Preparing For Christmas

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Emma and Killian drove the family car with their family to the tree lot. Killian carried Hope around letting her help choose the Christmas tree. Hope grabs one of the biggest Pinetree in the tree lot. "This one Hope?"
"Emma, Henry, Hope and I choose the tree."
"Dad, the tree is huge, it is at least a 6-foot tree."
"Killian, it is perfect."
"You hear that little love? Mommy approved the tree we chose. High five?" Hope and Killian high five using little hand and hook Hope babbles. Bashful and Dopey put the Swan-Jones tree onto their family car. Killian drove the family home, Henry was playing with Hope in the back. Henry and Killian carried the new tree inside the house. Emma holds Hope inside, Killian goes to the attic to get the Christmas decorations, while Emma turned Henry's iPad on to play Christmas music from Spotify which Killian made the playlist. Emma made cinnamon hot cocoa for her family Killian was letting Hope help him decorate the tree by holding her on his hip and letting her put the ornament, "Put the ornament right there...Good job, little love." Emma took pictures of her family decorating the Christmas tree and helped Henry with the garland and candy canes. On the tall part of the tree, "Emma, climb on my shoulders." Emma sat on his shoulders, she knew that he was strong enough to hold her and thinking it was romantic at the same time. He held his wife as she added garland around the top part of the tree. Henry was passing ornaments to his Mom while keeping out of the way from the parents decorating. He took a picture of his parents decorating his Dad holding Mom, both so happy together. The song Deck The Halls was playing, Hope was clapping and dancing. "That is it little Hope, dance." Emma and Killian smile down at Hope's little dance. ""
"Our little Hope has a favorite Christmas song."
"Aye, I think you are right swan."
After Emma was finished decorating the top, Killian put his wife in his arms. "My captain."
"Aye, my swan." They kiss.
Emma gets a bell and teaches Hope the song and ringing the bell while singing to her, "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way..." Hope was babbling along, Henry took a picture of his Mom teaching Hope a new song.
"Mommy." Hope shows her the red ball ornament with a hook and swan, "captain swan" that Killian got for her as one of her first Christmas.
"Our little pirate knows our ship name."
"Aye, yes she does." He set his wife down.
Emma kneels to Hope. "Hope, you can put it on the tree, sweetie."
"How about you help me put the ornament on the tree with me." Hope reaches for her Mommy. She holds Hope, she gave Killian a kiss on her tree. She lets Hope help her out the ornament which Henry and Killian took pictures of.
Killian holds Hope. "Little love, we need to put the star on the tree. Like the star when we see in the sky. This star is going on the very top of the tree."
"Dada." He climbs step-ladder hold Hope and the star.
"Killian, be careful."
"I will, love. Hope the star goes right there."
Hope could not reach, "Dada." Killian helps Hope to put the star on top. He remembers in the past where he was around Hope's age when his Mom was still alive, how they celebrated Christmas with a very tiny tree with a gift each and how his Mom helped him put the star on top of their tree. He was around two years old when his Mom and Dad were both alive and together, right before she died and his Dad sent them on the ship for servitude. Killian began to cry. "Dada?"
"Killian." Emma helps her husband and daughter down. "What is wrong?" She hugs him and leads him to the couch.
"Emma, around this time, when I was Hope's age, Christmas with my was the only memory of my Mommy...we had a tiny tree...Liam and I had one present each...that the only happy moment of my mom died before my birthday...before I turned 3 years old. "Hope hugs her Daddy. "You give me the best hugs, Hope." Emma hugs her husband. "Your Mom sounds like a kind caring person that you get from her." She kisses him on the cheek.
"Aye, I get that from my Mom. I really miss her." Emma hugs her husband.
"Dad, you have Hope Mom and me..."
"I know son. I have my family..."
"Dad, you still get to use the magic water from my grandpa. You can use it."
"Thanks, son." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"Hope is saying you have us. We can continue your Christmas traditions from our grandma." Hope babbles. Killian hugs both of his children.
"Aye, Hope you can continue decorating?" He sets Hope on the ground, Hope picked up more decorations, "Henwy."
"Coming little sis." Emma and Killian both giggle. Henry helped Hope decorated the tree.
"Coming, little love. Our little love takes after her Mommy." Emma giggles. Killian gave Hope the Jolly Roger ornament. "Wawa!"
"Yes, Hope. You can put the Jolly Roger on the tree." He holds Hope and lets her put the Jolly Roger ornament on the tree, Emma took a picture of Hope and Killian. They continue decorating the tree. Emma can smell Hope's poop. "Hope, you need a diaper change." She takes Hope from the floor.
"We will be back." She gave Hope an ornament. "You can hold this while I change you." Hope babbles. Emma changes Hope's diaper and changed her into Christmas pajamas. "Mommy."
"Yes, baby?" Hope hugs her Mommy.
"We can snuggle." She takes Hope back downstairs. "Swan, the tree is done."
"Twee." She shows her Mommy the ornament.
Emma smiles, "Hope you have one more ornament to put on the tree." She lets Hope put the ornament on the tree.
"Now it is done, swan."
"Yes, it is perfect." They kiss.
Killian took pictures of his family by their Christmas tree and Henry took a picture of his parents and sister. "Henwy." Emma gave her daughter to her son and Killian took a photo of Henry and Hope. Henry holds Hope and took pictures of their parents kissing underneath the mistletoe that Killian held on the hook. Henry and Killian put boxes back to the attic, Emma was sitting on the couch singing with Hope. "Rudolph the red nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose, if you ever saw it, you get to see it glow, all the other reindeers use to laugh and call him names...." Hope was smiling gently singing to Hope. Killian returns smiling seeing his swan singing traditional Christmas songs to their daughter.
The following day, Emma drove her family over the town line. "Hope, we are over the town line little sis." Hope babbled. Henry read a Christmas story about Santa Claus.
"Emma, I love your idea."
"I want Hope to have Christmas memories."
"Aye, we are both going to give it to her and Henry." Emma arrived at the closest town mall, she did her research they had a Santa meet and greet, she would love Hope to meet Santa for the first time she did not have the memories as a child. Killian gets Hope's diaper bag from the trunk, Emma gets Hope from her carseat. "Hope, we are at a mall to meet Santa Claus. Are you excited?" Hope screamed happily. She holds her daughter.
"Mom,I have the camera ready. I am excited for Hope to meet Santa Claus."
"Henry, you can meet him too."
"Mom, I am sixteen."
"You are never too old to believe in Santa."
"Saying the ten-year-old who found me, brought me to Maine and told me to believe that my parents were fairytale characters Snow White and Prince Charming." Killian laughs.
"You have a point. Christmas was never was a holiday before you came to town."
"You get to have normal holidays with me, your Dad and sister." Henry hugs his Mom.
"I know, now."
"Hope, you and I are going to meet Santa today with Mommy and Daddy." He tickles his sister making her laugh They entered the mall and waited on a long line with other children and parents. "Dada."
Killian gets Hope from his wife. "Are you going to tell Santa Claus what you want for Christmas?" Hope babbled. "Aye, you are on Santa's nice list because you are a good little pirate princess." He gave her kisses on her cheek.
"Mom, I can tell you are excited for Hope's first time meeting Santa?"
"Yes, I am very excited because....being a Mom you look forward to your child's first moments and giving you and Hope normal Christmas memories are one of my goals of having a second chance as a Mom sharing moments of firsts with both of my children."
Henry hugs his Mom. "I am looking forward to meeting Santa with you and Hope. I did read Hope the Christmas book explaining who Santa is." When they got closer to Santa Claus, Hope wanted Emma. "Hopey, look that is Santa Claus, like in the book Henry was reading to you on the way here. You can tell him what you want for Christmas and he will give it to you on Christmas day."
Killian takes Henry's camera from his son so he can capture both of his children's moments with Santa Claus. "Hope, we are up next little sis."
"No." She hugs her Mommy.
"Mom, I will go first to show Hope." He sits on Santa's lap. "Hi, Santa." Killian took pictures with Henry's camera of Henry with Santa.
"Hi, young man. What is your name?"
"Henry Mills Swan-Jones."
"Have you been a good boy this year?"
"Yes, I have. My parents are heroes. I always defend my family when someone threatens them. I mostly protect my little sisters from evil people." Emma and Killian gave each other the same looks Henry was telling him about their life in Storybrooke.
"Henry, you sound like you are a good person. What do you want for Christmas?"
"I want a lightsaber, an action figure of Batman Hush characters and a few video games."
"I will put it all on my list."
"Thank you, Santa. Hope, your turn." Hope began to cry. Emma carries Hope. Killian took pictures of Hope's first time meeting Santa.
"Hope, this is Santa Claus. He is a nice man who gives gifts on Christmas day."
"Ho..Ho... Ho! Hi Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are staying with me." Emma kneels down and lets Hope sit on her lap.
"I am sorry, Santa. Hope is afraid."
"That is alright." A woman in an elf costume came to give Hope a small teddy bear.
"Hope, look what the nice elf give you a new teddy bear." Hope stops crying and just wanted to stay with her Mommy. "Hope has been a very good girl Santa. She is almost 20 months old. She loves the Little Mermaid, Pluto, Minnie Mouse, The Ugly Duckling, and Barney."
"Hope, I will see what I can get you toys for Christmas. I have a few ideas."
"Thank you, Santa." They took photos, Killian joined his family meeting Santa. After meeting Santa, Hope stopped crying. They walked around the mall. Henry was looking in a comic book store. Killian and Emma found a spot to sit down, Hope was fast asleep on her Mommy.
"Emma, that did not go well."
"I know but babies are usually afraid of seeing Santa Claus for the first time. It is okay, Hope. You get to meet Santa with me and Henry." She hugs her daughter.
"Little love, I know next year you will be sitting with Santa on his lap all my yourself and telling him what you want for Christmas next year." He kisses Hope on the head.
"We have photos for our family album and picture frame of the four of us."
"I love that swan, Christmas memories."
"Yes, we can put it on our mantle at home."
"Aye, that will be perfect."
Emma smiles. "Henry and Hope both got to meet Santa Claus for the first time...I did not have that...I always saw normal families waiting in line to see foster kids would stand on the opposite side watching the biological children meet Santa. I saw that as a child and promised myself that when I have children, they would have every holiday moment. Every child should get a chance to meet Santa Claus."
Killian saw the hurt in his swan's eyes of the memories. "Emma, I saw the excitement in your eyes seeing Henry and Hope meeting Santa."
"My dream came true. I love giving Henry and Hope everything I was deprived of as a child. You and I are doing that every single day by being their parents."
"Every moment, I am with you Emma, you make me the happiest man in all the realms because you are an amazingly strong kind woman who would do anything for her family. That is why I fell in love with you when you were doing all she can to return to her son way back in the Enchanted Forest. Now you are doing that as a full-time Mommy with our Hope. I love being on your side as parenting both of our children and giving them everything I did not have as a lad, love, a family and a home and two parents that will always be there for them. You and I, Emma. We will always give our children everything."
"If I have not met you, I will still be walled up not have this life a normal life."
"You and I fought so much to be together for this life, a normal happy life with our children, every holiday and family event we will always be there for Henry and Hope. You are my true love."
"Aye true loves have the same goals and we are doing everything that we did not have as children, we are giving them together. I have a feeling we are going to many family Christmas traditions."
Emma smiles loves hearing Killian what she loves promises that he will keep and they will keep together. "That is right my Killian."
"My Emma." They kiss. Henry returns with a lot of shopping bags.
"Henry, you went to a lot of stores? Not just the comic book store"
"Yes, I did not want you to both know I was shopping for Christmas presents I may have got Hope a few presents she will like."
"Henry, she will love what you bought for her."
"How is she?"
"She calmed down from crying and taking a nap."
"Henry, I will help carry those bags for you."
"Thanks, Dad." They walked around the mall. "Mom, thank you for inviting me."
"It is a family day, I had a feeling you will have fun with us, you and Hope both meeting Santa."
"Is this another Swan-Jones Christmas tradition?"
"Yes, Henry."
"Awesome." He hugs his Mom. Emma was happy and smiles at Killian who smiles back at Emma.
The next day, it began to snow. Henry woke up. Emma got a phone call. "Henry, you have a snow day!"
"Yes!" Henry goes to his parent's room and holds Hope. "Hope, it is snowing little sis, which means no school." Hope clapped her hands. "We can play in the snow."
Emma smiles. "You can play in the snow after it lessens not now. How about cinnamon hot cocoa with breakfast?"
"Yes." Emma made waffles and cinnamon hot cocoa while Henry plays with Hope until breakfast was ready. Killian shoveled snow outside. He returns inside, Hope was walking to him. "Hi, Hope. Dada shoveled the snow." He holds Hope, "You and Henry can play later outside."
"Killian, Henry, Hope, breakfast is ready." Killian brings Hope to the kitchen and Henry was helping his Mom setting the table.
"How about we continue making decorations for the house for Christmas today? Like paper snowflakes?"
"Yes." Hope babbles. "Hope, I will cut them and you decorate them."
"We can also add decorations on the staircase love? I bought long pine tree decorations."
"Our house will be more decorate for Christmas."
"Little Hope. Do you want to decorate the Jolly Roger for Christmas?"
Killian holds Hope. "Yes, we can decorate the Jolly Roger for Christmas, my little pirate."
"Hope, that is a great idea, little sis."
Emma smiles. "Hope is definitely a little pirate." She tickles Hope.
Killian smiles. "Aye, just like her Daddy."
"My pirates. We can do Christmas lights around the Jolly Roger. We have extra Christmas lights."
"We can decorate the Jolly Roger after the snow stops." After breakfast, Henry and Hope did arts and crafts in the kitchen, "Mom, join us."
"I can make paper snowflakes." Emma cuts paper snowflakes. Hope began to cry and reaches for her Mommy. "Hope, you can be with me when I make snowflakes."
"Mom, how about you and Hope decorate them using glitter glue."
"That is a better idea." She puts Hope on the lap and let Hope help decorate the snowflakes by teaching her how to use glitter glue. Killian takes a picture of his family doing art and crafts. Little love, are you decorating snowflakes with Mommy?" Hope babbled a lot. "You are doing great little love."
"How is decorating the staircase?"
"Aye, it is done. Want to take a look?"
"Yes." Emma carries Hope to check out the decorated staircase, it was a long Christmas wreath trail with red Christmas ribbons. Emma smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "It is beautiful Killian. You are a great decorator."
"Thank you, swan. I do my best."
"It is perfect. I always wanted my house to be very festive during the holidays."
Killian smiles. "I always wanted a decorate house for Christmas too."
"We have the same dream."
"Aye, we are both granted our wish together." They kiss. Hope fusses. Emma lets Hope walk back to the kitchen to be with Henry. "I have something else to show you." He guides his wife to the living room to the fireplace, Emma sees family Christmas stockings nailed to the mantle. She gives him a big hug. "I love it." He lifts her up and spun her around love making his swan happy. "You make me happy."
"I love making my Emma happy."
"We make each other happy." Hope enters the room trying to climb up the Christmas tree. Emma gets Hope away from the tree. "Whoa, my little pirate princess." Hope babbled. "Hope, no climbing the tree. You can get hurt."
"Listen to your Mommy little love. We do not want the tree to fall on top of you." Hope babbles. "Swan, I will put a baby gate by the tree."
"Good idea, captain." Killian sets the baby gate by the tree.
After the snow slowed down, Henry was building a snowman while Hope was walking around in the snow with cute Minnie Mouse winter hat, thick pink coat, gloves, and snow boots she can barely move her arms. Killian was shoveling the snow. He teaches Hope how to jump into the pile of snow. Emma joined them outside, she took pictures of Killian playing with Hope. Hope began to cry. "Killian, I think our little duckling needs to go inside."
"She needs a change."
"My little pirate, we will decorate the Jolly Roger soon." Killian carried Hope to the Jolly Roger, Emma and Henry carried extra Christmas decorations. The Jolly Roger did not have snow since Emma's light magic protection spell protected their second home. Killian and Emma were decorating the Jolly Roger with Christmas lights as Henry was chasing Hope all over the deck. "Henry, Hope slow down."
"Yes, Mom." Henry scoops Hope into his arms and spun her around, making her laugh. Killian puts a wreath on the steering wheel. Henry brings Hope to the steering wheel. "Dad, Hope wants to steer."
"My little pirate you can steer." Killian kneels down to his little pirate and helps her navigate. Emma sees someone coming aboard.
"Killian, someone is coming." Killian holds Hope, it was Smee.
"Smee? What are you doing here?"
"I just got into town from the Enchanted Forest. I saw the Jolly Roger with Christmas lights."
Killian smiles, "Love, people can see our decorations."
"Yes, I can tell, they are very bright and festive."
"Aye, Smee, we just put them on for Christmas." Hope babbles. "Hope that is Smee my former first mate."
"Mommy is Captain Swan."
"Henry is my first mate." Hope babbles. "No, no, Smee was my first mate when we were in the Enchanted Forest. He is not my first mate anymore." Hope babbled. "Yes, you and Henry are my first mate and you are my little pirate." Hope babbled. "You understand?" Hope holds his hook.
"Aye, aye." Killian smiles love his pirate talk with his daughter.
Smee gave Emma and Henry looks, "Sorry Smee, Hope and I were having our pirate talk."
Hope squirms, "Wawa".
"Lad, Hope wants to steer the ship." Henry brings Hope back up to the steering wheel.
"Captain, you sure have changed?"
"Aye, being Emma's husband and a father to Henry and Hope has changed my whole life around."
"I came back wanting to sail with you again with the crew."
"My home is here on land with my family. The Jolly Roger is my family's second home, which is why we decorated it for Christmas."
"Smee, Killian still sails his ship, to different realms when we visit friends, to have family sailing adventures, teaching Henry and Hope how to sail."
"Smee, I do have a gift for you." Killian gives him a small spyglass.
"I thought you would need this for the Enchanted Forest."
"Thank you, Captain. Now I can use this for my own crew."
"You are a captain?"
"Not yet but I will soon. I got to get started." Smee leaves.
Killian and Emma gave each other weird looks. "Emma, he always has been a rat."
"Yes, I can see that. That was a nice gift you gave him."
"He was a good, not the smartest first mate. I have a better crew now my captain swan and our two children."
"Yes, captain. You are my one hot sexy captain."
"You are my sexy swan." They make out for a little bit, "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy are making pancakes. They stopped making out.
"By the way, I love you and Hope's pirate talk. It is so cute."
"Aye, I began having pirate talks with Hope when she was growing in your womb."
Emma kisses him on the cheek and hugs him. "I knew I was carrying a little pirate. I love my handsome captain husband."
"Aye, I love my swan wife." They kiss. Hope was crying.
Henry brings Hope to their parents. "It is getting close to someone's bedtime."
"Aye, we should be heading home." Killian and Emma walked home together, Henry leading the way. Emma takes Hope inside, changed her to of her wet clothes and gave Hope a bubble bath. After dinner, Hope was fast asleep in her crib. "Sweet dreams, my little Hope. I love you so much."She goes downstairs to snuggle with Killian, Henry was doing art in his room. Emma and Killian were cozied up by the fire and drank cinnamon hot cocoa. "I cannot wait for Christmas."
"Me too, Emma. I have a feeling our Swan-Jones Christmas will be better than last year." They kiss.

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