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Henry living with Emma and Killian all the time has not changed the family routine at all. He was home with them all the time, happily playing and helping with Hope. Killian helps Emma at night with Hope, while Henry watches Hope in the morning to let both of his parents sleep in more. Since Henry is home more in the summer, Killian is going back to work. Killian wakes up next to his sleeping wife. He kisses her on the head. "Morning love."
Emma smiles. "Morning." They kiss. Emma sits up and hugs him. "Are you ready to go back to work?"
"Yes, I am. I know Henry is going to be here with you and Hope."
"Yes. I have one of my boys with me....."
Killian looks concerned."Are you okay love?
"I cannot believe Henry is going to be here all the time."
"Love, he was not happy at all in his other home."
"Yes, I know but him holding all of those emotions in for 2 years. I cannot believe that he did that."
"Aye. Henry comes here all the time be himself, remember that. You, me and Hope made him feel safe, loved and able to express himself. He could not stand the stress in that house anymore."
"I..." Killian just hugs her. "Love, did you experience similar situations in the foster system?"
"Yes. I cannot believe that it happened to my own son. Yet he was adopted and I was not."
"Emma, he has you and Regina both in his life that care for him and willing to help him."
"I am just happy that he is here with us, wanting to be here and I am one of the adults in his life that is there for him."
"Emma, we are going to continue being there for him especially as he is living here all the time."
Emma smiles. "Yes, Hope is happy her big brother here all the time."
"Yes, she is swan. I am happy he is here all the time."
"Me too." She stands up and hugs him. "I love you."
"I love you too, swan." They kiss.
"Let's go see what our kids are up to." They walk downstairs to find Henry reading to Hope in the living room on the couch. "Good morning, Henry."
"Good morning, Mom. Hope Mommy is awake."
Emma sits down next to her two kids. Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Hi, Hope. Did you have fun with Henry?" She kisses Hope on the head. Henry leans on his Mom's shoulder. "What did you do with Hope so far?"
"Hope did some tummy time, I talked to her a little bit and she slept while I ate my cereal. Hope is just happy."
"Yes, she is Henry."
"Morning, Henry."
"Morning, Dad. you have to go back to work?"
"Yes, lad. I have work today. I will be off when we go on vacation."
"I am looking forward to that."
"Same here lad."
"Killian, I am starting to go back to work in 2 weeks. So Hope will be my little partner at the station while Henry is going to be my stakeout partner."
"Mom, I can watch Hope here or at that station wherever you need me."
"Thanks, kid. I cannot be too far away from Hope."
"I know. She won't take the bottle."
"Yes, she has not still."
"Mom, Hope knows you did not have this time with me."
"Yes, she is definitely making up for it."
"Dad, when can we have our next sailing lesson? We have not had sailing in while."
"Yes. Lad. I have been thinking about having a family sailing day, on Thursday afternoon, after my shift."
"Dad, I am looking forward to it."
Killian takes Hope from Emma's arms. "Aye, Hope are you looking forward to a sailing adventure on Daddy's ship?" Hope smiles. "Yes, that is right my little pirate princess. Just like Daddy." He kisses her on the head and cheeks, as Emma and Henry smile watching Daddy and daughter moment. "Little love, have fun with Mommy and Henry. Be a good little lass." He kisses her head and hands her back to Emma. "Love, I will see you after my shift."
"Yes, we will see you later. Please be careful."
"Love, you know I will be." They kiss.'
"Dad, have a good day."
"Thanks, Henry." Henry hugs his Dad. "Keep an eye on your sister and Mom."
"Yes, Dad. I will."
"That's my boy. I will see you all tonight." Killian leaves. Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, Daddy will be home later sweetie." Emma rubs her back and bounces her. "Hope, you have Mommy and Henry to keep you company. I know you miss Daddy sweetie. He will be back don't worry." She kisses Hope on the head and comforts her. Henry comes up nearby his Mom and Hope. "Hope, do not cry little sis. Henry is here." He kisses her on the head. "You will have fun with Henry and Mommy. Daddy will be home later." Emma continues to rub and bounced Hope."Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie, you are not alone. Daddy will be home later after work." Hope calms down after a while of Emma calming her down. "Hope, are you hungry sweetie?" Emma feeds Hope. "Yes, you were a hungry sweetie."
"Mom, was she like that everytime that I left?"
"Yes, and when your Dad returned back to work the first time."
"Mom, I can watch her at the station if you need me to, from seeing just Dad leaving I cannot imagine how she will cry when you go to work."
"I am planning on bringing her to work because I cannot leave her. Also, working at the station is not as hectic as it used to be."
"Yes, that is for sure. I know you do not want to miss everything with Hope."
"You are right. I do not want to miss every step with her."
"I will help, so you won't have to."
"Thanks, Henry."
"I know you missed everything with me. I can help you with Hope." Emma gets a phone call. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Allison." Emma burps Hope.
"I am free this afternoon. I am wondering if Henry wants to start working at my house this afternoon?"
"Hold on, I will ask him...Henry, Allison is on the phone and wants to know if you want to start working this afternoon?
Henry smiles. "Yes."
Hope makes a big burp. Emma giggles," Sorry about that I am just burping Hope."
Allison smiles."It is okay."
"Henry, says yes."
"Great. You, Henry and Hope, can come over to my house at 2:00."
"That is a good time for us. Does Henry need to bring art supplies?"
"No, I have art supplies for him. I will text you my address. See you soon." They hung up.
"I cannot believe that I have my first summer job."
"Are you excited?
"Yes, I am." He leans over to his Mom and Hope. "I would not have this job if it was not for you little sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabs his face. "Yes, I know you love me so much. Hope. I love you too." Emma smiles at both of her children close relationship. "Mom, I can hold her."
"Sure. I need to have breakfast and take a shower." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Henry. Emma makes eggs for breakfast and takes a shower. As Emma was getting ready for the day she hears Henry with Hope in the nursery talking to Hope. "Hope, I am so happy that I am living here with you, Mommy and Daddy. I know that you are happy that I am here with you." Hope smiles. "Yes." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "I was not happy in my other home when I could not tell my feelings. Expressing feelings is a good way to tell people your emotions when you hold them in too long it makes you feel very bad. I always able to tell you, Mommy and Daddy, how I feel at my other home I could not." Hope looked at Henry with her big blue eyes. "I only miss my other Mom Regina that is it. When I visit my other mom at her office, you can come with me." Hope smiles. "Yes. You would like to travel with me." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma smiles at Henry talking to Hope. Hope begins to cry. "Hope, what is wrong little sis?" He checks her diaper. "You do not need a change."
"Henry, she needs her nap." Emma takes Hope from Henry and sits in her rocking chair to rock Hope. "Hope, it is your naptime. Later we are going to see Allison at her house." She kisses Hope on the head and rocked her until she fell asleep. She puts Hope in her crib.
"Mom, can we watch some Netflix?"
"Sure, we can watch a movie in my room." As Emma and Henry watched a Star Wars movie in her room Henry hugged his Mom as he watched the movie.
"Henry, are you happy that you are living here all the time now?"
"Yes. I have never been any happier Mom." He hugs her tighter.
"I am happy that I make you happy, feel safe and can be honest with."
"Mom, I always felt like that to you ever since we met. I can be honest with my other mom not until everything happened with Zelena, I could not be open."
"You are open to me, your Dad and Hope."
"Yes, I can say what I need to say without being judged. Most of the time at my other house, I kept my mouth shut for that reason. She did not ask me about Robin moving in with his 2 kids when I was living there most of the time. I could not be honest, I did not want to ruin her happy ending."
"I know that your Mom did not mean to hurt you. I know she misses you."
"I miss her that is it. While you are at work, can I bring Hope with me to visit my mom at her office?"
"Sure, you can. When are you planning on visiting her?"
"I moved out on Saturday and today is Tuesday. Can I bring Hope with my to visit my Mom tomorrow?"
"Sure, you can. I was thinking of going to the station to see how it is without me."
Henry hugs his mom. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Henry." Hope wakes up crying.
"Mom, I will get her." Henry goes to Hope's room. "Hope, did you have a nice nap little sis?" He takes Hope out of her crib. "Hope, let's go to Mommy in her room." He kisses her on the head.
"Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Henry's hands Hope over to their Mom. Emma cuddles Hope. "You love to cuddle with Mommy, don't you sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope gurgled happily.
"Mom, it is 1:30 pm."
"We need to leave soon." She gets up with Hope and dresses Hope in a cute little onesie with jeans and a little bow bandana. Emma played their kissing game for a few minutes. "Henry, are you almost ready?"
"Yes. I am ready. Is Hope ready?"
"She is all dressed. I just need to make sure I have everything in her diaper bag."
"I can do a quick check for you." He looks through the diaper bag. "Everything is packed." He carried the diaper bag to the car as Emma brought Hope in the car and buckled her in. Henry sat next to their mom in a shotgun. Emma looks up at Hope. "Hope, we will be at Allison's house soon." Emma drove them to Dr.Cameron's house.
"Mom, I wonder how my other Mom found your twin?"
"I have no idea, kid."
"She is the brunette version of you and you both sound the same." Emma giggles.
"Maybe she found her on craigslist for jobs? It was about time, I hate Dr.Whale. She is a better doctor than him."
"Yes. I wonder if she knows about the magic part of Storybrooke?"
"Maybe she knows? We will see." Emma drove them to Dr.Allison Cameron's house. Emma parks in front of a nice house with bikes on the front lawn and two children playing on the grass and they see Allison on her porch steps. Allison came up to their car. "Hi, Emma and Henry."
"Hi, Allison." Henry got out of the car first. Emma went to get Hope. "Hope, we are at Allison's house." Emma unbuckles her and picks up Hope. Hope immediately grabs on to Emma's shirt. "Hope, Mommy is not going to let you go. Do not worry, sweetie." Allison comes around to Emma and Hope.
"Hi, Emma." She leans forward to Hope. "Hi, Hope." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope. Do not the crybaby. Mommy got you, Hope. Mommy is not going nowhere." She talks to Allison. "I am sorry about Hope. She is a little nervous."
"That is okay, once she sees me a little more, I know she will calm down soon. " Henry waited by the car with the diaper bag and hands it over to his Mom. Elizabeth who had dark brown hair and blue eyes and Connor had dark brown hair and blue eyes came to Allison. "Elizabeth and Connor this is my new friend Emma and her daughter Hope."
Elizabeth and Connor "Hi."
"Hi, Elizabeth and Connor. It is so nice to meet you both."
"This is Emma's son Henry. He is the one who will be painting your rooms."
"Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Elizabeth."
"Can I show you my room first?"
"Elizabeth, I want to show him my room first."
"Elizabeth, Connor, Henry going to see both of your rooms and you both tell him what you want him to paint."
"I brought my drawing pad so I can draw what they want."
"That is great. Henry if they start arguing let me know."
"I am sure they will be fine Allison."
"Henry, can you please see my room first?"
"Sure, Elizabeth. Do you know what you want me to paint your room?"
"Great. Bring me to your room." Elizabeth and Connor drag Henry inside the house. Emma and Allison both laugh. "Is Henry good with kids?'
"Yes, he is. He especially loves Hope."
"Please come in. I have decaf coffee for you."
"Thank you." They walked into her house. "Hope, there is nothing to be worried of sweetie. Allison is our friend. There is no magic drama with her. " She kisses Hope on the head. Allison brought Emma and Hope to the living room and brought two mugs of coffee, decaf for Emma. "Thank you."
"Your welcome. How is Hope?"
"Her diarrhea lasted a few days. Thank you again for coming on short notice."
"It was no problem, Emma. How come Hope is nervous? When Killian brought her to her one-month appointment, she was happy."
"Well, lately when we been going over to my parent's house and Regina's houses, been a little complicated."
"Do you remember visiting me in the hospital? Well, when I passed out my Mom was holding when I passed out and she sensed my Mom was in shock. A few days later Hope and I visited her Hope knew my mom was still in shock she would not let go of me." Allison went close to Emma and Hope.
"Hope, you know me, Allison. I was the one who helped you get better." She rubbed Hope's little hands and Hope smiled.
" I had a feeling she will warm up to you. You want to hold her?"
"Hope, Allison wants to say hi to you sweetie." Emma hands over Hope to Allison.
"Hi, Hope. I am Allison. I look like your Mommy." Hope looked at Allison and her Mommy. "Hope knows the difference between us."
"Yes, she does." They both laughed. Emma reaches out her finger to Hope who grabs it. "Mommy is right here baby. I am not going nowhere, sweetie." She kisses Hope's little hand.
"We went over to Regina's house on Saturday. It was interesting. As I told you last week, Hope was terrified of Rowand. She would not let me go the entire dinner only when Henry took Rowand and Roland out of the room. Most of the time she was with Henry, me and Killian. As the evening ended it got interesting."
"Let's just say at the end of the night Henry moved in with me, Killian and Hope."
Allison was surprised."What happened? What was the usual custody arrangement?"
"Henry found me when he was ten years old and brought me here. Regina hated me for a while because I stayed here to be in Henry's life. I wanted to make sure he was loved. Henry's usual visitation was seeing me on weekends and come over on weekdays for a few days a week. When I was pregnant with Hope Henry stayed with me longer because he wanted to be involved in my pregnancy as much as possible. He knew that I was alone in juvie when I was pregnant with him."
Allison jaw dropped. "I am so sorry."
"His father took advantage of me, framed me, abandoned me and he did not apologize for any of it. I was a teenager a runaway from the foster system. I found out I was pregnant with Henry in prison, and I gave him up for adoption. Finding him ten years later turned my life whole around, he brought me here to my family, I met Killian who is my true love. Henry has been in life ever since Hope made our family complete." She rubs Hope's little hand.
"Wow. I cannot believe that all of that happened to you. How is Henry living in with you full time?"
"Yes, since he moved in it hasn't changed. The only difference is that he doesn't leave to Regina's. Regina and Robin are married. Rowand daughter of Zelena, does not know that her mother is Zelena. Regina is raising Rowand as her own since Zelena lost her custody rights. Roland Robin's other child does not even know Rowand mother is not Regina."
Allison's jaw drops."Wow, that is crazy."
"Yes, it is. I was the one who witnessed when Zelena clone herself as robin's dead first wife. Henry could never feel that he can be honest with Robin, Roland and Rowand at his own house, this is for two years. He was telling all of his feelings to Regina in my car. Killian and I were listening. He vented out how he felt. He was getting walled up, he could not express his feelings and get stressed over this secret. Regina could not tell Rowand. Henry was crying. He asked the both of us if he can move in with me. He explained to us that he can be himself, happy and not stressed at my house. Regina and I decided he can move in with us as long he visits Regina. He told me, later on, he will only miss Regina that is it."
"Wow....all I can is wow." Hope was fast asleep in Allison's arms. "I cannot believe how far you came as a child in the horrible foster system to a great mom."
"Enough about me. Please tell me about you." She sipped her decaf coffee. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie." Allison hands over Hope back to her Mommy. Emma puts Hope on her chest and kisses her on the head.
"I can see that you are taking advantage of your second chance of being a Mom from the start."
"Yes, I am. I love her and I do not want to let her go. I am going back to work in two weeks."
"What is your job?"
"I am the sheriff."
"You are the sheriff of Storybrooke?"
"Yes, I am. Please tell me about yourself."
"I was born in Chicago, Illinois. I have an older brother. I was arrested for an incident at 17. I went to the University of Washington. At the end of my senior year, I married my first husband Bob, who was dying from terminal thyroid cancer. He was already dying when I married him. He had no family. I fell in love and I knew he could not die alone. He died after 6 months of our marriage, I also kept his semen." Emma's eyes popped out. " I moved to New Jersey after my residency, to Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital. I was the only women on a diagnostic team as an immunologist. I met my second husband Robert Chase who I married three years later and then divorce. Basically our boss, who had us on the most bizarre cases. I switched jobs to work in the emergency room. He turned my husband's dark and changed him from one case causing him to kill a dictator. I ended up realizing that I did not love him and divorced him. I left the hospital and moved back to Chicago. Then I found another job as a pediatrician in New York. I met my husband Ted. We have been married for 11 years. I got the job offer here and moved my family."
"I thought I had boy issues." They both laughed. Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the head. She got the cover out and breastfeeds Hope."Emma, you do not need a cover her."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It is my house. You are her Mom, you are doing what Mom do feeding her daughter." Emma puts the cover away. Henry comes downstairs, "Allison, how do you want me to do their room? I can paint their room in days."
"Henry. My husband is taking my two children to New York to visit his parents tomorrow. They will be not here for two weeks. I wanted you to meet them and know what they want in their rooms."
"I can paint their rooms within a few days, to leave enough time for paint to dry before they come home."
"That is a good plan." Henry showed them the drawing that Elizabeth and Connor want in their rooms.
"Mom, how is Hope? Is she nervous?"
"Allison and I got to talk and Hope happily let Allison hold her for a while."
"Yes. Henry your sister knows me from a few occasions."
"Good, I just wanted to make sure that she is not nervous. She was very nervous at my Mom's house on Saturday. Mom, Dad and I made sure Hope did not get upset."
"Henry, Hope knows Allison. She is not afraid. Hope is happy being held by the both of us." Henry goes to Hope, "Hope, are you having a fun little sis with Mommy and her twin?" Hope stops eating and grabs Henry's hair. "Hope cut that out."Allison and Emma both laugh. He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you too, Hope." Hope spits up that landed on the floor.
"Allison, I am so sorry."
"That is okay. Henry, there are paper towels in the kitchen." Henry went to the kitchen."Emma, Hope was playing with Henry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Emma."
"Hope, you need to finish eating baby then you can play with Henry." Hope continues to eat from Emma.
"I can tell that Hope and Henry are very close."
"Oh, yes they are. Henry plays with her, read to her, and our babysitter."
Henry returns to the living room with paper towels. "I am sorry about Allison."
"That is okay, Henry. Accidents happen and I love how you are with Hope."
"Thank you. Hope I love her so much. When my mom told me she was pregnant it was the best news ever. I was involved in her pregnancy as much as possible, right Mom?"
"Right, kid. Hope knew you before she was born. Hope moved a certain way only for you." Emma burped Hope.
"Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Sure, you can." Henry takes Hope from their Mom. He sits on the other couch. "Hope, you want to see what I am going to paint?" Hope looks at Henry. Henry points out what he was going to paint each room. Emma and Allison watch Henry showing Hope his drawings. "Do you think I can do paint these two rooms, little sis?" Hope coos. Henry smiles. "Hope, you are my little supporter little sis." He kisses Hope on the cheek multiple times making Hope smile, Emma took pictures of Henry and Hope together.
"Does this happens a lot in your house?"
"Yes, pretty much every day." They both laugh. Henry takes pictures of their Mom and Allison laughing.
"Do you want a snack?"
"Sure." Emma turns around to talk to Henry. "Henry do you want a snack?"
"Yes." He carries Hope and follows Allison and their Mom to the kitchen. Allison laid out milk, chocolate cookies, and fruit salad as snacks. Hope begins to fuss.
"I can hold her." Henry hands over Hope to Allison. Henry sits next to his Mom on the stool. "Hope, are you having fun at my house?" She bounces Hope in her arms and Hope smiles. "See, Henry, Hope knows me."
"Mom, I am impressed she is usually only happy in my arms, yours, or Dad's."
"I know. I am pretty sure your sister knows that Allison is not evil or involved with any magic, kid. Where are her two kids?"
"Upstairs watching a movie."
"Henry, when can you start painting?"
"I can come over tomorrow afternoon. I am visiting my other mom at her office." He turns to his Mom. "Mom, I can bring Hope with me right?"
"Yes. You can, kid. I can pick you both up from your Mom's office after my shift at the station and I can bring you here in the afternoon."
" I have a feeling with two will talk a lot while I work tomorrow" Emma and Allison both laugh.
"Yep, kid. You got that right." Hope begins to fuss and makes her poop face. "Hope, you need a change?" Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope and I will be right back. Where is the bathroom?"
"On the left after you leave the living room." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, Mommy will change you in a few minutes baby girl." Emma gets the diaper bag and takes Hope to the bathroom to change her.
"Allison, how long you been living here in Storybrooke?"
"I have been living here for about 6 months now. I moved around a lot."
"My mom moved around a lot before she stayed here and made her home here. I know you will make a home with your family here too."
"Thank you, Henry."
"I can tell you and my mom are similar and different, which makes you good friends. My mom does not have too many friends here, mostly her family and a few friends. She was no that lucky growing up."
"I know, Henry. Your Mom told me enough about her life today and what she told me, wow. She is a strong person your Mom is."
"Yes, that is my Mom, the savior."
"Yes, she saved this town many many times from villains and curses."
"Yup. Her parents are Snow White and Prince Charming after all."
"Was it hard to convince your mom that her parents are from the fairytale world?"
"Yes, you do not want even want to know how long and hard that was." Allison giggled. Emma returns with Hope. "Kid, what are you up to?"
"Oh, nothing."
Emma gives him the look. "Henry I can tell when people are lying."
"I am explaining to Allison how hard it was to convince you were the savior."
"Henry, do you want to freak out the new pediatrician and run out of Maine?!"
Allison laughs. "Emma, I am not freaked out one bit. Regina told me the history of this place during my interview before I accepted the job."
"Okay, then continue." She sits on a stool holding Hope. Emma gets a FaceTime call from Killian.
"Hi, Killian."
"Hi, love. How are my two loves and Henry?"
"Hope, daddy is on Mommy's phone."
"Hi, hope."
"Killian, we are not at home." She shows Killian Allison talking to Henry.
"Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Killian your family is over at my house. Emma and I got to know each other more, and your son is telling me all about magic."
"Hi, Dad. I begin to work with Allison tomorrow in the afternoon."
"That is great lad."
Emma turns her phone back to her. "Killian, I am going to work with you tomorrow. I need to see how everything is without me. Henry is going to watch Hope for a few hours while he visits Regina at her office."
"You really miss work love?"
"Yes, I do. Just for a few hours, hope will be with Henry. Then I can pick them up at Regina's office and bring Henry here to paint."
"So you and Allison can talk."
"Yes, Killian. Hope is not nervous her Killian she calmed down quickly and Allison held her for a while."
"Aye, I had a feeling Hope like her when she personally brought Hope to the exam room."
"Dad, they have been talking for hours."
"Lad, let your mom and sister enjoy girl time." Allison and Emma both laughed.
"How's the station?"
"Quiet." Hope makes a noise, "Hope, daddy sees you, little lass. You and I will talk later little love." He talks to Emma. "I'll be home in a few hours, I will tell your Dad you'll be coming for a few hours tomorrow."
"I'll see you home." Killian blew kisses to Hope.
Elizabeth and Connor run downstairs. "Mom, can we have a snack?"
"Yes, you can."
Mom, fruit is not a snack."
"Fruit is a snack Conner a healthy one. I got cookies and fruit."
"I'll have one if each."
"Eat in here not in your rooms."
"Can I hold Hope?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, you can. You can hold her in the living room ."
"Elizabeth wash your hands before you hold Hope." Allison and Emma go to the living room. Elizabeth returns to the living room and sits down on the couch.
"When you hold Hope, you must hold her head." Emma helps Elizabeth hold Hope.
Elizabeth smiles. "Mom I am having holding a baby!"
"Yes, you are." Allison takes a picture of her daughter holding Hope. Hope begins to cry. "Emma why is she crying?"
Emma takes Hope back. "Hope is still getting used to new people. She needs to get to know you, Elizabeth."
"Lizzie, I can show you." Emma hands over hope to Allison. "Hope, hi. Are you having fun here?" Hope coos. "Yes, you are."
"Mom she knows you."
"Elizabeth she will get to know you do not worry. When Hope met someone last week, she was screaming bloody murder. She was terrified. Trust me, she did not cry bad as that when you held her."
Elizabeth went to her mom who was holding Hope. "Hi, Hope. My name is Elizabeth." She gives Hope her finger and grabs it. "Mom. Hope is holding my finger."
"Yes, she is." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, do you want your Mommy?" Allison hands over Hope back to Emma.
"Hope. Mommy got you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, what time do you want us to come over tomorrow?"
"I was thinking around the same time as today 2:00 for Henry to work."
"Sounds like a plan. I am going in tomorrow to see how the station is without me. I am bringing Hope and Henry with me. He is going to watch her if I need him." She calls for her son. "Henry time for us to go." Henry comes into the living room.
"Henry, are you ready to work tomorrow?"
"Yes, I am Allison."
"Kid, we will come here tomorrow at 2:00 pm."
"Allison, thank you for having us over!"
"You are welcome, Emma. Please come again."
"We will." She talks to Hope, "Hope, say bye-bye to Allison."
"Bye, Hope. Bye Henry."
"Bye, Allison. I am looking forward to work tomorrow." Emma, Henry, and Hope leave Dr.Cameron's house. Emma drove them home. When they arrived home, Emma carried Hope and the diaper bag. Henry ordered them Chinese food. The food arrived before Killian returned home from work. Emma fed and changed Hope. Killian arrived home with Emma and Henry on the couch. Emma was holding Hope.
"We are in the living room."
"Hello, loves." They kissed
"Hi, Dad."
"Killian someone missed her Daddy." Emma hands over Hope to Killian.
"Hope, little love. Did you have a good day?" He kisses Hope on her cheek. "Daddy misses you today."
"Dad, Hope was crying when you left."
"Did she now?"
"Yes, she did."
"Lad, are you working for Allison?"
"Yes, I am. I just talked to her two children on what they want in their rooms. I am starting painting tomorrow."
"Lad, I know that you do great." Killian talks to his daughter. "Hope, you and I need to have daddy and daughter time." He takes Hope to his room, while Emma and Henry watched a movie downstairs. Killian had Hope snuggle on his chest. "Daddy missed you today while I was at work little love. Did you have fun at Allison's house?" Hope cooed. "Yes, Mommy told me you had fun at Allison's house. Tomorrow, Mommy is taking you to work with us for a little while. You get to see how both Daddy and Mommy work." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles which make Killian smile. Emma and Henry watched a movie, Henry went to bed. Emma sees Killian with Hope in their room and sits next to Killian on their bed.
"How is Daddy and daughter time?"
"I talked to her about my day and she listened. She is looking forward to seeing our work tomorrow."
"Oh, really?"
"Aye. Our little lass is excited."
"She saw my work already, she is excited to see your work." She kisses him on the cheek. Emma quietly placed Hope in her cradle. She goes back to her husband and they make out.
The next morning, Emma got up before Killian to get ready for work. She got dressed and prepped Hope's diaper bag and carrier. When Emma returned to their room, Killian was awake holding Hope. "Morning." She kisses Killian on the cheek and hugs him.
"Morning, love." They kiss and look at their daughter who was still sleeping. "Are you looking forward to work for a few hours?"
"Yes, I am. Henry is coming with us and then visit Regina."
"Is Hope going to go with Henry?"
"Depends on how she is and if work is busy or not. In the afternoon, Hope, Henry and I are going to Allison's house, so Henry can start working today." Hope wakes up. "Good morning, Hope."
"Morning, little lass." He kisses Hope on the head and she begins to fuss. Killian hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope, are you excited to see Daddy and Mommy work today?" Hope smiles. "Yes, you are." She kisses Hope on the head. She changes Hope's diaper and played their kissing game. Emma changed Hope into a cute outfit. Emma feeds Hope in the rocking chair.
"Good morning, Mom."
"Good morning Henry."
"Are you excited to work today?'
"Yes, I am. I want to see how much I missed since I stopped working. Are you excited to see your other Mom today?"
"Yes, I am."
"Hope is going to be with me or you today."
"Mom, Hope is going to be happy with me."
"I know. I want Hope to be with me at work for a little bit then you can take her to see your other mom. Is that a good plan?"
"Yes." Emma burped Hope. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can. I need to eat breakfast before we go anyways." Emma's hands Hope to Henry.
"Hope, are you looking forward to spending time with me when Mommy works?" Hope moved around in Henry's arms. "Do not worry Hope, you are going to see Mommy and Daddy work." When everyone was ready, Emma drove them to the station. Emma used the carrier to carry Hope. The boys followed Emma inside. They see Charming.
"Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma. You are working today?"
"Yes, I am. I wanted to see how much I missed since I was gone for a while before returning officially in two weeks."
"Glad to have you back." He talks to Hope. "Hi, Hope. Are you here to see Mommy work?" Hope smiles.
"Hi, Gramps."
"Henry. How are you?"
"I am good. Dr.Cameron gave me a summer job to paint murals in her children's bedrooms."
"Awesome. When are you starting?"
"This afternoon."
"Yes, while Henry works Hope and I are going to talk to Allison."
"Aye, they love girl talk."
"Hope, you are going to see Mommy work." Emma takes Hope to her office with Henry following her.
"Mom, can I go on patrol with Dad?"
"Sure, you can."
"Dad, I am going on patrol with you."
"Aye, lad. You can sit next to me in the front." They leave. Emma did paperwork in her office, while Hope was sleeping on her chest. Emma kisses Hope on the head as she worked and Hope smiled in her sleep. Charming checks up on Emma and Hope.
"Emma, how does it feel to be back at work?"
"It is not so bad, so far. It was easier than before when there were villains and curses."
"Yes, it been pretty quiet around here since the final battle, mostly arresting the drunk dwarves on the weekend."
"I am planning to work two days a week in the summer and full time in the fall. Not sure how long my shifts, depending on Hope."
"Emma we can schedule your work time around with Hope's schedule."
"That is what I am planning Dad." Hope wakes up from her nap. "Hope, you are awake." She kisses Hope on the head. Charming approaches Hope.
"Hi, Hope." He rubs her cheek. "When you are older, you can help me in my farm. Would you like that?" Hope gurgled. "Can I hold her?"
"Sure, you can." Emma unstrapped Hope from the carrier. "Have fun with Grandpa. I am not leaving sweetie." Charming holds Hope and bounces her in his arms.
"Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with Mommy?" Hope gurgled. Charming smiles. Emma took a picture of Hope with her father. "Emma, holding Hope reminds me of when you were just a few minutes old, I was holding you in one arm fighting the Evil Queen's army to get to the wardrobe to get you safe from the curse."
"You really fought army men while you were holding me?"
"Yes, I was doing everything I can to help you escape."
"You did Dad. now you have my little Hope. I am pretty sure she has my personality since she is my mini-me."
Charming chuckled. "Yes, from what I have seen so far, yes she has your stubbornness." Charming held Hope as Emma did paperwork. Hope began to fuss. "Hope, you want Mommy?" Charming hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, are you hungry sweetie?" She kisses Hope and preps to feed her and gets a burp towel from the diaper bag. Charming closes the blinds. Hope latches on quickly. "Hope, take your time sweetie your food is not going anywhere." She rubs Hope's head as she ate.
"Emma, you are doing great with her."
"Thank you, Dad. Did Mom tell you all of this?"
"Well, she has shown me a few pictures of you and Hope together and how you are with her. Now that I am seeing it for myself, wow."
"Thank you, Dad. I really love being a mom from the beginning. She is very attached to me." Henry and Killian returned from patrol. "Mom, we are back."
"How was patrol around the town with your Dad."
"It was fun because we talked most of the time since it was quiet in town. Can I take Hope with me to visit my other Mom?"
"Henry, should you be alone with Regina since it is your first visit since you moved in with us?"
"Mom, I still want to babysit Hope for you."
"Yes, you are my babysitter. You bring Hope. I will pick you and Hope up at 1:30 pm before going to Allison's house. Let me finish feeding Hope. Then you can take her to visit Regina." Henry began to pack Hope's diaper bag as Emma was burping Hope. "Hope, are you going to be a good girl for Henry?" Hope smiles. "Yes you are, you love Henry." She kisses Hope on the head. "Later, Mommy is going to take you and Henry to Allison's house. You like Allison Mommy's new friend?" Hope cooed. Henry strapped the carrier on. "Hope, be a good girl for Henry." She kisses Hope and placed her in the carrier.
"Mom, she will be happy as long as she is with me."
"Henry, if anything happens.."
"I know Mom, I will call you." Emma hugs Henry.
"Have fun with Regina."
"Thanks, Mom. I will see you later. Come on, Hope. I can show you where my other mom works." Henry takes Hope out of the station.
'Emma, Henry moved in with you and Killian?"
"Yes. He was unhappy living with Robin and his two kids. He could not be himself there like he is at our house. Regina and I decided to let him move in with us."
"How is Henry now living with you now?"
"Like nothing has changed. He is happy living with me, Hope and Killian which makes me happy."
Henry walked with Hope to his other mom's office. "Hope, we are only seeing my other Mom Regina today no one else. He takes Hope to Regina's office. "Hope, you do not even know how much history was made here in this office, good and bad things." Henry knocks on his Mom's office. "Mom."
Regina smiled. "Henry!" She rushes over and hugs Henry. "You brought Hope?"
"Yes, I did, I am giving mom a break while she is working, Hope was her little partner for most of the morning." Hope fussed. "Hope, you want to move around a little?" Henry put Hope's quilt on the floor and unstrapped Hope and placed her on the quilt. Henry put the carrier and diaper bag on the side. Regina and Henry sat nearby Hope and watched her move around and looked at everything. "How are you, Mom?"
"I am happier that you are here, visiting."
"I miss you, Mom." He hugs her.
"Tell me what you been up to?"
"Well, I have been playing and watching Hope. Mom, Hope and I went to Allison's house yesterday so I could meet her children and they told me what they want me to paint their bedroom. I am beginning my job today." Hope begins to cry. Henry takes Hope from the quilt, "Hope, what is the matter, little sis? Is the marble to hard for you Hope? That is okay, you can be in my arms." He gives her kisses on the cheeks and Hope smiles.
"Hope, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope moves around in Henry's arms and grips his t-shirt. Regina smiles. "Hope there is nothing to be scared about." Henry shows Regina the pictures of Hope and him at the park, on the Jolly Roger and them together at home. Hope falls asleep in Henry's arms as Regina and Henry talk for a long time. Emma arrives in Regina's office seeing Henry and Regina talking while Hope was sleeping in Henry's arms.
Emma knocks on the door. "Henry."
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Emma."
"Mom, Hope has been sleeping most of the time we have been here in my arms. I tried the quilt on the marble floor it was too hard for her." He goes to give Hope to their Mom. " I will pack her things."
Regina approaches Emma. "How has he been at your house?"
"He has been very happy. Hope loves that Henry is staying with us all the time. He has been very helpful watching her in the mornings so Killian and I can sleep. How was he here?"
"You are right. He is slowly opening up to me since he is here not at my home."
"Mom, I am ready." He hugs Regina. "I will come back. Like I said I miss you."
"I miss you too, Henry. You can bring Hope with you anytime."
"I will visit soon."
"Have fun with your job."
"Thanks, Mom." Emma, Henry, and Hope go to her car. Emma placed Hope in her car seat. Henry sat in front with Emma and she drove them to Allison's house.
"How was visiting Regina?"
"It was good. We talked a lot. Most of the time, Hope was asleep and she slept in my arms. I miss my other mom."
"Henry, you can still visit her."
"I know. She knows now that I am happy living with you Dad and Hope."
"We are happy you are living with us, Henry."
"I know." They arrived at Allison's house. Emma got sleeping Hope and her quilt and Henry carried the diaper bag. Henry rang the doorbell. Allison opens the door. "Hi, everyone. Come in." She opens the door and let them in. "Henry the paints are upstairs."
"I am going to going to begin painting Elizabeth's room today."
"Henry, take your time and come down for breaks."
"I will. Mom, have fun. I know I will be."
"Henry, have fun painting. Hope and I will be down here." Henry goes upstairs to start to paint. They walk in the living room"How are the kids?"
"They were very excited to go to New York with their Dad for 2 weeks. I packed their luggage last night."
"How come you are staying?"
"Well, new job and I lived in New York long enough to know where everything is."
"I understand. How many places you moved from?"
"I am from Chicago, then I moved to Washington State, then after my husband died I moved to New Jersey where I met my second husband and then I moved to New York where I met Ted. Then I got the job here. How was back to work today?"
"Hope was mostly with me in the morning, while I was doing paperwork. My Dad held her for a little while until Henry returned from patrol with Killian. Henry took Hope with him to visit Regina. After they left, Killian and I did patrol together until I had to pick Henry and Hope from Regina's office."
"How was Henry's visit to Regina since he moved in with you?"
"I saw them talking a lot. He seemed happier and slowly becoming more open with Regina since he is not in her house anymore." Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, Hope. You had a long nap baby girl." She kisses Hope on her head. "Hope, look who Mommy is talking to." Allison comes up to Hope. "We are Allison's house."
"Hi, Hope." Hope smiles. "Yes, you are happy to see me." Hope moved around and made poop.
"Hope, Mommy will change you." Emma changes Hope in the bathroom. When Emma finished changing Hope, "Emma, I am in the kitchen." Allison set up lunch for the two of them, salad and sandwiches. "Thank you."
"Your welcome." Emma ate while holding Hope. "How is being a mom from the very beginning this time around?"
Emma smiled. "I love it. I mean I did not have any of this special time with Henry at all. I wanted to keep him but I knew I could not be the one raising him. I was young, having no home. If I kept him in juvie, he would have ended up on foster care since I only had a car. The important thing is that he is in my life now. I have a husband with my true love and we have Hope."
"I know the feeling of finding the right man. I had to get married two times before finding Ted."
"I dated a few men before I met Killian, mostly one night stands. After I met Killian, I knew he was the guy but it took me awhile to trust him. I had major trust issues. Before Henry found me I moved around a lot, not having a permanent home."
"Me too. Every time, I dealt with a death or a bad situation I would move."
"We have that in common besides our features." They both laughed. "When Henry found me and brought me here, I found a home. I know you will have a home here too."
"Thank you, Emma." Allison finished eating, "Can I hold her until you finished eating?"
"Sure. Hope Allison wants to hold you, baby girl." She kisses Hope and hands her over to Allison. "Hi, Hope. Are you having fun listening to Mommy and me talk?" Hope cooed and smiled. Emma watched Allison talking to Hope happily and bouncing Hope, as she finished her meal. "She really likes you. She is usually comfortable around only Killian, Henry and I."
"Or she knows that I am not evil."
"You got that right." They both laughed. "I will be right back, I want to check up on Henry." Emma goes upstairs to find Henry in Elizabeth's room. "Hey, kid. How is the painting going?"
"So far, so good. It is a good start so far. I have to come here more than a few days for each room."
"Henry, it is okay. It takes time. You do not need to rush yourself. Her kids are going to be in New York for 2 weeks."
"Where is Hope?"
Emma smiled. "Hope is with Allison who is playing with her."
"Hope gets along with Allison."
"Yes, kid. I know. She is usually like that around you, me and your Dad." They hear Hope crying. Allison brought up Hope to them. "Hope, your Mommy is right here. She did not leave." She talks to Emma. "Hope got upset when she realized you weren't around." Allison handed over Hope to Emma. "Awww, Hope. Mommy is not leaving you don't worry, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and calmed her down. "Allison is our friend she is not going to hurt you in any way baby girl, she is not evil." She talks to Allison. "Hope is attached to me. I also think she is still getting used to different places."
"I have a feeling that she will get used to coming over here."
"Yes. Same here."
"Allison, I might need to come over more to paint, two rooms may take more than a few days more than I expected."
"Henry, that is okay. I can give you my extra keys so you can paint when I work."
"Sure. You trust me being alone in your house?"
"Yes. I only trust you and your Mom. I am still new in town."
"I understand." He goes to Emma and Hope. "Hope, I am painting this bedroom, you are the reason I got this job in the first place baby sis." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles and grabs Henry's face. "Yes, I know you love me, Hope. I love you too little sis."
"Henry she does love you. You can play with her later."
"Yes, Mom." He kisses Hope on the head and went back to work.
"Hope, we have to let your big brother work." Emma carried Hope and walked with Allison back downstairs.
"They are very close."
"Oh yes, they are. Even though they are fifteen years apart, their relationship is very close." They sat in the living room and talked. Emma showed Allison Hope and her special game and tired Hope out until she fell asleep on the couch.
"Newborns can sleep anywhere."
"Yes, they sure can. She loves snuggling with me mostly, also with Killian and Henry. What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant the first time?"
"I always wanted to have kids, so when I found out I was pregnant I was really happy. How about you?"
"Well, I found out I was pregnant with Henry in juvie, I was terrified and walled up, and an afraid teenager. When I found out I was pregnant with Hope, I took three pregnancy test that I bought at the next town."
"You went to the next town to get pregnancy tests?"
Emma giggled. "Yes. Everyone knows me here I wanted to keep my pregnancy a secret as much as I can. I took the test, I was crying and laughing. My pregnancy with her was more challenging, severe morning sickness. Having Killian on my side for every step of the way which made a huge difference than my first."
"Emma, Killian is a great guy."
"Yes, he is. He knew what I went through. Hope did too. You know how?"
"How did Hope know?"
'When I was pregnant with her, I was thinking of how I had maternity clothes being pregnant with her since I was in prison uniform with Henry. SHe kicked inside of me to remind me that I have her, Henry and Killian and my life were different now compared to my first experience."
"Hope, definitely loves you, Emma. She knows that you are there for her and willing to do everything for her."
"Yes, I am there for her when she is needed to be protected."
"Is she nervous around most people?"
"Not really. She has a sense of danger. She knew instantly Zelena was dangerous. Then, Regina Hope spits up on her when Regina held her." They both laughed. "She instantly trusts my Mom than when I pass out Hope felt like her grandma was different and wanted me. Rowand still an issue being around her she cries."
"Emma, when she is older she will get used to other people. Mostly for her now she knows her family."
"Yes and she trusts you instantly."
"Yes, she does." Hope wakes up from her two-hour nap crying.
"Hope you are awake. Are you hungry sweetie?" She lifts up Hope from the couch and fed Hope, who latched on very quickly. "How long did you breastfed your children?"
"For about 2 months each. I had to go back to work. How long are you planning on breastfeeding her?"
"I do not know maybe a year? I love the bond with her and her snuggles. I get the feeling Hope knows that I did not have this special time with Henry." Hope puts her hand on Emma's chest.
"Awww, she really understands." Emma kisses Hope's small hand.
"Yes, I know. I am very surprised at how she knows and reacts to conversations."
"Babies know more than we think."
"Yes, I am learning very quickly about how she knows and how she responds to everything."
"How has your sleep been?"
"Killian helps me more with her at night. I am trying to do more skin to skin earlier in the evening. Killian is back to work full time, Henry helps with Hope in the morning so I can get some extra sleep."
"Do you want to go shopping one day in town or the next town?"
"As long as I bring Hope, I can go."
Allison giggles. "Of course, we cannot forget Hope." She rubs Hope little arm. "Hope, you want to go shopping with Allison and Mommy?" Hope looks up at her Mommy.
"Hope, Mommy is not going without you baby do not worry little princess." Hope stops eating and smiles up at her Mommy. Emma used the burp towel to wipe up Hope's spit up with her burp towel. "We can start shopping in town if not we can go over to the next town."
"Sounds like a plan for me."
"When are you off?"
"I am off Saturday. Is that good for you?"
"Saturday is good for me." She looks down at Hope. "Hope, are you full baby?" Emma burps her. It was getting late. "Emma, I can check on Henry. He has been painting for almost 5 hours straight. I will tell him to return tomorrow." Allison went up to talk to Henry while Emma held Hope. "Hope, are you having fun with Allison and me?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love listening to us talk. When you are older you and I are going to talk all the time." Hope continued to smile at her Mommy. Allison and Henry returned downstairs.
"Kid, how did the painting went?"
"I mostly covered the first wall. I will continue tomorrow morning."
"Henry, here are my spare keys." She hands him her extra pair of keys. "Please do not lose them."
"I won't Allison. Mom, how was girl talk?'
"It was fun. We are planning to go shopping this weekend."
"Great. Can I have a sailing lesson with Dad?"
"I think he will be happy if you ask him."
"Yes, I have extra Dad time." Emma giggled.
"Henry, you can come here at 9:00 am. Is that a good time for you?"
"Yes, that is a good time for me." He talks to his Mom. "Mom, can I babysit Hope in the afternoon please?"
"Sure, you can Henry. Hope loves when you watch her." She hands over Hope to Henry.
"Hope, did you have fun with Mommy and her twin?" Allison and Emma laughed. Hope cooed. "Yes, I heard them talking while I was painting." He talks to his Mom. "I will bring Hope to the car."
"He is a really dedicated big brother."
"Yes, he is. I did not teach him to be this way, he just loves her."
"He gets his kindness from you, Emma."
"Thank you, Allison." They hugged. "I am really am happy that I have a friend in town."
"Me too, Emma. I do not have too many friends."
"Same here. It was really hard to make friends. Especially here, where everyone is from the storybook and all royalty. The only one I had a close relationship was Elsa."
"The Elsa from Frozen?"
'Yes, that is the one. She helped me control my light magic when I was getting to know them."
Allison was impressed. "I will definitely want to hear more about your magic abilities."
"I will tell you the whole story over coffee tomorrow." Henry returns with Hope. "Mom!"
"Hope is choking." Allison instantly takes Hope from Henry and does CPR. Hope cries afterward and Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope."
"I will get my medical supplies to see why Hope was choking." Allison went to the other part of the house.
"Henry, what happened?"
"Mom, I was holding her and talking to her then she started to cough a lot and I rushed back here."
"Henry, you did the right thing."
"Yes, luckily we did not leave yet."
"You got that right." They look at Hope who calmed down from crying. Allison came back, "I can examine her in my living room." They walked into the living room. "Henry, what happened?"
"As I said to my mom. was holding her and talking to her then she started to cough a lot and I rushed back here." Emma put Hope on the couch, Hope began to fuss.
"Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie."
Allison examined Hope. "Emma, Hope is fine. She probably choked on her breast milk or it went down the wrong pipe.."
"Now, I will be up worrying about her choking."
"Emma, I will show you a few ways to make sure she does not choke and I can teach you both CPR."
"Mom, I can learn."
Allison taught Emma different techniques to feed Hope and taught them both CPR. "Emma, keep breastfeeding her when she gets to the stage of food and solid food that is when you should be worried about choking. Also, make sure your house is clean when she is older she does not put small objects in her mouth. For now, she is fine. She does not have extra fluid in her lungs. Choking at her age is still dangerous but let me know if she chokes during the night. If she does not choke at night, she is fine." Emma holds Hope.
"Thank you, Allison. That CPR lesson will come in handy."
"Yes, it will come in handy. Hopefully, you do not need to use it on Hope. henry are you okay?"
"A little nervous about Hope."
"Kid, she is going to be fine. She probably choked by drinking my milk wrong part of her throat. I know your Dad and I are going to be awake tonight, making sure she is okay."
"I know. Can I hold her?"
"Yes, you can, bring her to the car."
"Yes. Mom."
"Bye, Hope. I will check on you tomorrow." Hope grabs Allison's finger.
"Awww. Hope you love Allison."
"Allison, I think she is thanking you for saving her from choking."
"Henry, I think you are right kid."
"Hope, you are my favorite little patient." She talks to Emma. "I can drop by tomorrow."
"Of course, you can."
"Mom, Dad can drop me off here tomorrow on his way to work."
"Sure you can." Hope begins to fuss and Henry gives Hope to Emma. "Hope, Mommy is right here sweetie. You are okay."
Henry hugs Allison. "Allison, thank you for saving my sister."
"You are welcome Henry, now you and Mom know how to do CPR. For tomorrow, I have snacks and meals for you if you get hungry."
"Thank you, Allison."
"Henry, please take breaks."
"Yes, mom. I will."
"Allison, thank you for everything."
"You are welcome, Emma." They hug. "Hope, I will visit you tomorrow." She kisses Hope on the head.
Emma puts Hope in her car seat. Henry sat right next to Hope. They returned home, Killian was waiting for them. "Love, I was getting worried."
"Killian, do not panic. Hope was choking and Allison did CPR. Hope must have drunk my milk that went down the wrong pipe in her throat. We have to monitor her next feeding. If she does not choke she is going to be fine."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes, she is." Emma hands their daughter over to him.
"Little love, are you alright?" He kisses Hope on the head.
"Dad, Allison taught Mom and I CPR in case it happens again."
"Killian, she taught me different ways to burp Hope and to make sure she does not choke and signs of her breathing normally. If she does not choke tonight when I feed her she will be fine."
"Love, you know I am not going to sleep tonight."
"Yes, me too captain."
"Mom, if you need help with Hope, I am next door."
"Thank you, kid." SHe hugs him. "Take a shower and go to bed after dinner you have work tomorrow."
"Yes, I have. Dad, can you drop me off at Allison's house before your shift?"
"Aye, I can lad."
"Allison gave me the spare key. Also, I was hearing a lot of girl talk today while I was painting."
"Aye, I can imagine that." Emma giggled. Henry went upstairs to take a shower. Emma and Killian cuddled with Hope in Emma's arms. "Are you sure she is okay love?"
"Yes, she is breathing normally now, Killian."
"Love, we are a team we are going to get through this, the constant of worrying over our little lass." "Yes, we are Killian together." They kiss and watch Hope sleeping.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now