Continued Cycle

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Hope is still clingy to her parents but not as bad as a few weeks ago. It was Friday morning, Killian was out grocery shopping. Emma and Hope were lying together in bed, Hope was being nursed, lying on a pillow and eating from her Mommy. Emma was enjoying the one on one time with her little girl in her bed. Hope had her toys and books scattered all over her parents' bed. After Hope was full and burped Emma let Hope do tummy time on her stomach. "Hope, what do you want to do now? We can read, play or have girl talk?" Hope babbled which made her smile. "You and I are going to have girl talk. Just you and me." Hope babbled. "I know you want to talk to Mommy." Hope looked at her Mommy face to face with her ocean blue eyes and a big smile. "I love your face. It is so cute, I can eat you all up." She gave Hope multiple kisses on her cheek which made her laugh.
"Yes, Hopey?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "You love giving me hugs baby girl." Hope babbled. "You want to start Mommy and Hopey talk?" Hope babbled. "No way, Henry told you that you are his favorite sister ever!" Hope smiled. "Tell me more. Do you like playing pirate with Dada?" Hope smiled. "When you go on Dada's boat you have to wear a lifejacket?" Hope babbled. "A lifejacket is coat you wear to help you swim in the ocean when danger happens." Hope babbled. "Yes, you are going to learn to swim very soon sweetie. Mommy signed you up for your first swimming lessons in the pool!" Hope smiled. "You and I are going to swim in the pool together."
"Your dada doesn't like pool but once he sees you swimming in the pool, I know he will swim with us you will see."
"Yes, Hope? You can tell me anything." Hope babbled and grabbed her Mommy's hair. "Hopey, you got Mommy's hair. You want to learn how to do braids?" Hope smiled. "Mommy will teach you now. When your hair grows longer, I will braid your hair and make it look pretty all the time." Emma puts Hope sitting down on the bed facing her. "Hope, do you want to know how to braid hair?" Hope smiled. "I will teach you. Watch Mommy's hands." Emma taught her daughter how she does a simple braid step by step, Hope was watching her Mommy braiding her hair. She lets Hope hold her hair and feel the braid. "You see baby? How does my hair feel after I braid it? It looks different right?"She shows her daughter her hairstyle. Hope smiled and tugged her Mommy's hair. Emma giggles."Hopey!" Killian came home and put the groceries. He checks on his two loves and smiled at the scene he sees from their bedroom and took pictures of Emma teaching Hope how to braid her hair, their special mother and daughter time. He went downstairs to clean up the living room from his and Hope's playtime before he left to go grocery shopping."Mommy." Emma gets her daughter. "You want to talk?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "We can hug and talk at the same time baby girl." Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you are getting so big baby girl. I love playing with you, singing to you, cuddles and kisses. Are you going to let me hug you and kiss you when you are older?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "Is that yes?" Hope babbled. "You can come to me to talk, sing, read or play with your anytime. We can go shopping soon, just you and I would you like that?" Hope smiled.
"Mommy." Emma hugs her daughter a hug.
"You are my baby girl now and you will always be my little girl. You can always come to me for anything, I am not ever going to judge you I am going to be there for you. I had no one as a child I am giving you everything that I did not have love, family and a home." Hope babbled. "That is right, you made me a Mommy from the very beginning. I get to raise you and be with you all the time! " She lifts Hope up and Hope was laughing. She puts Hope on the bed and uses a bedsheet and played, peek-a-boo. "Hope, peek-a-boo!" Hope laughed, and they played peek-a-boo with each other and Emma tickled Hope and played a special game. "Where did Hope go? There she is! Peek-a-boo!" She tickles Hope making her laugh while she was laughing with her daughter at the same time.
Killian heard the door it was Regina and Snow White. "Hello, Regina and Snow White."
"Hi, Killian. We came to talk to Emma about Leo."
"Aye, if you must talk about him do not mention his name around Hope. She is terrified of his name."
"Killian, he is family."
"Aye, a family member that seriously injured my daughter and others. Hope is just finished with her recovery from her second surgery which was caused by your son. Hope's nightmare was about your son hurting my daughter and that is why Hope is terrified of your son's name."
"Killian, I will make sure Snow and Emma do not fight. We really need to talk to Emma. Henry told me what was going on here in the last few weeks. I will make sure, Emma doesn't get too much stress."
"Thank you, Regina. Hope is not going to be around when you talk about Leo. She is afraid of him."
"Henry told me about her recent nightmare."
"Aye, she is so afraid of that nightmare will happen she is extra clingy to Emma and I, mostly Emma. They are upstairs." Killian leads Regina and his mother in law upstairs smiles seeing his two loves playing together, playing peek a boo and his love tickling his little love. "Love." Emma stops playing with Hope and looks up at her husband seeing her Mom and Regina. She picks up Hope. "Regina, Mom? What are you both doing here?"
"Emma, we need you to be sheriff for a few hours? We need to talk to you in the living room?"
"What about?"
"Leo." Hope began to wail. Killian was mad. "Snow White, I just told you not to say his name." Emma soothes her daughter. "Hope, you are okay sweetie. He is not here...he is not here...shh...shhh..." She hugs her daughter. Emma was mad. "Mom, you got Hope upset..." She bounces hope up and down. "Hope you are safe with Mommy, baby girl. He is not here...he is not here. You are safe. Shh...shh..." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Killian, come in here and close the door. Regina, I will talk to you when Hope stops crying."
"Aye, Hope dada is coming." Killian enters the room and closes the door. "Love."
"What are they doing here?"
"They need help with your brother."
"Whatever they have to do is wait, Hope needs me. My daughter needs both of us. She is afraid again thanks to my Mom. After all the nightmare and clinginess, I think it is back."
"Swan we are going to get through this." He wraps his arms around his two loves.
"I know, we know how to make Hope happy."
"Aye, I saw how you and Hope were before they came and you two were having so much fun together."
Emma smiled."We were having so much fun until my Mom came and ruined it. Now our baby is scared again." She rubs Hope's back and kisses her on the head.
"Little love, Dada is here. I saw how much fun you were having with your Mommy, you were having girl talk, getting a braiding lesson and playing so much together. You love your Mommy special time with your Mommy?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Your brave Mommy is here with you little love, and Dada is here with you." They heard Regina and Snow White arguing. "Love."
"I was not going to talk to my Mom when I saw her and after her making Hope upset. I am not going to talk to her."
"Love, I will be right back."
"Hope, Mommy is with you, baby girl."
In the hall, Regina was now mad. "You could have listened to Killian, Snow White. How is Emma going to trust you or help with your son when she is mad at you for making Hope upset?" Snow White did not answer for a while.
"I am still mad at my daughter."
"For what? Defending her family, protecting them from your denial after your son hurting Hope? For being right?"
"For all the fights we had and not talking. She doesn't trust me anymore, I lost my daughter's trust."
Killian opens the door with Hope crying in the background. "Of course, you did, Snow White. She told you many times during those fights that Leo has darkness and you did not listen to her when our Hope was close to dying you were in denial! When your daughter needed you the most you weren't there for her. I was! I am always on your daughter's side and my daughter. If you weren't in denial, you would have seen your granddaughter in so much pain and suffering you chose to ignore it and told us that Leo did not cause it."
"My daughter did not listen to me!"
"Aye, do you know why? Because she was right about everything and you were wrong!" Emma could not take it anymore of the fighting. She carries Hope to her doorway. "Regina?"
"Yes, Emma?"
"Can you watch Hope?"
"Sure." Emma hands over Hope who was still gripping her.
"Mommy is going to be right out here. Be a good girl for Regina."
Regina enters the room with Hope who did not want to be held by her and puts Hope on the bed. "Hi, Hope. Your Mommy is right outside. You are going to be okay, Hope. You are not in any danger." She sits on the bed and takes out her iPhone and shows her pictures of Henry. "Hope, you know that I am Henry's other Mommy? Your brother told me about all of the art projects you helped him in. He loves you so much." She showed Hope pictures. Hope crawled away from Regina. "Mommy."
"Your Mommy is right outside. " Hope kept crawling away from her. Regina smiles. "Hope definitely takes after Emma."
Back in the hall. Emma could not take it anymore. "Stop the arguing!!" Killian and Snow White stopped arguing. "Killian, can you be with Hope?"
"Aye, love. I can, are you sure?"
"Yes, I need to talk to my Mom alone and I have a feeling our little girl needs one of us since she is terrified all over again."
"I will be right inside." Killian goes into his room with Hope crying away from Regina. "Little love." He takes his daughter to form the bed. "Dada is here." He bounces Hope up and down. "Everything is okay. You are safe little love. Shh....shh.." He rubbed his daughter's back and kissed her on the head and he got Hope to stop crying.
"Killian, she takes after Emma. I talked to her and she crawled away from me."
Killian smiles. "Oh, really?"
"Yes, she did."
"Little love, did you crawl away from Regina?" Hope babbled. "She definitely takes after Emma. Dada is here little love." He gives her his hook which she holds onto, "Dada?"
"Aye, little Hope. Dada is here. Mommy will be back with us soon, little love."
Back in the hallway. "Mom, I am done with this arguing with you. You got my daughter upset. What do you want from me?"
"Leo is closed to being expelled from his school."
"Why are you here?"
"I need your help to get him not to be expelled since you are sheriff and his sister."
"Mom, that is not my problem or my job. It is your job as his parent to discipline him and be the one to help him when he needs it."
"I need your help. Leo should be in school and not expelled from the only school in town!"
"I told you so many times that he needed the help as soon as Hope got hurt from him the first time, Allison told you, Regina and Dad told you, you did not listen to any of us. You were too busy being in denial and pretending everything was alright and that Leo was perfect to the point he is causing so much trouble that he is out of control. I thought that since he injured you and put you in a coma that will wake you up. I told you constantly that he needed help in order to get his darkness is out of control. Your son has darkness in him. You need to help him with his darkness."
"Emma,I am aware now since he caused so many classmates injuries and the school calling me constantly about him."
"What about his first victim your granddaughter? Don't you love Hope?"
"Emma, I do love Hope."
"You have a bad way of showing it since she had so many surgeries and long recovery because of him."
"Emma, I wanted to help but you didn't let me."
Emma got more mad. "Yes because I cannot trust you with my daughter!!! I went through hell in the foster system had experiences of abused family members. I am afraid if you watch Hope, you would bring Leo with you and he will hurt my daughter!!! She would not be with me any longer!! That is what my mother instincts is telling me to keep Hope away from Leo! I am not losing my daughter. I fought for my own happy beginning so hard and for so long. I finally have a family that I wanted all of my life of being alone and I am not losing everyone that I love because of my mother brings my brother who likes to hurt my daughter for fun!! My family is not going to get any abuse like that! " Killian and Hope were right behind her once they heard her yelling at her Mom. "I am done, done helping you solve your own problems. You chose not to see his darkness in him for a long time and now you decide to wake up because of his education is at risk. I am tired of arguing and fixing your problems. I have my family who needs me. I am done."
"Emma, you do not mean it."
"Mom when I dreamt of meeting you I thought I was going to have a Mom being there for me always now all is I see is......all you care is about Leo and being in denial to pretend that everything is normal. All I see you is denial and denial. You didn't think that my opinion might be right or about Hope and I. I lost my trust in you. I always solved your problems. I am done."
"Emma, he is your brother."
" I am not his parent who decided to ignore the problem and got it worse. You did not listen to me at the beginning. I am done fixing your problems. I am going to focus on my family."
"Emma..." She grabs her daughter's hand. "You do not mean that."
"I cannot take it anymore!"
Snow White starts to cry."You are my daughter!"
"You didn't listen to me when I was right about Leo when it began. How can you not listen to me? I do not understand that, Mom. Why you didn't listen to me?"
"I wanted to raise Leo normal like you are raising Hope. My second chance as a Mom I wanted to to be perfect. When I saw the darkness, I went into denial because I wanted it to be a perfect life."
"You took the darkness away from me and put it into Lily. I was a good child but in living in hell and back until I was homeless. Being alone all of my life until Henry found me and brought me here to you, Dad, Killian and fighting every town villain and being the savior. Now that I have Hope with me, I just want some normal life and helping people but not every minute of every day. I want to be a Mom that I always wanted to have. I am being Henry and Hope's mom now and I support them no matter what and not be in denial ever."
"Emma, I could not admit it that he had darkness in him."
"I have been trying to tell you constantly that he had darkness in him. Now, you are on our own with Leo because I am tired of fighting and telling you what to do over and over again you don't listen on what I have to say. Now he is being expelled. That's not my problem to solve. It is yours because he is your son, not mine." Emma turns around seeing her daughter husband. She gets her sleeping Hope from Killian and goes into her room. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie. You and I are going to cuddle. Mommy and Hopey time." Emma sees Regina and sits on her bed and got Hope to snuggle her.
Regina heard everything and saw Emma not wanting to talk and all wanted were Hope and Killian. "Emma, it was my curse that separated from your parents in the first place. If I have not cast this curse, you would have been with your parents from the beginning and they would not have wanted to have another child. I will help them with Leo's expulsion."
"Regina?" She about leave the room.
"Yes, Emma?"
"Killian and I were planning a little vacation with Hope and Henry. We might go on this trip sooner than expected."
"You can take Henry out of the town. You, Killian, Henry, and Hope need a break from here. Just let me know when you are going and I will keep everything under control here with Lily's help."
"Thanks, Regina." Regina leaves the room Emma sat on her bed with Hope and snuggled with Hope. "Even when you are sleeping baby, you give the best hugs." Emma began to cry.
Regina sees Killian mad. "Snow White, this needs to end. You are very close to losing your daughter forever if you continue fighting with her."
"I do not want to lose my daughter."
"You need to get Leo the help he needs, to control his darkness in order to gain Emma's trust back. Most importantly, listen to your daughter who was right in this whole Leo causing trouble. If you do not put aside your differences, you will lose your daughter and your grandchildren. Emma is in our room upset, knowing my wife all she wanted was her family together. Since you been fighting with her, she sees Hope, Henry and I like her only family besides Allison and her family. I know you do not want to lose your daughter. You have to stop arguing with her. Your daughter doesn't need to solve all of your problems and it is causing her stress. I hate seeing my wife in so much stress. I have to be with my wife now who needs me."
"Killian, Emma needs you. Snow, I will help you with Leo's possible expelled from school." Regina leaves with Snow White. Killian returns to his room and sees his love crying. He just sits next to her and hugs her as she cried into him for a very long time. "It is just us in the house love, you, me and Hope." He hugged his wife tight as possible since Hope was sleeping on her. Hope woke up making poop. "Love, I can change her." Killian changes Hope on their diaper. "You are my little stinky pirate." Emma smiled as Killian having one on one time with their daughter. After she changed into a clean diaper before her Daddy put her clothes on her, Hope rolls around and crawls to her Mommy. "Little love?..." He looks up at his wife smiling and she smiled at their little lass crawling to her.
"Hope, are you coming to Mommy?" Emma gets her daughter and holds her on her hip. "You just wanted to be with Mommy?"
"Hope, you know when to make me happy, baby girl." She let Hope snuggle on her and gave her kisses. "Hope, do you want to go to our special spot?" Hope babbled. "Good, you are coming with Daddy and Mommy to our special place." Emma got Hope dressed and her coat on and made sure her diaper bag packed. "Hope, are you ready to go on a walk with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope reached out to her Mommy and Emma holds her. "You can be with me, baby girl." Killian gives Emma her coat. "Here you go, love."
"Thank you. Can you hold Hope?"
"Yes, I can." He takes Hope from his wife. "Hope, are you excited to go out to our special spot?" Hope smiled. "You get to spend more time with Mommy and Dada today, little love." Hope babbled. They walked together to their special spot, Killian holding Hope with his good hand while his hook hand arm wrapped around his wife. Emma hugs her husband around his waist and he kisses her on the head. "I love you, swan."
"I love you, Killian." Hope babbled. "I love you, Hopey." She kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope reached out to her. Emma gets Hope from Killian. "You love being held by me." Hope babbled. "Love, Hope is saying yes." Emma giggled. They arrived in their special place and they sat together. He knew his wife needed to relax and quiet time and their special spot is going to make her happy.
Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. Emma pointed to the ocean to Hope. "Hopey, look at the beautiful ocean." Hope babbled. "Yes, we are at the water baby. It makes me happy to see you happy, my little pirate."
"Yes, little love. We are by the ocean."
"She definitely takes after you."
"Aye, she takes after the both of us." Killian chuckles.
"What is so funny tell me?"
"When you told me to go watch Hope when she was with Regina.."
"What did Hope do?"
"Regina was showing Hope pictures of Henry and talking to her Hope just crawls away from her."
They both laughed. "Hope takes after you, me and Henry."
"That is right, she is the mix of all of us. Love, if you need to talk..."
"I do not know if I can ever speak to my Mom ever again." She hugs Hope. "She is making me so mad and expects me to fix all of my brother's problems. I am not his parent, she and Dad are not me."
"You are right, love. You are his sister not his parent. Your Mom needs to discipline him more and fix his problems, not you."
"I just want to focus on our family you, Henry and Hope." Hope squirmed around. "Hope, no, sweetie. You cannot crawl around here. Killian, hold her." Killian takes Hope and put him on his lap. "Little love, can you say ocean...ocean..." Hope babbled. "Ocean, very good little love." He kisses Hope on her cheeks which Hope smile. Emma smiles seeing Killian being an amazing Daddy to their little girl, teaching her to talk until Hope fell asleep in her Daddy's arms, holding her Daddy's hook. "Being around the ocean makes Hope relax and getting a good nap."
"Of course our little love has the ocean in her blood, she is part pirate and she loves the ocean just like her dada."
"I love our little pirate princess. As her Mommy, I will do anything for her." She looked at her sleeping baby girl who was sleeping in her husband's arms.
Killian knows his wife still sad about the whole fight her with her mother. He kisses her on the head. "Hope knows that her Mommy is going to be there for her always and will love her no matter what. Love, I can see it in your eyes the stress and the look we need to go on a family vacation sooner than later."
"A vacation with my pirate husband, Henry, and Hope?"
"Aye, just the four of us, we all need a break."
"I want to go on our vacation sooner."
"Love, we can plan soon to go where ever you want to go to and leave whenever you want."
"I need a break from here. I want to spend time with our children and have fun."
"Love, we can have fun with our children. We all need a break." Emma hugs her husband and they both watch Hope sleeping at their special spot.
At Storybrooke High School, Henry was putting his textbooks in his locker. "Henry!" Henry turns around and sees his grandmother, he was not happy to see her. "Hi."
"Henry, your Mom was wrong!"
"Grandma, what about?"
"Leo! He is close to being expelled. She won't help me with to stop being expelled from the only school in town."
"You should have gotten him the help that he needed when he was causing less trouble." His grandma kept following him and continued to yell at him that his mom should be helping her little brother. Henry could not take it. All of the students in the hall were watching their argument, Henry was embarrassed. He turns around to face his grandmother very angry. "Stop yelling at me! My Mom was right about Leo, having the darkness in him. You were in denial and ignored that he needed help at the very beginning. It is your fault that his darkness got out to of control, not my Mom's! My mom disciplined him. My mom is Leo's sister, not his parent. She told you so many times that you get the right help he needed. It is your fault for not getting the help that Leo needed early. It is not my Mom's fault for Leo's close to being expelled, it is your fault."
"Your Mom doesn't want to help me with your uncle."
"Of course she doesn't! You do not listen to her when she tells you what to do! You did not listen to her now, Leo is getting expelled. It is not my Mom's job, Leo is your son and your problem. Stop bothering my Mom about Leo. I am on my Mom's side because I know that she is right. Leo hurt my baby sister. I am not ever going to forgive him for hurting Hope for fun." Henry left his Grandma in the hallway and went to his next class.
Hope was napping in her Daddy's arms, the family was enjoying the calm of the sea. Emma gets a phone call from Allison. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. I bumped into Regina in town during my lunch break. I am wondering if you and Hope would like to come over?'
"Allison, that is very kind of you."
"I do want to see my best friend and my little god niece."
"Hope and I would love to come over. When can we come over?'
"I am home now."
"Hope and I can come over now, Killian is with us."
"He can come over too." They ended their conversation.
"Love, who was that?"
"Allison. She heard about our fight with my mom from Regina, she invited us to come over."
"Aye, I will drive us there."
"Can you stay?"
"Love, I won't be anywhere without my two loves." He wrapped his arm around his loves. They walk back home and he puts Hope in her carseat. Killian drove his two loves to Allison's house. Emma takes Hope out of her car seat. Hope began to cry. "Hope, we are at Auntie Allison's house." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope. You are with Mommy, sweetie. We are visiting your auntie."
"Little love, you are safe with Mommy, Daddy, and Auntie Allison." Allison greets them outside. "Emma."
"Hi, Allison. Hope is still shaken up from what happened at our house."
"Aww, Hope. You are safe with Auntie Allison sweetie. Your Mommy is not going to be fighting with anyone here." Hope hugged her Mommy.
"Hopey. You can stay with Mommy, baby girl."
"Little love, we are with Auntie Allison. You can play in her house."
"Emma and Killian, Hope will adjust once you all three of you get inside. Come in." Allison leads the Swan-Jones family inside. Hope was still crying.
"Hopey, everything is okay. You are safe. We are with Auntie Allison." They sit on the couch in the living room. "Killian, can you give me her quilt." Killian hands over Hope's quilt to his wife. Hope squirm the quilt when her Mommy put the quilt on her. "Killian, hold her." He takes his daughter. "Little love, do not cry, Hope. Mommy is happy now no more fighting." Emma took her top off. Killian hands over Hope and she did skin to skin with her Mommy. "Hope, you and I are going to do skin to skin." Killian puts Hope on her Mommy. Hope calmed down and cried less. "Emma, do you want lunch?"
"Yes." Hope moved around. "Hope, Mommy is with you, sweetie."
"Love, Allison and I can get lunch ready. Hope is relaxing."
"She needs to know that we are all okay. Skin to skin is helping her."
"Love, we will be back. Hope is enjoying her one on one time with her Mommy." They kiss. Killian follows Allison to the kitchen. "Killian, Regina told me a little bit that Emma had a bad fight with her Mom."
"Aye, the morning was going well, as you know Hope has been more clingy to Emma because of her nightmares of Leo."
"Has she been having more of her nightmares?"
"Only a few times after the first one of the same dream."
"How do you know that it is the same dream?"
"Emma uses her dream catcher with her magic to see Hope's dream and it is the same one. Hope has been sleeping with us. We just make her feel safe and happy. It has been going well, no nightmares over the last few days. When I came home this morning from the store, Emma and Hope were playing in our room and laughing and having fun. When Regina and Snow White came to ask Emma for her help to get Leo not expelled from his school, Snow knew not to say his name but she did and got Hope upset and clingy."
"You and Emma just Hope back to her normal self and now Snow White made Hope more clingy?"
"Aye, exactly. Emma is also mad at her mother. "
"If you need any help, I can come over."
"Aye, thank you, Allison. You have been very helpful with Hope and my wife."
"Your family is my extended family." Allison and Killian make lunch. Allison checks on her best friend her goddaughter niece. She sees Emma with Hope, singing. Allison recorded Emma singing Hope. Emma was holding Hope on her doing skin to skin, "Up where they walk, Up where they run, Up where they stay all day in the sun, Wanderin' free, Wish I could be, Part of that world,What would I give, If I could live, Outta these waters?, What would I pay, To spend a day, Warm on the sand?, Betcha on land, They understand, Bet they don't reprimand their daughters, Bright young women Sick o' swimming', Ready to stand, And ready to know what the people know, Ask 'em my questions, And get some answers, What's a fire and why does it, (What's the word?) burn?, When's it my turn?, Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore above?, Out of the sea, Wish I could be, Part of that world." While Hope was being sung to she was smiling and moving around her Mommy's lap enjoying the song. Hope babbled. When the song was over. "You like Mommy's singing to you?" Hope smiled as Emma hugs her daughter. "I can sing to you anytime, especially to make you happy, my little Hopey." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "I love making you happy baby."
Allison sat next to Emma and Hope. "Hope, did your Mommy sing to you the little mermaid song?" Hope smiled. "Emma you sang beautifully."
"Thank you. Hope loves music, I had a feeling that if I have sang to her, she will calm down."
"Your singing has helped Hope calm down. She is so happy now. " She talks to her niece. "Hope, do you like your Mommy singing to you?" Hope smiled and gripped her Mommy. "You are staying with Mommy, sweetie. Auntie Allison is so happy to see you." Hope babbled and reached her hand out and Allison let her hold her finger. "I love you, Hope." Hope smiled and took a nap on her Mommy. "She fell asleep holding my finger."
"Yes, she is asleep. She loves being held by her Mommy and holding her auntie's finger. She has been falling asleep holding her Daddy's hook. You are in the club Allison."
"Yes, I am the club that Hope trusts me and not letting go of my finger."
'Yes, she has been doing that a lot recently, since her nightmares have started. She feels safe being held by me and holding another person's finger you or Killian. I guess I am stuck here until she wakes up." They both laughed.
"Yes, you are right."
Killian brings a tray of their lunch."Let me guess our little love is holding onto both of you?"
"Yes, you are right, Killian. Emma got Hope happy again by singing to her."
"Aye, I thought I heard my wife's singing voice. Love, what song did you sing to her?"
"The Little Mermaid song, Part of Your World."
"Aye, did Hope like that song?"
"Hope loves the song. I think Hope likes the little mermaid because it has ocean, fishes, and ships all of the things she loves is in this movie."
"Aye, I can see why our little love loves that movie." Killian gets a phone call. "Love, Henry is calling me." He answers the phone. "Henry?"
"Dad, can you pick me up from school?"
"Henry, do you have classes?"
"I...I cannot be here right now...."
"Hold on a minute.." He covers the phone. "Emma, Henry wants me to pick him up from school."
"It is the middle of the day. Did he say why?"
"I will put him on speaker." He puts Henry on speaker. "Lad, you are on speaker your Mom is next to me. Tell us why you need me to pick you up?"
"Henry, it is me, kid. Please tell me what happened?"
"Mom...I am so mad at Grandma."
"Henry, what did she do?"
"She came to me and started yelling at me about you and Leo ...." Emma and Killian just looked at each other in surprise. "Henry, where are you?"
"I am in school. She just came up to me and started yelling at me.I yelled at her. I do not want to be here, she was yelling at me in front of the whole school." They just looked at each other and knew what they were going to do.
"Henry, I will pick you up. Your mom had a huge fight with your grandmother this morning and she also made your sister upset."
"Lad, I am going there soon." He hangs up. "Love, are you going to be okay here?"
"My mom embarrassed him in front of the whole school, no wonder why he wants to be picked up. My mom fought with all of us and now Henry."
"Love, I will talk to him. I have a feeling that he needs to talk to me."
"Killian, Emma and I got under the control with Hope. She is not going to let us go anytime soon."
"Good, I will pick up Henry and talk to him."
"He needs his Dad."
"Aye, I am going to be there for him. Our son needs me. I will see you later." Killian gets in the family car and drove to high school.
Allison saw Emma who was about to cry. "Emma." She hugs her best friend as best as she can. "I am so tired...tired of fighting with my Mom. today was the worst fight. She said my brother's name and she got Hope afraid again, Killian got mad and got into a fight with her. I couldn't take it anymore and I told Killian to watch Hope and I fought with my Mom all about my brother. I told her that I am done helping with Leo, she told me that he is my brother and family but I told her that I tried to help her by telling her constantly that he needs help but all she was in denial and denial again and did not listen to what I have to say. Told her that I am done helping her with Leo, he is my brother but she is his parent and I cannot fix all of her problems. Regina told me that she will help her with Leo. Now my Mom was yelling at Henry in school...when will this family feud end?"
"Emma, it will end. You have me, Hope, Killian, Henry who fought for you at school after your Mom embarrassed him and you have Regina on your side. If you need to talk you can come over or call me."
"Thank you for being here. While I was fighting with my mom, I told her that you are in my family more than her."
"I can see why. You are my sister."
"You are my sister." They hug.
Henry was waiting in the Principal's office and sees his other Mom, Regina. "Henry?"
"Another family member?"
"Henry, what is wrong?"
Henry covered his head. "I do not want to talk about it."
"Henry Daniel Mills."
"Mom, just do not embarrass me. Okay?"
"I am not going to embarrass you. I just want to know what happened? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Henry did not want to talk.
Killian enters the room. "Killian."
"Dad, can we go now?"
"Lad, in a minute. I am here to pick you up, alright?" He rubbed his son's shoulders, he knew that his son was embarrassed enough for one day.
"I am just embarrassed enough today." Henry waits in the hall for his Dad.
"Is Henry sick?"
"No, Regina. He is not sick. He called me to pick him up because Snow White was yelling at him in front of the entire school and they were arguing."
"That is why he told me not to embarrass him and he is mad. Snow White embarrassed him."
"Aye, he called me and Emma and I knew he needed to be not here right now. Snow caused my whole family a lot of fights today."
"I know. I cannot believe it. Emma told me about your family going away for a while. I told her that Henry can go. Your family needs a break from here."
"Aye, we are going to plan tonight. Emma and Hope are at Allison's house. Thank you for telling Allison about what happened?"
"Your welcome, I know that Emma and Allison are close. She can talk to Allison."
"They are close." He looks at his son. "I am going to get Henry to talk."
"I know."
"What are you doing here?"
"Snow White called me to talk about Leo but knowing what happened now...I am going to get mad at her for embarrassing Henry."
"Mom, just don't make it worse."
"She is not going to embarrass you ever again."
"Dad, can we go now?"
"Aye, lad. I was thinking we can go on the Jolly Roger?"
"A little bit of sailing with my son."
"Yes!" Killian and Regina laughed. Killian drove Henry to the docks. They sat on the Jolly Roger. "Where are Mom and Hope?"
"They are with your Aunt Allison at her house. Your grandmother caused a huge fight with your Mom about Leo. I told her not to say Leo's name which she did and Hope began to cry. Your mother and I fought with your grandmother about Leo and your mother told her that she is done helping Leo which she was not listening to her. She is on her own to fix Leo's problems."
"I told Grandma that my mom is right and she should have listened to her when Leo was causing all of the trouble in the first place. He injured Hope so bad she needed surgery twice. He hurt my sister. I do not know Grandma did not see that...they are family...I do not get how Leo had fun hurting his niece and grandma in denial when Hope almost died." Killian wrapped his arms around his son's shoulders. "Henry, your Mom and I are furious at your grandmother for being in denial. Your Mom is fighting for you and Hope because her mother did not do anything to stop Leo from hurting your sister and his classmates. Every person chooses to be in denial or not. Your little uncle has darkness in him and your grandmother chose not to believe it that her son causes all of that trouble to your sister. Now she is the one who has to deal with Leo's expulsion on her own."
"She is on her own. She is so mad at Mom that she yelled at me in front of the entire school."
"Your grandmother has no right to do that, to my son."
"Everyone is going to make fun of me. I was fighting for Mom and Hope."
"They are not going to make fun of you because you were sticking up for your Mom and sister. You are my son, I am so proud of you, my boy." Killian gets a phone call from his wife. "Hello, love."
"Hi Killian, how is Henry?"
"We are talking on the Jolly Roger. How is our little love?"
"She is still asleep. On your way back, can you bring Hope's big Pluto doll and jars of baby food?"
"Aye, love. We will come over to Allison's house soon." He ends their phone conversation.
"How is Hope?"
"She is back to being extra clingy to your Mom. She is sleeping on your Mom and holding Aunt Allison's finger."
"Hope is extra clingy again?"
"Aye, your grandma caused it. We need to pick up a few things at home before heading to your aunt's house."
"I want to make Mom and Hope happy."
"Aye, I know that they will be very happy to see you."
"I want to make Hope happy, and I am going to tell Mom on m own."
"I know, son. You can always talk to me and your Mom."
"I know. After what grandma told me about her fight with Mom, I know Mom was mad. I wanted to leave school today because I was embarrassed and wanted to talk to you to come to pick me up because I know Hope needed Mom."
"You were right, your sister was clingy to your Mom." Killian drove Henry back to their house, Killian got what Hope needed and Henry changed out of his uniform and got something to cheer his baby sister up.
Back at Allison's house, Hope woke up very happy. "Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?" Hope pooped. "Okay, you need a change." Hope makes more poop. "Mommy is going to change you." Allison hands over Emma the diaper and baby wipes and baby powder to Emma, Emma takes Hope to the bathroom. Henry and Killian arrive. "Hi, Aunt Allison."
"Hi, Henry. I heard you had a rough day."
"Grandma embarrassed me in front of the entire school. Dad picked me up."
"Aye, Henry and I needed boy time. How is Hope?"
"She took a nap and made a lot of poop."
Emma opens the door, "I need another clean diaper."
"I can give it to Mom." Henry gets a clean diaper and heads to his Mom and sister. "Hi, Mom."
"Hi, Henry. Hope, Henry is here." Hope babbled. "Your sister made a lot of poop. I just changed her diaper and she made more poop." She tickles Hope's belly. "She is a little stinker but I love her so much." She got Hope into another clean diaper and dressed her back into her clothes.
"Hi, Hope."
"Mom, I can hold her." He takes Hope from their Mom. "Hope, are you causing Mommy trouble little sis?" Hope hugged her brother. "I know you and Mommy had a rough day today so did I. Grandma came to school and yelled at me for being mad at Mommy. Mommy did nothing wrong I yelled at our grandma telling her that Mommy is right. Mommy's brother hurt you, I am mad at him for hurting you. No one is going to hurt my baby sister. I am always going to fight for you, Mommy and Daddy." Hope babbled. "That is right that is what our family does."
"Henry my mom yelled at you in school?"
"Yes, she did. She was so mad at you and she embarrassed me she was screaming at me in front of the entire school." They walked out of the bathroom and sat in the living room. Killian and Allison were in another room. "She really embarrassed me, Mom. I spoke to Dad after he picked me up. I fought for you and Hope. She was wrong and you are right. I do not want to go back to school."
"Henry, you have to go back to school."
"I know but I know that I am going to be teased."
"You might be teased but why do you think you will be teased?"
"Because grandma was yelling at me in front of the whole school. Then I fought her back because she told me that you were wrong and you should help her. I told her that it was her fault for not getting him the help he needed, and I told her why I was fighting her."
"Why were you fighting with her Henry?"
"I was tired of her fighting with you all the time. Tired that you are fighting her about your brother and for Hope. She was in denial when Hope was injured and had surgeries. He hurt my baby sister and I have seen them all. I love Hope, I do not like seeing him hurting my sister."
"Henry, I am tired of fighting with her too, this fight has been going on too long."
"Yes, Mom ever since Hope got injured in the first place."
"I know, Henry. You stood up for Hope and me today in front of your whole school. I am so proud of you."
"You are?"
"Yes, I am. You take up after me so much. When you return to school, I know you won't be bullied. Do you know why?"
"You stood up for the right side for Hope and I. Your grandma was wrong and she must be so embarrassed that she did not admit my brother darkness in him early on, now your whole school knows that you were fighting for your family in their time of need and my mom's students now know that my brother has darkness in him. You are fighting for your loved ones like me. No one makes fun of a hero for being brave."
"I am always going to fight for my family like you and Dad do all the time." Hope puts her drooly hand on her brother's cheek. "Hope, you know that I am your hero?" Hope babbled.
"Hope, you know Henry stood up to grandma for you today? After she caused a big fight with Mommy?" Hope babbled.
"Yes, I did, little sis. Grandma was so mad at Mommy and she yelled at me and I yelled back at her because she did not want to believe that our little uncle caused you so much pain which made me so angry Hope. Because no one hurt my little sister." Henry hugs his sister. "Hope knows Mom."
"That is right Henry. Your Dad and I have been talking."
"Talking about what?"
"Another family vacation sooner than later with you and Hope."
"We are going on a vacation? When?"
"Soon, Henry. Hope has been going through so much in the past couple of months and fights with my Mom, we all need a break from Storybrooke. I was thinking about a trip to New York City with my husband and two children will be a great vacation."
"We are going to New York?"
"Yes, Henry!"
"Hope, we are going on another family vacation, little sis. You and I will play together. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. "You and I will play a lot, I promise." He kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, I brought something from home for you little sis." He shows her Pluto doll. Hope babbled very loud and grabbed her big Pluto.
Emma chuckled and smiled. "Kid, you just made your sister very happy." She looks at her daughter smiling and chewing on her Pluto doll. "You have the best big brother Hope!"
Allison enters the room smiling, "Hope did Henry bring your big Pluto home for you to play with?" Hope was happy to be on her brother's lap with her Pluto doll. "Hope, you make me so happy little sis. I love you." Henry kisses his sister on the head.
"Henry, I do need a drawing lesson from you?"
"Aunt Allison, I did bring my drawing material. I do need help from my little art assistant. Hope do you want to do art with me?"
"Hope, Mommy can be with us. Right, Mom?"
"Yes, Henry." Hope is being held by her Mommy as Henry set up his art supplies.
"Hope." He takes his sister from their Mom and Hope began to cry.
"Hope, you want to be with Mommy?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Henry."
"Mom, it is okay. Hope, you and I can have one on one time art time together, later. Would you like that?" Hope babbled and Henry kisses his sister on the head. Henry sits on the carpet next to his Aunt Allison.
"Henry, what are you teaching me today?"
"What can you draw?"
" Honestly barely anything."
"I can teach you." Killian sits next to his two loves on the couch as they watch Henry give Allison an art lesson. "Love, what did you tell Henry about the trip?"
"I told him that we are going to New York City for a family vacation."
"New York City trip it is with our family."
"Yes, a Swan-Jones vacation just what we all need."
"When we get home we can start planning."
"Aye, I cannot wait." Hope babbled. "Little love, do you want to go on vacation with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry?" Hope babbled. "Aye, we can bring your two Pluto dolls with us, little love." Emma giggled. "Hope, we are going to have fun on this vacation we all need it." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You and I will have a lot of snuggle time on this trip." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, do you think this vacation will help us relax?"
"Aye, it will. When we arrived back here we will be refreshed."
"Yes, we will hopefully. Before we go can we go on a Swan-Jones sailing adventure?"
"My swan is asking to on a family sailing adventure?"
"Yes, captain."
"Aye, I married the right pirate." They kiss. For the rest of the day, the spend at Allison's house. Henry and Hope took turns spending time with their aunt. Allison got to play with her niece nearby Emma in the kitchen, while Killian, Henry, Connor, and Lizzie were playing video games in the living room. " are going up...and down...up and down.." Hope laughed as her aunt Allison lifted her up and down. Emma took pictures of Hope and Allison together. Hope fell asleep on her auntie Allison. "Hope is all tuckered out."
"Yes, she is. She has a busy day. Can you check her scar while we are here?"
"Sure, I can." She opens Hope's onesie. "Hope scars are all healing as they should be." She checks Hope's rib. "Her rib healed very nicely."
"I am just nervous."
"I know, Emma. I know. Hope went through a lot for the past few months, she is recovered by now."
"Is she better enough to go on an airplane with Killian, Henry and I?"
"Are you going on another family trip?"
"Yes, Killian and I are planning another family trip soon. After all what Hope went through, the feud with my mom affecting Killian, the kids and me. I just feel that we need a break."
"Emma, I know the past few months have been rough on all of you. You all need a break. If anything happens before the trip call me and I will come over."
"Thank you for having us over today."
"You are my family. I knew you needed me." They hug. Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, little niece. Did you have a nice nap on me?" Hope babbled. "I love you so much, Hope." She kisses Hope on her cheeks to make her laugh. "You are getting so big." Hope grabbed Allison's hair.
"Hope, let go of your Auntie Allison's hair. I am sorry."
"That is alright." She got Hope's hand out of her hair. Hope began to fuss. "Do you want to crawl?" Allison puts Hope in the living room, they watch as Hope was crawling to Henry and Killian. Henry felt a tug on his jeans and he looks down. "Hope, are you being a sneaky pirate? Or you just wanted to spend time with your big brother?" Hope babbled. "You and I can play." He puts his sister on his lap and Hope held the controller. "Hope. Are you helping me play?" Hope babbled. When the game got too violent for Hope she began to cry. Henry hands over the game controller to Connor, Connor?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"Your turn. Help me defeat my Dad and Lizzie."
"Sure." Connor fills in for Henry. "Hope, do you want to play with me?" Hope hugged her brother. "You just wanted to spend time with me? I love spending time with you, my baby sister."
"Henry, Hope crawled all the way to you."
"Yes, I know, Hope tugged my jeans.. She helped me with my videogame."
"Emma, Hope is crawling more now. I have a feeling you need to have a big space for her to crawl around in the living room with baby gates."
"Killian and I have work on that."
"Mom, I can help."
"I know and I know you will be playing with Hope in the baby gated area." Hope babbled
"Hope, you and I will play a lot when we are home." Hope began to cry.
"Henry, give me your sister. It is getting close to her bedtime." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. "Killian."
"Coming love." He pauses the game.
"It is getting close to someone bedtime."
"Little love you did have a busy day."
"We need to plan our trip to New York City." Allison walked the Swan-Jones family to the door.
"Emma, if you need to talk call me or we can get coffee in town."
"We can get coffee in town tomorrow? Hope is going to be with me."
"Morning, girl time." Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope, you are joining girl time with your Auntie and Mommy, little niece." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
"Allison, we will see you tomorrow." Emma waved Hope's hand. "Hope, say, bye-bye to Auntie." Allison kissed her niece on the head. The Swan-Jones family drove home with Henry in the back with Hope and their parents in front, Killian was driving. Emma was still sad about what happened with her Mom this morning. He parks the car in front of their house and puts his hook on his wife's shoulder and she grabbed it, they walked in together. Henry carried Hope and her diaper bag inside the house. Hope woke up crying. "Henry, I got her." Henry hands over Hope to their Mom. He hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you so much, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head. "You can help your Dad and I plan our trip tomorrow."
"Yes! I can help." Emma chuckled. Hope gripped her Mommy.
"Little Buttercup. You are going to help Mommy and Daddy plan our family vacation. I promise you and I will snuggle and play so much on this vacation." Emma got Hope ready for bed.
"Mom, I think Hope wants a bedtime story from me."
"Hope, do you want Henry to read to you a story?" Hope babbled and reached out to her brother. Emma chuckled. "Henry, that is yes from your sister." Henry takes his sister to his room. Emma sat next to her children as Henry read Hope a story after story. "Mom, Hope is loving storytime."
"Yes, she is, she loves when you read to her Henry."
"Hope, you love when I read to you?" Hope grabbed the page. Henry laughed. "You definitely are my baby sister. I love you so much." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope babbled. "Yes, Hope more storytime. Mom, she takes after you, she loves books and bossy." Emma chuckled. After another story, Hope fell asleep in her brother's arms. "Mom, I tired her out."
"Yes, you did."
"I can watch her while she is sleeping. I know you had a long day, you need to rest. I did promise Hope to have one on one time with me today."
"Thank you, Henry. I have the best son ever." She kisses Henry on the head. "Bring her to me when she needs me."
"Mom, I will. I want to spend time with my little sister." Emma watches Henry being a great big brother to Hope. He puts the book aside and let Hope sleep on him. She feels Killian arms around her waist. "I love seeing them together, love."
"They are our children, our family that we created together." They kiss. They go into their room and cuddled on their bed, first alone time together they had all day. Emma leaned into her husband's arms. "You are with me, love." He hugs his wife as she cried into him. "You are with your family. You have us your family, Henry, Hope, and I. We love you so much. You do so much for us. Your my amazing wife and an amazing Mommy to both of our children who love you so much. I know you are tired of fighting with our Mom. It is unfair." Emma hugged Killian tighter. "You are with me love. I love you so much for being my brave wife who will do anything for our family no matter how hard it is."
"Just seeing Henry and hope together makes me so happy and reminds me why I am fighting for them, they are our children. I do not want them to be raised as I was with no family, alone and abandoned. I love fighting for them when they need me, I am their Mom when my children need me I am going to be there for them when they need me. I know that I am not alone, I have you on my side."
"I will be always on your side, love. We are raising our children together in a white picket fence life with you their amazing Mommy and I working together and we love each other. I love you so much, love. I love how you are always fighting for your loved ones no matter what."
"I am just tired of fighting with my Mom and she never listened to me about my brother..."
"You did all you can and you were right to stop fixing all of your mother's problems. You are her daughter and she is the parent, not the other way around.. You are her daughter and you are an amazing Mom to both of our children, who love you so so much."
"My mom is getting me so mad. I cannot take it anymore."
"I know love, I hate seeing you mad and fighting with her love. I know this cycle of this family feud will be over love."
"I hope so."
"I know so, love."
Emma hugs her husband."When did you become so optimistic?"
"You love. You taught me that when we met."
"Our family is full of hope."
"Aye, that is right. You and I are a team love, we are going to get through this together. I am on your side, love. Allison, Henry, and Hope are all on your side. You are not alone love I promise this will end love, I do not know when but I know the fighting will end. I will be on your side always."
"We are team Swan-Jones?"
"Aye, team Swan-Jones." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms, which she loves and always feels safe with him. She knows that she will always have her husband on her side when she needs him and she will always will be there for him. "I love you, Emma." He kisses his wife on the head. "You are not alone, Emma. You have all of us who love you and support you." Killian fell asleep with his wife. The next room, Henry was watching his sister sleep. Henry was mad at his grandma for yelling at him in front of the entire school. Throughout the fight, he throughout about his Mom and Hope after all Leo did hurt his baby sister. He will always be there for his sister and fight for her when she is getting hurt. " I will always be there for you baby sister when you need me." Henry held his sister while she was sleeping on him knowing that she feels safe with him. "I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and wrapped his blanket on her and him and watched her sleep on him until he drifted off to sleep.

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