Baby Moon Vacation

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Emma wakes up from her nap underneath the umbrella and sees Hope soaked in her bathing suit. She and Killian rented a beach house right behind the beach. Her doctor gave her permission to travel on an airplane as long as she does not overdo it. "Hi, little duckling."
"Come in ocean, Mommy."
"I will come into the ocean, sweetie. I do need to cool off."
Killian sees his three loves. "Swan, I got you." He helped his 7-month pregnant swan out of the chair and walked her to the ocean.
They have been on vacation for a few days in Florida, Killian was at her side whenever she needed to move around or needed a hook. "You are not letting me do anything."
"I was not kidding, swan. I was not going to let you lift a finger. I told your doctor you will be relaxed as possible and not overstress from the last time we went on a babymoon."
Emma kisses him on the cheek, her husband is her caring pirate. She stands in the wet sand getting waves hit her feet. "This feels so good. Hope, you are right."
"I am wight!! Leia wants to be by the ocean." Hope jumps into the wet sand.
"Your sister is moving around right now. She knows I am by the ocean."
Henry lifts Hope so she can feel their baby sister move. "Leia luvs ocean."
"Yes, she is a lot like you, already, Hope." He places his hand onto his Mom's baby belly. "She is moving a lot."
Emma smiles. "She can hear you two talking to her."
"Swan,do you want to sit in the sand?"
Emma looks at her husband and smiles. "You mean like the last time I was pregnant at the beach?"
"Aye, that is what I was thinking." He helps his swan onto the wet sand as starts putting wet sand on her baby bump.
Emma chuckles. "Killian!!"
"Hope, this is what daddy did when you were growing inside of my belly."
"Because your Daddy is being silly." Henry was taking pictures of his Dad putting wet sand on his Mom's baby belly.
"I help Dada!" Hope gets wet sand. Henry was laughing.
"Kid, your Dad did this last time on our babymoon."
"I remember the photos you showed me." He uses his iPhone to take pictures of his Mom getting wet sand on her baby belly.
"Hope, get more sand, little love."
"Aye, aye!" Hope gets more wet sand and puts into onto her mommy's baby belly.
"You are getting me covered with sand."
"Yes, I am."
"Little sis, do you want wet sand?"
"Yes!" Hope sits down next to their Mom. Henry puts wet sand onto his sister's belly and all the way down to her legs, around her feet a mermaid tail. He also puts seashells on the wet sand of the mermaid tail."Mermaid!" Killian takes pictures of Hope's mermaid tail and Emma's baby bump.
"Hope, you are lucky you have a mermaid tail. Your Daddy made a mountain on me."
"You are a mermaid Mommy."
"I am?"
"Yes, on adventuwe."
"You are right. When we rescued daddy is when I turned into a mermaid."
"Swan, I can make a mermaid tail for you." He kneels down and puts sand on his wife's legs. Henry helps him by putting wet sand and bringing shells to decorate. "Now, you are a mermaid."
"Thank you for making me a mermaid again, captain."
"You are welcome, love. The most beautiful mermaid, I know." They kiss. Henry and Killian pictures of the two mermaids. Killian helped his swan back to their spot after him and Henry dug Emma out; he digs Hope out. "Henwy,swim."
"Okay, little sis. You have to hold onto me." Henry carried Hope into the ocean.
Emma waddles back into the shade. "You got me covered with sand."
"Sorry, love."
"That is okay, you love playing with sand on me at the beach."
"Yes, I do." They kiss. Killian sits next to his swan and hugs his swan. "How are you feeling?"
"Hot, huge...and tired."
"Do you want to go back in the house, love?"
"Are you sure? It is 95 degrees, love."
"I am good here, honey. Leia does not kick too hard when I am at the beach. I am enjoying the ocean air." He gives Emma her hydro flask of cold water. "You love giving me water."
"I know you need to stay hydrated because of the heat and Leia needs a lot of fluids."
Emma sips her water. "I do need something from you?"
"What is it, Emma?"
"I need you to snuggle with me tonight. I want a relaxing night in. I am tired of going out to eat and the beach does tired me out."
"I will think of something for our night in." They hear Hope laughing and see Henry and Hope in the ocean.
"This is our last vacation before Leia comes."
"Aye, I have a feeling next summer Leia is going to be in the ocean just like her big brother and big sister." Leia moves around, which Emma and Killian can clearly see. "Littlest love, Dada can see you moving around inside of your Mommy."
"She knows that we are talking about her. Leia, Mommy loves you so much, baby girl." Killian kisses his swan's baby belly. "She is coming soon."
"You mean 2 months? I already feel so huge."
"You are beautiful, love. My Emma."
"My Killian." They kiss.
Hope returns to their spot. "Mommy!"
"Hi, little duckling." Hope sat on her Mommy's lap. "You are cooling me off."
"Ocean fun!"
"You had fun with Henry?"
"Yes."She hugs her Mommy's belly bump. "Want Leia swim."
"She will swim with you when she is with us."
"Stay with you."
She hugs her daughter as best as she can. "You can stay with me, Hope." Killian wrapped Hope into a towel. She fell asleep on her Mommy.
"Killian, can you hold her? I am afraid she will fall." Killian takes Hope from his swan and let her sleep on him. "Thank you."
"You are welcome."
"My belly is in the way of everything these days."
"Pretty soon you will be holding our two girls in your arms."
"I have a feeling that you will be holding one and I will be holding the other."
"Aye, I can do that. I also can see you holding both girls because they both want to be with you."
"Or they want you to hold them at the same time." They watch Henry body surfing in the ocean.
The family returned to the beach house in the early evening, Henry puts the beach chairs on the porch as Killian gave Hope a shower downstairs. Emma took a shower upstairs and lied down afterwards. "Leia, you were very happy that Mommy was by the ocean today." Leia kicks. "I was happy too. I love the ocean too. Your daddy got me got the ocean more often to talk or go for a swim. When Mommy and Daddy talk, the ocean calms me down. Your big brother and big sister love the ocean too. I know next summer, when you are here with us, you are going to be swimming in the ocean with them." Emma falls asleep.
Emma wakes up seeing Henry. "Hey, kid. What time is it?"
"7:00 pm. Dinner is ready." He helped his Mom up from the bed and down the stairs.
"Mommy, wake Dada!"
"Yes, Mommy is awake. Just in time for dinner."
"What are we having for dinner?"
"Come to the kitchen and see."
Emma waddles in and sees two Chicago deep-dish pizzas. "Deep dish pizza in Florida?"
"That is because Henry and I made the dough, and sauce from scratch."
Emma was impressed. The family sits down. "Hope helped us with the cheese."
"This looks so good. I am hungry."
"Hungwy too."
"Little sis, you were eating mozzarella cheese while we were making the dough."
"Cheese not meal bro." Emma and Killian both laugh at Hope's comeback.
After dinner, Henry and Hope were playing in the living room. Emma and Killian were snuggling in their bed. "I cannot snuggle. I am too big."
"You are not too big for me, love. You are staying here with me in my arms."
"Good, I want to stay with you."
"I want to stay with my Emma." He kisses her on the head.
"I am really enjoying our family vacation, babymoon trip. I feel so relaxed here."
"I feel the same, love. I am enjoying our babymoon vacation. I get to see my wife happy and relax."
"Leia is hearing all of our family fun."
"She is going to be with us on our next summer vacation, love. I know she is a little pirate like me."
"She loves the ocean already. I just do not want our vacation to end."
"When we get home, we can spend more time on the Jolly Roger."
"I miss sailing with my favorite captain."
"We can sail, in Maine, love."
"Good. I miss our second home."
"I miss my swan on our second home."
"As long as we do not sail into another realm, I want to sail."
Killian chuckles. "I promise, love what we are only going to sail in Maine."
"Good. Leia is going to be happy on her Daddy's ship."
A few days later, the family was packing their luggage and checking the house. Killian drove the rental car to the parking spot. Emma waddles with Killian on her side to the airport, Hope was holding her Mommy's hand as Henry and Killian were carrying the luggage. "Mommy stay here."
"We have to go home."
"Killian, where are our tickets?"
"I have them right here. Here is yours." He gives her the plane ticket.
"Killian, this is the wrong ticket. "
"Because it says New York City, not Maine."
"Well, we are going to have a little detour on our way home. We are going to spend a few days in New York City!"
Emma smiles big."Killian!" She hugs her husband as best as she can.
"I could not have our babymoon to end so soon."
"You are the best." They kiss.
"Eww..." Hope covers her eyes. Henry chuckles. They went to their gate. "Plane!
"That is right, little sis. We are going on an airplane to New York City."
"There are water locations we can go too! For H&H time in the city."
"Yay!!" Hope clapped her hands.
Emma was let on the airplane first since she was pregnant, Killian was at her side carrying her carry-on bag. Henry carried Hope's car seat. After Killian settles Emma in her seat, he sets up Hope's car seat. "Potty, Dada."
"Hope, I will take you the potty, sweetie." Emma lets Hope walk ahead and open the door for Hope, she had a hard time squeezing in the bathroom, she watched Hope to go to the bathroom and clean her up. Hope washed her hands and return to their seats.
Killian puts Hope into her car seat next to Henry on the opposite side where he and Emma were sitting. "Dad, Hope, and I will have fun on this plane ride."
"Kid, her headphones are in her backpack."
"I will get them out after we take off." After the plane took off, Henry puts a movie on the small screen for Hope to watch. "Pluto!"
Killian keeps an eye on his swan. "Do you need anything love?"
"I just need my pirate right next to me, who I cannot properly hug."
"I can fix that." He pulls up the handle and moved closer to his swan and hugs his swan. "There you go. Now you can be with me." Emma kisses him on his scruffy cheek.He laid his hook on her baby bump.
The next day, Henry takes Hope onto the R train and heads downtown to Wall Street. "This is our stop, Hope." He lead his sister to the docks.
"Yes, we are going to take a ferry boat to Brooklyn."
"Yay!" Henry went to the machine and bought their tickets. "Ferry."
"There is our ferry, little sis." He lets the worker scan their tickets. "Hope, do we sit inside or outside on top?"
"Top!!" They went upstairs and got the double seat. "Ocean, Henwy."
"Yes, I see the ocean, little sis. We can watch the ocean from our seats."
Hope sat down and could not see. "Cannot see." Henry puts his sister on his lap. "Now, I can see." The horn blows and the ferry backs up and moves from Manhattan and heads across to Brooklyn.
Hope was laughing. They take a selfie and Henry texts it to his parents. "Is the ferry faster? Or the Jolly Roger faster ship?"
"Jolly Woger, Henwy! Fast ship in wealms."
Henry smiles she sounds exactly like their Dad. "You are right, little pirate princess." He tickles his sister making her laugh.
Emma was sleeping in the bedroom when Killian entered the room and kissed her from her hip and to her cheek until she wakes up smiling. "Killian."
"Emma, we are going to have an adventure today."
"We are?"
"Yes. We are going to someplace special."
"Where are the kids?"
"Henry took Hope to Brooklyn, by the Brooklyn Bridge by a ferry ride."
"I better get dressed for our special alone time together." She places her hand on her baby belly. "Leia, your dada is up to something. I have a feeling you and I are going to like our surprise." Emma puts on a dress, one of Killian bought for her a floral one and puts on a little bit of makeup.
"You are looking beautiful, Emma." He kisses her on the head.
"I do not feel beautiful. I feel huge as a planet."
"You are the most beautiful woman in all the realms, Emma. All I see is you." They kiss.
"I do need your help with my shoes. I cannot see my feet anymore."
"Aye, I can do that." He puts Emma's shoes on her. "Here you go, your highness."
"You make me feel like a princess."
"You are a princess Emma. I am going to treat you like a princess." They kiss. He helps his wife up and leads her out of the apartment. He held his hand up, "Taxi!!"
A taxi pulled up in front of them. Emma was impressed. "You are such a 21st-century man."
"Aye, Yes, I am." He opens the taxi cab door so his wife can sit in first. "Hello, driver. We are going to West 66 street." He wrapped his arm around his wife.
"We are going on a date adventure."
"Yes, we are, Emma. I wanted to make our babymoon special."
Emma places his hand onto her baby belly. "Leia knows her Daddy is making her Mommy feel special." He rubs her baby bump and kisses her on the head. The taxi drove them uptown Manhattan.
The ferry ride was really quick and docked at Down Under the Bridge, Pier 1. "We are here, Hope!"
They went off the ferry and walked to the right. Henry found a playground for toddlers in the shade, colorful red, blue, green, and yellow places to climb, and crawl around in. "Little sis, do you want to play in here?"
"Yes, pway!" Hope goes to the play equipment, Henry took pictures and texted it to his parents.
On the way to the ocean, they passed by a glass building that had a carousel. "Little sis, look at the carousel."
"Do you want to ride the horse?"
"Yes!" Henry buys their tickets for the ride, $2.00 each. Hope chose her horse in the middle.
"Good choice." He puts Hope onto the horse and straps her in. He takes a picture of Hope on the horse and texts it to his parents. The music began and the ride began to move. Henry was standing by Hope throughout the ride. "Whee!!
The taxi stops, Emma looks out the window of the taxi and sees a large fountain in the center of three large buildings of concert halls, Lincoln Center. "Killian, we are at Lincoln Center?"
"Yes, we are." He pays for the fare and helped her out of the taxi. "Swan, our destiny awaits us." He walked with his wife in front of the theater.
"Killian, what are we seeing?" He hands over the two tickets, Swan Lake. She smiles so big."No way!!! We are seeing Swan Lake the ballet?!"
"I had a feeling a ballet that has my swan's name in it, my wife will love."
Emma kisses him on his lips. "You are so full of surprises, Killian Jones. You are making me so happy!"
"I love making my wife happy. You are my beautiful wife carrying our baby. I want to spoil my wife more than usual because it is our babymoon." They kiss.
"Leia and I are going to enjoy the ballet."
"My princess, we need to go inside." Emma held his hook as her husband escorted her inside the theater together. He just knows they are both going to love ballet.
After the merry-go-round ride, Henry helped Hope with steep steps to the ocean. They passed a few fancy Italian restaurants. "Hungwy."
"We can have lunch." He carried Hope to Shake Shack. He orders him a Shack burger with fries, and Hope a kids meal shack burger and fries. "Fwies good."
"They are good?
"Yes! Yours?"
"My fries are good too, little sis." After a potty break, Henry takes Hope to the ocean area, an area full of pebbles and rocks by the shore, facing Manhattan, between two bridges, the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan bridge Henry takes pictures of the beautiful view.
"We are going to the ocean, Hope." He got them a spot to put his backpack down and her shoes off. He carried Hope in and helped her stand.
"I can stand, bro."
"Little sis, there are rocks, here I don't want you to get hurt. I need you to hold your hand."
"Okay. Water cold."
"Yes, it is cold." Hope laughs as the waves were crashing into them. "My little sis is such a little pirate." He lets Hope walk around on the pebbles with her shoes on picking up rocks. He takes pictures on his camera. A woman walking her dog, took pictures of Henry and Hope in the ocean and by the rocks. Hope pets the dog letting him lick her.
Emma and Killian were in the stone-looking theater crowded with order people, Emma was in awe she cannot believe that she was inside Lincoln Center theater. They took an elevator to the second ring. As they entered the room, an usher gave them a playbill. Killian guided his swan to their seats that were at the front row of their ring. "Ooh, my husband got us front row seats."
"I got the best seats with the best view for my swan." They sat down at their assigned seats.
"You are my pirate prince." She hugs him. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much, Emma." They kiss. Emma read the playbill, the ballerina play Odette, Swan Princess is by Principal Dancer Maria Kowroski. They both on their iPhone smiling, Henry sned them pictures of himself and Hope having fun in Brooklyn, by the park, merry-go-round, and by the ocean. "They are having fun."
"Aye, they are having a fun brother and sister day. I have a feeling we are going to have both of them telling us how their day went."
"They both will tell us tonight." She rubs her baby bump. "Leia is going to join their adventures in the future."
"Aye, yes she will."
"We are going to catch up with our son and daughter at dinner."
"Leia and I are hungry now."
"I can buy us snacks before the show starts. I will be right back." Killian went to the nearest snack station and bought Emma pretzels, M&M's, and water. He returns with snacks. Emma takes pretzels. "Thank you, Killian."
"You are welcome, Emma." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. The light dimmed and the announcer went on speaker announcing the show.
Hope was soaked in water. Luckily, Henry brought a towel to dry his sister off and the hot sun helped them dry off faster. "Little sis, it is time for us to go."
"No. Stay ocean Henwy."
"I guess we do not get ice cream."
"Ice cweam!!"
"Yes, we are going to get ice cream."
"Ice cweam. Bye-bye ocean!" Henry and Hope walked to Ample Hills Creamery. He held Hope, letting her chose her flavor, which was chocolate cookies and cream in a kids cone. The worker uses a clean spoon for Hope's peanut allergy. He ordered himself a rice Krispy ice cream in two scoops on a waffle cone. They ate their ice cream on a bench. After they were finished, Henry bought their tickets for the ferry back to Manhattan and waited in line. "Henwy, up!"
"I have our tickets in my hand." The ferry arrived, the workers came. Henry was able to scan their tickets. "Henwy."
Henry holds his sister, who was getting tired after a long day of having fun. He carried his sister onto the boat with her holding him around his neck. "We are going for another ferry ride, Hope." Hope was snoring on him. He went on top and watched the ferry pulling away from Brooklyn heading back to Manhattan.
They were watching Odette's solo, Maria was pirouetting around the stage. Emma was smiling. "This is so beautiful."
"Aye, yes it is, amazing."
"I do love the story and the ballet of my last name."
"I am not surprised. Swan is your nickname."
Emma places her husband's hand where Leia was moving around. "Our little duckling is enjoying the ballet too."
"Aye, just like her Mommy." He kisses her on the head.
"Thank you for this surprise. I am loving it."
"You are welcome, Emma." They continue watching the performance. Emma was enjoying her special treat because she had never been to the ballet before and Killian chose the perfect ballet to attend. The one with the last name she gave to herself. She is loving ballet and has a feeling her daughters will love the ballet too. With Killian's surprise trip to New York and ballet performance, she is so lucky that her husband planned this special trip for their family vacation and babymoon surprise. Emma lays her head onto Killian's shoulder and he hugs his wife knowing she was enjoying her babymoon. She is the lucky woman in all the realms, having her amazing husband and family on this babymoon.

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