Bad Dream

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Henry had a snow day, a day off from school. Henry got a sled from the garage. Hope was crawling around in the living room with their Mom. Emma sees her son brought in something from their garage. "Henry, what did you got there?" Emma catches Hope from heading into the couch."Where are you going baby girl?" She puts Hope on her lap and kisses her daughter on the head.

"Well, I found something in the garage that I think Hope will like." He shows his Mom and Hope the sled. "Hope, do you want to go sledding with me?" Hope babbled.

"Sledding where?"

"I was thinking, Hope can ride the sled and I can pull her, in front of the house Mom."

Emma smiled. "I think Hope will like that. Hope you want to play in the snow with Henry?" Hope smiled. "I will get her ready." Emma got Hope ready to play in the snow with her winter coat on and her snow pants, gloves and snow boots on. Emma took pictures of Hope in her snow gear outfit. "Hope, you are ready to play in the snow." Hope smiled. She puts her coat on and brings Hope downstairs. "Henry, Hope is ready to play with you." She hands over her daughter to her son. "Henry, do not go too fast."

"Yes, Mom. I know."

"She is still recovering and she cannot sit up for a long time."

"Mom, can you join us?"

"Play in the snow?"


"I would love to, playing with you both."

Henry brings Hope outside. "Hope, it snowed so much today that we can play in the snow." Hope reached out her arms. "Mom, I think Hope wants to play in the snow."

"I think you are right, Henry."

"Hope, you snow chariot awaits." Henry puts Hope on the sled. Emma was nervous, she does not want Hope to fall backward and get hurt. Henry can see that their Mom was worried. "Mom, the sled is old fashion one that has a cushion seat and made out of wood just for Hope." Hope was sitting and moving around. "Hope, you need to stay still when I pull the sled." Henry pulled Hope in the sled around the front yard, and their Mom was watching them close by just in case anything happens with Hope. Hope was smiling as Henry pulled her in the sled around their front yard. Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope enjoying the snow together. When they passed their Mom, Emma would see Hope smile big. "Hope you are playing in the snow." Killian parked his car in front of his house. He sees his family outside, Henry pulling Hope in the sled and his beautiful wife watching their children play together. Emma sees her husband. "There is my favorite pirate." He hugs his wife. "Hello, love." They kiss. "I see Henry and Hope are enjoying the sled."

"Yes, Hope loves the sled." They watched their children enjoy the snow.

Henry pulled Hope in the sled until he got tired and Hope was crying. He stops the sled and picks her up. "Hope, are you cold little sis?"

"Lad, I think Hope is cold."

"Hi, Dad I think you are right." Hope continued to cry. "Come to daddy little love." He takes Hope from his son. "I think we all need cinnamon hot chocolate."

"Killian, you are reading our minds."

"Aye love, I know my family members." They walked in together. Emma gets Hope changed out of her snow gear as Killian made cinnamon hot chocolate for his family and a fire in the living room fireplace. The family sat together and enjoyed the warm fire. Hope was being held by her Mommy. It began to snow again. "Mom, Dad, it is snowing out again. Do you think that I will have no school tomorrow?"

"Lad, you most likely will have a snow day again."

"Yes! Hope, you and I will play all day tomorrow." He kisses Hope on the head which makes her smile.

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