Good Defeats Evil

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Emma and Killian walked out of their house seeing a crowd of villains and Zelena."Ah, Emma. You are out to play."Emma was furious. "You are threatening my family and the whole town.""Well...well we can play somewhere else." One of the witches their magic to transport everyone to the center of town, her squad was already there and the rest of the heroes, Granny, Red, Dorothy, Snow White, Ashley, the Merrymen and Regina. "Emma...""Regina, they were at my house." "The prison is ready.""Good." The fight was on heroes against villains.Back at the Swan-Jones house, Henry was holding his sister. He did not hear any fighting. "I will be right back." Allison takes Hope, Henry gets his sword and saw nobody in front of their house. He returns downstairs, "Aunt Allison, I know I am supposed to listen to my Mom but I know Hope and I can fight. Hope has her light magic and I can fight with my sword." "As long as I hold Hope in her carrier..""You mean we can go to the fight?""Yes, your Mom needs all the magic to fight." Hope was still crying. "I know your sister will be showing her magic soon." "That is right, Hope we are going to see Mommy, little sis. Ted, stay here with Lizzie and Connor. We will be back." Allison put Hope in her carrier."Little sis, we are going to Mommy and Daddy.""Henry, if it gets dangerous. We are leaving.""I promised Mom that I won't get Hope hurt. If it is dangerous, hide with Hope." He faces his sister. " Hopey, are you ready to fight bad guys?" Hope babbled happily. "We can kick butt." Hope babbled. "Good because I know Mommy needs our help." They hurry into town. Meanwhile, Emma was leading the heroes knowing Zelena was tearing the town apart. They were fighting. She was tired of fighting and seeing heroes getting hurt all because of a former witch. She looks up at the villains and Zelena just standing there laughing enjoying seeing the heroes getting hurt. She goes to her husband, "Killian." Killian punches a villain in the face."Yes, love?""This fight needs to end. I got to talk to the villains."Killian knew his wife was up to something. "What do you need me to do? Sheriff.""Call the prison guards to tell all of them to come here. We can split the villains up here.""Aye, love." Killian runs from the battle on the street to make a phone call."Everyone stop!!" Everyone paused in the middle of fighting. Emma walked to Zelena. "Zelena, this needs to end. You are tearing this whole town apart." "Emma." Regina stops Charming from talking, "Charming, I saw her talking Killian. Your daughter has a plan." Emma looks at the villains. "All of you villains, can't you see Zelena is just using you for your magic. She doesn't care about you." She used her magic to Zelena to make her stay still, which made Zelena mad. "Don't stand there and stare. Attack Emma! She is not going to give her your happy endings. I am!" "Everyone Zelena does not have magic. She is just using you for your magic for her own selfish needs. She is not going to give you what she promised you, because all she cares about is herself. She has no magic. She is a miserable former witch who just wants revenge." "Do not listen to the savior, she is weak." "Zelena is lying. I am not weak. I have arrested and fought so many villains already. Every villain that tried to attack me, I defeated. I always save the town. Have you all noticed where the rest of the villains has gone too? They are in prison, in the sheriff station." They all began to talk about Zelena, knowing Emma was right. "Do not listen to her! Listen to me! You idiots! "A witch kneeled to Zelena. "You have no magic, Zelena. You cannot even escape from the light magic you are wrapped around in by the savior."Emma looked at everyone else. "I know you all did not choose to fight with Zelena you were forced. We can stop the fighting now. Regina and the rest of my squad have a new prison on the opposite side of town, a new improved prison. I know what it is like to be in prison for a crime that I did not commit. I served my sentenced. This new prison will have better food, better beds, and protection. "My squad and I will make sure you have better accommodations in both prisons. The old prison is getting updated and the same accommodations Of all the ones who were forced to be in Zelena's arm raise your hand. I can tell if you are lying. I want you to be honest with me."About half of the villains raised their hands. "The ones who were not forced to join Zelena's army stand to the right. The others stay to the left." They all listen to Emma. The rest of the heroes were amazed at how Emma got the villains listening to Emma. Killian smiled knowing his wife would stop the mayhem and spreading peace between villains and the heroes. "Mulan and Lily stay with the ones on the right. Dorothy and Red stay with the group on the left. My Dad and I will figure out to mix them up for the prisons.""Yes, sheriff." Charming went to Lily and Mulan to discuss how to divide the villains. Henry and Allison arrived at the center of town, no fighting. "Mom did it! She stopped the war.""Mommy!" Zelena was furious seeing Hope. She used her anger and broke out of Emma' magic grasp ran to attack Hope. "That little brat!" Hope was wailing. Emma and Killian rush to their children. "Henry! Zelena!" Allison shields Hope who was wailing. Henry uses his sword, "Stay away from sister, Zelena." "You are not going to hurt me, Henry.""You are not getting anywhere near my sister, you former crazy witch." He uses his sword to cut her and she punches Henry on the face which knocks him down. Regina rushes to Henry as Killian gets Zelena away from his children while using his sword and hook to make sure Zelena stays still. Regina helps her son up, "Are you okay?""Yes, I am." Emma uses tackles Zelena to the ground before hurting her daughter and best friend. "Leave my daughter alone. It is over, Zelena." She punches Zelena in the face until Killian pins down the former witch. Emma gets Hope from Allison. "Hope, Mommy is here. She is not going to hurt you." Zelena who escapes from Killian and lunges at Emma and Hope. Hope felt afraid and her light magic appears which zaps Zelena. She flew back to the ground, "Bloody hell!" Emma used her light magic to hold Zelena down on the ground. Emma lets her light magic go after Killian puts Zelena in handcuffs. Emma was hugging her daughter."Good, Hope. You helped Mommy with a villain. Mommy and Hope teamwork." Hope babbled. Yes, you are a little hero!" Hope smiles and hugs her Mommy. "I am so proud of you, Hope. You are not in trouble. You are safe." Henry and Regina walk over to Emma and Hope. "Mom, I told you I have the best little sister, ever." He faces his little sister, "Way ago little sis. High five?" Hope high fives her brother. "Good, little hero. You are the best little sis." He gave Hope kisses. Killian holds the handcuffed Zelena. "How does it feel that my little lass used her light magic on you? My daughter and wife got you down, Zelena.""I hate you all." Regina was mad at her sister. "What the heck, Zelena. You started a war and hurt my son!! You are not ever going to see your daughter again!!" Regina stayed with her sister. Charming and the rest of the squad divided the groups equally for the new prison and the old prison. The security guards came and helped the squad loaded the trucks. Emma watched all of the villains were being loaded into the trucks to their new home or former home and holding her daughter. She is happy that there was no more war. Killian put Zelena in the truck, Regina rode with her to make sure she stays out of trouble. Killian returns to his family, the rest of the heroes were celebrating. Ted brought Lizzie and Connor to the center and town celebrated with Allison. Kilian hugs his wife and daughter. "Emma, you did it." "Yes, it is over. We did it together.""I told you, love that it will be over soon." They kiss. Hope babbled, "Yes, Hope the town is safe again little sis! You and Mommy defeated Zelena.""Aye, we have two heroes in the family.""Killian, we are all heroes.""That is right, Mom.""Henry Daniel Mills Swan-Jones, you took Hope to a war zone!" "Mom, I knew that you needed our help.""Emma, by the time we arrived, the fighting stopped. I told Henry if there was fighting we were going to stay far away from the area." "Henry, you did not listen to me but you both did help me with Zelena.""You are not mad at me?""You did not listen to me but neither of you are hurt. Next time if you disobey me, Henry you are going to be in trouble.""Yes, Mom. I am sorry. I cannot sit on the sidelines during a fight. Hope and I wanted to come. We did help you defeat Zelena." Emma hugs her son. "You two are safe which all that matters to me and the war is over. You two helped me. I am so proud of you both." "Mom, we take after you and Dad.""Aye, lad you both take after us.""Mom, you did it, you stopped the war.""I was tired of the fighting and the town was torn apart and unsafe.""Your Mom had an idea and I listened to her, lad. She did all of the talking to the villains to stop the fighting.""I am surprised that they listen to me.""Emma, you related to them and they know that they will keep your promise.""I am going to continue keeping my promise to improve the prisons." Killian hugged his wife, daughter, and son."You did it, love.""Yes, our whole family worked together." Emma and Killian kissed. Regina and Charming put Zelena in her new fairy proof, isolated prison far away from every other villain cell in the dungeon. "I will get you, Emma, if it is the last thing I do!" Zelena screams.A week later, Storybrooke was back to normal. No more villains were attacking the town and the schools were reopened. Emma in the sheriff station talking with the Blue Fairy to get accommodations for the prisoners. "Emma, this is not a good idea to make the prisoners happy.""Well, if you were in a horrible place and feel miserable all the time, you will want to have some comfort. If you let me have my Mom travel with me in the magical tree wardrobe instead of Pinnochio, I would not have been in the foster system, then homeless met Neal who had framed me for his crime had Henry in prison alone. I know what prison was life and it was horrible. Yes, these prisoners are in prison but they need comfort too." The Blue Fairy was stunned. "Now get these prisoners some comfort understood?" The Blue Fairy nodded."Yes, Emma." Killian enters the room with Hope walking holding her Daddy's hook, seeing the Blue Fairy speechless."Mommy.""Hi, baby girl." Hope walks over to her Mommy, Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Did you have fun with Dada?" Hope babbled. "You were coloring at his desk?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "My little artist." "Emma, I will work on the accommodations with the rest of the fairies." The Blue Fairy leaves the office. "Swan, what did you to Blue? She is stunned or like speechless.""She was being judgemental on the villains. I told her if she let my mom come with me through the tree wardrobe instead of Pinnochio, I would have not been in the foster system, homeless and in prison for Neal's crime. I told her not to judge them being prisoners and treat them like human beings. I told her my experiences in prison, it was awful." Hope babbled. "I did a good job sticking up for the villains?" Hope babbled loudly. "Thank you, little sheriff." She gave Hope kisses on her head.Killian was impressed with his wife always helping others first. "Love, we should be going soon.""Yes, Hope's appointment with Allison is soon. We cannot be late." Killian gets the diaper bag as Emma carried their daughter to the yellow bug. Hope knew where they were and began to cry. "Killian, I got Hope." Emma takes out of her car seat, "Hope, you are staying with me." "Mommy." She hugs her daughter and walks with Killian to the pediatric floor at the hospital. Killian signed Hope in as Emma sat with her daughter and snuggle. "We are snuggling, Hope." Hope babbled. Allison came to her best friend. "Hi, Hope." "Mommy!""Allison, Hope knows why we are here." "That is alright. She knows my job by now." Allison lead her family to the examination room, Killian helped Emma undress Hope who just wanted her Mommy. Emma places Hope on the measuring table."Tay...Mommy.""I am staying right next to you, baby girl. I am not leaving you." Allison weighs Hope who gained three pounds and measures Hope. Allison placed Hope on the table and continues to examine Hope who just wanted her Mommy. "You are being such a good girl Hope. You are almost done then you can be with your Mommy." Killian sat with his little love. "You are being such a good listener to Auntie Allison, Hope." She gripped her Daddy's hook. "Mommy and Daddy are not leaving you, Hope." Hope stopped crying and hugs her Daddy. "Daddy is here, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on her head. Emma was in awe loving seeing their Daddy-daughter moment and took a picture of them. "Killian and Emma, Hope will be getting only one shot today, Dtap shot which will prevent on getting three different viruses." Allison prepared the shot, Hope saw the shot and screamed and jumped out of her Daddy's arms, Emma caught her daughter. "Hope Marie Swan-Jones, you do not jump out of Daddy's arms. That is very dangerous, you could have gotten hurt, baby girl." Hope was crying and shaking in her arms, "Mommy" Emma knew Hope was terrified and wanted her. "You are with Mommy baby girl. You are only getting one owie shot and we can go home." She hugs her little duckling and gave her kisses on the head. Emma sits on the table next to her husband. "Emma, is Hope alright?"Yes, from jumping out of your arms to be in my arms..she wanted me to hold her, she is afraid." He rubs Hope's cheek. "Little love, you almost gave Daddy a just wanted your Mommy?""Mommy." "Little niece, you are going to be alright. You are with your Mommy but you cannot jump out of your Daddy's arms like that. Emma, hold Hope." "I am not letting Hope go." "No." Hope cried more. "Hope, it is only one shot. You are brave, you can help Mommy by being a little hero by being brave to fight bad guys. You can get one shot. I am not letting you go, okay?" Hope hugged her Mommy. Killian took Hope's hand and held it as Allison gave Hope her shot. Hope cried more. "You are all done, Hope." Allison placed a bandaid on her niece's arm. "Emma, she is healthy. Call me if anything happens. Hope, you did such a good job today." She kisses Hope on the head who was gripping her Mommy. Emma was hugging her daughter and calming her down. "Hope, it is all over. Mommy got are with Mommy baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head and rubbed Hope's back. "We can go home." Killian helps his wife dress Hope. Emma paced around and swayed Hope until Hope fell asleep. "That is my swan.""I just hate seeing Hope in pain." "She is happy to be in her Mommy's arms where she feels safe.""She will be always safe with me." Killian brought his family home. Emma placed Hope in her crib. Killian made his family dinner. Emma wrapped her arms around her husband's waist. She kisses him on her cheek. "Something smells delicious." "Oh, really?" They kiss. Killian lifts up Emma onto his waist and they ended up making out on the kitchen table. "Killian, the food.""Raw vegetables chopped..." Emma tugs Killian's shirt."Continue captain." They had sex on the kitchen table. Henry comes home from school and sees his parents having sex on the table. "Mom! Dad! We eat our meals on that table." Henry goes upstairs, Emma and Killian stopped what they were doing and laughed. "We do our jobs as parents embarrassing our teenager."Emma smiles. "That is right, captain. We are doing our job right." They continued to have sex. After their session on the kitchen table, they cleaned up. Killian and Emma cooked dinner. Emma took a shower first then Killian. She found Henry reading to Hope in her room who was crying. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy are finished making pancakes." Emma laughed. "Hope, are you feeling better, baby girl?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Kid, she had a shot this afternoon.""She just woke up from her nap and enjoying storytime, right Hope?" He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled and reaches out to their Mommy. "Mommy can join storytime little sis.""Dada?""Daddy too, Hope." Emma holds Hope, while Henry read to his sister from his storybook. Killian's arms were wrapped around his two loves. Emma and Killian just looked at each other knowing their life was back to normal being parents to their children and their job as sheriff and deputy are not too hectic, and the town is safe. Their life with their children is back to normal.

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