Swan-Jones Family on the Case

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A few hours after Mother's day, Henry had a bad dream of Hope being kidnapped again. He goes into his parents' room, where Hope has been sleeping with their parents since Hope did not want to be far away from them. "Mom..." He wakes his Mom up. "Henry, are you okay?" Henry hugs his Mom. Killian wakes up and puts Hope on his chest."Mom, I am had a bad dream about Hope being taken away again..." "Henry." Emma hugs her son. "Hope is home safe with us. I put a protection spell on our home with my light magic. No one is going to kidnap Hope again." She rubs Henry's back. "Lad, you can sleep with us," Killian remembered Regina telling him that Henry took the kidnapping of Hope hard. Emma moved next to Killian so Henry can join them into their bed. "Kid, Hope is not going nowhere." Henry began to cry. "Henry." She hugs her son. "Hope is home safe with us." "I...I was so afraid when we found her with Zelena but...I saw you and Dad..rescuing her...I knew she was going to be safe. I do not want Hope to be in..any danger again."Emma hugs her son. "Yes, Henry. Your Dad and I did all we can to get Hope away from Zelena.""I am just happy Hope is home with us.""I was not going to give up finding your sister until she was in my arms. Your Dad and I searched for Hope all night until you told us about where the locator potion was leading too, which helped us get Hope on time. You helped your Dad and I rescue Hope.""Mom, I helped you and Dad find Hope?""Yes, you did, Henry." "Hope knows that you and Dad are heroes. I am just afraid Hope is going to be gone again.""Henry, your Dad and I are going to make sure Zelena and the one who helped her in prison, get the punishment they deserve. Do not worry your Dad and I are going to do our jobs as your parents and as sheriff and deputy to make sure Zelena and whoever helped her get the punishment they deserve." Hope woke up. "Little love, look who is joining us in bed, Henry." Hope babbled. "Hope, I just wanted to see you, little sis." Hope moved around, Henry puts Hope on his chest. "You can sleep with me, little sis." Hope hugs her brother. "I love you, Hope." Hope babbled. "Kid, Hope is saying I love you back.""Mom, I have the best little sister ever. " He gave Hope kisses and fell asleep with Hope sleeping on him. "Killian, he loves his sister."Killian wrapped his arms around his wife as she leaned on him. "Aye, Regina told me that when he was with her during the day, he took Hope's kidnapping hard." Emma rubs Henry's head. "We all love you, Henry. Hope is not going anywhere. She is staying with us her family." She kisses Henry on the head. "Killian, I just want them both to feel safe in this town.""We are going to make the town safe again.""Yes, we just got to find how Zelena escape the prison and who helped her.""Love, you think someone helped her?""Yes, there was no way she escaped prison by herself. When I questioned her, she did not give me much information about how she escaped, she just admitted kidnapping Hope.""We will find out who helped Zelena, love.""Yes, but I am worried about Hope, she is back to being extra clingy...""Emma, if you need me to stay home with Hope, I can stay home with our little love. You can find the one who helped Zelena kidnap Hope.""I only trust you watching Hope now because I know you will protect Hope.""You know, I will always protect my family.""I know. I just want to make the town safe again for Hope and Henry.""I will help you.""You are always on my side captain.""Yes, my swan." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms. The next morning, Emma got ready for work. Hope was awake waking up her brother. "Hope, let Henry sleep, sweetie. It is early, Hope." Hope babbled and pat her brother's face. Killian smiles at Hope, "Little love, are you waking up your brother?" Hope smile. "You need to let your brother sleep, little love. He is not a morning person like you and I are little love." Hope babbled and continued to wake up Henry which made both of her parents laugh. Killian hugs his wife. "Hope and I can go to the station with you.""I would feel more comfortable if Hope is nearby me.""Aye, I can watch our little lass when you are on the case.""That will be great." They kiss. Killian packs Hope's diaper bag. Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, you are coming to work with Mommy and Daddy." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can be my little sheriff." "Mommy.""Hopey." Henry wakes up. "Hey, kid.""Hi, Mom. You are going to work?""Yes, I am. I have a case on Zelena. I have to find out who helped her...Hope is going to be with your Dad when I am working.""I know when you are working at the sheriff station, Mom, you get the job gets done."Emma smiles. "That is why I am sheriff, kid." Hope babbled. Emma got Hope dressed for the day and had family breakfast together. Henry played with Hope in her high chair before leaving to school, "Hope, have a good at the sheriff station with Mommy and Daddy." Hope babbled. "Yes, I want to hear all about it from you when I get home from school." Emma chuckles. "We are going to tell you all about it when you get home from school." Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, have a good day at work. I know you are going to catch the bad guy. ""Yes, I will Henry. Have a good day at school." Henry leaves for school. There was a knock on the door, Emma carries Hope to answer the door, it was August. "Hi, August.""Hi, Emma. I heard what happened to Hope. How is she?""She is home with us safe and sound and wants to be held. Hope say hi to August." Hope waved her hand. "Hi, Hope." He talks to Emma, "I thought you need my services. I heard she was kidnapped through her bedroom window. I can fix her window.""August, you can fix her window. Thank you.""You are welcome." Emma leads August to Hope's room and looks at the window to see how to fix it. "Emma, I can fix Hope's window and make it so no one ever kidnaps Hope again.""Thank you for doing this August. I want Hope to feel safe in her bedroom. I also put a protection spell yesterday once we brought Hope yesterday, I put a protection spell on the house. Now that you are fixing her window...thank you.""You are welcome, Emma. What are old friends are for." August sees Killian. "Hi, Killian. I am here to fix Hope's window.""Aye, our lass's window needs to be fixed from the outside. Can you also make sure her other window is locked?'"Yes, I can.""Aye, I can get the ladder for you." Killian helps August carry the ladder to Hope's room, August fixed Hope's window from the outside. August went down when he was finished repairing the outside of the windows. "Killian, I figured how Zelena got into Hope's room?""How?""She broke the window glass and reached in to open it. I know this from my foster system experience escaping from a bad home to breaking and entering a home to stay in..""Emma told me about her experiences from the foster system and when Hope was kidnapped she was terrified that Hope was lost and alone, she did not want our daughter to end up like her...Emma was in her mother bear mode yesterday searching for Hope to getting her out of Zelena's clutches.""Emma can fight especially for her loved ones is in danger.""Aye, that is one of the many reasons I fell in love with her." They find Emma playing with Hope in the living room, singing to her as Hope was playing with toys. "Killian, Emma is an amazing Mom to Hope.""Aye, she taking advantage of her second chance of being a Mommy since she missed everything with Henry.""Coming from the foster system, I really do not know how Emma turned out to be a good person and great Mom.""She wanted to give both of our children the mother she never had.""Emma is definitely showing those former foster parents that they did not break her.""Aye, my wife is a fighter and a survivor." "Dada.""Hi, little love.""Hope, Dada and August are back." She carries Hope to Killian and August. "Come to Dada little love." He holds Hope in his arms and let her hold his hook."So August, how did you figure out how Zelena entered my daughter's room?""Yes, I did. She broke the glass and opened it from the inside. I fixed it, Emma, no one not even Zelena will break in and kidnap Hope again.""Thank you so much for coming over.""You are welcome. I heard what had happened to Hope since her birthday. After searching for Hope yesterday with my Papa, I wanted to help out as much as possible." "Killian and I were searching for her all night. We stopped once we found her with Zelena and rescued her from that former witch. You know me,I was not going to stop searching until Hope was in my arms. I used my light magic to save her from Zelena and Killian helped by threatening her and taking her away from Hope when I caught Hope. Now, Killian and I have to continue with the case. We have to find who helped Zelena." "Knowing you Emma, I know you will." Hope began to cry. "Swan, Hope wants her Mommy." She takes Hope into her arms. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. You are going to be Mommy's little sheriff today." Hope smiles. "Yes, you are going to help Mommy on the case.""You bring Hope to work?""Yes, we do. I miss working with Killian. We used to take shifts to take turns watching Hope but we do not like being away from Hope too long and after the recent scare, I am more overprotective of Hope and who watches her." Hope babbled. "If you need anything Emma, please call me.""Thank you, August." August leaves. Emma drove Killian and Hope to the Sheriff Station. Emma carries Hope inside. "Hope, when Mommy is busy being sheriff you are going to be with Daddy in my office. Okay?" Hope babbled. "Good." She gave Hope kisses and sees her parents. "Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom. Have you found any leads?""Not yet, Emma. Hi, Hope." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Hope, say hi to Grandma and Grandpa." Hope began to cry. "Little love. Come to Daddy." He takes Hope from Emma. "You are with Daddy little love. Don't cry. Swan, work on the case. We will be in your office." "Thank you." They kiss. Hope fussed. "Hope, you can play with Daddy. Mommy is going to be right here." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope stopped crying and Killian took Hope to Emma's office. "Sorry about Hope, she is still recovering from Zelena kidnapping her.""Emma, we have found no leads.""Has anyone tried talking to her?""We tried Emma." "I am going to go there myself and interview the security and inmates." Charming went to his daughter. "I am coming with you.""Thanks, Dad." Emma drove her yellow bug to prison. She got in with her sheriff badge and looked at security cameras with prison guards next to her. "Besides Zelena has any other prisoners escaped?""Yes, sheriff. A prisoner named Medusa...""The greek one..that turns people into stone?""No, Charming, Madame Medusa.""Wait...Madame Medusa from the Rescuers movie? The evil woman with the alligators and kidnapping the orphan girl named Penny?""Yes, that is the one. She escaped the day before Zelena did.""She must have arrived into town when the Land of Untold Stories group arrived. Why was she in prison?""She put in here right away from Dr.Hyde, he knew the prison here is better than in the Land of Untold Stories. He knew that she was dangerous but saving her for his plans but he got killed before using her. ""Can I see a picture of her?" Prison guard gave Emma a picture. "Dad, have you seen her in town?""No, I never have seen her in town. Is this woman talked to Zelena?""Yes, during the time Zelena have time outside in the courtyard.""She must have helped Zelena escape and planned out with Zelena to kidnap Hope.""Maybe, Emma. Do you have any cameras by the walls? Zelena and Madame Medusa escaping?""Yes." The security guard showed Emma and Charming video of Zelena and Madam Medusa escape.Emma was mad. "You let two villains get away from your prison?""We did not know they were gone until the morning.""You need better security cameras and alarm system. Zelena and Medusa kidnapped my daughter during the night. I need to find Madame Medusa, now." Emma took the picture and called Regina. "Hi, Regina.""Hi, Emma.""Someone named Madame Medusa escaped the night before Zelena from prison. She could possible helped Zelena escape and kidnap Hope.""Send me a picture.""Yes, I will. Call Lily and Mulan. We are going to search for this woman and send her back to prison." Emma and Charming searched on how Zelena and Madame Medusa escaped. "Dad, we need to tell Regina to improve the prison, the security cameras, alarms and..from the way they both escaped...need to prevent any more prisoners to escape.""We will work on it, Emma." Emma and Charming drive back to town, Mulan, Red, Lily, Snow White, and Regina were there and Killian holding Hope. "Mommy.""Hi, baby girl. Mommy is back" She takes Hope from Killian. "Mommy has to be sheriff a little while longer." Hope hugged her Mommy. "After I am sheriff we are going to have Mommy and Hopey time." "Love, Hope was playing with me and loving storytime. What did you find out?" She looked at her group. "Everyone, my Dad and I possibly have a lead on who helped Zelena. A lady from the Land of Untold Stories named Madame Medusa from the movie "The Rescue Rangers movie," she escaped prison the night before Zelena escaped..." Hope whimpered. "You are safe, Hope." She rubs Hope's back. "Dad and I have never seen her in town but we think she helped Regina's sister kidnapping Hope. I need your help searching for her. I want her arrested and to question her. She is going back to prison. Also, while we were there, we found out that there was no security cameras and outdated alarm systems. The prison guards did not know that both villains escaped until morning. Regina is there any way you can improve the security system and the prison itself to prevent others from escaping.""I am on it, sheriff.""I do not want any more prisoners who we sent to prison escape. I want Storybrooke safe again for my two kids."Regina smiles. "Sheriff Swan, we can split up and start searching for her now. I can work on the prison update." Emma hands Regina and the rest of the group the picture. "Thanks, Regina. Lily, can you search the skies?""You got it, sheriff, I also got my walkie talkie with me if I find her." Mulan approaches Emma. "Emma, if I see her I will use my sword.""Great, you can search the woods with Red.""We are on it, Emma." They leave. "Dad, can you search more into the woods?" "Emma, I can search, I am a good tracker." "Sure, Mom. Dad, can you stay here? You can interrogate her while I watch from the one-way window?" Snow White leaves the station. "I can do that Emma." Regina approaches Emma and Hope. "Emma, how is Henry?""He had a bad dream last night and ended sleeping with us." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. Henry slept with us last night. He loved sleeping with you even though you woke him up this morning." Regina smiled. "Hope, woke up Henry this morning?" Hope smiled."Oh yes, she was sleeping on him. Then this morning, Hope was babbling and patting his face until he woke up." Regina was in awe."Hope, I know you make Henry very happy. He loves you so much." Hope smiled. "Emma, he was crying when he was with me in my office, after we had brunch at Granny's. He was really worried about Hope when she taken at your house and when you were facing my sister...""I know. He was upset last night too. He is just happy Hope is home with us. I want to find Zelena's sidekick of hers and put her in prison.""We are going to get her swan." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Hope made a lot of poop. "You need a change." Emma changes Hope in the bathroom. "You are all clean my little duckling." She carries Hope back into her office. "Love, do you want me to go search?""No, can you watch Hope? I want to look for this woman myself.""Swan, we can search together?"Emma smiles. "You mean, Hope you and I?""Aye, we can search in your yellow bug. I do not want my wife looking for a crazy villain alone."Emma smiles. "I do want to work with my favorite deputy. Hope, do you want to be Mommy's little sheriff?" Hope clapped her hands and babbles, which made her parents smile. "Emma, that is a yes from Hope.""If we find this lady, Hope is going to sit on your lap while I drive us back here, you got it?""Aye, sheriff. I do not want our little lass around that evil lass." Charming sees Emma, Killian, and Hope were leaving. "Where are you going?""Searching for this Madame Medusa.""Hope is joining you on the search?""Yes, Dad. I do not want to be away from Hope and Killian is my deputy. Hope is my little sheriff." Charming smiles. "Call us if you find her.""We will bring her in if we find her, Dad." Emma drove her family around town and into the woods to search for the potential suspect. Emma kept glancing back at Hope who was babbling away happily and playing with her fingers in her mouth. Killian put his hook on his wife's shoulder. "Love, Hope is with us.""I know...I am just happy to have my family with me while I work." Killian held Emma's hand with his hook hand. "We are working together, my beautiful sheriff wife and our little sheriff."Emma smiled. "Yes, I could not be away from Hope any longer when my Dad and I were at the prison all I could think of is Hope but I knew she was safe with you.""Now, our little lass is working with us. She is safe and happy with us, love." They searched around town for this mysterious woman and entered the woods. Hope began to wail. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you, little duck." Emma parks her car in the middle of the woods and gets in the back with Hope and places Hope on her lap lifts up her shirt nurses Hope. "You just needed Mommy's milk." She kisses Hope on the head as Hope gripped her hand to her Mommy. After Hope was nursed and burped, "Love, before putting Hope back in her car seat I want to take a picture of my two sheriffs. It is Hope's first patrol with us." Emma smiles, "I love the way you think captain." She puts Hope on her lap. "Hopey, look at Dada." "My two loves you both need to smile...Hopey, smile for dada." Hope smiles, Killian takes the picture on his iPhone. "My two sheriffs." He shows his wife the picture. Emma was in awe, "I love it! We are going to frame this photo." (She shows Hope the picture). "Look Hope, a Mommy and Hopey, picture." Hope babbled. "Yes, Mommy and her little sheriff picture." Killian smiles. Emma puts Hope back in her car seat. "You are being such a good little girl Hope. After we find this crazy lady we can go home." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are Mommy's little sheriff. The lady we are searching for is not going to hurt you. You have Mommy and Daddy to protect you." She kisses Hope on the head as Hope hugged her head which made Emma laugh. "Your hugs are the best, Hope. Even if you are hugging my face." Killian smiles seeing his two loves bonding even they were working they are making family time together. Emma gets back in the driver's seat and they continue to search. Emma saw something hiding in the woods, "Killian, I see something." She stops the car. "I will take a look.""Love, I will stay with Hope. Be careful, swan.""I will be careful, captain. Keep Hope safe.""I will always protect my family, love." They kiss. Emma takes her gun out and goes to the camouflaged figure in the woods. "I can see you. Come out now with hands on your head now!!" Emma pointed her gun at the camouflaged figure. A redhead woman with green eyes in an orange prison uniform covered with dirt comes out with her hands on her head."What is your name?""Madame Medusa." Emma puts handcuffs on Madame Medusa's wrists. "You are under arrest for escaping prison." Emma leads her to the car, Killian already had Hope on his lap in front of the car and the car seat in the trunk. Hope saw the woman and began to cry. Killian hugs his daughter. "Hope, you are with Dada little love. She is not going to hurt you. Emma, I think that is the woman who helped Zelena.""Yes, by they Hope is crying; she is telling us we caught the right woman." Emma handcuffs the woman to the back of her car. "Mommy." She goes to the front passenger seat and takes Hope into her arms. "Hope, you are with Mommy, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. "Killian, can you drive?""Aye, yes I can." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are safe with Daddy and Mommy little love." Emma sits next to her husband as he drove them back to the sheriff station. Hope continued to cry. She spoke softly to Hope who was hugging her, "Hope, you are with Mommy, baby girl...you are with Mommy. No one is going to hurt you. That lady behind Daddy is going to back to prison where all the bad people live, which is my job to catch the bad person from stopping them from breaking the law in town. You are with me, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses and rubs her back as Hope continued to hug her. "I called Regina and she told everyone else.""Thanks, Killian." When they arrived back, Emma carried Hope in as Killian lead Madame Medusa inside the station. "Let go of me, pirate.""I am deputy and husband to the sheriff. You reek of smoke.""I love smoking." Killian puts Madame Medusa in the interrogation room. Regina, Mulan, Snow White, and Lily were at the station with Charming. They see Hope crying. "Emma, what is wrong with Hope?""When we found Madame Medusa in the woods, once Hope saw Madame Medusa she was afraid which when Killian and I knew we caught the right person who helped Zelena." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. Are you hungry and tired?" She kisses Hope on the head. "I know, we had a very long day working." "Emma, I can watch Hope." Hope cried louder. "Hope, you are staying with Mommy, baby girl. Shh...shh...you are with Mommy, Hope." She rubs Hope's back. "Mom, Hope just wants to be with me. Killian, she needs to be fed and a nap.""Aye, let's get her fed before your Dad and I interrogate Madame Medusa." They take Hope to Emma's office. "Love, I packed Hope a meal." Killian got a container of blueberries cut up strawberries, cheese, and yogurt. Emma places Hope on her lap and puts a bib on Hope. "Hope, Dada packed you a lunch sweetie. Say thank you, to Dada." Hope babbled."You are welcome little love. I did not want our little sheriff to be hungry at work." Emma smiled knowing Killian is being a caring Daddy to Hope, making sure their daughter is fed, so she won't go hungry. Hope grabbed the blueberries and ate them. "You and your love of blueberries, Hope." Emma giggles. "I told you that Hope is going to be a healthy eater just like you."Killian smiles."Aye, she loves her fruit but she loves chocolate ice cream just like her Mommy." Hope babbled. "Killian, maybe later we can get ice cream in town."Killian smiles. "Hope, do you want to get ice cream with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry little love?" Hope smiled. "Swan, that is yes from Hope.""Ice cream with the whole family sounds good. I know we are working all day and we are going to have family time with both of our children.""Aye, I still consider making it up for yesterday.""Hope was kidnapped and I am grateful that we found her unharmed which is the best part of Mother's day for me having my whole family together and it is part of my job as her mommy to protect her...""She has you her amazing Mommy. You deserved to be spoiled swan." He kisses his wife on her cheek which makes her smile. "You are so sweet.""Anything for my swan." Hope reached for more blueberries, Killian gave her more. "Little love, you love blueberries?" Hope smiled at her Daddy, which made him smile. "You are so cute little Hope." Emma smiles, she loves seeing her family together, Killian being an amazing Daddy to Hope, who was happy and safe with them. "She has a great Daddy, Killian. I am just so happy Hope is here with us...I mean Hope can come with us on a case or on patrol after what happened yesterday...I am just more overprotective of our daughter." Hope babbled."Here you go little love strawberries." He placed strawberries in her hands and ate it. "Emma, I am going to be more overprotective of Hope too. Hope has us as her parents to rescue her and be there for her when she needs us. She is our little sheriff. I know Hope loves being at work with us."Emma smiles. "I love bringing Hope to work with us. We can work together and be with our daughter at the same time.""Aye, I do like working with my two loves." "I love working with my husband deputy and our little sheriff." They kiss and Hope placed her berry mixed hands on her parent's faces which made them laugh. "Little love, do you want kisses from Dada and Mommy?" Hope smiled. "Killian, that is yes from our little pirate princess sheriff." They gave her kisses on her cheeks which made her smile. After Hope ate, Hope sat on the floor and played with a few toys while Emma sang her a few songs to her. Killian took pictures of his two loves playing together. "Swan, are you taking a break from being sheriff?""Yes, I am. I just want to be Mommy to our little girl. I know Hope wants to play now, she was being such a good girl all morning while we were looking for that villain. We all need a little break from the case. Especially playing with our little girl." She gave Hope a toy to play with. "She is our little sheriff and behaved very well on her first patrol.""I have a feeling one of her many first patrols with us." Hope smiles. She tickles Hope's belly and makes her laugh. Hope tried to crawl but her cast prevented her from moving her legs, Hope began to cry. Emma gets Hope from the floor, "Hopey. You are going to be out of your cast soon." She lifts Hope up and down, which made Hope stop crying. You are going up....down...up...and down..." Killian tickles Hope's belly and wiggled her toes after Emma put Hope back in her arms. "I love your smile baby girl.""We both love seeing you smile and happy little love." Snow White watches her daughter and family all together happy. Charming hugs his wife. "Are you okay Snow?""Emma is an amazing mother to Hope and Henry. She looks so happy, Charming. She doesn't trust me to watch Hope.""Emma is very more overprotective of Hope since our son did cause Hope a few surgeries, injuries, he did broke Hope's legs recently and she just kidnapped from Zelena...""I know...""If you listen to Emma and me about Leo's darkness and being in denial for so long, you would not have gotten our daughter to lost her trust in you...""Seeing what I am missing with my daughter it hurts...I hate us fighting..""Emma is protecting her daughter from our son. I told you he needed help to control his darkness. Now our daughter doesn't trust you, you have gone too far Snow.""I just have to work extra hard to get her trust back.""What about Leo? Do you accept that he has darkness?""Yes, kind of. I still see the good in him.""He is out of control Snow, Rumpelstiltskin is teaching our son how to behave, the real dark one, that how bad our son has it!""I miss Emma. Even if I see Leo having good in him, I still have hope.""If you do not see him having darkness, you are going not have Emma and Hope's trust in you. He likes hurting our granddaughter, when are you going to see that." They see getting Hope ready to be with Emma during interrogation and stop arguing.Killian helps Emma put the carrier on her so Hope can be with Emma while she watches the interrogation. "Love your Dad and I will interrogate her together.""Hope and I will be watching." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope. You are being Mommy's little sheriff. You helped Mommy and Daddy so much today." Hope smiled. Emma and Hope watch from the one-way mirror, as Killian and Charming are inside with Madame Medusa. "Dada is working with Grandpa. Part of my job is to see if the bad person is telling the truth." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can nap on Mommy, sweetie. You are staying with me." Hope smiled and tugged her Mommy's lock of her blonde hair. Regina and Lily joined Emma and Hope to observe the interrogation. Madame sees Killian and Charming. "It took you long enough to return, pirate.""Aye, I have more important things to work on before coming back here. Now you have to answer a few questions. Did you know Zelena?""Yes, she was a prisoner like me.""Were you two friends?""She talked to me mostly other than that she kept to herself. She was crazy.""How did you know she was crazy?""She talked to herself nonstop.""How did you escape from prison on Friday night?""It was easy, I was able to sneak out using wires to let myself out of the cell and ran out of the prison when the security guards weren't looking.""Why did you escape?""I have been in that prison for too long. I wanted freedom again and not to be told what to do all the time by security guards and have no control at all." "Were you planning to escape with Zelena?""I am not sure what you are talking about.""We know you are the only who escaped the prison besides Zelena.""What do I get out of this? Since you both want the truth."Killian was getting mad. "How about you tell us the truth and you won't be in isolation ward in prison, like where Zelena is in now and never going to get out. She is being watched with newly installed security cameras and guards watching her door every minute of the day. Start talking Medusa, we know you worked with her or else you will end up like her no freedom at all.""Fine, I will tell you the truth. Yes, Zelena planned with me to help her with her escape. She wanted me to observe the savior's house." Charming held down his son in law from hurting Medusa."How long have you been spying on my family?" "Your family?""Aye, you kidnapped my daughter.""The savior daughter.""Aye, my wife is the savior and Hope's mother. I am her deputy.""Savior and sheriff is the same person... And you are her husband?...""Aye, we are both very mad at you for helping that former witch kidnapping our daughter." "I am going to ask this one more time, how long have you been spying on my family?" "A whole day, Zelena wanted me to see where Hope lived and where and how to help kidnap her.""Why did you want to kidnap my daughter?""I was working for Zelena.""Tell me more about Zelena right now or you are going to get this in your neck." He shows her his hook. "You helped Zelena kidnap my daughter from our home. Now tell us, how much you know about Zelena now!! I am not afraid of using my hook to hurt you." Madame Medusa gulped. "Zelena would not stop talking how the savior ruined her life and how much she wanted revenge on the savior. I had no idea who the savior was or that she was the sheriff of this town too, until now. Zelena was talking to herself nonstop and her skin stayed green. She would not stop talking about her daughter Rowand and to get revenge on the savior by stealing your daughter." When Emma heard this she held Hope tighter in her arms, Hope fast asleep hugging her Mommy. "Then, I found Zelena in the woods, she told me to help her carry this ladder after we waited past midnight to go to the savior's house. I told her what room Hope was in and held the ladder as she opened the window with a screwdriver by breaking the window, went in and got Hope from her crib. She held Hope in one arm and went down with the ladder. We went to the woods, Hope woke up crying. I could not take it anymore and I began to argue with Zelena to make her stop crying. Zelena told me to let her cry, she is going to know eventually her Mommy won't get her. Zelena started to boss me around and I hate not being the boss so I left Zelena with Hope crying and screaming for her Mommy.""I have one more question. Why did she choose you to help her?""Zelena got to know me and found out what I have done in my past, I stole orphan children for money. The last one Penny, I stole her because she was the right size to fit in a small cave in the water, so I can that gigantic diamond which costs thousands. My planned using Penny failed and those mice...they got her away..That is why Zelena asked me to help her steal your daughter." They heard a knock on the door, Killian and Charming went out. Emma was holding Hope protectively against her chest. " Dad and Killian, Madame Medusa is telling the truth, I watched her movie as a child. Mulan, can you and Lily both take Madame Medusa back to prison and make sure she is isolation room, make sure she has security cameras by her cell. She is crazy and I do not want her to escape again to kidnap Hope.""You got it, Emma."Killian hugs his wife. "Swan, I am right here.""I know, we have Hope with us and she is not going anywhere." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma, Killian, and Regina watched Lily and Mulan arresting Madame Medusa and driving her back to prison. "Love, let's go back home.""Yes, captain. We all need to relax." Killian went inside to get the diaper bag. Snow White approached him, "Killian, when can I see Hope?""Emma does not trust you, Snow. You broke your daughter's trust in your many fights. Please leave my family alone. We have through so much recently, Emma and I are still adjusting to Hope in casts on her legs because of your devil of a son broke our daughter's legs. I have to take my family home." Killian leaves the station. Regina approaches Emma. "Good job today sheriff.""Thank you, Regina. I wasn't going to stop until I got the one who helped your sister kidnapping my daughter.""You did your job, Emma.""I wanted both of my children to feel safe in this town.""You just made the town be safer. How was it bringing Hope with you and Killian on the search?"Emma smiled. "Hope liked it. Killian and I have a feeling she will join us on patrol more. I love having her with me at work. I do not trust anyone but Henry and Allison watching Hope. With her legs in casts and being kidnapped; I just want Hope nearby me.""I understand that Emma. She is so happy with you.""I am planning on coming back to work in the summer after Hope is out of her two casts. Killian and I are taking Henry and Hope on a few vacations this summer one of them is to Ariel's realm for a little vacation and Florida in July.""You are going back to the same place?""Yes, I rented the same beach house. We are staying there for the 4th of July this year. Are you going to improve the prison?""Yes, I am. I am going to look at it myself and start my new project as mayor tonight. I trust your opinion, swan.""From being in a prison myself, I had my own experiences in there..." She hugs her daughter. "Now being sheriff still have the same feelings that it should have high security for villains. I want this town safe and not any more villains escaping." "The town is going to be safe still sheriff." Killian returns with his in-laws. Snow White approaches Hope. "Emma, if you need me to watch Hope...""Mom, I made this clear to you so many times. I do not trust you with my daughter, not after what you and Leo both caused her. You lost my trust when you and Leo got my daughter injured so many times and that trust is gone." Hope woke up crying. " Hope, we are going home baby girl. I know sweetie we had a very long day." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, we need to take Hope home.""Aye, Hope, we are going home little love." He kisses Hope on the head and leads his loves to the car, Emma sat with Hope on the way home. Emma carries Hope inside, "Hope, we are the home baby girl. We can snuggle on Mommy and Daddy's bed." Hope smiled and pat her Mommy's face. Emma smiles. "My little duck." "Love, I will make us lunch.""Great, I am starving." Emma takes Hope upstairs and they snuggle. Hope was babbling away sitting on her Mommy which Emma loved. "Oh, really you love being my little sheriff?" Hope babbled and smiled. "You can join Mommy and Daddy on patrol Hope!" Hope clapped her hands. Emma laughs. "Yay, you are Mommy's little sheriff!" She claps with Hope. Killian brings up their lunch on a tray seeing Emma smiling and laughing while Hope is clapping. "What are my two loves clapping about?" He joins them on the bed and kisses Hope on the head."Hope is clapping her hands because she cannot wait to be Mommy's little sheriff again! Right Hope?" Hope babbled and leans as best as she can to her Mommy. Emma was in awe and snuggle with Hope, kisses Hope on her cheek. "Yes, you can always work with Mommy and Daddy. My little sheriff." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You helped us catch a bad villain, today sweetie. You did such a good job. Mommy is very proud of you, Hope." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Killian talks to his little love. "Did you enjoy searching for a bad villain with Mommy and Daddy today?" Hope smiled. "Aye, I will take that as a yes. You can always work with Daddy and Mommy little love." Killian puts Hope on his lap. Hope reached out to her Mommy. "Little love, Mommy has to have her lunch now. You ate your lunch already, now Mommy has to eat hers. You are with Daddy little love. We are sitting next to Mommy." He kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, you made me grilled cheese and onion rings?""Actually, I ordered in from Granny's." Emma smiles. "Thank you.""I knew my wife was hungry after a very busy of being sheriff.""It was a very busy day. I am just happy that we caught the bad guy, interrogated her and sent her back to prison.""She is locked up in prison, love." He wrapped his arm around his wife. Hope grabbed Emma's grilled cheese, Emma smiles and gave her a small piece. "Here you go, sweetie." Hope ate a piece of grilled cheese. "Is it yummy?" Hope smiled. "We can order you a small grilled cheese for you at Granny's the next time we go to Granny's." "You are just like your Mommy little love." "Hope, I knew you will like grilled cheese like me baby girl. Do you know why?" She fed Hope more of her grilled cheese when she wanted more. "When you were growing inside of my tummy, I craved grilled cheese sandwiches all the time. That is when I knew you will love grilled cheese just like me baby girl.""Aye, I remember making you grilled cheeses more often. You did crave them a lot especially when you woke me up in the middle of the night to drive to Granny's to buy a grilled cheese and onion rings.""Weren't they close?""Aye, the diner was closed but I woke up Granny to make you a sandwich.""You woke up Granny?" Emma was impressed, she did not know that her husband went all the way for her craving, she loves him even more because he would do anything for her to make her happy."Yes, I did love. I woke her up and she was mad at first but once I told her it was for you, she was not mad anymore and she was glad to make your food craving." "You are so sweet and caring. I was driving you crazy when I was pregnant moody and cravings.""No, you weren't swan. You were creating our little love. Now Hope is with us and loves grilled cheese sandwiches as her Mommy." "Yes, Hope is being more of my mini-me every day but I know Hope is a mixture of the both of us.""Aye, she is love. I know a she gets older we are going to see her personality.""Yes, we will." Hope babbled. "You want more of my grilled cheese sandwich?" She fed Hope. "You can have half and I have the other half. Sounds good?" Hope babbled. "You are my mini-me." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Love, eat. I can feed her." Emma ate the rest of her grilled cheese and onion rings as Killian fed Hope her half of Emma's sandwich. Emma and Hope took a nap after they ate, Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and Hope sleeping on him. Henry comes home and finds his family in his parent's room, his Dad was awake. "Hi, Dad. How was work?""It was very busy. I can tell what happened downstairs. Your Mom and sister had a very busy day." He puts Hope next to Emma who began to cry. "Little love, you are next to Mommy." Emma wakes up. "Hope, we are napping together, sweetie." She puts Hope next to her and hugs her daughter. "Hi, Mom.""Hi, Henry. How was school?"Henry sits next to his Mom and sister and hugs them. "Busy, I was finishing up my art project for next week.""We are looking forward to seeing what you have been making in school.""Hi, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. "How was work?""Very busy. Hope helped your Dad and me on the case.""Hope, you worked with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope smiled. "Hope did help you on the case?""Yup. Dad and I went to the prison to do the searching and I found out how the security system and how prisoners can escape so your other Mom is going to update the prison. We found out who your other mom's sister helped her which was Madame Medusa from the Disney movie The Rescuers helped Zelena. Your Dad, Hope and I found her in the woods and your sister told us in her own way that we caught the right bad woman, right Hope? You were a great little sheriff?" Hope babbled. "Hope, you are so lucky to help Mommy and Daddy on the case. Did you have fun?" Hope smiled. "Your sister is going to join us on patrol and on cases for now on." She looks at Henry knowing her son felt left out and wrapped her arm around her son, "Kid, you will always be my stakeout partner.""Can I help be your stakeout partner in the summer?""Yes, you can Henry."Henry smiles. "Yes!" Emma giggled."We are all going into town for ice cream later.""Awesome. Are you and Hope going to share your ice cream?""Yes, we are. Your Dad and I found out today that your sister loves grilled cheese just like me. She was being a little pirate and wanted to steal my grilled cheese." Hope babbled. "Mom, Hope is a little pirate." Emma chuckles. "Yes, she is Henry. Hope you are a little pirate." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, you are a lot like our Mommy little sis." Hope moved around. "You want a hug?" He helps his sister hug him. "You give the best hugs little sis. I love you." Hope babbled and hugs her brother. "Mom, I am going to take Hope into my room. We need Henry and Hope time." "I know Hope missed you all day, kid. Hope, have fun with Henry." She kisses both Henry and Hope on their head. Henry took Hope into his room. Killian hugs his wife. "Are you okay love?""Hearing Madame Medusa story of Zelena and how she wanted revenge on me and...Madame Medusa's story on stealing orphans...just made me feel like a child again alone but I was holding Hope, she reminded me that I have you, her and Henry that I have my family and I am not alone...""You have us, love. We love you." He hugs his wife. "I love you all too. After hearing Zelena wanting to revenge on me...made me madder. That is why I wanted Madame Medusa locked up and improve the prisons...I do not want Zelena escape and steal Hope from us...I just want our family to be safe and together, not broken.""Our family is not broken, Emma. We are all together. We worked together as a family team when Hope was kidnapped. Today we caught her sidekick and got her back to prison. You did your job as the sheriff to improve the prison and your job as Mommy to catch the one who helped Zelena kidnap our daughter and found out how the prison needs to be improved to keep our little love and the rest of the town safe. You did amazing today swan, your family was with you the whole time." Emma hugs her Killian. "I am proud of you Emma my beautiful strong wife." He kisses her on the head. "Thank you for helping me making sure we got the right person and keeping Hope safe today.""I will always protect my loved ones." They kiss and cuddle enjoying time together relaxing.Henry snuggled with his sister on his bed. "Did you miss me while I was at school? I missed you so much. I know you had fun with Mommy and Daddy." Hope moved around. "Hope, do you want to play downstairs? We will play downstairs." He takes Hope downstairs and they play on the carpet, he gave his sister different toys to play with, she loved chewing on different toys and Henry played with Hope when she was playing with light up singing toys. When Hope was getting fussy he helps her stand up for as long as she can with her cast and he let her grip on the couch. "You are standing up little sis!" Henry clapped his hands cheering his sister on. When she was about to fall, Henry caught Hope. "Hope, you are in my arms, little sis. " Hope babbled. "Yes, I caught you from falling. Let's show Mommy and Daddy that you can stand up again." Killian and Emma heard Henry talking to Hope, "Mom, Dad.""Yes, kid?" "Hope has something to show you." Henry sits on the carpet and helped Hope stand up and she grips their parents' bed. "You are doing little sis!" Emma and Killian both smiled. "Hope, you are standing up baby girl." Hope reached out to their Mommy and fell down, Henry caught Hope in time. "Hope, I got you, little sis." He kisses her on the head and hands her over to their Mom. "Hope, are you standing up in your casts?" Hope babbled. "Yes, you are getting stronger baby girl. We just have to be careful with your legs sweetie.""Is Hope going to be back to physical therapy again swan?""Yes, she is Killian.""Mom, I can come to her sessions?""Yes, you can Henry. I know Hope will love your joining her in her session with Ms.Jane." "Dad, can you help me study for my math final?""Yes. We can start now, son." Henry and Killian study in his room while Emma changes Hope diaper and read her stories in her room. After the family had dinner, they walked into town together, Emma with Hope in her carrier walked with Killian and Henry went ahead. "How is our little love?""She is sound asleep, our little sheriff had a very tiring day.""Aye, she did. Our little sheriff helped us so much today." He rubs Hope's cheek. "Dada loves you, Hope." They ordered their ice cream. "Mom, do you think Hope will miss ice cream?"Emma smiles. "Your sister is very tired and she needs her rest. If she is not awake by the time we leave, I will bring her some home for her to eat tomorrow." "I just want to make sure, Hope is missing out ice cream with us.""I know you want Hope to experience everything Henry, but she needs her rest. She had a very busy few days and she had no sleep when she was captured by Zelena. She is still recovering her sleep."" I just Hope to be happy, that is all. She has been through a lot and I want my little sis to be happy.""I know, Henry. You are her big brother and you want her to see her happy. Your Dad and I want you and Hope to be happy. She is still recovering from her legs to be in casts to being kidnapped.""That is why I want Hope to be happy.""Lad, we all want Hope to be happy. We are all going to make Hope very happy as we show your sister that she is safe with us and we are going to protect Hope from villains.""Also from our evil uncle but she has us to love her and care for her when she needs us.""That is right, Henry." Hope wakes up. "Hi, baby girl. You woke up just in time for ice cream." Killian holds Emma's ice cream cone as she settles Hope on her lap and Killian gives Emma her ice cream cone back. "Hope, look what Mommy got chocolate ice cream on a cone." Hope grabs the cone from her Mommy. Emma smiles. "Killian, you let Hope hold the ice cream cone when you two were here?""Love, I have one hand and a hook." Emma giggles. "I am going to make sure she holds it and doesn't drop it." Henry took pictures of Hope holding the ice cream cone and eating the cream. "Mom, Hope really loves chocolate ice cream.""Yes, she does Henry." Hope babbled. "Hope, can you let Mommy have some?" She gently raised the cone so she can have a few licks, "Yummy. Here you go, sweetie." Hope had some more and began to fuss. "Mom, I think Hope wants to play with me.""I think so too, kid. I can finish my ice cream while Hope plays with you." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Little Sis, you are with me.""Henwy." "That is right. I have the best little sis ever! You!" He tickles Hope and makes her laugh. He reads to her some baby books and carried her around the store showing her the different flavors of ice cream. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "How is your ice cream love?""Delicious. Yours?""Aye, me too. Can I try yours?""Yes, if you let me try yours.""Aye." He put vanilla ice cream on her lips. Emma laughs "Hey..." and puts chocolate ice cream on his lips and he licked his mouth. "Yummy." Emma hugs Killian and laughs. Henry returns to the table with Hope. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are having an ice cream fight." Hope babbled. "Yes, little sis. They have ice cream on their faces just like you." Emma and Killian continued to laugh. On their way home, Killian and Emma walked together, hand and hook. Henry was holding Hope in her carrier. Emma looks at her two children, Henry happily having a conversation with Hope who was babbling away, she hugs her husband. "I am just loving this that we are all together, family time.""Me too, love. Seeing Hope and Henry together talking..makes me so happy seeing our children together and are safe.""Yes, after yesterday and the case today all the fighting the villains were worth it more because we were protecting our family.""We will always protect our family.""Yes, we will, captain. Team Swan-Jones?""Aye, team Swan-Jones." They kiss. They hear Henry gagged. "Mom, I am pretty sure Hope had a poop explosion."Emma chuckles. "Our job as parents never stops.""That is right, swan.""Henry we are going to give Hope a bath when we get home.""Good. She really needs one." Hope babbled. "Hope, are you being a dirty little pirate." Hope babbles and pats Henry's face which made him smile. "Hope, you are my little pirate princess and little sheriff Most important of all you are my sister. I love you, Hope." "Henwy." "Hopey." Killian and Emma approached their children. "Hope has the best big brother.""I have the best little sister. Hope, we have the best parents right?" Hope babbled. "Mom, Dad, Hope is saying Henry and I have the best parents in the world." Emma hugs her children. "I have the best two children in the world." She kisses them on their head. "Hope, you are being a little stinker." Hope smiled. "Aye, someone is showing her pirate side.""Yes, she is. Killian, I am going to need your help with her bath time.""I know love, we cannot get the casts wet." Hope began to cry, "Son, I can hold your sister." He carries Hope for the rest of the way home. "Hope, you are with Dada. We are almost home. We had a fun night in town with ice cream. When we get home is bath time and bedtime." Hope babbled. "Yes, storytime. We cannot forget storytime." When they arrived home, Emma and Killian bathed Hope and Henry read Hope a story with their parents on their bed. "Kid, you need to get some rest.""I know. Hope is going to be safe right?""Henry, Hope is going to be sleeping with us. August fixed her windows. We are slowly going to sleep train Hope again to sleep in her crib. For now, she is still afraid and we want her to be with us." Henry hugs his sister. "You are safe, Hope. We all love you, little sis. No one is going to kidnap you ever again. You have your family to protect you." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope. We will play tomorrow." Henry goes to his room as his parents sleep with Hope in their room. "Something is wrong with Henry? He seems not himself.""Love, do you think Henry is alright?""I will go check on him." "Aye, I will stay here with Hope.""We really are a team.""Yes, we are swan." Emma puts sleeping Hope in Killian arms and checks on Henry. "Hey, kid. Are you awake?""Yes, I am." She joins him in his bed. "With Hope being in casts, light magic and her being kidnapped...how are you feeling about all of this? We have not talked, I am sorry...""Mom, you have been very very busy taking care of Hope and I and being sheriff, especially with Hope. I know that you have been busy. I just want to help you any way I can to make your life easier. I see how you are with Hope from the very beginning you are amazing with her. I knew if you kept me you would have been doing the exact way raising me...""Henry.""Mom, I know you could not raise me but I am with you now and loving being home with you. You are juggling being a full-time mom and sheriff really well...""I have your Dad to help me when I am on case and also you help us so much with Hope.""I love Hope. I love spending time with her. Mom, I knew Hope was going to have light magic because she is the product of true love times two." Emma smiles. Henry got sad and started to cry. "When Hope was kidnapped I was so afraid thinking what if she was hurt more...she couldn't crawl in her two casts. I am her big brother, I am supposed to protect her...I did not do my job. I put her to bed after we finished your present. I just feel like it was my fault.""Henry it is not your fault, Henry no...no." She hugs her son as he cries into her. "It is not your fault...not your fault...""I feel so guilty, Mom. Hope was sleeping on my bed, I should have just let her sleep with me. Instead, I put her in her crib. I was the last one to see her before she was gone...I was so afraid if she got hurt or lost forever, it would have been my fault and have that guilt for the rest of my life that I got my sister stolen. I love Hope so much and I did not protect her.""Henry, it is not your fault. You did not leave her window open. Zelena got Madame Medusa to spy on us and told her where Hope slept. Zelena was the one who broke your sister's bedroom window let herself in and kidnap your sister.""But..""No buts Henry. You are not to blame. You instantly called Regina to make a locator spell which helped your Dad and me to find Hope with Zelena by the troll bridge. We were searching all night and couldn't find her. You helped us, Henry. We got to Hope in time to rescue her from Zelena. You have been so much more helpful to us with Hope over the last few crazy days. Hope loves being with you and we love you Henry, your Dad, and I. It is your Dad and I as your parents and heroes to protect you and Hope. Our family would not be complete without you both." She hugs her son. "It is not your fault, Henry. Do not ever think of that! You helped us rescue Hope and you are always there for Hope when she needs you her big brother and makes her happy all the time." "I just feel so guilty.""I know but Hope is home here safe with us. She is going nowhere, Henry. Our house is protected with my light magic and her window is fixed. We are going through this as a family during her recovery.""Mom.""Yes, Henry?""Can we go on a family vacation after my finals? A weekend one?""Henry that is a great idea. We are going to need a little getaway just the four of us.""Good, after all of Hope's recoveries and you and Dad both being parents and head of the sheriff station we need a family vacation.""I love your ideas, Henry. We can go to Boston to the Boston Zoo.""Yes, Hope will love the animals." "You always think of Hope, Henry."Henry smiles. "Of course, Mom. Hope is my little sister and I love her so much.""We all love her, Henry. Are you feeling better now?""A little bit. Can you sleep in here with me?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I can, Henry." Emma gets under the covers with her son and sleeps next to him. She knew something was wrong with her son and he needed her. She missed out a lot in his life. She is making it up for him now, being his Mom full time and giving him a normal white picket fence life, a life she always dreamt of giving him, which she is now with Killian and Hope. She kisses Henry on the head. "Good night, Henry. I love you so much. You have no idea how special you are to me as your Mom. I am so proud of you what you are becoming in life, an amazingly talented, smart, kind, caring son who loves art, his sister, books and a hero. You are the best big brother to Hope." She smooths his hair. "I will always be there for you and Hope. Always." She falls asleep next to her son knowing her son is next to her and her daughter is with her kind caring husband who loves being a Daddy in the next room sound asleep and they are both safe.

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