Parenting & Heroes

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Killian has been busy at home building shelves in Henry's room for his funkpop collection. He was currently building Hope's toddler bed as Emma took Hope to her swimming lessons. Henry started his online classes. Henry entered his Dad seeing his sister's toddler bed. "How is it going in here?"
"It is going well. I got the side off. I just need to replace it by using a smaller rail."
"How about the bedding?"
"Aye, your Mom has bedding set with a matching pillow for Hope."
"I am not surprised. Mom knows how to decorate, Hope's room."
"Aye, she knows how to decorate."
Emma took crying Hope out of the yellow bug, Hope wanted her Daddy. "Dada...dada." She carried Hope inside. "We are going to see Dada later after swimming lessons." Emma enters the swimming pool and sees Ariel and Melody. "Hope, look who is here Melody."
"Mel-Mel." Emma sets Hope down and goes to Melody."Mel-Mel!"
"Hope!" They hug.
Emma was surprised."Hi, Ariel."
"Hi, Emma. Hope is Melody's third word."
"Aww. You and Melody are joining our swim class?"
"Yes! Killian told me about Moana's swim classes. Eric and I knew it was time for Melody to learn how to swim. I knew Melody will have fun in the same class as Hope." They put their daughters on the bench.
"Our girls are going to be in the same swim class. Hope is happy now that her best friend is here. She had a hard time leaving the house this morning, leaving D-A-D. He is building Hope's toddler bed at home."
"I am very glad that Melody can cheer up Hope." They get the girls ready for their swim class.
Hope was wearing a swim diaper and her Ariel bathing suit. "Mommy...Mel-Mel."
"Yes, Melody is joining our swim class." Hope hugs, Melody. Emma took pictures of Hope and Melody on her iPhone. "This is so going in the photo album."
Moana approaches Emma and Ariel. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Moana. Moana this is Ariel."
"Hi, Moana. This is my daughter Melody."
Moana kneels to Melody and Hope. "Hi, Melody."
"Hope is Melody your friend?"
When the class was beginning, Hope was leading Melody to the pool. Emma and Ariel hold their daughters on their hips and joined the class. "Ariel, your fins are not going to show?"
Ariel chuckles. "No, as long as I have my bracelet on, my fins won't show."
The class began, the sang songs and walked into a circle, lifting the babies up and down. Moana gave the parents kickboards, to practice kicking. Emma sets on the kickboard. "Hope, kick your legs." As Hope kicked her legs, Emma was moving Hope around. "You are swimming,Hope!" Hope was smiling.
"The next lesson is the trust fall. We are going to let the babies sit on the ledge and let them fall into the pool as you catch them." Emma puts Hope on the ledge and has her arms ready to catch Hope. "Hope jump in the water." Hope smiles as she belly-flopped into the pool, Emma catches her daughter and smiles. "My little fish." She spun Hope around. "You did a great job, Hope. Again?"
"Yes!" Hope belly-flopped again, and Emma caught her daughter. They hear Melody crying in Ariel's arms. Hope points at her best friend."Mel-Mel."
"Melody just got afraid when she belly-flopped in the water. She is going to be okay." She kisses Melody on the head.
Emma hugs Hope. "Your ocean princess BFF is okay, Hope." After Melody calmed down, they joined the rest of the class. After the good-bye song, Ariel and Emma carried their daughters out of the pool and got them dressed. "Mel-Mel...pway."
Emma smiles. "Ariel, Hope wants to play with Melody. Are you two free for a play date?"
"I know where Hope and Melody would want to play at." Emma drives Hope, Ariel, and Melody to the docks.
"Mommy...olly wawa!!"
"Yes, Hope. We are going on the Jolly Roger." Melody walks with Hope on the Jolly Roger, Emma took pictures of the two ocean princesses walking together on her iPhone. "They are so cute."
"Yes, Melody was looking forward to be with Hope in her swim class. She kept saying Hope, as we sailed here."
"Aww. I know Hope missed Melody. I am happy that you are in the same swim class with us. The girls will see each other more often."
"Yes, Eric and I will be sailing here through realms to bring Melody to her swim class."
Hope carried rope to her Mommy. "Mommy."
"Hope! You are a little pirate. We need to put the rope away." Emma takes Hope's hand and walks with her to put the rope back. She built Hope and Melody a fort to play in. "Mel-mel pway." Hope leads Melody inside the fort.
Killian finished making Hope's toddler bed. He checks on Henry. "Lad, how is it going in your classes?"
"It is going well. Can you help me with my math?"
"Yes, I can." Killian sits next to Henry and helps him with his math work. "Lad, I was thinking we need to have a sword lesson."
"Yes! Homeschool break!" They went to the basement to get the swords and had a sword lesson on the front lawn.
Back on the Jolly Roger, Emma and Ariel were talking while Hope and Melody were walking around the deck and climbing on boxes and barrels. Emma took pictures of Hope playing with Melody on her iPhone. "I heard from Killian that you had a mis.."
"No, I had an ectopic pregnancy. It was when the baby was growing in the fallopian tube, not in the uterus. Dr.Claire did the surgery, saving my fallopian tube. I can still have kids."
Hope and Melody go to their Mommy's. "Food."
Emma smiles. "Do you want a snack?"
"Yes, pweas."
Emam takes out two bags of goldfish and hands a bag each to Melody and Hope. "Ank you Mommy."
"You are welcome, Hope." Melody babbles. "You are welcome, Melody." The two girls eat their snacks.
While Henry and Killian were swordfighting in the front yard. "Dad?"
"Yes, son?"
"I need to ask you something...I have been trying to ask since my birthday..."
Killian stands closer to his son. "What is it, Henry?"
"I need your advice on girls..."
Killian smiles. "Oh really? Are you interested in a new lass?"
"I don't know about Violet anymore. We do not talk. I mean...we grew apart when she was not there for me at school when I was being bullied...I realized that she was not the one for me. I learned from you and Mom, how you two support each other. I knew Violet was not the right one for me."
"Violet came over when Hope was in recovery."
"Yes, since then she stopped talking to me."
"Lad, if she is not supporting you or talking to you that means she is not a true lass for you. Something tells me that you are talking to another lass."
"You are right. I am talking to a girl."
"Who is it?"
"Ava, also known as Gretel. Her family was Mom's first saves during the dark curse. She kept her and her twin brother Nicholas Zimmer together from the foster system by reuniting them with their Dad. We have been talking through text."
"How long have you two have been texting each other?"
"Since April, when Hope was in the hospital...she texted me. She was concerned about Hope. I gave her updates. We have been texting ever since. She was concern about Hope and my feelings."
"She sounds like she is a very good friend."
"Do you have any advice on how to...further the relationship from text message?"
Killian smiles. "Aye, I can help with that. I have a few ideas. You can text her to meet somewhere she likes to go to talk or take her out to grannys."
"I have a few ideas."
"You need to be yourself."
"I know. I just hope that she wants to be more than just friends."
"You will never know until you try. From my experience with your Mom, it took me a long time to be more than just friends."
"Yes, it took a few curses and the underworld to get you and Mom to be an official couple."
Killian chuckles. "That is all the Crocodile, the Snow Queen, Maleficent, Cruella, Hades, Hyde,the Black Fairy, all connected to Crocodile plans to take over the town."
"Yea, it was his fault. Tell me more tips on dating. I know the rule no sex, that rule from Mom."
Killian chuckles. "Your Mom is right lad. I will give you dating tips." They continue to talk enjoying one on one time.
After their snack the girls were running around the deck until Melody began crying. Ariel scooped Melody into her arms. "My little mermaid. Are you tired?" She kisses Melody.
"I know you had a fun morning swimming class and a playtime with Hope."
Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Hope, Melody needs her nap. She is okay."
"Emma, we need to head back to our realm."
Hope began crying. "No! Mel-Mel tay."
"Hope,Melody is coming back next week. She is coming to our realm to be in our swim class every week. After swim class, you and Melody will have playtime every week." She looks at Ariel. "I am thinking since it is getting cooler out. The girls can have their next playdate at our house. They can play inside or out in our backyard."
"That is a great idea, Emma. We will see you both next week."
"Mel-Mel." Emma brings Hope closer to her best friend and she hugs her.
"Hope, you and Melody will see each other very soon."
"Yes, Melody loves playing with you, Hope." Hope babbles.
"We will see you next week."
"Yes. Melody we are going bye-bye."
"Hope." Melody hugs her best friend. Ariel carries crying Melody back to their ship.
"Melody is going home. Now it is time for us to go home to Daddy and Henry."
"Dada! Henwy!"
"Yes." Emma smiles knowing Hope was looking forward to seeing Killian and Henry. Hope does not know that her parents have a surprise for her. She puts Hope back into her car seat and drove them home. "Ome." Emma takes Hope out of her car seat and lets her walk to their house. She sees Killian and Henry talking on the lawn. "Dada!!" Hope runs to him, Killian scooped Hope into his arms. "Dada.Dada!"
Killian smiles seeing how much his little pirate princess was so excited to see him. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun in your swimming lesson with Mommy?"
"Yes. Mel-Mel."
"Melody is in your swimming lesson?"
"Yes. Mel-mel olly wawa."
"You and Melody were playing on the Jolly Roger?"
"How is B-E-D set up went?"
"It is set up, love. You can decorate the B-E-D."
"Little love, we are going to have pirate time. You need a bubble bath."
"Hi, baby sis." He kisses her on the cheek.
"She missed you, kid."
"Hope after I finish my school work, we are going to have H&H time." Killian takes Hope inside.
Emma looks at the swords. "Before you go back to your schoolwork. How about I give you a sword lesson?"
"You are on."
Emma and Henry had a sword lesson. The mail came, Emma got the mail. "Henry, this is for you."
Henry opens the envelope, family tickets for New York Comic Con."We are going to Comic Con in November!!"
"Yes, we are! Happy belated birthday Henry!"
Henry hugs his Mom. "Thank you Mom! This present is worth the wait!!"
"Yes, kid. I had to get tickets later because they changed comic con days to November. I know we are going to have fun!"
"Yes, we are! Thank you, Mom."
"You are welcome, kid. This is our birthday tradition for you."
"Yes, I love this birthday tradition. Will we be able to go next year when I am in college?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, of course, Henry. We can travel together to New York together and have a family weekend in New York."
"It is going to be a birthday trip for you too."
"You are right." Emma hugs her son knowing he will be an adult in a year and going to college.
Killian plays with Hope during her bath time. Hope was splashing around, played with her toys, and talked to her Daddy. He hears Emma and Henry talking. Emma goes into her room to change her outfit. She went into Hope's room to see the toddler bed, which was her crib with one side down and replaced with a smaller version of the rail on one side. She sets the bedding on her daughter's mattress and set up Hope's duvet cover on the bed and sets up the matching pillowcases. Killian changes Hope into a new clean diaper and pirate dress. Hope walks back to her room with her Daddy and sees her Mommy waiting for them. "Mommy."
Emma kneels down to her daughter. "Hope, Mommy and Dada have a surprise for you in your room." She holds Hope's hand and opens the door. Hope sees her new toddler bed, her the little mermaid duvet with matching pillows and her favorite Disney plush animals were on the bed. "Wow!"
"Hope, that is your big girl bed!"
Hope runs to her toddler bed climbed into her big girl bed and began jumping. Emma and Killian both smiled at each other, Hope was loving her new big girl bed. Killian took pictures on his iPhone.
Emma smiles and kneels to Hope. "Do you like your big girl bed?"
"Yes!" Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma smiles. "Dada...bed."
"Do you like your new bed?"
"Yes, luv bed."
"Hope, Dada built your big girl bed for you. What do you say to Dada?"
"Ank you,Dada." Hope hugs her Daddy.
"You are welcome, little love."
"Mommy will read to you, baby girl. Which book?"
"Henry's storybook it is." She goes to Henry's room to get his storybook.
"Mom, by the way Hope is jumping up and down and screaming in her room, it looks like she loves her new bed."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she loves it. How are your classes going?"
"So far so good. Dad is going to help me with my math class later. I do need your help with my English paper."
"I can help edit your paper. What are you working on?"
"History. I am almost done."
"After your history class, we can have lunch."
Emma returns to Hope's room with Henry's book. Killian was lying next to sleeping Hope who was fast asleep, whose head was lying on top of Killian and gripping his hook. She took a picture of Killian and Hope on her iPhone. "Our little pirate is enjoying her new bed."
"Aye, she just fell asleep. We had our pirate talk and she got tired."
"She had a very busy morning swimming lessons and a playdate with her ocean princess best friend on the Jolly Roger."
"Aye, our little pirate princess is tired out."
"Yes. You got Ariel and Melody to join the swimming lessons?"
"Aye, yes I did. I told Ariel about the classes when she asked me how Hope was learning how to swim. I told her the day that Hope goes."
"She was very upset when we left the house today. Once she saw Melody, she stopped crying. She missed her Daddy."
"She does not like being away from you and I."
"I know." She smoothes Hope's blonde hair. "She loves being with you and I. She is happy to have her Daddy with her." She kisses him on the cheek. "I will make us lunch." Emma gets a phone call. "It is Mulan." She answered her iPhone. "Hi, Mulan."
"Emma, I need Killian and you at the station. We have a problem with Jack Sparrow."
"Killian, it is Mulan. Something with Jack Sparrow."
Killian gently laid Hope in her bed. "Dada and Mommy will be back, little love." He kisses Hope on the head.
Emma rushes into Henry's room. "Henry, I need you to watch Hope. Your Dad and I need to work on a case with Jack Sparrow."
Henry stopped what he was working on. "Hope will be with me, Mom."
Emma hugs her son. "You are the best, kid.I love you."
"I love you too, Mom."
Killian approaches Emma, "Swan, we should be going."
"Yes." Emma goes to Hope's room and gently kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope. Mommy and Dad will be back soon." Emma and Killian leave. Henry brought a book and went to his sister's room.
Emma drove herself and Killian to the sheriff's station. They entered finding her whole squad there with Regina. The squad looks at Charming. "What is going on? Something about Jack Sparrow! Dad?"
"Emma, Jack Sparrow escaped prison with Blackbeard."
Emma and Killian looked at each other knowing their children are in danger. "The kids!" Everyone ran out of the station back to their house. Killian calls Henry and hears Hope crying. "Henry!"
"Dad! There is a banging sound and I can hear yelling."
"Hide with Hope, Henry. We are on the way." He looks at Emma. "Emma, they are at our house."
"We need to hurry, I have a bad feeling about this."
Back at home, Henry holds crying Hope and gets her Pluto doll and blanket and covers Hope. "Mommy, Dada...Henwy."
"You are with me, baby sis. Everything is going to be okay. Mommy and daddy are coming home. We are going somewhere safe." Henry takes Hope to the basement.
Outside of their house, Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow were trying to get into their house. "Are you sure that Hook lives here Blackbeard?"
"Aye, I am positive this is Hook's house." They were having a hard time getting through the protection spell.
"I have an idea." Jack Sparrow took out a small pouch. "Black Fairy dust."
"Where did you get that?"
"I have my ways. Let's get our revenge on Hook." Jack Sparrow blew fairy dust which broke the protection spell and entered the house. Emma stopped running knowing her magic was broken. "We need to hurry, they are in our house." They entered the house finding no one there. "Everyone search for Henry and Hope now!!"
Killian had a feeling they were somewhere else, "Swan, come with me. Something is telling me that they are not here."
"Dad, come with us." They rush to the docks seeing Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow with Henry and Hope who were tied up together. "Mom!! Dad!!!"
Emma and Killian were both furious at the two pirates. Blackbeard,"Well, well, well, it is about time you are here, Hook!" Hope was crying her eyes out.
"DO NOT HURT MY CHILDREN!!" Emma's light magic began to show as Killian charges at his two enemies. Blackbeard and Killian sword fight.
Jack Sparrow pushes Henry and Hope into the ocean. "Henry, Hope!!" Emma dived into the ocean as Charming called an ambulance. Killian was being attacked by both pirates. Charming aides Killian on sword fighting both pirates. "Emma is with Henry and Hope, Killian." She dove deep down and went underneath Henry and Hope and brings them up to the surface. Henry and Hope were gasping for air. She used her light magic to untie the rope from her children. She gets Hope from Henry, checking her daughter who was crying. "Hold on to Mommy, like we are going into another realm." Hope gripped her Mommy's neck as she moved her body and kept them afloat. Henry pats Hope's back, which she coughed out water. "Good job, Hope. You are okay."
"Mom, they kidnapped us at home."
"I know. Your Dad and I knew you two were not in the house. Are you okay?"
"Yes, now that Hope and I are untied and not underwater. Is Hope okay?"
Emma looks at her daughter. "She is crying and coughing out water besides that, she is breathing. I think she was able to hold her breath underwater." Hope cried more. "This is like our swimming class, Hope."
"You saved Hope and me, Mom."
"Yes, I did."
"We are going home really soon. You are not going with the bad pirates."
"Dada is fighting them. They are not going to hurt you or Henry. Just hold onto me."
Regina, Lily, and Mulan arrived seeing Killian and Charming fighting both Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow while Emma was with Henry and Hope in the water. Regina was furious and set fireball ring at the two pirates which stopped them fighting Killian and Charming. "Killian, I got these two. Get Emma, Hope, and Henry out of the ocean." They hear sirens of an ambulance coming. Lily Red and Mulan were watching the two pirates as Killian goes to Emma, Henry and Hope. He kneels down and reaches out for his family. "Emma!"
"Killian,they are okay." She swims closer to the docks, "Go to Dada, Hope."
Killian gets Hope from Emma. "I got her. Are you okay?"
"Yes. All three of us are okay. You got Hope?"
"Yes, she is with me, love."
"Dada!!" Hope gripped onto her daddy. "Tay...Mommy...Henry." He takes off his leather jacket and wraps it around Hope. "You are with Daddy, Hope. Mommy and Henry are coming out of the ocean next. "
Regina had an endless fire ring around Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow, "Mulan, Red, Lily watch them." Lily, Red, and Mulan guarded the two villains. She rushes to the ocean, to Henry and Emma. "Henry!"
"I am okay, Mom. Jack Sparrow pushed me and Hope into the water tied up. Mom dived into the ocean to save us." Regina reached for Henry, with Charming's help, they pulled Henry out of the ocean. EMTS arrived to give blankets to Henry and Hope. Regina hugs Henry. "I am okay, Mom."
Charming and witht he help of Killian's hook, Emma gripped her Dad's hand, and her husband's help Emma out of the ocean. Charming hugs his daughter in his arms."Are you okay?"
"Yea...cold but okay. I got Hope and Henry out of there." An EMT gives Emma a blanket. Killian sat down next to his wife and hugged her. "I am okay. Just cold."
"You saved our children."
"Yes. I did. Now kick the butt to the one who almost drowned our children."
"Aye, sheriff Swan." Killian gives Hope to Emma and goes to the flame ring.
"Dada is going to make sure the bad pirates get the punishment they deserve."
"Henry, come here." Henry sits next to his Mom and sister. She hugs her son. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, Mom. I am okay." She kisses Henry on the head. "You saved us."
"I was doing my job as you Mom. my two ducklings are safe."
Killian approaches Regina. "Regina, I need the flame ring down."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, I need questions answered from Jack Sparrow. He almost killed Henry and Hope." He looks at the squad. "Mulan, Lily when the flame goes down, handcuff Blackbeard."
Charming goes to his son in law. "What are you going to do?"
"Get some answers right now from Jack Sparrow."
"I will make sure Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard don't escape." He takes his sword out. Regina let the fire ring go down, Mulan and Lily arrest Blackbeard as Charming does not let Jack Sparrow escape. He approaches his enemy and tugs his shirt and faces him. "HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU ENTER MY HOUSE AND KIDNAPPED MY CHILDREN!?!?! ANSWER ME!!"
"NOT telling you." Killian tackles Jack Sparrow and began punching him.
Allison rushed over to her extended family. "Henry!"
"Hi, Aunt Allison. Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow kidnapped Hope and me. Tied us together and Jack Sparrow pushed us into the ocean. Can you check Hope first?"
"I can do that, Henry."
Emma sees her husband getting into a fight. "Allison, can you hold Hope?"
"Yes, I can." She takes Hope from her best friend. "Hope, you are okay, little niece."
"Hope, Mommy is going to make sure Daddy doesn't hurt his enemy too much and get answers." Emma goes to Killian. "Killian!!"
"Emma, he almost drowned our children."
"I know." She looks at her Dad. "Dad, tie him to a pole."
"Yes, sheriff."
"Killian, we are going to interrogate him the way we met." Killian smiles knowing his swan was up too.
Hope was still crying. "Mommy."
"Mommy and Daddy are not too far, little sis. Auntie is going to check on you to see if you are okay. Mommy is with Daddy helping him get answers from Jack Sparrow."
"He is very bad."
"Auntie Allison is only to check if you are hurt, that is all no hospital." Hope cried more.
"I have an idea." Allison takes out a lollipop. "Hope, I got you a treat."
"Tweet! Ank you."
"You are welcome, Hope." She kisses Hope on the cheek and opens the lollipop. Hope eats her lollipop. When Hope calmed down and finished her candy, Allison examines Hope, she looks at Hope's face, no sign of loss of breath, her skin is normal not changing colors. She takes her stethoscope out."Hope, can you breathe in and out for me?" Hope breathes in and out. "Good, girl. She is alright."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Henry."
"I just wanted to make sure."
Charming pulls Jack Sparrow arms around the poll and handcuffs him. Emma takes her gun out. "Hello, beautiful."
Emma was furious, she placed her gun to his neck. "Shut your dirty mouth. Tell my husband how the heck you got our house now!!"
"Answer my wife!! Or else you will get more torture in prison!!"
"O wi will shoot you, Sparrow."
Killian punches Jack Sparrow in the face. Regina showed a fireball flame. "You will get burned right where you are."
"How the bloody hell entered my house?!"
"I used black fairy dust. I got it from somebody in another realm."
Emma knew he was telling the truth but not everything. "Killian, he is not telling the whole truth."
"Tell me everything Jack Sparrow who gave you the dark fairy dust?!!"
"My crew and I were sailing through Neverland, someone's shadow that looks like a fairy gave me." Killian takes the bag of dark fairy dust. "Swan."
"Red, we need Gold to examine this."
"I will bring this to him." Red leaves the docks.
Emma thought for a moment. "Swan?"
"They need to be in prison, isolated. Blackbeard escaped a third time, and hurt Hope again. We need to make sure they do not escape, they almost drowned our children today and kidnapped them." Mulan and Lily bring the pirates to the pirates to sheriff's car.
Killian thought. "We need to investigate them. We need to find out how they escaped but we need to lock them up first in isolation cells. Dad, can you make sure they are in isolated cells?"
"I am on it, sheriff."
Regina approached the group. "Henry is getting checked by Allison. What is the plan sheriff?"
"It is more like Deputy Killian but I agree with his plan on sending them back to prison into isolated cells and interrogating them there."
"We also need to figure out what dark fairy dust means? Who gave it Jack Sparrow and why?"
"I agree with my wife."
"We will have to figure it out soon."
Regina, "Does it have to do anything with the orphan children that you three have found?"
Charming."There must be a link somehow."
"They are linked somehow, Dad. We need to find out why."
Regina,"I will go to Rumpelstiltskin after I go with David, Mulan, and Lily to make sure those pirates get the punishment."
"I just want these two pirates away from Henry and Hope."
"Yes, sheriff."
"Emma, I will make sure they get the extra attention they need and as isolated as possible."
"Thanks, Regina."
Henry walks to the group. "Mom, what do you mean?"
"They almost drown you. They are going to get a special punishment by me. When someone hurts my son, I get revenge." Regina, Charming, Lily and Mulan left with the pirates to the prison. Emma and Killian return to Hope and Allison. Hope hugs her Mommy. "Allison, how is Hope?"
"Her breathing is normal. She is warm from the blanket. Her skin color is normal, not pale. Her lips are not turning blue which is a very good sign."
"She is not having trouble breathing?"
"Emma, Killian, Hope is breathing normally. There is no water in her lungs." Emma sighed in relief as Killian's heart dropped in relief.
"She was coughing out water when she and Henry reached the surface.With her breathing issues before, I just want to make sure."
"She is healthy, Emma."
"Mom, I made sure to."
"Emma, both Henry and Hope are okay. They are just cold and wet."
"Swan, Hope's swimming classes are coming in handy."
Emma smiles and hugs her daughter. "Yes. Her swim classes saved her life."
"Yes. Swan, we should head home."
"Ome, Mommy?"
"Yes, we are going home, Hope." Killian helped his swan up.
"Yes, Henry?"
Henry hugs her. "You saved us, Mom."
"Hero, Mommy."
Emma hugs both of her children. "You two are safe. Now we are going to go home."
Allison approaches Emma. "Are you sure you are okay? I can examine you."
"I am okay, Allison. I just dived in the ocean to rescue Henry and Hope. I got my babies back to the surface." She hugs Hope.
"Auntie, ome."
Emma and Allison both chuckle. "Allison, Hope wants to show you her big girl bed."
"Hope you have a big girl bed?" Hope nods her head yes. "I have to see your new bed." Hope smiles. The family walked home, Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves as they walked. Allison and Henry were talking about what happened. When they entered inside. "Mommy, bed."
"Yes, Hope. You can show Auntie your new big girl bed." She sets Hope down on the floor, letting her lead Allison upstairs. "Mom, Dad?"
"I am sorry. I did not protect Hope when Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow came."
"You are not in any trouble. You were there for your sister. I saw you hugging her in tied up ropes, protecting her which is your job as her brother. This is not your fault Henry."
"You saved us, Mom. I knew you and Dad were coming." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Yes, we were coming. Your Dad knew you two were at the docks somehow."
"Well, they are pirates. I was reassuring Hope that you two were coming for us."
"That is our job as your parents, kid. Now you can go finish your schoolwork. Later we can have a family movie night."
"Awesome!" Henry goes upstairs.
"I know you're mad at me and at my enemies, and blaming me that our children almost drown to death today."
Emma hugs Killian knowing that he felt guilty of his enemies trying to drown their children. "Killian, I am not mad at you."
"I am mad at my enemies, both of them working together to tear our family apart. Trying to kill our children. If I did not have these enemies, our children would be safe."
"I am not mad. I married a pirate, I knew you have enemies. Our children are home here with us safe. They are not hurt."
"I hate our children being in danger from my enemies or our enemies."
"I know but we save our children, Killian. We both have enemies that is why us heroes know how to save people."
"I am just worried Hope will have sleep issues more or afraid to be alone without us."
"That is what I am worried about but she has you and I to reassure her that she is safe. She can sleep with us or we can sleep with her until she feels safe again which I do not mind."
"You are right, swan. I just hate my enemies hurting our children. Our children are my everything, I don't know what I would do if they are gone because of my enemies."
"Killian." She held her husband's hook and hand. "We are heroes, Killian. That is part of our jobs to fight villains especially when they are threatening our family. We always get the bad guys. We always rescue our children. When they are older, they will be heroes like us. Henry is a hero. Hope will learn to use her magic, not that I want her to fight villains, I do not want to be fighting villains, like me."
"Our Hope won't be fighting villains, like her Mommy. She is a little hero like the rest of our family."
"You are not mad anymore?"
"No, love because I have you." They kiss. "I think you need to change out of your soaking wet clothes."
"You are right." She kisses him more. "We need to continue this later."
"Aye, pancakes." Emma giggled as he kissed her more. She goes upstairs to change out of her clothes.
Hope leads Allison to her room. "Hope your big girl bed is all Ariel."
"Yes!"Allison changed Hope into dry clothes. Hope was playing with the kitchen set.
Henry sees Hope jumping on her bed with Allison talking to her. "Hope, are you showing Aunt Allison your new Ariel bed?"
"Henwy, bed!"
"Your new bed is awesome!"
"Yes, Daddy built your new big girl bed and Mommy got your bedsheets." He tickles Hope making her laugh.
"Hope, did your Mommy choose your Ariel bed?"
"Yes!" Hope hugs Allison.
"You give the best hugs."
"Aunt Allison, are you sure Hope is okay?"
"Yes, Henry."
"Mommy?" Hope began crying. Emma enters the room. Hope goes to her Mommy crying.
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, you are safe, baby girl." She rubs Hope's back as her daughter clung onto her. "You are staying here with me." She rubs Hope's back.
Killian enters the room.
Killian rubs Hope's head. "Hope, are you getting your snuggles with Mommy?"
"Mommy, best."
Emma and Killian both smile. "Your Mommy is the best."
"Dada afe."
"Yes, Hope. Dada is safe." Killian kisses Hope on the head.
"Dada." Emma gives Hope to Killian. "No, Mommy tay." Killian gives Hope to Emma.
"You want to be with Mommy and Daddy, sweetie?"
"Henry, we can have a movie night tonight."
"I will get Netflix set up." Henry goes downstairs.
"Little love, we need to get our movie snacks ready." Killian brings Hope downstairs. Emma and Allison went to Emma and Killian's bedroom to talk.
"Allison, how do we get Hope not afraid? We just got Hope not clingy to Killian and I as much." Emma rubbed her head. "Now she is more afraid."
"I am worried about Hope. She is almost two and half and has separation anxiety. I mean with the kidnappings, villains, and hospital visits. Hope is afraid!"
"Hope is still little, she is going to be independent when she is not a toddler anymore. It is normal at this age for her to be attached to you, Killian and Henry. Hope knows that you and Killian are there for her. She is a strong little girl, she proves it all the time just like you, Emma. She knows she can go to you or Killian whenever she is afraid, which is part of being a great parent."
Hope comes upstairs and holds her Mommy's hand. "Mommy down..."
Emma chuckles. "Yes, Hope, we are going to watch the movie soon."
"Auntie..." Hope hugs Allison's legs. "Talk."
Allison kneels down to Hope. "Mommy and I are talking."
"You want to join our talk?"
"We can talk." Emma and Allison continued to talk with Hope. "Hope, are you happy to be with us in girl talk?"
"Yes." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy...hero." Emma hugs her daughter.
"She knows she is safe with you, Emma."
"I am doing my job right." They continued to talk more until Allison had to leave. Allison leaves the Swan-Jones house.
"Mommy." Emma holds Hope on her hip. "Tay."
"I am staying here with you." She kisses her on the head. "We are going to have our movie night." She brings Hope downstairs to find Killian and Henry who were in a deep conversation. "Do you want to go play on your swingset?"
"Yes." Emma takes Hope outside. Hope goes on the normal swing.
"Hold on tight, Hope."
Emma pushes Hope on the swings. "Wee!!" Emma smiles seeing her daughter happy. After the swings, Hope went on the slide. "Come down, Hope."
Hope goes down the slide. "Wee!" Hope goes back up the ladder. "Again!"
"You want me to go on the slide with you?"
"Yes. Pweas." Emma climbs up the ladder. "Mommy!"
Emma smiles. "Sit on Mommy's lap." Hope sits on her Mommy's lap and went down the slide.
"Wee! Again! Mommy again!"
"Yes, we can go down the slide again." Emma lets Hope climb up the ladder first and she follows. "Mommy."
"I am coming."
"Yes, slide." Hope sits on her Mommy's lap. "Hope, we are going down in "3..."
"1." They go down the slide. Emma was smiling and enjoying her fun time with Hope. She always wanted this fun as a child with her parents which she never got as a child now she has it with her daughter. Emma chases Hope around the yard until Hope got tired. "Hopey, let's see if the boys are ready to watch the movie." They see Henry and Killian ready for the movie.
Emma smiles love Hope copying her, being her mini-me. "Are you two ready for movie night?"
"Aye, yes. I ordered pizza for us. Popcorn is ready."
"Dada." Hope goes to him.
He holds Hope onto his hip."Little love, did you have fun with Mommy in the backyard."
"You went on the slide!"
"Yes, Mommy!"
Killian smiles. "Mommy went on the slide with you! That is so much fun."
"We are going to watch a movie, little love." Hope laid her head on her Daddy's shoulder.
"Kid, are you okay? I saw you talking with Dad."
"I am okay, Mom."
"Are you sure?"
Henry takes Hope from their Dad. "Little sis, we are watching The Little Mermaid." Henry sits with Hope on the couch.
"Kid, did you choose The Little Mermaid for Hope?"
"Maybe." Henry hugs his Mom.
"Hopey." Henry holds his sister.
"Killian? Is everything okay with Henry?"
"Yes, swan. He just needed my advice."
"Your pirate advice?"
Killian smiles. "You can say that. He is okay, love. He just needed to talk to me." Emma kisses him on his scruffy cheek. They went onto the couch and snuggled as the family had a movie night. "Mommy..." Hope walks over other Mommy. Emma let her daughter sit on her lap. "Mel-Mel-Mommy."
"Yes, Hope that is Ariel." Emma hugs her daughter.
"Luv you."
"I love you, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian kisses Emma on the head. Henry hugs his Mom. Emma and Killian are both grateful that their children are at home and safe with them.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ