Relationship Growth

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Emma, Killian, and Henry have been taking turns watching Hope. Killian knew his wife and him needed a date night, soon. Two days before Hope's 2-month check with Allison, he makes a phone call. "Allison?"
"Hi, Killian. How are you and everybody?"
"We are doing good Allison. I was wondering if you are free tomorrow after work?"
"Yes, I am. Why?"
"Emma needs a break from Hope. I want to take Emma out on a very needed date night."
"Ah, you two have not been out on a date in a long time?"
"Aye. We have not been out on a date since our first year wedding anniversary over a month ago."
"I can watch Hope for you."
"I will appreciate it, love."
"Is Hope still extra clingy?"
"Aye, our little lass is clingy not extra clingy as last week."
"Killian, I would love to watch Hope for you two for a few hours."
"I would very appreciate it, love. I made dinner reservations for Emma and me at 7:00 pm, around Hope's feeding time."
"I will come over at your house at 6:30 pm."
"Thank you, Allison."
"You are welcome, Killian. I got my flight schedule, I am on the same plane are you all are."
"Great, Allison. We are looking forward to this very needed vacation."
Allison smiles. "I am looking forward to this trip too, Killian. See you tomorrow." After he made this phone call, he finishes up work for the day and drives home. He finds Emma on their bed with Hope snuggling. "Hello, love."
"Hi, honey." They kiss.
"How is the little lass?" He kisses Hope on the head an sits next to his wife on their bed.
"She just ate and now is happily snuggling on me. How was work?"
"It was not too busy today. I did patrol. You and I only are going out on a dinner date tomorrow.I already made us dinner reservations."
"Killian, I do need a break. I am still worried about Hope."
"Emma, Hope will be alright. Her auntie Allison is going to be watching her for a few hours tomorrow evening love, and Henry will be here too."
"Allison and Henry...You really thought this out. What time is our dinner reservation?"
"7:00pm. Allison will come by Henry at 6:30 pm. We will be back for Hope's next feeding time."
Emma smiles. "I am really looking forward to our date night. Wait...Hope's 2-month appointment is the next morning."
"Aye. It is love. Why do you think we need a night out before, so we can be relaxed."
"Emma you need a break, just for a few hours love."
"We do need alone time."
"Aye, we do. We have not had alone time in a while."
"Yes, captain." They kiss. "Where are we going?'
"You will see love, it is a surprise."
The next day, after Killian's shift he ordered food from Emma's favorite Italian restaurant and set the deck of the Jolly Roger for a romantic night out. He lite candles all around the Jolly Roger and a row of rose petals to his captain quarters for after dinner special. When Killian arrived home, Henry was home. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, son. How was work today?"
"It was good. I am almost done with Connor's room. Where are you taking Mom out tonight?"
"Lad, do not tell your Mom. I have a romantic dinner at the Jolly Roger."
"Mom is going to love it."
"Aye. I hope so."
"She will. Mom needs a break from Hope."
"Aye, that is why I am taking her out tonight. Tomorrow morning Hope's 2-month old doctor appointment including three shots."
"That is why you are taking Mom out on a date."
"Yes, one of the reasons..."
"I get it, do not need to know the other reasons."
"Your aunt Allison is coming tonight to watch Hope."
"Dad, I can."
"I know, Henry. Since your little sister is clingy..."
"Yes, I have someone to help me with Hope when she cries once Mom leaves...oh no."
"Lad, that is why your aunt is going to be watching her. She can help stop Hope crying."
"Dad, aunt Allison is in the group of people of Hope who she loves. She is going to be fine."
"Yes, lad. You know the drill, texts us if anything goes wrong."
"Dad, Hope is going to be happy with our aunt and me. We will distract her when you two are leaving."
"We are leaving Hope with her favorite aunt and her big brother."
Killian goes upstairs to check on his wife, who was playing with Hope in their room.
Emma had Hope on her knees playing with her little hands. "You have cute hands, my little cutie." She gives Hope multiple kisses on her cheeks. "The itsy bitsy spider, Went up the water spout
Down came the rain and Washed the spider out,Out came the sun And dried up all the rain, Now the itsy bitsy spider. Went up the spout again." Emma clapped Hope's hands when the song was over. "Did you like the spider song baby?" Hope smiles. "You love me singing to you sweetie." She gives Hope multiple kisses again. "Mommy loves playing with you so much Hope." She looks up and sees Killian. "Hope Daddy is home, sweetie." Killian gets Hope from Emma. "Hope, did you have fun with Mommy today?" Hope coos. "Aye, you have read and sang songs. Your Mommy does have a great singing voice little love." He kisses Hope on the head as Emma enjoying seeing Killian with their daughter. "Love, how was your day?"
"Fun, Hope and I read a few books, we sang a few songs and we did a lot of snuggle time." She kisses Hope on the head. "Where are we going tonight?"
"It is a surprise."
"Before we go, I have to feed her."
"Love take your time. It is my turn with our little lass."
"What should I wear?"
"Wear something fancy."
Emma smiles. "Okay." Kilian talked to Hope in her room as Emma was getting ready for their date night in theirs. She took a shower first. Emma decided to wear a dark pink dress with heels. She curled her hair to make it a little wavy and put a light coat of makeup and natural color shade of lipstick. She goes to check on her daughter, she happily watch her husband talking to their daughter in the rocking chair. "Killian?"
He looks up at her. "Emma...You look.."
"I know. Is it too much?"
"Not at all love." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, Mommy is right here." Killian hands over their daughter to Emma and changes Hope's diaper and put on her pajamas. Emma breastfeeds Hope. "Hope Mommy loves you so much sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. As Hope was about to fall asleep, Emma places Hope in her crib. She watches her daughter sleep for a few minutes. "Sweet dreams baby." She goes out of the room and hears the door open and closes. She goes downstairs and sees Allison. "Emma, you look amazing!"
Emma smiles. "Thank you Allison." They hug. "How was work?"
"It was good."
"When are Ted and the kids are coming back from New York?"
"They are coming back on 22nd. I am looking forward to Florida."
"Me too. We both need a relaxing vacation."
"We both definitely do. Has Henry or you spoken to Regina?"
"Not yet. Since last week, Killian and I wanted to focus on the kids. Thank you for watching Hope tonight."
"It is no problem at all."
"I know Henry can watch her but Hope lately.."
"She has been extra clingy and once you leave she will cry."
"Wow you really know me." They both laugh. "Here is the baby monitor. I already fed her."
"Emma, she will be fine. In case of anything, Henry or I will call you."
"Thank you Allison. I need a night out."
"I know. We have not had a date since we went car shopping out of town, which was last month."
"I completely understand. Come home when you want to."
"Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Yes, Hope is my first patient in the morning."
"Will it be hard to give her the shots?"
"A little yes. I have a little gift for Hope. That I will give her after the shots."
"You are so sweet Allison."
"Hope is my little niece and I love her."
"Mom you look great."
"Thank you Henry." She gives him a hug. "Now you know..."
"Mom, I know to call you or Dad just in case anything happens and text you when Hope is about to get hungry. Mom, Aunt Allison with me, Hope will be happy with the both of us." Killian arrives downstairs. "Emma..."
"Yes, captain, I know." They kiss. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes. I am."
"Allison, thank you for watching them tonight."
"Killian it is no problem at all. I love to spend extra time with my niece and nephew. Go have fun tonight."
"Thank you Allison." They leave.
"Aunt Allison want to watch a movie or video games?"
"A movie."
Killian drives the car to their date destination. He guides Emma to the Jolly Roger. "Emma you can open your eyes now."
Emma opens her eyes to the Jolly Roger with many lights on deck, a table with candles on them and rose petals leading to his captain quarters. "Killian...this...I love it." They kiss.
"Love, this is all for you." What do you want to do first dinner or..?" He gives her a flirty stare
She tugs his jacket."Well captain...we have not had sex in a long time.."
"Aye, I know where this is going." He carries his wife into his captain quarters and enjoyed their alone time together,more than just kissing. Killian helped Emma take off her pink dress as she helped him take off his shirt. They quickly got naked and kissing each other onto bed and made love.
Back at the Swan-Jones house, Henry and Allison we were watching a movie in the living room and eating popcorn. They hear Hope crying on the baby monitor. "Henry, I will be right back." Allison went upstairs to get her niece, "Hi, Hope. Auntie Allison is here, sweetie." Hope just continues to cry. She sniffs her. "Hope, you do need a change." Allison changes Hope's diaper. "Hope, let's go downstairs to see Henry." Allison brings Hope downstairs. "Henry, Hope is awake."
"How is she?"
"A little upset. Hope it is okay sweetie. Auntie Allison is here. You want to snuggle?" Hope cries. Allison rubs Hope's back and bounces Hope.
"Aunt Allison, I have an idea. I will be right back." He returns with his famous storybook. "Hope, it is storytime little sis."
"Hope, look Henry has his big storybook. He is going to read a few stories to you."
Henry sits next to Allison and Hope. "Once upon a time, there was a man named Jiminy Cricket..." As Henry read, Hope slowly stopped crying and snuggled onto Allison as Henry was reading stories to them. Hope was wide awake listening to Henry. After Henry's third story. "Hope, do you like me reading to you little sis?" Hope coos. Henry kisses Hope on the cheek. "Yes, you love storytime with me." Hope smiles. "Are you comfy on Auntie Allison?" Hope grips her auntie. "Aunt Allison, I am pretty sure Hope is happy with you now." She looks at Hope who was happily cooing. "Yes, she is Henry. She was probably upset not seeing your Mommy but now Hope is happy." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Hope, are you enjoying storytime and snuggle time?" Hope smiles and moves around in her auntie's arms. "Yes, you are." He kisses Hope on the cheek again. "Should we explain to auntie about how this book is our family history? I told you only a little bit."
"Henry, you can tell me and Hope how this book is part of your family history." As Allison held Hope, Henry explained the family history in the storybook. "This book has magic, everything in this book has happened, this includes on our Mom's journey in this world, being saved by our grandpa from the Evil Queen's curse...."
"Henry are you okay?"
"Are you sure you do not look okay?"
"I...I am still mad at my other Mom. Mostly at you know who caused my sister to be scared. It just makes me so mad that my other mom cannot tell her that she is not her mother or be honest with her. My mom and Dad are both honest with me and Hope all the time. I just do not understand why my other Mom cannot be honest with her."
"Henry, everyone raises their children differently. Some parents keep their children oblivious, like not telling the truth at all, or some parents are abusive to their children or parents sometimes tell the truth to their children."
"Or there are parents tell their children the truth all the time."
"Yes, Henry. From where I work and how I know many families, they need to be more honest with their children. When I saw your parents with Hope for the first time, I knew they were honest with her."
"Yes, my parents are always honest with us. Before I found my mom, I knew my other Mom was not honest with me. During the curse, everyone in this town was not aging...only me. I was different. Then my grandma who was my teacher at the time gave me my storybook, to give me hope...which is how my parents came up with her name, which helped me realized who my other Mom was evil...then I went on my search to find my real Mom who gave me hope and to defeat the curse. My other mom was awake and she never told me who she really was ...even though I knew she was evil.."
"Henry, your other mom probably did not want you to know her dark past."
"That is when I wanted to find my real Mom, which I did. She was honest with me from the very beginning. I trusted my Mom from the moment I met her."
"Both your Moms love you."
"Yes, I love them both. They are close just to parent me they are not friends but I am much closer with my Mom then my other Mom. I could not be honest with her because I felt like that I can be judged by her opinions depends on the issue at the time. Now Robin...that is when I could not be open."
"Why did you kept your feelings in for two years?"
"Robin is my Mom's true love, I could not destroyed her happiness even though she tried to kill our mom when she was born right before my grandpa sent her in the magical wardrobe tree, or many attempts of trying to kill our grandma for revenge from not keeping a secret..I just have mixed feelings. I mean...I trust my mom, who is honest with me and Hope all the time. I love living with my mom and dad, I can be myself with them." Hope begins to fuss.
"Hope, do you want Henry?" Allison gives Hope to Henry.
"Hope, I love you little sis." Hope grips his shirt and coos. "Yes, I know. You love me." He kisses her on the head.
"Henry, Hope adores you. She knows you are always going to help her and love her."
"Aunt Allison, I love her so much. She makes my mom so happy..."
"Henry, your mom told me about her past, she did the best for you even though she could not keep you she gave you your best chance."
"Yes, I know. Now I have my mom in my life and she is still is doing the best for me and for Hope too. I will always have mix feelings about my other Mom. My mom whom I am living with, I do not have mix feelings at all." Hope fell asleep on Henry and made poop. "Aunt Allison, are babies supposed to make poop while they are sleeping?"
Allison giggles. "Yes, Henry. It is normal for them. I will change her."
"Will she wake up?"
"Most likely. If I do not change her now, she will get diaper rash. I can show you how to change a sleeping baby." They go upstairs to Hope's room. Henry placed Hope on the changing table, he watched Allison change her. Hope woke up. "Hope, you needed a change sweetie."
"Hope, I am right here little sis." Hope grabs his finger. Allison finished changing Hope.
"Hope, you are all clean." Allison picks her up and holds her. "Hope do you want to do some tummy time?" Hope coos. Allison watches Hope does tummy time with Henry encouraging her to put her head up. "Hope, you can see yourself in the mirror."
"Yes, that is you little sis."
"Your sister is getting stronger."
"Yes, she is, she did not like tummy time at first but she slowly got used to it. I am looking forward to the beach. I am happy you are coming with us."
"Henry, I am happy that you all invited me."
"Aunt Allison, you are close to my mom more than her actual family besides, me, Dad and Hope. She had a hard time trusting her parents, she learned to trust them...can I tell you something that you promised not to tell my parents that I told you?"
"Depends what is it?"
"When my mom, grandma, grandpa, my other mom, and other grandpa went to the underworld to get my resurrect my Dad...not my biological Dad."
"That really happened?"
"Yes, my mom had to become the dark one to prevent my other to not be turned completely evil, she hurts my Dad by accident and she turns him into the dark one. He sacrifices himself and it turns out the darkness was back to my other grandpa Rumplestiltskin. My mom wanted to go to the underworld to save him. We were down there for a while, my grandma wanted to leave to be with Leo, our baby uncle at the time in front of my Mom. I knew my mom was hurt, because she was left alone for 28 years and yet my uncle Leo was safe with the fairies...I overheard their conversation and knowing my mom was hurt...she still has mix feelings with her mom at times. She is closer with my grandpa. I still think my mom taking advantage of Hope because she does not want her to feel alone at all...I mean she gave me up but I was not alone like she was."
"Henry, she has you, Hope, your Dad, and me to help her in anything. Even though I am not blood related to you, I am in your family."
Henry smiles. "I know, I am happy that your in our family because my mom needs more people that she fully trusts, which is you." He gives her a big hug.
"Henry, I love you all." Hope begins to cry.
"Hope, tummy time is over for you little sis." He kisses her on the head. "You want auntie Allison?" Henry gives Hope to Allison.
"Hope, did you have fun at tummy time sweetie?" She gives Hope a kiss. Hope grips her shirt. "Hope, you are such a little sweetie." She checks the time. "It is getting late. When was the last time your Mom fed her?"
"Around 6:45."
"I think she is hungry. Can you heat up a bottle of her milk?"
"Sure, I will be right back." Henry returns with a baby bottle full of breastmilk.
"Hope, it is Mommy's milk." Henry opens the bottle and lets Hope sniffs it. Allison lets Henry feed her.
"Do you like feeding your sister?"
"Yes, I do." Allison positions Henry's hand to make sure Hope was eating right, so she wouldn't choke.
"Where is your parents date night?"
"My dad told me that their date night was on his ship the Jolly Roger. I have a feeling it is more of them in bed than actual eating."
Allison laughs. "Yes, I was thinking the same thing Henry. I can call your Mom to tell them that I can stay over the night."
"Are you sure?"
"They need alone time."
"Yes, a break from Hope and me."
"Yes." Allison calls Emma.
Emma and Killian were lying together sweaty naked in the captain quarters. "Hi, Allison. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, Hope is being a good girl for Henry and I. I was calling, I can stay over the night with the kids, knowing you need alone time with Killian."
Emma smiles. "Hold on..."
"What is it love?"
"She offered to stay with Henry and Hope tonight."
"Love, she has work in the morning. Hope has her appointment."
"Allison, you are too kind to us. Hope will keep you up all night. We will be home soon. You can sleepover."
"Sure. We will see you soon."
"Emma, we still have time."
"Yes, we do." They continue to kiss and make love.
"What did my Mom say?"
"They are coming home soon. They said I can sleep over."
"I wonder why they said no?"
"They know I have work in the morning, and Hope will keep me up all night. I also have Hope first thing in the morning. Henry, she is full." Henry gives Hope to their auntie. Allison burps Hope. Hope falls asleep in her arms.
"How are you going to show Connor and Elizabeth their rooms?"
"I was thinking, when they come home from New York, your family can come by, to see their bedroom reveal. You and your family will get to meet my husband Ted."
"Yes, mom and I have not met him yet. I know Connor and Elizabeth."
"Elizabeth has a crush on you."
Henry smiles. "I had a feeling when she was dragging me upstairs to her room." They both laughed. "She is the mini version of you."
Allison smiles. "You think so?"
"I was wondering, when your family comes back, would you stop spending time as much as now with us and my mom?"
"Awe, Henry. Your mom is my best friend, we are like sisters. I love you, Hope, your Mom and your Dad. You are all my family too."
'Yes! We will see each other all the time. I know your Mom and I will get coffee or shop or talk in each other houses. You and Hope can visit me all the time. I am part of your family,I am Hope's godmother after all besides your aunt. You are all of my family now. I am going on your vacation with you all."
"Oh, right. I forgot for a moment. I am looking forward to spend time with you on the trip."
"Henry, I am looking forward to spending time with all of you on the trip. We can give your Mom and Dad a break too."
"I know what you mean.I like having an aunt that is normal and not crazy."
"You mean the you know who is..."
"Yup. Your easy to talk to like my Mom."
"Henry, I am honored to be your aunt." Hope makes a noise. "Hope, I am your godmother and your auntie." She kisses Hope on the head. "Henry from what you told me earlier, I will keep it a secret."
"Good, you are definitely part of this family, someone who is trustworthy."
"If you need to talk, call me or come by."
"I will. I talk open here with both of my parents and now you." He hugs her. "I am happy to have an aunt that I can finally trust."
"I am honored to be that aunt." They hear the door open and closes.
"Allison? Henry?"
"Mom, we are in the living room."
"Emma, how was your date?" Killian and Emma just looked at each other and smiled.
"We had a lot of fun. How was Hope and Henry?"
"Mom." Henry hugs her. "Aunt Allison and I talked a lot. Can she babysit Hope again?" Emma and Allison both laughed. "Yes, she can Henry. Allison, is Hope hungry?"
"Henry fed her a bottle an hour ago, before I called you, knowing you two needed a little more alone time before coming home."
"I will be right back, I need to take a quick shower." Allison laughs.
"Killian, there are no showers on your ship?"
"Aye, there is no showers on my ship. Lets just say we both need one very badly."
"You were in bed the whole time?" Allison and Killian laughed.
"Aye, we were lad."
"Killian." Emma was coming downstairs. "You told him?"
"He figured out on his own love. I am going to take a shower."
"Allison, it sounds like you and Henry had a fun time tonight."
"Yes, we did." Allison hands over Hope to Emma. "Hope was a good girl. She was upset for a little bit when she found out you weren't home. Henry read her a few stories and she loved listening to her big brother read to her as she snuggled with me."
"Mom, I am looking forward to Florida now especially Aunt Allison is joining us." Henry gives Allison a big hug. "I had fun tonight."
"Me too Henry. I will see you in the morning."
"Night, Aunt Allison." He hugs his Mom. "Night, Mom."
"Night, Henry." She kisses him on the head. He goes up to his room. "What did you two do all night?" They sat on the couch.
"We just talked a lot. How was your date?"
"We..." Emma blushes. "We had sex the entire time."
Allison laughs. "I knew it!" They both laughed. "Also the looks on your face when you came home showed it all."
"Thank you for watching them."
"It was no problem at all. Henry and I had fun and Hope had fun too. Henry asked me if I am still going to be close with you all when my family comes back?"
"Aww, he really asked that?"
"Yes, he did. I told him of course, I am going to be around. You can come over to my house or I can come over here."
"You are definitely apart of this family."
"Yes, I am. Henry told me he trusts me like he trusts you and Killian. He opened up about Regina too. I know you have your own feelings about her now."
"Yes, I am. Mostly mad at you know who, but also she started the fight about Henry." Hope wakes up from her slumber. "Hi, baby. Did you have fun with Auntie Allison and Henry?" She kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles. "You did have fun tonight."
"Emma, you have every right to be mad at Regina. Henry told me what she has done to you and your mom."
"I was alone for most of my life because of her but she did raise Henry for the first ten years of his life. We are not close friends just share custody of him. However, the way he has been feeling and everything that had happened to him and Hope lately...Henry feels my family is his true family. I am happy that he is living here with me, Killian and Hope." Hope coos. "Yes, Hope. You love having Henry home all the time."
"Emma, he is a great kid. I can see a lot of your personality in him."
"I know. He is a lot like me." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, it is way past your bedtime sweetie."
"Emma, I will see you in the morning."
"Allison, you can sleep over."
"Thank you." Emma and Allison talked before they went to bed, in the guest room, where Allison slept. Hope slept in her cradle, next to Emma and Killian's bed.
The next morning, Allison got up early, to get ready for work. As she was going downstairs, she sees Killian with Hope in the living room. "Good morning, Killian and Hope."
"Good morning, Allison. Hope, auntie is awake." He hands over Hope to her.
"Hi, Hope. Are you having fun with Daddy?" Hope coos.
"Aye, every morning I get up early with Hope, and we have Daddy and Daughter time. We cook breakfast and talk on the couch. I can make you a plate."
"Sure, thank you." Killian made Allison a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. They ate breakfast together. "Hope when you see me at work today. I know I have to give you two shots today. Those shots are going to help you in the long run. Afterwards, auntie got you something special. Even though I am the one who is going to give the shots remember auntie Allison loves you, Hope." Hope coos.
"Allison, she will be brave little lass. She knows the tools you used already."
"Yes, she does. She will be more comfortable in the office." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I will see you soon sweetie." She hands over Hope to Killian.
"Thank you for watching Hope and Henry last night."
"You are welcome, Killian. I will see you at the office." Allison leaves.
"Hope, let's go see if your Mommy is awake, little lass." Killian takes Hope up to his room. Emma was still asleep. Killian sat next to Emma holding Hope watching her coos. "Little love, Daddy love so much little lass." He kisses her on the cheek. "You are going to be so brave today little lass when you get your two shots. Remember auntie is giving you the shots to help you becoming healthy not to hurt you Hope, Auntie Allison loves you like Daddy, Mommy and Henry all love you."
Emma wakes up. "Killian, are you giving Hope a pep talk?"
"Aye, yes, I am. Allison already left to go get ready for work."
"What time is it?"
"We have to leave in thirty minutes." Hope cries. "Hope, are you hungry sweetie? You are coming with us sweetie, we are not leaving you behind." Killian hands over Hope to her Mommy. "Can you pack her diaper bag?"
"I am on it love." They kiss.
"Hope we are seeing Auntie Allison at work today." Hope latches on quickly and eats. Killian brings up Emma her breakfast and eats as her daughter ate from her. After Hope was fed, Emma changed Hope into a cute onesie,saying, "My Mommy Rocks." with a cute bow. "Hope, you are two months old today baby girl. You are getting so big!" Emma kisses Hope everywhere which makes her smile. Emma let Hope lay on her bed as she got dressed for the day. "Henry are you ready for work?"
"Yes, I am Mom."
"We need to go, Hope's appointment is soon." Emma buckled Hope in her car seat. Emma sits in the back with Hope. Henry sat in the front with their Dad. Killian drove them to Allison's house. "Mom, Dad, good luck with Hope."
"Thanks, kid. Enjoy work."
"I will. Oh, Aunt Allison invited us over to meet her husband and reveal the bedroom to the kids on Friday. I will see you later."
Killian drove them to Storybrooke Hospital."Are you ready love?"
"Yes, I am. I know afterward Hope is not going to be happy."
"Allison told me one of the shots is two in one so only two shots for the lass." Emma got Hope out of her car seat. "Hope we are going to see your auntie at work." Emma carried Hope and Killian carried the diaper bag and her quilt. Emma signed Hope in. "Morning, Emma."
"Good morning...Dr.Cameron."
Allison giggled. "You can call me Allison, Emma."
"Hope, we are with Auntie Allison." Hope coos in her Mommy's arms and reaches out to Allison. "Awe, Hope. You are happy to see your auntie."
Allison walks up to Emma and Hope. "Hi, Hope. Do you want to where I work? I will show you." Emma hands her daughter to Allison. "Hope, this is where I work." Emma and Killian followed Allison and Hope. Allison showed Hope her office before leading them to exam room 2. Emma undressed Hope and Allison weighed her, "Hope has gained two pounds, she is now 13 pounds." Hope coos. "She is very happy."
"Yes, she is and not afraid."
Allison measures Hope on the patient table. "Hope is 2 inches long and she is 23 inches now."
"Hope you are getting so big baby girl." Allison checked her vision. "Her vision is normal." Hope turns to Allison. She smiles."Her hearing is normal. Hope, I am going to use the otoscope. You remember you use it to your Daddy's ear?" Hope smiled. "I know Hope can recognizes faces, and voices." Allison checked Hope's ears, "Hope's ears are all clear." Allison checks Hope's reflexes her arms, hands,hips, legs, and feet. "Her reflexes are normal and her skin is healthy. How often does Hope does tummy time?"
"Once or twice a day."
"In order for Hope to get stronger, tummy time needs to be longer. I know from last night, she is getting stronger. She can almost lift her head up." Allison checked Hope's heart and lungs next. "Hope, you know this won't hurt sweetie." Hope coos. She uses the stethoscope. "Her heart is normal. Her breathing is normal." She checks Hope's belly by lightly pressing it, "She has no hernia and her organs are normal." Allison checks her vagina. "Emma and Killian, everything is normal with Hope. She is healthy. She just needs to do more tummy time." She tickles Hope. "Today, I am going to give her three shots. Two shots are combined which are pneumonia and meningitis. The last one will be polio vaccine." Emma gets the quilt and Allison puts Hope on Emma's lap. "Hope, are you comfy baby?" Hope coos. "Yes, you are being a very good girl for Auntie Allison." She kisses Hope on the head. Allison gave Hope the first shot, which made Hope cry. "Baby, it is okay, Mommy got you." Allison gives Hope the last shot. Hope cried more. "Hope you are all done baby girl. I know it hurt sweetie. Mommy got you. The pain will go away soon baby." She kisses Hope and rubs her back.
"Killian, I will be right back." Allison returns with a big bag. "Hope, Auntie Allison got a gift for you sweetie."
"Hope, auntie got you a gift." She sits on the table with Emma and Hope. After Hope stopped crying. "Hope, look at the big bag. Auntie got you something. Let's what is inside the big bag!"
"Emma and Killian. I kind of went overboard with her gifts. It was a mix of my first godchild niece and feeling guilty of giving her the shots."
"Allison, Hope will love whatever you give her, right Killian?"
"Aye. Our little lass loves to get gifts from those who she loves."
Allison holds the bag as Emma opens the bag and shows her daughter "Hope look your first Disney plush doll, a small Pluto." Hope grabs it. "You like it baby?" Emma pulled out next Disney these bodysuits, an Ariel one, Minnie Mouse one, and Elastigirl one, and an Ariel bathing suit. "Allison, Hope is going to look so cute in these."
"I know. There is more."
Emma looked inside the bag, "You got Hope Mickey and Friends water toys. Killian, Hope has toys for bathtime."
"Hope and I are going to love using them in bathtime."
"Yes, after I clean her and you play with her." Allison giggles. Emma looks inside the bag. "Allison you get Hope a Winnie the Pooh plush doll and an Ariel plush doll."
"Yes, I did. I told you I went a little overboard with her gifts."
"Allison, she will love them all. I am so packing her new clothes for Florida." She talks to Hope and shows her Winnie the Pooh doll. "Hope, this is Winnie the Pooh from the book I read to you." She shows her Ariel next, "Hope, this is Ariel. Remember we watched the Little Mermaid." Hope smiles. "Yes, you remember." Hope reached for Ariel. "You love Ariel." She gives Hope Ariel.
"Swan, the Ariel doll is bigger than her." Allison and Emma both laughed.
"There is one more thing inside the bag."
Emma looks into the bag and gets teething rings. "I know these are going to be useful for her very soon."
"Allison, thank you. Hope loves the dolls already."
"You welcome. I am sorry I got too much."
"No, no, not at all. Hope loves her gifts especially from her godmother auntie. Hope, you want to thank Auntie Allison." Hope reaches out to Allison holding the mini Pluto plush doll. Emma hands her over to Allison.
"Hope, do you like your presents I got you?" Hope happily coos. "Yes, I see you love your Pluto doll. That is one of my favorites." Hope moves around and smiles. "Hope, I have to do see other patients sweetie. Enjoy your gifts." Hope begins to cry. "Hope I will see you later, okay." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Emma.
"Allison,thank you."
"Allison you have been so helpful to us."
"You are both welcome. Emma, I will come by later to check on Hope. Text me or call me if anything happens from her shots."
"We will."
"Hope, I will come over later." She kisses Hope on the head. She leaves the room.
"Hope, do not cry, you will see auntie later sweetie. Look Hope, auntie got you teething rings."
"Love, Hope likes the Pluto doll the best."
"Yes, that is her favorite. Wow, Allison got Hope a lot of toys and clothes."
"Aye, she loves spoiling Hope just like us."
Emma laughs. "Yes, you got that right." Killian carried Hope's new toys and clothes, while Emma carried Hope, the diaper bag and her quilt to the car. When they returned home, Hope cry was different. "Killian, Hope needs Tylenol." Emma holds Hope sitting down in the living room with her new toys as Killian gets the Tylenol from the kitchen. Killian spoonfed Hope the Tylenol. Emma breastfeeds her after the medicine intake. "Hope, you will feel better soon baby. Auntie Allison got you so many gifts. You got new toys and clothes for our Florida trip."
"Love, I will put the new toys in her room."
"Yes, put the bath toys in the bathroom and her new clothes in her drawer."
"Yes, love I will."
"Thank you." They kiss. Emma relaxes and let sleeping Hope sleep on her chest. "I love my snuggles with you sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope smiles in her sleep. Killian makes them lunch. "Love, lunch is ready." Emma carried sleeping Hope with her. "Emma, do you want me to hold her for now?"
"Let's see, if she lets you hold her." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian gets Hope from Emma. Hope begins to cry loudly. Killian hands her over back to his wife. "Hope, Mommy got you sweetie. Daddy wanted to hold you. You just want Mommy. I know you in pain baby. Mommy will make it all better." Hope coos. "Yes, you just wanted mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabbed a piece her of long blonde lock. "Hope, Mommy's hair is not a toy sweetie." Hope coos again. "Yes, when you have long blonde hair like me, I will braid your hair all the time and that is a promise." Hope smiles and moves around in her Mommy's arms. Killian smiles at his wife and daughter interacting with one another. "Love, perhaps Hope wants to do her hair now?"
Emma laughs. "I think she needs a little more hair before I do braids with her. Killian, the shots makes her extra clingy than usual."
"I know, love. When the little lass is in pain or hurt she always wants her Mommy to be there for her , especially her shots."
"Killian do you have work today?'
"I am just going in for a few hours, today. You will be fine with Hope?"
"Yes, Hope and I will be fine." Emma ate her lunch with holding Hope.
"Love, call me if you need anything or anything happens."
"I will call if I need anything. Hope, Daddy has to go to work sweetie."
He kisses Hope on the head and Hope grabs his head. "Little Hope, Daddy is right here. Daddy does not like it when you are in pain little lass." He kisses her again. "Be a good girl for Mommy." He and Emma kiss. "Love, call if you or Hope need anything."
"I will." Killian goes to work. "Hope it is just you and me. What do you want to do? We can read a book, sing-song songs, tummy time or snuggle? " Emma takes Hope to her room. Emma saw how Killian arranged Hope's new plush dolls in her room. Her new plush dolls are in her crib. "Hope, look Daddy put your new plush dolls in your crib." Emma takes out her Pluto and gives it to Hope. Emma sits with Hope in the rocking chair. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. " Hope looks and coos at her Mommy while she sung to her. Emma smiles, "You like when I sing baby? I will sing you another one. " Mary had a little lamb,its fleece was white as snow,Everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go,He followed her to school one day, Which was against the rule It made the children laugh and play, To see a lamb at school, And so the teacher turned him out,But still he lingered near And waited patiently, Til Mary did appear, The lamb was sure to go." Hope fell asleep in Emma's arms. Emma put Hope in her crib. Emma dozed off in the rocking chair. Emma wakes up from Hope crying a few hours later. "Hope, Mommy right here." Emma takes Hope out of her crib. "Mommy got you sweetie." Her cry sounded different. "Hope, are you in pain baby? Mommy will give you medicine to make you feel better, sweetie." Hope continues to cry as Emma brought Hope downstairs to get her medicine. Emma found Tylenol there was a little bit of it left. Emma placed Hope in her swing chair so she can put the Tylenol on her spoon. "Hope, Mommy has your medicine sweetie." She holds Hope and spoonfed her the medicine Hope drinks it. "Good baby." Emma breastfeeds Hope after her medicine intake and to calm her down. "Hope you are Mommy's good little girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma makes a phone call. "Killian."
"Emma, is everything alright love?"
"We are both fine, honey. I just used the last of Hope's Tylenol. Can you buy baby liquid Tylenol at the store in town on the way home? I have a feeling that we will need it tonight."
"Sure, love. How is Hope?"
"I just fed her her medicine and now she is breastfeeding, to calm her down. I sang Hope a few songs which she loved. She and I both had naps. She napped in her crib and I napped in the rocking chair."
"Love, it sounds like you got everything under control."
"Don't jinx it. What time are you going to be home tonight?"
"Around 6:00 after grocery shopping and drugstore run."
"We will see you soon in a few hours." They hung up. "Hope, do you want to take a walk?" Hope makes poop. "You need a change. How about you can wear one of auntie's new outfits she gave you?" Hope smiles. "I knew you would like that baby girl." Emma changes Hope's diaper. Emma puts Hope on the two-piece onesie Elastigirl and Jack -jack saying "My Mom is Incredible." "Hope you so cute in your new outfit." Emma put the carrier on her and placed Hope in the carrier. Emma brought the diaper and they took a walk. Emma walks to the park with the ducks by the water. "See the baby ducks sweetie. The baby ducks are swimming by the mama duck." Emma sits on the grass and takes Hope out of the carrier and Hope sits on her lap and leaning against her Mommy. Hope makes cute coo sounds. "Yes, Hope. Those are duckies in the water this is a place where Mommy come here to think. I have not been here in while." Hope begins to cry. "Hope." She checks her diaper. "What is the matter Hope?" Emma looks around and knowing there weren't alone, someone was there. "Who is there? Show yourself!" The bush rattled, Ruby comes out. "Ruby?!"
"What are you doing here in Storybrooke?"
"I came for a visit. Who is this little cutie?"
"Ruby, this is Killian and my daughter Hope Marie Swan-Jones. Hope, this is Red. Grandma's best friend."
"Emma, your a Mommy to a newborn."
"Yes, I am. Hope is two months old today. Hope, Red is a friend not a scary witch."
"Hi, Hope. Wow, she look like you and has Killian's eyes."
"Yes, she is my mini-me." She kisses Hope on the head. "How did you get here?"
"I went through different realms using a magic bean."
" Does Granny know you are here?"
They walk into town."No, I am here to surprise her."
"My Mom is going to be so happy to see you."
"Yes, I miss your Mom."
"Just letting you know, she and my Dad bought a farmhouse. They do not live in town anymore."
"Wow. A lot has happened since I left."
"Oh, yes the town has gotten pretty quiet over the last year." Emma texts her Mom to meet her at the diner. "No more curses or villains taking over the town. What have you been up to?"
"Well, Dorothy and I live in Oz together with her dog Toto. No more worries because of no wicked witch." Hope begins to cry. "Hope she is not here sweetie. Red, please do not mention that name around Hope. She is absolutely terrified of her and Robin's child Rowand, Zelena's daughter."
"Oh, I am so sorry."
Emma stopped walking to comfort Hope. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. She is not here sweetie. Hope mommy is with you, you are safe....shh...shh." Hope falls asleep.
"Wow, you are amazing Mom."
"Thank you. The short version is you know who got jealous of my pregnancy threaten me and my daughter. After Hope was born Hope senses she was at the room and threaten me and Hope at the hospital. Somehow Hope knows her daughter is her daughter, everytime you know who daughter with Robin is nearby Hope gets terrified."
"Wow, that is just crazy Emma."
"Yes, when my little girl is upset, I am going to protect her all the time." When they reached Granny's, Snow White was waiting for her daughter. Snow sees Red with Emma.
"Red!" She runs and Red run and they hug. "What are you doing here?"
"I am here for a visit, then the magic bean I used ended up by the pond and I saw Emma and met your granddaughter!"
"Yes, my little granddaughter Hope is adorable." She talks to Emma. "Emma, this is why you told me to come here?!"
Emma smiles. "Yes, Mom. Your best friend is here. She scared Hope a little bit from hiding in the bushes, other than that Hope is alright."
Snow White kisses Hope on the head. "I saw Regina recently, what happened? Henry and you are both mad at her?"
"Mostly at you know who. I will explain to you both inside." They sit in the regular booth at the diner. "Red!"
"Granny!" They have a reunion as Snow and Emma talk in a booth.
"Emma, please tell me what happened."
"Allison invited us over for dinner at her house and I offered to bake cupcakes. While Hope and I were at the grocery store buying baking supplies, Regina saw me and we talked about Henry. Robin two kids came and you know who talked and Hope went into hysterical crying...(sighs). Regina forgot to tell me that she had the kids with her. I had to calm her down in another aisle. Killian was on patrol and saw me and Hope and he knew something has happened. He took the rest of the day off to help me with Hope. We had dinner at Allison's house. Henry was playing Hope as the rest of us ate, and Regina facetimed him to apologize to Hope. the next thing we heard was Henry screaming and Hope know who comes in the room wherever Regina was facetiming at, making Henry mad and Hope hysterically crying again. Killian talks to Henry outside as Allison and I were calming down Hope."
"Emma, you have the right to be mad at Regina mostly at you know who. Henry still has feelings of you know who.."
"Yes, that is why Henry is mad at Regina. The three of us took turns comforting both of them. Allison offered us to all sleepover seeing how Hope was upset and how Henry was mad, she knew we needed the extra help that night. Killian goes by our house to pick up overnight supplies. Regina was there...I was so happy to be Allison's if I were there...I would be furious. She called me and we fought over Henry and I went complete mama bear mode on her because I was stressed enough on Hope and Henry was feeling...especially Hope terrified twice in one day and Henry being mad and upset....I could not help get mad."
"Emma you have the right to be mad at Regina, she knows how Henry feels about you know who and Hope too...It is especially hard to be a Mom when your children are sad or mad or both."
'Yes, especially when they are both feeling the same way at the same time. I am helping both of my children as best as I can, in this situation."
"Emma, you are. They seem happy now."
"Yes, the day after we slept over, Killian, Henry, Hope and I invited Allison to join our Florida trip next week." Hope begins to cry. "Hope do you need your medicine sweetie?"
"Hope had her 2-month appointment today with three shots. I got to get her home, she needs another round of Tylenol." She gets up to leave, "Bye, Red. I have to get Hope home ."
"Bye, Emma. Bye Hope." Red talks to Snow White.
Emma calls Killian. "Killian, did you get Hope's Tylenol?"
"Yes, I did love. I am home. Where are you?"
"I am walking home from town with Hope. She needs Tylenol."
"I will give it to her love."
"We will be home in a few minutes." Emma walks home with crying Hope. "Hope, Mommy is getting you home sweetie. Daddy bought you your medicine." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma arrives home, with crying Hope. Killian rushes to get their daughter and takes her out of the carrier and brings her to the living room. "Hope, Daddy has your medicine little love." Emma took off the carrier and sat on the couch next to her husband as he was spoon fed Hope her Tylenol. "That is a good little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. Emma breastfed Hope afterward. "How was Hope for the rest of the day?"
"Hope and I sang a few songs, I took her to the pond and showed her little baby ducks. Red appeared and I took her to town and surprised my Mom."
"Was your Mom surprised?"
"She was very surprised. My Mom told me she spoke to Regina recently. I told her what happened. She agreed with me that I have every right to mad for you know who caused pain emotionally to Hope and Henry."
"Love, Regina does feel bad."
"I believe you. I just want to focus on Henry and Hope. Henry is still mad at her and Hope is happy now."
"How many doses of Tylenol she has so far?"
"This is her third round of Tylenol, she has been very happy." Emma burps he daughter and hands her over to Killian. "Hi, Hope. I love your new onesies. Do you like the clothes and toys that auntie bought you?" Hope smiles and moves around in her Daddy's arms. Emma falls asleep on the couch. Henry arrives home with Allison. "Hi, Dad."
Killian carries Hope to Henry and Allison. "Your Mom is sleeping, she has a very busy day with Hope."
"Was Hope extra clingy?"
"Aye, she was. Emma was holding her all day. Hope auntie is here." Hope smiled. He hands her over to Allison.
"Hi, Hope. I told you I will come visit you after work. Do you want to show Henry what I bought you?" Hope smiles.
"Aunt Allison what did you get her?"
"Henry, the gifts she got her is in her room. Allison, do you want to stay for dinner?"
"I would love to Killian. Thank you for the offer."
"Allison you are always welcome to dinner."
Hope fussed in Allison's arms. Allison giggles."Okay, Hope. We will show your gifts to Henry." Allison and Henry go to Hope's room and Killian cooks them all dinner. Henry enters her room first, "Aunt Allison, you got Hope Winnie the Pooh and Ariel plush dolls."
Allison sat on the fuzzy white rug with Hope as Henry got the Disney plush dolls from Hope's crib. "And Pluto, she loves her mini Pluto doll."
"Hope, you love Pluto little sis?" He shows Hope Pluto and Hope makes a sound and grabs it. "Hope is that an Incredible onesie you are wearing?" Hope coos and movies around. He kissed Hope on her head. "When did you get these?"
"I bought them online, I am a huge Disney fan. I got her a few outfits like the one she is wearing now.
"Is that why you took the job, to live in a fairytale town."
"Yes, I could not take down the job offer. Yes, I kind of went overboard with buying Hope gifts. She is my first godchild and also felt guilty giving her shots so I got Hope presents."
"Aunt Allison, Hope loves them. I know our Mom will bring the clothes on the trip."
"Yes, she will. Your sister did not want to leave me this morning."
"After the shots?"
"Yes, Henry. I gave her the gifts after the shots. She love them the gifts. Right, Hope?" Hope smiles and Allison gives Hope a kiss on the head. "You know, Henry. The paintbrush set, I got you for the job. It is yours after you finished the job."
Henry smiles big."Aunt Allison, really?"
Allison smiles. "Yes, Henry it is yours to keep. I am still paying you too."
"Thank you, Aunt Allison." He hugs her.
Allison chuckles."Your welcome, Henry. You are squishing you sister."
"Hope, am I squishing you, little sis? I am sorry." He kisses Hope on the head which makes her smile.
"Henry, I figure you need a paint set to use at home and at school."
"Aunt Allison, I will use it."
"I definitely want to see your art projects."
"Of course, I will show you. I got into art only this school year."
"Really? You seem to be an expert."
"Yes, only this year. I was bullied this past school year by a group of older boys from the land of untold stories. First it was minor and I ignored them. I did not tell anyone. It began around the time my mom told me she was pregnant and I was thrilled to be a big brother. Then the bullying gradually got more. The more I got bullied art was my escape, I would mostly draw and paint. I got into painting when my Dad asked me to help him decorate Hope's room, I came up with Hope's nursery theme, how our parents met, also known as their love story. I wanted Hope to know where she came from. Right little sis?" He gives Hope's his finger and she takes it with her small hand and smiles. "Yes, you got me into painting." Henry continues, "I was being bullied by being shoved against the lockers, being tripped, had things thrown at me...I was a loner. Art was my escape besides my Mom and Dad and Hope. I was here a lot during my Mom's pregnancy which was my escape besides my sailing lessons with my Dad."
"Henry, why you did not tell anybody? A teacher or the principal?"
"I thought it would make it worse or ignore them they would stop. When Hope was born, the bullying got worse. When we had our first sailing adventure when Hope was a week old, my Dad was showing Hope around the ship. My mom and I had not had alone time since Hope was born and I told her about the bullying and she promised me that she would lock them the bullies in jail for their suspension. A few days later, I got beat up on the way home from school, I ran here all I was thinking to get to my Mom. Her, grandma and my other mom went to the principal and reported them. My mom and my grandpa arrested them."
"They were really were put into jail as their suspension?"
"Yes, the principal has no choice, my other mom is the mayor and my mom is the sheriff. You know my mom from last week, she was like that to the principal."
"Yes, knowing your Mom I am not surprised. You have powerful family members, Henry."
"Yes, I definitely do." Hope fell asleep in Allison's arms. "I got nominated for my artwork in school, I showed my art teacher these murals and she told me to paint them on easels. I only told Hope about the smaller version of her murals. My family knew about the award based on the murals but did not know until the art show that it was the smaller version of these."
"I know your parents would be very surprised."
"Yes, they were. I had to explain to a whole room full of people about my art. I had Hope with me because it was inspired by her. If it was not for her, art would not have been my escape."
"Henry that is amazing how you two are close so much already."
"Yes, we are. The easels were burned for revenge of the bullies for being in jail for 2 days. My family caught them. Two of the three bullies are in juvenile hall."
"Wait, that is why the high school was closed for a week?"
"Yes...I was upset that it happened because I told on them..."
"Henry, it is not your fault." She placed a hand on his knee.
"I know Aunt Allison, Hope has the real ones in here which is the most important for me." He kissed Hope on the head.
Emma woke up from her nap, wondering where Hope is. She can hear Killian cooking in the kitchen. She goes upstairs she finds Henry with Allison and Hope in Hope's room. She overheard their conversation about him being bullied. Emma was happy Henry was opening up to Allison just like he was to her, Killian and Hope. She knows Allison is a family member for sure because her son is very open to her and Hope loves her, she gets along with Killian and Allison and her were like long lost sisters. Emma went downstairs to Killian. She goes into the kitchen and kisses Killian and hug.
"Hello, love. How was your nap?"
"It was really needed. I was holding Hope all day. I was just upstairs, I overheard Henry's conversation with Allison, he was telling her about when he was bullied. I did not want to interrupt them. I mean he trusts her that much and being honest like he is with us."
"Love, we all get along with Allison. She is a great listener and generous person. She is similar to us, trustworthy and open."
"Yes, she is and this is why she is a part of our family. I mean I am more than happy now that she is a part of our family."
"Aye, love. It was your idea to ask her to be Hope's godmother in the first place."
"Yes because she is the first person that I can trust and depend on without having trust issues first ever. We get along like we are long lost sisters and best friends."
"Emma, Allison is part of our family no matter what. She has been so generous and helpful to all of us."
"I am just happy she is coming with us on the family trip."
"Aye me too, love. We need an extra pair of hands with Hope and knowing you two will have a lot of girl talk." Emma giggles.
"Yes, that will happen a lot. I am looking forward to Florida. I cannot wait to see Hope and Henry love the beach."
"Aye, our little lass will love the ocean."
"Yes she definitely takes up after you."
"Aye, she takes up after you too love." They kiss.
"I love you, Killian. I love our family and our life together. I never expect to have this life, it felt like a faraway dream that I will never have."
"Emma, you made your dream happen by being your amazing self and both of our children love you and adore you."
"It would not had happened if I did not have you, captain."
"Aye, you changed me and I changed you. That is what love is, helping one another."
"Yes, love is very powerful." They make out.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora