Mother's Day

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While Emma and Killian were on their second wedding anniversary date night, Henry and Allison were downstairs watching Netflix and they heard Hope crying on the baby monitor, "I will get Hope Aunt Allison." Henry goes upstairs to get his sister. "Hi, Hope." He takes Hope from her crib. "You want to spend time with me and Auntie Allison?"
"Mommy and Daddy have their date tonight." Hope hugged her brother. "You can be with me, little sis." He kisses her on the head and brought her down to the living room. "Aunt Allison Hope is awake."
'Hi, Hope." Hope cried.
"She wants our Mom."
"Hope, Mommy is going to be home soon. You get to spend time with me and Henry." She kisses Hope on the cheek and takes Hope from Henry. "We are having Auntie and Hopey time, sweetie." She rubs Hope's back to calm her down. "Aunt Allison, I know my sister wants our Mom."
"I know, but your Mom needs a break."
"Yes, I know. Hope has been keeping her very busy. I knew they needed kid-free time." He leans to his sister. "Hopey, you are with me and Aunt Allison little sis. You are safe with us." He kisses Hope on the head. "Little niece, I brought something for you, a new show for you to watch, Sesame Street."
"Is that the DVD you brought?"
"Yes, I did."
"I will put it in the DVD player." Henry turned on the show, "Look Hope a new show for you to watch." Hope cried more and hugged her Auntie Allison.
"Hopey, are you tired? " She sniffs Hope. "You need a change, little niece." She takes Hope upstairs and changes Hope's diaper. "Your casts are painted very pretty." Hope fussed and Allison holds Hope in her arms. "Let's go back to Henry."
Henry stops the DVD and changes the channel to Disney Junior to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Allison hears the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song as she was bringing Hope back downstairs, "Hope, I think you are going to like what we are watching."
"Hope, look who is on the television, little sis." Hope looked at the television and babbled. "Yes, Hope, Pluto."
"Did your big brother turned on Pluto for you to watch?" Hope babbled.
"I always how to make Hope happy." Hope began to cry.
"Hope, are you hungry?"
"I will heat up her a bottle." Henry returns to his sister and Aunt Allison and gives Hope her bottle. "Here you go, little sis." After a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Hope fell asleep on Allison. She puts Hope back in her crib and returns to Henry. 'How long do you think my parents will be out tonight?"
"I do not know, Henry. I have been offering your Mom to watch your sister because I knew she needed a break but I have a feeling your parents will be out all night."
"I had a feeling that will happen. They both need a break they been working so hard with Hope and work, I just help out as much as I can."
"I know you love being with Hope. Don't you have school in the morning?"
"Yes, I have school."
"Go to bed. I have a feeling I will see you in the morning." Henry goes to bed and Allison text Emma that she can stay the night Henry and Hope. Hope woke a few times during the night, Allison gets Hope from her crib. "Hopey, Auntie is here...Auntie is here." She sits on the rocking chair and let Hope snuggle on her, who was still crying and she rubs Hope's back knowing she wants her Mommy. "Little niece, we are having auntie and Hopey time. We can talk..." Hope dug face into her Auntie Allison's chest. "I know sweetie you want your Mommy but she and Daddy will be home soon. You are with Henry and Auntie Allison, Hope." She rocked Hope until she fell back to sleep.
Meanwhile, Killian and Emma were still on the beach. "Swan, let's take this somewhere else?"
"Good idea..where do you want to to go?"
"I have an idea, love." He gives her a wink. Killian drove his wife to docks and carries her to his ship, while Emma was still kissing him into his captain quarters. Emma checks her iPhone, "Allison text me. She told me that she is staying overnight with the kids."
"She knew we needed a very needed kid-free night out."
Emma and Killian woke up with the sun was rising naked in bed together, Emma smiles enjoying sleeping wrapped in her husband and smiles, "Morning my captain."
"Morning, my swan."
"We slept here overnight."
"Aye, yes we did, love."
"I do like spending time with my captain."
"Aye, I love spending one on one time with my beautiful wife." They kiss.
"Yes, the sex was amazing the whole night."
"Aye, yes it was, my swan."
Emma kisses Killian's chest, "You really know how to turn me on...captain.."
"You make it easy, love."
"You are still my dashing caring husband."
"You are still my beautiful swan. They continue to kiss and enjoy their alone time together.
Henry woke up the next morning from Hope's crying. Henry goes to his sister in her room, Allison was holding Hope. "Little niece, Mommy will be home soon." Hope wailed
Henry takes his sister from their Aunt Allison. "Hope, Henry is right here little sis."
"Hope, I am here little sis. Do not cry. Let's go have some breakfast." Henry carries Hope downstairs not seeing their Mom anywhere. "Mommy."
"Hope, Mommy will be home soon little sis. It is okay, you are with Henry and Auntie Allison."
"Little niece, we are having auntie time." Hope dug her face into Henry.
"Aunt Allison I am pretty sure this is Hope's first time being away from our Mom so long. It is okay, Hope. Mommy is coming back." He kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back.
" Hope, Mommy was on long date night with Daddy, sweetie. She did not leave you."
"Hope, our Mommy will never leave you and me." They hear the door open, Henry carries Hope to their parents "Hope, Mommy is home little sis." Hope reaches out to her Mommy.
"Hi, Henry, Hi Hope." She takes Hope from Henry and comforts her daughter. "Hopey...Mommy is home...Mommy is home...shh...shh..." Hope hugged her Mommy and stopped crying.
"Mom, Hope missed you all night." Emma gives Henry a look. "Mom, it is true."
"Emma, Hope was sleeping most of the night, she did miss you. I knew you and Killian needed kid-free time."
"Thanks for staying overnight with them."
"Your welcome, Henry and I watched Netflix and Hope calmed down after a few episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."
"I am not surprised, she loves her Pluto." She rubs Hope's back, "Hope, Mommy is home. Do not cry." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little love, did you miss Dada?" Hope babbled and he gave her a kiss on the head. "I love you, little love. I know you missed your Mommy all night." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Love, I will cook us breakfast."
"Thank you. Hope, you can join girl talk with Auntie Allison and Mommy."
"Mom, Hope was good most of the night. She just wants to be with you."
"I know, Henry. We did not expect to be out all night."
"We know you and Dad needed a kid-free night out."
"Thanks, kid for watching Hope."
"I did my best with Hope."
"I know you did, Henry."
"Henry, I need your help with breakfast."
"Coming Dad." Henry leaves the room. "So, Emma how was your night out with Killian?" Emma smiles and sits on the couch with Hope snuggling on her. "We had dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant which was where we had our first date...we walked on the beach and it got really sandy and heated up...we ended up going on the Jolly Roger to get more comfortable..."
"Wa-wa." Emma and Allison both laugh. "Yes, Hope Mommy and Daddy slept in the Jolly Roger last night." Hope babbled. "The next time you and Henry can join us."
Allison laugh. "I am very happy that you and Killian had a kid-free night out."
"I am sorry for not calling in..."
"Emma, I knew you both needed a break. After all, you have been through recently, I am glad that I can help out to give you and Killian a very needed break."
"I did not expect to be out all night and Hope was crying all night...She thought I left her..." She looks down at Hope. "Hope, Mommy did not leave you, sweetie. I will never do that. Mommy and Daddy had a date night. You were with Auntie Allison and Henry all night who love you so much as Mommy and Daddy do." She kisses Hope on the head. "I missed you all night. I am getting my snuggles with you now." Hope babbled.
"Emma, Hope was not crying all night. She slept most of the night in her crib but I held her and we did some snuggles. Henry did tell me it was your first night being away from Hope. Henry made Hope happy all night."
"After all Hope has been through recently, I am more nervous."
"I understand, Emma but Hope was with Henry and me. She was not going to get hurt with us." Hope babbled. "Right, little niece, you had fun with Auntie Allison sleeping over? We got to cuddle during the night." Hope reaches out to Allison. Allison giggles, "Now, you want me to hold you." She takes Hope from Emma, "You just wanted your Mommy to be with us during girl talk right?" She kisses Hope on the cheek and made her laugh. "You had fun last night." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope we are having girl talk." Hope clapped her hands which made Emma and Allison both smile.
"Hope, you just wanted Mommy here with you and Auntie Allison for girl talk?" Hope smiled big. "I did miss you last night my little buttercup." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek and tickles her belly which makes Hope laugh and reaches her arms out. "Come to Mommy baby girl." She puts Hope on her lap. "I did not plan to stay out all night and it was Hope's first night without me..."
"Emma, it is okay. Hope was with both Henry and me, we both made her happy."
"I think we need a girls shopping day."
"I definitely agree with on that Emma. When do you want to go?"
"We can go shopping after mother's day weekend."
"Great." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are joining us shopping little niece." Hope babbled. Henry enters the room, "Mom, Aunt Allison breakfast is ready." They ate breakfast together, Emma had Hope on her lap the whole meal, "Swan our little love is happy to be with you."
"Yes, she is Killian. After our unplanned all night out; it was my first night away from Hope."
"Killian and Emma, Hope was alright. You both need more night outs."
"Aye, I been telling my swan that but..."
"Killian, Hope is in recovery I just want to be here for Hope when she needs me."
"Love, her aunt is her pediatrician which is the perfect babysitter."
"You both are right. Allison, Killian and I trust you and Henry babysitting Hope. "
"Mom, you can always count on me watching Hope. I love playing with Hope." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, you and I have so much fun together." Hope babbled.
"You want more eggs?" She spoons feed Hope her eggs. "They are yummy."
"Little love, did Daddy cook you a good breakfast?" Hope chewed her food.
"Dad that is a yes from Hope."
"Aye, you are right, lad. After you finish your breakfast, I will drive you to school."
"I have to go.."
"Lad, you missed school yesterday."
"Yes, you are right. Mom, can I watch Hope after school?"
"Yes, you can Henry. I know Hope want to play with you." Hope babbled.
"Hope, I will see you after school little sis."
"Hopey. Have fun with Mommy today little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and leaves with their Dad. Allison and Emma clean up the kitchen and Allison leaves for work. Killian drives him to school. "Dad, how was your kid night with Mom?"
"It was fun. Let just say we ended up back on the Jolly Roger.."
"I see where your going Dad. Aunt Allison and I had a feeling you two needed alone time from Hope."
"Aye, your mom needed a break."
"I know, she has been taking care of Hope nonstop."
"How was your night in with Hope while we were out?"
"She was a little clingy to the both of us. Aunt Allison was holding her at night, Hope wanted Mom but I got Hope happy most of the night."
"Hope loves you lad."
"I know, I love her. What are we going to do for Mother's day this year?"
"I am not so sure, whatever your Mom wants us to do we will do what she wants."
"I want to make sure Mom is happy after all she has been going through with Grandma and always there for Hope and me...I just want to give back to Mom."
"We will Henry. Your Mom deserves a lot of love and gifts on her special day."
"Dad, if you need another night out with Mom, I can watch Hope."
"I know, Henry. Have a good day in school."
"You too, Dad." Killian drops off Henry to school and drives to the sheriff station. Emma played with Hope in the living room together, playing with toys and Emma taught her letters and numbers. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." She puts Hope on her chest. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl." She rubs Hope's back and Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted to be with Mommy." She carries Hope into her room and sat in the rocking chair. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope we are having Mommy and Hopey time." Emma spends the rest of the day snuggling with Hope, reading and talking to her about anything. Emma decided she and Hope needed fresh air by the afternoon, she put Hope in her stroller and pushed her into town by the time they arrived into town, Henry's bus arrives. "Hope, Henry is getting off the bus." Henry sees his Mom and sister.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hey, kid. How was school?"
"It was fun in art class." He leans to his sister. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good day with Mommy?"
Hope babbled. "Your sister just wanted to be held by me the entire day."
"From last night, I am not too surprise, knowing Hope loves being with you."
"I need to go grocery shopping..."
"I can be with Hope while you shop."
"Thanks, kid." They walked to the grocery store together. As Emma pushed the cart around with Hope in the cart seat to every aisle, Henry was getting items that their Mom needed while Emma taught Hope what food they were getting. "Hope, look at what they have bananas, you like them right?" Hope smiled. "Yes, there are oranges, avocadoes.. and.blueberries." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, we are going to get blueberries for you to eat, I know you like them." Emma pushed the cart around and went to the cereal aisle. "Mom, they have my favorite cereal can we get a box?"
"Yes, we can Henry. Can you get the cereal puffs because Hope likes them."
"Sure." Hope began to wail and flip out." Emma gets Hope out of the cart seat. "Hope....Hope Mommy got you...Mommy got you..." She sees Leo running up to them from the other side of the aisle.
"Leo get away from Hope."
Henry rushes to his Mom and sister. "Leo, you hurt my sister enough already, leave Hope alone."
"Emma!! You got our Mommy in jail! I want her home with me!!"
"Leo, no. Our mom is in jail for a good reason." Hope wailed more and all of the sudden light magic went out of Hope and hit Leo who went flying across the food aisle and Charming catches Leo. Emma and Henry were surprised Hope had magic. Leo went to charge at Hope from using magic at him. "Hope no fair!!'" Emma could not take her brother and decided to use her magic and tied her brother to a chair with rope.
"Leo, you are not hurting my daughter. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. You are okay...." Hope was still crying, knowing her daughter was in shock. "Mom, I will call Dad," Henry calls their Dad, knowing he will help his Mom calm down his little sister. Killian arrives at the grocery store finding Leo tied up to a chair and Emma sitting on the ground with Hope hugging her.
"Henry, what happened?"
"We were shopping, Leo comes up to us screaming and Hope was crying...the next thing Hope was using light magic on Leo."
"Yes, Dad. She has light magic like our Mom. Mom is calming down Hope."
"I can see that, Henry. Your Mom is doing what she needs to do from her own experience."
"Yes during ht snow queen?"
"Aye, also her light magic was out of control because she was being replaced your uncle."
"I remember that now he is the devil of the family."
"Aye, that is right. Your sister has your Mom to help her with her light magic."
"Yes, Mom is the perfect teacher for Hope."
Emma was rubbing Hope's back and talking to her slowly. "Hope, you have light magic like Mommy does." She shows Hope her hand lights up with magic. "See, you have magic just like Mommy. There is nothing to be afraid of. I am going to teach you to control your light magic powers." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You are not in trouble baby girl. You were only doing what you felt was right because Leo has been mean to so many times you stood up for yourself, which you get that from me. You are a fighter like Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian kneels down to his wife and daughter."Hope Dada is here.
"Hope has light magic just like me."
Killian smiled. "Little love, you are like Mommy you have light magic." He let Hope hold his hook.
"Leo came by us and she was wailing as he was screaming at me about our Mom..then out of nowhere Hope used her light magic to push Leo away from us and he charged at Hope and I used my magic to tie him up in that chair. She is confused and I am explaining it to her that light magic is good magic. She is only one year old and already showing her magic abilities..."
"Love she is a product from true love as you are but more, I am not surprised out little lass has the same magic as her Mommy."
"Yes, she has the same magic like me. Hope, you are officially Mommy's mini-me." Hope hugged her Mommy. "I am going to teach you how to use your magic the right way. Mommy Daddy and Henry love you for who you are Hope."
"Your mommy is right little Hope, we love you for who you are. Your magic makes you more special. You have the perfect teacher, your Mommy." Henry kneels to Hope. "Hope, I love you, little sis. Now you have magic so do not use it on me." Hope reached out to her brother. "I know you won't hurt me. You were tired of Leo hurting you and you wanted payback." Hope babbled. "I was there when Mommy had her first experience with light magic, now I am there for you when you experienced with light magic. We love you for who you are, Hope." Hope snuggled onto Henry. "I love you, Hope." Charming approaches Emma and Killian. "Emma, how is Hope?"
"She is alright. I just want to make sure she is not in shock as I was when I had my first light magic experience. How is Leo?"
"Mad that your Mom is still in jail and Hope using light magic on him."
"Does he know that he hurt Hope so many times she just tired of him hurting her?"
"We are still working on it, Emma."
Emma goes to her brother. "Leo, do you know why our Mom is in jail?"
"Mom is in jail because she did not get the help you needed right away with your darkness."
"You are hurting Hope so much that you caused her legs to be broken."
"I like hurting Hope."
"That is why Mom is in jail for not helping you with your darkness."
"Why did Hope hurt me? Emma."
"Hope got tired of you hurting her. She cannot move her legs because you hurt her Leo. She only defending herself to stop you from hurting her. Do you understand?"
"I like hurting Hope."
"You are not hurting her anymore, Leo." Hope began to wail. "Mom, Hope wants you."
"I am coming, Henry and Hope. Leo, you need to stop hurting Hope. The sooner you learn to control your darkness the sooner Mom can come home, for now, she is in jail." Emma returns to her children; Henry gives Hope to their Mom. "Hope, Mommy is right here...I was just talking to Leo. He is not going to hurt you okay?" She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back.
"Love, let's buy the groceries and get home." Killian and Henry carried groceries home, using Hope's stroller since Hope wanted to be held by her Mommy. "Love, how is our little love?"
"She is napping now. I think the light magic warned out our baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "All we have to do is to show her that we love her, support her and be there for her when she needs us. She must be so confused with her light magic."
"Mom, we are going to be there for Hope. Like when we were there for you."
"Yes, now I get to teach Hope to accept for who she is with light magic and be proud of who she is."
Killian wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter. "That is my swan."
"You and Henry supported me no matter what now I am there for our daughter. I know shoe she feels."
"She is very lucky love to have you as her Mommy." When they got home, Henry and Killian put the groceries away and Henry returns to the living room. "Mom, can I play with Hope in the backyard?"
"Yes, you can." She kisses Hope on the head, "Hopey, Henry wants to play with you, sweetie. Just be careful of Hope's casts, kid."
"I will Mom. I am going to go easy with Hope on the swings." Henry takes Hope up to the backyard and pushes her in the baby swing. Killian and Emma sit on the hammock and watch their children playing. Killian hugs his wife. "Hope is my mini-me, Killian."
"Yes, our little lass is your mini you. I told you swan, she will be a lot like you."
Emma smiles. "Hope may be a lot like me but I see her Daddy in her too."
"She is a mix of us, love."
"Yes, and we are going to be there for her when she needs us. When I saw her magic coming out of her I was surprised but I knew Hope was going to be confused and scared just like I was when it first happened to me...I just did not want our baby girl to feel like that when she first used her magic."
"When I arrived there you were hugging our little girl, showing her your magic and telling her everything is going to be okay. You did everything to show our little love that she did nothing wrong. We are going to help Hope with her light magic and she has you her perfect teacher." He kisses Emma on the head as they watched Henry playing with Hope in their backyard playground.
As Mother's day was fast approaching, Henry and Hope worked on another brother and sister art project for their Mom. Henry comes home from school finding his Mom with Hope in the living room. "Hi, Mom how was your day with Hope?" Henry puts his sister on his lap and gives her a kiss.
"We had a lot of playtime today, Hope loves me reading to her and we watched a lot of Barney and Mickey Mouse Club. How was your day?"
"It was good. I have to tell you something."
"Was it Henry?"
"My recent artwork in class is going to be in the art show this year and I am nominated for an art award."
Emma smiled big. "Henry!" She gives her son a big hug. "I am so proud of you! When is the art show?"
"It is two weeks from now.
Did you just found out today?"
"Yes, about the nomination. I knew my art will be in the show and I want you, Dad, Hope and my other mom to be there."
"Henry, we will be there. Hope, did you hear that Henry is going to get an art award at the art show in his school?" Hope smiled.
"Hope, you are going to get my award with me because you are my little art assistant." He gave Hope kisses.
"Hopey. I love you, little sis." Hope babbled. "Hope, you are right. We have to finish our art project. Mom, we will be upstairs in my room."
"Hope, be a good girl for Henry. Kid, she might need a nap soon."
"Mom, if Hope needs her nap, she can sleep on my bed while I do our project. I do not want to tire out my little sis." Hope babbles and makes poop. "Hope." Emma giggles and gets Hope from Henry. "Hope, you need a change before you help Henry with his art project." Emma changes Hope into a new outfit and diaper in her crib.
"Mommy." She gripped her Mommy's hair.
"Hope." She put Hope in her arms. "Hope, are you trying to mess Mommy's hair?" Hope babbled. "You are so cute." She gave Hope more kisses on her cheek to make her laugh. "I know Henry wants to play with you." Hope smiled. Henry was at the doorway.
"Mom, I can take Hope from here." Henry takes his sister from their Mom. "If she naps, I will not wake her up."
"Good, kid. Hope, have fun with Henry." She kisses them both on the head. Emma was in the living room cleaning up when Killian arrived home from the Sheriff Station. "Hi, love."
"Hi, honey." They kiss. "How was your day?"
"It was fun. Hope and I just stayed in having a lot of cuddles and playtime and storytime. How was your day?"
"Henry told Hope and I that his art is going to be in the art show this year."
"Our son is very talented."
"That is not all captain."
"What is it, love?"
"Henry told us that he is being nominated for an art award." Killian smiles big and hugs his wife. "He gets his artistic talent from you my very talented wife."
Emma smiles. "For the art show, he just wants us, Hope and Regina to be there."
"Aye, I understand that. Where is the artist now?"
"Up in his room with his little art assistant working on another art project."
"Aye, our two artists hard at work. While they are hard at work.." He kisses Emma's neck. "We can do.."
Emma puts her hands on his chest. "I do like where this is going, captain." They end up on the couch and making out.
The day before Mother's day, Killian took Hope into town in her stroller, "Little love. What flowers should we get for Mommy?" Hope babbled and grabbed the yellow buttercups. "Hope, that is a good choice you know you are Mommy's little buttercup." He tries to get them from Hope. "Hope, you can hold them. Be careful little love, you do not want to break them." he pays for the flowers and they walked around town having daddy-daughter time, while Emma has the morning to sleep in. They went to the ice cream shop, "Hope, which ice cream should we get Mommy? Chocolate?" Hope babbled which made him smile, "Yes, little love. Chocolate for you and to Mommy to share." Hope fussed. "We can have ice cream now little love. Dopey, one chocolate ice cream cone for here. One pint of chocolate ice cream to go." Killian sits with Hope and they share an ice cream together. Killian loved seeing Hope eating ice cream with him with her big blue eyes full of happiness and she also looked so cute with chocolate ice cream all over her face. "You love your chocolate little love." Hope smiled and he gave her kisses on her cheek. They arrived home, Killian hid the buttercups in the shed before bringing Hope back inside. When they arrived inside, they see Emma in the living room. "There are my two pirates."
"Hi, swan. Hope and I had a little daddy-daughter time in town."
"Hi, Hope." SHe takes Hope out of her stroller. "Is that chocolate ice cream on your face?" Hope smiled. "Love, we brought your own ice cream."
"Thank you, Killian. Hope did you have fun with Dada??" Hope babbled. "Oh, really you and Dadda shared ice cream? I can see chocolate on your face"
"Aye, we did. We got chocolate ice cream on a cone."
"You had chocolate?"
"Aye, our little love wanted chocolate ice cream and chocolate ice cream we got."
"I thought you two went on the Jolly Roger."
"We did not. We went into town and went to the library and shared an ice cream cone." Hope babbled and Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Thank you for letting me sleep in today."
"You are welcome, love. It is my day off and I wanted to spend one on one time with my little love." He gave Hope kisses.
"Thank you for the ice cream. I will eat it later." Hope babbled. "Hope, you want Mommy's ice cream?" Hope smiled, which made her Mommy laugh. "You can have a little bit of my ice cream later because you had ice cream with Dada. Killian, thank you of thinking of me while you were out with Hope."
'You are welcome, love. Hope wanted ice cream and chocolate which made me think, my beautiful wife would want some knowing how much you love chocolate."
"Thank you, again my captain."
"You are welcome, my swan." Emma and Killian kiss. Henry and Hope finished their mother day project for their Mom for the rest of the day. Henry put Hope to bed in her crib after he was finished, she fell asleep on his bed a few hours ago. "Hope, Mommy is going to love our gift that we are going to give her in the morning." He kisses Hope on the head and goes back to his room. A few hours later, Killian and Emma woke up hearing Hope's wailing. They both entered her room, Hope was gone with her window wide open with the wind blowing through the night. "HOPE!!" Killian held onto his wife, thinking she might faint. Henry woke up hearing his Mom yelling. "Hope is gone!!"
"Emma, we are going to find Hope." Killian rushes out to find their little lass.
"Mom, I will call my other Mom to create a locator spell." Emma rushes out to look for her daughter and drove to the woods in her yellow bug. "Hope, Mommy is going to find you."
Henry calls Regina. "Henry."
"Mom, Hope is gone. We cannot find her anywhere."
"Mom I need a locator spell to find Hope."
"Henry, I am on my way." Regina drops by her vault to get the ingredients she needed for the locator spell and arrives at Swan-Jones house, finding her son crying. "Henry."
"Mom." He hugs Regina.
'"We are going to find Hope. She is going to be alright. I called Red, she and the rest of the town are having a search party."
"Grandma is not the one who kidnapped Hope right?"
"No, Henry. She was sent home yesterday. I called your grandparents first and they were both home on their farm." Regina makes the locator spell.
Hope wailing knowing something was wrong she was not at home with her family, she was with Zelena. "Hello, my little pretty. Since I cannot be with Rowand on Mother's Day, I will take away from you Mommy instead." Hope continued to wail. Killian called Lily and he saw her looking for Hope on her dragon form. Lily called Red and Granny to help with the search. Killian found his wife's yellow bug in the woods. "Emma."
"Killian, we got to find her. Hope is in two casts and cannot crawl."
"Emma. We are going to find Hope. Lily got, Mulan, Granny, and Red leading a search party all over Storybrooke, and Henry is with Regina making a locator spell. We are going to find Hope, love."
"If anything happens to her..."
Killian hugs his wife. "Emma, nothing is going to happen to our little love, she is a survivor fighter like the both of us love. Remember she is a mini you."
"Let's search. I want Hope back in my arms." They continued to search until sunrise. "We have been searching for Hope all night. We have to find her."
"Emma, we are going to find Hope. She will be with us soon, love." Emma gets a phone call from Henry. "Henry?"
"Mom, my other Mom and I following a locator spell with her quilt to find Hope, it is leading us to the troll bridge."
"Henry, your Dad and I are nearby. We will meet you there."
"Henry and Regina using a locator spell with Hope's quilt, following it to troll bridge." Emma drove her yellow bug so fast to the troll bridge. They arrived at the troll bridge before Regina and Henry. "Let's find our baby girl." Once they exit their car, they heard Hope wailing. "Hope." They followed Hope's crying and found her with Zelena.
"Bloody hell, Zelena kidnapped Hope. Love, I will go behind her."
"I will go in front." Zelena could not take Hope wailing and Hope would not stop crying and screaming, "Mommy....Mommy.."
"Would you shut the bloody hell up!" Hope cried louder. "You take after your stupid stubborn mother of yours.."
"She takes after me Zelena." Zelena was surprised to see Emma who was mad and in mama bear mode ready for a fight. "Do not hurt Hope."
"Mommy." Zelena holds Hope in her arms who was struggling out of her arms.
"Hope, Mommy is right here. Let go of my daughter, Zelena."
"I want you not to have your daughter on Mother's day as you did to me, Emma." She looks down at Hope and puts a knife against Hope. "If you take another step, I will hurt your daughter."
"You kidnapped Rowand and used your magic against my family many times Zelena. Give me Hope and I will let you visit Rowand."
"I want my daughter to live with me!! Not with Regina!!"
"Regina and Robin are raising her!" Henry and Regina arrived finding Zelena with Hope and Emma using Hope's quilt with the locator spell.
"Zelena give Hope back to Emma now!!"
"Bloody hell no!! I want her to feel like I am right now, not being with my daughter on Mother's Day. "
"Zelena, I had so many many holidays alone in the foster system without parents.I know how you feel. I only found my family because of Henry."
"You have your happy ending."
"Yes because I saved this town countless of times and sacrificed myself in those fights. Most of them you were involved in Zelena. Give me back Hope now!!"
"NO!!!" Killian went up behind Zelena and used his hook against her neck. "You let my daughter go right now or I will stab you in your neck until you bleed to death."
"Let go of me, I have a knife against your daughter's throat. I will slit her throat, without a care in the world." Hope cried more and reached out to her Mommy.
Emma used her magic to knock the knife out of Zelena's hand which caused Hope flying out of Zelena's arms. Emma rushes and catches Hope into her arms. "Hope!!" She hugs Hope tight in her arms. "You are safe with Mommy baby girl." Emma cries tears of joy that her daughter was safe in her arms and with her. "Mommy." Killian handcuffs Zelena and tied her to the tree and stayed right next to her with the hook by her neck. Emma kisses Hope on the head and rubs Hope's back. "Hope, you are safe with mommy baby girl...Shh...shhh...Mommy is here. Dada is making sure Zelena doesn't hurt you again." Hope gripped her Mommy, Emma calmly spoke to her daughter until she stopped crying. "You are safe with Mommy baby girl. No one is going to hurt you. That is why you have Mommy and Daddy who will fight for you when you are being hurt or threatened by a crazy witch." She kisses Hope on the head and Hope hugs her Mommy. "Henry, can you hold Hope?" Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, you are with me, little sis. You are safe. Look what I got." Regina shows Hope the quilt. "My other Mommy and I used your quilt so we can find you. Mom, can you wrap Hope's quilt around her?" Regina wraps the quilt around Hope. "I know you are scared with Zelena but you are safe now, Hope. Mommy and Daddy saved you. I told you our parents are the heroes." Hope hugged her brother. "I was so worried about you all night. Knowing our Mommy and Daddy you are not going to be taken away from us your family ever again."
"Henry, keep calming her down. I know both of your parents are yelling at my crazy sister and they do not want her to see my sister."
Emma went to Zelena and punches her in the face. "You took my daughter away from to make me alone! You used my daughter to get what you want?!! You are going back to prison where you can never escape!" She continues to hit Zelena until Mulan arrives.
"Emma! Stop. You got her away from Hope." Mulan saw the anger in both Emma and Killian's eyes. "Lily is on her way and we can take her to the sheriff station. Hope needs you both." Emma stopped what she was doing and returned to her kids. Henry gives Hope to their Mom and gives them a big hug. "Mom, Hope is safe with us."
"Yes, she is safe with us Henry."
"I can watch Zelena until Lily comes, Killian, Emma, and Hope need you."
"I am watching her too, Killian. My sister is not going to hurt your family ever again." Killian joins their family hug.
"Little love, Dada is here. You are safe." He gave Hope kisses on her head. "You are with your family little love. You are not in any danger anymore." He rubs Hope's head.
"Mommy is so happy you are alright Hope. Mommy was so worried about you all night. Mommy and Daddy were searching for you all night. You are with us Hope, which is all I can ask for on Mother's Day." Emma was still crying. Killian hugs his wife. "I told you, Emma, that we were going to find her."
"We found her and she is safe with us, which all that matters to me." She gave Hope hugs and kisses on the head.
"Her Mommy and Daddy rescued her." Killian hugs his two loves. Lily arrived in dragon form and changed back into human form.
"Emma...Killian..." She sees the family reunited and walked to Regina. "Regina, is Hope alright?"
"Yes, now that she is with her parents not with my crazy sister. Zelena kidnapped Hope at their house and kept her in the woods. Emma and Killian found Zelena with Hope. She threatened to hurt Hope and Emma and Killian got Hope away from Zelena."
"Mulan and I will bring her down to the sheriff station."
"Aye, you can do that Lily. I will be there soon to question her about how she escaped from prison. Emma and I want to get Hope checked out first."
"Killian, I will make sure nothing happen to my sister and call off the search party." Regina, Mulan, and Lily take Zelena back into town. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves and they headed back to the yellow bug. "Love, I will drive."
"Good, I know Hope wants to be held by me."
"Mom, I will sit next to you and Hope." Killian drove his family to Storybrooke Hospital, Emma did not let go of Hope and Henry stayed next to his Mom and sister. While they were waiting in the emergency room, Hope made a lot of poop.
"Love, I will find diapers and supplies."
"I have a feeling we will need a lot of wipes." Hope tugs on to her Mommy's necklace of her Daddy's ring, "Hopey." She gave Hope kisses. Hope babbled. "You like Mommy's necklace. Your Dad gave it to me when I was the dark one."
"Little sis, do you need your quilt?" Hope babbled. "Yes, I used it to find where you were. We were so worried about you. I am just happy you are with us, Hope." He gave Hope kisses on the head. "We can have Henry and Hope time later." Hope smiled. "Mom, it is Mother's day. It is your special day, what do you want to do?"
"I do not know, I just want to stay home with you and Hope and your Dad."
"We can do that. Can we have a family movie night?"
"How about a family movie marathon and pizza?"
"I love that idea." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. Allison finds her extended family.
"Emma, Henry, Hope..."
"Allison, we are here because Hope was kidnapped by Zelena last night. We ..we just to make sure she is alright."
"Hope." She kisses Hope on the head. "Auntie Allison is right here, little niece. I am going to check if you have any injuries." Hope gripped her Mommy. Henry moved to a chair so their Mom can place Hope on the bed. "Hope, Mommy is right here. After Auntie Allison checks you, we can go home." Allison examines Hope carefully making sure Hope had no injuries. Hope held her Mommy's finger the entire time. "Emma, Hope just needs a clean diaper. She has no injuries. What happened?"
Emma placed Hope on her chest and hugs her."We heard her crying and we went into her room and she was gone...We are still going to have to figure out how Zelena escaped the prison and how she kidnapped Hope. We were searching for Hope all night."
"Love, I found diaper supplies."
"Good. Hope just needs a clean diaper."
"Love, I will change her." He takes Hope into his arms, "Hope you are with Daddy little love." He kisses her on the head and takes her to the bathroom.
"How did you found Hope?"
"I can answer that, Aunt Allison. My other Mom used a locator spell to track down Hope by using her quilt, once we knew where the quilt was going, Mom and Dad found Hope with Zelena in the woods and got Hope away from Zelena who was threatening to hurt, Hope. I was surprised Hope did not use her light magic,"
"Wait... Hope has light magic?!"
Emma smiled. "Yes, Hope is a mini-me now since she has light magic. We found out a few weeks ago at the grocery store when Leo came up to us yelling and Hope was crying and I was holding her and all of the sudden magic came out of her and pushed Leo away from us. We are supporting her. When I found out about my magic...I was shocked.. I did not want that happen to Hope."
"Aunt Allison, my mom was in shock after the snow queen "helped" her show her light magic abilities. We are supporting Hope. So far Hope has not used magic ever since the grocery store incident." Killian returns with Hope.
"Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." Emma gets Hope from Killian. "Hope, you are with Mommy, baby girl. You are alright." She kisses Hope on the head. "You were such a brave girl all night with that crazy witch. You get that from me, sweetie."
"We are going home, little sis."
"Emma and Killian, Hope is alright. She has no injuries besides her fractured legs. If you both need me to come over anytime to watch Hope, call me."
"Thank you, Allison. I do not want Hope to be anywhere but next to me."
"I know Emma. Hope takes after you. Let me know when we can do a girls day."
"Of course, we will shop soon. Happy Mother's day."
"Happy Mother's Day to you too, Emma." They hug. Killian walked with his two loves out of the hospital. "Love, are you ready to go home?"
"I want to go to the sheriff station."
"Are you sure, love?"
"Yes. I am."
"Aye, it is your day after all." Emma drove her family to the sheriff station.
"Mom, why are we here?"
"I need to interrogate Zelena then we are going home. I need to be sheriff today before I enjoy my special day." Emma carried Hope inside with her. Regina was with Snow White and Mulan.
"Miss Swan. How is Hope?"
"Hope has no injuries." Hope tugs her Mommy's hair. "Hopey, Mommy has to talk to crazy Zelena than we can go home."
"You are going to be with Dada."
"Hope." She gives her Mommy her pouty face. "Hope, do not give me the look. Killian..."
Killian smiles and gets Hope from his wife."I got our little lass. I told you, swan. She gets that look from you." Emma smiles. "You both can stay in my office." Killian takes Hope to Emma's office.
"Emma, is Hope alright?"
"I heard from Regina about Hope was missing. I was so worried."
"We found her in the woods with Zelena. She threatened us to hurt Hope. Killian and I got Hope out of Zelena's clutches."
"If you need any help with Zelena, I can bother her here..."
"She is going to prison in the solitary room for kidnapping Hope. If you want to help you can help us figure out how she escaped out of prison."
"Sure. I can do that."
"You can?"
"Yes, Emma."
"She gave her Mom a look. Thank you. I have to interrogate her and then get Hope back home." Emma goes to the interrogation room. Snow White finds Killian and Hope in her daughter's office. "Hi, Killian. How is Hope?"
"She just wants to be held. I heard you offering us to help with Zelena."
"Yes, I want to get Emma's trust again. I am a good tracker, I can figure out how Zelena escaped prison."
"I know Emma will appreciate it. Hope, say hi to Grandma, little love." Hope hugged her Daddy and dug her face into his jacket.
"Hi, Hope. You have gotten so big. Your little uncle is not here. I am sorry Leo hurt your legs and all of the times he hurt you. I love you, Hope. Even though I support your uncle, you are still my granddaughter." Hope babbled.
"I know, Emma does not trust me. I want her and my family back in my life. Leo....has have been so much trouble."
"The help he is getting now will help him behave and then Emma will trust you again...very very slowly. She is still mad at you."
"I know..I just wanted to help Hope. I was so worried when Regina called Charming. I wanted to help."
"If you help us on the case with Zelena, I am pretty sure Emma will trust you again but knowing your daughter trust is a big issue with her and after your fights, you broke her trust with you... I am not sure Snow if you or your son, will have Emma's trust again...I am not sure..."
"I have to gain my daughter's trust back first, no matter how long it takes." Charming enters with Leo. "How is our granddaughter?"
"Charming get the lad away from the lass. Hope has been through enough the whole night with Zelena I do not want my little lass to be more afraid now."
"Killian, I will update with the case later. Bye, Hope."
"Little love, say bye-bye to Grandma." He waves Hope's hand. Snow White and Charming talk at his desk as Killian has one on one time with his little lass.
Emma was mad and in mama bear mode at Zelena for kidnapping Hope, "Zelena, tell me how you escaped from prison."
"Emma, I have my ways."
"How did you kidnap Hope?"
"I used a ladder and climbed up to Hope's room and kidnap her from her crib. Your daughter was annoying; she would not stop crying."
Emma was furious and pushed Zelena against the wall. "You kidnapped her that is why she was crying. My one year old knows your dangerous since she was a few hours old when you showed up at my hospital room. You are going to be in the solitary confinement in prison. You are not going to escape because I am going to have special cameras watching your move every second of the day and with around the clock security. You will and I repeat you will never ever see Rowand again. If you ever come near my family ever again you will have to face me. Got that Zelena?" She pushes Zelena against the wall.
"Bring it on, savior. " Mulan rushes in. "Emma, let go of Zelena. She is going back to prison, she is not worth hurting more."
"Oh, please, I will escape."
"Emma, your Dad and I will make sure she is getting solitary confinement."
"Thanks, Mulan." Emma rushes out of the room, her Dad was there.
"Emma." He hugs his daughter. "Mulan and I will take her to the isolation in prison with her room guarded 24/7. She is not going to get out. How is Hope?"
"She is scared and clingy since Zelena kidnapped her and threatened to hurt her she is alright. I am not going to have Hope to of my sight."
"I will put Zelena in prison, Emma. You can go home and enjoy your special day."
"Thanks, Dad."
" Leo is with your Mom."
"As long he is not around my daughter...she has been through enough now."
"I know, Killian made sure Leo was far away from Hope. If you need anything call me."
"Thanks, Dad." Emma finds Killian in her office, Hope was passed out on Killian. "Hey."
"Hi, love. Our little pirate princess is taking a nap."
"She was up all night crying and afraid. She needs a long nap."
"Aye, she knows she is safe with me, her Dada. I talked to her for a little while until she fell asleep."
"She loves her dada." She kisses Killian on the cheek.
"Let's go home love."
"Music to my ears captain. We all need to rest." As they were leaving the room, Henry approaches his parents. "Mom, how was interrogating Zelena?"
"She is going to solitary confinement in prison. I threatened her a lot."
"Mom, she kidnapped Hope, of course, you need to threaten her."
Emma hugs her son. "She is no going to to get anywhere near your sister again. I am going to put a protection spell on our house when we get home." Hope woke up crying. "Hope." She gets Hope from Killian, "Mommy got you, sweetie."
Emma smiled. "We are going home, sweetie. We are going to do a lot of cuddling when we get home." Hope babbled.
"Mom, can I go out with my other mom?"
"Yes, of course, you can Henry. It is Mother's Day after all. You have two moms. We can have a movie marathon when you get home later."
"Sounds like a plan." Hope babbled. "Hope, I will see you later little sis. I love you." Henry kisses Hope on the head and grabbed her brother's face and babbled. "Hope."
Emma giggled. "We will see you alter Henry. I know Hope will want to play with you later."
"I know. I am just happy she is safe with you and Dad." He whispers in Hope's ear, "We are going to give Mommy our gift later." Hope babbled.
"Hope, what did Henry say in your ear?"
"Henwy." Emma, Regina, and Killian all laughed.
"Henry, Hope is going to be with me and your Dad. Have fun with Regina." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "Emma, I saw you interrogate more like threatening her."
"She kidnapped my daughter and threatened to hurt her."
"I know, you were in your mama bear mode..if you need anything, please call me..."
"Thank you, Regina. We are good. We are just happy that Hope is safe with us." Hope began to cry. "Hopey. We are going to go home now, baby girl."
"I will bring Henry back to your house, later." Henry goes to his Dad. "Dad?"
"Yes, Henry."
"Keep Mom and Hope safe."
"You know I will always do Henry. Hope is not going nowhere, she is going to be with your Mom and me." Regina and Henry went out for brunch. Killian drove his two loves home, Emma was with Hope in the backseat. "Love, do you want me to cook?"
"Yes, please. Hope and I are both hungry." Hope began to cry again. "Hopey, we are home baby girl. Dada is going to cook us something to eat." She takes Hope out of her car seat and Killian walked them inside. "We are home, Hope. You are home with Mommy and Daddy. Killian?" Killian takes Hope from Emma's arms and she puts a protection spell on their house. "Mommy used her light magic to protect our house so no one ever steals you again, Hope." Hope cried more. "Love, I will make Hope's meal first." Emma takes Hope from Killian as he made Hope a meal, Emma held Hope in her arms. "You are home Hope. After we have breakfast, it is going to be naptime." Hope gripped her Mommy. "We are going to nap together baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "We all had a long night but we are home." Killian sets Hope's breakfast. "Here you go, little love." Emma spoon feeds Hope her breakfast. Hope cried more. "Killian, I think she wants more."
"Aye, here you go little love." He puts more eggs and fruit on Hope's plate.
"Say, thank you to Dada." Hope stopped crying once she saw the food on her plate.
"Love, she just hungry."
"You will always have food baby girl. You are not going to starve ever." After Emma fed Hope her meal Hope was full and fell asleep in her Mommy's arms. Emma kisses Hope on the head. Emma brings Hope up to her room and puts Hope in her crib and watches Hope sleep.
Killian brings up Emmas; meal in a tray. "Swan, you need to eat."
"I know...I am just so happy, Hope is home and safe with us." Killian puts the tray down and wrapped his arms around his wife. "Hope is never going to be kidnapped again. If she does she has you and me to rescue her. She is not going to be alone ever, love. She will always have us, her family." Emma cried into Killian and he brings his wife to their room so Hope can sleep. "She is with us, Emma. Hope is home safe with us."
"I was so afraid....when we were searching all night to find her...I thought she was injured more, left alone in the woods. I was thinking the worst thing can happen to her..I did not want to but I did. I did not want Hope to be like me afraid and alone in the world with no one to love her...I was afraid that we would lose her for good.." Emma cried harder into Killian as he held onto his wife. "She is home love. You and I rescued her. Hope is here with us, she is in her room safe and sound. You used your light magic to protect our house so no one can ever kidnap Hope from us ever again." Emma hugs Killian harder. "I was terrified, love. You and I were both thinking the same to find our daughter and we weren't going to stop until she was safe with us. We found her and rescued her from Zelena."
"We made a pretty good team."
"Aye, that is why were are a team, Emma. Team swan-Jones?"
"Team swan-Jones." They kiss. "I am just so grateful we found Hope on time before Zelena did anything crazy to hurt Hope."
'Aye, we got to Hope just in time love." They hear Hope crying.
"I will get Hope." Emma goes to Hope's room and gets Hope from her crib, "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl. Mommy is right here." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can sleep with Mommy baby girl. We can snuggle on Mommy and Daddy's bed." She gave Hope kisses on her head. She takes Hope back to her room, "Killian, our little duckling wants to sleep with me."
"Aye, she loves her Mommy. She knows that her Mommy will always protect her." He rubs Hope's cheek. "You can sleep with Mommy and Dada little Hope. We are not going anywhere. You are safe with us." He brings Emma's meal tray to her eat while Hope grabs his hook. "That is my little pirate." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy while holding onto her Daddy's hook.
"Killian, she knows that she is safe with us."
"Aye, we will always be there for her." Emma ate her brunch and fell asleep with Hope on her after she ate. Killian watched his two loves sleep together until Regina calls him. "Hi, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. How are Hope and Emma?"
"Emma and Hope are both fast asleep in our bed. Emma does not want to be away from Hope, Hope does not want to be away from her Mommy. How is your time with Henry?"
"We had brunch at Granny's. We are at my office now. He is taking a nap as well. He took Hope's kidnapping really hard."
"Aye, Emma was crying once we settled down after we came home from the sheriff station. She put a protection spell on the house once we got home."
"I am not surprised. Henry wants to bring home pizza."
"Aye, Emma wants a family movie marathon with the lad and lass."
"Henry will bring home pizza later, I know we all need sleep."
"Aye, I am not getting sleep. I am busy watching Hope."
"I understand, Killian. Lily text me that Zelena is on lockdown in the solitary room at the prison."
"Thank you for the update."
"You are welcome." After they ended their conversation, Killian went to the shed and got his gift for his wife a bouquet of buttercups. He placed them in the kitchen and wait for Henry to return home from Regina's to give Emma their gifts together. Killian cleaned up the living room. By the time he was finished, Henry returned home. "Hi, Dad. My other Mom and I got pizza on the way here."
"Thanks, lad."
"Can we give Mom our gifts now?"
"Yes, we can Henry." Killian brought up the buttercups as Henry got his brother and sister gift for their Mom in his room. Killian finds Hope awake babbling and patting her hand to Emma who was smiling happily. "Hope, are you talking to your Mommy?" Hope smiled.
"Hope was telling me all about her day so far." Hope leaned onto her Mommy. "You can sit with Mommy baby girl." She puts Hope on her lap. Henry carried in their gift. "Henry..."
"Happy Mother's day Mom; this is from Hope and me." Henry gives his gift to his Mom.
"Henry and Hope, can you both help me open it?"
"Yes, I can. Hope?" Hope babbled. Killian took pictures of Henry and Hope giving Emma her present. "Hope, what did you get me, sweetie?"
"Mom, you will see once we help you open it."
Emma giggles. "I will open it now." Henry and Emma opened Emma's Mother's day gift together, it was a small canvas color pencil of herself with Henry and Hope. " this the three of us..."
"Yes, Mom. What do you think?" Emma was crying happy tears and she hugs Henry.
'"It is beautiful...I love it."
"I knew you will love it, Mom." Hope babbled.
"Yes, Hope, I love the gift you both gave me, my two artists." She gave Hope and Henry kisses and hugs them both. "Thank you."
"Mom, we should be thanking you. After all, you do for us every single day loving us, caring for us, fighting for us especially today...we are so lucky to have you as our Mom."
"You know I will always be there for my kids when you both need me especially being threatened by a crazy witch." Hope cried. She holds Hope on her chest. "Baby, you are are are home with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry." She rubs Hope's back until she stopped crying. "After what happened last night and into this morning...I am just grateful having my whole family together which is all I ever need." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "You will always have us, Mom. We love you."
"I love you both so much." Hope babbled.
"Little love, thank you for reminding me that we need to give Mommy one more gift." Killian hands Emma her bouquet of buttercups. "Happy Mother's Day, Emma. Hope and I picked these yesterday just for you. Our little love grabbed these and did not let them go until I bought them>" Emma smiled. "Hope, you know what Mommy favorite flowers are. Thank you." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "Yes, little pirate. One more gift for Mommy." Killian hands wife a homemade card with Hope's painted handprints with Happy Mother's Day in the front. "Happy Mother's day to my mommy, who I love so much. She loves me every day, cares for me, hugs me all the time, fights me when I need to be protected. Please do not ever change, because I want to be a woman just like you. I love you. Hope." Emma cried more and hugged Hope. "Hope....I love the card that you made for me sweetie."
"Yes, I know Daddy helped you make me my card. I love it and going to keep it forever."
"Mom, where are you going to put your new portrait?"
Emam smiles. "I am still thinking about it, kid. I love it. We can hang it on our wall in here."
"Love, I can hang it on our wall right now."
"Great." Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry?" Hope fussed.
"Mom, I brought home pizza."
"Great, we can have a movie marathon night in here."
"I will get Hope's food first. Can she try pizza?"
"Maybe a little but I want her to have fruits with her dinner."
"Mom, I will be right back." Henry made his sister a plate of cut up pizza, bananas and strawberry slices. Killian brought up pizza for the rest of them. Hope was still crying. "Little Sis, I have food for you."' Hope cried more and moved around. Emma holds Hope into her arms. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby are with Mommy...." Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. "You just want to snuggle with Mommy?" She rubs Hope's back and rocked her back and forth in the rocking chair, she knew her daughter had a rough day and was recovering from being kidnapped from Zelena, Emma just wants Hope to know what she is there for her in her time of need. "Mommy is with you baby girl. You are safe." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope stopped crying and hugged her Mommy. "I love your hugs baby girl." Killian checks on his two loves in Hope's room. "Hi, little love. Are you snuggling with your Mommy?"
"Yes, Hope. Your Mommy is the best and she loves giving you hugs." Hope gripped her Mommy.
"You are with Mommy, sweetie. I am not going anywhere."
"Hope, we can have a sailing adventure soon little love, would you like that? You can be held by Mommy and enjoy the Jolly Roger.
Killian and Emma both smile. "Yes my little pirate, Jolly Roger. You, Henry Daddy and Mommy family sailing adventure very soon. " Hope falls asleep.
"Sweet dreams, Hope. I know our little pirate is looking forward to being on her favorite ship."
"Aye, I think sailing will help Hope. get her back to her normal happy self."
"Sailing helps me take my mind off of things, I know sailing will help Hope. She is afraid Killian."
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "Hope has her amazing loving caring Mommy holding her and she has the both of us love making sure she is feeling safe and loved all the time. She is going to be alright love. She takes after her fighter Mommy."
"She takes after you, her pirate daddy."
"She part of us and we are going to continue to help Hope."
"Yes, we are. We are Hope's parents, and it is our job to take care of her when she needs us especially today rescuing her from Zelena...I am just grateful she is home with us."
"Me too, love. Our family is together." They kiss. They go into their room, Henry was waiting for them.
"Mom, how is Hope?"
"She is extra clingy to me and still in shock from what happened." She joins Henry on the bed. Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "Hope, you are safe little sis. You are with your family. We love you, Hope. We are going to protect you whenever you are in danger."
"Henry, what are we watching first?"
"I have the movie set up." Henry turns on Netflix and put on "The Princess Bride."
" Henry..this is my favorite movie."
"It is your special day, Mom. We are going to watch your favorite movie." Henry hugs his Mom and sister as they watched the movie. Emma was so grateful that her family is all together and with her children sleeping on her is one of the moments she will cherish forever. It may not be a perfect Mother's Day for Emma about having her whole family with her and her two children are safe with her which all that matters to her.
After a few movies, Emma and Henry fell asleep. Killian was awake, took a picture of his family sleeping together. "You are an amazing Mommy to both of our children, Emma. You always know what to protect them and love them all the time." He kisses Emma on the head. "Happy Mother's Day, Emma."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now