Winter Break

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A few days after the New Year, Hope began her physical therapy. When Hope was not at her physical therapy sessions, Emma and Killian used the techniques at home to help with Hope's recovery. Henry was still on winter break he and his Mom planned a day to go ice skating. As Henry was getting ready he went to his Mom's room, "Mom, I read online that we have to wear long thick socks when we ice skate."

"Yes, we have to wear long thick socks. The ice rink is outside, we are going have to wear layers."

"You mean enough layers to be warm but still able to move?"

"That is right." Killian brings in crying, Hope.

"Little love, we are with Mommy."

She takes her daughter from her husband. "Hope, are you hungry?" Hope hugged her Mommy and stopped crying. "You just wanted time with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head.

"Mom, does she know that..."


"That is a yes. I am going to find long socks." Henry left the room.


"Hopey. Are you happy to be with Mommy?" Hope babbled with made Emma smile. "I love being with you my little duckling."

"She loves being you swan."

"I know. Are you sure you can watch her today? While Henry and I are ice skating"

"Love, Hope will be happy with me. She will have fun with me."

"She is not letting me go."

"Love, I can take Hope to the Jolly Roger or the library."

"Is her diaper bag packed?"

"Aye, yes it is. Her favorite toy, quilt and ice packs."

"Hope, you are going to have fun with Da-da today."


"Hopey." She kisses her daughter on the head as she was gripping her. "You are getting better, sweetie." She looks at her husband. "I know Hope will have fun you today."

"Aye, she will have fun with her Daddy."

Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you need Mommy's milk?" She preps to feed her and Hope latched on.

"You fed her medicine?"

"Aye, yes I did. While you were sleeping, Henry held her while I spoon fed her medicine. Henry fed her a bottle."

"Aww, she let Henry bottle feed her?"

"Aye, she did not give her brother a hard time. She loves her brother."

"Yes, she does." Hope made a pop sound, Emma burps her daughter. "Killian, call me if Hope needs anything."

"Love, I will call but I have a feeling Hope will have fun with her Dada."

"My two pirates will have fun together."

"Aye, we will." They kiss. Killian takes his daughter from his wife. "Love, have fun with our son."

"Thank you."

Henry enters the room. "Mom, are you ready?"

"You bet I am. Killian, call..."

"Love, she will be with me love. Have fun ice skating with our lad."

"Dad, I will take a lot of pictures to show you and Hope later."

"Aye, have fun with your Mom."

"Hope, have fun with Daddy little sis. I will read to you later." He kisses Hope on the head. Henry and Emma left the house. Killian had his little love in his arms. "Hope, it is daddy and daughter time, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. He takes Hope into her room and sat on the rocking chair and enjoyed watching his little love sleep.

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