Unexpected Day

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It has been a week since Hope fractured her rib. Emma, Killian, and Henry have been more exhausted than ever taking turns with injured Hope. Killian and Emma have been working as a team to find out ways to soothe Hope when she is in pain. Henry woke up and got ready for school. He checks up on his parents they were both sleeping and his little sister was sleeping on their Mom. Henry went to his sister and picks her up and she began to fuss. "Hope, it is Henry little sis." Henry takes her out of their parents' room to give them a break from the baby. From the last week, Henry has been trying to figure out such as their parents to make Hope happy during her recovery. He takes Hope downstairs to the kitchen he puts Hope in her Bumbo chair as he made breakfast for himself, cereal. Hope fussed in her chair. "Hope, do you want to be held by me?" Hope smiled. "Okay." He takes Hope out of her chair and let her sit on his lap and she fussed. He let her snuggle on him. Hope babbled happily. "You just wanted to be held by me." He kisses Hope on the head. He ate his cereal, loving his one on one time with his sister, her holding onto him and being with him. After he ate he held Hope in his arms, "Hope, are you feeling better? Are you in less pain?" Hope babbled. "I do not like it that you are in pain Hope. I am going to do everything that I can to make you feel better and be less in pain. That is a promise from your big brother and your hero." He kisses Hope on the head and she grabbed his face. "I love you too." Emma comes down hearing Henry and Hope's conversation. She knew that Hope was with him.
"Henry, Hope."
"Hope, Mommy is awake. Morning, Mom."
"Good morning Henry." She kisses Henry on the head. "Good morning Hope, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love your big brother." She softly tickled Hope's belly.
"Mom, I took Hope down here to spend some time with her before school. I wanted to give you a break."
"Henry, I had a feeling Hope was with you. You make her happy. I did need some extra sleep from last night because someone kept me up all night." She tickles Hope to make her laugh. "Henry, you have to go to school."
"Yes, Mom. Hope, I will play with you after school." He kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to their Mom. "Mom, I can watch Hope this afternoon."
"I know you and Hope will have fun together."
"Yes, we will. I am not going to take her out." He went upstairs to get his bag. Hope began to cry.
"Hope, do you need your paci?" She gets Hope's pacifier and puts it in her mouth and held Hope in her arms. "Mommy is here."
Henry arrives back downstairs. "Mom, Hope is going to be okay?"
"Henry, your sister is with me."
"I just wanted to make sure." He hugs his Mom and sister.
"Hope, say bye-bye to Henry." She waved Hope's hand.
"Hope, I will play with you when I get home, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and leaves.
"Hope, let's go see Daddy." Emma being her daughter up to her and Killian's room. Killian was getting ready for the day. "Hope, Daddy is awake."
"Morning, little love. Did you have fun with Henry?" He kisses Hope on the head. "Morning, love."
"Morning, honey." They kiss.
"Love, are you going to be alright with Hope today? I can take off work."
"Killian, Hope and I are going to be fine. We are going to have one on one time, even though she is in pain."
"Love, you can call me anytime if you need a break."
"I will." They kiss. Killian kisses Hope on the head.
"Daddy will see you later little love."Killian left his two loves.
Hope began to cry. "Hope, Mommy got you. Mommy is here." Emma gets an ice pack and placed it on her bruised. They sit on the couch and Hope calmed down from having the ice pack on her. Hope babbled. "Is the ice helping your pain?" Hope babbled and gripped your Mommy. "You and I get to snuggle all day sweetie. Just you and me." Hope smiled. "Yes, Hope just you and me my little buttercup." After Emma iced her bruised rib, she nursed her and Hope napped on her Mommy. Even though Hope was injured Emma was enjoying her special time with her baby girl.
When Killian arrived at the station he sees his father in law. "Morning, Charming."
"Morning, Killian. I did not expect you to be here. How is Hope?"
"Aye, Emma told me that she can be with Hope. We are still figuring out ways to comfort her. Hope is still in a lot of pain." He shows her the bruise. "This is what your son did to my daughter."
Charming was in shock. "This is what Leo did?"
"Aye, that what a fractured rib from the outside looks like. Everytime Hope breathes, moves and cry she is in pain."
"Leo is grounded for a long time. We are still figuring it out why he is having behavioral problems."
"Aye, until then he is not allowed in our house, Emma's rule."
"I understand. I am going to drop by to see Emma and Hope."
"Aye, that will be happy to see you. How is Snow?"
"She is focusing on Leo and stressing to figure out why he has been misbehaving. She feels guilty for not listening to Emma and me."
"Aye, I know once Hope is recovered, Emma will come around to talk to her mother." Killian and Charming went to work.
At Storybrooke High school, Henry was walking in the halls to his next class." Henry!" Henry sees his grandma, he was still mad at her for bringing Leo to his house for Thanksgiving and injuring his baby sister. "Henry, I know you, your Mom and Dad are still mad at me."
"Yes, we are. Hope is in pain all the time, whenever she moves, cries or breathes she is in pain." Henry shows her the picture of Hope's bruise from his iPhone. "This is what Leo did to Hope."
Snow White was in shock. "Oh my gosh...Henry, I am so sorry. I did not ever think Leo would do this."
"Grandma, this is why we did not want Leo over." The bell rings. "I have to go, my next class." Henry leaves his grandma who was in shock.
At the Swan-Jones house, Hope was crying more, Emma was doing all of the soothing she can do calm down her baby girl. She fed Hope her medicine, but she still was crying. "Hope, the more you the long you will be in pain. I fed you your medicine. The medicine will work soon sweetie." She kissed Hope on the head. Emma rocked Hope in her rocking chair. "Hope you are with Mommy....Shhh...shhh...you are safe...Mommy is here...Mommy is going to help your pain sweetie." She slowly rocked Hope and gave Hope a baby body massage. "Shhh....shhh..." Hope fell asleep holding onto her mommy. The doorbell rings. Emma sighs, "Just when I get Hope to sleep." Emma tried to place Hope in her crib, Hope would cry. "You can be with Mommy sweetie." She puts Hope in her arms and wondered who was at the door, knowing Allison is the one who has keys to their house besides Henry. Emma opens the door seeing both of her Mom. "Mom, what are you doing here?"
"Emma, Henry showed me the pictures of Hope's bruise. I know you are mad at me."
"Yes, Hope bruise and in pain all the time. You are right, I am furious mad at you still."
"Emma, I want to help.." Snow stepped in as Emma held Hope tighter in her arms.
"No. You caused me enough stress. I have the help that I need from the ones who did not cause her pain." Hope began to cry. "Hope..Mommy got you...Thanks to you for coming by I just got her down for a nap after calming her down for an hour from being in pain now she is awake again."
"Please leave." Emma closes the door as Hope continued to cry. Emma sighs. She needs to get Hope back to sleep again. She takes Hope to her room and comforts Hope. She rubs Hope's head, Hope felt hot. "Shit. She has a fever." Emma placed Hope on her bed and gets the baby thermometer. She takes Hope's temperature, it was 101.00. "Hope, you are burning up baby. Mommy will get you to the hospital." She packs Hope's diaper bag. She calls Killian. "Killian..."
"Emma, is everything alright?"
"Hope has a 101.00 fever. I am taking Hope to the hospital."
"I will pick you both up now."
"Thank you." Killian gets off the phone and sees Charming concerned face.
"Killian, what is going on?"
"Hope's fever has a high fever. I got take them to the emergency room." Killian rushes to his car. After Killian left, Charming went the high school. He saw his wife teaching."Hi, Snow."
"Hi, Charming." She asks the teacher assistant to take over. Snow closes her classroom door and talks to her husband in the hallway, "Charming, is everything alright?"
Charming knows something was wrong with his wife. "Are you alright, Snow?"
"Henry showed me photos of Hope's rib...."
"Killian showed me the same photo."
" I went to visit Emma and Hope. Emma had this angry stare. She is mad at me still. She was on her mama bear mode on me."
"Killian got a phone call from Emma. They had to take Hope to the hospital She has a high fever." Snow began to cry. Charming hugged her. "It is all my fault...."
"Hope is in the hospital getting the best care. Hope will be alright."
"I do not know how Emma will ever forgive me."
"Emma will forgive, you. She has your stubbornness remember?" "Yes." She wiped her tears. "She is not going to want to see me."
"I called Regina and told her what happened, she recommended me to take Henry with me visiting Hope."
"Please tell me updates."
"Yes, I will." They kiss. Charming went to Henry's class. Henry sees him.
"Gramps, what are you doing here?"
"Hope is in the hospital."
"Henry, she has a high fever and your parents took her in. She is with Allison. I called Regina and she recommended you to come with me to see her."
"Yes, I'll get my school bag." Henry gets his school bag. Charming drives Henry to the hospital.
Killian picked up his two loves, who were waiting for him outside their house. Emma gets Hope buckled in the car seat and Emma sat next to her. Killian drove them to Storybrooke Hospital. Hope was still crying. "Hope..it is okay baby. Mommy and Daddy are taking you to the hospital. Auntie Allison will make you feel better."
Killian parked the car in the drop-off. "Love, I will meet you both inside." Emma takes Hope inside to the emergency room pediatric room and sees Allison who was wearing light blue scrubs and white doctor coat on. "Allison."
"Emma, Hope."
"Hope fever is 101.00."
Allison takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, you are with Auntie Allison sweetie. I am going to make you feel better soon. Emma, I will take her in a room. You can register her in." Emma signed Hope in while Allison takes Hope into a room. "Hope, I know you are in pain and have a fever. I know you are not feeling well. Auntie Allison will make you feel better soon."
Killian found Emma filling out forms for their daughter. "Where is Hope?"
"With Allison in a room." Killian hugs his wife, knowing that she needed him.
"She is going to alright love."
"I know. I was about to call you to come home..." Emma began to cry. "Hope was crying so much. I got her asleep after giving her her medicine and rocking her to sleep and massaging her and talking to her softly...after I got her to take a nap on me...the doorbell rang and it was my Mom."
"Did you let her in?"
Killian held on to Emma as she was crying. "No, I was so mad and stressed out from Hope crying for a long time. I could not take any more stress. Henry showed her pictures of Hope's bruises to her..I did not let her in."
"I know Emma...I know that you are still mad at your mom. Hope is in the best care love. You have me, Allison, and Henry with your love helping with Hope." Emma hugged her husband tight.
"Now Hope is in the hospital with a high fever from her injury..."
"Emma, she is in the best care, Allison's. She is with us love. She has you, me, Allison and Henry all care about her. She has all of us who love and care for her. Especially her mommy."
"Hope was gripping me..."
"Emma, Hope knows you are there for her."
"I am her Mommy. She takes after me, she is brave just like us."
"Aye, she is love." They hug for a long time. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Killian." They kiss. Emma and Killian joined them. Hope needed more fluids, Allison put IV needle on Hope's hand. Hope screamed.
Emma held Hope and rubbed her head. "Hope, it is okay sweetie. Mommy is here."
"Allison, can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can Emma. Just be careful of the IV in her hand." Emma sits on Hope's hospital bed and holds Hope in her arms. "Hope, Mommy got you...Mommy is here." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, Daddy is right here little love. When you are better, I am going to tell you a pirate story." He rubs Hope's cheek. Emma let Hope hold her finger. Hope calmed down once her mommy was with her. "You just wanted Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope fell asleep.
"She is asleep." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves.
"Emma and Killian, Hope is on IV fluid to help her fever lessen. I will come back to check up on Hope later. If you need anything, let me know."
"Thank you, Allison. Is Hope's fever is caused by her injured rib?"
"Yes, Emma. You did the right decision on bringing her in. When her fever gets back to normal you and both can bring her home. I will check her fractured rib when I return later. For now, Hope is getting the fluid she needs and asleep. She needs a lot of rest." She looks down at her niece and leaves the room.
"Hope is happy with you love."
"Yes, she is. She wants her Mommy. I got her to sleep before." He rubbed her shoulder. "Now, she is happier with me. She knows that I am there for her."
"That is right, love." He kisses Emma on the head. They leaned back on the bed, they both watched their little girl sleeping.
Charming and Henry entered the emergency room and sees Allison. "Aunt Allison."
"Henry." Henry hugs his aunt.
"Is Hope alright?"
"I put your sister on IV fluid to lessen the fever. The fever was caused by her fractured rib."
"What can I do to help?"
"Hope still has her fever. Your Mom and Dad are with her now. Hope and your Mom are getting the rest they need. For now, you can help me on my rounds in the emergency room."
"Really? I can follow you around?"
"Yes, you can."
"Awesome! Can I see Hope first please Aunt Allison."
"Yes, you can. Follow me." Allison leads Charming and Henry to Hope's room in the pediatrician ward. Killian had Emma wrapped in his arms and Hope in her arms, they were both fast asleep. Killian sees Henry and Charming. "Hi, son."
"Hi, Dad."
"Your Mom and sister are sleeping." Henry kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry is here. I love you baby sister. I will read to you later." He kisses his Mom on the head. "Mom, I am here. Your family is here. We all want Hope to get better soon."
"Lad, how are you here?"
"Gramps picked me up from school."
"Thank you Charming."
"You are welcome, Killian."
Allison takes Hope's temperature. "No change yet, Killian." She talks to Henry, " We need to let your sister and Mom rest."
"Aunt Allison is Hope in pain?"
"Henry, your sister is in pain from the fractured rib, yes. Hope has a fever so she is not feeling well too, adding more pain to her body."
"You are going to take care of her?"
She places a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Yes, I am Henry. I gave her IV fluids and some baby Tylenol. Her fever will go down when she feels better. For now, she is in my care." Henry hugs his aunt. "I trust you, Aunt Allison. You always help Hope."
"I am her pediatrician and both of your aunt. I do not like seeing her sick and in pain too. I am going to get Hope better." She talks to Killian. "Killian, I am taking Henry on my rounds with me. We will see you later." Henry and Allison leave the room. Charming stays. "Killian, how is Emma?"
"More stressed. She was crying on me before. Seeing her Mom and Hope in pain with a fever...I am going to stay home from work to help Emma with the babe."
"I agree with you, Killian." Hope began to cry.
"Little love." He takes Hope out of Emma's arms to let her rest. He checks Hope's diaper. "Aye, you need a change little love. Daddy will change you." Charming holds Hope as Killian gets a diaper and supplies to clean Hope. "Hi, Hope grandpa is here to see you." Hope continued to cry. "Does Hope need her medicine?"
"Aye, Allison gave her her medicine."Killian sets up Hope to change his little love. He made sure her IV does not move. Hope was wet as Killian was changing her, she peed more onto him. "Little love, are you being a pirate? Daddy knows that is your IV fluids, little love." He changes her diaper. "You ,my little lass are all clean." He holds her into his arms.
"That is right, little love. Da-da is here little love." He lets Hope hold his hook hand with her free hand. "Aye, you are my strong little love. When you are better, you and I are going to on the Jolly Roger." Hope smiled. "Aye, that is right little love." Hope had her Daddy's hook hand in her mouth.
"She sure loves your hook?"
"Aye, she sure does. I told Emma that I was afraid of hurting her with my hook. She told me that I am not going to hurt our little love. I used the pink hook protector just in case. Hope is not afraid of my hook, she loves her daddy's hook. Right, little love?" Hope smiled. Killian gave Hope multiple kisses in her head. Hope fell asleep in her Daddy's arms.
"Killian, I have to get back to the sheriff station. I got Lily covering for you already." Charming leaves. Meanwhile, on Allison's rounds in the emergency room, Henry watched his aunt gives stitches to an injures child, to wrapping injured leg on another adult which was bloody. Allison showed him where she works on the pediatric floor. "Aunt Allison how come you have two jobs?"
"I worked for a crazy genius doctor called Gregory House. I was on his diagnostic team solving a mystery and rare cases. In the end, I worked in the emergency room after I worked for him. Then when I left, I decided to work as a pediatrician. Now here, since Storybrooke is quiet town and place to work, that is how I am able to do both."
"Your job is really cool Aunt Allison."
"Thank you, Henry. I know your Mom job is cooler being a sheriff."
"Yes, that is true. You both have cool jobs and tough at the same time,"
"That is right, Henry. Your mom and I are both strong women in our professions." They continued doing rounds around the hospital. Their last stop was Hope's room. They see Killian holding Hope and Emma awake.
"Henry!" Henry runs and hugs her a big hug. "Oh, Henry. What are you doing here?"
"Gramps pulled me out of school to come here. He was told by my other Mom to bring me here. Mom don't worry, Aunt Allison let me follow her around the hospital and I learned so much about the medical field."
Emma chuckled."I know you had fun with your aunt Allison, Henry." Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, little love. Your big brother is here." Hope moved around.
"Hi, Hope." He takes Hope from their Dad. "Hope, I was so worried about you today." Hope babbled. "I came here as soon as I was told." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "Aunt Allison, how is Hope?"
"Let me check." Henry gives Allison Hope. Allison takes Hope's temperature. "It is still high. Emma and Killian, I am going to keep Hope overnight for observation."
"If you think that is the best, Allison. Hope will stay overnight."
"Aye, we do not want to happen to our little love and return back here."
"We are staying overnight."
"Mom, can I stay overnight?"
"Kid, you have school tomorrow."
"Mom, I can sleep here; please. I want to be here for Hope."
"I don't know, Killian what do you think?" Hope began to cry. Emma soothes Hope. "Allison, can Hope be breastfed?"
"Not for 24 hours, Emma. Hope is still on IV fluid. "
"Lad, your sister is going to keep you up all night. Your mother and I want you to get sleep."
"Henry, we want you to get sleep, kid. You can visit Hope before school."
"Mom. Can I please stay?"
"Henry, your dad can take you home at 9:00 pm. Killian, can you pack an overnight bag for me including Hope's breast pump."
"Sure, love."
"I do need sleep. Can I spend time with Hope now?"
"After I get Hope calmed down then you can spend time with her." Emma got Hope to stop crying. "Baby girl, Henry is here to play with you. He missed you all day." Hope smiled. "Henry, someone wants her big brother." She lets Henry hold Hope. Henry sat with Hope on her hospital bed. "Hi, Hope. Henry is here." Hope babbled. "Yes, I am so happy to see you." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma and Killian walk out in the hallway with Allison to give Henry time with Hope alone.
"Emma and Killian, I am working overtime for Hope's case. It is part of my job."
"Are you sure Allison?"
"Yes, she is my goddaughter and my patient. In my former job, on the diagnostic team in New Jersey on our cases, the team and I would stay and monitor our patients overnight ourselves." Hope began to wail.
"Mom! Aunt Allison. Something is wrong with Hope. She is getting hotter."
"Henry, give me your sister." He hands over Hope to Allison. "She is burning up. Killian, can you get me a nurse, I need cool cloth for Hope. Her temperature is spiking up." She soothes Hope. "You are going to be okay, Hope. Auntie Allison is going to take good care of you." Killian returns with a nurse who hands over a cloth for Allison. "Here, you go Hope." She places the ice cold rag on her niece. "I know it is cold, sweetie. It will help reduce her fever."
"Allison, can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can Emma." She hands over Hope to her Mommy. Allison placed the rag on her niece.
"Hope, Mommy is here. Henry, Daddy and Auntie Allison all love you. We want you to get better soon." She lets Hope hold her grip. "That is my strong baby girl."
"Emma, after her fever lessens I am going to have Hope have a chest x-ray to check her fractured rib."
"Is something wrong?"
"I want to check on her rib to see if there any improvements." Allison leaves the room to arrange a chest x-ray. Henry puts the ice rag on his sister's head.
"Killian, what if something is wrong with Hope?"
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright love."
"Mom, Hope is going to be okay. She has all of us." Henry talks to Hope. "Hope, Henry is here. We are all here for you little sis. You are going to be okay." He rubbed Hope's head.
Allison returns, "Emma, Killian, and Henry. Hope is going to have a chest x-ray in a few hours. That is the shortest amount of time on waiting list."
"That is okay, Allison. Hope is going to stay overnight." As they waited for Hope's chest x-ray, Emma held Hope, she did not want to let go of her daughter. "Mom, can I stay overnight, please. I am afraid something will happen to Hope when I am not here."
"Henry." She side hugs her son. "You can stay overnight." Henry sat next to his Mom and sister while Killian brought them food from Granny's and packed an overnight bag for Emma, himself and Henry.
Allison enters the room. "Emma, Hope is going to have a chest x-ray now." Emma and Henry follow Allison to the x-ray room.
"Hope, Auntie Allison needs to check your rib sweetie." Emma changes Hope into a hospital gown. "Little sis, after your chest x-ray, you and I will have storytime. You are brave like Mommy and me." Hope began to cry.
"Henry I got her." Allison takes Hope. "Hope, you are going to be okay. I am going to make you feel better sweetie." She soothes Hope. "Hope and I will be back soon." Emma and Henry wait, Henry hugs his Mom knowing that she is nervous.
"Henry, Hope is going to alright."
"I know, Mom. I just want to know that I am there for you."
"I am your Mom I am supposed to be there for you."
"Yes, you are. I am there for you too, because you are my mom." Emma kissed Henry on the head and he hugged her while they waited for Allison to return with Hope.
Allison gets Hope settled for her chest x-ray. "Hope, it is just like last time, the machine is not scary and won't hurt." Allison sits with the technician during the chest-x-ray. She can't believe what she has seen. Hope's a piece of Hope's fractured rib is cutting into a blood vessel. She calls the surgeon. "Need an operating room stat, 7 months of baby girl rib is cutting through a blood vessel and send two nurses to the x-ray room and an infant bed now." Allison rushes out of the room and gets Hope. "Hope, you will be alright sweetie." She carries Hope back outside.
Emma noticed by Allison's face that was wrong. "Allison?"
"A piece of Hope 's fractured rib is cutting into Hope's blood vessel, which is causing internal bleeding. She needs emergency surgery." Hope began to cry. Nurses arrived, "We need to prep her for surgery. She has a blood vessel cut due to a fractured rib." The nurses get Hope to prepare for surgery. Allison and the nurses lead Hope to the operating room, with Emma and Henry following them.
Killian enters Granny's and orders their meals to go. "How is the family, Killian?"
"Hope is in the hospital."
"The poor little lass."
"Hope got injured from Leo on Thanksgiving, he hit her with his toy truck very hard on her body which caused a fractured rib. She got a high fever. Now we are waiting to get another chest x-ray, Allison wanted to check on Hope's injured rib."
"Hope is going to be alright she has you, Henry and Emma. If you need someone to watch her, I am available."
"Thank you, Granny. For now, Emma is not letting Hope out of her sight."
"Knowing your wife, I am not surprised." The doorbell rings and enters Regina. "Hello, Regina."
"Hi, Killian. How is Hope?"
"She is staying overnight. Her fever went down then spiked back up. Allison is afraid something is wrong and she is going to do another chest x-ray."
"Killian, Hope is going to be alright."
"Aye, I know. I am just hoping her injury did not get worst."
"I know you, Emma and Henry are all taking good care of her. How are Emma and Henry?" "Emma is not letting Hope go now and more stressed. Henry is nervous, he is staying overnight at the hospital with us. He does not want to leave his sister's side."
"That is my son."
"Aye, our son." Killian gets a phone call from Emma. "Emma, what is wrong love?"
"Hope is going to have an emergency surgery. Allison found her a piece of her fractured rib cutting into a blood vessel and causing internal bleeding." Killian's face went into worry.
"Love, Hope is going to be alright. I am on my way."
"Hope is having an emergency surgery. Allison did another chest x-ray on her, a piece of her fractured rib is causing a blood vessel to break and causing internal bleeding."
"Killian, I am coming with you." Regina poofs herself and Killian to where Emma and Henry were in the hospital. They see Henry and Emma crying as Hope was being prepped for surgery.
Killian rushed over to his wife and son. "Killian." Killian hugs his wife and son.
"Emma, Hope is going to be alright, love."
Henry sees his other Mom. "Mom."
"Henry." He runs to her and gives her a big hug. "Hope is going to be alright."
"Emma and Killian, Hope is ready for surgery. You can walk with us to the operating room."
"Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can Emma." Emma holds her daughter.
Henry walks to his sister and mom. "Hope, when you get out of surgery, I will tell you a lot of stories. Auntie Allison will make you feel better really soon. I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope will see you after her surgery Henry." Killian wrapped his shoulder around his wife.
"Henry is going to be with me."
"Lad, we will be right back." Emma and Killian walk together with their daughter and they follow Allison to the operating room. Allison put scrubs on. "Emma and Killian. Hope is going to have recovery but she will be in less discomfort and her fever will go down." Hope coughed up blood. "She is coughing up blood. She needs surgery now." She takes Hope from Emma. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will see you after surgery. We love you." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Little love, you are brave like mommy and daddy. We will see you soon little love. Be a good lass to auntie Allison." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are my little patient and you are going to have a mild surgery to make you feel better. Hope, we will see Mommy and Daddy soon." Allison takes Hope into the operating room. Emma holds onto Killian and he holds her as she was crying. "She is going to be okay love. Allison caught it." Killian began to cry. Emma held him tighter in his arms as they hold each other crying together worrying about Hope. "Emma, I know you, Henry and I will give her a lot of snuggles and kisses when we see her. She has all of us."
"Killian she is here with us. She is going to be getting all of the snuggles and kisses from us. I am not going to let her out of my sight."
"Aye me too, love." They stopped crying and headed to the waiting room.
In the waiting room, Henry was crying as he was hugging Regina. "Hope is going to be alright, Henry. She has you, your Dad, your Mom, and aunt Allison to help her in recovery. She surrounded by all of the love and care for her."
"Yes, Hope has all of us." They see Charming and Snow White rushing in.
"Charming and Snow, what are you doing here?"
"Granny called us and told us what happened."
"Hope is having surgery, Grandma." Regina holds her son from charging at his Grandma in anger.
Emma and Killian entered the room seeing her Mom, Emma's anger rising from seeing her Mom and her magic was affecting the room. Killian holds onto his wife. "Love, your magic is showing. You do not want to affect the hospital where Hope is having surgery in."
Emma charges at her Mom. She screams"It is all of your faults. Hope is in surgery thanks to you. If you have not brought Leo over she would not be in surgery now." Killian picks up his wife carries her far away to the other side of the room and Emma cries into Killian as he wrapped his arms around his love. "Love, you are with me. Hope is in Allison's best care...she is going to be with us love when she comes out of surgery. You will hold our little Hope when she is in recovery with Henry, Allison and I there together happily seeing Hope when she is out of surgery." He kisses his wife on the head and held her in his arms.
Regina holding Henry. Charming pulls Snow to the "Snow, you need to leave."
"I want to know about Hope."
"Yes, but you are getting our daughter angry to cause her magic to act up affecting the hospital where Hope is having surgery in, a mistake bound to happen."
Snow seeing an angry look from Henry and her daughter. "You are right, Charming. I should not have come here. Knowing Emma being in mama bear mode twice in one day and magic." Snow White goes closer to Emma who was being held onto Killian. "Emma, I am so sorry. I did not mean anything to happen."
Emma muffles something into Killian's chest.
"Snow, Emma will forgive you eventually just not now, having our little lass in an emergency surgery."
"I understand. Can you tell her that we are putting Leo into counseling for his behavioral issues."
"Aye, will do love." Snow White leaves. Charming stays.
Henry was holding onto Regina. "Snow wanted to come?"
"Yes, I told her not to because it was a recipe for disaster."
"Yes, for sure. Knowing magic controls with emotions and Emma is in bad mood already, seeing her Mom again in one day after Hope is in the operating room...bad idea."
"Mom, is my mom going to okay?"
"Yes, she will be, she needs you, Henry." Henry sits next to his Mom and Dad. Henry hugs his Mom around her waist and she hugs him. "Mom, I love you so much. You are my Mom and Hope's Mom. She is very lucky to have you from the beginning."
"Henry..." She kisses him on the head. "She is lucky to have all of us here who love her and going to be there for her in recovery. I am not going to let Hope out of my sight."
Emma smiles. "Does that include me babysitting her?"
"As long you babysit her at home, I am not going to be as worried that much. Hope loves you Henry and I know that you will make her happy"
"We can do that. I am going to watch Hope a lot when she comes home. She loves her time with me."
"That is right, kid. Hope loves her big brother. You can spend time with her while she is with me too."
"I love that idea." Emma smiles. Henry hugs his Mom and falls asleep in her lap. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and they all wait until Hope's surgery is over.
Allison places Hope on the operating table had her prepped. The anesthesiologist puts Hope to sleep. Before, Allison did an incision on her Hope's chest. The power went on and off. Allison uses a small tool to take out of the blood from the blood vessel. She puts a metal plate to fix Hope's fractured rib. The surgery took an hour and a half. The nurses wheeled Hope into recovery room in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). As Allison heads to her extended family to give them the news. She sees Killian arm wrapped around Emma as Emma was holding Henry who was fast asleep, with Regina and Charming talking nearby. Killian and Emma see Allison. "Henry, wake up Aunt Allison is here." Henry wakes up. Allison sat next to Emma, Killian, and Henry, Charming and Regina stand nearby. "Hope's surgery went well. The power went on and off for a second right before I made the incision on her ."
Emma sighs. "That was my magic. Sorry." Killian rubs Emma's hands.
"I got her blood vessel clear. There was a piece of her fractured rib that caused the blood vessel to burst, so I placed a tiny metal plate on Hope's rib to close the rib. Hope will be in pain and her recovery will be longer but she will be able to move around soon but not for a while. Her fever is down too, which was caused by the blood vessel that burst from the piece of the fractured rib. Luckily, she was here and I caught the blood vessel in time. She was beginning to cough up blood. She is going to alright. I will send you both home with instructions on her recovery.For now, Hope is going to be here for a few days to be carefully watched at the beginning of her recovery. "
Emma held onto Killian. "Allison, you did amazing with Hope today." She hugged her best friend. "You saved Hope." "I was only doing my job as a doctor and her godmother and aunt." "Can we go see her?"
"Yes, Emma you and Killian can see her. She is in her recovery now in the NICU room, just to keep an extra eye on her. She is going to sleep for a while from her anesthesia. I know Hope will be happy to see her all of you when she wakes up." Allison leads the Swan-Jones family to Hope's NICU room section divided by curtains from the other sick babies that are born premature and hearing machines going on and off and sees Hope in a bed with a nurse watching her.
"Mr. and Mrs.Jones, Hope did great in her surgery. You and both sit next to her until she wakes up." Emma and Killian sit together watching Hope. Emma held Hope's hand and watched her daughter sleep. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy is right here sweetie."
Henry sat in the chair on the other side of Hope. "Hope, Henry is here. I love you, little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and waited for Hope to wake up with his parents. Regina and Charming talking watch from the doorway.
"So, Charming. Are you and Snow are really going to put Leo in counseling?"
"Yes, we are. The school recommended it and Allison recommended it. We are talking to him and it got worse and got Hope inured and having an emergency surgery. We need help with him."
"I know you and Snow will figure it out." " We are still learning how to be parents to a five-year-old. We weren't parents to Emma and she did not have us growing up. She turned out to be an amazing woman and an amazing mother. I am just thinking if the darkness affected Leo."
"That can be a possibility." Hope wakes up seeing her Mommy very groggily.
"Hi, baby. Mommy is right here." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope is awake!"
Emma chuckles. "Hope your big brother is here with Mommy and Daddy."
"Daddy is here little love. You gave us all scare, Hope. We are so happy that you are here with us." He gave Hope his hook and she grips her Daddy's hook and smiles, which made Henry, Emma and Killian all smile. "Aye, that is my little pirate." Emma rubs Hope's head.
"My baby girl you are going to be okay sweetie. You have all of us to help you in your recovery. You and I will have a lot of snuggle time, I am going to going to give you a lot of kisses." Hope smiled. "You were very brave today, just like Mommy and Daddy."
"Aye, she takes after you love." They kiss.
"She certainly does."
"Can I read her a story."
"Yes, you can but read it quietly there are other babies in here who need to sleep."
Henry reads Hope a story from his storybook. He lets Hope hold his finger. "Once upon a time, there was a long-lost princess of the Enchanted Forest..." Emma and watch Henry reading to Hope, enjoying their family being together.
Hope began to cry. Emma takes Hope out of her incubator. "Hope, Mommy is here. Mommy got you." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma sat down with Hope in the rocking chair Hope fell asleep snuggling on her Mommy. "She knows that she is safe with me."
"Aye, she wanted her Mommy that is our little love." He rubs Hope's cheek.
"Mom, is Hope alright?"
"Yes, she just wanted to be held by me."
"Hope we have the best Mommy ever little sis." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Henry, you need to rest."
"Yes, Mom. I can sleep better that Hope is alright and here with us." He gently hugs his Mom and sister. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. Henry hugs his aunt Allison. "Aunt Allison thank you for all you did for Hope today."
"You are very welcome, Henry. I was only doing my job."
"If my mom did not bring Hope in time, she could have gotten more sick?"
"Yes, Henry, Hope started coughing out blood before surgery."
"You caught it, Aunt Allison?" "Yes, I did."
"Thank you for saving Hope today."
He hugs his Aunt Allison. "You are welcome, Henry. Now get some sleep. I will be keeping a close eye on your sister tonight."
" I will." Allison checks on Hope who was snuggling on Emma. "Hope is going to be very sleepy for now." "Is it okay that I hold her?' "Yes, Emma. That is alright. Hope looks very comfy snuggling on you." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are my special patient, Hope. Auntie Allison loves you so much." Henry went to see his other Mom.
"Mom, thank you for coming here today."
"You are welcome, Henry.
"I was very afraid that Hope was going to die."
"Henry, your sister is here and she is recovering from her emergency surgery that will help her not to be in pain or other health issues. Your Mom brought her here and your aunt caught it. I know you are going to be with Hope all the time in recovery."
"Yes, you are right."
"Now get some sleep." Henry hugs his Mom and went to his Dad and hugs him. "Emma, I will come by later to check on Hope." Allison leaves the NICU.
"Night, lad."
"Night, Dad." They hug. Henry falls asleep on the chair on the other side of the incubator. Killian places a bed sheet on his son and returns next to his two loves.
Regina goes to Henry. "He is asleep."
"Yes, he is Regina. Both of my children are asleep and they are with me."
"How is Hope?"
"Anesthesia is making her tired more but so far so good. She is happy to be held by me."
"Henry loves his sister so much."
"Yes, he certainly does. Hope is alright. I know our son he is going to be helping us with Hope more."
"Yes, he will. I will call the school tomorrow just to let Henry rest more and be with you all."
"Thank you, Regina. Knowing Henry he will not want to leave Hope ever."
"Your welcome, Emma. He is going to be overprotective of Hope." Regina leaves.
Charming talks to his daughter. "Hope is my little princess?"
"She is in anesthesia for now but I know Hope will be in pain during recovery. She is very brave today she takes after me." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Aye, she certainly does Emma. If you and Killian need anything, I will drop by tomorrow."
"Thank you, Dad." Charming leaves to update Snow White. Emma leaned on Killian and they both watch Hope sleeping with them and having their whole family together in one room. Emma noticed all around the room sicker babies, Killian."
"Yes, love."
" All of these babies around here are sicker and close to dying than Hope. I am so grateful for having Hope with me all the time and she is not having serious health issues not right after birth. Hope is with us. I cannot imagine if Hope was born prematurely."
"Love, you got to be thankful for Hope every single day. She is healthy. You did the right thing by bringing Hope in today."
"I just knew from the high fever that something was wrong. Then I saw the blood coming out of her mouth as she was about to have surgery that is when I know I made the right decision on bringing her in."
"You did love. You, my smart wife, made the right decision on our little love."
"I do anything for my children especially when they are sick and in pain."
"Love, we will get through this as a family. Hope has us."
"Hope is a very lucky little duck."
"That is right." They kiss. Emma is very grateful for her whole family especially in bad times, she is not alone anymore and she is very grateful Hope is right and made the right choice in taking Hope in when she did. She will always do her best for her two children. "Hope you are with Mommy sweetie. You are with your whole family with you who love and care about you. We love you, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head and enjoyed being with her family all together.

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