got fewer shots today than the last time."
"What else love? I know there is something else."
"How am I supposed to be a good mom if I need to rest? I want to be there for Hope all the time." Emma starts to cry. He rushes to comfort her and hold her in his arms. "I missed everything with Henry. I want to be there for our daughter. Is that a bad thing?" She cries into Killian. "Emma, you do not have to perfect. I know you love our Hope so much but it is not healthy for you not to sleep. You have Henry and me to help you. We all love Hope. Hope does not like when you are sick love. She did not stop crying for you when you fainted. Henry calmed her down. Just because you need to rest does not mean you are not a good mother. You need to rest so you can spend time with Hope and be there when she needs you. Hope loves you me and Henry. You are not alone you can lean on us for help with Hope." He hugs Emma very tight.
"I always feel safe in your arms. You know that already."
"Aye, I do. I want you to eat right and get more sleep so you can be with our little duckling."
"So your not mad at me for fainting in front of Granny's?
"No, Emma. I was absolutely terrified and worried and Hope was crying crazy knowing her Mommy was sick."
"I feel bad for making everyone worried. I did not expect to faint like that at all. When I woke up, all I think was where was Hope."
"Love, we are a team remember that. We are going to help each other whenever is needed. Henry is here with Hopenow and I am with you. Please let us help you with Hope. Love you are not alone anymore. You have us." He kisses Emma on the head.
"I am going to take the help I need with Hope so I can sleep more. "
"Hope is not going to judge you for sleeping."
"You are right. I love you and our family."
"Emma we all love you. We are going to make sure you get more rest and Hope get better soon from her shot."
"Good. I need all the help that I can get." They kiss. They finished their dinner. Henry comes back to the kitchen carrying Hope, seeing his parents cleaning up.
"Lad, how is Hope?"
"I talked to her a little in the living room until she fell back to sleep."
"Lad, do you want dessert?"
Emma giggled. "Henry, give me your sister." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. Emma snuggled Hope.
Killian took out their dessert. "Dad, you got us sundaes for dessert?"
"Lad, I made them for us when you were upstairs."
"Dad you are awesome" He hugs Killian. Emma giggled. "Can we watch a movie?"
"That sounds like a good idea."
"Great, I will pick out a movie."
Emma laughed. And walked to her husband. "You are really are an amazing Dad to both of them." They kiss.
"I will do anything for our family. Now you enjoy your dessert while I hold our little Hope. Hope and I did not have enough Daddy and daughter time today." He takes Hope out of Emma's arms into his. Hope fussed. "Hope you are with Daddy little love." He rubs her back and she falls back to sleep. Emma took her dessert and brought it into the living room.
"Henry, what are we going to watch tonight." He was crying. " Henry?" She puts her dessert on the table. "Henry." She hugged her son.
"Mom, you really scared me yesterday. I thought I was going to lose you."
"Henry, why you did not tell me this sooner?"
"I was being there for Hope. She needed me the most when you fainted." Henry hugs his Mom. "Henry, look at me. You are doing exactly what a big brother does being there for his little sister when they are crying and whenever things are not okay." She hugs him. "Henry, I am okay. You are not going to lose me. I needed rest. You are here with me now when I need you the most, helping me with Hope. Helping me with Hope is the best thing you can do for me because I need the help with her so I can get more rest and not faint."
Henry hugs his Mom."I love you so much, Mom."
"I love you so much, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "Please tell me next time, when you are upset no matter what okay?'
"Yes. I will. It was hard to express my emotions when I was being brave for Hope. Please do get more sleep."
"You are being an amazing big brother to Hope. She is lucky to have you as her brother. I can use your help with your sister, so I can get more rest."
"That I can do. I love Hope." They hug. Emma kisses Henry on the head.
"We should eat our dessert before they melt."
"We should Dad made them."
He was watching them from afar. "Aye, I did. I worked very hard on them." Killian walks into the living room with sleeping, Hope. Emma giggled. Henry chose to watch The Incredibles movie. Emma and Henry ate their desserts. Killian held sleeping, Hope. After Emma and Henry ate, Henry hugged Emma and laid on her lap. "I love you."
"I love you to Henry." He falls asleep on Emma's lap. Killian wrapped his hook hand around Emma. She whispers. "The ice cream sundaes were delicious by the way."
"Aye, love. I am glad that you both enjoyed them. Is he okay?'
"Yes, now. I found him crying in here. He was focused on Hope yesterday for being there for her, he did not express his feelings yesterday. He thought he was going to lose me. I told him to express his feelings no matter what next time."
"Aye, he was being a great big brother looking out for our little lass. He loves you Emma and was afraid that he was being brave for Hope."
"Yes, he was."
"He gets his bravery from you. His strong brave Mommy."
"Yes, he does. We need to have more movie nights."
"Aye, we shall. Should we plan our New York trip?"
"I think we should have the trip to New York in July. Driving with Hope takes double the time, which we learned from this past weekend."
"Aye, we should try flying when going to Florida and see how it works out with Hope."
"Sounds like a good plan, captain."
"Aye, my first mate." They kiss. Emma falls asleep on Killian. Killian had his family all around him sleeping safely in their home altogether. "I cannot wait to have more family moments together. I am so happy that Emma is home and safe with us and healthy."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ