Killian's Birthday

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After the Swan-Jones family vacation, they had to return to Maine. Henry returned back to school. Two weeks later, Emma has been having a bad feeling of Henry because he has been sad and not like himself since they returned from Boston. Every time, Emma and Killian tried to speak to Henry about what was wrong, he would change the subject. Emma returns home from work, she finds Henry and Hope in Henry's room working on their latest art project. "There are my two artists.""Hi, Mom." Hope babbles.She kneels down to them, "What are you two working on?""Emma smiled big. "That is great, Hope. You cannot tell Dada because it is a surprise for him.""Hope can this a secret from Daddy right Hope?""Yes.""What are we going to do for Dad's birthday?""We are going to go sailing during the day. After sailing, we are going to have a family dinner of lobster.""That sounds good. I have a feeling that Hope will like lobster.""I am going to help cook with your Dad.""I know he will teach you how to cook.""Yes, kid. I just want to help him cook.""Okay, that is a start." Emma giggles. She watches Henry and Hope working on their birthday present for Killian. Hope walks around the room. "Henry, your Dad is going to love it.""I am working really hard on it.""Yes, you are, kid. I love it so far. I cannot wait when your Dad opens it on his birthday." She sat next to her son, "Is art your escape?""Yes, art, sailing with Dad and playing with Hope." Hope returns with her Pluto doll and walked around. "Henry, you can always talk to me about anything." "I know." Henry hugs his Mom. "I...Being different sucks. I am still an outcast in school, Mom. I am not from the fairytale world..." "Henry, you are yourself, you are very smart, brave, kind-hearted caring son who is an amazing big brother to Hope and who will always be there for his family members. You are a hero, Henry. You are brought me to Storybrooke, sacrificed yourself eating the poison apple tart to make me believe in magic. You are the heart of the truest believer. Most important of all you, you are my son. I am so proud of everything you do, and being yourself. You make me proud every day." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "You can talk to me when you are ready."A few days later, Emma was at the sheriff station drinking cinnamon hot cocoa, the stash from their and Henry's hot cocoa vacation, the ones she promised Henry that they will have cinnamon hot cocoa in her office away from Hope. Killian and Charming were talking, he noticed his wife was lost in deep thought. "Charming, can you watch Hope?""Yes. Is something wrong Emma?""Aye, Henry has not been himself since we left Boston." "Dada!""Hope tell Gramps about Pepper." Hope shows Pepper to her Dada. "Charming, Pepper is a sea lion friend who Hope made friends with on our trip. Henry got Hope the doll version." He gives his father in law his iPhone. Killian enters his wife's office who was in deep thought. "Emma." "Hey." Killian hugs his wife. "I am worried about Henry. He is not talking to you or me, it is something about school. He is happy when he is home but every morning, he is sad when he has to leave for school. I tried to talk to him at home a few days ago, he just told me he hates being different in school. " "Emma, he is going to be alright. He will talk to us when he needs to. I tried talking to him when we had our boy time but he would not say anything to me either but he gave you a hint what it is..""Yes, a hint which does not help me, mot when I know something is wrong and my bad feeling cannot go away. I need to know what is wrong with our son, Killian. I am going to figure it out." She puts her leather jacket on. "Emma, where are you going?""I am going to Henry's school. I am going to take Henry out for lunch and get him to talk." Emma sees Hope with Allison. "Hi, Allison.""Antie."Allison giggles. "Hi, Emma." "Oh man, I forgot about our lunch plans.""Emma, what is wrong?""Henry has not been talking to Killian and I. I just know something is wrong..." Emma gets a phone call from Henry. "Hey, kid.""Mom, can you pick me up?""I was about to pick you up for lunch.""Mom, please take me home. I am locked up in the janitor closet.""Henry, I am on my way." The phone conversation ended. "Killian, Henry is being bullied this time he is locked inside of a janitor closet." "Bloody hell.""Emma, I can watch Hope.""Thanks, Allison. Dad, can you prepare cells for Henry's bullies? Killian and I will arrest them.""Yes, Emma. I will have Lily to come to bring them here.""Thanks, Dad." Emma faces Hope. "Hopey, you are going to have one on one time with Auntie Allison. Mommy has to be sheriff because someone hurt Henry." "Emma, Hope and I will be at Granny's." "Aye, let me get her stroller." He puts Hope in her stroller. "Little love, Dada and Mommy will be with you soon with Henry. You are going to have fun with Auntie Allison." Hope babbles. Allison pushes Hope in her stroller out of the station. "Hopey, you want to go to Granny's?" Hope babbles. Allison lets Hope enter the diner as she pushes the stroller in the diner. Hope runs to her family's regular booth. "Little niece, we can sit here." Granny brings a baby seat for Hope."Hi, Hope. Hi, Allison.""Hi, Granny. Hope and I are having one on one time. Emma and Killian have a case involving Henry in school. I offered to babysit, Emma and I were planning on going here anyway.""Ah. I will get your regular order?""Yes. For Hope her usual too." Hope fussed. "Hopey. You want me to sit next to you?" "Antie." Allison smiles and sits next to her goddaughter/ niece. She takes her iPhone out and takes a selfie with Hope and Hope sitting in her booster seat. Hope smiles. "Hopey, your Mommy told me you had a great vacation."She showed Hope the photos from Emma sent her and continue their girl talk. "Pepper." Hope babbles happily.Emma drove her yellow bug with Killian, fast to the high school. "Emma, I never seen you drive so fast.""That because I am mad that our son is being bullied. He is locked inside a closet! I want to see those boys punished." "Emma, we are going to punish them but you need to calm down before we get into an accident." Emma slowed her speeding and they arrived at the high school. "We have to find Henry first. He is locked inside a janitor closet." They showed their sheriff badges. Emma and Killian around to closet using their weapons, hook, and sword to find him. "Henry!" Henry was sitting down in the closet, thinking of what happened to his grandma's students bullying him. The next thing he was being carried into a closet and stripped his clothes off. Henry sees the light and sees his Mom. "Mom!"Emma found her son wearing nothing but underwear. Emma quickly hugs her son."Oh my gosh. Henry. Are you okay?" She turns her head. "Killian get the principal I found Henry!" Killian gets the school principal. "Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom."Henry, are you okay?""Yes, but I am not wearing clothes. The bullies stripped my uniform in front of the whole school.""Who did this to you? Is this why you were sad at home?" Henry hugs his Mom. "You are okay, Mom is here. Those bullies are going to get their punishment my way.""They are from Grandma's class.""Has she been bothering you?""No, just the new normal her glaring at me in hate."" I am going to figure this out, kid. Don't worry.""Where is Hope?""With Aunt Allison." Killian returns with the principal. "Bloody hell, Henry." Killian gave his son his leather jacket. "Dad." Henry hugs his Dad. They both saw Emma's face which was mama bear mode. Emma saw her gave her a furious look. "How can you let these bullies strip my son's clothes off and locked him in the janitor closet?! How can you let this happen while you are on the watch?" The principal was shaking against the wall. "Well...we have teachers watching the halls...""The teachers are not doing their job, the bullies are still hurting my son in front of the whole school. I want them punished. Do you hear me?" "Yes...yes...Sheriff." Regina arrives seeing Emma screaming at the principal. "Emma, what happened to Henry? Your Dad called and told me to come straight away.""Henry called me and told me that he was trapped in a janitor's closet. Bullies stripped our son and locked him in a closet and under her watch. Killian is with Henry."Regina was mad. "Sheriff Swan, please let me talk to the principal in her office, alone." "Of course, Madame Mayor." Regina leads the principal back to her office. Emma returns to her son and husband "Henry." She snapped her fingers using her light magic to poof Henry clothes to wear. "Thanks, Mom.""How about after I arrest the bullies. We can get lunch?""I just want to go home." Killian wrapped his arm around his son. "Aye, lad we can take you home." "Kid, you have to tell me who has been bullying you so I can get them punished. Your other Mom I am pretty sure firing the principal as we speak. Is that is what you been bugging you at home?" Henry nods his head. "Henry." She hugs her son. "How long has this been going on?""The teasing only started before vacation...the students in grandma's class are the lost boys who we rescued has been bullying me, one of the older ones Nick and a younger one, Gary." "We are going to get them punished Henry." "Emma, I will tell Regina and the principal." Killian heads to the principal's office. Emma helps Henry stand up. Henry hugs his Mom. "Everything is going to be okay.""I want to go home...they did this in front of the whole school." Emma felt awful her son was humiliated. "We are going to take you home, kid." Killian sees his swan and son. "Our son just wants to go home. After you and I arrest them, we are going to take Henry home.""Aye, love." Regina finds them."Henry." She hugs her son. "Emma and Killian, the principal fired the principal. Your Dad has the cells ready. I can stay with Henry...""I want to go home." Emma hugs Henry. "Regina, you and Henry can wait in my car. Killian and I will be out soon as soon as we arrest the former lost boys." Killian rubbed Henry's shoulder. Regina leads Henry to the yellow bug. Killian held his wife's hand. "Emma, I have the boys' class schedules.""Let's go arrest them." "Aye, we are going to do it together because they still think of me as an evil pirate.""You are not evil." "I know but they still think of me as evil when they see me because they hurt our son." Emma smiles seeing Killian being overprotective of Henry. "We are going to arrest them together." Emma enters the classroom first showing the teacher her sheriff badge. Killian came in right behind her. "We are looking for Nicholas from Neverland, the former lost boy." He stood up. Killian went to him and put handcuffs on him who was freaking out. Emma went up to him. "Your suspension for bullying my son is in prison." Killian leads him out with handcuffs. Emma entered the next classroom, while Killian held onto Nicholas who saw Gary in the hallway. "Gary!! Run!!" Gary saw the sheriff and ran. Emma chased him out of the school and tackles him to the ground and handcuffed him. "You are arrested for bullying my son..." She faced the boy, who she recognized immediately, the lost boy who helped her find Pan. " bullied my son.""Yes..." Before she said anything else to him, Lily helped Emma pick up the boy. Emma and Killian guided the handcuffed former lost boys to the patrol car. "Emma, the cells are ready for their suspension.""Good. Let them stay in their cells for a little while, I will come back to hear their statements and decide their punishments then.""Yes, sheriff." Lily drives the former lost boys to the sheriff station."Emma...""Gary was the lost boy who told me where Pan was at Neverland in his thinking tree.""Aye, I remembered the lad. He told you to promise him if they helped us with Pan that they want to leave with us..""He wanted a family, a home and to be away from Pan but now he is bullying our son...I do not get it...Is it his adopted parents? Or he changed?"Killian holds his wife's hand. "Emma, we will figure it out, love." "Now, I want to get our son home." Regina came out of the yellow bug when Emma and Killian arrived. "How is he?""Not talking, he is too embarrassed.""Aye, the lads bullied him in front of the school.""I fired the school principal and the assistant principal is taken over." She looks at her son. "Emma, I will come to visit him later..""Yes, you can come over later when I return back to the station after the boys have time to think about what they did to Henry. We have been trying to get him to talk ever since Boston but he would not tell us anything.""I know, when he visits me at the office, whenever I asked him about it, he would just change the topic.""Aye, he has been doing the same to us.""I just know we will get him to talk and cheer him up." "Emma, I will see Henry later." Regina leaves. Emma drove them home. When they arrived home, they see Allison with Hope watching Sesame Street. "Allison, Hope.""Mommy." Allison set Hope down and she ran to her Mommy. Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Hi, Hopey." "Henwy." Henry went straight up to his room and slammed the door. Hope began to cry."Hopey, Henry had a very bad day at school. He is not mad at you." She hugs her daughter and rubbed her back. "He loves you so much. You make him happy Hope because whenever he is home he is happy but at school he is sad. I know you will make Henry happy when he wants to talk. Henry has Mommy, Dada, Regina, Aunt Allison and you to talk too." "Henwy.""I know, Hope. I hate seeing Henry angry and upset." Emma kisses her daughter on the head and sat down with Hope."Allison, thank you for watching Hope all of a sudden.""You are welcome. I love spending my time with my little goddaughter. What happened?""We found Henry locked in a closet and stripped off uniform in front of the whole school.""Oh my gosh. That is awful.""Trust me, Emma and I were furious. Regina was furious to the point that she fired the principal." "About time.""Aye, I was thinking the same. She was a bad principal." Emma carried Hope to Killian."Hope wants her Daddy. She is still upset about H-E-N-R-Y. I am going to talk to him." Killian takes Hope from his wife. Emma found her son his room covered in a blanket. "Henry, it is only me. Do you want to talk in your secret spot?" "Yes." Emma leads him downstairs to Allison, Killian, and Hope. "Emma, I will visit soon." She hugs her nephew. "If you need to talk, you can always call me, Henry."Henry smiles. "Thank you, Aunt Allison." Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house. "Killian, we will be back. We are going to go for a walk.""Aye, I will be with Hope, love.""Henwy." Hope hugs her brother's legs, Henry knows his baby sister is worried about him."Hopey." He holds his sister. "Little sis.""Henwy." "I am going to be okay, little sis." Hope hugs her brother. "Hope, you and I will work on our art project later after I talk to Mommy." "Tay.""When I come back with Mommy, we are going to have H & H time." Hope screams. Killian takes his little lass from his son. "Lad, when you are up for it, we are going to have a sailing lesson." Henry hugs his Dad."Dad, can we have a sailing lesson soon?""Yes, I do need to see how you are improving." Hope babbles. "You too, little lass. Emma, Hope and I will be at the Jolly Roger.""Okay." Emma and Henry walked to Henry's castle, she knew her son has not been in there in years but it was their place to talk ever since he brought him to Storybrooke. Henry sat in his spot."I have not been in here for a long time.""Me too, kid." Henry hugs his Mom. "We have not had our talks here in a long time. Is this what you meant when you told me that you hate being different?" "Yes. I do not fit in with my classmates. I never fit in with them. I hate being the outcast, Mom." "You are not different, you are in your family where you belong. We love you so much." "But the bullying is worse in high school.""I know, kid. I understand that.""I do not want to go back to school. Can I please be homeschooled?""Henry, I will talk to your Dad and Regina about it. I want you to finish high school." "I want to go to college, Mom. I just need to study for SATS but I cannot study for it because of all the bullying." "You can study with me for your reading and writing sections of the SATS in my office at the sheriff station, at home or on our second home. Your Dad can help you study for your math section of the SATS. You are not alone, Henry. You have your family to support, you Henry. We will help you." Henry hugs his Mom. "I know high school sucks. You have your whole family who loves you so much, kid. You are different from your classmates but you are part of a family who is all different, and love who you are, Henry. Just being your kind-hearted caring self who loves to defend his family and be the best son and brother. Being different is a good thing, kid. We all love you and appreciate who you are. You are different but you are my smart son who has amazing artistic talent and loves his family." "I do not want to get bullied anymore." Emma hugs her son. "You are not going to get bullied anymore. I will make sure of that. I am your Mom and sheriff. It is my job to keep you safe.""Promise?""I promise, Henry." He hugs his Mom her hard. "You are not going to get hurt or teased again in school, not on my watch." "Can we get lunch?""Yes, I am hungry. Where do you want to go eat?""Can we go to Granny's?""Yes, we can, kid." Emma and Henry walk into town together.Killian helped Hope make art. "Hope, Henry is going to love this." Hope babbles. Killian took Hope to the Jolly Roger. He checked on the ship while Hope was walking around. After he checked on the ship, he sat down and thought about his son. He is tired of Henry being bullied and embarrassed. He wants to help his son. "Dada." Killian zapped out of is thoughts and sees Hope carrying rope. "Little pirate, where did you get that rope from?" Hope babbles and Killian looks at the trail, the rope was all over the deck. "Hope, you have to help daddy fix the rope." "No." She hugs her Daddy. Killian sighs. "Dada?" She sat on his lap and faces him."I am just worried about Henry." Hope babbles. "You are saying that I will help him?" "Yes." Killian hugs his little pirate, who continues to babbles to him. "We are going to help, Henry, Hope." Killian fixed the rope with Hope following him.Emma and Henry walked home from Granny's. "Mom, since Hope is with Dad. Can you help me finish Dad's birthday present with me?""Yes, I can, kid." Henry shows his Mom his art project. "It looks great, kid.""Yes, I do need help." Emma hugs her son. "Let's get started," Henry told his Mom how to help him, Emma loves seeing her son explaining is the project and seeing how passionate he is about his work. Killian walks with Hope back to their house after the docks. "Ome.""Yes, Hope. We are back at home." They entered the house. "Up!""Let's see if Mommy and Henry are home." He helps Hope walk upstairs. "You are getting better with stairs little love." Hope opens Henry's door once they reached upstairs. She sees her brother and Mom."Henwy!" Hope runs to her brother, Henry scoops Hope into his arms while their Mom hid the art project. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Daddy on the Jolly Roger?""Aye, aye." Henry and Emma both laughed. Killian enters was at the doorway."Our little lass was being her pirate self. She somehow untied ropes and carried around all deck.""Hope, you caused trouble on the Jolly Roger?" Hope babbles. "Aye, but Hope helped me clean the rope up afterward.""Our little pirate is being sneaky." She tickles her daughter."Mommy." She gave Hope kisses."Are you happy to be with your brother?" "Henwy." "Hope, you and I are going to have H & H time now.""H!" "Kid, if you need to talk to your dad and me, we will be downstairs.""Thanks, Mom for taking me home from school. You cheered me up."Emma smiles. "Your welcome, kid. I am happy to cheer you up and seeing you smile. I am going to keep my promise you, you are not going to get bullied again in school." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian left Henry and Hope in his room and goes downstairs and cuddled on the couch. "Emma, how was Henry?""He talked about the bullies...I feel sorry for him...he hates being different.""He spoke to you, swan.""Yes, but he wants to be homeschooled.""Aye, you mean school at home?""Yes, mostly online. He is afraid but I do not want him to be afraid of school of being teased. He is embarrassed to return to school. I am going to have to discuss it with Regina about the home school. He did tell me he is having a hard time concentrating on his SATS studying from the stress of being bullied. I just want him to feel safe in school.""We are going to get Henry through this, Emma. I just know because you made our son so happy today after we brought him home from school." Killian kisses his wife on the head. "I just did what I needed to do, to make our son happy. I listened to him, spoke to him and comforted him, everything I wanted as a child when I was being abused or bullied in school. I hated how he was locked in a closet...""You did what every mother would have done, protecting our son and giving all the love he needed. He had a rough day. We are going to get Henry through this, to make him more comfortable going to school." He kisses her on the head and as she hugged him.A few days later, it was Killian's birthday on January 26th. After Henry's bullying in school, his parents decided to keep him home, the bullies were still in the sheriff's station. When Killian was at the station, Henry and Emma worked on their birthday presents for him and went grocery shopping for Killian's special day. The two parents' slept in while Henry took Hope downstairs. Emma woke up smiling in Killian's arms. She kisses him from his chest up to his cheek until he woke up smiling. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Killian. Happy birthday to you." They kiss."Thank you, Emma. Every day, I wake up next to you, my beautiful wife makes me the happiest man in all the realms." "Well, today your birthday is going to be the best.""Oh, really?" They make out in bed, touching each other and kissing. Henry walks in carrying gifts. "Oh, man pancakes!? Hope." Henry covers Hope's eyes and leads her out of their parent's room. "We are going to give Dad his gifts later." He takes Hope to his room to play letting their parents have pancakes. After a long session of pancakes, they were cozied up together naked and sweaty under the covers, Emma lying on top of Killian playing with his chest hair. "Emma, that was amazing.""I told you, captain. It is your special day and I wanted to make your day extra special." "Aye, you already making my special day extra special." They kiss. "We need to get changed, I have a feeling our children wants to wish their Dad a happy birthday." They got dressed. Hope opens the door. "Dada!" She runs to her Daddy and Killian scooped his little lass in his arms. "Dada!""Thank you, little love, for wishing me a happy birthday." Hope babbles and hugs her daddy. Henry comes into the room carrying their birthday sibling gift for him, "Happy birthday Dad!" Henry joins their hug. "Thank you, son." Emma took pictures of their children hugging her husband. "!""Oh, is this from you and Henry?""Henwy!" "Aye, I will open it, little love. Henry, it does look big." Killian sits on the bed with Hope on his lap. "Lad, you can help me open it." Hope babbles and gripped the gift. "Dad, Hope can help you open it. Right, little sis?" Hope screams, making her family laugh."Aye, you can help me open my gift, Hope." Hope tears the wrapping paper, with her Daddy, Killian got a canvas painting of himself teaching Henry and Hope at the steering wheel. Emma took pictures. Killian was smiling with tears in his eyes. "Henry...this beautiful." He hugs his son and daughter."Happy birthday, Dad." "Dada!" Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma hands Hope a present for Killian. "Hope, Dada is going to open your present next." "Dada.""Is this from you Hope?" Hope babbles. "I will open your gift." Killian opens his gift which was a clay version of the Jolly Roger. "Hope, I love it, little love. Thank you for my gift." He gave Hope a hug and kiss on the head. "Did Mommy help you make it?""Mommy." Emma chuckles. "Dad, I do have another gift for you." He puts Hope on the bed and gives his Dad another gift. Killian opens his gift which was a fishing pole. "Henry, you got me a fishing pole?""Yes. I want you to teach me how to fish for our one on one time besides sailing on the Jolly Roger, we can go fishing.""Lad, that is a great idea. We can start fishing in Springtime." "Yes! Grumpy taught me a little bit but I have a feeling you can teach me more.""Aye, I will, lad." They hug. Emma brings her gifts to Killian. "Happy birthday, Killian." Killian opened his gift which was a black and white photo of them one of their first selfies together when Emma was the dark swan but in her white dress and white long cape in a frame, "My forever best friend, my husband.". " this our first selfie together?""Yes, Killian. My Dad had his phone with him when you found me in the Enchanted Forest, we used his phone for this photo. It was around the time when I knew you had my back when I was the dark swan. After that photo was taken, you did give me your ring..." Killian smiles knowing that it was a special moment between them knowing that she wanted him to propose to her."Aye, I remember that moment very well when you thought I was going to propose to you."Emma smiles. "Yes, I wanted you too but I could not say yes yet..."Killian smirks. "Oh, really? I thought I saw that in your face, swan."Emma smiles back. "Luckily, I waited that you proposed to me after I was the dark swan when we had our home.""Aye, I was going to wait for you until you defeated being the dark swan and everything was back to normal being home together in Storybrooke then propose to you." They kiss. "I do have one more gift for you, Killian." She gives him another present. Killian opened his other gift a new small compass with the North is a swan. "Is this a personalized compass?""Yes." She hugs her husband. "The north is swan so when you wear it around your neck during your sailing and when you think of home, you will always think of me because you are my home. I am your home.""You have been my home ever since we met.""You mean after you traded your ship for me?""Aye, you were my home ever since." They kiss. Hope screams. Henry gets his sister from their parent's bed. "Yes, Hope, eww they are kissing." Emma and Killian both laughed. "Okay, Henry and Hope we are going to stop kissing.""Swan." "We did enough pancakes before...Killian. Our children want us to go sailing.""Wawa!""Aye, little love. We do need to get ready. Thank you all for my presents, I love them all." The Swan-Jones family get ready for the day. After Emma took a shower, she got Hope dressed for the day, she holds up a pink sweater and a purple sweater, "Hope. Which one do you want to ear the pink or purple sweater?" Hope grabs the pink sweater. "Pink sweater for Hope." She changes Hope into her outfit. "Wawa!" Emma smiles and holds her daughter."Yes, we are going sailing for Dada's birthday." Emma walks downstairs with her daughter, Hope was still learning going down the stairs. They walked down to the docks meeting Killian and Henry, when they were getting closer to the ship, Hope ran to the Jolly Roger. "My little pirate." Killian sees his two loves, Emma catching up to Hope. "Hope." She scoops her daughter into her arms and walked on the ship. "Slow down, Hopey." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are with Dada on the Jolly Roger." "Our little lass is very excited?""Yes, she ran down here. I had to slow her down so she won't get hurt." "Aye, you can let her run now, we have to prepare to sail captain swan.""Aye, aye. Captain." They kiss. Killian puts the lifejacket on his daughter and Emma lets Hope run around. Emma and Henry helped Killian get ready for sailing, raising the sails. Emma and Henry pulled the anchor up. As they were about to sail, Emma gets her daughter. Killian steered the ship, teaching Henry at the same time as Emma was sitting down with Hope watching the ocean move around them. Hope babbled happily getting wet from the waves. "You are my little fish. You love the ocean." Hope screams. Emma giggles and hugs her daughter. Killian took a picture of his two loves enjoying the ocean. "Dad, even though it is cold out, it is a great day to sail.""Aye, the ocean is choppy but this will be fun.""Yes! This is going to be so awesome!" Killian smiles knowing how much his son loves to sail, a younger version of him. He watches Emma nad Hope walking around the ship, hand and little hand. He goes down to his two loves. "Emma, how is our little pirate?""All our daughter wants to do is to walk around by herself. The waves are too rough for her to walk around, I do not want her to fall and get hurt." "Dada.""Hope, you have to stay with your Mommy, little love. Dada and Mommy do not want you to get hurt. The waves are too rough for you to walk around." Hope babbles. "I know you want to walk around but not now." Hope began to cry. "Killian, I will bring her inside our captain quarters.""Aye, I will let Hope run around on deck when the waves calm down." Emma takes Hope to their captain quarters. Killian has a toy chest full of toys for Hope to play with. She lets Hope play on their bed with toys which calmed her daughter down. Hope gives her Mommy their favorite story. "Mommy...b-b-b..."Emma smiles. "I will read to you, baby girl." She gets the book and Hope climbed into her Mommy's lap. She loves her daughter wanting to read to her which she loves. "Once upon a time, there was a Mommy duck and Daddy duck..." Hope babbles happily enjoying her storytime. Killian checks up on his two loves, Hope was fast asleep on Emma. "Our daughter loves sleeping with the waves rocking the ship just like her Daddy."Killian smiles. "Aye, our Hope is a little pirate." He wrapped his arm around his wife."I see our little lass enjoyed her storytime."Emma smiles. "Yes, she loves me reading to her our favorite story. She just needed her nap and a snack. Now she is resting." Killian kisses Hope on the head. "Are you having a good birthday?""Having a family sailing day on my birthday is the best love. I get to be with my beautiful wife and our two children." He kisses Emma on the head. "I need to go back to our son."Emma smiles. "I have a feeling Henry needs his Dad to keep him company while sailing.""Aye, I do not like leaving our son alone." They kiss. Killian returns back up, at the steering wheel, Henry was steering the ship. "Dad, how am I doing?""You are doing great, lad." "Awesome. I just want to make sure that I am sailing correctly.""Lad, you know I will always be honest with you. You are improving every time we sail. It just takes a lot of practice, you are improving lad. You are able to steer the ship in rough water, like me your Dad." Henry smiles big. "You are part pirate, lad just like your family." "I know, I belong in our family just in school...I do not belong..." "You are different, son for just being yourself who loves sailing, art, and his family. There is nothing wrong being different, Henry.""It just sucks that I am being bullied...I am tired of it..""I know son. I was being bullied as a deckhand when my father sold your Uncle Liam and me into servitude. We were sold to different ships and captains. I was treated differently than my was bloody awful. I was whipped and beaten...Henry, what I am trying to tell you that you are going to get through this being bullied. You are a survivor just like your Mom and I. You have your family support you along the way." "You are my Dad."Henry hugs his dad which rocked the boat. Killian smiles knowing his son looks up to him and loves him. "Lad, you will always have me, son. We need to continue to sail." "Aye, aye, Dad." Henry continues to sail. Emma comes up with sleeping Hope. "Killian, is everything okay?" Killian goes down the deck. "Yes, love. Sorry for the sudden stop. Henry and I had a heart to heart conversation..." Killian smiles. "Let's just say we got caught up into the conversation, Henry hugged me forgetting that he was steering the ship."Emma was in awe knowing her son and husband are very close father and son relationship. "I know our son loves talking to his Dad." Hope wakes up from her nap."Dada.""Hi, little pirate. Do you want to steer the ship with Dada?" Hope screams. Killian takes Hope to the steering wheel, Henry let his sister steer. Henry goes down to hug his Mom. "Hey, kid. I saw your sailing. You are getting better.""Thanks, Mom." "Emma! Henry!""Coming Dad." Henry goes to the steering wheel followed by Emma. Hope was crying. "Emma, you and Henry can steer the ship. Hope wants her pirate story." "Yes, Dad. Where should we steer?"We need to turn around and head back to Storybrooke.""Aye, Dad." Killian brings Hope back to the captain quarters. Emma watches Henry steer."Now, I can see you steer up close." Henry smiles. "See, I can make you smile." "You are my Mom, of course, you make me smile.""I am doing my job as your to make sure you are happy.""You and the rest of our family make me happy all the time..." She hugs her son."You will always have us, kid. Your family." They sailed together back home. As they were getting closer, Emma checked on her husband and daughter, they were snuggling on the bed. Hope had her daddy's hook in her mouth. "Hope, are you snuggling with Dada?" She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you teething, sweetie?" Hope holds her Mommy's hand. "I am sorry, you are in pain, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head."Aye, yes she is teething. She stopped crying once she had my hook in her mouth." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope is happy to be cuddling with me since she loves the ocean waves which calms her down like her Mommy." Emma smiles. "Also Hope loves my hook as her teething toy.""She is our little pirate. I came down here because we are almost back to Storybrooke." "Aye, I need to help, Henry." They arrived back on deck, Killian hands over Hope to his wife and steered the ship with Henry. Hope was crying and hugging her Mommy. "Hopey...we are still on the Jolly Roger baby girl. We are on the ocean..." Hope reaches out to the ocean. Emma chuckles. "It is too cold to go swimming, baby girl. I know the ocean makes you happy like it makes Dada happy." "Dad, are we almost back?""Yes, lad.""Can we go night sailing?""Aye, I have to think about that.""I asked because I want to do sailing and star navigating?""We can have a star navigating lesson during the weekend, not tonight.""Okay. I will wait for the weekend.""We can have a lad's night.""Awesome!" Killian smiling knowing his son looking forward to his one on one time together. They landed back at the docks in Storybrooke. "Everyone, we are home." While they were unloading the ship, Hope was walking around laughing and talking to herself. Killian smiles seeing Hope happy enjoying to roam around their second home. Emma wrapped her arms around his waist. "Our little pirate is just like her daddy." "Aye, I do love our little lass. She is like her Mommy.""She is both of us" They kiss. Killian carries Hope off the Jolly Roger crying."I know you want to stay on the Jolly Roger. We need to go home, little love." "Hope I have to go into town, little. Want to come with me?" Hope reaches out to her brother, Henry holds his sister. "Dad, Mom. We will meet you both at home.""Aye, lad. Your Mom and I will cook dinner." "I know, it will be delicious." They kiss. Henry walks with Hope into town as Killian and Emma headed home. When Killian and Emma arrived home, "So birthday captain, how do we cook lobster?""Well, I am planning on steaming them. Where are the lobsters?" "I put them in the freezer.""Swan, lobster is supposed to be alive when we cook them.""They are alive, Killian."Killian opens the freezer door and sees live lobsters moving around with light magic keeping them in place. Killian smiles knowing that his wife was being creative. "My swan."Emma chuckles. "I told you that they are alive." Killian smiles. "Can you boil the water?""Yes, captain." Emma boiled the water. "How about the corn?""Aye, we can start on that, too." After the water boiled, Killian put the lobsters in the pot while Emma buttered and spiced the corn before putting them in the oven. They cleared the table and put a long paper on the table and placed a large bowl in the center for the shells. Killian unshelled and peeled the lobster for Hope and cut up corn. "Killian, this is going to be delicious.""Aye, I cannot wait to eat.""Me too. I do like cooking with you.""Aye, maybe my swan can cook with me more often?""I would love to. I was thinking we can have a taco Tuesdays.""Aye, Mexican food?""Yes. We can have family meals creating them as tradition...""Aye, we can do that, Emma." They kiss. Henry walked with Hope into town. "Hope, we are going to the bakery. Do you know what bakery makes?""Ookies."Henry laughs. "Yes, they bake cookies, Hope. They also bake cakes. We are picking up Daddy's birthday cake." They entered the bakery sees Bashful working, "Hi, I have an order to pick up under Swan-Jones." Bashful get Henry's ticket and gets their order. Hope was walking around the shop looking at the baked goods. "Henwy...ookie.""Hope, we are bringing a cake home. It is going to be bigger than a cookie." Bashful comes to Hope to give her a chocolate chip cookie. "Bashful is it peanut-free and no nuts?" "Yes, it is peanut-free and no nuts.""Thank you, Bashful. Hope, you can have the cookie." Hope eats the cookie. Bashful gives Henry the box. "Thank you, Bashful. Hope, time to go home. Say bye-bye to Bashful." Hope waves to Bashful. Henry and Hope walked outside, they hear children crying across, they see Leo running around their grandma but he was cutting children with knives. He took some videos on his iPhone."Henwy." Hope was hugging her brother's leg. "Hope, stay next to me. I am going to call Mommy and Daddy. It is going to be okay, Hope. He is not going to hurt you." He calls their Mom. "Mom..."Back at the Swan-Jones house, Emma and Killian were making out on the living room couch continuing where they left off from the morning when Emma gets a phone call. "It is Henry calling me." She picks up her iPhone. "Henry...""Mom, come into town. Leo is hurting other children on Maine Street.""Henry, we are on the way." "Hope is with me. We are not near them.""Good, kid. We will be there soon." They quickly got dressed, Emma sped into town. "Emma...""Henry and Hope witnessing Leo hurting other children." They arrived in town, seeing Henry and Hope across the street from Leo hurting other children. "Killian, call an ambulance. These children need to get checked out.""Aye on it, love." Killian calls an ambulance as Emma approaches a crowd of people parents' of the children and her brother and Mom. "Sheriff, thank gosh that you are here. Leo just comes up running with a knife and started hurting our children.""Everyone, those children who are hurt, an ambulance is coming to check your children out." All of the parents were asking her questions in concern and anger, "When will this will stop? Are you going to charge him?" Emma handcuffed her brother before their mother took Leo away and the ambulance came to check on the injured children. Killian was with Henry and calming down Hope. "Henry, take Hope home.""Dad...""Your Mom and I will handle the situation.""Yes, Dad.""Dada.""Hope, Dada and Mommy will be home soon.""Bad!""Yes, Hope. Leo is very bad." She kisses him on the cheek. "You are good little lass, Hope." Henry brings Hope and the birthday cake home. The crowd of citizens was still asking Emma questions. "Everyone, Leo is going to be in custody of the law. I know he causes a lot of trouble. We are handling him as best as we can. He is going to be arrested again." Killian came just in time before parents wanting to attack Snow White for her son hurting their children. "Everyone don't hurt, Snow White. Even if it is her fault for not stopping him and being in denial." "It is her fault!! She needs to be punished! Our children are in danger because of him!!" Other angry parents agreed. A sheriff patrol car arrived, which was Lily and Mulan. Emma sees them."Killian, take Leo and Mary Margaret into the sheriff's car and tell Lily to keep them at the sheriff station. Mulan, you and I will interview witnesses here.""Aye, love. Henry text me the videos of hurting the children." "Great, we have evidence." "Emma! You can't do this?!""Me? Mary Margaret? Dad put him on a leash for a reason for him to stop hurting others. You let him run around hurting others without stopping him. It is not my fault, it is yours." Killian leads his mother in law and brother in law to the patrol car and told Mulan and Lily the orders. Mulan and Killian returned to Emma, the townspeople were mad. "Everyone, I know exactly what you are going through.""No, you don't.""Yes, I do. My brother Leo hurts my daughter, Hope. He broke her legs and her ribs and loves scaring her. He hurt my husband by stabbing his leg. Trust me, I want Leo to stop hurting others. He will stop hurting others." After the town people calmed down, Emma, Killian, and Mulan wrote reports from witnesses. Charming arrives. "Dad.""Emma, I told your Mom to use the leash.""She did not listen and he hurt a few more children.""She is in jail.""Did Lily put Leo in juvenile hall?""Yes. He is staying there for a while." "Good, the townspeople are furious Dad.""I know..." She hugs her Dad."We are going to get through this Dad." She looks at Killian. "Dad, come join us for dinner.""Emma, are you sure?""Charming,it is my birthday dinner.""Killian, it is your birthday?""Aye, yes it is.""Happy birthday." They hug."Thank you. Swan, we should be heading home.""Yes." Emma drove Killian and her Dad home. They found Henry and Hope watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. "Henry, Hope.""Mommy." Hope runs to her Mommy and Emma scoops Hope into her arms. She hugs her daughter. "Hopey, were you a good girl for Henry?""Yes!" "Mom, Hope and I colored and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We are hungry.""Lad, we are all hungry.""Amps!""Hi, Hope." Hope babbles. "Charming, Hope is telling you all about our day on the Jolly Roger." They all went into the kitchen."Wow, Emma. We are having lobster for dinner?""Yes, we are Dad. It was Killian's idea. I helped him cook." She places Hope in her high chair. Killian puts the cut-up lobster and corn onto her high chair table. "Little love, you are having lobster tonight." Hope tries lobster."Dada!""You like it, Hope?""Yes!" Killian smiled."My little lass loves lobster." Everyone else ate their lobster cracking the shells and dipping it in butter. Hope babbles."Hopey, you want more corn?""Emma, Hope wants more lobster." They gave Hope a little more of lobster and corn. "Hope you wanted more of both, little princess?"Dada.""Thank you, Hope. I love cooking seafood. I always cooked seafood on the Jolly Roger.""Wawa.""Aye, I love your idea, Hope. Emma, Henry on our next family adventure we need to have lobster on deck for dinner." "Little sis, that is a great idea." Henry tickles Hope."My grandchildren are pirates.""Dada!""Amps!"Gramps." They all laughed. "Dad, I did marry a pirate and our children are pirates. They love the ocean just like their Dad." Emma cleans up Hope'sface. "Hope, you are covered with your dinner." Hope babbles happily. "Yes, it is very yummy.""Mommy." She puts Hope on her lap."Amps!""Yes, grandpa is having dinner with us. He is staying over tonight." Emma and Killian knew that he would be home alone and they did not want him to be alone. Killian and Charming cleaned up the kitchen while Emma gave Hope a bubble bath. When they returned downstairs, Killian and Charming were talking in the living room. "Dada." Emma places Hope onto Killian's lap and go into the kitchen where Henry was setting up Killian's cake."Mom, this is a great cake.""Do you think Dad will like it?""No, Mom, he will love it." Emma chuckles."Killian, we have one more birthday surprise for you." Charming and Hope enter the kitchen first. Emma holds her daughter on her hip, Killian enters the room seeing his family together with a cake in shape of an anchor with a lot of candles on the cake. "Emma... is this an anchor cake?" Henry took a video of his Dad reaction."Yes, an anchor cake. I had Bashful created it especially for you.""Emma." They kiss. "Happy birthday, Killian."Hope babbles. "Yes, little love. I need to blow the candles out so we can have cake." They sang Happy birthday to Killian with Hope sitting on his lap. He blew out the candles and everyone cheered. Emma cut the cake. "Emma, this is the best cake I ever had for my birthday.""I made sure it was perfect just for you.""Aye, it is perfect." They kiss. After cake, Killian tells Hope a bedtime story in her room. Hope was trying to fight her sleep ."Hope, we had a very busy day little love, we sailed all day, you ran around the Jolly Roger, you went into town with Henry and had H &H time with him. You tried lobster today and had yummy cake today that Mommy got for my birthday.""Dada.""I love you too, Hope" he kisses Hope on the head. "You, Mommy and Henry, made my birthday very special. I did not have a good birthday ever not until I met your Mommy and she gave me happiness. Now, I am not alone on m birthday, I have my family." Hope fell fast asleep on her Daddy."Sleep dreams, Hope. Daddy loves you so much, little pirate princess." He continues to rock her. Charming got out of the shower seeing his son in law being an amazing father to Hope. Killian is the perfect man to be his daughter's husband. He goes downstairs seeing Emma and Henry playing video games. Emma paused the games. "Kid it is time for bed.""Mom.""Henry, it is getting late.""Can we play more tomorrow?""Yes, Henry." Henry hugs his Mom."I love you, Mom.""I love you, too, Henry." She kisses him on the head and he goes upstairs. Charming joins Emma on the couch. "Dad, do you have enough blankets?""Yes, you gave me plenty." Emma hugs her Dad. "I am sorry about Mom...""I do not even know her anymore...she seems to change her personality.""Dad, she has always been like that fighting for what she believes in. remember how she was trying to get me back together with Neal when that was never going to happen. He broke my heart and framed me for his crime and left me in prison...Mom needs to wake up and accept Leo for who he is.""I am hoping that an angry group of parents would snap out of her denial.""That what I was thinking...""How was sailing with your family?"Emma smiles. "It was really fun." Emma and Charming talked until early morning, they never really have time to talk without a curse, case or family issue was going on. They went to bed. Emma found Killian fast asleep in their bed and joins him. Killian felt his wife in their bed and wrapped his swan in his arms knowing his wan was spending one on one time with her Dad. She felt safe in her husband's arms and kisses his hook. "Happy birthday, Killian. We love you so much."

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